APSA is pleased to include here the names of individuals who have completed their doctoral dissertations at political science departments in the United States during, 2013 The list is based on data collected in the APSA member database and includes information reported by both individuals and departments. Dissertations are listed by fields of interest as labeled by APSA, American politics, comparative politics, international relations, methodology, political philosophy and theory, publc administration, public law and courts, and public policy. (See also, table 1.)
Allen, Kristen Coopie: “The Structure of Electoral Success: Determining Victory or Defeat from Contribution Dispersion in State Legislative Elections”; University of Pittsburgh
Anastasopoulos, Lefteris Jason: “The Political Consequences of Ethnic, Racial and Gender Diversity: A Causal Inference Approach”; University of California, Berkeley
Anderson, Christopher: “The Causes and Consequences of Congressional Endorsements in Presidential Primaries”; Texas A&M University
Anderson Ponzer, Karin: “A ‘Perfect Storm’: The struggle to forge federal immigration enforcement capacity and the institutional origins of the plenary power doctrine in U.S. immigration law”; New School for Social Research
Armoudian, Maria: “The Politics of Transformation: Mass Media & the Northern Ireland Peace Process”; University of Southern California
Arthur, Charles Damien: “Economic Demagoguery: The Limited Effects of Presidential Rhetoric”; West Virginia University
Atkinson, Mary Layton: “The Influence of Partisan Conflict on Policy Attitudes”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Banda, Kevin K.: “Candidate Strategy and Assessment During Election Campaigns”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Barnes, Carolyn: “The Political Implications of Nonprofit Social Service Provision”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Bateman, David Alexander: “Democratic Exclusion: The Right to Vote in the United States, United Kingdom, and France.”; University of Pennsylvania
Belco, Michelle Helene: “Unilateral Orders and the Legislative Process”; University of Houston
Bishop, Bradford H.: “Public Opinion and the Environment in American Politics”; Duke University
Blackmond Larnell, Twyla: “Networks as a Determinant of Policy Use”; Michigan State University
Braidwood, Travis: “Pork Politics: How Earmarks Affect Voter Behavior and Federal Campaigns”; Florida State University
Brown-Guinyard, Sherral Y.: “Race, Class, Gender and Linked Fate: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of African American Political Partisanship, 1996 and 2004”; University of South Carolina
Burnett, Guy F.: “The Safeguard of Liberty and Property: The Supreme Court, Kelo v. New London, and the Modern Interpretation of the Takings Clause”; Claremont Graduate University
Capper, David W.: “Justice Anthony M. Kennedy and Substantive Due Process: Why the Most Powerful Judge in History Isn’t as Dumb as Everybody Thinks He Is”; Baylor University
Cathey, S. Nicole: “Rethinking Civil Rights: The Impacts of Same-Sex Marriage on African American Churches in Washington, D.C.”; Howard University
Chaturvedi, Neil: “Hedging and Hiding: Surviving the Ideological Center of the United States Senate”; University of California, Irvine
Clemens, Austin: “The Industrial Organization of Interest Group Markets”; University of Georgia
Clifford, Scott: “The Moral Presentation of Self: Causes and Consequences of Perceptions of Politicians’ Character Traits”; Florida State University
Coggins, K. Elizabeth: “The Liberal Paradox”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Copeland, Lauren: “Political Consumerism and the Expansion of Political Participation in the U.S.”; University of California, Santa Barbara
Corrigan, Bryce: “Moving Beyond the Collapsed Campaign: Tools and Techniques for Studying Non-Normal, Heterogeneous Dynamics”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Cravens, Matthew D.: “The Role of Habit in Voting: Making and Breaking Habitual Voters”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Curry, Jill L.: “The Transformation of the Role of the Economy in U.S. Presidential Elections Over Time”; University of Maryland, College Park
Czaja, Erica: “Revolutionary Emotion: Empathy and Equality in the United States”; Princeton University
DeWitt, Darin: “A Theory of Party Formation”; University of California, Los Angeles
DiMaggio, Anthony R.: “Political-Media Relations and the Power of Party-Based Regimes”; University of Illinois, Chicago
Donovan, Kathleen M.: “Real Attitudes, Fictional Crime: How Crime Dramas Impact Policy Attitudes”; SUNY, Stony Brook University
Doriean, Charles: “Modeling the Dynamics of Electoral Security and Party Unity in the U.S. House of Representatives”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Easterly, Bianca: “Institutional Responsiveness in Subnational Policymaking: An Examination of Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Laws”; University of Houston
Eaves, Carrie: “Candidate Quality, Electoral Competition, and the Incumbency Advantage in the U.S. Senate”; University of Georgia
Fairdosi, Amir: “Arrested Development: The Effects of Incarceration on Civic Engagement and Political Beliefs”; University of Chicago
Farris, Emily: “Latino Leadership in City Hall”; Brown University
Foley, Peter W.: “Four Essays on the Empirical Analysis of Political Ideology”; California Institute of Technology
Foster Shoaf, Nicole R: “Assessing the Independence of State Parties: Issue Ownership and Morality Politics in U.S. State Party Platforms”; University of Missouri, Columbia
Fowler, Anthony: “Five Studies on the Causes and Consequences of Voter Turnout”; Harvard University
French, Eric Michael: “The Effect of ‘Easy’ Issue Frames on Public Opinion”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Friedel, Sylvia Yu: “The Effectiveness of Campaign Messages on Turnout and Vote Choice”; University of California, Los Angeles
Frisco, Velda: “American Grail: Contemporary Federal Budget Reform”; West Virginia University
Frost, Amanda: “The American Donator: An Exploration of the Modern Individual Donor”; University of Iowa
Gall, Megan: “The Political Geography and Electoral Consequences of the Slavery and Civil Rights Eras in American History”; SUNY, University at Buffalo
García-Castañon, Marcela: “Theory of Multi-Tiered Membership”; University of Washington
Garrow, Robert: “The Psychology of Modern Liberalism: Pride in Hobbes’ “Laviathan” and Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America””; Claremont Graduate University
Gervais, Bryan: “Incivility in Mass Political Discourse: The Causes and Consequences of an Uncivil Public”; University of Maryland, College Park
Gruszczynski, Mike: “Emotion and Public Attention to Political Issues”; University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Hall, Benjamin L: “The View from the Other Side of the Aisle: Congressional Party Switchers and Their Environments”; University of Missouri, Columbia
Hamilton, Allison: “Competing Pathways of the Digital Media’s Influence on Women Political Candidates”; University of Iowa
Hampton, Antwan: “Rapid Regime Responses: An Urban Regime Analysis of Chicago’s and Miami’s Response to an Emerging Housing Crisis”; Northern Illinois University
Harrison, Brian F.: “Red Brain, Blue Brain: How Selective Perception, Elite Polarization, and Media Choice Impact Presidential Communication”; Northestern University
Haynes, Chris S.: “The Effect of Empathy on Public Opinion on Immigration”; University of California, Riverside
Henderson, John A.: “Downs’ Revenge: Elections, Responsibility and the Rise of Congressional Polarization”; University of California, Berkeley
Herbel, Lindsey C.: “The Effects of Ideology and Politics in Prosecutorial Decision Making: The Myth of Apolitical U.S. Attorneys”; Georgia State University
Hevron, Parker Read: “The Affective Framing of Tort Reform: Toward a Theory of the Mediating Effects of Emotion on Attitude Formation”; University of Southern California
Hickey, Emily G.: “Essays in Congressional Communication”; Harvard University
Hilty, Emily C.: “Who votes, who doesn’t, who cares? The nonvoter in American democratic theory and practice”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Hindman, Matthew Dean: “Interest Group Citizenship: LGBT Politics from the Closet to K Street”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Hinkle, Rachael K.: “The Role of U.S. Courts of Appeal in Legal Development: An Empirical Analysis”; Washington University in St. Louis
Israel, Rebekah: “The American Politics of a Jewish Judea and Samaria”; Florida International University
Jensen, Micah K.: “Pride & Politics: Public Opinion and Political Behavior among Sexual Minorities”; Georgetown University
Joseph, Patricia Hallam: “Liberty, Equality, and Kindness?: How the Strategic Choice of Values Affect Policy Attitudes and Information Choices”; University of Pittsburgh
Joyce, Adam: “The Politics of ‘the Army You Have’: Change and Continuity in the U.S. Military, 1972-2008”; New School for Social Research
Kalmbach, Jason: “Understanding the Debate: The Limits of Scientific Knowledge”; Michigan State University
Keane, Lauren: “Sowing the Seeds for Grassroots Growth: How Recruitment Appeals Impact the Calculus of Citizen Engagement”; University of Notre Dame
Kehrberg, Jason: “Changing America: The Impact of Immigration on Welfare Attitudes and Welfare Reform”; University of Kentucky
Klar, Samara: “The Influence of Identities on Political Preferences”; Northwestern University
Krcatovich, Erin: “Tracing the Roots of Charitable Choice”; Michigan State University
Krimmel, Katherine: “Special Interest Partisanship: The Transformation of American Political Parties”; Columbia University
Lehman, Daniel George: “Local Party Organizations and the Mobilization of Latino Voters”; Temple University
Lenoir, Brandon W.: “Studying the Effects of Mobilization Messages in a Strategic Environment: Applying the Receive-Accept-Sample (RAS) Model”; University of Pittsburgh
Lind, Colene J.: “The Common Style in American Politics: A Rhetorical Analysis of Ordinary, Exceptional Leadership”; University of Texas, Austin
Lupton, Robert: “Examining the Structure of Elite Attitudes: The Role of Sophistication in Attitudes Toward Government Spending”; Michigan State University
Lynch, Emily Kathryn: “Time is on their Side? The Dynamics of Congressional Party Voting and Constituent Support”; Ohio State University
Major, Mark: “Hiding in Plain Sight: The News Media and the Politics of Framing the Unilateral Presidency”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Marchetti, Kathleen: “Crossing the Intersection: Diversity in Interest Group Advocacy and Representation”; Pennsylvania State University
Mason, Lilliana Hall: “Behavioral Polarization and Partisan Sorting: How Identity Alignment Drives Polarized Politics”; SUNY, Stony Brook University
McHenry, Kristen Abatsis: “Promising Prevention: Greening the Breast Cancer Movement in the United States”; University of Massachusetts, Amherst
McQueeney, Kevin G.: “The Storm before the Calm”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
McQuiston, James Michael: “Social Capital in the Production Gap: Social Networking Services and their Transformative Role in Civic Engagement.”; Kent State University
Merseth, Julie Lee: “Racial Solidarity and the Intragroup Politics of Immigrant Incorporation”; University of Chicago
Miles, Matthew: “The Public Presidency: Increasing Return on Investment”; University of Kansas
Miller, Peter: “Redistricting in the United States: Inputs, Institutions, and Outcomes”; University of California, Irvine
Moody, Jonathan: “Campaigning for the Agenda: Agenda Setting in the 2004 and 2008 Presidential Campaigns”; Pennsylvania State University
Muddiman, Ashley: “Instability of Incivility: How Media Frames and Citizen Perceptions Shape Conflict in American Politics”; University of Texas, Austin
Myers, Adam: “The Geographical Foundations of State Legislative Conflict, 1993-2012”; University of Texas, Austin
Neiheisel, Jacob R.: “Party Brands in American Politics: Strategy, Communication, and Electoral Response”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Ogorzalek, Thomas K.: “The Cities on the Hill: Urban Politics in National Institutions”; Columbia University
Olson, Jeremiah Carl: “Social Construction and Political Decision Making in the American Prison System(s)”; University of Kentucky
Ostrander, Ian: “Winning the Waiting Game: Senatorial Delay in Executive Nominations”; Washington University in St. Louis
Ostrander Swain, Katie: “Local Places Open Spaces: Creating Substantive Citizenship with Race Neutrality”; University of California, Santa Barbara
Park, Saemyi: “What to represent, by whom?: Political Interests and Representation of Asian Americans”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Perry, Brittany N.: “The Political Representation of Non-Citizen Latinos: An Analysis of Legislative Motivations”; Duke University
Pluta, Anne: “Evolution of Popular Presidential Communications”; University of California, Santa Barbara
Prosky, Melissa: “The Effect of Public Comment Mechanisms on Bureaucratic Implementation: The Case of No Child left Behind: 2002-2009”; Brandeis University
Pump, Barry: “A Day Late and A Dollar Short: A Signaling Model of American Economic Policymaking”; University of Washington
Rainey, Carlisle: “Essays on the Roles and Functions of Political Parties”; Florida State University
Ralston, Jonah: “The Anti-Technocracy: The Unscientific Determinants of Voting on Controversial Scientific Issues”; Michigan State University
Rebe, Ryan J.: “The Influence of Outside Interests over Elected Judges”; Texas Tech University
Reilly, Jack Lyons: “Patterns of Isolation: The Effects of Social Connectedness on Network Diffusion, Social Influence, and American Political Attitudes”; University of California, Davis
Rice, Doug: “Agenda Dynamics in the U.S. Federal Courts”; Pennsylvania State University
Ridge, Charlotte Lee: “Women in Local Government”; University of Iowa
Rippere, Paulina: “Polarization Reconsidered: The Influence of Institutional Structure on Legislative Networks”; University of Florida
Rogers, Steven: “Accountability in State Legislative Elections”; Princeton University
Rogers, Jonathan David: “Colonel Blotto Goes to Washington: Economic Voting, Public Goods, and Lobbying”; Florida State University
Rohr, Lia Naomi: “The Performance of Gender Archetypes in Congressional Campaigns”; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Russon-Gilman, Hollie: “The Participatory Turn: Participatory Budgeting Comes to America”; Harvard University
Ryan, Peter J.: “Charting a Course to Autonomy: Bureaucratic Politics and the Transformation of Wall Street”; University of California, Berkeley
Scharr, Robert W.: “Agents of Exclusion: A Historical Analysis of Immigration Law vis-a-vis Asian-Americans and Latinos”; University of Florida
Schnidman, Evan: “Essays on Federal Reserve Bank Evolution, Transparency, and Market Interaction”; Harvard University
Scott, Lane: “F.A. Hayek and American Libertarianism”; Claremont Graduate University
Shafer, Rebecca: “Gender and Party Stereotypes in the Evaluation of U.S. Senate Candidates”; University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Sharrow, Elizabeth A.: “Forty years “on the basis of sex”: Title IX, the “Female Athlete” and the Political Construction of Sex and Gender”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Sheagley, Geoffrey: “Political Disagreement and Decision-Making in American Politics”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Shoji, Kaori: “When Do Party Leaders Democratize? Analyzing Three Reforms of Voter Registration and Candidate Selection”; Columbia University
Sinclair, John Andrew: “Of Primary Importance: American Primary Elections 1945-2012”; California Institute of Technology
Sivolella, John J.: “Do Politics Matter to this Watchdog? The Effects of Ideology on Civil Enforcement at the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission”; Columbia University
Steinberg, Alan: “Cyber Participation: The Effect of Online Social Media on Political Participation”; University of Houston
Stephens, Lafleur: “Campaigning in a ‘Post Racial’ America: How Black Candidates Win Offce in Majority White Jurisdictions”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Summary, Bryce D.: “Reading the Tea Leaves: An Exploration of the Origins, Composition, and Influence of the Tea Party”; University of Missouri, St. Louis
Sung, Jaeyun: “The Dynamics of Targeting Strategies in the Composition of Presidential Election Campaign Messages”; University of Georgia
Taylor, Jeffrey A: “Electoral Systems and Representation: the Effects of District Magnitude”; University of Maryland, College Park
Taylor, James Benjamin: “Bias that Matters: The Effects of Biased Media on American Political Behavior and Attitudes”; Georgia State University
Thompson, Lucas: “Constitutional Duty: Emergency Power and the American Presidency”; Yale University
Thornburg, Matthew P.: “You Can’t Leave Just Yet!”: The Causes and Consequences of Registering with a Political Party”; George Mason University
Thrower, Sharece: “Presidential Power and Judicial Constraint”; Princeton University
Tomanek-Norman, Sara: “Congress and the Judiciary: The Role of Ideology in the Federal Sentencing Guidelines”; Texas Tech University
Trump, Kris-Stella: “The Status Quo and Perceptions of Fairness: How Income Inequality Influences Public Opinion”; Harvard University
Veal, Keith C.: “The Gating of America: the Political and Social Consequences of Gated Communities on the Body Politic”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Wakao, Shinya: “Wall Street, Main Street, and Pennsylvania Avenue: the Effect of Stock Ownership on Political Behavior in the U.S.”; University of Texas, Austin
Waugh, Andrew Scott: “The Agenda Setting Powers of Party Organizations”; University of California, San Diego
Weikert, Joshua John: “Balancing Act: How an Unbalanced Media Affects the Electorate”; Temple University
Weinschenk, Aaron C.: “‘Cause You’ve Got (Personality): Understanding the Impact of Personality on Political Participation”; University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Wendland, Jay L.: “The Good-For-Nothing Campaign? The Importance of Campaign Visits in Presidential Nominating Contests”; University of Arizona
Woolfalk, Miya: “Essays on Social Contexts and Individual Politics: the Political Influence of Religious Institutions and Ethno-Racial Neighborhood Contexts”; Harvard University
Wooten, Meredith: “Moments of Truth: Congressional Investigations of Intelligence and the Construction of Political Accounts”; University of Pennsylvania
Wysocki, Joseph F.: “Congressional Rhetoric: Going Public and Its Effects on the Institution”; Baylor University
Yates, Heather E.: “Their Minds Will Follow: Examining the Role of Voters’ Emotions When Formulating Attitudes on Campaign Issues in the 2004 and 2008 Presidential Elections”; University of Kansas
Yin, Hongxing: “What Economy Matters? Contemporaneous and Refined Economic Measures, Perception of Economic Conditions, and Political Evaluation”; SUNY, University at Buffalo
Zilis, Michael: “Respectfully Dissent: Linking Judicial Voting Behavior, Media Coverage, and Public Responses in the Study of U.S. Supreme Court Decisions”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Abu, Ofir: “State Response to Arab Protest in Israel, 1990-2001: The Role of Dissident Elites”; Brandeis University
Akinyemi, Florence O.: “The Dog that Doesn’t Bark?: Ethno-Religious Conflict and Peace Entrepreneurs in Nigeria”; University of California, Los Angeles
Auerbach, Adam Michael: “Demanding Development: Democracy, Community Governance, and Public Goods Provision in India’s Urban Slums”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Balarezo, Christine: “Selling Humans: The Political Economy of Contemporary Global Slavery”; University of North Texas
Balderacchi, Claudio: “The Radical Left and Democracy in Latin America: The Role of Participatory Mechanisms in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Venezuela”; University of Florida
Bateson, Regina A.: “Order and Violence in Postwar Guatemala”; Yale University
Batta, Anna: “Ethnic Politics in New States: Russian and Serbian Minorities After Secession”; University of North Texas
Becher, Michael: “Essays on the Redistributive Consequences of Democratic Constitutions”; Princeton University
Bevan, Oliver: “Three Papers on the Development and Contribution of Ideational Frameworks in Russian Politics, 1917-1934 and 1991-2008”; Harvard University
Biddle, Lauren: “Corruption in Democratic Brazil”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Bishara, Dina: “Authoritarian Institutions as Objects of Contestation: Challenges to State Corporatism in Egypt”; George Washington University
Bither-Terry, Russell: “Zero Hunger: The Politics of anti-Hunger Policy in Brazil”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Bottomley, Daniel: “Sustaining”; University of Delaware
Bradley-Storey, Lacey: “Institutional Volatility at the Grassroots: Explaining the Localization of Instability in China”; Northeastern University
Bray, Janna: “Friend or Foe? Muslim Immigrants and Left Political Parties in Western Europe”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Brookes, Marissa Danielle: “Transnational Labor Alliances: Why Some Succeed”; Northwestern University
Brown, Cody: “Why Do They Fight? Explaining Participation in the War in Croatia”; University of Kansas
Brule, Rachel E.: “The Political Economy of Gender-Equalizing Land Inheritance Reform’s Impact in Rural India”; Stanford University
Buckley, David T.: “Secular Evolution: Religion, Democracy and Institutional Change in Ireland, Senegal and the Philippines”; Georgetown University
Buehler, Matthew J.: “The Social Base Of Divide-And-Rule: Left-Islamist Opposition Alliances In North Africa’s Arab Spring”; University of Texas, Austin
Bunte, Jonas: “Debt and Coalitions: Domestic Politics and Sovereign Borrowing”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Burns, Sean: “One Hand? Military Structure and Middle East Revolts”; Northwestern University
Cagossi, Alessandro: “Economic and Monetary Union: An Unexplored Case of Federalism”; West Virginia University
Cantu, Francisco: “Electoral Manipulation in Developing Democracies”; University of California, San Diego
Carter, Danielle S.: “Non-State Security, State Legitimacy and Political Participation in South Africa”; Michigan State University
Ceka, Besir: “Causes and consequences of political trust”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Chen, Ling: “Globally Distorted Development: Varieties of Local State Capitalism and the Paradox of Industrial Upgrading in China”; Johns Hopkins University
Choudhury, Zahid: “Politics of Natural Disasters: How Governments Maintain Legitimacy in the Wake of Major Disasters, 1990-2010”; University of Iowa
Chu, Katherine: “Enjoying Bird-Caged Press Freedom: A Study of Film and Media Industries in China After 1978 and Its Soft Power”; University of Southern California
Claassen, Christopher: “The Emotional Logic of Participation in Intergroup Violence”; Washington University in St. Louis
Connolly, John: “Political Sophistication in Contemporary Britain”; University of Texas at Dallas
Corral, Margarita: “Uneven representation? Analysis of Democratic Responsiveness in Latin America”; Vanderbilt University
Cruz, Cesi: “Social Networks and Illegal Electoral Strategies”; University of California, San Diego
Curtis, Katherine Amber: “The Psychology of Political-Territorial Identification”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Daniel, William Thomas: “All Roads Lead Through Brussels? Career Ambition and the European Parliament”; University of Pittsburgh
Distelhorst, Gregory: “Publicity-Driven Accountability in China”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dobbs, Erica: “Constituents Without Citizenship: Migrant Political Representation in New Destination Countries”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Donnelly, Michael: “Identity and Interests: Voter Heuristics and Support for Redistributive Policy”; Princeton University
Dukalskis, Alexander J.: “Ideology & Authoritarian Persistence: Shaping the Public Sphere in North Korea and Burma”; University of Notre Dame
Eichorst, Jason: “Conditioning Descriptive Representation: Institutional Moderation of Unique Group Perspectives in Legislative Debates”; Rice University
El Nakhala, Doaa: “Walls and Fences, the Making of Good Neighbors?!”; University of Texas, Austin
Fischer, Sarah: “Democratization, Modernization, and the Headscarf: Women’s Relationship to Secularism in Contemporary Turkey”; American University
Galiñanes, Ramon: “Negotiating a Lasting Peace: A Comparative Analysis of Angola’s Civil War Settlements”; University of Florida
Gellman, Mneesha: “Claiming Culture: A Comparative Study of Ethnic Minority Rights Mobilizations in Mexico, Turkey and El Salvador”; Northwestern University
Goodnow, Regina R: “Post-Soviet Super-Presidentialism: Explaining Constitution Choice in Russia and Ukraine”; University of Texas, Austin
Gottlieb, Jessica: “Peasants into Democrats: Evaluating the Determinants of Democratic Failure in Mali”; Stanford University
Greitens, Sheena Chestnut: “Coercive Institutions and State Violence Under Authoritarianism”; Harvard University
Hale, Christopher: “Religion and Political Activism in Mexico”; Arizona State University
Hart, Austin: “Campaigning for the Economic Vote: The Political Impact of Economic Rhetoric”; University of Texas, Austin
Ho, Selina: “Politics, Business and Development in China’s Urban Water Sector”; Johns Hopkins University
Inman, Molly: “When National Minorities Become Local Majorities: Federalism, Ethnic Conflict and Violence”; University of Maryland, College Park
Jackman, Molly: “The Institutional Foundations of Majority Party Power”; Stanford University
Jeon, Jee Seon: “Dynamic Models of Endogenous Political Power”; Washington University in St. Louis
Jia, Minna: “Political Identity and Political Participation: China’s Post -80’s Generation”; University of Southern California
Johnson, Kristina: “Winning Isn’t Everything (Except When it Is): How Domestic Politics Drive Interstate Competition for Foreign Direct Investment”; Princeton University
Jones, Cara: “Giving Up the Gun: Rebel to Ruler Transitions in Africa’s Great Lakes Region”; University of Florida
Jones, Calvert W.: “Bedouins into Bourgeois? Social Engineering for a Market Economy in the United Arab Emirates”; Yale University
Kenny, Paul D.: “The Patronage Network: Broker Power, Populism, and Democracy in India”; Yale University
Kent, Andrea Kay: “The Winner-Loser Effect in Context: Presidentialism and Democracy across the Americas”; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kerr, Nicholas: “The Causes and Consequences of Electoral Administrative Reform in Africa”; Michigan State University
Kiewiet de Jonge, Chad Patton: “Political Learning and Democratic Commitment in New Democracies”; University of Notre Dame
Kim, Mason: “Institutional Varieties of Productivist Welfare Capitalism in East Asia”; University of Pittsburgh
Kim, Diana: “Empire’s Penal Turn: The Rise of Opium Prohibition in Mainland Southeast Asia, 1870-1935”; University of Chicago
Kovalov, Maksym: “The Effects of Populism on Democratic Quality in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Ukraine”; University of Oklahoma
Kramon, Eric J.: “Vote Buying and Accountability in Democratic Africa”; University of California, Los Angeles
Kuo, Joanna Didi: “Patron States: The Decline of Clientelism in the United States and Britain”; Harvard University
Kyle, Brett J.: “Recycling Dictators: Ex-Authoritarians in New Democracies”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Lawrence, Duncan: “South of the Border: Immigration Attitudes in Latin America”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Le Bihan, Patrick: “Essays on Political Accountability”; New York University
Le Foulon, Carmen: “The effect of Transparency on Legislative Behavior: Taking Position Avoidance into Account. The Case of Chile”; Columbia University
Lee, Yuen-Ching B.: “Development as Governing Tactics - the Three Gorges Dam and the Reproduction and Transformation of State Power in Dengist China”; University of Chicago
Leiter, Debra Lynn: “The Conditionality of Voter Decision-Making”; University of California, Davis
Levi-Sanchez, Suzanne: “All Institutionalization is Local: Border (In)Security and the Case of Tajik/Afghan Badakhshan”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Lim, Sijeong: “Modes of Social Policy in the Developing World”; University of Washington
Lori, Noora Anwar: “Unsettling State: Non-Citizens, State Power, and Citizenship in the United Arab Emirates”; Johns Hopkins University
Lowry, Anna: “Between Developmentalism and Neopatrimonialism: Exploring the Causes of Nationalization in Russia”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Macdonald, Geoffrey: “Parties and Peacebuilding: The Institutional Origin of Multiethnic Politics in India, Indonesia, and South Africa”; University of Denver
Malejacq, Romain: “Warlords and the State System: Power and Authority in Afghanistan (2001-2009)”; Northwestern University
Martin, Shannon Leigh: “Financial Stability, Guaranteed: The Use of Bank Guarantees in Financial Crisis Containment”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Mayka, Lindsay Rose: “Bringing the Public into Policymaking: National Participatory Institutions in Latin America”; University of California, Berkeley
Michelitch, Kristin Grace: “Electoral Competition and Interpartisan Economic Discrimination”; New York University
Miller-Gonzalez, Jennifer: “Redefining the Nation: Center-Right Party Outreach Toward Ethnic Minorities in Europe”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Mitchell, Jocelyn Sage: “Beyond Allocation: The Politics of Legitimacy in Qatar”; Georgetown University
Mitchell, Christopher: “Saving the Market from Itself: The Politics of Financial Intervention”; George Washington University
Morse, Yonatan: “Party Matters: The Institutional Origins of Competitiveness and Hegemony in Post Cold War Africa”; Georgetown University
Mukherjee, Shivaji: “Colonial Origins of Maoist Insurgency in India: Historical Legacies of British Indirect Rule”; Yale University
Munoz, Paula: “Campaign Clientelism in Peru: An Informational Theory”; University of Texas, Austin
Munroe, Michelle: “The Dark Side of Globalization: the Transnationalization of a Garrison in the case of Jamaica”; Florida International University
Murali, Kanta: “Economic Liberalization, Sub-National Politics and Private Investment in India”; Princeton University
Nelson, Todd: “Bringing Stalin Back In: Creating a Useable Past in Putin’s Russia”; Kent State University
Nogueira-Budny, Daniel: “From Marxist-Leninism to Market-Liberalism? The Varied Adaption of Latin American’s Leftist Parties”; University of Texas, Austin
Ogbaharya, Daniel Ghebretensae: “Institutional Change and Continuity in Community-based Governance of Natural Resources in Ethiopia and Namibia: A Comparative Historical Analysis”; Northern Arizona University
Oliveros, Virginia: “A Working Machine: Patronage Jobs and Political Services in Argentina”; Columbia University
Olmeda, Juan Cruz: “(Dis)united They Stand? The Politics of Governors’ Coalition Building in Argentina”; Northwestern University
O’Mahen, Patrick N.: “Public Broadcasting, Public Funding and the Public Interest: How Government Broadcasting Subsidies Increase Political Knowledge and Participation”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Osorio, Javier: “Hobbes on Drugs: Understanding Drug Violence in Mexico”; University of Notre Dame
Pallister, Kevin: “Bringing the Ballot Box to the People: Election Administration and the Origins of Inclusive Voting Practices”; University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Paribatra, Pintbhand: “Thailand’s Relationship with Its Neighbors: A Study of Border Conflict from 1973 to 2011”; Northern Illinois University
Parkinson, Sarah E.: “Reinventing the Resistance: Order and Violence Among Palestinians in Lebanon”; University of Chicago
Perla, Cecilia: “Extracting from the Extractors: Local Direct Investments of Mining Companies in Peru”; Brown University
Popa, Mircea: “Essays on the Political Economy of Corruption and Rent-Seeking”; Harvard University
Porteux, Jonson Nathaniel: “Police, Paramilitaries, Nationalists and Gangsters: The Processes of State Building in Korea”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Potter, Joshua D.: “Evaluating the Strategic Electoral Decisions of Elites, Voters, and Constituencies”; Washington University in St. Louis
Rabinowitz, Beth: “Urban-bias and the Roots of Political Instability: The Case for the Strategic Importance of the Rural Periphery in Sub-Saharan Africa”; University of California, Berkeley
Ratigan, Kerry: “Authoritarian Governance, Decentralization, and State Legitimacy: Healthcare Reform in Rural China”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Reif, Megan E.: “Making Democracy Safe: Institutional Causes and Consequences of Election Coercion and Violence”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Ricks, Jacob Isaac: “Politics of Participation: Irrigation Associations in Southeast Asia”; Emory University
Rios, Viridiana: “How Government Structure Encourages Criminal Violence: The Causes of Mexico’s Drug War”; Harvard University
Rivero, Gonzalo: “Essays on the Political Economy of the Coercive Apparatus”; New York University
Robinson, Amanda Lea: “Trust Amid Diversity: Nationalism and Inter-Ethnic Trust in Africa”; Stanford University
Rodriguez, Mariana: “The Sustainability of Populism in Times of Crisis: Explaining the Chávez Phenomenon”; Vanderbilt University
Ruiz-Euler, Alexander: “Inter-temporal Dilemmas in New Democracies: The Case of Inequality and Public Goods in Mexico”; University of California, San Diego
Russell, Christopher: “The Politics of Production: Understanding the Organization of the Petroleum Sector in Major Oil-Producing States”; University of Pennsylvania
Shafique, Aisha: “Political Competition and Social Organization: Explaining the Effect of Ethnicity on Public Goods Provision in Pakistan”; Ohio State University
Smith, Nicholas Rush: “The Rights of Others: Vigilantism and the Contradictions of Democratic State Formation in Post-Apartheid South Africa”; University of Chicago
Smith, David Michael: “Immigrants and Counterterrorism Policy: A Comparative Study of the United States and Britain”; Northeastern University
Son, Byunghwan: “Political Economy of Exchange Rate”; University of Missouri, Columbia
Sullivan, Heather A.: “Managing Dissent: State Capacity, Democracy, and Contentious Politics in Mexico”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Tay, Stephen: “Perceptions of Inequality: Its Formation and Impact on Redistribution, Political Participation, and Protests”; University of California, Los Angeles
Tekelioglu, Ahmet Selim: “Construction of Transnational Muslim Identity among American Converts to Islam: Investigating Contending Imaginations of Political Community”; Boston University
Thaut, Laura: “The Inevitable Clash? Inter-religious Violence and Local Power-sharing in Nigeria.”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Thibert, Joël: “Does Urban Regional Collaboration Make a Difference? Evidence from North American Metros”; Princeton University
Tolay, Juliette: “Turkey’s Worldviews: Toward a Comparative Political Theory of Migration”; University of Delaware
Travaglianti, Manuela: “The Logic of Intra-ethnic Violence during Elections”; New York University
Trieu, Huong: “Building a Welfare State: A Case Study of Rural Migrant Medical Insurance in Urban China”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Tugdar, Emel: “Europeanization of Minority Policies Under Conditionality: A Comparative Analysis of Latvia, Bulgaria and Turkey”; West Virginia University
Tzelgov, Eitan: “Words as Weapons: Opposition Rhetoric and Partisan”; Pennsylvania State University
Ugues, Antonio: “A Comparative Analysis of Electoral Management Bodies in Central America”; University of California, Riverside
Van Dyck, Brandon: “The Paradox of Adversity: New Left Party Survival and Collapse in Lain America”; Harvard University
Wainscott, Ann Marie: “How an Islamic Solution Became an Islamist Problem: Islamic Education, Authoritarianism, and the Politics of Opposition in Morocco”; University of Florida
Wang, Zhen: “Career Ambition and Local Compliance: The Political Logic of Tourism Development Policy Implementation in China.”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Zach, Danielle: “Diaspora Movements, Social Networks, and Civil Wars: The Irish-American (Dis)connection and the Northern Ireland Troubles”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Albon, Chris: “Civil Wars and Health Systems”; University of California, Davis
Alves, Ana C. A.: “Elites, Resources, and Interstate Violence in South America”; University of Virginia
Amri, Puspa: “Spotting Perfect Storms: Financial Regulation, Rapid Credit Growth and Banking Crises”; Claremont Graduate University
Ayoub, Phillip M: “When States ‘Come Out’: The Politics of Visibility and the Diffusion of Sexual Minority Rights in Europe”; Cornell University
Babiarz, Renny: “The People’s Nuclear Weapon: Strategic Culture, Path Dependence, and China’s Nuclear Weapons Program 1955-2011”; Johns Hopkins University
Bacon, Tricia: “Strange Bedfellows or Brothers-in-Arms: When Do Terrorist Organizations Ally?”; Georgetown University
Baerg, Nicole Rae: “The Political Economy of Conquering Inflation: The Impact of Elite Polarization and Elite Consensus on Inflation-Stabilization”; Emory University
Bagherpour, Amir K: “Religion and Evolution of Democracy: A Revised Selectorate Model for the Arab Spring”; Claremont Graduate University
Bagozzi, Benjamin E.: “Strategies of Environmental Treaty Participation by Authoritarian Regimes”; Pennsylvania State University
Bak, Daehee: “Leader Tenure Domestic Constraints, and International Conflicts”; Pennsylvania State University
Barry, Colin: “Conflict, Cooperation, and the Multinational Corporation: Security and Foreign Direct Investment in the Developing World”; SUNY, Binghamton University
Beaudette, Donald Michael: “Beyond Coercion: The Politics of Punishment Attacks and Policing in Northern Ireland”; Emory University
Beesley, Celeste: “Rising Tides, Rocking Boats: FDI and Globalization’s “Insecure Winners” in Eastern Europe”; University of California, San Diego
Berg, Louis-Alexandre: “Security Governance After Civil War: Aid Influence and the Politics of Post-Conflict State-Building”; Georgetown University
Bouka, Yolande A. F.: “In the Shadow of Prison: Power, Identity, and Transitional Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda”; American University-SIS
Bowdish, Randall G.: “Military Strategy: Theory and Concepts”; University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Bracic, Ana: “Essays on Human Rights”; New York University
Brandle, Shawna M.: “The Violations Will Not Be Televised: Television News Coverage of Human Rights in the US & UK”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Brigden, Noelle K.: “Uncertain Odysseys: Migrant Journeys and Transnational Routes”; Cornell University
Briggs, Ryan C.: “Aiding and Abetting: The Influence of Foreign Assistance on Incumbent Advantage in Africa”; American University-SIS
Burch, Michael: “The Political Economy of Rebel Financing: Transnational Crime and the Conflict Trap”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Carson, Austin: “Secrecy, Acknowledgement, and War Escalation: A Study in Covert Competition”; Ohio State University
Castellano, Isaac: “Kantian Peace Extended: Liberal Influences on Military Expenditures”; University of Kentucky
Chatagnier, Tyson: “Bargaining Under Watchful Eyes: International Conflict and Third Party Observation”; University of Rochester
Chen, Chien-Kai: “Cross-Strait Economic Ties, Taiwan’s Domestic Politics, and China-Taiwan Relations, 1990-2008”; Boston University
Chyzh, Olga: “Tell Me Who Your Friends Are: An Endogenous Model of International Network Formation and Effect on Domestic Political Outcomes”; University of Iowa
Collard-Wexler, Simon: “Understanding Resistance to Foreign Occupation”; Columbia University
Cooper, Walter: “Blood and Treasure: Money and Military Force in Irregular Warfare”; Harvard University
Dallas-Feeney, Christopher P.: “The Social Fitness of Insurgencies: The Organizational Payoff for Legitimated Power”; George Washington University
Dancy, Geoff: “The Impact of Human Rights Law in Time.”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Danneman, Nathan: “Committing to Bargain: How Mediation Contributes to the Onset and Success of Peace Talks”; Emory University
de las Casas, Gustavo: “Nationalism-as-Technology and Peace in Europe, 1815-1914”; Columbia University
Demirdas, Ali: “The Turkish Foreign Policy under the Justice and Development Party: A Paradigm Shift?”; University of South Carolina
Eastin, Joshua C.: “Violent Eruptions: Natural Disasters, War, and Peace”; University of Washington
Elias, Barbara: “The Critical Ally: Coercion and Defiance in Counterinsurgency Partnership”; University of Pennsylvania
Ellington, Sidney Thomas: “Adopting Counterinsurgency Doctrine to Policy-Making Realities in the 21st Century: An American Approach”; University of Oklahoma
Englund, Scott H.: “At What Cost: United States Counter-terror Policy, Reputation, and American Public Opinion”; University of California, Santa Barbara
Faegri, Christina Wagner: “Reconstituting the Fiscal Bargain: The Politics of Taxation in Latin America’s Emerging Markets”; University of Southern California
Fariss, Christopher J.: “The More Things Stay the Same the More They Change: Measuring Changing Levels of Human Rights Using Computational Methods”; University of California, San Diego
Flynn, Michael E.: “Those Halcyon Days: The Evolution of the American Foreign Policy Establishment”; SUNY, Binghamton University
Foss, Andrew: “Public Opinion Under Conditional Threat: Psychological, Emotional, Cognitive, and Biological Explanations for Retaliatory Measures Following Terrorist Acts”; Northern Illinois University
Friedman, Jeffrey A.: “Cumulative Dynamics and Strategic Assessment: U.S. Military Decision Making in Iraq, Vietnam, and the American Indian Wars”; Harvard University
Gibb, Ryan: “The Politics of Land Reform in Uganda”; University of Kansas
Gokkir, Betul: “Networking for Global Commons: Governance of Marine Protected Areas in the High Seas and the Impact of Nongovernmental Actors”; University of Florida
Greene, Brooke C.: “Watching the Watchers: The Politics of International Humanitarian Law Monitoring”; Columbia University
Gupta, Kuhika: “Order in a Chaotic Subsystem: A Comparative Analysis of Nuclear Facility Siting Using Coalition Opportunity Structures and the Advocacy Coalition Framework”; University of Oklahoma
Haddad, Heidi Nichols: “Advocates, Institution Builders, and Gatekeepers: NGOs and International Human Rights Justice”; University of California, Irvine
Harrison, William H.: “Foreign Christian Influence in Developing World Domestic Social Policy”; West Virginia University
Heinrich, Tobias: “Strategic Choices in Foreign Aid”; Rice University
Henshaw, Alexis L.: “Why Women Rebel”; University of Arizona
Hirose, Kentaro: “Bargaining Outside the Shadow of War”; University of Chicago
Homan, Patrick: “The Politics of Arms Control Treaty Ratification in the Post-Cold War Era”; Northern Illinois University
Hunzeker, Michael A.: “Perfecting War: The Organizational Sources of Doctrinal Change”; Princeton University
Hutnick, Jennifer A. Laks: “A Regional Weapon of Choice: Forum Choice in International Trade Disputes”; University of Pittsburgh
Irish, Adam: “Wait Til Next Year? The Politics and Timing of Treaty Ratifications”; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Itzkowitz-Shifrinson, Joshua: “Dilemmas of Decline, Risks of Rise: The Systemic and Military Sources of Rising State Strategy towards Declining Great Powers”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jablonski, Ryan Steele: “The Effect of Electoral Politics on Foreign Aid Spending”; University of California, San Diego
Jacobs, Michael N.: “An Investigation of the Internal Dynamics of Bilateral Investment Treaties: Every BIT Counts”; University of Nevada, Reno
Johnston, Noel Pereyra: “The Politics of Compensation for Expropriation”; Washington University in St. Louis
Jones, Benjamin Thomas: “The Past is Ever-Present: Civil War as a Dynamic Process”; Ohio State University
Junio, Timothy J.: “A Theory of Information Warfare”; University of Pennsylvania
Kalu, Nkemjika E.: “Understanding Africa’s China Policy: A Test of Dependency Theory and a Study of African Motivations in Increasing Engagement with China”; University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Karakaya, Suveyda: “Religion and Conflict: What Explains the Puzzling Case of Islamic Violence”; University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Katzenstein, Suzanne: “Why Surrender Sovereignty? Empowering Non-State Actors to Protect the Status Quo”; Columbia University
Kavakli, Kerim Can: “Three Essays on the Links Between Domestic and International Politics”; University of Rochester
Kertzer, Joshua D.: “Resolve in International Politics”; Ohio State University
Kim, Yi Yeon: “Armed Conflict and HIV”; Texas Tech University
Koga, Jun: “Domestic Political Institutions, Leadership Survival and Conflicts in Dictatorships”; Emory University
Kogan, Eugene B.: “Coercing Allies: Why Friends Abandon Nuclear Plans”; Brandeis University
Koh, Geun: “Issues in the Development of Foreign Worker and Immigration Policy in the Republic of Korea”; University of Delaware
Kuru, Deniz: “A Disciplinary History of International Relations (IR) in Europe: The Development of the IR discipline in Germany and France”; University of Southern California
Kwon, Bo Ram: “The Effectiveness of Sanctions Revisited: An Empirical Analysis Using a Bargaining and Enforcement Framework”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Landis, Steven Tyler: “The Seasonal Influence of Meteorological & Physical Factors on the Onset of Violent Conflict”; Pennsylvania State University
Langlois, Michael James: “Averting Dyadic Conflict: The Role of International Political Economy”; Wayne State University
Lantrip, Julie: “Test Case Linkage: Civil Society and the Development of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”; Georgetown University
Lauterbach, Toby: “Strategic Culture and the Iraq War”; Purdue University
Lee, Chia-yi: “The Globalization of Natural Resources: How External Actors Affect Political Survival in Resource Rich Countries”; Washington University in St. Louis
Lee, Su-Mi: “Mediator Impartiality and Interest”; University of Kentucky
Li, Xiaojun: “Access, Institutions and Policy Influence: The Changing Political Economy of Trade Protection in Post-Reform China”; Stanford University
Liao, Chia-Yueh: “Trade and Legalization in East Asia: Government Business Collaboration in Trade Dispute Settlements”; University of Southern California
Lin, Wei-hsiu: “The Comparative Perspectives of the Impacts of Political Institutions on the Incidence of Speculative Attacks”; Claremont Graduate University
Long, Tom: “Convincing the Colossus: Latin American Leaders Face the United States”; American University-SIS
Luecke, Tim: “Generations in World Politics: Cycles in U.S. Foreign Policy, the Construction of the ‘West,’ and International Systems Change, 1900-2008”; Ohio State University
Maass, Richard W.: “To Conquer Land or People: Democracy and the Domestic Political Costs of Annexationism”; University of Notre Dame
Madeira, Mary Anne: “The New Politics of the New Trade: The Political Economy of Intra-Industry Trade”; University of Washington
Maness, Ryan C.: “Coercive Energy Policy: Russia and the Near Abroad”; University of Illinois, Chicago
Mantilla, Giovanni: “Under (Social) Pressure: The Historical Regulation of Internal Armed Conflicts through International Law”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Mastro, Oriana: “Settling the Score: The Interactive Effect of Talking and Fighting on War Duration and Termination”; Princeton University
Mathewson, JD: “Occupied with Democracy”; University of Maryland, College Park
Maves Braithwaite, Jessica: “Cooperation, Coercion, and Competition: Essays on Domestic Political Institutions and Civil Conflict”; Pennsylvania State University
McBride, Becca: “The Diffusion of Intercountry Adoption: Learning and Networks in the Global Arena”; Vanderbilt University
McIntosh, Christopher: “What Makes a War, a War? War, Sovereignty, and the Subject of International Politics”; University of Chicago
Metzger, Shawna K.: “Conflict Dynamics in Militarized Interstate Disputes”; University of Pittsburgh
Miller, Charles A.: “Destructivity: a Political Economy of Military Effectiveness in Conventional Combat”; Duke University
Mvukiyehe, Eric N.: “Essays on Micro-foundations of Peace-building in War-Torn Societies: Survey Evidence and Insights from a Field Experiment in Rural Liberia.”; Columbia University
Nelson, Amy J.: “Improving the Efficacy of Arms Control: From Risk Reduction to Uncertainty Management”; University of California, Berkeley
Nicoletti, Nicholas P.: “Politicizing War: Information, Democracy, and Public Opinion”; SUNY, University at Buffalo
Nielsen, Richard: “The Lonely Jihadist: Weak Networks and the Radicalization of Muslim Clerics”; Harvard University
Nieman, Mark David: “The Return on Social Bonds: The Effect of Social Contracts on International Conflict and Economics”; University of Iowa
Noonan, Michael P.: “Complexity, Conflict, and Cooperation: The Micropolitics of American Civil-Military Relations In Small Wars, 1945–Present”; Loyola University, Chicago
Nunez-Mietz, Fernando Gabriel: “Lawyering Compliance: Legal Advisers and the Legalization of International Politics”; Ohio State University
Oates, John: “The Constitution of Supranationalism: Interdependence, Sovereignty and International Organization”; Ohio State University
Ohls, David: “Exchanging Fire: Trade, Conflict, and the Strategic Incentives of Indirect Economic Interdependence”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
O’Keefe, Christopher Blake: “Why States Create Multiple Multilateral Development Finance Institutions”; University of California, San Diego
Osgood, Iain: “Dofferemtoated Products, Divided Industries: Firms and the Politics of Intra-Industry Trade”; Harvard University
Ovodenko, Alexander: “Pathways of Cooperation: Integrated and Un-integrated International Environmental Governance”; Princeton University
Palkki, David: “Deterring Saddam Hussein’s Iraq: Domestic Audience Costs and Credibility Assessments in Theory and Practice”; University of California, Los Angeles
Pardesi, Manjeet S.: “Explaining the Origins of Strategic Rivalries and Their Escalation to War: A Study of the China-India, US-China, and US-Japan Dyads”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Pathak, Swapna: “Footprints of War: Environmental Consequences of Violent Conflicts”; University of South Carolina
Pechenkina, Anna: “The Complexity of Conflict Management”; Pennsylvania State University
Pegahi, Negeen: “Dangerous Deterrent? Assessing the Risk that Nuclear Acquisition Will Embolden Weak States”; University of Chicago
Perez, Michael David: “Budget Institutions and the Positive Theory of Fiscal Policy”; University of Southern California
Petersen, Mark William: “Security Neorealism and the British Empire”; Purdue University
Pfaff, Lukas: “Secrets, Mercenaries, and War: Three Models of International Conflict”; University of Rochester
Plouffe, Michael: “The New Political Economy of Trade: Heterogeneous Firms and Trade Policy”; University of California, San Diego
Poliquin, Etienne: “Informal Commitments in International Relations: Explaining the Credibility of Alliances”; University of California, Los Angeles
Popescu, Ionut: “Design and Emergence in the Making of American Grand Strategy”; Duke University
Quek, Kai: “Rationalist Causes of War: Mechanisms, Experiments, and East Asian Wars”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Radheshwar, S. Jovian: “What is Freedom? - Contingency, Violence, Democracy - The ‘War on Terrorism’ and the Globalization of Slave Morality”; University of California, Santa Barbara
Ramirez, Shawn L.: “Accountability and International Conflict”; University of Rochester
Repogle, Sherri: “The Civilian in the War on Terror: Do Norms Shape Strategy?”; Loyola University, Chicago
Ripley, Charles: “Pathways to Peace, Progress, and Public Goods: Rethinking Regional Hegemony”; Arizona State University
Rivera, William Anthony: “The Complexity of Iranian Foreign Policy: the politics of fear, interest, and honor”; University of Delaware
Ruhlman, Molly Anne: “Nongovernmental Participation in Intergovernmental Organizations”; Temple University
Saiya, Nilay: “Religion, State, and the Roots of Religious Terrorism”; University of Notre Dame
Salem, Hazem: “Islamic Political Thought: Reviving a Rationalist Tradition”; University of Denver
Savic, Ivan: “The Politics of International Financial Crisis Response”; Columbia University
Shea, Patrick E.: “Sovereign Credit, Conflict, and International Relations”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Shelton, Crystal E.: “Deadly Connections: The Role of IGO Membership in State Vulnerability to Transnational Terrorism”; Purdue University
Skuldt, Amanda C.: “State Sponsored Terrorism? Leader Survival and the Foreign Policy of Fear”; University of Texas, Austin
Sokhom, Sovathana: “How Does Intangible Human Capital Impact Economic Growth in Less Developed Countries (LDC): Using Cambodia as a Case Study”; Claremont Graduate University
Svyatets, Ekaterina: “Power, Profits, and Politics: Energy Security and Cooperation in Eurasia”; University of Southern California
Tan, Bann Seng: “Spear Versus Shield: The Impact of Democracy on Rivalry”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Tao, Jing: “Legitimacy, Sovereignty, and National Interests: China’s Strategy of Signing and Ratifying Legalized Treaties”; Cornell University
Tkach, Benjamin: “Corporate Security and Conflict Outcomes”; Texas A&M University
Travlos, Konstantinos: “From Warmongers to Peace Builders: Major Power Managerial Coordination and the Transformation of International Relations, 1715–2001”; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Trownsell, Tamara: “Robust Relationality: Lessons from the Ontology of Complete Interconnectedness for the Field of International Relations”; American University
Tusicisny, Andrej: “Reciprocity and Prejudice: An Experiment of Hindu-Muslim Cooperation in the Slums of Mumbai”; Columbia University
Unger, Katherine: “Networks and Human Rights: An Examination of Human Rights Treaties and the Influence of Dependence on States’ Human Rights Practices”; University of California, Davis
Uzonyi, Gary: “Protecting Civilians at Home and Abroad”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Vincent, Tiffiny: “Examining State Compliance with the International Court of Justice”; Texas Tech University
Voss, Michael Joel: “Panacea or False Hope? From the Commission on Human Rights to the Human Rights Council”; University of Virginia
Walter, Martin: “Explaining the Emergence of Transboundary Groundwater Management: the Aquifer System, the Hueco and Mesilla-Bolson Aquifers, and the Genevois Aquifer”; Northwestern University
Wang, Ray: “Quiet Confrontations: Transnational Advocacy Networks, Local Churches, and the Pursuit of Religious Freedoms in China”; University of California, Riverside
Wells, Jeremy L.: “Power and Purpose: U.S. Foreign Aid and Development”; Louisiana State University
Wick, Shelley: “Constructing Threat: How Americans Identify Economic Competitors”; Florida International University
Willardson, Spencer L.: “Under the Influence of Arms - The Foreign Policy Causes and Consequences of Arms Transfers”; University of Iowa
Wilson, Christopher S.: “Striking a Deal with Terrorists: The Separation of and Bargaining with Terrorist Organizations”; University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Winecoff, William Kindred: “A Complex Political Economy of the Global Banking System”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Wolf, Albert B.: “The Microfoundations of Audience Costs”; University of California, Irvine
Yaylaci, Ismail: “The Discourse of Post-Islamism and Performative Socialization in International Order: Secularism, Democracy, and Islamist Subjectivity in Turkey and Egypt”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Yoder, Brandon: “The Uncertainty of Decline: Power Shifts, Interstate Signaling, and Conflict”; University of Virginia
Yonamine, James: “A Nuanced Study of Political Conflict using the Global Datasets of Events Location and Tone”; Pennsylvania State University
Young, Laura D: “Competition Scarcity: A New Theory of State Formation”; Purdue University
Zeigler, Sean M.: “Civil Conflict and Competitive Coalitions: Allying in the Shadow of War”; Duke University
Zeitzoff, Thomas: “Three Essays on the Macro- and Microfoundations of Conflict”; New York University
Aronow, Peter M.: “Model Assisted Causal Inference”; Yale University
Crespo-Tenorio, Adriana: “Three Papers on the Political Consequences of Oil Price Volatility”; Washington University in St. Louis
Lam, Patrick: “Estimating Individual Causal Effects”; Harvard University
Lukinova, Evgeniya: “Behavioral and neurobehavioral features of “sociality””; University of Oregon
Olmsted, Jonathan P.: “Three Essays on Extending the Estimation of Ideal Points”; University of Rochester
Tsai, Tsung-han: “Essays on Quantitative Methods for Consequences of Political Institutions”; Washington University in St. Louis
Howard, Lauren: “Service Satisfaction, Competence and Caring: Examining the Influence of Experience with the Public Bureaucracy on Citizen Attitudes of Trust in Government”; University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Koelling, Peter: “Caseflow Management and its Effect on Timeliness in the Colorado District Courts”; Northern Illinois University
McMillin, Stephen Edward: “Transferring Training to Evidence-Based Practice in Home Visitation”; University of Chicago
Rabovsky, Tom: “Accountability and Performance in Higher Education: Promise, Potential, and Pitfalls of Performance Management”; University of Oklahoma
Sayogo, Djoko Sigit: “Modeling Incentives to Disclose: Smart Disclosure Policy, Private Sector Transparency and Demanded Disclosure”; SUNY, University at Albany
Walker, KW: “Public Libraries and Democracy: The Library’s Effect on User Civic Engagement”; Auburn University
Zhang, Jian-Chuan: “Towards a Citizen-Centered E-Government: Exploring Citizen Satisfaction with E-Government in China”; Northern Illinois University
Ackerman, John Wolfe: “The Politics of Political Theology: Rosenzweig, Schmitt, Arendt”; Northwestern University
Alexander-Davey, Ethan: “Birthright Democracy: Nationhood and Self-Government in History”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Andersen, Daniel: “From Deliberation to Dialogue: The Role of the I-Thou in Democratic Experience”; University of Oregon
Archer, Crina: “Times of Democratic Revolution: Historical Teleology and Political Freedom in Kant, Tocqueville, and Arendt”; Northwestern University
Aroosi, Jamie: “The Dialectical Self: Søren Kierkegaard, Karl Marx, and the Birth of Radical Freedom”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Baluch, Faisal: “Machiavelli on Liberty, Empire, and Necessity”; University of Notre Dame
Barlow, Robert: “Value Pluralism and the Politics of Exclusion”; Stanford University
Bejan, Teresa M.: “Mere Civility: Toleration and its Limits in Early Modern England and America”; Yale University
Blakely, Jason: “Three Political Philosophers Debate Social Science: Leo Strauss, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Charles Taylor”; University of California, Berkeley
Bolar, R. Allen: “Rational Irrationality: Slavery, Eugenics, and the Politics of Darwinism”; University of California, San Diego
Burns, Sarah: “Enlightened through Conquest and Commerce: Montesquieu on Liberal Constitutional Development”; Claremont Graduate University
Cammack, Daniela: “Rethinking Athenian Democracy”; Harvard University
Chiu, William: “The Internet, Political Communications Research and the Search for a New Information Paradigm”; University of California, Irvine
Cole, Kathleen: “Thinking Through Race: Social Construction, Social Cognition and the Unconscious Maintenance of Racial Hierarchy”; University of California, Santa Barbara
Deckert, Joseph: “Patterns of Fraud: Tools for Election Forensics”; University of Oregon
Delaune, Timothy A.: “Democratizing the Criminal: Jury Nullification as Exercise of Sovereign Discretion over the Friend-Enemy Distinction”; University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Dobard, John: “Against Dignity: Toward a New Normative Framework for Human Rights”; University of Chicago
Galisanka, Andrius: “John Rawls: The Path to A Theory of Justice”; University of California, Berkeley
Gerlsbeck, Felix: “Experimental Democracy: Collective Intelligence for a Diverse and Complex World”; Columbia University
Greear, Jake P.: “Walking, Working and Tinkering: Perception and Practice in Environmentalism”; Johns Hopkins University
Harding, Michael: “Nietzsche’s Philosophic Politics and the Crisis of the West”; University of Dallas
Hoffman, Mark: “Rethinking the Politics of Immigration: Colonial Modes of Immigration Management and the Ambivalent Resilience of the Empire State.”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Hoye, J. Matthew: “Epistemology, Theatricality, and the Rhetoric of Statecraft in Hobbes’s Leviathan”; New School for Social Research
Ince, Onur Ulas: “Colonial Capitalism and the Dilemmas of Liberalism: Locke, Burke, Wakefield and the British Empire”; Cornell University
Jefferson, Brian Jordan: “Guarding the Guardians: NYPD and the Politics of Police Accountability”; New School for Social Research
Kim, Man Kwon: “The Politics of Constitution-Building for Reconciliation between Political Enemies: A Political Justification for the Peaceful and Gradual Unification of Korea”; New School for Social Research
Kirkpatrick, Jesse L.: “After the Fire the Embers Still Burn: A Theory of Jus Post Bellum”; University of Maryland, College Park
Lambacher, Jason: “The Politics of the Extinction Predicament —Democracy, Futurity, and Responsibility”; University of Washington
Lebow, David: “Deliberative Realism”; Yale University
LeJeune, John Louis: “Rise and Fall of the Councils: Hannah Arendt and Democratic Revolution”; University of California, San Diego
Levitov, Alex: “Legitimacy as Self-Determination”; Princeton University
Lovato, Brian: “Democracy, Dialectics, and Difference: A Critical Representation of the Hegelian-Marxist Tradition”; University of California, Santa Barbara
Majdi Clark, Parissa: “From El Nuevo Despertar to Nonprofit: Changes in Puerto Rican Political Identity since 1980”; University of California, Los Angeles
Mathie, Mary E.: “Aquinas on Judgment, Justice, and the Unity of Peace”; Baylor University
McCormick, William A.: “On the De Regno of St. Thomas Aquinas”; University of Texas, Austin Menchaca-Bagnulo, Ashleen K.: “Re-Appropriating Romanitas: Machiavelli’s Response to Augustine on Rome and the Transcendent”; University of Notre Dame
Meyerhoff, Eli: “Political Theory for an Alter-University Movement: Decolonial, Abolitionist Study within, against, and beyond the Education Regime”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Mohanty, Pete: “Immigration Politics in a (Dis)Integrating Europe”; University of Texas, Austin
Novitsky, David James: “Understanding Our ‘Sense of the Just’: Between Thrasymachean Realism and Hegelian Idealism”; University of Virginia
Otobe, Nobutaka: “Stupidity in Politics: Its Unavoidability and Potential”; Johns Hopkins University
Parsi, John: “Defining Sex and Gender in Law, Politics, and Science”; Arizona State University
Ponce, Albert: “War Against Migrants, Racial Violence in the United States: A Critical Ethnography of Mexican and Latino Day Labor”; University of California, Los Angeles
Popa, Bogdan: “Shame and Political Agency in Nineteenth Century Feminist Activism”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Price, Sara: “What Can Be Done In Light of What Has Been Done: The Intersection of Theory and Practice in Rousseau”; University of California, Davis
Rahman, K. Sabeel: “Governing the Economy: Markets, Experts, and Citizens”; Harvard University
Reppert, Jamuna: “Plato’s Theaetetus: The Problem of the Unity of Knowledge”; Claremont Graduate University
Rodriguez, Gilda M.: “Translocal Citizenship: The Political Subjectivity of Indigenous Mexican Migrants”; University of California, Los Angeles
Roeder, Oliver: “Essays on Political Competition”; University of Texas, Austin
Ross, Robert: “The Constitutional Incorporation of Political Parties”; University of Houston
Sanders, Rachel: “The Color of Fat: Racial Biopolitics of Obesity”; University of Washington
Santos, Gustavo A.: “Practical Reason and the Metaphysics of Human Dignity: A Dialogue Between Christian Personalists and Kantian Liberalism”; Catholic University of America
Schwarze, Michelle A.: “Enlightened Motives: Justice and the Transformation of Violent Passions in Eighteenth Century Political Thought”; University of California, Davis
Staudinger, Alison K.: “Work Under Democracy: Labor, Gender and Arendtian Citizenship”; University of Maryland, College Park
Syedullah, Jasmine: “Of Prayers and Protests: A Political Theology of Captivity and Escape from the Plantation to the Prison”; University of California, Santa Cruz
Verovsek, Peter J.: “A New Beginning for Europe: Memory, Rupture and Integration in the Wake of Total War”; Yale University
Villegas, Christina: “Reshaping the Federal Response to Violence: The Theoretical Foundations and Legislative History of the Violence Against Women Act”; University of Dallas
Walker, Drew: “Humanism at the Limits”; Johns Hopkins University
Watson, Ronald E.: “Spying: A Normative Account of the Second Oldest Profession”; Washington University in St. Louis
Wright, Wendy: “Grim Realities: Toward a Critical Theory of Punishment”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Yenigun, Halil Ibrahim: “Political Ontology of Islamic Democracy: An Ontological Narrative of Contemporary Muslim Political Thought”; University of Virginia
Zeigerman, Tomer: “Political Inactivity - Reconsidering Political Practice”; New School for Social Research
Beim, Deborah: “Learning in the Judicial Hierarchy”; Princeton University
Bennett, Daniel: “Organizations, Religion, and Legal Mobilization: The Case of Christian Conservative Legal Advocacy”; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Blake, William: “Judicial Independence in the American States”; University of Texas, Austin
Dasgupta, Sandipto: “Legalizing the revolution”; Columbia University
Dias, Clarissa F.: “Do Constitutions Matter? Essays on the Impact of the Constitutional Provisions on De Facto Judicial Independence in Latin American Countries”; Georgia State University
Frost, Daniel: “Reasonable Constitutional Decisions”; Princeton University
Hunter, James Robert: “Contestatory Constitutionalism: Participatory Democracy as Constituent Power against Judicial Supremacy”; Princeton University
Jakle, Alexander Dunning: “Stealing Signs: How Broken Rules Structure Identity”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Lempert, Daniel: “Testing Theories of Strategic Decision-making on the U.S. Supreme Court”; Ohio State University
Mark, Daniel I.: “Authority and the Obligation to Obey the Law”; Princeton University
Ng, Kristen: “Examining the Effects of Extra Legal Factors on Immigration Decision Making in Asylum Cases”; SUNY, University at Buffalo
Payne, Michelle: “Redistricting and Reapportionment: Reforming Texas District Courts”; University of Texas at Dallas
Strayhorn, Joshua A.: “Institutions and Legal Consistency in the U.S. Courts of Appeals”; Emory University
Wobig, Jacob: “International Law and Democratic Consolidation”; University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Breetz, Hanna: “Fueled by Crisis: U.S. Alternative Fuel Policy, 1975-2007”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chang, Yi-Bin: “Personal Value Orientations and Redistribution: Why Do People not Support Redistribution Even if They Are Suffering from Economic Distress?”; University of Texas at Dallas
Domanski, Robert J.: “Who Governs the Internet? The Emerging Policies, Institutions, and Governance of Cyberspace”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Gastineau-Grimes, Holly: “Making an Exception for Care: Balancing Welfare State and Immigration Policies”; Purdue University
Hedrick, James: “Welcoming the Huddled Masses: Immigration Policy in States and Municipalities”; Rice University
Kang, Eunju: “Contracting-out Public Services”; Claremont Graduate University
Madden, Nathan J.: “It’s Not Easy Being Green: Veto Players, Climate Policy Adoption, and Outcomes in OECD States”; University of Missouri, Columbia
Nowlin, Matthew: “Defining Policy Issues: The Dynamics of Information Processing and Issue Definitions”; University of Oklahoma
O’Brien, Cheryl: “Beyond The National: Transnational Influences on (Subnational) State Policy Responsiveness to an International Norm on Violence Against Women.”; Purdue University
Rex, Justin: “The Federal Banking Regulators: Agency Capture, Regulatory Failure, and Industry Collapse During the 2008 Financial Crisis”; Wayne State University
Ripberger, Joseph T.: “The Influence of Group Interaction on Public Attitudes about the Use of Nuclear Weapons”; University of Oklahoma
Schamel, Craig: “Idealism and Actualization. Saint-Just in Theory, Practice, and Exigency”; Claremont Graduate University
Shin, GeiGuen: “The Political Economy of Functional Federalism: Exploring the Effect of Federal Welfare Policy on State Economic Performance”; University of Missouri, Columbia
Tai, Laurence: “Hierarchical Game-theoretic Models of Transparency in the Administrative State”; Harvard University
Whiteman, Meredith: “Networks, Institutions and Individuals: Interactive Effects on the Formation and Maintenance of Social Capital”; Florida State University
Table 1 Dissertations 2010–2013