Formed: 1983 / Dues: $25
This section plans, develops, and implements professional activities for association members with interests in federalism, intergovernmental relations, and state and local government.∼federalism/
Chair: Ann Bowman, Texas A&M University
Secretary: Michael Hail, Morehead State University
Treasurer: Michael Hail, Morehead State University
Editor:Publius: The Journal of Federalism: Carol Weissert, Florida State University
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Eric Zeemering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Executive Council: Paul Manna, College of William & Mary; Gordon Shockley, Arizona State University; Liesbet Hooghe, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Martha Derthick Book Award
Conferred for the best book on federalism and intergovernmental relations published at least 10 years ago that has made a lasting contribution to the study of federalism and intergovernmental relations.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Deil S. Wright Best Paper Award
Conferred for the best paper in the field of federalism and intergovernmental relations presented at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Daniel Elazar Distinguished Federalism Scholar Award
Recognizes distinguished scholarly contributions to the study of federalism and intergovernmental relations.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
African Politics Conference Group (44)
Canadian Politics (40)
Comparative Democratization (35)
Comparative Politics (20)
Conflict Processes (7)
Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior (32)
European Politics and Society (21)
Experimental Research (42)
Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations (1)
Foreign Policy (31)
Foundations of Political Theory (17)
Health Politics and Policy(39)
Human Rights (36)
Information Technology and Politics (18)
International Politics and History (34)
International Security and Arms Control (19)
Law and Courts (2)
Legislative Studies (3)
Migration and Citizenship (43)
New Political Science (27)
Political Communication (23)
Political Economy (25)
Political Methodology (10)
Political Networks (41)
Political Organizations and Parties (5)
Political Psychology (28)
Political Science Education (29)
Politics and History (24)
Politics, Literature, and Film (30)
Presidency Research Group (9)
Public Administration (6)
Public Policy (4)
Qualitative Methods (37)
Race, Ethnicity, and Politics (33)
Religion and Politics (11)
Representation and Electoral Politics (8)
Science, Technology, and Environmental Politics (15)
Sexuality and Politics (38)
State Politics and Policy (22)
Urban Politics (13)
Women and Politics Research (16)
Formed: 1983 / Dues: $25
This section promotes interest in teaching and research in the areas of law and the judicial process.
Chair: Gordon Silverstein, Yale University
Chair Elect: Cornell Clayton, Washington State University
Secretary: Carol Nackenoff, Swarthmore College
Treasurer: Chris Bonneau, University of Pittsburgh
Editor:Journal of Law & Courts: David Klein, University of Virginia
Law and Politics Book Review: Paul Parker, Truman State University
Editor, Law and Courts Newsletter: Todd Collins, Western Carolina University
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Virginia Hettinger, University of Connecticut
Executive Council: Ryan Owens, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Anna Law, CUNY Brooklyn College; Amy Steigerwalt, Georgia State University
Law and Courts Best Conference Paper Award
Formerly the American Judicature Society Award is given annually for the best paper on law and courts presented at the previous year’s annual meetings of the American, International, or regional political science associations. Single- and co-authored papers, written by political scientists, are eligible. Papers may be nominated by any member of the Section.
Nominations due: February 14, 2014
Award Committee: Justin Wedeking, University of Kentucky (Chair); Jonathan Chausovsky, SUNY-Fredonia; Rebecca Gill, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Law and Courts Best Graduate Student Paper Award
Formerly the CQ Press Award, the Best Graduate Student Paper Award is given annually for the best paper in the field of law and courts written by a graduate student. To be eligible, the nominated paper must have been written by a full-time graduate student. Both single- and co-authored papers are eligible. In the case of co-authored papers, each author must have been a full-time graduate student at the time the paper was written. Submitted papers may have been written for any purpose (including papers written for seminar, scholarly meetings, and for potential publication in academic journals). This is NOT, however, a dissertation or thesis prize.
Nominations due: February 15, 2014
Award Committee: Anna Kirkland, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Chair); Salmon Shomade, University of New Orleans; David Glick, Boston University
Law and Courts Best Journal Article Award
Recognizes the best journal article in the field of law and courts written by a political scientist and published during the previous calendar year (for this award cycle, this means articles published during the 2013 calendar year). Articles published in all refereed journals and in law reviews are eligible, but book reviews, review essays, and chapters published in edited volumes are not eligible. Journal editors and members of the section may nominate articles. (This award was previously known as McGraw Hill Award and as the Houghton-Mifflin Award for the Best Journal Article in the Field of Law and Courts.)
Nominations due: February 15, 2014
Award Committee: Lynda Dodd, City College of New York (CUNY) (Chair); Elizabeth Beaumont, University of Minnesota; Mark Massoud, University of California, Santa Cruz
C. Herman Pritchett Award
Given annually for the best book on law and courts written by a political scientist and published the previous year.
Nominations due: February 15, 2014
Award Committee: Christine Harrington, New York University (Chair); Mary Volcansek, Texas Christian University; Paul Frymer, Princeton University; Robert Howard, Georgia State University; Mark Miller, Clark University
Law and Courts Lifetime Achievement Award
Awarded for a lifetime of significant scholarship, teaching and service to the Law and Courts field.
Nominations due: February 15, 2014
Award Committee: Mark Graber, University of Maryland (Chair); Stefanie Lindquist, University of Georgia; Paul Collins, University of North Texas; Kim Scheppele, Princeton University; Susan Mezey, Loyola University, Chicago
Law and Courts Lasting Contribution Award
Given annually for work that stands the test of time, work that inspires long after the issue that gave rise to that work is a true mark of distinction. Each year a book or journal article, 10 years old or older, that has made a lasting impression on the field of law and courts. (From 2001 to 2007 this was titled the Wadsworth Publishing Award).
Nominations due: February 15, 2014
Award Committee: Jeffrey Segal, SUNY, Stony Brook University (Chair); Susan Sterett, University of Denver; Nicholas LaRowe, University of Southern Indiana; Justin Crowe, Williams College; Rebecca Hamlin, Grinnell College
Law and Courts Service Award
Recognizes service to the section in the literal sense, as in service on committees and in leadership positions, as well as service within the Section, as in service to the profession within the field of law and courts in the form of archiving data, promoting infrastructure, representing the profession in the media, etc.
Nominations due: February 15, 2014
Award Committee: Lee Epstein, University of Southern California (Chair); Charles Jacobs, St. Norbert College; Elliot Slotnick, Ohio State University; Rorie Spill Solberg, Oregon State University; Lydia Tiede, University of Houston
Law and Courts Teaching and Mentoring Award
Recognizes innovative teaching and instructional methods and materials in law and courts. Examples of innovations that might be recognized by this award include (but are not limited to) outstanding textbooks, websites, classroom exercises, syllabi, or other devices designed to enhance the transmission of knowledge about law and courts to undergraduate or graduate students. The Teaching and Mentoring Award is supported by a generous contribution from the Division for Public Education of the American Bar Association. The Teaching and Mentoring Award Committee also advises the Organized Section on matters related to teaching and mentoring of students and colleagues.
Nominations due: February 15, 2014
Award Committee: Nancy Scherer, Wellesley College (Chair); Matthew Ingram, SUNY, University at Albany; Milton Heumann, Rutgers University, New Brunswick; Lynn Mather, SUNY, University at Buffalo; Rachel Cichowski, University of Washinton
Formed: 1983 / Dues: $30
This section provides members with an interest in legislative processes, behavior, and representation opportunities to meet and exchange ideas.
Chair: Brian Crisp, Washington University, St. Louis
Secretary: Kristin Kanthak, University of Pittsburgh
Treasurer: Kristin Kanthak, University of Pittsburgh
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Kathryn Pearson, University of Minnesota; Scott Morgenstern, University of Pittsburgh
Executive Council: Jennifer Hayes Clark, University of Houston
Alan Rosenthal Prize
In the spirit of Alan Rosenthal’s work, this prize is dedicated to encouraging young scholars to study questions that are of importance to legislators and legislative staff and to conduct research that has the potential application to strengthening the practice of representative democracy.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Carl Albert Dissertation Award
Given annually for the best dissertation in legislative studies. Topics may be national or subnational in focus-on Congress, parliaments, state legislatures, or other representative bodies.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
CQ Press Award
For the best paper on legislative studies presented at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Jewell-Loewenberg Paper Award
For the best article in the Legislative Studies Quarterly in the previous year.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Richard F. Fenno Prize
In the tradition of Professor Fenno’s work, this prize is designed to honor work that is both theoretically and empirically strong. Moreover, this prize is dedicated to encouraging scholars to pursue new and different avenues of research in order to find answers to previously unexplored questions about the nature of politics.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Formed: 1983 / Dues: $15
This section is committed to producing rigorous empirical and theoretical knowledge of the processes and products of governing and the application of that knowledge to critical policy issues.
Chair: Richard Fording, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Chair Elect: Suzanne Mettler, Cornell University
Secretary: Edward Miller, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Treasurer: Edward Miller, University of Massachusetts, Boston
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Suzanne Mettler, Cornell University
Executive Council: Andrew Karch, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Eric Patashnik, University of Virginia; Christian Breunig, University of Konstanz
Aaron Wildavsky Enduring Contribution Award
Given for the best book or article published in the general area of public policy during the past twenty (20) plus years. The book or article should have had a major impact on the field. This award carries a $500 prize.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Best Comparative Policy Paper Award
Recognizes an article of particular distinction published in the area of comparative public policy, awarded in collaboration with the International Comparative Policy Analysis Forum. This award carries a prize of $500.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Best Poster on Public Policy Award
Given for the best paper or poster presented at the poster session at the previous APSA meeting. This award carries a prize of $500.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Best Paper on Public Policy Award
Recognizes the best paper on Public Policy given at the previous APSA Annual Meeting. This award carries a $500 prize.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Excellence in Mentoring Award
Established to recognize sustained efforts by a senior scholar to encourage and facilitate the career of emerging political scientists in the field of Public Policy. This award carries a $500 prize.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Harold Lasswell Award
Awarded annually by the American Political Science Association for the best dissertation in the field of public policy. It is co-sponsored by the Policy Studies Association and the APSA Public Policy Section. The award carries a $1,000 prize.
Nominations due: January 15, 2014
Jeffrey Pressman Award
The Jeffrey Pressman Award is awarded for the best article in Policy Studies Review
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Theodore J. Lowi Policy Studies Journal Best Article
Given to recognize an article of particular distinction published at any time in Policy Studies Journal. This award carries a prize of $500.
Nominations due: February 15, 2014
Formed: 1983 / Dues: $29
The organized section on Political Organizations and Parties works to further scholarship on American political parties, comparative political parties, and interest groups. We do this in a number of different ways. Through our meetings, workshops, newsletter, and website, we provide a means of interaction and communication for like-minded scholars. At our annual workshop at the American Political Science Association conference we work to train scholars in the use of various methods or databases, or to promote new research in a particular area. Our participation through the sections mechanism of the American Political Science Association allows us to be a voice for our members interests within APSA. We also organize the panels in our subfields for the annual APSA conference. Finally we recognize excellence in scholarship with our awards for best book, best article, best APSA paper, career achievement, and emerging scholar. We are governed by the volunteer efforts of our officers and board. Were eager to reach out in new directions so let us hear your ideas!
Chair: Marc Hetherington, Vanderbilt University
Secretary: Holly Brasher, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Treasurer: Holly Brasher, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Newsletter Editor: VOX/POP: John Green, University of Akron
Emerging Scholars Award
Given to a scholar who has received his or her Ph.D. within the last five years and whose career to date demonstrates unusual promise.
Nominations due: March 31, 2014
Award Committee: Allen Hicken, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; David Karol, University of Maryland, College Park; Margit Tavits, Washington University in St. Louis
Jack Walker Award
Recognizes an article published in the last two calendar years that makes an outstanding contribution to research and scholarship on political organizations and parties.
Nominations due: March 31, 2014
Award Committee: Daniel Coffey, University of Akron; Robert Van Houweling, University of California, Berkeley; Martin Wattenberg, University of California, Irvine
Leon Epstein Outstanding Book Award
Recognizes a book published in the last two calendar years that made an outstanding contribution to research and scholarship on political organizations and parties.
Nominations due: March 31, 2014
Award Committee: Kenneth Kollman, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Richard Skinner, American University; Lori Thorlakson, University of Alberta
POP/Party Politics Award
Recognizes the best paper delivered on a Political Organizations and Parties-sponsored panel at the preceding APSA annual meeting.
Nominations due: March 31, 2014
Samuel Eldersveld Career Achievement Award
Recognizes a scholar whose lifetime professional work has made an outstanding contribution to the field.
Nominations due: March 31, 2014
Award Committee: Kathleen Bawn, University of California, Los Angeles; Lawrence Ezrow, University of Essex; Frances Lee, University of Maryland, College Park
Formed: 1983 / Dues: $8
This section provides an arena in which individuals interested in public administration may exchange ideas, enhance their professional development, and act to ensure that activities of the APSA encompass their interests.∼pubadmin
Chair: Jared Llorens, Louisiana State University
Chair Elect: Lael Keiser, University of Missouri, Columbia
Treasurer: Gene Brewer, University of Georgia
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Jocelyn Johnston, Amercan University
Executive Council: Domonic Bearfield, Texas A&M University; Susan Miller, University of South Carolina; Manuel Teodoro, Texas A&M University
Best Article Award
Recognizes the best article published in the American Review of Public Administration.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Best Poster on Public Administration Award
Recognizes the best poster presented during the previous year’s annual meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Herbert Kaufman Award
Presented to best paper on a panel sponsored (or co-sponsored) by the Public Administration section at the 2013 APSA Annual Meeting in Chicago. The section will follow APSAs guidance on what constitutes a presented paper-papers that were uploaded to the APSA 2013 conference paper site, hosted by SSRN, or posted/presented in a virtual or alternative form (see PA Division Panels in the 2013 online program for links to such alternative presentations) are eligible for the Kaufman award.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Award Committee: Tucker Staley, University of Central Arkansas (Chair); Susan Miller, University of South Carolina; James Harrington
Herbert A. Simon Book Award
For significant contributions to public administration scholarship. Books with publication dates of 2008, 2009, and 2010 are eligible for the 2014 award. The books orientation may be qualitative, quantitative, empirical, interpretive, ethnographic, historical, archival, normative, or theoretical. However, textbooks, revised editions of previously published books, and edited volumes are not eligible.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Award Committee: Barry Bozeman, Arizona State University (Chair); Daniel Smith, New York University; Sanjay Pandey, Rutgers University, Newark; Leisha DeHart-Davis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Volcker Junior Scholar Research Grant
Invites applications and research proposals from junior scholars researching public administration issues affecting governance in the United States and abroad. Proposals will be judged on their potential to shed new light on important public administration questions, their scholarly and methodological rigor, and their promise for advancing practice and theory development. Individual grants are not renewable.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Formed: 1984 / Dues: $10
This section is a forum for the study of any and all forms of political conflict both within and between nation-states.
Chair: Brett Ashley Leeds, Rice University
Treasurer: David Carter, Princeton University
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Idean Salehyan, University of North Texas; Zaryab Iqbal, Pennsylvania State University
Executive Council: Michael Horowitz, University of Pennsylvania; Amy Yuen, Middlebury College
Best Book Award
Given annually for the best book in conflict processes that was published in the two calendar years prior to the year in which the award is given. Edited volumes and textbooks are not eligible. Nominations must be made by a member of the Conflict Processes section; self-nominations are encouraged. Nominations should be submitted to the committee chair, and a copy of the book should be sent to each member of the award committee.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Award Committee: Erica Chenoweth, University of Denver (Chair); Terrence Chapman, University of Texas, Austin; Michael Horowitz, University of Pennsylvania
Best Paper Award
Given annually for the best paper written by one or more untenured scholars (graduate students, postdocs, or faculty) and presented as part of a conflict processes sponsored panel or poster session at the previous annual meeting. Papers are eligible only if all authors are untenured at the time the paper is presented. Nominations must be made by a member of the Conflict Processes section; self-nominations are encouraged.
Award Committee: Burcu Savun, University of Pittsburgh (Chair); Kyle Beardsley, Duke University; Stephen Gent, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
J. David Singer Data Innovation Award
Given for the best data contribution to the study of any and all forms of political conflict, either within or between nation-states. Nominations must be made by a member of the Conflict Processes section; self-nominations are encouraged. This is a biennial award.
Nominations due: March 15, 2015
Lifetime Achievement Award
Given every other year in recognition of scholarly contributions that have fundamentally improved the study of conflict processes.
Nominations due: March 15, 2015
Formed: 1984 / Dues: $13
This section promotes teaching and research in the areas of representation and electoral systems, and encourages communication among persons interested in these fields within the association and with related disciplines.
Chair: Brian Crisp, Washington University, St. Louis
Secretary: Heather Stoll, University of California, Santa Barbara
Treasurer: Timothy Hellwig, Indiana University, Bloomington
Editor:Representation: Andrew Russell, University of Manchester; Stephen de Wijze, University of Manchester
Newsletter Editor: Representation and Electoral Systems Newsletter: Jean-Benoit Pilet, Universite Libre de Bruxelles; Heather Stoll, University of California, Santa Barbara; Miki Kittilson, Arizona State University
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Sven-Oliver Proksch, McGill University
Executive Council: Jessica Trounstine, University of California, Merced; Zeynep Somer-Topcu, Vanderbilt University; Emily Beaulieu, University of Kentucky; Sona Golder, Pennsylvania State University; Ignacio Lago, University Pompeu Fabra; Thomas Gschwend, University of Mannheim
George H. Hallett Award
Presented annually to the author of a book published at least 10 years ago that has made a lasting contribution to the literature on representation and electoral systems.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Lawrence Longley Award
Given for the best article published in the previous year.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Leon Weaver Award
Given for the best paper presented at the previous year’s annual meeting at a panel sponsored by the Representation and Electoral Systems Division. ** This award will not be given this year. ***
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Formed: 1985 / Dues: $10
Presidents and Executive Politics (PEP) of APSA is the premier association of scholars devoted to the study of the presidency and executives (formerly known as the Presidency Research Group). To that end, it welcomes diverse theoretical perspectives, analytical techniques, and data sources as they contribute to the advancement of scholarship and teaching. It also invites the contributions and perspectives of other disciplines. PEP values the establishment and enhancement of non-partisan links between scholarship, the real world of presidential and executive politics, and public policy.
President: Steven Schier, Carleton College
President Elect: B. Wood, Texas A&M University
Vice President: B. Wood, Texas A&M University
Secretary: Brandice Canes-Wrone, Princeton University
Treasurer: Brandice Canes-Wrone, Princeton University Newsletter Editor: PEP Report: Co-editor Justin Vaughn, Cleveland State University; Co-editor John Hudak, Brookings Institution
Executive Council: David Lewis, Vanderbilt University; Julia Azari, Marquette University; Janet Martin, Bowdoin College; Colleen Shogan, Congressional Research Service; Justin Vaughn, Cleveland State University; Wayne Steger, DePaul University; Daniel Ponder, Drury University; Karen Hult, Virginia Tech; Lara Brown, George Washington University; Matthew Miles
George C. Edwards III Dissertation Award
Given annually for the best dissertation in presidency research completed and accepted during the calendar year prior to the Annual Meeting. The recipient will receive a $250 award.
Nominations due: February 1, 2014
Award Committee: George Krause, University of Pittsburgh (Chair); Tim Johnson, Willamette University; Shirley Warshaw, Gettysburg College; John Woolley, University of California, Santa Barbara
Best Undergraduate Paper Award
Recognizes the best undergraduate paper completed in the previous two academic years. One copy of each essay should be sent directly to each committee member of the committee.
Nominations due: June 1, 2014
Award Committee: Brandon Rottinghaus, University of Houston (Chair); Julia Azari, Marquette University; Bruce Buchanan, University of Texas, Austin; Kevin McMahon, Trinity College
Founders Best Graduate Student Paper Award
Given for the best paper on executive politics presented by a Graduate Student at either the preceding years APSA Annual Meeting or at any of the regional meetings in the two years preceding the APSA Annual Meeting. One copy of each essay should be sent directly to each member of the committee.
Nominations due: May 1, 2014
Award Committee: David Lewis, Vanderbilt University (Chair); Matthew Beckmann, University of California, Irvine; Patricia Sykes, American University; Daniel Galvin, Northwestern University
Founders Best Paper Award
Given for the best paper on executive politics authored by a PhD holding scholar presented at the previous year’s annual meeting in honor to Martha Joynt Kumar. One copy of each essay should be sent directly to each committee member.
Nominations due: February 1, 2014
Award Committee: Douglas Kriner, Boston University (Chair); Sharece Thrower, University of Pittsburgh; Brian Newman, Pepperdine University; Jasmine Farrier, University of Louisville
Richard E. Neustadt Best Reference Book Award
Recognizes the best reference book on executive politics published during the past four years. One copy of each book should be sent directly to each member of the committee.
Nominations due: February 1, 2014
Award Committee: George Edwards, Texas A&M University (Chair); Colleen Shogan, Congressional Research Service; Terry Sullivan, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Richard E. Neustadt Best Book Award
Given for the best book on executive politics published during the year. One copy of each book should be sent directly to each member of the committee.
Nominations due: February 1, 2014
Award Committee: Andrew Rudalevige, Bowdoin College (Chair); Karen Hult, Virginia Tech; Bert Rockman, Purdue University; Roderick Hart, University of Texas, Austin; Mark Peterson, University of California, Los Angeles
Formed: 1986 / Dues: $29
This section provides members having interests in methodology, including research design, measurement, and statistics, opportunities to meet and exchange ideas.
Chair: Kevin Quinn, University of California, Berkeley
Chair Elect: Jeffrey Lewis, University of California, Los Angeles
Vice Chair: Jeffrey Lewis, University of California, Los Angeles
Treasurer: Luke Keele, Pennsylvania State University
Editor:Political Analysis: Jonathan Katz, California Institute of Technology; R. Alvarez, California Institute of Technology
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Cherie Maestas, Florida State University
Executive Council: Betsy Sinclair, Washington University in St. Louis
Career Achievement Award
Honors an outstanding career of intellectual accomplishment and service to the profession in the political methodology field.
Nominations due: May 6, 2014
Emerging Scholar Award
Honors a young researcher, within ten years of their degree, who is making notable contributions to the field of political methodology.
Nominations due: May 6, 2014
Harold F. Gosnell Prize
Recognizes the best work of political methodology presented at a political science conference in the previous year.
Nominations due: May 6, 2014
John T. Williams Dissertation Prize
Established for the best dissertation proposal in the area of political methodology. Proposals using quantitative or qualitative methods are welcomed. Proposals are due March 1st and should follow National Science Foundation format guidelines.
Nominations due: May 6, 2014
Society for Political Methodology Poster Award
Recognizes the best political methodology poster given at any political science conference in the preceding year.
Statistical Software Award
Recognizing statistical software that has made a significant contribution to the advancement of political analysis.
Nominations due: May 6, 2014
Warren Miller Article Award
Given for the best article in Political Analysis.
Nominations due: May 6, 2014
Formed: 1986 / Dues: $24
This section encourages the study of the interrelations between religion and politics, including the politics of religious pluralism; law, religion and governance; faith, practice and political behavior; and the politics of secularism, in the United States as well as in comparative, historical, and global perspective.∼religionandpolitics/
Chair: Iza Hussin, University of Chicago
Treasurer: Quin Monson, Brigham Young University
Editor:Politics and Religion: Angelia Wilson, University of Manchester; Paul Djupe, Denison University
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Andrew Gould, University of Notre Dame
Council: Nader Hashemi, University of Denver; Elizabeth Hurd, Northwestern University; Tamir Moustafa, Simon Fraser University; Anand Sokhey, University of Colorado, Boulder
Aaron Wildavsky Dissertation Award
Recognizes the best dissertation on religion and politics successfully defended within the last two years.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Ted Jelen, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Chair)
Best Paper Award
Recognizes the best paper dealing with religion and politics presented at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Ramazan Kilinc, University of Nebraska, Omaha (Chair)
Best Publication Award
Given for the best publication dealing with religion and politics published during the last two years.
Nominations due: March 1, 2015
Formed: 1986 / Dues: $28
This section promotes interest in teaching and research in urban politics and policy. The section encourages communication among individuals interested in urban politics within the association and within related disciples.
Chair: Melissa Marschall, Rice University
Chair Elect: Jessica Trounstine, University of California, Merced
Secretary: Annette Steinacker, Loyola University, Chicago
Treasurer: Annette Steinacker, Loyola University, Chicago
Editor:Urban Affairs Review: Susan Clarke, University of Colorado, Boulder; Michael Pagano, University of Illinois at Chicago
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Todd Shaw, University of South Carolina; Adrienne Smith, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Executive Council: Juliet Musso, University of Southern California; Thad Williamson, University of Richmond; Andrea Benjamin, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Kelly LeRoux, University of Illinois, Chicago; Paul Lewis, Arizona State University; Paru Shah, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Kenneth Bickers, University of Colorado, Boulder; Timothy Krebs, University of New Mexico; Betsy Sinclair, Washington University in St Louis; Zoltan Hajnal, University of California, San Diego; Adrienne Smith, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Dorothy Daley, University of Kansas; Sarah Reckhow, Michigan State University
Best Book Award
Recognizes the best book on urban politics published in the previous year.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
A hard copy of the nominated book should be sent to: Dr. Elisabeth Muhlenberg, 615 South Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, IL 60304
Best Book in Urban Politics within Five Years
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Best Dissertation Award
Given annually for the best dissertation on urban politics accepted in the previous year.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Award Committee: Quinton Mayne, Harvard University (Chair); Sarah Anzia, Stanford University; Yue Zhang, University of Illinois, Chicago
Bryan Jackson Dissertation Research on Minority Politics Award
Recognizes the outstanding scholarship by a graduate student in the area of race and urban politics.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Award Committee: Jamila Michener, Cornell University (Chair); Christina Greer, Fordham University; Ravi Perry, Mississippi State University
Best Paper Award
Given for the best paper given at an Urban Politics Section panel at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Alison Post, University of California, Berkeley (Chair); Carlos Cuellar, Rice University; Emily Farris, Texas Christian University
Norton Long Career Achievement Award
Presented annually to a scholar who has made distinguished contributions to the study of urban politics over the course of a career through scholarly publication, the mentoring of students, and public service
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Award Committee: Karen Kaufmann, University of Maryland, College Park (Chair); Judith Garber, University of Alberta; Megan Mullin, Temple University
Norton Long Young Scholars
Given to scholars who are completing or have completed their PhD.within the last three years and submitted a paper proposal for the 2014 APSA meetings to the 2014 program chairs.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Special Award
Given for contributions to urban political theory.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Special Award for Best Book on Urban Policy
Awarded to the best book on a special topic within the field of urban politics.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Formed: 1986 / Dues: $8
The purpose of this section is to stimulate fundamental inquiry on science, technology, and environmental issues as political phenomena.
Chair: David Konisky, Georgetown University
Secretary: Laura Hosman, Illinois Institute of Technology
Treasurer: Laura Hosman, Illinois Institute of Technology
Editor:Review of Policy Research: Christopher Gore, Ryerson University
Newsletter Editor: STEP Ahead: Tomas Koontz, Ohio State University
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Edella Schlager, Univesity of Arizona
Executive Council: Andrea Gerlak, University of Arizona; Dor0thy Daley, University of Kansas
Best Paper Award
Given for the best paper in the field of Science, Technology and Environmental Politics.
Don K. Price Award
Recognizes the best book on science, technology, and environmental politics published in the last year.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Manuel Teodoro, Texas A&M University (Chair); Matthew Shapiro, Illinois Institute of Technology; Abraham Newman, Georgetown University
Lynton Keith Caldwell Prize
Given for the best book on environmental politics and policy published in the past three years.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Kent Portney, Tufts University (Chair); Deserai Crow, University of Colorado, Boulder; Graeme Auld, Carleton University
Virginia M. Walsh Dissertation Award
Named in honor of a young scholar who tragically passed away last year, is given for the best dissertations in the field of science, technology and environmental politics.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Tanya Heikkila, University of Colorado-Denver (Chair); Derek Kauneckis, University of Nevada, Reno; Chris Koski, Reed College
Formed: 1986 / Dues: $30
This section fosters the study of women and politics within the discipline of political science.
President: Mala Htun, University of New Mexico; Kathleen Dolan, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
President Elect: Lisa Baldez, Dartmouth College
Secretary: Celeste Montoya, University of Colorado, Boulder
Treasurer: Diana O’Brien, University of Southern California
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Laura Sjoberg, University of Florida; Melissa Haussman, Carleton University
Executive Council: Candice Ortbals, Pepperdine University; Olga Avdeyeva, Loyola University Chicago; Pei-te Lien, University of California, Santa Barbara; Dara Strolovitch, Princeton University
Best Dissertation Prize
For the best dissertation on women and politics completed and accepted in the previous year.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Best Paper Award
For the best paper presented at the previous year’s annual meeting in the field of women and politics.
Nominations due: April 1, 2014
The Okin-Young Award in Feminist Political Theory
Co-sponsored by Women and Politics, Foundations of Political Theory, and the Women’s Caucus for Political Science, this award commemorates the scholarly, mentoring, and professional contributions of Susan Moller Okin and Iris Marion Young to the development of the field of feminist political theory. This annual award recognizes the best paper on feminist political theory published in an English language academic journal during the previous calendar year.
Nominations due: February 15, 2014
Award Committee: Bonnie Honig, Brown University (Chair); Julie Mostov, Drexel University; Sara Rushing, Montana State University
Formed: 1987 / Dues: $10
This section exists to advance the linkage of political theory and philosophy with political science as a discipline. Foundations recognize and encourage research and teaching that crosses intellectual and disciplinary boundaries. It stands at and seeks to support the intersection where philosophical, psychological, normative, and empirical approaches and problems meet. Foundations, as the name suggests, aims to study the more permanent dimensions of political life ranging from the design of institutions and political practices to the terms and concepts used to interpret the former. At the Foundations web site, you will find information about the section, including its officers, its newsletter, and a ‘bookstore’ where you can browse past and new titles in political theory. One new feature is a listing of job opportunities for political theorists and recent placements. If you are not already a member of the section, we hope that you will join us.
Chair: Kennan Ferguson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Treasurer: Stephen Leonard, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Michaele Ferguson, University of Colorado, Boulder; Steven Johnston, University of Utah
Executive Council: Samantha Frost, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Melvin Rogers, Emory University
Best Paper Award
Given for the best paper presented on a Foundations panel at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Susan Bickford, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Chair); Suzanne Dovi, University of Arizona; Amit Ron, Arizona State University, West Campus
David Easton Award
Given for a book that broadens the horizons of contemporary political science by engaging issues of philosophical significance in political life through any of a variety of approaches in the social sciences and humanities.
Nominations due: February 15, 2014
Award Committee: Timothy Luke, Virginia Tech (Chair); Simone Chambers, University of Toronto; Sankar Muthu, University of Chicago
First Book Award
Given for a first book by a scholar in the early stages of his or her career in the area of political theory or political philosophy.
Nominations due: February 15, 2014
Award Committee: Sara Monoson, Northwestern University (Chair); Jennifer Culbert, Johns Hopkins University; Juliet Hooker, University of Texas, Austin
The Okin-Young Award in Feminist Political Theory
Co-sponsored by Women and Politics, Foundations of Political Theory, and the Women’s Caucus for Political Science, this award commemorates the scholarly, mentoring, and professional contributions of Susan Moller Okin and Iris Marion Young to the development of the field of feminist political theory. This annual award recognizes the best paper on feminist political theory published in an English language academic journal during the previous calendar year.
Nominations due: February 15, 2014
Award Committee: Bonnie Honig, Brown University (Chair); Julie Mostov, Drexel University; Sara Rushing, Montana State University
Formed: 1988 / Dues: $20
This section provides a forum for members with an interest in the use of computers, the Internet, and multimedia in teaching, research, and policy applications in political science and all related subfields and disciplines.
Chair: George Boynton, University of Iowa
Chair Elect: Karen Mossberger, Arizona State University
Secretary: Kevin Wallsten, California State University, Long Beach
Treasurer: Cecilia Manrique, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
Editor:Journal of Information Technology and Politics: Michael Xenos, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Newsletter Editor: Information Technology and Politics Newsletter: Kenneth Rogerson, Duke University
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Karen Mossberger, Arizona State University
Executive Committee: Jeffrey Seifert, Congressional Research Service; David Karpf, George Washington University; Deen Freelon, American University
Best Book Award
Recognizes the best book in the area of Information Technology and Politics. The contest is limited to books published in the previous calendar year.
Nominations due: April 30, 2014
Best Conference Paper
Recognizes the best conference paper in the area of information technology and politics. The contest is limited to articles presented at conferences in the previous calendar year.
Nominations due: April 1, 2014
Best Dissertation Award
Recognizes the best dissertation in the area of information technology and politics.
Nominations due: April 1, 2014
Best Information Technology & Politics Article Award
Recognizes the best scholarly article published about Information Technology and Politics. The contest is limited to articles published in the calendar year. The winner will receive a certificate and a check for the cost of one year’s membership in the APSA and the ITP section.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Learning Innovations Award
Recognizes innovations in learning technology and pedagogy.
Outstanding Software Development
Recognizes the development of software that advances research and/or teaching in the area of technology and politics.
Formed: 1988 / Dues: $10
This section encourages research and scholarship in international security and arms control, providing an opportunity for presentation of papers and discussion of theoretical and empirical work at APSA section meetings.
Chair: Dan Lindley, University of Notre Dame
Treasurer: Jeffrey Larsen, NATO Defense College
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Thomas Mahnken, Naval War College
Council: Steve Grenier, Johns Hopkins University; Bruce Jentleson, Duke University; Erica Chenoweth, University of Denver
Kenneth N. Waltz Dissertation Award
Awarded to a successfully defended doctoral dissertation on any aspect of security studies, which has been submitted in final, library copy in previous calendar year. The committee welcomes nominations for dissertations employing any approach (historical, quantitative, theoretical, policy analysis, etc.) to any topic in the field of security studies. Manuscripts are judged according to (1) originality in substance and approach; (2) significance for scholarly or policy debate; (3) rigor in approach and analysis; and (4) power of expression.
Nominations due: February 28, 2014
Joseph J. Kruzel Memorial Award for Public Service
Awarded to a scholar with a distinguished career in national security affairs both as an academic and a public servant. It is given to memorialize Joseph Kruzel, a security studies scholar and Department of Defense policy official who was killed while on a diplomatic mission to Bosnia.
Nominations due: March 31, 2014
Formed: 1988 / Dues: $10
This section promotes the comparative, especially cross-national, study of politics and integrates work of comparativists, area studies specialists, and those interested in American politics.
Chair: Duane Swank, Marquette University
Vice Chair: Robert Kaufman, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Secretary: Nicholas van de Walle, Cornell University
Treasurer: Nicholas van de Walle, Cornell University
Newsletter Editor: Comparative Politics Section Newsletter: Mark Kayser, Hertie School of Governance; Mark Hallerberg, Hertie School of Governance
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Jason Brownlee, University of Texas, Austin; Tulia Falleti, University of Pennsylvania Executive Council: Pauline Jones Luong, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Evan Lieberman, Princeton University
Lijphart/Przeworski/Verba Data Set Award
Recognizes a publicly available data set that has made an important contribution to the field of comparative politics.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Award Committee: James Melton, University College London; Zachary Elkins, University of Texas, Austin; Bethany Lacina, University of Rochester
Luebbert Best Article Award
Given for the best article in the field of comparative politics published in the previous two years.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Award Committee: Wendy Hunter, University of Texas, Austin; David Stasavage, New York University; Robert Woodberry, National University of Singapore
Luebbert Best Book Award
Given for the best book in the field of comparative politics published in the previous two years.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Award Committee: Bo Rothstein, University of Gothenburg; Miriam Golden, University of California, Los Angeles; Stephan Haggard, University of California, San Diego
Powell Graduate Mentoring Award
Introduced in 2012, this prize is awarded biannually to a political scientist who throughout his or her career has demonstrated a particularly outstanding commitment to the mentoring of graduate students in comparative politics. The prize was named in honor of G. Bingham Powell, Jr. and was initiated by his students.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Sven Steinmo, European University Institute; Frances Rosenbluth, Yale University; Daniel Posner, University of California, Los Angeles
Sage Best Paper Award
Given to the best paper in the field of comparative politics presented at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Award Committee: Noam Lupu, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Nicholas Carnes, Duke University; Dominika Koter, Colgate University
Formed: 1989 / Dues: $10
This section promotes comparative discussion, research, and debate about the changing sociology of politics, the state, and social structures in modern Western Europe.
Chair: Jeffrey Kopstein, University of Toronto Chair Elect: Nancy Bermeo, University of Oxford
Treasurer: Karl Kaltenthaler, University of Akron
Executive Council: Milada Vachudova, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Daniel Ziblatt, Harvard University; Virginie Giraudon, National Center for Scientific Research; Cathie Martin, Boston University; Karl Orfeo Fioretos, Temple University; Karen Anderson, Radboud University Nijmegen; Ellen Immergut, Humboldt University Berlin; Julia Lynch, University of Pennsylvania
Best Article Award
Given for the best article dealing with European Politics & Society published in the last year.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Sara Goodman, University of California, Irvine (Chair); Harris Mylonas, George Washington University; Willem Maas, York University
Best Book Award
Given for the best book on European Politics and society published in the previous year
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Pablo Beramendi, Duke University (Chair); Silja Häusermann, University of Zurich; Graeme Robertson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Ernst B. Haas Best Dissertation Award
Given for the best dissertation on European Politics and Society filed during the previous year.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Giovanni Capoccia, Oxford University (Chair); Conor O’Dwyer, University of Florida; Amy Verdun, University of Victoria
Best Paper Award
Given for the best paper presented at a panel sponsored by the section at the most recent meeting
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Peter Mair Award
Awards two travel funds annually to enable young scholars to attend the APSA Annual Meeting. This award is meant explicitly to enable young scholars of European politics without alternative funding to present a paper in one of the panels organized by the EPS section. First-time APSA-attendants who are graduate students or junior professors from underfunded European universities (notably in the East and South) are prioritized, but senior scholars from such institutions as well as junior scholars from underfunded non-European universities (including the US) are also considered. Applicants are expected to also apply to all other travel funds they are eligible for, including their department/university, national science foundations, and the APSA Travel Fund. The Awards are set at a maximum of $1,000 each, but partial/matching funding is possible too (and could lead to a larger number of grants). Applications for the Peter Mair Memorial Award should include: - Name, position, and academic affiliation; - Title of proposed paper and EPS-Panel it was submitted to; - Letter from Head of Department confirming that there are no/not sufficient university funds; - List of other funding agencies you have applied to; - Indicate whether this would be your first APSA attendance.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Formed: 1989 / Dues: $27
The purpose to this section is to further our understanding of the American states including their institutions, political actors, policies, and local, national, and international influence.
Chair: Daniel Smith, University of Florida
Secretary: Margaret Ferguson, Indiana University
Treasurer: Margaret Ferguson, Indiana University
Communications Director: Shannon Jenkins, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Editor:State Politics and Policy Quarterly: Thomas Carsey, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Newsletter Editor: State Politics and Policy Section Newsletter: Shannon Jenkins, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Jennifer Wolak, University of Colorado, Boulder
Council: Brent Boyea, University of Texas, Arlington; Belinda Davis, Louisiana State University; Justin Phillips, Columbia University; James Monogan, University of Georgia; Janine Parry, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville; Garrick Percival, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Best Paper Award
Awarded for the best paper on state politics and policy presented at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: April 15, 2014
Award Committee: Marjorie Sarbaugh-Thompson, Wayne State University (Chair); Julianna Pacheco, University of Iowa; Donald Haider-Markel, University of Kansas
Best Journal Article Award
Recognizes the best journal article on U.S. state politics or policy published during the previous calendar year in any peer-reviewed journal (book reviews, review essays, and chapters published in edited volumes are not eligible).
Nominations due: April 15, 2014
Award Committee: Janine Parry, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (Chair); Andrew Karch, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Thad Kousser, University of California, San Diego
Career Achievement Award
Given every biennium to a political scientist who has made a significant lifetime contribution to the study of politics and public policies in the American states.
Nominations due: April 15, 2014
Award Committee: Caroline Tolbert, University of Iowa (Chair); Kerry Haynie, Duke University; Charles Barrilleaux, Florida State University; Beth Reingold, Emory University
Christopher Mooney Dissertation Award
Given for the best dissertation in american state politics and policy completed during the previous calendar year.
Nominations due: April 15, 2014
Award Committee: Richard Winters, Dartmouth College (Chair); Boris Shor, University of California-Berkeley; Daniel Biggers, Yale University
Mac Jewell Enduring Contribution Book Award
Awarded every three years to a political science book on the subject of US state politics or policy published at least 10 years prior to the award being bestowed that stands as an enduring contribution to the literature. Such books would be those classic works frequently assigned in graduate seminars, typically found on the bookshelves of state politics scholars, and that have been crucial in setting the direction of scholarship the field since their publication.
Nominations due: April 15, 2014
Award Committee: Melanie Springer, University of California, Santa Cruz (Chair); Virginia Gray, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Christopher Mooney, University of Illinois, Springfield
State Politics and Policy Quarterly(SPPQ) Best Paper Award
Given for the best paper on state politics and policy presented at any professional meeting in the previous calendar year.
Nominations due: April 15, 2014
Award Committee: Karen Mossberger, Arizona State University (Chair); William Franko, Auburn University; Jason Casellas, University of Houston
Virginia Gray Best Book Award
Awarded annually to the best political science book published on the subject of U.S. state politics or policy in the preceding three calendar years. Thus, books would be eligible to be considered for the award for three years. E.g., for the 2014 award, books published in 2011-13 would be eligible for nomination.
Nominations due: April 15, 2014
Award Committee: Robert Erikson, Columbia University (Chair); Jay Barth, Hendrix College; Elizabeth Rigby, George Washington University
Formed: 1989 / Dues: $8
This section fosters the study of political communications within the discipline of political science including research on mass media, telecommunications policy, new media technologies, and the process of communicating and understanding.
Chair: Stephen Farnsworth, University of Mary Washington
Vice Chair: Travis Ridout, Washington State University
Secretary: Kate Kenski, University of Arizona
Treasurer: Kate Kenski, University of Arizona
Editor:Political Communication: Shanto Iyengar, Stanford University
Newsletter Editor: Political Communication Report: Natalie Stroud, University of Texas, Austin
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Israel Waismel-Manor, University of Haifa
Executive Council: Travis Ridout, Washington State University
Timothy Cook Best Graduate Student Paper Award
Recognizes the best paper on political communication presented by a graduate student at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Stephanie Burkhalter, Humboldt State University (Chair); Brian Harrison, Wesleyan University; Joseph Cobetto, University of Missouri, Columbia
David Swanson Career Achievement Award
Recognizes distinguished and sustained contributions to the field as planners, editors, and leaders and in roles that require time and energy, innovation, and personal dedication. The award honors David Swanson, one of the founders of Political Communication who gave exemplary service to the ICA Political Communication Division and the APSA Political Communication Section. In his memory, the ICA division presents the award every other year. The joint award committee includes representatives of the ICA division and APSA section. The ICA division chair appoints members with the advice of the APSA chair, and the committee receives nominations and generates additional candidates, deliberates on the pool of potential awardees, and makes a selection. The winner receives the award plaque at the annual business meeting of the ICA Political Communication Division. The award is given in even-numbered years.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Murray Edelman Distinguished Career Award
Recognizes a lifetime contribution to the study of Political Communication. The award is now given only in odd-numbered years.
Nominations due: March 1, 2015
Doris Graber Award
Recognizes the best book published on political communication in the last ten years.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Susan Herbst, University of Connecticut (Chair); Andrew Chadwick, Royal Holloway, University of London; Thomas Leeper, University of Aarhus
Paul Lazarsfeld Best Paper Award
Recognizes the best paper on political communication presented at the previous year’s APSA annual meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Sarah Gershon, Georgia State University (Chair); Amber Boydstun, University of California, Davis; James Fielder, Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency; Scott McClurg, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Formed: 1989 / Dues: $10
This section brings together political scientists interested in historical issues and problems drawing from almost every traditional disciplinary subfield.
Chair: Sheri Berman, Barnard College-Columbia University
Chair Elect: James Mahoney, Northwestern University
Treasurer: David Robertson, University of Missouri, St. Louis
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Victoria Tin-bor Hui, University of Notre Dame; Robert Fishman, University of Notre Dame
Council: Karl Orfeo Fioretos, Temple University; Tulia Falleti, University of Pennsylvania; Daniel Galvin, Northwestern University; Dara Strolovitch, Princeton University
J. David Greenstone Book Prize
Recognizes the best book in history and politics in the past two calendar years.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Cathie Martin, Boston University; Adam Sheingate, Johns Hopkins University; Jason Wittenberg, University of California, Berkeley
Mary Parker Follett Prize
Recognizes the best article on Politics and History published in the previous year.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Robert Mickey, University of Michigan; Alan Jacobs, University of British Columbia; Kurt Weyland, University of Texas, Austin
Walter Dean Burnham Dissertation Award
Given for the best dissertation in the field of Politics and History.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Deondra Rose, University of Notre Dame; Rachel Riedl, Northwestern University; Richard Deeg, Temple University
Formed: 1990 / Dues: $7
This section promotes teaching and research that integrates politics and economics.
Chair: John Huber, Columbia University
Secretary: Jenna Bednar, University of Michigan
Treasurer: Jenna Bednar, University of Michigan
Newsletter Editor: The Political Economist Newsletter: William Clark, University of Michigan; Mark Dincecco, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Kenneth Scheve, Stanford University Council: Jennifer Gandhi, Emory University; George Krause, University of Pittsburgh; Christina Schneider, University of California, San Diego
McGillivray Best Paper Award
Given for the best paper in political economy presented at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Kathleen Bawn, University of California, Los Angeles (Chair); Julia Gray, University of Pennsylvania; John Patty, Washington University in St. Louis
Michael Wallerstein Award
Given for the best published article in political economy in the previous calendar year.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Kenneth Shotts, Stanford University (Chair); Torun Dewan; Oeindrila Dube, New York University
Mancur Olson Best Dissertation Award
Given for the best dissertation in political economy completed in the previous two years.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Sebastian Saiegh, University of California, San Diego (Chair); Xiaobo Lu, Texas A&M University; Rachel Wellhausen, University of Texas, Austin
William H. Riker Book Award
Given for the best book on political economy published during the past three calendar years.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Catherine Hafer, New York University (Chair); Johannes Urpelainen, Columbia University; Sean Gailmard, University of California, Berkeley
Formed: 1992 / Dues: $20
This section helps make the study of politics relevant to the struggle for a better world.∼new/journal.htm
Chair: Bradley Macdonald, Colorado State University
Secretary: Jocelyn Boryczka, Fairfield University
Treasurer: Joseph Peschek, Hamline University
Editor:New Political Science: Mark Mattern, Baldwin-Wallace University; Nancy Love, Appalachian State University
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Katherine Young, University of Hawaii, Hilo
Council: Jocelyn Boryczka, Fairfield University; Bradley Macdonald, Colorado State University; Joseph Peschek, Hamline University; Michael Bosia, St. Michael’s College; Katherine Young, University of Hawaii, Hilo; Sean Parson, Northern Arizona University; Clyde Barrow, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth; Christine Kelly, William Paterson University; Katherine Young, University of Hawaii, Hilo
Christian Bay Award
Recognizes the best paper presented on a new political science panel at the previous year’s annual meeting.
Nominations due: April 1, 2014
Award Committee: Isaac Kamola, Trinity College (Chair); M. Forrest, Arizona State University, West Campus; Kenton Worcester, Marymount Manhattan College
Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven Award
Recognizes an activist group, in the region of the annual meeting that puts the ideals of the New Political Science Section, to make the study of politics relevant to the struggle for a better world, into practice.
Nominations due: April 1, 2014
Award Committee: Meredith Weiss, Johns Hopkins University (Chair); Jeffrey Broxmeyer, CUNY-Graduate Center; Frances Piven, CUNY-Graduate Center
Charles A. McCoy Career Achievement Award
Recognizes a progressive political scientist who has had a long, successful career as a writer, teacher and activist.
Nominations due: April 1, 2014
Award Committee: John Ehrenberg, Long Island University, Brooklyn (Chair); Stephen Bronner, Rutgers University, New Brunswick; William Niemi, Western State College of Colorado
Michael Harrington Book Award
Recognizes an outstanding book that demonstrates how scholarship can be used in the struggle for a better world.
Nominations due: April 1, 2014
Award Committee: Michael Lipscomb, Winthrop University (Chair); Christopher Buck, Saint Lawrence University; Katherine Young, University of Hawaii, Hilo
Formed: 1993 / Dues: $8
This section facilitates communication across subfields and disciplinary boundaries among individuals interested in the relationship between political and psychological processes.
Chair: Jennifer Jerit, Stony Brook University
Chair Elect: Jennifer Wolak, University of Colorado, Boulder
Treasurer: Jason Reifler, University of Exeter
Communications Director: Christopher Larimer, University of Northern Iowa
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Jennifer Merolla, Claremont Graduate University
Executive Council: Cindy Kam, Vanderbilt University; Jennifer Merolla, Claremont Graduate University; Jason Reifler, University of Exeter; Jennifer Jerit, Stony Brook University; Jennifer Wolak, University of Colorado, Boulder; Leonie Huddy, SUNY, Stony Brook
Best Dissertation Award
Given for the best dissertation in political psychology filed during the previous year.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Paul Goren, University of Minnesota (Chair); Gwyneth McClendon, Harvard University; Cara Wong, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Robert E. Lane Award
Given for the best book in political psychology published in the past year.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Howard Lavine, University of Minnesota (Chair); Corrine McConnaughy, Ohio State University; Ted Brader, University of Michigan
Best Paper Award
Given to the most outstanding paper in political psychology delivered at the previous year’s Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Christopher Johnston, Duke University (Chair); Kathleen Searles, Georgia Regents University; Thomas Leeper, University of Aarhus
Distinguished Junior Scholars Award
Awards up to five $400 grants, meant for travel to the APSA Annual Meeting, for junior scholars (graduate students or those no more than seven years since receiving their Ph.D.)
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: David Peterson, Iowa State University (Chair); Christopher Weber, University of Arizona; Elizabeth Zechmeister, Vanderbilt University
Formed: 1993 / Dues: $29
This section to promotes both exemplary undergraduate teaching within the political science discipline and the scholarship of teaching. The section is especially dedicated to increasing the use of innovative teaching methods, particularly those rooted in experience ( internships, service learning, simulations, and study abroad) and the evaluation of such methods.
Chair: Renee Van Vechten, University of Redlands
Chair Elect: Karen Kedrowski, Winthrop University
Secretary: Quentin Kidd, Christopher Newport University
Treasurer: Quentin Kidd, Christopher Newport University
Editor:Journal of Political Science Education: Kerstin Hamann, University of Central Florida
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Mitchell Brown, Auburn University
Council: Mary McHugh, Merrimack College; Fletcher McClellan, Elizabethtown College; Patrick McKinlay, Morningside College; Erin Richards, Cascadia Community College; Sherri Wallace, University of Louisville
Term expires: August 31, 2014.
Best Paper Presentation Award
Given for the best presentation on undergraduate education at the past year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Lifetime Achievement Award
Given to a person whose lifetime contributions to political science have had a significant impact on undergraduate education.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
McGraw-Hill Award
Recognizes political scientists who advance civic engagement through the study of engagement and participation. The award seeks to honor a wide range of unique and new approaches to the scholarship and teaching of civic engagement, but in particular scholars who raise political awareness, involvement, and participation of undergraduate students.
Nominations Due:
Formed: 1993 / Dues: $5
The study of literature and film offers political scientists a particularly stimulating mode of inquiry into political institutions and principles, and into the ways of life that sustain them and are, in turn, shaped by them. Indeed, the creation of this division is itself a sign of the complex and changing landscape of the study of politics. The section explores the way in which literature—broadly understood to include film and other literary genres—provides unique insights into the nature of political life and the study of politics.∼politicsandlit/
Chair: Flagg Taylor, Skidmore College
Chair Elect: Ann Ward, University of Regina
Secretary: Steven McGuire, Eastern University
Treasurer: Steven McGuire, Eastern University
Executive Council: Catherine Zuckert, University of Notre Dame; Alison McQueen, Stanford University; Peter Josephson, Saint Anselm College
Wilson Carey McWilliams Best Paper Award
Given for the best paper presented at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Lilly Goren, Carroll University (Chair); Julianne Romanello, Baylor University; Carol McNamara, Utah State University; Charles Rubin, Duquesne University
Formed: 1993 / Dues: $5
The Section on Foreign Policy is the organization for those interested in multilevel approaches to the study of international relations. The section emphasizes individual, role, organizational, bureaucratic, societal, and/or state as well as situational and system level variables in foreign policy analyses. Members of the section employ a wide range of approaches, including historical, normative, rational, behavioral, liberal, institutional, psychological, and constructivist. Section members emphasize comparative as well as American studies of foreign policy. And the section recognizes the contributions of practitioners as well as academics in a broad range of professions and disciplines, e.g., communications, economics, diplomacy, government, history, political science, public opinion polling, philosophy, psychology, and sociology.
Chair: Cameron Thies, Arizona State University
Secretary: Christopher Darnton, Catholic University of America
Treasurer: Christopher Darnton, Catholic University of America
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: John Schuessler, Air War College
Council: Amanda Licht, SUNY, Binghamton University; Mark Souva, Florida State University; Karl DeRouen, University of Alabama; Huiyun Feng, Utah State University; Bryan Marshall, Miami University
Best Graduate Student Paper Award
For outstanding graduate student papers presented at the APSA annual meeting that are relevant to the study of foreign policy. Nominations should be sent to the Foreign Policy Section Chair.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Best Paper Award
Presented to the best paper on foreign policy presented at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Formed: 1994 / Dues: $28
This section promotes interest in teaching and research on elections, electoral behavior, public opinion, voting turnout, and political participation, both within the United States and in comparative perspective.
Chair: Christopher Anderson, Cornell University
Vice Chair: Pippa Norris, Harvard University
Treasurer: Jennifer Merolla, Claremont Graduate University
Communications Director: Barry Burden, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Editor:Political Behavior: Jeffery Mondak, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Thomas Rudolph, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Patrick Fournier, Université de Montréal; Elizabeth Zechmeister, Vanderbilt University
Executive Council: Deborah Brooks, Dartmouth College; Marc Hetherington, Vanderbilt University; Nathan Kelly, University of Tennessee; Ismail White, Ohio State University; Benjamin Bishin, University of California, Riverside; Sunshine Hillygus, Duke University
Best Paper Award
Given for the best paper delivered at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Emerging Scholar Award
Awarded to the top scholar in the field who is within 10 years of her or his PhD.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
John Sullivan Award
For the best paper by a graduate student on a panel sponsored by the APSA Organized Section on Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior at the previous APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Philip E. Converse Book Award
Given for an outstanding book in the field published at least five years before.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Warren E. Miller Award
Awarded every two or three years for an outstanding career of intellectual accomplishment and service to the profession in the Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior field.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Formed: 1995 / Dues: $10
This section fosters communication among scholars, recognizes leadership in the field, facilitates research and publication opportunities, encourages undergraduate and student interest, and creates a permanent forum for developing and refining appropriate theoretical models in the study of race and ethnicity.
Chair: Andrew Aoki, Augsburg College; Ange-Marie Hancock, University of Southern California
Secretary: Ravi Perry, Mississippi State University
Treasurer: Christian Grose, University of Southern California
Executive Director: Paula Mohan, Madison College
Newsletter Editor: Race, Ethnicity and Politics Section Newsletter: Pei-te Lien, University of California, Santa Barbara
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Alvin Tillery, Northwestern University; Marisa Abrajano, University of California, San Diego
Executive Council: Jack Turner, University of Washington; Christian Collet, International Christian University; Jose Cruz, SUNY, University at Albany; Eric McDaniel, University of Texas, Austin; Stella Rouse, University of Maryland; Antoine Banks, University of Maryland; Renee Cramer, Drake University; Nadia Brown, Saint Louis University; Tom Wong, University of California, San Diego; Chris Zepeda-Millan, Loyola Marymount University
Best Book Award
Given for the best book in the field of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Zoltan Hajnal, University of California, San Diego (Chair); Byron Orey, Jackson State University; Jane Gordon, University of Connecticut, Storrs; Catherine Paden, Simmons College; Cara Wong, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Best Dissertation Award
Given for the best American dissertation on race, ethnicity, and politics accepted in the previous year.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: David Weiden, Metropolitan State University of Denver (Chair); Sangay Mishra, Drew University; David Wilson, University of Delaware
Best Comparative Dissertation Award
Given for the best comparative dissertation on Race, Ethnicity, and Politics of the previous year.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Best Paper Award
Given for the best paper on Race, Ethnicity, and Politics presented at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Kevin Bruyneel, Babson College (Chair); Natalie Masuoka, Tufts University (Chair); Shaun Bowler, University of California, Riverside
Formed: 1999 / Dues: $5
This section promotes the study of international history and politics, disseminates research results; encouragee interdisciplinary conversations between political scientists and historians, and advances the development, dissemination, integration, and application of qualitative and historiographical methodologies.
Chair: Karl Orfeo Fioretos, Temple University
Vice Chair: Audie Klotz, Syracuse University
Treasurer: Colin Elman, Syracuse University
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Peter Trubowitz, London School of Economics and Political Science; Peter Trubowitz, London School of Economics and Political Science
Robert L. Jervis and Paul W. Schroeder Best Book Award
Awarded for the best book on international history and politics. This award may be granted to a single-authored or multi-authored book, or to an edited volume. The award will be given to works published in the calendar year prior to the year of the APSA meeting at which the award is presented. The copyright date of a book will establish the relevant year. Hence, books with a 2013 copyright date will be eligible for the award presented at the 2014 APSA meeting.
Nominations due: January 31, 2014
Outstanding Article Award in International History and Politics
This award recognizes exceptional peer-reviewed journal articles representing the mission of the International History and Politics Section of the APSA, including innovative work that brings new light to events and processes in international politics, encourages interdisciplinary conversations between political scientists and historians, and advances historiographical methods. The award is given to a published article that appeared in print in the calendar year preceding the APSA meeting at which the award is presented. It may be granted to an article that is single- or co-authored. The year of final journal publication, as detailed by print citation, establishes eligibility.
Nominations including a brief description of the significance of the article and a digital copy of the article should be sent to the Section Chair of International History and Politics before the annual deadline.
Nominations due: March 15, 2014
Award Committee: Ted Hopf, National University of Singapore; Judith Goldstein, Stanford University; Andrew Moravcsik, Princeton University
Formed: 2000 / Dues: $8
This section promotes the analysis of the origins, processes, and outcomes of democratization among nations, spurs communication among political scientists whose scholarship focuses on particular world regions, and stimulates greater involvement within APSA of political scientists working in various areas like Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, the Far East, Europe, and the countries of the former Soviet Union.
Chair: Jan Teorell, Lund University
Vice Chair: Melani Cammett, Brown University
Secretary: Jennifer Gandhi, Emory University
Treasurer: Monika Nalepa, University of Notre Dame
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Christopher Reenock, Florida State University
Newsletter Editor: APSA-CD Newsletter: Staffan Lindberg, Gothenburg University; Benjamin Smith, University of Florida
Newsletter Managing Editor: Melissa Aten-Becnel, National Endowment for Democracy
Best Article Award
Single-authored or coauthored articles focusing directly on the subject of democratization and published in 2013 are eligible. Nominations and self-nominations are encouraged. Copies of the article should be sent by e-mail to each of the committee members.
Nominations due: March 14, 2014
Award Committee: Robert Woodberry, National University of Singapore (Chair); John Gerring, Boston University; John Doces, Bucknell University
Best Book Award
Given for the best book in comparative democratization published in 2013 (authored, co-authored ,or edited). Copies of the nominated book should be sent to each committee member in time to arrive by March 14, 2014.
Nominations due: March 14, 2014
Award Committee: Milan Svolik, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Chair); Dali Yang, University of Chicago; Michael Coppedge, University of Notre Dame
Best Field Work Award
This prize rewards dissertation students who conduct especially innovative and difficult fieldwork. Scholars who are currently writing their dissertations or who complete their dissertations in 2013 are eligible. Candidates must submit two chapters of their dissertation and a letter of nomination from the chair of their dissertation committee describing the field work. The material submitted must describe the field work in detail and should provide one or two key insights from the evidence collected in the field. The chapters may be sent electronically or in hard copy directly to each committee member.
Nominations due: March 14, 2014
Award Committee: Adam Auerbach, University of Wisconsin, Madison (Chair); Jillian Schwedler, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Sarah Parkinson, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Best Paper Award
Given to the best paper on comparative democratization presented at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting. Papers must be nominated by panel chairs or discussants.
Nominations due: March 14, 2014
Award Committee: Kunle Owolabi, Villanova University (Chair); Carlos Gervasoni, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella; Maya Tudor, University of Oxford
Juan Linz Best Dissertation Award
Given for the best dissertation in the Comparative Study of Democracy completed and accepted in the two calendar years immediately prior to the APSA Annual Meeting where the award will be presented (2012 or 2013 for the 2014 Annual Meeting). The prize can be awarded to analyses of individual country cases as long as they are clearly cast in a comparative perspective. A hard copy of the dissertation, accompanied by a letter of support from a member of the dissertation committee should be sent to each member of the prize selection committee.
Nominations due: March 14, 2014
Award Committee: Gwyneth McClendon, Harvard University (Chair); Noam Lupu, University of Wisconsin, Madison; John Stephens, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Formed: 2000 / Dues: $10
The section was established to encourage scholarship and facilitate exchange of data and research findings on all components of human rights (e.g., civil, political, economic, social, cultural, environmental), their relationship, determinants, and consequences of human rights policies, structure and influence of human rights organizations, development, implementation, and impact on international conventions, and changes in the international human rights regime.∼humanrights/
Chair: TBA
Secretary: Bethany Barratt, Roosevelt University
Treasurer: Basak Cali, University College London
Best Book Award
Open to all books on human rights that were written by a political scientist and published in the previous two years.
Nominations due: April 25, 2014
Best Dissertation Award
Given to political science dissertations that focus on human rights and completed and accepted in the previous two calendar years are eligible for the award competition.
Nominations due: April 15, 2014
Best Paper Award
Recognizes the “best paper” presented on a Human Rights Section Panel at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting
Nominations due: April 15, 2014
Distinguished Scholar Award
Recognizes an individual who has worked in the field of Human Rights and made an exceptional contribution to the field through research, teaching and mentorship.
Nominations due: April 15, 2014
Formed: 2003 / Dues: $9
This sections promotes research and training focused on the several branches of methodology associated with the qualitative tradition and strives for an integrated understanding of these diverse methods and their relationship to quantitative methods.
President: Lisa Wedeen, University of Chicago
President Elect: Peter Hall, Harvard University
Vice President: Evan Lieberman, Princeton University Secretary-Treasurer: Colin Elman, Syracuse University
Newsletter Editor: Qualitative Methods Newsletter: Robert Adcock, George Washington University
Council: Dara Strolovitch, Princeton University; Timothy Crawford, Boston College
Alexander L. George Article Award
Honors Alexander George’s contributions to the comparative case-study method, including his work linking that method to a systematic concern with research design, and his contribution of developing the idea and the practice of process tracing. This award may be granted to a journal article or to a chapter in an edited volume that stands on its own as an article. The award will be given to an article or book chapter published in the calendar year prior to the year of the APSA meeting at which the award is presented, with the date of publication being established by the journal issue for articles and the copyright date of the book for chapters. Articles or chapters published in 2013 will be eligible for the 2014 award.
Nominations due: January 31, 2014
David Collier Mid-Career Achievement Award
Honors Collier’s contributions—through his research, graduate teaching and institution-building—as a founder of the qualitative and multimethod research movement in contemporary political science. The award will be presented annually to a mid-career political scientist to recognize distinction in methodological publications, innovative application of qualitative and multi-method approaches in substantive research, and/or institutional contributions to this area of methodology.
Nominations due: January 31, 2014
Giovanni Sartori Book Award
Honors Giovanni Sartori’s work on qualitative methods and concept formation, and especially his contribution to helping scholars think about problems of context as they refine concepts and apply them to new spatial and temporal settings. The award is intended to encompass two types of contributions: new research on methodology per se, i.e., studies that introduce specific methodological innovations or that synthesize and integrate methodological ideas in a way that is in itself a methodological contribution; and substantive work that is an exemplar for the application of qualitative methods. This award may be granted to a single-authored or multi-authored book, or to an edited volume. The award will be given to works published in the calendar year prior to the year of the APSA meeting at which the award is presented. The copyright date of a book will establish the relevant year. Hence, books with a 2013 copyright date will be eligible for the award presented at the 2014 APSA meeting.
Nominations due: January 31, 2014
APSR Submission Award
The APSR Submission Award recognizes the best qualitative manuscript submitted to the American Political Science Review in the calendar year. The award will be offered in 2011 through 2014, and the winner in each year will receive $2,000. To be eligible: ( 1) the manuscript need only be submitted to (not necessarily published in) the journal; (2) the manuscript needs to have been submitted during the calendar year, with the date of submission determined by the acknowledgment e-mail from the APSR; (3) both new and subsequent submissions (e.g., resulting from an invitation to submit de novo or to revise and resubmit) are eligible for the award, but only one version of the manuscript is eligible for the award in any one calendar year; and (4) the manuscript submitted to the APSR must be (a) new research on qualitative methodology per se, i.e., a study that introduces specific methodological innovations or that synthesizes and integrates methodological ideas in a way that is in itself a methodological contribution; and/or (b) substantive work that is an exemplar for the application of qualitative methods, or of multi-methods with a substantial qualitative component.
Nominations due: January 31, 2014
Sage Paper Award
Honors Sara and George McCune, who founded and sustained Sage Publications as a leading publisher of social science methodology —including very centrally qualitative methods. This award will be given to a paper presented at the previous APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: January 31, 2014
Formed: 2007 / Dues: $7
This section brings together scholars working in a variety of areas within political science to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and to foster intellectual community and expertise within the APSA.
Chair: Laura Sjoberg, University of Florida
Chair Elect: Joseph Fischel, Yale University
Vice Chair: Joseph Fischel, Yale University
Treasurer: Andrew Flores, Williams Institute, UCLA
Communications Director: Krista Johnson, Howard University
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Joseph Fischel, Yale University
Executive Council: Julie Hollar, CUNY-Graduate Center; Daniel Brizendine, Lincoln University; Jami Taylor, University of Toledo
Membership Committee: Scott Swagerty, Arizona State University
Best Conference Paper Award
Recognizes the best paper exploring sexuality and politics presented at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Susan Mezey, Loyola University, Chicago (Chair); Patricia Campbell, American Public University; Karen Baird, Purchase College, SUNY
Best Dissertation Award
Recognizes the best dissertation on sexuality and politics completed and successfully defended in the previous two calendar years. The award is open to all scholarship that falls under the broad rubric of sexuality and politics, including studies concerning the regulation of sexuality, political responses to the regulation of sexuality, the uses of sexuality as a political construct, the intersections of sexuality with gender, race, and class, or LGBT politics and mobilizations.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Michael Bosia, St. Michael’s College (Chair); Ellen Andersen, University of Vermont
Formed: 2008 / Dues: $8
This section provides the ideal infrastructure in which members can more thoroughly, efficiently arm themselves with the additional expertise we need to explore health politics and policy questions. The section will define health politics and policy just as broadly as the phrase implies. Everything from the politics of Medicare Part D to the politics of womens health; everything from comparative politics of AIDS in Africa, Eastern Europe, and South Asia to the comparative state politics of Medicaid and SCHIP, everything from the ethics of end of life decisions to the regulation of stem cell research, everything from public budgeting and regulation to public health disaster preparedness all these and more fall with the scope of the Section.
Chair: Michael Gusmano, The Hastings Center
Chair Elect: Harold Pollack, University of Chicago
Vice Chair: Harold Pollack, University of Chicago
Secretary: Laura Olson, Lehigh University
Treasurer: Edward Miller, University of Massachusetts, Boston
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Harold Pollack, University of Chicago
Executive Council: Lars Thorup Larsen; Carol Weissert, Florida State University; Patricia Siplon, Saint Michael’s College; Jamila Michener
Len Robins Best Paper on Health Politics and Policy Award
This award, which was approved at the Sections business meeting during the 2011 APSA annual meeting, honors the late Len Robins, who through his presence and gentle questioning at virtually every health politics panel graciously nurtured the scholarship of both junior and senior scholars.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Formed: 2009 / Dues: $8
This section promotes the interest in Canadian politics, provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information related to Canadian Politics, and encourage sthe accumulation of knowledge about Canadian politics.
Chair: D. Eagles, SUNY, University at Buffalo
Vice Chair: Donley Studlar, University of Strathclyde
Secretary: Ross Burkhart, Boise State University
Treasurer: Christopher Sands, Hudson Institute
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: James Farney, University of Regina
Executive Council: David Lublin, American University; Eric Belanger, McGill University; Cheryl Collier, University of Windsor
Mildred A. Schwartz Lifetime Achievement Award
Recognizes scholarship and leadership in bringing the study of Canadian politics to the international political science community.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Michael Martinez, University of Florida (Chair); David Biette, Canada Institute; Mildred Schwartz, New York University; Melissa Haussman, Carleton University; Eric Uslaner, University of Maryland, College Park
Seymour Martin Lipset Best Book Award
Given to honor a significant contemporary contribution to the scholarship on Canadian politics, or Canada in a comparative perspective, or a comparative analysis of Canada with other countries, particularly the United States.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: James McHugh, University of Akron (Chair); Karen Jusko, Stanford University; Candace Johnson, University of Guelph; Jeffrey Ayres, Saint Michael’s College
Formed: 2009 / Dues: $8
This section promotes intellectual exchange among scholars regarding the theoretical, methodological, and substantive aspects of political networks.
Chair: Betsy Sinclair, Washington University in St Louis
Vice Chair: Casey Klofstad, University of Miami
Secretary: Armando Razo, Indiana University, Bloomington
Treasurer: Michael Heaney, University of Michigan
Communications Director: Jennifer Victor, George Mason University
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Amanda Murdie, University of Missouri, Columbia
Council: Mark Lubell, University of California, Davis; Amanda Murdie, University of Missouri, Columbia
Membership Committee: Armando Razo, Indiana University, Bloomington
The Political Ties Award
Given on a biennial basis to the best article published on political networks. This award was given in fall 2012 and in all even-numbered years following. Articles published between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013 will be considered for the 2014 award.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Justin Kirkland, University of Houston (Chair); Elizabeth Menninga, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Anand Sokhey, University of Colorado, Boulder
Best Book Award
Given on a biennial basis to the best book published on political networks. This award will be given in the fall of odd-numbered years. Books published between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2015 will be considered for the 2015 award.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Justin Gross, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Chair); Gwen Arnold, University of California, Davis
Best Conference Paper Award
Given annually to the best paper on political networks presented by a faculty person delivered at a political science conference in the previous year.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, Oxford University (Chair); Elif Erisen; Brendan Nyhan, Dartmouth College
John Sprague Award
Given annually to the best paper on political networks presented by a graduate student delivered at a political science conference in the previous year. There is a fund that supports this award and the award includes a cash award that comes from the fund.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Adam Henry, University of Arizona (Chair); Matthew Howell, Eastern Kentucky University
Best Poster Award
Given annually at the Political Networks Conference and is awarded to the one (or two) best posters on political networks. Typically, two awards are given, but this is not a requirement.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Formed: 2010 / Dues: $24
This section advances pedagogy, research, and contributions based on randomized or natural experiments.
Chair: James Kuklinski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chair Elect: Lynn Vavreck, University of California, Los Angeles
Secretary: Neil Malhotra, Stanford University
Treasurer: Ted Brader, University of Michigan
Editor:Journal of Experimental Political Science: Rebecca Morton, New York University; Joshua Tucker, New York University
Newsletter Editor: The Experimental Political Scientist: Peter Loewen, University of Toronto
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Betsy Sinclair, Washington University in St Louis; Adam Berinsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Council: Jennifer Jerit, Stony Brook University; Kevin Esterling, University of California, Riverside; Alan Gerber, Yale University
Best Book Award
Recognizes the best book published in 2013 that either uses or is about experimental research methods in the study of politics. A copy of the book should be sent to each member of the selection committee at the addresses provided below no later than April 1, 2014.
Nominations due: April 1, 2014
Award Committee: David Nickerson, University of Notre Dame (Chair); Jens Grosser, Florida State University; Jens Hainmueller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Best Dissertation Award
Eligible nominees will have completed a dissertation in the 2013 calendar year that utilizes experimental methods on substantive political science research, or makes a fundamental contribution to experimental methods. Nominations should come from faculty members but they need not be on the students’ dissertation committee.
Nominations due: April 1, 2014
Award Committee: Kevin Arceneaux, Temple University (Chair); Cheryl Boudreau, University of California, Davis; John Bullock, Yale University
Best Paper Award
Recognizes a paper that was scheduled to be presented at APSA and features experimental analysis. Chairs and discussants are especially encouraged to nominate papers, but nominations from anyone who is aware of an interesting paper prepared for presentation (as well as self-nominations) are welcome.
Nominations due: April 1, 2014
Award Committee: Michael Findley, University of Texas, Austin (Chair); Jennifer Jerit, Stony Brook University; Yanna Krupnikov, Northwestern University
Formed: 2012 / Dues: $8
This section brings together political scientists working on issues of migration and citizenship, promotes teaching and research in the field, and encourages communication among political scientists and scholars of migration and citizenship in related disciplines, including policy and other professionals, domestically and internationally.
Co-Chairs: Rogers Smith, University of Pennsylvania; Els de Graauw, CUNY-Baruch College
Secretary: Leila Kawar, Bowling Green State University
Treasurer: Tom Wong, University of California, San Diego
Newsletter Editor: Antje Ellermann, University of British Columbia
2014 Annual Meeting Program Chair: Jane Junn, University of Southern California; Willem Maas, York University
Council: Alexandra Filindra, University of Illinois, Chicago; Monica Varsanyi, CUNY-John Jay College; Joseph Cobetto, University of Missouri, Columbia
Best Article Award
For the best article on migration and/or citizenship published in the previous year.
Nominations due: March 31, 2014
Award Committee: Jacqueline Stevens, Northwestern University (Chair); Joel Fetzer, Pepperdine University; Triadafilos Triadafilopoulos, University of Toronto
Best Book Award
For the best book on migration and/or citizenship published in the previous year. Send one copy of a book published in 2013 to each committee member by March 31, 2014.
Nominations due: March 31, 2014
Award Committee: Martin Heisler, University of Maryland, College Park (Chair); Pei-te Lien, University of California, Santa Barbara; Daniel Tichenor, University of Oregon
Best Chapter Award
For the best chapter on Migration and/or Citizenship published in the previous year.
Nominations due: March 31, 2014
Award Committee: Lisa Garcia Bedolla, University of California, Berkeley (Chair); Yasmeen Abu-Laban, University of Alberta; Julie Mostov, Drexel University
Best Dissertation Award
For the best dissertation on migration and/or citizenship accepted in the previous year.
Nominations due: March 31, 2014
Award Committee: David Plotke, New School for Social Research (Chair); Kristi Andersen, Syracuse University; Ayelet Shachar, University of Toronto
Best Paper Award
Award for best paper on migration and/or citizenship presented at the previous APSA Annual Meeting (either as part of a panel or poster session).
Nominations due: March 31, 2014
Award Committee: Janelle Wong, University of Maryland (Chair); Martin Ruhs, Oxford University; Deborah Milly, Virginia Tech
Formed: 2013 / Dues: $10
Tthis section promotes recognition within professional associations of the theoretical and methodological contributions to the discipline of political scientists whose research and professional interests center largely or in part on sub-Saharan Africa.
Chair: M. Anne Pitcher, University of Michigan
Vice Chair: Leonardo Arriola, University of California, Berkeley
Secretary: Danielle Resnick, International Food Policy Research Institute
Treasurer: Gina Lambright, George Washington University
Newsletter Editor: APCG Newsletter: Michael Nelson, Wesleyan University
Best Article Award
Seeks nominations for the 2013 award. All articles published in peer-reviewed journals in 2013 are eligible.
Nominations due: April 30, 2014
Award Committee: Nadia Horning, Middlebury College (Chair); Melinda Adams, James Madison University; Katharine Baldwin, Yale University
Best Book Award
Invites nominations for the 2013 award. To be eligible, books must have been published in English in 2013. Books should analyze an issue related to political science or international relations with special reference to Africa. The book should employ methodological techniques regarded as appropriate by any subgroup of contemporary political scientists. Edited volumes are not eligible. Translations of books written in a foreign language qualify if the translation was published in 2013.
Nominations due: April 30, 2014
Award Committee: Daniel Posner, University of California, Los Angeles (Chair); Jeffrey Conroy-Krutz, Michigan State University; Landry Signé, University of Alaska, Anchorage
Lynne Rienner Award for Best Dissertation
Invites submissions for the best dissertation in African politics 2013. The award carries a prize and is intended to recognize outstanding scholarship in African politics.
Nominations due: March 1, 2014
Award Committee: Lahra Smith, Georgetown University (Chair); Alice Kang, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Kris Inman, National Intelligence University
Best Graduate Student Paper
Seeks nominations for the 2013/14 award. The award carries a cash prize and is intended to recognize outstanding scholarship in African politics.
Nominations due: April 30, 2014
Award Committee: Susanna Wing, Haverford College (Chair); James Hentz, Virginia Military Institute; Fodei Batty, Quinnipiac University