This list, covering dissertations in the social sciences, humanities, and fine arts, was compiled through systematic searching in ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses database, as well as OCLC WorldCat, and other university library catalogs. The current list for 2019 contains 198 titles from 89 universities and covers titles that were available for electronic database searching from September 2019 to July 2020.
A list of dissertations, through 1959, can be found in Jesse J. Dossick's Doctoral Research on Russia and the Soviet Union (New York, 1960) and, through 1975, in the accompanying volume, Doctoral Research on Russia and the Soviet Union, 1960–1975 (New York, 1976). The second volume contains more than three thousand titles that have appeared in the Slavic Review’s annual list since 1964 (the 1964 list also included dissertations accepted from 1960 to 1963), as well as items not previously included in the first volume. In addition, the second volume offers some critical and statistical analysis, more than thirty major classifications, numerous subclassifications and sub-subclassifications, cross-references, an index of Russian and Soviet names, and an index of authors. A list of dissertations from 1976 to 1991 may be found in the winter issues of Slavic Review through the year 1992.
Fedorova, Maria. “Bigger than Grain: Soviet-American Agricultural Exchange, 1918–1928.” California, Santa Barbara, 2019.
Ng, Chuenyan. “Subsistence Economies among Bronze Age Steppe Communities: An Archaeobotanical Approach to the Study of Multi-Resource Pastoralism in the Southeastern Ural Mountains Region, Russia.” Pittsburgh, 2019.
Graham, James. “The Psychotechnical Architect: Perception, Vocation, and the Laboratory Cultures of Modernism, 1914–1945.” Columbia, 2019.
Malaia, Kateryna L. See Ukraine.
Art History
Pushaw, Bart Curtis. See Baltic States.
Rosati, Lauren. “Mechanical Kingdoms: Sound Technologies and the Avant-Garde, 1928–1933.” City University of New York, 2019.
Cinema and film Studies
Hamilton, Emma. “Realism's Ruins: Destruction, Decay, and the Demise of Soviet Socialist Realism and Italian Neorealism.” New York, 2019.
O'Dell, Jesse Brown. “Searching for Identity: The Russian Idea in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Fantastika Film Adaptation.” California, Los Angeles, 2019.
Raiklin, Benjamin E. “Stalin's Documentary Filmmaking Industry, 1926–1946: Development, Operation, and Practices.” Wisconsin, Madison, 2019.
Civil Society
Jones, Nathan. See Ethnic and Minority Studies.
Lonsky, Jakub. “Three Essays on Migration and Organized Crime.” Pittsburgh, 2019.
Stern, Elizabeth Hannah. “Politics in Pointe Shoes: The Genesis and Afterlives of Stalinist Drambalet.” Princeton, 2019.
Makarin, Alexey. “The Essays in Political Economy and Development.” Northwestern, 2019.
Wood, Garrett R. See Military History.
Boyko, Mariya. “Soviet Mathematics Curriculum Reforms (1958–1985): Redefining the Purpose of Mathematics Education.” Toronto, Canada, 2019.
Kuvaeva, Alexandra A. See Gender Studies.
Rasmussen, Svetlana A. “Rearing the Collective: The Evolution of Social Values and Practices in Soviet Schools, 1953–1968.” Nebraska, Lincoln, 2019.
Émigré and Immigration Studies
Elliott, Emily Joan. “Migrants and Muscovites: The Boundaries of Belonging in Moscow, 1971–2002.” Michigan State, 2019.
Hovsepian, Voski. “Na Zdorovia! How Former Soviet Union Immigrants View Alcohol Use.” Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2019.
Ice, Anna. “Raising Bilingual and Biliterate Heritage Speakers of Russian in a Monolingual Context: The Impact of Family and Supplementary Education Language Policies.” California, Los Angeles, 2019.
Jensen, Robyn. “Double-Exposure: Picturing the Self in Russian Émigré Culture.” Columbia, 2019.
Kanahara, Noriko. “Perceptions of Islam and Muslims in Japan, 1920–1945.” Chicago, 2019. [Russian Tatars in Japan]
Loes, Trevor Allen. “Jacobo Ficher, Argentine Composer, and His Rapsodia, Op. 88 for Mixed Choir and Saxophone Quartet.” Iowa, 2019.
Narizhnaya, Mariya. “Coping with Work Related Stress in Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union: Implications for Treatment.” Hartford, 2019.
Oppenheim, Jay Joshua. “Group Distinctiveness and Ethnic Identity among 1.5 and Second-Generation Russian-Speaking Jewish Immigrants in Germany and the U.S.” City University of New York, 2019.
Sarkisian, Aram Gregory. See Religion and Religious History.
Shayduk-Immerman, Olesya. See Ethnic and Minority Studies.
Skarlato, Olga. “Qualitative Phenomenological Case Study of Former Soviet Union Immigrants: Exploring their Lived Subjective Experiences of Acculturation and Adjustment in Los Angeles County.” Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2019.
Yamazaki, Akiko. See Music.
Ethnic and Minority Studies
Jones, Nathan. “Being Ethnic on the Eurasian Steppe: Civic Nation-Building Discourse in Kazakhstan and Russia.” City University of New York, 2019.
Joo, Song Ha. See Kazakhstan.
Park, Hye Ok. “Arirang People: A Study of Koreans in Transnational Diasporas of the Russian Far East and Manchuria, 1895–1920.” Claremont Graduate, 2019.
Romero, John M. “Socialist in Form, National in Content: Soviet Culture in the Tatar Autonomous Republic, 1934–1968.” Arizona State, 2019.
Shayduk-Immerman, Olesya. “Feeling Alive: Unofficial Jewish Practices in the USSR in the 1970s and 1980s.” California, Berkeley, 2019.
Stellwagen, Benjamin Joel. “‘Out-Sourcing’ the Self: Ethnoreligious Identity of German Christians in Soviet Villages, 1917–1945.” Indiana, 2019.
Forced Labor
Grunewald, Susan C. I. “German Prisoners of War in the Soviet Union: Life, Law, Memory, 1941– 1956.” Carnegie Mellon, 2019.
Kirk, Tyler C. “Remembering the GULAG: Community, Identity and Cultural Memory in Russia's Far North, 1987–2018.” Arizona State, 2019.
Gender Studies
Bourlakov, Gwyn M. “Women on the Siberian Frontier: The Expansion of Orthodoxy and Empire in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century.” Kansas, 2019.
Gibson, Chelsea C. See Images of the Soviet Union, Russia, and Eastern Europe in Other Regions of the World.
Kuvaeva, Alexandra A. “Women Faculty Agency: A Case Study of Two Universities in Russia.” Maryland, College Park, 2019.
Lonsky, Jakub. See Crime.
Medieval Studies
Ryzhkovskyi, Volodymyr. “Soviet Occidentalism: Medieval Studies and the Restructuring of Imperial Knowledge in Twentieth-Century Russia.” Georgetown, 2019.
Chu, Jinyi. See Literature.
Soviet History, Politics, Political Thought, and Nationality Policy
Grunewald, Susan C. I. See Forced Labor.
Halavach, Dzmitry. See Poland.
Model, Timothy A. “The Logic of Anti-Corruption Campaigns.” Indiana, 2019.
Ghana and the Soviet Union
Osei-Opare, Kwadwo. “The Red Star State: State-Capitalism, Socialism, and Black Internationalism in Ghana, 1957–1966.” California, Los Angeles, 2019.
Iraq and the Soviet Union
Tietzen, Katelyn Karly. “The Iraqi Quest for Autonomy through Military and Diplomatic Interventions, 1968–2003.” Kansas State, 2019.
Mozambique and the Soviet Union
Banks, Elizabeth. “Socialist Internationalism between the Soviet Union and Mozambique, 1962–1991.” New York, 2019.
United States and the Soviet Union
Fedorova, Maria. See Agriculture.
Gavison, Sarah Jean. “What to do with the Jews? Post-World War II Jewish Refugees and the Creation of Israel in U.S. and Soviet Policies 1945–1949.” Colorado, Boulder, 2019.
Jacobs, Andrew. See Images of the Soviet Union, Russia, and Eastern Europe in Other Regions of the World.
Lewis, Roman Brian. “States, Satellites, and International Crisis Behavior.” Nevada, Las Vegas, 2019.
Musto, Ryan A. “The Eisenhower Administration and the Origins of Regional Denuclearization: An International History.” George Washington, 2019.
O'Connell, Kaete M. See East Germany and Germany since 1989.
Tutunji, Tarek. “Rules of Rule Violation: The Institutionalization of Covert Action in International Politics.” Johns Hopkins, 2019.
Post-Soviet History, Politics, Political Thought, and Nationality Policy
Harvey, Cole J. “The Machinery of Manipulation: A Comparative Analysis of Principal-Agent Dynamics and Election Manipulation in Russia, Mexico, and Ukraine.” North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2019.
Kim, Seonhee. “Legitimated State Repression in Authoritarian Regimes: Russia, 2010–2017.” Washington, 2019.
Sobolev, Anton. “Dictators in the Spotlight: What they do when they Cannot do Business as Usual.” California, Los Angeles, 2019.
Sotiriadis, Jacob Steven. “Networked Ideologies: Undercurrents of Power and Change in Global Order.” Hawai'i, Manoa, 2019.
Leon, Vargas, Patricia, A. “Addressing the Ultimate Form of Cybersecurity Control, a Multiple Case Study for the ‘Internet Kill Switch.’” Syracuse, 2019.
China and the Russian Federation
Hutson, Nathan. “The Development Implications of China's Belt and Road Initiative for Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.” Southern California, 2019
History of Science
Mooney, Brendan G. See Religion and Religious History.
International Relations
Caldon, Joshua N. “The Hot and the Cold: A Historical Explanation for Russia's and America's Contrasting Foreign Policy Approaches to the Arctic.” State University of New York, Albany, 2019.
Carter, Keith L. “Great Power, Arms, and Alliances.” Pennsylvania, 2019.
Elliott, Emily Joan. See Émigré and Immigration Studies.
Language and Linguistics
Ice, Anna. See Émigré and Immigration Studies.
Osadcha, Iryna. “Lexical Stress in East Slavic: Variation in Space and Time.” Toronto, Canada, 2019.
Wilson, Hope Marshall. “Teaching Language and Culture through Online Ethnographic Explorations.” Ohio State, 2019.
Weaver, Amanda Zoe. “Thinking/Speaking/Acting ‘Freely’? A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Free Speech Provisions in the United States and Russian Constitutions.” Arizona State, 2019.
Chang, Jin. “The Subject of the Novel: Aphra Behn, Charlotte Brontë, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Samuel Beckett.” City University of New York, 2019.
Chu, Jinyi. “Patterns of the World: Chinese Fashion and Cosmopolitan Ideas in Late Imperial Russia.” Stanford, 2019.
Dyne, Thomas Henry James. “Bog Znaet: The Ethics of Omniscience in Russian Narrative, 1845— 1870.” California, Berkeley, 2019.
Dzyadevych, Tetyana. “Political Subjectivities in Russia and Ukraine through the Lens of Post-Soviet Literature.” Illinois, Chicago, 2019.
Edge, James Preston. See Images of the Soviet Union, Russia, and Eastern Europe in Other Regions of the World.
Flaherty, Jennifer Jean. “Forms of the Peasant: Aesthetics and Social Thought in Russian Realism, 1847–1877.” California, Berkeley, 2019.
Jensen, Robyn. See Émigré and Immigration Studies.
Kondoyanidi, Anita A. “The Prophet Disillusioned: Maxim Gorky and the Russian Revolutions.” Georgetown, 2019.
Lane, Isabel. “Narrative Fallout: The Russian and American Novel After the Bomb.” Yale, 2019.
O'Dell, Jesse Brown. See Cinema and Film Studies.
Permitina, Olga. “A Tale of Two Cities in the Age of Modernity: St. Petersburg and London through Foreign Eyes.” Wisconsin, Madison, 2019.
Pike, Christopher. “Nature and Regime; the Ecocentric Countercurrent in Soviet-Era Literature.” Northwestern, 2019.
Pinkham, Sophie. “Pushkin for President: Russian Literary Cults in the Transition from Communism.” Columbia, 2019.
Redko, Philip Leon. “Boundary Issues in Three Twentieth-Century Russian Poets (Mandelstam, Aronzon, Shvarts).” Harvard, 2019.
Smith, Adrien Ivy. “Elements of Yiddish Style: Sensibility in the Late Soviet Union in Comparison Perspective.” Stanford, 2019.
Military History
Lee, Jeong-Ha. “‘We are the Red Cavalry! (My—Krasnaia Kavaleriia!)’: A Collective Biography of the Red Cavalry Commanders, 1918–1938.” Chicago, 2019.
Wood, Garrett R. “Essays in Defense Economics.” George Mason, 2019.
Kim, Choah. “The Choreographic Character Piece for Piano Solo: Cinderella by Sergei Prokofiev, Comparative Study between Ballet and Piano Transcriptions.” Boston, 2019.
Loes, Trevor Allen. See Émigré and Immigration Studies.
Pereverzeva, Aleksandra. “Mieczysław Weinberg: Concerto for Cello and Orchestra, and 24 Preludes for Solo Cello.” Florida State, 2019.
Petanova, Anastasia. “Vladimir Tsybin's Ten Concert Etudes: Performing Virtuosity within Russian Flute Miniatures.” California, Los Angeles, 2019.
Riggs, Jeffrey T. “Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov the Antiquarian: The Narrativity of Diegetic Song in the Opera Sadko.” California, Los Angeles, 2019.
Wang, Ching-Hsuan. “A Comprehensive Analysis of Jazz Elements in Nikolai Kapustin's Violin Sonata Op. 70 and String Quartet No. 1, Op. 88.” Northern Colorado, 2019.
Yamazaki, Akiko. “Pedagogical and Performance Guide of Lera Auerbach's Images from Childhood, Op. 52.” North Carolina, Greensboro, 2019.
Yan, Jishuang. “Prokofiev's Eclectic Approach in His Violin Concerto no. 2 in G Minor.” North Texas, 2019.
Wilson, Trevor. “Relative Absolutes: Alexandre Kojève and Russian Philosophy Abroad.” Pittsburgh, 2019.
Religion and Religious History
Bourlakov, Gwyn M. See Gender Studies.
Franz, Marisa Karyl. “A Gathering of Names: On the Categories and Collections of Siberian Shamanic Materials in Late Imperial Russian Museum, 1880–1910.” Toronto, Canada, 2019.
Lassin, Jacob Evan. “Sacred Sites: The Russian Orthodox Church and the Literary Canon Online.” Yale, 2019.
Mooney, Brendan G. “Between Holy Russia and a Monkey: Darwin's Russian Literary and Philosophical Critics.” South Carolina, 2019.
Sarkisian, Aram Gregory. “The Cross between Hammer and Sickle: Russian Orthodox Christians in the United States, 1908–1928.” Northwestern, 2019.
Strannik, Yevgeni A. “Developing Spiritually Healthy Leaders for the Vineyard Churches in Russia.” Fuller Theological Seminary, 2019.
Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Other Baltic Regions under Russian Control)
General Coverage
Pushaw, Bart Curtis. “The Global Invention of ‘Art’: Race and Visual Sovereignty in the Colonial Baltic World, 1860–1915.” Maryland, College Park, 2019.
Sproule, Joseph Thomas Chatto. “Merchants of War: Mercenaries, Economy, and Society in the Late Sixteenth-Century Baltic.” Toronto, Canada, 2019.
Brode, Adam Michael. “Pride of Place: Interethnic Relations and Urban Space in Riga 1918–1939.” Pittsburgh, 2019.
İşsever-Ekinci, Esra. See Lithuania.
Zimelis, Andris. “An Integrated Approach to Corruption: A Comparative Analysis of Three Cities.” Illinois, Chicago, 2019.
Casper, Michael Phillips. “Strangers and Sojourners: The Politics of Jewish Belonging in Lithuania, 1914–1940.” California, Los Angeles, 2019.
İşsever-Ekinci, Esra. “Party Competition and Electoral Reforms in Parliamentary Democracies.” Syracuse, 2019.
Snyder, Jonathan L. “Balys Dvarionas: A Brief History, Analysis of His Concerto for Horn and Orchestra, and the First Recording of the Concerto.” Nevada, Las Vegas, 2019.
Alexander, Mark P. “Nazi Collaborators and Cold Warriors: America's Belarusian Quislings.” George Washington, 2019.
Hutson, Nathan. See China and the Russian Federation.
Caucasus Region
General Coverage
Farrell, William B. “Fragmentation, Frustrated Revolt, and Off-Shore Opportunity: A Comparative Examination of Jihadi Mobilization in Central Asia and the South Caucasus.” Maine, 2019.
Klyachkina, Alexandra. “Reconfiguration of Sub-National Governance: Responses to Violence and State Collapse in the North Caucasus.” Northwestern, 2019.
Rodina, Elena. “Subnational Journalistic Resistance Practices within the Russian Federation: How Journalists in Chechnya and Dagestan Negotiate their Roles, Rights, and Freedom.” Northwestern, 2019.
Tadevosyan, Margarita. “Multidimensional Roles of Local Non-Governmental Organizations in Creating Reconciliation Spaces in the South Caucasus.” George Mason, 2019.
Darbinyan, Asya. “Russian Empire's Response to Armenian Genocide: Humanitarian Assistance to Armenian Refugees at the Caucasus Battlefront of the Great War (1914–1917).” Clark, 2019.
Freedman, Joshua. “The Recognition Dilemma in World Politics.” Northwestern, 2019.
Khachadourian, Vahe. “Effect of Earthquake-Related Losses and Post-Earthquake Events on Morbidity and Mortality: Causal Mediation Analysis of the Prospective Cohort Data of the 1988 Earthquake Survivors in Armenia.” California, Los Angeles, 2019.
Panosian, Mary. “The Impact of Shame on First-Generation Armenian-American Youth.” Alliant International, 2019.
Aghayeva, Jeyran. “Changing the Way We Teach in College: Faculty Motivation in Azerbaijan.” Michigan State, 2019.
Dobbs, Aimee. “Under the Banner of Educational Reform: The Emergence of the Azerbaijani Muslim Reform Movement in Late Imperial Russia.” Indiana, 2019.
Yunusova, Vafa. “Transition into Higher Education: The Structure and Practice of Academic Advising.” Michigan State, 2019.
Hajiyeva, Samira. “Conditions Facilitating the Establishment of Teacher Trust and Collaboration in Post-Soviet Versus U.S. School Contexts.” Michigan State, 2019.
Karaulshchikov, Taras I. “A History of Georgian Scientific Intelligentsia: The Case of the Nikoladze Family 1860–1981.” Notre Dame, 2019.
Central Asia
General Coverage
Satlykgylyjova, Mayagul. “‘Am I Fractured or Whole?’: Exploring Central Asian Female Students’ Self-Identity in American Graduate Schools.” Kent State, 2019.
Baker, Christopher Aaron. “Ethnic Words and Soviet Things: Soviet Civilization and the Literature of Late Soviet Kazakhstan.” Indiana, 2019.
Hutson, Nathan. See China and the Russian Federation.
Jones, Nathan. See Ethnic and Minority Studies.
Joo, Song Ha. “The Politics of Immigration Under Authoritarianism.” Princeton, 2019.
Lewis, Jason Edward. “What Kazakhstanis in Business Describe as Ethical Leadership.” Biola, 2019.
McDaniel, Sean. “Equine Empire: Horses and Power on the Kazakh Steppe, 1880s—1920s.” Michigan State, 2019.
Mishkin, Kathryn. “Anxiety among Women Living with HIV in Kazakhstan.” State University of New York, Albany, 2019.
Schulleri, Phillipa. “Teachers’ Perceptions of Adoption of New Pedagogies in Kazakhstan.” Walden, 2019.
Seitz, John Britton. “Science and the Steppe: Agronomists, Nomads, and the Settler Colony on the Kazakh Steppe, 1881–1917.” Iowa State, 2019.
Wiley, Ronald Brooks. “‘To Gallop Together to War is Simple; to make Peace is Complex’ Indigenous Informal Restorative Conflict Resolution Practices among Kazakhs: An Ethnographic Case Study.” Nova Southeastern, 2019.
Williams, Nora Webb. “Colonial Policy, Social Trust, and Economic Resilience: The Long-Term Impacts of Imperial Russian Settlement in Southern Kazakhstan.” Washington, 2019.
Farrell, William B. See Caucasus Region. General Coverage.
Kolchin, Vladimir. “Empirical Essays on Jobs, Women, and Trust.” Rutgers, 2019.
Ryskulova, Chynarkul. “Faculty Perspectives on Independent Accreditation of Pedagogical Programs in Kyrgyzstan.” Kent State, 2019.
Tomaszewska, Monika Anna. “How are Interannual Variations of Land Surface Phenology in the Highland Pastures of Kyrgyzstan Modulated by Terrain, Snow Cover Seasonality, and Climate Oscillations? An Investigation using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data.” South Dakota State, 2019.
Rubinov, Igor. “Grafted Futures: Climate Adaptation in a Post-Soviet World.” Princeton, 2019.
Shanazarova, Aziza. “A Female Saint in Muslim Polemics: Aghā-Yi Buzurg and Her Legacy in Early Modern Central Asia.” Indiana, 2019.
Yakubovskaya, Irina. “Inspiration, Countercultural Aesthetics, and Dissent: The Ilkhom Theatre of Mark Weil.” Tufts, 2019.
Bienert, Andreas J. “Competence and Self-Efficacy in Cross-Cultural & National Mental Health Counseling Programs.” Regent, 2019.
Boichak, Olga. “Battlefront Assemblages: Civic Participation in the Age of Mediatized Warfare.” Syracuse, 2019.
Ciaravolo, Beth A. “The Symbolic City: Cultural Meaning and Social Progress in the Urban Landscape of L'viv, Ukraine.” Indiana, 2019.
Doroshenko, Larisa. “Personalized Communication, Digital Networks, and Political Participation: A Comparison of Political Mobilizing Strategies in Ukraine.” Wisconsin, Madison, 2019.
Dzyadevych, Tetyana. See Literature.
Harvey, Cole J. See Post-Soviet History, Politics, Political Thought, and Nationality Policy.
Jackson, Jaime. “Mobilizing for Change: The Influence of External Support on Violent and Nonviolent Civil Conflict Dynamics.” California, Davis, 2019.
Jarymowycz, Christina Olha. “Wartime Volunteering and Social Change in Post-socialist Ukraine.” Boston, 2019.
Makarin, Alexey. See Economics.
Malaia, Kateryna L. “Domestic Space in the Times of Change: The Collapse of the USSR, 1985— 2000s.” Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2019.
Pehlman, Nicholas. “Police Reform in Ukraine since the Euromaidan: Police Reform in Transition and Institutional Crisis.” City University of New York, 2019.
Tutunji, Tarek. See United States and the Soviet Union.
Wood, Garrett R. See Military History.
General Coverage
Gebhart, Brian Christopher. “Ostforschung and Empire: Race, History, and Imperialism in the Kaiserreich, 1900–1918.” State University of New York, Stony Brook, 2019.
Stolorz, Sebastian. “The Implementation of Inflation Targeting in Emerging and Developing Countries: The Role of Accountability in Designing and Executing Monetary Policy Regime.” George Mason, 2019.
Trachtenberg, Danielle. “The Macroeconomic Impacts of International Trade and Integration.” Boston, 2019.
Tzenev, Atanas G. “Attraction of Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe: The Dynamics of Policy and Politics.” State University of New York, Binghamton, 2019.
White, Gregory. “Adolescents’ Attitudes toward the Economic and Societal Responsibilities of Government in 24 Countries.” Maryland, College Park, 2019.
Central Europe (General Coverage)
Chung, Inkwan. “Educational Expansion and its Consequences.” Yale, 2019.
Leonetti, Joseph Alan. “Teacher Engagement in Central European International Schools.” Concordia, Oregon, 2019.
Balkan Countries (General Coverage)
Ruzi, Eugen. “Intercommunity Interaction in the Early Farming Communities in Albania.” State University of New York, Buffalo, 2019.
Uka, Ana. “Youth Civic Engagement in Albania.” Clemson, 2019.
Walters, Mary Elizabeth. “Unexpected Humanitarians: Albania, the U.S. Military, and Aid Organizations during the 1999 Kosovo Refugee Crisis.” North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2019.
Atanasova, Elitsa. “Sounds of the Twentieth Century: Music for Viola by Women Composers.” Georgia, 2019.
Habermann, Daniel. “Intergenerational Caregiver Loss and Successful Aging Opportunity Disruption of Bulgarian Elderly.” Walden, 2019.
Hart, Ashlee B. “Convening Cultures in Ancient Thrace: An Evaluation of Interaction on Ceramic Technological Choice from Iron Age Bulgaria.” State University of New York, Buffalo, 2019.
İşsever-Ekinci, Esra. See Lithuania.
Stankova, Maria Vassileva. “Globalization, Nationalism and Cultural Translation in Bulgarian Folk Singing.” New York, 2019.
Czech Lands to 1918, Czechoslovakia, and Czech and Slovak Republics
Appeltova, Michaela. “Did the Body have a Cold War? Gendered Bodies and Embodied Experiences in Late Socialist Czechoslovakia.” Chicago, 2019.
Braun, Amy M. “Impossible Communities in Prague's German Gothic: Nationalism, Degeneration, and the Monstrous Feminine in Gustav Meyrink's Der Golem (1915).” Washington, St. Louis, 2019.
Davidson, Amelia. “Reclaiming a Golden Past: Musical Institutions and Czech Identity in Nineteenth- Century Prague.” Kansas, 2019.
Dodge, Michaela. “U.S. Missile Defense Cooperation with the Czech Republic: Alliance Politics in Action.” George Mason, 2019.
Hartman, Lauren Elizabeth. “Beyond the Standard Singing Languages: Incorporating Czech Art Song Repertoire into the Collegiate Voice Studio.” Miami, 2019.
Hilmar, Till. See East Germany and Germany since 1989.
Johnston, Rosamund. “Red Tape and Hot Media: Radio, Politics and Socialist Celebrity in Czechoslovakia, 1945—1969.” New York, 2019.
Li, Na. “Chinese Poetry and Translation Considerations in the Songs of Pavel Haas.” Boston, 2019.
McMillan, Jeremey James. “Cinq Études de Jazz: A Study of Jazz and Modernism.” Alabama, 2019.
Schuhardt, Sara Marie. “The Flute Works of Erwin Schulhoff.” Northern Colorado, 2019.
Stanica, Cristina M. “New Public Governance in the Czech Republic, Romania, and Slovakia.” Delaware, 2019.
Testa, Patrick Allen. “Essays in the Political Economy of Development.” California, Irvine, 2019.
Weil, Abigail. “Man is Indestructible: Legend and Legitimacy in the Worlds of Jaroslav Hašek.” Harvard, 2019.
Zechner, Dominik. “The Survival of Literature: Kafka and the Problem of Finitude.” New York, 2019.
East Germany and Germany since 1989
Allar, Kimberly P. “Education in Violence: Training Guards in Nazi Concentration Camps and Killings Centers.” Clark, 2019.
Folland, Johanna. “Globalizing Socialist Health: Africa, East Germany, and the AIDS Crisis.” Michigan, 2019.
Gengler, Peter N. “Constructing and Leveraging ‘Flight and Expulsion’: Expellee Memory Politics and Victimhood Narratives in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1944–1970.” North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2019.
Hillaker, Lorn Edward. “Presenting a Better Germany: Competing Cultural Diplomacies of East and West Germany, 1949–1990.” North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2019.
Hilmar, Till. “History is Other People: Economic Change, Deservingness Beliefs, and Social Ties in Post-1989 East Germany and the Czech Republic.” Yale, 2019.
O'Connell, Kaete M. “Weapon of War, Tool of Peace: U.S. Food Diplomacy in Postwar Germany.” Temple, 2019.
Spreen, David. “Dear Comrade Mugabe: Decolonization and Radical Protest in Divided Germany, 1960–1980.” Michigan, 2019.
Stainton, Anna Louise. “‘Wir Sind Geburtshelfer Eines Neuen Lebens’: DEFA's Positive Heroes.” Toronto, Canada, 2019.
Callaway, Tyler James. “Hungary at the Helm: Austria-Hungary's Global Integration during the Age of Empire.” New York, 2019.
Cvetkovic, Ivana. “Framing of European Union Borders in Online News: Multimodal Discourses of Inclusion and Exclusion.” New Mexico, 2019.
Jewell, Jessica M. “Faculty Life in an Illiberal State: Hungarian Collegiate Faculty Work Life Vignettes.” Kent State, 2019.
Meyerrose, Anna M. “The Unintended Consequences of Democracy Promotion: International Organizations and Democratic Backsliding.” Ohio State, 2019.
Orbán, Krisztina. “The Inception of Capitalism through the Lens of Firms.” Chicago, 2019.
Sadak, Musa. “Teacher Characteristics that Predict Students’ Mathematics Achievement in European Countries: An Examination of TIMSS 2015 Results Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling.” Indiana, 2019.
Serfozo, Eva. “Torn Cobwebs of Memory: Interweaving Film and Fiction in Post-Franco Spain and Post-Communist Hungary, Shifting Narratives of the Holocaust and Dictatorship in the Wake of Political Transition to Democracy.” Oregon, 2019.
Somogyi, Allison. “The Bitter End: Life and Survival in the Holocaust Diaries of Young Jewish Women in Budapest under the Arrow Cross Regime, October 1944–February 1945.” North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2019.
North Macedonia
Lee, Jeffrey Curtis. “Sustainability Management Approaches in the North Macedonian Dairy Industry.” Colorado Technical, 2019.
Aniskiewicz, Alena Gray. “Cultural Remix: Polish Hip-Hop and the Sampling of Heritage.” Michigan, 2019.
Dabkowska, Ewa. “Polish Mathematics Education Periodicals from 1930 to 1950.” Columbia, 2019.
Dovern, Lukas. “Investing in. Socialist Poland: A Transnational History of Finance in the Cold War, 1944–1991.” Stanford, 2019.
Halavach, Dzmitry. “Reshaping Nations: Population Politics and Sovietization in the Polish-Soviet Borderlands, 1944–1948.” Princeton, 2019.
Jeżyk, Agnieszka. “Insatiable Appetite: Excessive Matter in Bruno Jasieński's Poems.” Illinois, Chicago, 2019.
Meyerrose, Anna M. See Hungary.
Tingler, Jason Ivan. “Mosaic of Destruction: The Holocaust, Mass Violence, and Interethnic Relations in Chełm, Poland 1939–1947.” Clark, 2019.
Valone, Thomas Fielder Jr. “The Power of Grievance: Ethnic Germans, National Socialism, and the Holocaust in the Incorporated Territories of Western Poland, 1939–1952.” Indiana, 2019.
Vogler, Jan P. “The Political Economy of Public Bureaucracy: The Emergence of Modern Administrative Organizations.” Duke, 2019.
Wolski-Moskoff, Izolda. “Case in Heritage Polish: A Cross-Generational Approach.” Ohio State, 2019.
Bertsch, Colleen M. “Performing Câmpia: Processes of Ethnic Identification in Transylvanian Folk Music.” Minnesota, 2019.
Cleary, Daniel Martin. “Past Hydroclimate and Vegetation Variation in Romania Inferred from Isotopic Geochemistry and Pollen of Cave Bat Guano.” South Florida, 2019.
Garcia Aravena, Andres. “Truth Commissions in Transnational Perspective: Working through the Past in Chile and Romania.” Maryland, College Park, 2019.
McElroy, Erin Mariel Brownstein. “Unbecoming Silicon Valley: Techno Imaginaries and Materialities in Postsocialist Romania.” California, Santa Cruz, 2019.
Nainiger, Monica A. “Gender Differences in Mate Preferences among Single Heterosexual Romanians Residing in the United States.” Cleveland State, 2019.
Stanica, Cristina M. See Czech Lands to 1918, Czechoslovakia, and Czech and Slovak Republics.
Former Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia, and New Yugoslav States
General Coverage
Cvetkovic, Ivana. See Hungary.
Isto, Raino Eetu. “Monumental Endeavors: Sculpting History in Southeastern Europe, 1960–2016.” Maryland, College Park, 2019.
Kočić, Miroslav. “Emergence of Social Complexity and Community Building in the Late Neolithic (5400–4600 Cal. BCE) of the Central Balkans.” Pittsburgh, 2019.
Vogler, Jan P. See Poland.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Buljina, Harun. “Empire, Nation, and the Islamic World: Bosnian Muslim Reformists between the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires, 1901–1914.” Columbia, 2019.
Ly, Trung Duong Minh. “Essays in Macro-Labor Economics.” Notre Dame, 2019.
O'Brien, Sheila. “An Exploration of Perceived Religious Discrimination on the Preservation of Muslim Religiosity among Ethnic Bosniaks in the U.S.” Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2019.
Sisic, Mia. “A Focus on Strength-Based Outcomes of Wartime Sexual Violence in a Sample of Ethnically Diverse Women from Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Windsor, Canada, 2019.
Ula, Duygu. “Towards a Local Queer Aesthetics: Queer Cultural Productions from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Turkey.” Michigan, 2019.
Witcombe, Melissa Jean. “An Optimality Theoretic Approach to Iotation in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian.” Indiana, 2019.
Palhegyi, Joel. “Tito under Glass: Museum and Myth in the Making of Croat Yugoslavism.” California, San Diego, 2019.
Witcombe, Melissa Jean. See. Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Agani, Natyra. “Children's Exposure to Peer Victimization, Bullying, Perceptions of School Safety, and School Climate among Albanian and Serbian Students in Kosovo.” Clemson, 2019.
Azemi, Ferid. “National Strategy against Narcotics, Drug Control Policy, and Law Enforcement Experiences in Kosovo.” Walden, 2019.
Boguslaw, Alissa. “Almost Sovereign: Independence and Indeterminacy in the New Republic of Kosovo.” New School, 2019.
Perolli Shehu, Blerta. “Social Competence and Attitude towards School in Relation to Academic Achievements of Students in Kosovo.” Clemson, 2019.
Walters, Mary Elizabeth. See Albania.
Kotlaja, Marijana M. “Economic Hardship, Outgroup Animosity, and Low Trust in Institutions: Exploring Consequences of Crime, Moral Disengagement and Social Unrest in Belgrade, Serbia.” Nebraska, Omaha, 2019.
Pantović, Ljiljana. “Private within the Public: Negotiating Birth in Serbia.” Pittsburgh, 2019.
Ula, Duygu. See Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Witcombe, Melissa Jean. See Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Sadak, Musa. See Hungary.
Alexander, Mark P. See Belarus.
Edge, James Preston. “Russian Roots in Southern Soil.” South Carolina, 2019.
Gibson, Chelsea C. “Russia's Martyr-Heroines: Women, Violence, and the American Campaign for a Free Russia, 1878–1920.” State University of New York, Binghamton, 2019.
Jacobs, Andrew. “Contact and Control: Americans Visit the Soviet Union, 1956—1985.” Indiana, 2019.
Permitina, Olga. See Literature.