Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 June 2005
Foliar transfer of transuranium elements had not received the same attention as other long-lived radionuclides, such as the well-known classical fission products Cs and Sr. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the foliar transfer parameters of 241Am and $^{239,240}$Pu with those of 137Cs and 85Sr. Bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) at flowering development stage were contaminated by soaking their first two trifoliate leaves for 3 hours in a solution containing 241Am, $^{239,240}$
Pu, or 137Cs and 85Sr. Results showed that transuranium elements were more retained by leaves than Cs or Sr. The mean leave-to-pod translocation factor of Am was of the same order as that of Sr, showing that the behaviour of Am was close to the behaviour of Sr. Translocation of Pu was significantly lower than for Cs, Sr or Am and occurred preferentially in leaves. Differential mobility of Am, Pu, Cs and Sr were compared to those used in related studies. Comparison showed that, when specific values of representative radioecological parameters are lacking, the behaviour of Am and Pu towards foliar transfer may be conservatively described as “Sr-like".