During the Annual Business Meeting on August 30, 2008, APSA executive director Michael Brintnall verified a challenge to the slate of nominees for seats on the APSA Council. An all-member electronic election is being held to determine the eight Council members who will serve on the 2008–09 Council in addition to the officers who were declared elected without contest. The election began on October 1 and will end on November 1, 2008.
Notification to participate in the election was sent via postcard and e-mail on October 1 to all current APSA members as of September 24, 2008. E-mail reminders will be sent throughout the election period.
Candidates for the 2008 Council election follow:
Jonathan Benjamin-Alvarado, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Jodi Dean, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Kathleen Hall Jamieson, University of Pennsylvania
Rose McDermott, University of California, Santa Barbara
Walter R. Mebane, Jr., University of Michigan
Maria Victoria Murillo, Columbia University
Mark A. Peterson, University of California, Los Angeles
Sherri L. Wallace, University of Louisville
Franke Wilmer, Montana State University, Bozeman
For more on the APSA 2008 Council election please visit http://www.apsanet.org/section_462.cfm.