Mellon Research Fellowships in Yemen
The American Institute for Yemeni Studies (AIYS) invites applications for Mellon Research Fellowships in Yemen for 2008–2009. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2008. AYIS also plans to award other pre- and post doctoral fellowships; the deadline is November 15, 2007. For more information about the programs and the application requirements, visit their web site at
Sexuality and Politics Organized Section
At its spring 2007 meeting, the APSA Council approved the creation of a new Organized Section on Sexuality and Politics. The section invites those interested in this growing field of research and teaching to join. The section dues are only $7.00 annually. The new Section held an organizing meeting at the APSA annual conference in Chicago and elected officers.
Apply now for Minority Fellowship
APSA is accepting applications for the 2008–2009 Minority Fellowship academic year until October 26, 2007. The Minority Fellows Program designates up to 12 stipend minority fellows each year. Fellows with stipends receive a $4,000 fellowship that is disbursed in two $2,000 payments. Established in 1969 as an effort to increase the number of minority scholars in the discipline, the program has designated more than 300 fellows and contributed to the successful completion of doctoral political science programs for over 70 individuals. For eligibility requirements and application materials, please visit:
Presidential Campaign Archives
Darrell West of Brown University has joined with Patrick Devlin, emeritus professor at the University of Rhode Island to continue the collection and distribution of historic presidential campaign television ads. Individuals seeking 2008 or earlier (1952–2004) ad collections from the Devlin/West Archive should contact Professor West at Brown University, Providence, RI, 20912, (401) 853-1163 or
APSR Editorial Team
APSA is pleased to announce that the next editorial team for the American Political Science Review began their term on July 1, 2007. The new team, located at UCLA, is organized as a collegial editorship under the leadership of Ronald Rogowski (serving as lead editor). Co-editors are Kathleen Bawn, Michael Chwe, Kirstie McClure, Karen Orren, Daniel Posner, Arthur Stein, Daniel Treisman, and John Zaller. The team published an editorial statement in the May 2007 issue of the APSR. Lee Sigelman, the current APSR editor, and his team at George Washington University concluded their term in August 2007. The transition from the Sigelman's GWU team to the UCLA team will be complete by the end of the calendar year, and the change will be reflected on the APSR masthead commencing with the first issue of volume 102 in February 2008.
American Council of Learned Societies
The ACLS is pleased to announce the opening of the 2007–2008 competitions for fellowships and grants. There are two new programs as well as eleven ongoing fellowships and grants. CLS offers fellowships and grants in over one dozen programs, for research in the humanities and humanistic social sciences at the doctoral and postdoctoral levels. For more information on specific programs, including requirements and deadlines, please visit the ACLS web site at: