February 10: Turkey: An International Crossroads, Independent Study Committee on Turkey, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, www.turkeysymposium.org.
February 28–March 3: International Studies Association Convention, Chicago, www.isanet.org/chicago2007.
March 1–3: International Globalization, Diversity, and Education Conference, Spokane, Washington, http://emmps.wsu.edu/globalization.
March 22–24: Australia & New Zealand Studies Association of North America, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., Rhonda Evans Case, ANZSANA Vice President (evanscaser@ecu.edu).
April 13–14: 3rd IEU International Student Conference: Empirical Models in Social Sciences, Izmir, Turkey, http://ikam.ieu.edu.tr/conference/call.php.
April 19–22: British Association for American Studies Conference, Centre for American Studies at the University of Leicester, www.baas.ac.uk/administration/baasconf.asp.
May 10–13: International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, www.wmich.edu/medieval/congress/42ndadvance/advance-notice.html.
May 17–19: European Union Studies Association Biennial International Conference, Montreal, Canada, www.eustudies.org/conf2007.html.
May 24–25: 6th Dutch-Belgian Political Science Conference, Antwerp (Belgium), www.politologischinstituut.be; http://www.nkwp.nl.
June 25–26: International Conference on Politics & International Affairs, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, www.atiner.gr/docs/Politics.htm.
July 4–7: International Society of Political Psychology, Portland, Oregon, http://ispp.org/meet.html.
July 16–17: 4th International Conference on Law, Athens, Greece, www.atiner.gr/docs/Law.htm.
July 31–August 3: International Association for the Study of Common Property North America Regional Meeting, Traditional & Indigenous Land Uses and Economies, Newfoundland, www.iascp.org/Canada/NorthAmerica.html.
For a complete listing of upcoming conferences, visit the APSA conference caledar at: www.apsanet.org/section_181.cfm.