Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Magarian, Gregory P.
Toward Political Safeguards of Self-Determination.
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Hunter, Nan D.
Managed Process, Due Care: Structures of Accountability in Health Care.
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Del Granado, Juan Javier
The Genius of Roman Law from a Law and Economics Perspective.
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Seidman, Louis Michael
Powell's Choice: The Law and Morality of Speech, Silence, and Resignation by High Government Officials.
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Miller, Colin
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Why the Tiahrt Amendment’s Ban on the Admissibility of ATF Trace Data in State Court Actions Violates the Commerce Clause and the Tenth Amendment.
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Verchick, Robert R. M.
Scheraga, Joel D.
Protecting the Coast.
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Kennedy, Heather
Intolerance in the Name of Tolerance: Will the United States Supreme Court’s Circular Reasoning in its Decision of Christian Legal Society v. Martinez be the Downfall of Student Organizations as We Know Them?.
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Camero, Jennifer
Level Up: Employing the Commerce Clause to Federalize the Sale of Goods.
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Monseau, Susanna
Copyright and the Digital Economy: Is It Necessary to Adopt Fair Use?.
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Morris, Emily Michiko
The Irrelevance of Nanotechnology Patents.
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Sellars, Kirsten
Rocking the Boat: The Paracels, the Spratlys, and the South China Sea Arbitration.
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Wilson, Robin Fretwell
Squaring Faith and Sexuality: Religious Institutions and the Unique Challenge of Sports.
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Pernell, Brence
Towards a ‘Practical Freedom:’ Disparate Impact, Public Education, and the Thirteenth Amendment.
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