Announcing the Nelson W. Polsby Memorial Fund
The Nelson W. Polsby Memorial Graduate Student Fund has been established at UC Berkeley to support graduate students who are interested in studying U.S. Congress (or in years when someone can't be found who is studying Congress, the U.S. Presidency or U.S. political parties).
Anyone interested in contributing can send a check made out to “Nelson W. Polsby Memorial Graduate Student Fund“ to: Attn: Mary Beth Herzoff, College of Letters & Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 300, Berkeley, CA, 94720-2930
NEH Summer Stipend Awards
The National Endowment for the Humanities is offering summer stipends that support two months of full-time research on a project in the humanities. The stipends have changed in two important ways from those offered in years past:
1) the amount of these awards has increased to $6,000, and
2) the application process has moved to online-only through
For more information on these stipends, email or check their web site at The deadline for application is October 2, 2007.