In Israel vs. Iran: The Shadow War, Katz and Hendel outline the ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran. The book begins by giving a brief history of some of Israel's conflicts with Arab nations and then uses these examples to explain Israel's high investment in military technology and training (using sources such as interviews, speeches, military reports, media reports). The “Shadow War” is then discussed, which is a name commonly given to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran, in which Iran provides funding and training to both its political and terrorist proxies (e.g., Hamas and Hezbollah) to attack Israel and foster anti-Israeli sentiment. The book concludes with a discussion of the logistics of Israel attacking Iran directly in the future and the consequences of open conflict between the two countries, including the chance of nuclear war. Katz and Hendel state that there is no easy way to end the conflict between the two countries, and that while no one in Israel wants a war, if Iran continues to develop its nuclear program, war may be inevitable.
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