Call for Applications for Leaders for 2009 Workshop in Accra, Ghana
APSA is pleased to announce a call for applications from U.S.-based APSA members interested in organizing a team of leaders for a three-week political science workshop, scheduled to take place in Accra, Ghana, in the summer of 2009. Supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the 2009 Accra workshop is part of an ongoing three-year effort to organize annual residential political science workshops in Africa. The workshop will bring together up to 30 scholars and cover substantive issues, methodologies, and reviews of research. To learn about the 2009 workshop application process, visit: The deadline for applications is October 24.
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation's 2009 Dissertation Fellowships
The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner. The 2009 fellows will receive $24,000 for 12 months of full-time dissertation writing. Approximately 29 non-renewable fellowships will be awarded to candidates selected from among more than 400 applicants. Applicants must be candidates for Ph.D. or Th.D. degrees in doctoral programs at graduate schools in the United States. For more information please visit Also intended to assist students in the final year of dissertation writing, the Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowships in Women's Studies ( offer $3,000 to help defray expenses of doctoral candidates doing original and significant research about women that crosses disciplinary, regional, or cultural boundaries.