1. Introduction
The prolific sixteenth-century writer Ortensio Lando consistently tested the literary borders of genre, gender, and authorship. Lando composed treatises and letters, books of paradox and spiritual meditations, many of which were published pseudonymously — often under women's names — and borrowed liberally from other works, including his own. A writer whose entire literary corpus would be placed on the Index of Forbidden Books in 1544, Lando had good reason to disguise the authorship of his works. As recent scholarship has demonstrated, the elusive nature of Lando's authorial persona and the views he expressed can be attributed in large part to his involvement in the heterodox religious culture of mid-sixteenth-century Italy.Footnote 1 Yet his consistent recourse to assumed personas, particularly female ones, raises interesting questions about the literary construction of gender and the interactions between men and women in the literary and religious culture of sixteenth-century Italy. Lando was part of a community of professional writers that included Nicolò Franco (1515–70), Pietro Aretino (1492–1556), Lodovico Dolce (1508–68), and Ludovico Domenichi (1515–64) — the so-called poligrafi described by Paul GrendlerFootnote 2 — who experimented with different genres and strived to produce texts that would appeal to a growing commercial market for vernacular works. As Diana Robin has recently shown, these poligrafi worked increasingly closely with women writers, helping to bring their works to press and benefiting from their patronage.Footnote 3 Lando, however, is unique in his persistent and elaborate use of the voices and images of real women as frames and façades for his texts and as vehicles for the discourse within them. This masquerade resulted not only in accolades for Lando's skillful literary impersonations but also in public fame and recognition for the women who inspired them. Lando played a fundamental role in what we may call the manufacture of female cultural reputation; in turn, the acquiescence and, in some instances, the active collaboration of these female muses conferred complexity and prestige on his literary projects and benefited his own literary reputation. In both regards, the masquerade served a deeper purpose beyond the commercial one, subtly articulating and circulating heterodox views among an audience of the initiated. Lando's female impersonations can therefore help us to think about modes of both textual and spiritual collaboration in sixteenth-century Italy in new ways.
The most extensive example of such a case is Lando's partnership with Lucrezia Gonzaga da Gazzuolo, a noblewoman from a minor branch of the ruling family whose complex relationship with Lando is illustrated by her prominence throughout his literary corpus and by his presence in her single published work. Gonzaga first appears as the author and recipient of a handful of letters in an anthology put together by Lando in 1548, the Lettere di molte valorose donne (Letters of Many Valorous Women), and again in his Consolatorie (Letters of Consolation) of 1550. She then assumes a much greater role as Lando's interlocutor and student in a religious dialogue published by him in 1552, the Dialogo . . . nel quale si ragiona della consolatione & utilità che si gusta leggendo le Sacre Scritture (Dialogue . . . on the Consolation and Usefulness Enjoyed upon Reading the Holy Scriptures) and as the subject of his admiration in his Due panegirici (Two Panegyrics) of the same year. Her literary presence culminates in a book of letters published under her name, also in 1552. This work, the Lettere della signora Lucretia Gonzaga . . . a gloria del sesso feminile . . . in luce poste (Letters of the Lady Lucrezia Gonzaga . . . Published for the Glory of the Female Sex), cemented Gonzaga's public image as a woman both learned and virtuous, detailing her girlhood studies in Latin and Greek under the tutelage of the writer Matteo Bandello, her early marriage to a notorious condottiere later arrested for trying to murder the Duke of Ferrara, and her dutiful efforts on her husband's behalf despite his crimes. Although Gonzaga's contemporaries admired her literary talents, some recent scholarship has suggested that her letterbook was the work of Lando: his most outrageous and elaborate work of epistolary impersonation yet, eclipsing even his anthology of Lettere di molte valorose donne.Footnote 4 Indeed, the little modern attention to Gonzaga has focused almost entirely on this problem of attribution, privileging the role of Lando in the volume while dismissing that of Gonzaga.
While Lando's influence may be present in this work at an editorial level, however, such wholesale attribution of Gonzaga's letters to Lando overreaches for a number of reasons, including archival evidence of Gonzaga's activity as a letter-writer and contemporary recognition of her as an accomplished author. Perhaps more importantly, such an approach fails to address the complex and bidirectional nature of the literary interaction between Lando and Gonzaga, and the issues of gender and literary impersonation that arise from it. Regardless of whether or to what extent Gonzaga penned the letters published in her letterbook, it is clear from their repeated literary invocations of one another that Lando and Gonzaga had a long and mutually beneficial association. Each influenced and profited the other throughout this association: Lando by using Gonzaga's name and persona both to authorize and enliven his works, Gonzaga by the celebrity and fame she gained through Lando's repeated invocations of her virtue. Not only did their collaboration bring increased literary recognition to them both, but it also reflects deeper connections that bound the two together. Like Lando, Gonzaga was immersed in the heterodox religious currents that swept through much of Italy in the mid-sixteenth century, sharing many of the convictions held by the Italian spirituali regarding justification by faith alone (sola fides), the privileging of the Gospels, and a deemphasis of the sacraments.Footnote 5 Indeed, Gonzaga would be prosecuted toward the end of her life by the Inquisition of Mantua, questioned on an article of faith that had once brought Lando to the attention of Church authorities in Venice.Footnote 6 Not only did Lando and Gonzaga's partnership advance the literary stature of both over a period of several years, but it also served as a means to circulate religious views that would become increasingly controversial with the passage of the decades.
This essay examines the problem of Lando's female impersonation as a literary strategy in the years leading up to the publication of Gonzaga's Lettere. Why did Lando repeatedly assume female guises throughout his career, and what did he hope to gain from writing in the female voice that he could not otherwise accomplish?Footnote 7 Are Lando's female impersonations most accurately characterized as appropriations of the female voice, or do they result from a more complex dynamic? This essay also investigates Lando's use of the persona of Lucrezia Gonzaga throughout his works, and his role — which became progressively more complex during the four-year period of their association — in contributing to the creation of this persona. Although critics often mention Gonzaga in relation to Lando, little serious study has been made of her or of their association.Footnote 8 By examining their shared literary history leading up to 1552, however, we may open a window on a new kind of literary and cultural relationship, one based on collaboration and cooperation. Ultimately, we can more usefully understand the Gonzaga letterbook as the product of a partnership, one that meshed Lando's editorial expertise and knowledge of the literary market with the literary potential and exemplary reputation of Gonzaga, in the process joining two like minds in a common goal, that of spreading their evangelistic views. In an era when print publication of women was still much less common than that of men, such collaboration constituted an alternative path to literary and spiritual expression than the conventional one of single authorship.Footnote 9
2. Lando's Female Ventriloquism
The earliest major example of Lando writing as a woman is the spiritual treatise Della vera tranquillità dell'animo (On the True Peace of the Spirit, 1544), which bears the name not of Lucrezia Gonzaga but of Isabella Sforza (1503–61), an illegitimate daughter of a branch of the powerful Milanese family. Scholars have attributed this work to Lando on the basis of similarities to Lando's other works as well as contemporary evidence supporting his authorship; Sforza's role as a partner in the volume's conception and production is unknown.Footnote 10 What little biographical information exists regarding Isabella Sforza suggests that she was known, at least for a time, to espouse the spiritualist and quietistic views attributed to her in this treatise.Footnote 11 As the title suggests, the Vera tranquillità dell'animo celebrates faith as an internal experience — a kind of personal illumination — and as a serenity that derives from the certainty of salvation: as Francine Daenens explains, “an inner peace . . . with a clear connotation of reformist dogma.”Footnote 12 Lando, whose belief in justification by faith alone and in the direct and exclusive reading of holy scripture is reflected in many of his works,Footnote 13 may have been Sforza's spiritual guide, although in the treatise's dedicatoria he acknowledges her superiority; and this text, as Daenens has shown, contributed in a major way to solidifying Sforza's fame on the basis of her religious views.Footnote 14 Although the Vera tranquillità quietly echoed the fundamental tenet — that mankind is justified by faith alone — of the very popular, and even more controversial, Beneficio di Cristo (banned in 1549), in 1544 similar views could still be expressed prudently with some liberty, and Daenens argues that Lando's use of Sforza as a persona had more to do with his wish to benefit from her family and political connections than with an effort to hide behind her identity as a purely protective mechanism.Footnote 15
While Lando may well have been seeking Sforza's social and political prestige, spiritual partnerships between men and women were not uncommon among the heterodox circles of this period. As Robin's study illustrates, proponents of the spirituali movement — of which Sforza's text bears the influence — exchanged ideas with one another against the backdrop of vibrant salons throughout Italy, such as those presided over by Giulia Gonzaga (1513–66) and Juan de Valdés (1509[?]–41) in Naples and by Vittoria Colonna (1490[?]–1547) and Costanza d'Avalos (1460–1541) in Ischia.Footnote 16 Like men, women were deeply involved in the dissemination of new religious doctrine. The exchanges between Juan de Valdés and Giulia Gonzaga; between Vittoria Colonna, Bernardino Ochino (1487–1564), and Cardinal Reginald Pole (1500–58); and between other members of similar partnerships played an important role in the circulation of heterodox and Reformist thought, leading in many cases to literary production in support of it.Footnote 17 Abigail Brundin speculates, for example, that Colonna's acquaintance with Ochino, whom she followed throughout Italy to hear preach, inspired the famed poet's innovative form of spiritual petrarchismo: “[Ochino's] influence could well have led Colonna to consider the poetic potential of evangelism and, vice versa, the enormous evangelizing potential of poetry.”Footnote 18 More broadly, Constance Furey notes that educated and talented laywomen such as Colonna held a special authority among spirituali circles, where they were seen as fusing humanist ideals about learning with a nonintellectual, feminized spirituality.Footnote 19 From this position, women such as Colonna, Isabella Sforza, and Lucrezia Gonzaga could participate in intellectual culture without transgressing gender norms, using their status as promoters of Reformist ideas to authorize their appearance in the literary sphere.Footnote 20
There is no doubt that the Vera tranquillità, with its exhortations to profound inner peace, its privileging of scripture, and its spirit of compromise over radical reform, rests on a spiritual foundation that linked Lando and Sforza through their shared beliefs. Lando's female impersonation, however, must also be seen within the cultural context of the querelle des femmes and the defense-of-women texts to which this debate gave rise throughout the mid-sixteenth century. Nearly all of Lando's works are marked to some degree by the cultural polemics over women, and the Vera tranquillità is no exception. The work's dedicatory letter, signed “il Tranquillo” with one of Lando's pseudonyms, explains that, although he had been working on a similar religious treatise himself, intended for Paolino Manfredi of Lucca (a hotbed of heterodoxy), he found Isabella's far superior to his own and decided to publish it instead.Footnote 21 Through this pretext, Lando highlights Sforza's literary achievement (as well as her increased spiritual authority) with regard to his own: the female student has overtaken the male teacher. (Several years later, in his Dialogo on scripture, Lando relocated himself in the position of authority, with Lucrezia Gonzaga as his pupil.) The Vera tranquillità functions both as a religious treatise — an advocation of complete detachment from the joys and trials of the world — and as a celebration of the female author's extraordinary moral and religious virtue and literary ability. The exaltation of women's intellectual and moral qualities was at the heart of a wide range of literary works in the early modern period, from Juan Luis Vives's influential De institutione feminae christianae (The Education of a Christian Woman, 1524) to later works such as Lucrezia Marinella's Della nobiltà et eccellenza delle donne (On the Nobility and Excellence of Women, 1600) and Moderata Fonte's Il merito delle donne (The Worth of Women, 1600).
Whether or not such discussions were rhetorical, or, rather, reflected the progressive social views of their authors, they brought women's experience and the obstacles they faced to the forefront of literary debate, as Albert J. Rabil, Jr., points out in his edition of one such fundamental contribution, Henricus Cornelius Agrippa's Declamatio de nobilitate et praecellentiae foeminei sexus (Declamation on the Nobility and Preeminence of the Female Sex, 1529).Footnote 22 They contributed to a renewed interest in literary discussions of all aspects of female experience, as the sheer number of texts that touch on the topic — including medical manuals, domestic handbooks, and books of secrets — attests.Footnote 23 While these texts, which proliferated throughout the sixteenth century, spoke both to an increasing interest in women's experience and an expanding public of women readers, few were actually written by women, who still faced greater obstacles to print publication than did men.Footnote 24 Thus writers and publishers faced a kind of editorial paradox: the market for women's texts was there, but the authorship was not. Lando's choice of a female persona in the Vera tranquillità, then, stemmed not only from an effort to seek access to Isabella's patronage and social and political connections, as well as to circulate heterodox religious views, but also from a desire to capitalize on a growing demand for texts concerned with women, an interest fueled by, but certainly not limited to, the humanist context of the querelle des femmes. As evidenced by the variety of his publications, Lando was an astute assessor of literary trends, trying his hand at a range of genres with market appeal. In mid-sixteenth-century Italy female authorship, real or assumed, added interest and the aura of authenticity to works relating to the woman question and increased their appeal. The debate over women thus became an integral part of Lando's literary production beginning with the Vera tranquillità in 1544 as Lando — whether motivated by the demands of the literary market, the desire to test his own rhetorical skill, or a genuine defense of women — began adopting women's voices to frame his discussions of literature, religion, and culture.
Subsequent to his portrayal of Isabella Sforza, Lando did not abandon her, but rather made her a protagonist in his next experiment with the female voice, the Lettere di molte valorose donne of 1548, an epistolary anthology that is worth examining here in some detail. A text that defies easy categorization and analysis, the Valorose donne has often been dismissed as an oddity, a minor project thrown together by Lando in response to market demand for women's letters.Footnote 25 Here some 250 letters on subjects ranging from marriage and childbirth to religion and literature, including several attributed to Sforza and to Lucrezia Gonzaga, constitute a stunningly complex impersonation of gender on Lando's part, one that has never received the attention it deserves.Footnote 26 The only anthology of the period to consist entirely of letters exchanged between women, Lando's epistolary experiment participates in two concurrent literary trends: the interest in texts relating to women's experience described above, and the new vogue for vernacular letter collections that began with Pietro Aretino in 1538 and continued well into the next century.Footnote 27 While the vast majority of epistolary texts published in this period were authored by men and not by women, letter-writing was commonly theorized as a feminine genre, one that required the feminine qualities of sentiment and spontaneity rather than the masculine qualities of reason and art: literary models of female epistolarity from Ovid's Heroides to Boccaccio's Fiammetta fueled this characterization.Footnote 28 As a consequence there was great interest in, and admiration for, examples of female epistolarity in sixteenth-century Italy — if not a wide supply of such texts.Footnote 29 Lando's anthology thus capitalized on an interest in women's experience and, more specifically, in women as writers of letters, that was coupled with the conviction that men, with proper instruction, could convincingly learn to write like women.Footnote 30 Like the Vera tranquillità, the Valorose donne proposes to showcase and publish the real writing of women: here, the letters have been “collected from a variety of places and written by wise women.”Footnote 31 Even more explictly than the Vera tranquillità, the Valorose donne stakes a position within the ongoing querelle des femmes, claiming in the dedicatory letter that the purpose of the collection is to show the range of female erudition and defend women against their detractors, “so that wicked tongues, enemies of women's honor, stunned, might cease to bite and wound women, indeed . . . that they might now learn to respect and honor this most noble sex.”Footnote 32 Although a number of the letters do focus on the praise of women, it is difficult to discern any dominant point of view in the collection, for, in typical Landian fashion, one letter's argument is frequently contested by another.Footnote 33 A deeper reading reveals the anthology's inconsistencies with regard to a defense of women, indicating that it was composed as a rhetorical experiment in querelle des femmes discourse.
This was not the first time that Lando had purported to present the voices of a group of women, as opposed to the single female voice of the Vera tranquillità: his Paradossi (1543) attributes part of its content to women, and his later Consolatorie and Ragionamenti familiari (both 1550) do the same. However, the Valorose donne is a particularly elaborate case of female impersonation, mixing letters attributed to women who really existed with those of other women who were almost certainly invented by Lando. Although published anonymously, the anthology was widely recognized as Lando's work by contemporaries such as Anton Francesco Doni (1513–74), who in his Libraria of 1550 listed it under Lando's name;Footnote 34 this attribution has been accepted by most critics over the centuries who agree that the overall stylistic uniformity of the volume attests to Lando's hand in its production.Footnote 35 Moreover, the content of the letters — which in addition to discussions of women's issues such as marriage and childbearing includes evaluations of various professions, recipes for miraculous remedies, stern letters of consolation, and stories of bizarre deaths — points to Lando's presence, echoing themes addressed in his other works. For example, many of the arguments taken up in the Valorose donne's numerous moral letters, such as the perils of avarice, lust, and women's unrestrained speech, reappear in other Landian texts, such as the Ragionamenti familiari, while the unsentimental letters of consolation contained in the Valorose donne echo sentiments expressed in the Paradossi and the Consolatorie. Footnote 36 Finally, the frequent use of the paradox, juxtaposing letters arguing for and against a particular position, and of the dubbio, which employs long lists of rhetorical questions, further suggests Lando's presence, recalling structural techniques he employs elsewhere.Footnote 37
In addition to the rhetorical similarities between the Valorose donne and Lando's other works, the anthology also shares cultural concerns often expressed by Lando. The Valorose donne is not only an exercise in assuming the female voice, but a vehicle for broader cultural critique.Footnote 38 For example, the letters' constant recourse to long lists of classical and modern exempla, particularly in discussions both for and against women's literary aptitude and activity, fits neatly into the querelle context, but the long lists of women worthies furnished there also serve another purpose. Gleaned, often verbatim, from the Officina, a humanist repertory Lando freely plunders in a number of his other works, such rote recitation functions as a critique of the humanist culture Lando had come to find empty, inferior to the one true source of knowledge, scripture.Footnote 39 Silvana Seidel Menchi and Sabina Pezzini have shown that some of the letters in the anthology derive from other sources as well, including works by Erasmus and Equicola, reflecting Lando's practice — not uncommon in the early modern period — of copying and translating other works in his own.Footnote 40 In this sense, Lando's assumption of female personas in the Valorose donne merely adds another dimension to an intertextual literary practice to which terms like authentic and original are ill-applied.
If these psuedo-erudite letters are the product of Lando's intertextual practice, which is linked in turn to his critical stance toward humanist learning, they are also connected to a subtext of spiritualismo similar to that found in the Vera tranquillità. As is often remarked, epistolary texts reveal important information through the networks of correspondents they address. Many of the learned female protagonists of the Valorose donne, including Isabella Sforza and Giulia Gonzaga, are deliberately chosen, as Daenens has noted, for their relevance to the heterodox sensibility the letters convey beneath the façade of the querelle des femmes.Footnote 41 For example, the very first letter in the collection, an exchange between Isabella Sforza and Bona Sforza, Queen of Poland, suggests that the anthology may be read as a covert exposition of certain views shared by reform-minded Italians. Reminding Bona that she is now a role model for all women, Isabella advises: “It will behoove you, my lady, prudently to dissimulate many things, and to know everything.”Footnote 42 According to Daenens, the verb dissimulare stands as a Nicodemitic sign of the text's hidden core of religious dissent, a reminder that one's outer appearance need not correspond to one's true beliefs — an attitude adopted by many among Italy's heterodox circles during the first half of the sixteenth century.Footnote 43 Heterodoxy is without question an important element in the Valorose donne, most frequently in letters regarding scripture, which presage later discussion by Lando and Lucrezia Gonzaga in Lando's Dialogo on scripture.Footnote 44 As we see in both texts, scripture, for Lando, freed of the complications and distortions of interpretation, commentary, and allegory, stands at the base of religion.Footnote 45
For example, a letter attributed to Giovanna Cavalleria in the Valorose donne praises scripture over all other forms of writing: in true Landian fashion, Giovanna resorts to extensive lists to make her point, arguing that having read widely herself, she regrets it. She fervently asserts her devotion to scripture, the only true book: “Ever since I came to know the holy Cross, I have wished never to have read anything but the divine scripture; I wish I had consumed this holy book as God commanded through the prophet; I wish I had turned it into nectar and blood because it would have been as a lantern at my feet.”Footnote 46 Similarly, Francesca Ruvissa urges a simple, straightforward approach to scripture as the true path to God: “if you treat the holy scripture with humility, not ambition (as many do these days), you will have the Holy Spirit for your teacher.”Footnote 47 Isabella Sforza herself commends Fulvia Colonna for having begun to study scripture, and encourages her not to be overwhelmed by commentators who distort and corrupt it; elsewhere she complains to Isabetta Castigliona that priests stray too far from scripture in their sermons: “these preachers of ours seem to me not preachers and ministers of the word of God, but performers; it would certainly seem to me less of a sin to go to see the Circean or Nemean games, if they still existed, than to listen to these charlatans who recount their dreams with cabbalistic fictions, and ignore the holy mysteries of scripture.”Footnote 48 In contrast, a letter from Apollonia Rovella to Leonora da Vertema praises a priest who interprets scripture faithfully: “He is not puffed up, nor pompous, he doesn't spout sesquipedalian words, he doesn't claim to be a prophet, he is sparing with allegory knowing that it is not an effective means for teaching the dogma of the faith.”Footnote 49
For Lando, the misuse of religion verges on superstition, and superstition in all forms is anathema to him.Footnote 50 Lando's opinions are certainly provocative: it is perhaps to the credit of the elaborate disguise he enacts in the Valorose donne that they have passed largely unnoticed over the centuries.Footnote 51 Lando's emphasis on scripture thus combines a heterodox sensibility with a more general manifestation of his rejection of humanist learning to launch a pointed social and cultural critique: if the Bible represents the true source of all learning, then humanist erudition, as well as biblical commentary, is unnecessary.Footnote 52 At the same time, however, other groups of letters in the Valorose donne that deal with quotidian aspects of early modern women's lives such as pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation — as well as education and erudition — are set firmly against the backdrop of the woman question, seemingly in response to the many male-authored efforts to codify female experience that circulated in early modern Italy, from humanist texts like Matteo Palmieri's 1439 La vita civile (which took up the problem of breastfeeding) to the libri di segreti, or books of secrets, that provided tips for healthy pregnancy and childbirth.Footnote 53 Clearly there was an audience for such discussions, but most of the authors dealing with them spoke only from the male perspective. If the male voice had traditionally conferred authority on literary texts, in the case of the Valorose donne it is the many voices of female experience that purport to add authenticity. Lando grants the reader a seemingly intimate glimpse into the private world of women, a female network in which advice and comfort are shared.Footnote 54
The complex gender impersonation of the Valorose donne, then, is simultaneously pro- and contra-woman, both an endorsement and a condemnation of female intellect and virtue. Female gender is the costume Lando assumes to grant increased authenticity to the cultural critique he makes, allowing him to reach a wider audience curious about the female perspective on issues familiar from male-authored texts. His female personas also draw power and legitimacy from the real involvement of sixteenth-century Italian women such as Isabella Sforza and others, including Giulia Gonzaga, in the promotion and circulation of new religious doctrine. The question for the reader, of course, is whether the actual sex of Lando's text matters. Can a male author presume to represent female discourse, or is this necessarily an act of appropriation?
3. Lando and Gonzaga
In her discussion of Lando's impersonation of Isabella Sforza, Daenens, using a term employed by Gérard Genette, suggests we characterize the Vera tranquillità as an apocryphe consenti (that is, published with permission), with Sforza the garant du texte (textual guarantor): surely the impersonation was so extensive that Isabella must have been a party to it and the text must have had the authority of her assent.Footnote 55 As we consider Lando's literary interactions with Lucrezia Gonzaga, I suggest we keep in mind this useful characterization. Could Lando have appropriated so thoroughly Gonzaga's name and public image without her consent and participation? And if Gonzaga did play an active role in Lando's literary construction of her persona, what would this suggest about modes of early modern textual production, not to mention literary and spiritual partnerships?
The relationship between Lando and Gonzaga can be seen most clearly in a trilogy of works dating to 1552, beginning with two that appeared under Lando's name or pseudonym, the Panegirici and the Dialogo . . . nel quale si ragiona della consolatione & utilità che si gusta leggendo le Sacre Scritture, and culminating in Gonzaga's Lettere, which, like the Valorose donne, positions itself as a volley in the querelle des femmes, published “for the glory of women.” Printed within a month of one another, the Dialogo on scripture and the Panegirici constituted two elements in a campaign by Lando — and, I suggest, by Gonzaga herself — to lay the groundwork for a third, and far more extensive, representation, the letter collection bearing her name that was published later in the same year.Footnote 56 As noted above, the vernacular lettera familiare was by 1552 at the height of its success in Italy, and there was a great demand for women's letters, which were considered to possess the prized qualities of sincerity and spontaneity. Simultaneously, the literature engendered by querelle des femmes polemics was in full flower, with writers arguing for and against women's virtues and capacities and seeking to define their various roles, as Lando himself had done in the Valorose donne. It is against this literary and cultural backdrop that the partnership of Lando and Gonzaga must be seen, as together they first created, and then capitalized on, Gonzaga's fame and exemplary reputation. The Panegirici and the Dialogo established Gonzaga as a literary, moral, and spiritual model, one who espoused many of Lando's own beliefs. The Lettere profited from the reputation created by these two works, offering an authoritative first-person view of this exemplary female experience, based on the real events of Gonzaga's life. In keeping with what was increasingly becoming the purpose of the vernacular letterbook, the Lettere now proposed Gonzaga as a model — here, of female epistolarity and feminine virtue — for readers to imitate.
Before turning to these three works, however, it will be useful to review what is known about the historical Gonzaga, who was celebrated in her day by literary figures such as Girolamo Ruscelli, Giulio Cesare Scaligero, and Matteo Bandello for her virtue, intellect, and wifely fidelity.Footnote 57 Much of the information we have about Gonzaga's life derives from Lando's Panegirici, which divides its praise between Gonzaga and Maria de Cardona, the Marchioness of Padulla (known, like Gonzaga, for her devotion to scripture); and from the Lettere themselves. Archival sources and contemporary chronicles confirm most of the facts that underlie these literary portraits.
Born near Mantua around 1521, Gonzaga was taken in by her uncle, Luigi Gonzaga of Castelgoffredo (or Castel Giuffrè), after the deaths of her parents in 1529.Footnote 58 There she was educated by Bandello himself, who taught her Latin and Greek during his sojourn at the court of Castelgoffredo as secretary to Cesare Fregoso, Luigi's brother-in-law.Footnote 59 When she was about fourteen, arrangements were made for Gonzaga to marry Giampaolo “Fortebraccio” Manfrone (d. 1552), a condottiere for the Venetian Republic.Footnote 60 Manfrone was known for his violent temper: his murder of a servant while lodged in the house of Gonzaga's relatives in Mantua resulted in his exile from that city, while the scandalous story of Manfrone's attempt on the life of Duke Ercole II d'Este of Ferrara and his subsequent imprisonment would later become well known throughout Northern Italy — Filippo Rodi's Annuali di Ferrara, for example, recounts how Manfrone, enraged over the duke's designs on his widowed sister, attempted first to poison and later to ambush him.Footnote 61 When Manfrone was eventually arrested for the attempted murder of the duke, and led back to Ferrara handcuffed and bound, even the Venetian Republic, which had long employed him, declined to come to his aid.Footnote 62 However, in spite of her husband's deplorable conduct, Gonzaga sought to help him. A 1552 composition by Bartolommeo Ricci recounts her tearful intervention on behalf of her husband, and suggests that it was she who persuaded the duke to commute Manfrone's sentence from death to life in prison.Footnote 63 According to Gonzaga's Lettere, she tirelessly petitioned everyone, from minor officials to the king of France and the duke himself, on Manfrone's behalf. It was this unhappy union that provided the basis for contemporary accounts of Gonzaga's virtue and devotion.
Less is known of Gonzaga's life following her husband's death in a Ferrarese prison in 1552.Footnote 64 We know from Manfrone's will that her dowry was returned to her, although her husband left her nothing else.Footnote 65 Not long after Manfrone's death, Gonzaga was sent, probably under the authority of her cousin Vespasiano Gonzaga, to a convent in Bozzolo, where she remained for at least three years.Footnote 66 By the mid-1560s she was back in Mantua, having seen at least one of her two daughters married. Caught up in the undercurrents of religious dissent that swept through Mantua in the late sixteenth century, Gonzaga appeared on the periphery of several Inquisition trials, and in June 1567 was herself tried on suspicion of heresy.Footnote 67 However, because of her social status and family connections, arrangements were made for the trial and her subsequent abjuration to be conducted quickly and in secrecy.Footnote 68 Two months later, in a letter to her sister Isabella, Gonzaga expresses amazement and dismay that she could have come under suspicion.Footnote 69 Yet Gonzaga's Lettere do touch upon sensitive religious themes, particularly with regard to scripture and references to the Lutheran tenet of justification by faith. Gonzaga died in Mantua in 1576, twenty-four years after the publication of her only book and nine years after her Inquisition trial.
Gonzaga spent much of her married life alone with her children and servants in her husband's palazzo in the small village of Fratta Polesine in the Veneto region. According to Lando's account of these years in the Panegirici, she lived there “in total solitude, enclosed almost perpetually in a squalid tower.”Footnote 70 In Lando's account, Gonzaga becomes a kind of fairy-tale princess, her essential goodness unblemished by the wretched conditions of her life and her unremitting solitude. In reality, though, Fratta lay on the route from Mantua to Venice, and Gonzaga often had visitors on their way from one city to the next.Footnote 71 In this way she was able to establish contact with important figures from the Venetian literary world, including the editors Dolce and Domenichi; the writer Luigi Groto, called the “Cieco d'Adria” (1541–85); and, of course, Lando himself. By the early 1550s, an informal cenacolo had sprung up around Gonzaga's palazzo in Fratta, organized, according to Stefania Malavasi, by Giovan Maria Bonardo (d. 1584) and Gonzaga herself.Footnote 72 Although Gonzaga was not an official member of the Accademia dei pastori frateggiani, she was certainly an integral part of this loosely knit society that also included Ruscelli, Parabosco, and Orazio Toscanella.Footnote 73 Lando was not a member of the Pastori, but he, too, participated in the group's meetings.Footnote 74
These contacts were important for Gonzaga's literary formation: according to the Lettere, she read their works avidly and often requested their latest publications. Her relationship with these literary figures was central to her own positioning as a literary and cultural figure as well, for just as she singles out and praises the Pastori in her Lettere, so they applaud her by dedicating many of their works to her. It is likely, moreover, that the Pastori — wishing, perhaps, to lend support to the participation of women in culture — played a role, along with Lando, in encouraging the publication of the Lettere. Certainly the publication of Bonardo's Rime in honor of Gonzaga in 1565 and his Madrigali (which contain a dedication by Toscanella to Gonzaga) in 1571 would seem to indicate that Gonzaga retained the support of her old literary circle long after the Pastori frattegiani had ceased to gather at her Fratta residence. It is also likely that it was during this same period, in which Gonzaga's contact with writers from all over Northern Italy was at its most intense, that she encountered the religious debates and discussions that flourished in Italy in the years before the Counter-Reformation reached the peak of its repressive influence. As her letters — not to mention her later Inquisition trial — reflect, Gonzaga was influenced by many aspects of evangelist and Reform thought, and was almost certainly introduced to some of the views she espouses in the Lettere by members of the Pastori frattegiani. Groto, for example, had previously been involved with the Accademia degli Addormentati in Rovigo, which was forced to disband under suspicion of heresy.Footnote 75 Dolce and Domenichi both had heterodox sympathies and were associated with Andrea Arrivabene, a printer who in 1549 was warned by the Holy Office against selling heretical books.Footnote 76 Lando expressed heterodox views in the Valorose donne and other works. The print diffusion of heterodox ideas in the mid-sixteenth century was vast, and affected the entire peninsula.Footnote 77 Like many other men and women, Gonzaga was exposed to these ideas and incorporated some of them into her own religious beliefs and writing.Footnote 78
Gonzaga first appears in Lando's work as the author and recipient of two letters in his 1548 anthology, the Lettere di molte valorose donne, and again in his Consolatorie of 1550; Lando's Cataloghi of 1552 are also studded with admiring references to her.Footnote 79 In these appearances, she is but one member of a large cast of female characters, along with others like Isabella Sforza, Alda Torella, and her own sister Isabella of Puvino, adopted by Lando to play a role in his foray into querelle des femmes polemics. As Lando's ventures into female impersonation became more elaborate, however, Gonzaga assumed an even greater role, as evidenced by a trilogy of texts all published in 1552. She appears as Lando's interlocutor and student in the Dialogo . . . nel quale si ragiona della consolatione & utilità che si gusta leggendo le sacre scritture, one of the few works published, despite its heterodox content, under Lando's own name. She appears again as the subject of admiration in the Panegirici published shortly thereafter. Her literary presence culminated, however, in the book of letters published under her own name, also in 1552, the Lettere della signora Lucretia Gonzaga . . . a gloria del sesso feminile . . . in luce poste. Gonzaga's contemporaries accepted the letterbook as hers, although some scholars have since suggested that it was in fact the work of Lando. Doni, for example, lists Gonzaga as the author of the epistolario in his Libraria (while attributing the Valorose donne to Lando); Groto mentions Gonzaga's Lettere in a list of epistolary collections that includes works by Gerolamo Parabosco, Bernardo Tasso, and Claudio Tolomei.Footnote 80 Many of the contributors to Bonardo's Rime refer admiringly to Gonzaga's literary talents, even describing her as a new Vittoria Colonna, implicitly suggesting a link to Colonna's own epistolary activity as the author of a 1544 volume of spiritual letters, as well as to Colonna's poetic production.Footnote 81 Later, Pierre Bayle's encylopedic Dictionnaire historique et critique attributes the Lettere to Gonzaga, praising them effusively.Footnote 82 Even Apostolo Zeno, one of the first to suggest that Lando composed the Lettere, admitted he had no evidence to this effect: “I have found no other writer who declares these Letters to be the work of Gonzaga's friend.”Footnote 83
The attribution to Lando stems from the close relationship between the two, documented by Gonzaga's frequent presence in Lando's works and by Lando's appearance in her Lettere, thirty-four of which are addressed to him. Together with Lando's prior appropriation of women's epistolary voices in the Valorose donne, the literary association of Lando and Gonzaga has caused critics to turn to him instinctively as Gonzaga's ghostwriter, her letters thereby constituting the climax of a long process of appropriation on Lando's part. Some assertions of Lando's authorship have been fueled by critical bias. Ireneo Sanesi, for example, who has given the most attention to the problem of authorship, argues that stylistic similarities between the Valorose donne and the Lettere constitute proof of their common authorship, seemingly ignoring that Gonzaga's letters are almost entirely lacking in the exempla and detti that characterize many of Lando's works and the Valorose donne in particular — diverging, that is, from what Seidel Menchi has termed the “stylistic homogeneity” of Lando's corpus.Footnote 84 At the same time, however, Sanesi accepts close stylistic correspondences between the Valorose donne and a male-authored text, Pietro Lauro's Lettere (1552), as a valid example of direct literary imitation.Footnote 85 Sanesi further claims the “contradictory” nature of Gonzaga's Lettere as proof of their inauthenticity, citing Gonzaga's characterizations of her imprisoned husband (which vary dramatically depending on her audience) and a pair of letters concerning Lando's Panegirici. In one of these, Gonzaga thanks Lando, while in the second she professes ignorance of the book's author.Footnote 86 According to Sanesi, these “numerous contradictions” were “inexplicable if we maintain [the letters] were written by Gonzaga, utterly reasonable if we instead acknowledge Lando as their author.”Footnote 87 This explanation ignores the dynamic, evolving nature of epistolary exchange, which when captured in a printed epistolario can, and usually does, reflect changes in knowledge or point of view over time — not to mention the varying demands raised by the expectations of the internal reader to whom a letter is directed.Footnote 88 By describing Manfrone differently to different readers, Gonzaga could expect to elicit various reactions. Her letters regarding the Panegirici show a natural progression from an earlier state of ignorance to a later one of knowledge, suggesting that the letters were written at different times.Footnote 89 Rather than indicate a Landian element of epistolary paradox, the contradictions noted by Sanesi are in fact integral to both real and verisimilar epistolary exchange.
Finally, although many of Gonzaga's letters were prompted by historical events, such as the arrest and imprisonment of Manfrone, Sanesi is unwilling to accept that Gonzaga might have written about her own life. He argues, rather, that Lando, as Gonzaga's contemporary and friend, was equally acquainted with general current events and with Gonzaga's own family drama, and therefore similarly qualified to compose fictional letters about these subjects.Footnote 90 Yet the archival evidence I have located, in the form of thirteen manuscript letters by Gonzaga, shows that she was in fact a writer of letters, that she wrote letters to some of the same people she addresses in her epistolario, and that she lobbied for the commutation of Manfrone's sentence.Footnote 91 For example, letters exchanged between Gonzaga and her husband (and preserved today in the Archivio di Stato di Modena) are proof that the epistolary relationship so central to the structure of Gonzaga's epistolario did in fact exist. The surviving letters from Gonzaga to Manfrone are dated 1546 and 1548, while his to her cover the entire period of his incarceration, from his arrest in 1546 to his death in 1552. Much like her published letters to Manfrone, Gonzaga's brief, to-the-point manuscript missives urge the prisoner to put his faith in God and bear his lot patiently. In a letter dated Venice, 22 November 1546, for example, she writes, “From messer Marcello's letter, you will understand the reason for my coming to Venice, as well as what was accomplished and what one hopes to accomplish for the welfare and honor of Your Lordship. I won't explain further. I will say only this: that you must be of good spirit, and look after yourself and be well, for the lord God will see to everything, and it will be — soon — time for good to come to us once more.”Footnote 92 Taking a similar tone, a letter to Manfrone published in Gonzaga's epistolario states, “Messer Leonardo Raymondo brought me a letter from you. . . . To be sure, it would be beyond my imagination and hopes to think that any good might come to us, were it not that one must never despair of God's grace.”Footnote 93 Suggesting that Gonzaga did attempt to garner support for Manfrone's case as indicated throughout the Lettere, the manuscript letter of 22 November 1546 (quoted above), as well as another dated 13 April 1548, both refer to journeys undertaken by Gonzaga on his behalf.Footnote 94
Manfrone's own manuscript letters contain pleas for just the sort of help his wife offers in the Lettere. In one case, for example, he begs her to “placate” the Duke of Ferrara.Footnote 95 The published epistolario contains a number of letters seeking Manfrone's release, including two letters to Ercole II d'Este, just as Manfrone requests in his missive from prison. Moreover — although it is a request for the duke's intervention in a land dispute that arose as a result of Manfrone's absence rather than a direct request for Manfrone's release — the one manuscript letter we possess from Gonzaga to Ercole d'Este demonstrates that she was accustomed to approaching the duke for help.Footnote 96 Manfrone's repeated requests that his wife write to him in prison — in one letter he pleads, “send me . . . at least a few lines, regularly, apprising me as to your welfare, for the love of God”Footnote 97 — suggest that it would have been likely, even necessary, that Gonzaga correspond regularly with her imprisoned spouse, just as she appears to do in the Lettere. Finally, other manuscript letters at the Biblioteca Estense and the Archivio di Stato di Mantua document the years following Manfrone's death and the publication of the Lettere, including the period spent in a convent in Bozzolo and, later, the Inquisition trial, underscoring Gonzaga's habitual recourse to letter-writing in documenting the events of her life. This is not to argue that Gonzaga's published letters were pieces of genuine correspondence reproduced for publication. On the contrary, many were composed expressly for publication or at least revised before going to print, as was most often the case with sixteenth-century epistolari. But there is ample evidence that Gonzaga was a capable and prolific writer of letters in her own right, one who had access to the creative and rhetorical tools necessary to produce an epistolario based on (but not the same as) her real correspondence with many of the same people who appear in her published letters: her husband Manfrone, her sister Isabella and her family, members of the Pastori frattegiani, and the Duke of Ferrara.
Moreover, textual evidence of Lando's intervention in Gonzaga's text is ambiguous, calling into question issues of textual practice and literary imitation that were widespread in sixteenth-century culture. Various forms of literary collaboration were common in Gonzaga's time: writers enlisted one another to edit or revise their work before publication, and the widespread practice of riscrittura, a form of literary “plagiary,” created complex intertextual links between writers.Footnote 98 Such practices tend to conflict with modern ideas about individual authorship. Yet a scenario of collaboration and intertextuality could account for certain overlaps between Gonzaga's Lettere and Lando's works — the same kinds of overlaps that exist between Lando's work and the letters of Pietro Lauro, for example, without calling the latter's authorial status into question.Footnote 99 A similar problem arises with respect to Dieter Steland's recent discovery that the content of some of Gonzaga's letters can be traced to a repertory collection called the Concetti di Ieronimo Garimberto, published in 1551. Steland's description of the corresponding passages is clearly valuable for the light it sheds on the way Gonzaga's text was constructed with material from a repertory. Yet an attribution to Lando of the collection as a whole based solely on similar textual strategy — that of incorporating existing texts into one's own — is not convincing, for letter-writers frequently turned to repertories and manuals for guidance.
More indicative of a Landian influence in Gonzaga's Lettere is the appearance of the same lines from Garimberto in Lando's own works as well as in Gonzaga's letters. For example, a letter from Gonzaga to Pietro Paolo Manfrone that asserts that unjust imprisonment is preferable to undeserved liberty can be traced to the Concetti, but could also have reached Gonzaga via Lando's Oracoli de moderni ingegni (1550).Footnote 100 Lando could have added this internal reference himself; on the other hand, Gonzaga may have borrowed the phrase from either Lando or Garimberto. Similarly, a consolatory letter from Gonzaga to a grieving mother, warning her not to mourn excessively nor doubt in the resurrection of the body, echoes a sentiment expressed in Lando's Consolatorie.Footnote 101 Does a thematic, and even linguistic, link between the two texts deny the possibility of Gonzaga's authorship? Or does it merely demonstrate that Gonzaga and Lando shared similar views? The idea that we ought to rejoice in, rather than lament, the death of a loved one is unremarkable in consolatory letters of this period. Pietro Lauro uses similar reasoning in a consolatory letter addressed to Gonzaga herself, while a manuscript letter of consolation written by Gonzaga includes the same sentiment.Footnote 102 Framing death as a welcome return to God is a concept particular neither to Lando nor Gonzaga. However, the brief (and similarly phrased) flirtation with the denial of the resurrection of the body put forth in both cases could denote a more specific point of contact. Again, this textual overlap might indicate Lando's editorial influence on the passage. Alternatively, Gonzaga may have borrowed some of the elegant wording of Lando's Consolatorie for her own discussion of the concepts of death and resurrection.
Silvana Seidel Menchi points out a final area of textual intersection: her attribution of Gonzaga's Lettere to Lando is based on several letters that espouse Erasmian (and, by 1552, suspect) themes taken up by Lando in his own work. Seidel Menchi notes, for example, that a letter from Gonzaga to Elena Vigonza urging her to make Christ's teachings of simplicity, charity, and patience her life's principal aspiration closely echoes an Italian translation of Erasmus's Enchiridion, a text used by Lando on other occasions.Footnote 103 However, Lando was not the only writer to make use of Erasmus in his works, as Seidel Menchi herself points out.Footnote 104 Furthermore, Seidel Menchi notes that the insertion of passages from Erasmus, Luther, and other philo-Protestant thinkers into otherwise orthodox texts was a common method for attempting to elicit thoughts and doubts about traditional theology and teachings.Footnote 105 While it is possible that Lando was responsible for the insertion of these passages as he edited Gonzaga's letters, it is also possible that Gonzaga shared the religious views of Lando and others in the heterodox circles of which she was a part, and that she was familiar with the practice of inserting heterodox passages into new texts.
Ultimately, the most likely indication of Lando's collaboration in Gonzaga's text is the remarkable frequency of his appearances in it. Lando is more present than any other destinatario in Gonzaga's collection, suggesting that he and Gonzaga were in active dialogue during the production of this volume. A number of playful letters chronicle the gossip and criticism that periodically endanger Gonzaga's relationship with Lando, initially calling to mind Lando's own Valorose donne, in which his female epistolarians constantly accuse one another of similar offenses. For example, Gonzaga rebukes Lando, saying that a mutual friend “told me clearly, by letter and in person, that you heard I had spoken ill of you, which caused my heart great distress. . . . I can't believe, however, that you would think so little of me, that I could have used words so alien to my nature”; and, again, scolding that “Every day I feel more taken in by the depth of my affection for you, and you doubt that I love you? And you can believe that some gossiping tongue could impede the direction of my goodwill?”Footnote 106 Although Gonzaga's interest in gossip here is to dismiss it, a letter to Bonardo, another close friend, frames gossip as a useful vehicle for information. Gonzaga urges Bonardo to keep her posted with all the news from Venice, no matter how mundane, an attitude that is reflected in a manuscript letter by Gonzaga to yet another acquaintance in which she begs for news of her friend's Ferrarese life and loves. As can be seen in the passages quoted below, the theme of news — or gossip — is characteristic of both the published Lettere and Gonzaga's manuscript correspondence:
I will be most grateful if, while you are in Venice, you will send me your news frequently, and, for my part . . . I will write to you . . . perhaps [you don't write often] because you don't have anything worthwhile for me to read or hear about; nonetheless I would like you to write me with what news you have, whatever it might be.Footnote 107
Kindly write to me about what you are doing and what is going on there [in Ferrara], and if you should lack for a subject, write to me about your love life. Indeed I am certain that a thousand nice things must happen to you. . . . Write to me about it, for I will answer you.Footnote 108
If some letters to Lando center on gossiping tongues, others touch on literary matters. These missives might be interpreted as Lando's effort to draw attention to himself, or as Gonzaga's own repayment for his lavish praise of her. In one instance, for example, Gonzaga thanks Lando for immortalizing her in “little books that contain my ill-deserved praise” and expresses regret that she is unable to do the same for him: “but, poor me . . . what shall I do for you?”Footnote 109 Elsewhere, Gonzaga tells Lando that she loves him “for your virtue, and the many things you do in my honor.”Footnote 110 These things might well refer to Lando's public praise of Gonzaga in such texts as the Panegirici and the Cataloghi. Another letter that refers to Gonzaga's indebtedness toward Lando draws attention to her own generosity as a literary patron. Gonzaga declares her willingness to support Lando materially, asking in return only that he share his work with her: “ask freely for anything that strikes your fancy . . . if you think I might have anything at all that could result in your honor or comfort, such as money or anything else I can provide, I promise you that my sincere wish that you will avail yourself of it corresponds to the obligation I have that you should avail yourself of it . . . be healthy and happy, and share with me any works that your divine and fertile mind might produce.”Footnote 111 In the Cataloghi Lando praises Gonzaga's generosity; here she returns the favor not only by behaving generously, but by praising Lando's literary gifts and “divine” mind. (If the sentiment appears genuine, it is worth noting that this passage derives directly from Garimberto's Concetti.)Footnote 112 By asking to read his works, moreover, Gonzaga appears learned as well as generous.
This constant invocation of Lando is certainly not coincidental. These letters have a dual function: they promote Lando and call attention to his relationship with Gonzaga, while simultaneously presenting Gonzaga as an admired member of literary society, capable of reading and appreciating the works of her contemporaries. The publicity benefits both Lando and Gonzaga, and the elaborate intertwining of their personas here and in Lando's other works, along with their similar intertextual practice, suggests some degree of literary collaboration in the production of Gonzaga's Lettere, without, however, negating her role as the letters' author.Footnote 113 As William E. A. Axon notes, “That [Lando] should forge three hundred letters, print them with [Gonzaga's] name on the title, and dedicate them to her relation Pietro Paolo Manfrone, and do this without reproof or repudiation, is incredible. That he acted as her secretary in the composition of many of these epistles is a much more reasonable theory.”Footnote 114 Surely Lando could not have produced this work without Gonzaga's assent and participation. The evidence I have presented here strongly suggests that this collaboration was an active one in which Gonzaga herself contributed the core material for her epistolario, while Lando likely helped to polish it and shape it for the literary market.
Lando's Panegirici, the model that shaped subsequent eulogies of Gonzaga by her contemporaries, demonstrates how this collaboration took shape. Published the same year as Gonzaga's letterbook, the portrait offered by the Panegirici — most of which is based on fact, embroidered to emphasize her status as an exemplary figure of female virtue — is the male-authored complement to that offered by the Lettere themselves. It lays out Gonzaga's biography in romantic terms, recounting historically accurate details of her life in a manner that emphasizes her exemplary feminine virtue. The Panegirici makes much of the contrast between Gonzaga and her husband: she the epitome of innocence and goodness, he of wickedness. It emphasizes her young age at marriage and her mistreatment at the hands of Manfrone, whose “harsh reproaches,” “bestial actions,” and “reprehensible habits” she bears with admirable fortitude.Footnote 115 It praises the combination of feminine loyalty and masculine courage with which she greets the news of her husband's arrest for attempting to murder the Duke of Ferrara, an episode that was widely documented.Footnote 116 It underscores the loneliness of the years she spent in her husband's palazzo in Fratta.Footnote 117 Despite her wretched circumstances, we learn in the Panegirici that through her virtue and intelligence Gonzaga was able to make of Fratta an “earthly paradise,” a haven of literature, culture, and even political debate, presumably through the cenacolo she helped organize and host: “Every time I pass through Fratta, gentlemen, it seems to me that I go to an earthly paradise, so numerous are the consolations I feel upon hearing her read with perfect Roman pronunciation, and hearing her discuss matters of state with a wisdom worthy of ancient Athens.”Footnote 118 Using a technique characteristic of many of his works, including the Valorose donne, Lando compares Gonzaga throughout the Panegirici to long catalogues of famous women. Gonzaga equals or outshines them all. In the words of the author, this is a portrait of female virtue to rival any produced by the most famous artists, “the portrait of the most singular woman I have ever known: nor was it created by the brush of Michelangelo or Titian, but by the pen of a writer who is the enemy of lies and flattery, and a stranger, more than any other, to every passion.”Footnote 119 It is, therefore, one in which Lando's role as writer and Gonzaga's as muse and model are of equal import.
If the Panegirici writes the exemplary biography of Gonzaga, Lando's Dialogo on scripture recounts the story of her spiritual development. Previously, in the Vera tranquillità dell'animo, Lando had granted to Isabella Sforza the role of spiritual advisor. Now, in the role of the guide Philalete, he relocates himself, assuming an increased masculine authority while also positioning Gonzaga as a student worthy to take up the mantle of religious reform subsequent to his instruction. In a kind of Socratic dialogue, Philalete counsels Lucrezia on points including the interpretation and centrality of the Gospels, criticism of religious ritual, and justification by faith alone. He explains, for example, that “all the faithful are priests of the inner priesthood, and not the external. You will learn that neither words, nor miracles, nor ceremonies make us Christians, but only the renewal of our true life.”Footnote 120 He urges her to study no other text but scripture, and praises the community of the elect. These were all ideas that circulated in the heterodox religious culture of Italy in these years, and women were deeply involved in their dissemination, as seen in the linking of Isabella Sforza to the Vera tranquillità dell'animo. Models for the theological dialogue between Philalete and Lucrezia can be found in earlier works that center on conversations between a male religious counselor and a female disciple, for example, Bernardino Ochino's Dialogi sette with Caterina Cibo or (perhaps a closer model) the Alfabeto Cristiano, a dialogue between Juan de Valdés and Giulia Gonzaga, major figures in the spirituali movement. Like the dialogue of Philalete and Lucrezia, the Alfabeto cristiano, published in 1545, emphasizes the interiority of faith and draws its narrative power from the real friendship between the interlocutors.Footnote 121 As Robin maintains, one might view Giulia, whose conversations figure so centrally in the dialogue, as the coauthor, with Valdés, of this work, for her persona and reputation are central to the way in which this text produces meaning.Footnote 122 We might say the same for Lando's Dialogo, which is ostensibly founded upon his own conversations with Lucrezia, emphasizing her ability to grasp complex issues of faith despite her young age and her sex.Footnote 123 The volume marks the transformation of Gonzaga from a woman of merely literary authority, adept in the study of classical and humanist texts, to one of spiritual and moral authority, who now renounces any text other than the Gospels. The Dialogo on scripture establishes Gonzaga's religious and spiritual reputation, offering a portrait of Gonzaga that both complements and expands upon that painted by the Panegirici.
Following her appearance in the Panegirici and the Dialogo on scripture — in addition to the fame she had acquired in chronicles describing Manfrone's arrest — Gonzaga's reputation was sufficiently established to ensure that her Lettere would find an audience. In fact, the Lettere elaborate on many of the themes addressed in the Panegirici and in the dialogue on the Sacre Scritture, enveloping heterodox religious points, such as justification through faith alone and the primacy of scripture, within the narrative frame of Manfrone's apprehension by the duke's men and Gonzaga's efforts to free him. Given the unsympathetic portrait they provide, it is no accident that the letters appeared in 1552, the year of Manfrone's death: freed from the weight of her imprisoned husband's reputation, Gonzaga could now publicly affirm the negative place he had earned in the popular imagination without undermining her own status as a faithful and admirable wife. Indeed, the story of Manfrone's arrest and imprisonment was well known, described in contemporary chronicles and canzonieri. For example, the Rime of Pier Francesco Bertioli da Ostiglia, who was accused of conspiring with Manfrone, offered a poetic account of the episode that circulated with a detailed gloss by Andrea Alciato between 1546 and 1549. In a series of twelve Petrarchan sonnets, Bertioli described Manfrone's plot and his own capture, seeking to justify, through verse, his betrayal of Manfrone under torture, as in sonnet 2, which explains, “I was led to Ferrara and to torture / that I might tell what I knew, and tell the truth,” and again in sonnet 9, “The sentence was justly passed, / That Manfrone should lose his head, / and that to me be granted liberty, / the liberty I dearly longed for.”Footnote 124 Other accounts, from Rodi's Annuali di Ferrara to that of the doctor who treated the duke after Manfrone's first attempt on his life, provided other details of the episode.Footnote 125 What Gonzaga's Lettere add to the story is a record of her own agency, born on Manfrone's behalf but transformed into a true literary project, one that fitted neatly into the prevailing sixteenth-century fashion for vernacular letterbooks. Manfrone's disgrace motivates Gonzaga to write letters, out of feminine duty and as a consolatory endeavor, offsetting any suggestion of audacity in the publication of a volume of personal correspondence. For example, in the very first letter of the collection, Gonzaga tells her sister-in-law Emilia — wife of Gonzaga's brother Carlo, Count of Sanmartino — that only through study can she forget her unhappiness; writing itself she describes as a defense against the blows of fortune: “I can find few remedies capable of freeing my heart from the many troubles that gather around it . . . I try to spend a good part of the time in study . . . in order to outwit the grief that presses on me so heavily . . . but if my fortune will not change, either of its own accord or that of others, I will change it myself, aware from long experience that it is useless to struggle with it, and if I cannot fight against it with deeds, at least I can fight it with words and I give some vent to my grief by lamenting it.”Footnote 126 The literary trope of writing as consolation — via the saga of Manfrone's arrest, imprisonment, and death — is thus enlisted to frame Gonzaga's act of authorial self-assertion in publishing a book of lettere familiari, not unlike Vittoria Colonna's poems mourning her own husband (albeit in different circumstances) some years earlier. The true subject of these letters, however, is not Manfrone's disgrace or death, but rather Gonzaga's own efforts to define herself as a literary figure and to articulate her deeply felt religious views. Her epistolary self-presentation as a long-suffering, devoted wife functions as the outward justification for another kind of literary project.
A significant part of this project concerns Gonzaga's efforts to gain legitimacy as a literary figure — both a writer and a critic — as evidenced by her network of correspondents, which includes so many of the Pastori frattegiani. However, in keeping with the portrait painted in Lando's Dialogo and with what we know about Gonzaga's real involvement with heterodox culture, the Lettere reveal a deeper subtext of spiritualismo, one that links Gonzaga not only to the views of Lando, but to those of Valdés, Ochino, and many others. In one letter, for example, Gonzaga makes the point that faith, not pilgrimage — that is, works or ritual — brings us closer to God: “if you wish to be a Christian, you needn't have constant pilgrimage to all the holy places as your primary goal. Not that I condemn such a goal, but I tell you truly that faith is the only door to Christ, and it is better to study his scripture that was inspired by his spirit.”Footnote 127 Repeatedly, Gonzaga's letters on scripture implicitly and explicitly locate the writer within a community of elect souls, those who have embarked on the true road to Christ, further situating the Lettere within the criteria of evangelist letter collections.Footnote 128 This spiritual positioning is evident in a letter to Francesco Carrettona describing the joys of true faith. “Do you wish to taste true joy? Taste the happiness of a pure conscience,” Gonzaga advises. “Do you wish to sample the most exquisite victuals there are? Sample them in the study of holy scripture. Do you wish to experience the warmest and most welcoming company there is? Experience the community of the faithful and the gathering of the righteous.”Footnote 129 Clearly, the “community of the faithful” and the “gathering of the righteous” constitute a group of God's elect of which Gonzaga feels she is a part and for whom she is authorized to speak. Similarly, Gonzaga reprimands an anonymous correspondent for not respecting God or his elect, thus excluding him from that group while including herself. A letter to Thomaso Ferufino refers to the small but select group of Christ's true followers: “following Christ may appeal to few, but those few will be esteemed the best.”Footnote 130
Gonzaga takes pains to justify herself as a woman possessed of the moral authority to speak on religious matters. In one of several letters that offers guidance and criticism to religious leaders, she confidently assures her correspondent that when he hears a certain “fra Cherubino” preach, “you will say that Lucrezia Gonzaga not only knows how to use a [sewing] needle, but she is also a good judge of preachers.”Footnote 131 Elsewhere, she acts as an advisor to fra Giovanfrancesco Libertà Trevigiano, encouraging him to continue composing his “learned” and “devout” sermons devoted to the teachings of the Gospels.Footnote 132 Another letter responds to her sister Camilla's doubts about how best to pray to God, thus assuming a position of authority over a cloistered nun.Footnote 133 Gonzaga advises Camilla to be heartfelt, but not overly lengthy, in her prayers, citing the words of Paul (a touchstone for Italian evangelism): “Paul praises five words, more than ten thousand that are offered only with the lips and not understood.”Footnote 134
Finally, in addition to reiterating the religious views expressed in the previous letters, a letter explaining how to draw closer to Christ may provide a key to interpreting the moral letters we have discussed here. To be “with Christ,” Gonzaga declares, we must leave behind all vice: “We must abandon ambition, pride, sloth, delight, pleasure, lust, unbridled desires, and dishonest appetites.”Footnote 135 Thus the letters on vice in the volume that deal with precisely these issues of ambition, pride, and lust, as well as the story of Manfrone, which functions as a kind of morality tale, not only set up Gonzaga as a moral figure attempting to guide her readers by turning them away from such vices, but also fit into her larger spiritual consciousness. To be part of the elect means to transcend these vices. The moral and spiritual letters are intertwined, mutually ancillary aspects of Gonzaga's epistolario.
The religious aspect of Gonzaga's letters is central to our understanding of the volume as a whole, for together with the narrative and literary elements, it constitutes the third of three principal threads — autobiographical, literary, and spiritual — that together form Gonzaga's epistolary persona. These compositions not only help us to understand better where Gonzaga stood within the complex, shifting territory of religious debate in the early 1550s, but they also shed further light on her objectives for the published volume. Not only did Gonzaga's letterbook aim to create an enduring public representation of its author, it also sought to disseminate her religious convictions through the popular new vehicle of the vernacular letterbook. Finally, the religious content of Gonzaga's letters links her to Lando and to their literary and spiritual partnership. The ideas she expresses that privilege scripture, justification by faith, and the community of the elect are all present in Lando's Dialogo on scripture. There Gonzaga plays the role of a student, bright and well educated, but obediently led by her teacher. In the epistolario she has become the teacher, assuming the active role played by many women within the evangelist movement in Italy. Lando's clear fascination with Gonzaga, as demonstrated by his representation of her in the Valorose donne, the Dialogo, and the Panegirici, suggests that her Lettere might be seen as part of a broader Landian project to promote Gonzaga and, through her, his own religious views. At the same time, however, it is difficult to separate Lando's views from Gonzaga's, for they shared a common interest in evangelism as well as in literature, the former attested to by Gonzaga's later Inquistion trial, the latter by the praise of her contemporaries. As the nineteenth-century critic Pietro Ferri judiciously pointed out, it is unlikely that the precise degree of Lando's intervention (or lack thereof) in Gonzaga's text can ever be definitively known.Footnote 136 A more productive way of thinking about Gonzaga's letters is to see them in the context of a broader partnership between her and Lando, one that unfolded against the backdrop of early modern Italian evangelismo. Rather than diminish Gonzaga's literary agency, such a collaboration can help us to refine our ideas about authorship and book production in the sixteenth century.
To return to our original question, then, does the sex of a text matter? In an article on female impersonations in English Renaissance literature, Elizabeth D. Harvey writes that “ventriloquism is an appropriation of the female voice [that] reflects and contributes to a larger cultural silencing of women.”Footnote 137 That is, when male writers write as women, they speak for them, substituting the authentic speech of women with the views of male society. At the same time, however, such cases of ventriloquism illustrate the fundamentally artificial nature of gender distinctions, as Harvey (following Judith Butler) goes on to argue. When assuming a gendered persona, deliberately or otherwise, all authors, male and female, variously assume, incorporate, challenge, and subvert cultural conventions and notions regarding gender. In the case of Ortensio Lando's adoption of the persona of Lucrezia Gonzaga, whether in the Valorose donne or in the Panegirici and the Dialogo, what appears most significant is the way that this persona is made to exemplify ideal feminine virtues and a particular religious sensibility. When coupled with Gonzaga's own Lettere, a deeper layer of Lando's appropriation is revealed, demonstrating it to be not an act of silencing, but rather one of giving voice, a dynamic collaboration between literary and spiritual partners, with Gonzaga contributing actively to the construction of her own literary persona. Initially undertaken by Lando, the project of establishing Gonzaga's literary, moral, and spiritual reputation shifts to Gonzaga herself. The resulting epistolary portrait demonstrates not only how gender could be performed in the epistolary context, with Lucrezia Gonzaga's persona functioning as a model of exemplary womanhood, but also, and most importantly, how sixteenth-century texts were so often born not of the efforts of a single author, but from the influence and cooperation of individuals linked to one another by common literarary, cultural, and religious vews.
Appendix: Selected Letters by Lucrezia Gonzaga (with a Letter by Giampaolo Manfrone)Footnote 138
List of Letters by Location:
1. Archivio di Stato di Modena (ASMo):
Cancelleria Ducale, Archivio per materie, Condottieri, b. 2: two letters to Giampaolo Manfrone
Cancelleria Ducale, Archivio per materie, Letterati, b. 24: one letter to Duke Ercole II d'Este
Cancelleria Ducale, Particolari, Gonzaga, b. 818: two letters to Paolo Quaresima
2. Biblioteca Estense, Modena
Autografoteca Campori, “Lucrezia Gonzaga”: five letters written from a convent in Bozzolo to Vespasiano Gonzaga and his circle; one letter written from Mantua to Raniero de' Ranieri, also in Vespasiano's circle
3. Archivio di Stato di Mantova (ASM):
Archivio Gonzaga, b. 2578, fols. 370–71: one letter to her sister [Isabella?] regarding the Inquisition's suspicions about Lucrezia
Archivio Gonzaga, b. 2578, c. 371: one letter of consolation to the Duchess of Mantua
Selected Letters:
I. Lucrezia Gonzaga to Giampaolo Manfrone, 22 November 1546Footnote 139 (ASMo, Cancelleria Ducale, Archivio per materie, Condottieri, b. 2. Fortebraccio Manfrone)
Illustrissimo Signor Consorte et Signor mio honorandissimo
Per la litera de mesere Marcello la inte[n]derà la causa dela mia venuta in Venetia, et ancho la saperà quello che si è operato et si spera di operare per util et honore de Vostra Signoria. Non starò replicharlo altramente. Li dirò sol questo, che la stii di bon animo et gubernasi benne et stia sanna, che il signor Idio provederà al tutto et che serà — ora mai — il tempo che anchora nui habiamo benne. Sonno stata dalla signora vostra matre et quella mi ha fatto asaisimi careze et alla putina tante del mondo. La signora sua cia sta bene et senpre siamo insieme salvo che la note, et usa ogni opera per aiuto dele cose dela Signoria Vostra et se areco[r]da per infenite vol[t]e; et io con tutto il core mi racomando et basio le mane, et il simile la Isabella, qual sta benne et se atrova qui mecho. Di Venetia alli 22 di novenbrio del xxxx6.
Di Vostra illustrissima Signoria amorevole consorte et serva, Lucretia Gonzaga de Manfroni
Most illustrious Lord Husband and my most honored Lord
From messer Marcello'sFootnote 140 letter, you will understand the reason for my coming to Venice, and you will also discover what was accomplished and what one hopes to accomplish for the welfare and honor of Your Lordship. I won't explain further. I will say only this: that you must be of good spirit and look after yourself and be well, for the lord God will see to everything, and it will be — soon — time for good to come to us once more. I saw your lady mother and she showered me and the little one with affection. Your lady aunt is well and we are always together but for the nighttime, and she is doing everything to help Your Lordship and she sends her greetings a thousand times; and I commend myself to you with all my heart and kiss your hands, as does Isabella, who is well and is here with me. Venice, 22 November, xxxx6.
Your illustrious Lordship's loving wife and servant, Lucretia Gonzaga Manfroni
II. Giampaolo Manfrone to Lucrezia Gonzaga [no date] (ASMo, Cancelleria Ducale, Archivio per materie, Condottiere, b. 1)
Illustrissima Signora Consorte et Signora mia osservandissima
Ho visto la lettera dela Signoria Vostra in risposta dela mia circa al maravigliarsi che non voglia a modo alcuno che la vadi a Venetia, al che li replico il medesmo et la suplico attender a governar casa sua et non creder per niente che la sia pazia, ma non si può dir ogni cosa. Così vollesse Dio che un buon focco ardesse quella casa dalla Frata et l'aqua di Pò annegasse quel pocco che ci è restato, che havrei speranza de uscir vivo de qui et di vederla in breve. Le riputation sono bone et li honori et utilli a chi è libero et io le desidero più che la vita, ma in man de chi si sia non giova niente; et Vostra Signoria non penssasse de procurar l'honor alla casa in un modo et lo perdesse in un altro, tanto più che ci vego difficultà in far niuna cosa bona sí per essere la Signoria Vostra incerta dela vita mia sí per saper quanti expressissimi torti mi hano fati quella illustrissima signoria. La Signoria Vostra non voglia far come quelli che pescano cum l'hamo d'oro, che perdono più in una volta che non guadagnano in cento. Attendi Vostra Signoria cum ogni possibil mezo a farmi liberar allo eccellentissimo signor Ducca se si puol, se non mi contenteria de morir più presto, [ove] ne sentiria magior grado, et anche mi facesse uscir de tante pene ho qui, che star in questi tormenti, perchè uscendo ruinato mi bisognarà far come dicce quel verso del Petrarcha certissimo. Io li bascio le mani et me li raccomando cosí alla signora Julia et alle putine et la supplico governar la sua casa et figlioli et veder se li è verso placcar il core del signor Ducca de Ferrara cum qualche buoni mezi. Se non, la non attendi a consigli de Marcello in questo caso ma al mio, perchè la va per mi, et di novo li bascio le mani.
Di Vostra Signoria Illustrissima servitor et consorte,
Giovan Paulo Fortebraccio Manfron
Io non dicco che potendo Vostra Signoria rimediar alla ruina dela casa et darmi la vita, non andando però a Vinetia, lei non lo debi far. Vostra Signoria è savia; la intendo et scio che la mi ama.
La Signoria Vostra manda deli pagini bianchi et mi avisi due rige almeno et spesso del ben star suo, per l'amore de Dio.
Most illustrious Lady Wife and my most honored Lady
I saw Your Ladyship's letter in response to my own regarding your surprise that I should not wish you to to go to Venice under any circumstances; to which I offer the same reply and I beg you to attend to your household and not to believe for a moment that this is folly, but one can't say every single thing. Would to God that a great fire might engulf that house in Fratta and that the waters of the Po drown what little is left to us, for I could hope to leave here alive and see you again soon. Reputations and honor are good and useful to one who is free, and these I desire more than life, but in the hands of just anyone they serve no purpose, and Your Ladyship must not think to procure our house's honor in one way while losing it in another, the more so since I see it will be difficult to accomplish anything useful, Your Ladyship being uncertain as to my fate and knowing how many clear wrongs that most illustrious signoria has done me. Your Ladyship must not do like those who in fishing with bait of gold lose more in one try than they earn in a hundred. Your Ladyship must attempt with every possible means to secure my freedom from the most excellent lord Duke if it is possible, if he will not grant me the satisfaction of dying quickly, which would please me the most, and it would also allow me to escape the great suffering I have here, rather than remain in torment, for in leaving as a ruined man, I will certainly have to do as it says in that verse by Petrarch. I kiss your hands and I commend myself to you and also to lady Julia and to the little girls and I beg you to tend to your household and children and to see if there is any way to placate the heart of the Duke of Ferrara by some honorable means. If not, do not heed the counsel of Marcello in this matter, but my own, because you are doing it for me, and I kiss your hands once more.
Your most illustrious Ladyship's servant and husband,
Giovan Paulo Fortebraccio Manfron
I do not say that, if Your Ladyship is able to put right the ruin of our house and grant me my life (without going to Venice, however), that you should not do so. Your Ladyship is wise; I understand this and I know that you love me.
Your Ladyship must send me some blank pages and at least a few lines, regularly, apprising me as to your welfare, for the love of God.
III. Lucrezia Gonzaga to Duke Ercole II d'Este of Ferrara, 1 June 1550 (ASMo, Cancelleria Ducale, Archivio per materie, Letterati, b. 24)
Illustrissimo et eccellentissimo Signor mio osservandissimo
Fra li molti affanni dove mi attrovo, questo conforto mi resta: che dependendo la somma de le miserie mie da la volontà di Vostra Eccellenza, ho d'assicurarmi che essendo lei piena non men di clementia, che di giustitia, non potrà co [ . . . ] che non sia un giorno dato fine a le tante mie tribulationi, et se mirando ne la sua infinita bontà, sento questa speranza che non mi può [ . . . ] maggiormente mi confermo che la non sia per comportare che a le p[resenti af]litioni mie sotto ombra sua me si aggiugna per li sudditi suoi ingiuria et danno. Il Conte Lorenzo Roverella, suddito di Vostra Eccellenza, vedendo ove s'atrova il consorte mio, ha presa occasione di far intendere al fattor mio da la Costa, et a li miei lavoratori, che si levino dal mio servitio se non che li farà amazzare. Io come parente sua, et come quella che desidero esserli amica, li ho scritto et pregatolo con ogni humanità che non vogli vessarmi, né darmi maggior travaglio che mi habbi. Non ha voluto riscrivermi, ma ha mandato il Capitano Baldessara Avogadro, qualle in risposta mi ha usato parolle che mi confermano l'animo suo esser tale quale ha fatto intendere a li lavoratori et fattor mio; il che inteso, non ho voluto voltarmi altrove ch'a la bontà infinita di Vostra Eccellenza, la qualle è suo prencipe et mio signore, et con quella maggior humiltà che si conviene, la sopplico che per giustitia et per pietà se degni cometter ad esso Conte Lorenzo che non mi travagli né mi aggiugna maggior affanno, che so bene che ad un minimo cenno di Lei sarà obbedientissimo; con che facendo fine, le bascio inchinevolmente le manni, et prego il signor Iddio che l'illustrissima sua perssona conservi. Dalla Fratta il primo giugno M.D.L.
Di Vostra illustrissima et eccellentissima Signoria affetionatisima serva,
Lucretia Gonzaga Manfrona
To my most illustrious and excellent honored Lord,
Amid the many troubles in which I find myself, I still have this comfort: that, the sum of my misery depending on the will of Your Excellency, I may be assured that you, being no less full of clemency than justice, will not [ . . . ] that one day an end may be put to my tribulations, and if in looking to your infinite goodness, I feel such hope that cannot [ . . . ] I am the more certain that you will not permit that your subjects should add injury and damage to the pain and afflictions I now suffer under your protection. Your Excellency's subject Count Lorenzo Roverella,Footnote 141 seeing where my spouse finds himself, seized the occasion to warn my bailiff at La Costa, along with my workers, that they should leave my service or he will have them killed. As his relative, and as one who wishes to be his friend, I wrote to him and begged him for humanity's sake not to vex me, nor bring me more trouble than what I have. He chose not to write back, but sent Captain Baldessara Avogadro, who in response used words that confirmed to me that his mind is set exactly as he expressed it to my workers and my bailiff. Once I heard this, I thought of turning nowhere else but to the infinite goodness of Your Excellency, his prince and my lord, and with that great humility that is proper, I beg that for the sake of justice and compassion you deign to instruct this Count Lorenzo not to bother me nor add to my difficulties, for I well know that at the slightest sign from you, he will be most obedient; with which, in conclusion, I bow to kiss your hands, and beg the Lord God preserve your illustrious person. Fratta, the first of June, 1550.
Your illustrious and excellent Lordship's most affectionate servant, Lucretia Gonzaga Manfrona
IV. Lucrezia Gonzaga to Vespasiano Gonzaga, 9 October 1555Footnote 142 (Biblioteca Estense, Modena, Autografoteca Campori, Gonzaga)
Illustrissimo et Eccellentissimo Signore et Patrone mio osservandissimo,
Havendo intenso che Vostra Eccellentia è ritornata dal campo cesareo, m'è parso con questa mia pistola visitarla, fargli reverentia, et bassciargli le mani, poi che presentialmente non m'è concesso il comodo; et havendo inteso lei esser tornata sana, sia lodato il nostro signor Iddio qual sempre se degni haver soa protettione et guidarla de bene in meglio. Eccellentissimo signor mio, già sonno tre anni che io son confinata in questo loco, et hormai saria tempo che Vostra Eccellentia me ne liberasse, d'il ché humilmente ne la supplico, che certamente oltra alla passione che ne la persona mia patisco, altretanto me dole del disturbo et dano che patise queste reverende madri et tutto il monasterio per me, perhò di novo la supplico haver compassione et di me, et de questo povero monastero, acciò che il nostro signor Iddio gli doni ancor a lei ciò che dessia; et perchè spero esser de ciò esaudita, non gli chiederò per hora de le cose che ne ho grandissimo bisogno, et cosí di nuovo le bassio le mani. Da Bozzolo, il 9 de ottobre, 1555.
Di Vostra Illustrissima et Eccellentissima Signoria humil serva, Lucretia Gonzaga
Most illustrious and excellent Lord and my honored Patron,
Having learned of Your Excellency's return from the Caesarean camp, I thought with this letter to greet you, honor you, and kiss your hands, since I have not the luxury of doing so in person; and having learned that you returned safely, may our lord God be praised, and may he always deign to protect you and guide you from good things to better. My most excellent Lord, three years have already passed since I was confined to this place, and now it is time that Your Excellency free me from here, for which I humbly entreat you; for in addition to the suffering I experience myself, I also regret the inconvenience and trouble experienced by these reverend mothers and by the entire convent on my behalf. Once again, therefore, I beg you to have compassion for me and for this poor convent, so that our lord God may grant you what you desire; and because I hope to have my wish granted, I will not ask you now for those things I so greatly need, and thus I kiss your hands again. From Bozzolo, 9 October, 1555.
Your most illustrious and excellent Lordship's humble servant, Lucretia Gonzaga
V. Lucrezia Gonzaga to Paulo Quaresima, 29 October 1555 (ASMo, Cancelleria Ducale, Particolari, Gonzaga)Footnote 143
Magnifico amicho honorando,
Tanto ho da dir che cominciar non oso. Che diavolo di puocho amore sie il vostro star dui mesi et mai scrivermi; forsi che non sapete le vostre lettere esermi carissime et forsi che vi puotete di me duoler che già molti giorni non habia risposto a tute le vostre? Di gratia scrivetemi ciò che fate et quel che si fa dellí et quanto vi mancharà sugetto scrivetemi li vostri amori. So pur che vi deve occorer mile belle cose, tanto magiormente che ho inteso da un gentilhomo che sete a buone mani et che havete chi vi tien al segno. Mi piace, adeso non vi lamentarete, ma langueendo viverete lieto. Beato voi che prima sete fato dotore che inamorato. So che Bartol sarebbe andato a spaso; non crederò però mai che tanto vi siate datto in preda ad amore che vi habiate scordato di me che vi son tanto amicha. Credo che 'l non mi scrivere proceda da eser ocupato circha maioris. Qua non occore cosa né bella né buona; a Ferrara ogni dí ve ne acascha. Avisatemene, che vi risponderò. Raccomandateme al signor Vespasiano Gualengo et avisatime s'el Ruberti sie dellí che li voglio scrivere. State sano, che Iddio vi concieda ciò che desiderate. Di Mantua alli 29 ottobrio 1555.
Vostra amicissima Lucretia Gonzaga
Magnificent and honored friend,
I have so much to say to you that I dare not begin. What sort of devilish indifference is this, your going two months and never writing to me? Perhaps you do not know that your letters are most dear to me, and perhaps you are upset that many days have passed already without my responding to all of yours? Kindly write to me about what you are doing and what is going on there, and if you should lack for a subject, write to me about your love life. Indeed I am certain that a thousand nice things must happen to you, especially since I learned from a gentleman that you are in good hands and that you have someone to keep you in line. I am glad; now you will not complain, but in languor you will be content. Lucky you, to have earned your degree before falling in love. I know that Bartol would have lost himself to diversion, but I will not believe that you have given yourself up to love so completely that you have forgotten me, your dear friend. I believe that you do not write because you are occupied with weightier matters. Here nothing interesting nor good is happening; at Ferrara something happens every day. Write to me about it, for I will answer you. Give my regards to signor Vespasiano Gualengo and let me know if Ruberti is there, as I wish to write to him. Be well, may God grant you what you desire. Mantua, 29 October 1555.
Your dear friend, Lucretia Gonzaga
VI. Lucrezia Gonzaga to her sister, 27 August 1567 (see fig. 1)Footnote 144 (ASM, Archivio Gonzaga, b. 2578, fols. 370–71)
Illustrissima Signora Sorella et mia Signora osservandissima
Vostra Signoria si può molto ben raccordare che parlando seco di quei rumori che andavano in volta per conto dell'Inquisitione io restavo maraviliata et stupefata ch'io fosse stata nominata in cosa talle, essendo come in fatti sono tanto lontana da questi pensieri et da queste pratiche, né mi saprei imaginare in cent'anni chi potesse esser stato chi mi havese acusato perch'io non parlai mai de sugeto partinente a Inquisitione, se per sorte non havessi per abondanaza di parole, come si fa, deto qualche cosa; ma mancho di messer Camillo Olivo che d'altro homo di questo mondo haverei potuto dubitare che havesse fato tal uficio, perché non trato con lui et non lo vego mai et so certo che mai di simil cosa gli parlai, et Vostra Signoria creda certo che s'io havesse hauto una minima sintila di suspicione di lui ch'io gli l'haverei deto come gli [h]o detto tute le altre cose che sono passate in torno a questo negocio. Et ho messer Camillo per tanto homo da bene oltra alli molti rispeti che concoreno in questo particulare che mi rendo secura ch'esso non haveria mai pensato di farmi offesa. Prego donque Vostra Signoria farmi gratia di farli sapere ch'io non ho tal oppinione di lui et che lo tengo per amico. Di quelle altre signore non so che me ne debba dire perché non ho parlato loro di questo particolare, né so il suo pensiero. Come le vega non mancarò per servir a Vostra Signoria et far apiacer a messer Camilo di desenganarle se conoserò che habbiano tal oppinione contro di lui. Le rimando la lettera et gli basio le mani, pregando nostro Signor Dio la guardi sempre. Di Mantua alli 27 agosto 1567.
Figure 1 Letter from Lucrezia Gonzaga to her sister, 27 August 1567. Archivio di Stato di Mantova, Archivio Gonzaga, b. 2578, fols. 370–71. (See Appendix, letter VI.) By permission of the Archivio di Stato di Mantova.
Di Vostra Signoria Illustrissima sorella et serva, Lucretia Gonzaga
Most illustrious Lady Sister and my honored Lady
Your Ladyship may well remember that, in speaking of those rumors that were being circulated by the Inquisition, I was amazed and astonished to have been named in such a matter, being, as in fact I am, so far from these thoughts and from these practices that in a hundred years I would not be able to imagine who it could have been to have accused me, because I never spoke about any subject relating to the Inquisition, unless by chance, in talking too much, as happens, I may have said something. Nor would I suspect messer Camillo Olivo or any other man alive of having done such a thing, for I have no dealings with him and I never see him and I know for certain that I never spoke to him of such a thing, and Your Ladyship may be certain that if I had even the smallest spark of suspicion about him I would have told you, as I have told you every other detail regarding this business. And I consider messer Camillo such a good man aside from the many details related to this matter that I am sure that he would never have thought to harm me. Therefore I pray Your Ladyship to do me the favor of informing him that I do believe this of him, and that I consider him a friend. With regard to those other ladies, I don't know what to say about them since I have not spoken to them about this matter, nor do I know their thoughts. When I see them I will not fail to serve Your Ladyship and please Messer Camilo by setting them right if I should find that they have such an opinion about him. I am sending the letter back to you and I kiss your hands, praying our Lord God watch over you always. Mantua, 27 August 1567.
Your most illustrious Ladyship's sister and servant, Lucretia Gonzaga
VII. Lucrezia Gonzaga to the Duchess of Mantua, 9 April 1567 (ASM, Archivio Gonzaga, 2578, fol. 370)
Serenissima Signora mia Patrona et Signora
Infinito è stato il dolore ch'io ho sentito del caso della serenissima signora Principessa Margaritta, che sia in gloria, per la gran perdita che ha fatto il Mondo, et per l'affanno estremo ch'io so che Vostra Altezza deve sentire; nondimeno, poiché cosí è stata voluntà di Nostro Signore Dio, mi confido che Vostra Altezza colla sua prudenza mittigarà la passione conformandosi col divino volere. Et io con questo humilmente le bacio le mani dell'essersi degnata di farm partecipe de suoi dispiaceri, et nella sua felice grazia mi raccomando quanto posso. Da Mantova alli ix di Aprille del MDlxvij.
Di Vostra Altezza humilissima serva, Lucretia Gonzaga
My Most Serene Lady and Patron,
The grief I felt upon hearing about the most serene lady princess Margaritta, may she be in glory, was infinite, both for the great loss to the World, and for the extreme pain that I know Your Highness must feel; nonetheless, since this was the will of our Lord God, I am confident that Your Highness, in your prudence, will mitigate your suffering by conforming to divine will. And with this, I humbly kiss your hands to thank you for deigning to share your troubles with me, and commend myself to your grace. Mantua, 9 April 1567.
Your Highness's humble servant, Lucretia Gonzaga