Call for papers on Quantitative approaches to cellular aspects of plant ion homeostasis
Remarkable advances over the last decades have succeeded in identifying and characterizing the properties and cellular locations of multiple plant ion transporters. We believe that it is now timely to consolidate this knowledge to enhance our understanding of how intracellular ion concentrations are regulated, especially in the context of set points and feedback systems that are often environmentally dependent.
This special collection aims to explore and comment on homeostasis at a mechanistic level. We would welcome contributions to include thoughts on where current gaps in our understanding lie, and where those gaps might be filled through future research. We have already invited a set of mini reviews and are looking for a set of research papers to complement these.
Your paper will go through peer review and we encourage you to contact Alison Paskins ( if you want to discuss your submission.
Accepted articles will be promoted through social media, and we will be offering all authors the opportunity to take part in a webinar dedicated to this special collection (including a presentation for each paper and a Q&A session).
**AI Image by DALLE
Guest Editors:
Dale Sanders, University of York, UK
Ingo Dreyer, Center for Bioinformatics, Simulations and Modelling (CBSM), Universidad de Talca, Chile