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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2014
The observer of the current literature of Midwifery finds nothing more characteristic of it than the number of papers on the mechanism of natural parturition. These papers indicate for the most part an enlightened zeal, for they are engaged with a most important branch of this mechanism, namely, the mode of action of the force of labour upon the fœtus and upon the passages, and the explanation thereby obtained of the changes which take place in these as natural labour advances.
page 651 note * See the work of H. F. Nægele, “Die Lehre vom Mechanismus der Geburt.” Mainz, 1838, S. 12.
page 652 note * F. C. Nægele. ‘Das Weibliche Becken.’ Carlsruhe, 1825.
page 652 note † See my ‘Researches in Obstetrics,’ p. 334, &c.
page 653 note * Researches in Obstetrics, p. 148.
page 654 note * Jenaische Zeitschrift für Medicin und Natur-Wissenschaft, iii. Band. S. 272.
page 655 note * Jenaische Zeitschrift, iv. Band. S. 522. 1868.
page 655 note † Monatsschrift für Geburtskunde, xxix. Band. S. 92. 1867.
page 656 note * Edinburgh Medical Journal, June 1871, p. 1061.
page 656 note † Edinburgh Medical Journal, May 1870.
page 657 note * Der Geburt's Mechanismus der Kopfendlagen, S. 72.
page 657 note † See Edinburgh Medical Journal, June 1870, and the American Journal of the Medical Sciences, October 1870, &c.
page 658 note * See Jenaische Zeitschrift für Medicin, &c. Band iii., 1867, and Lehrhuch für der Hebammenkunst, 1870.
page 659 note * Lehrbuch der Hebammenkunst, fig. liii.