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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2017
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2 Id. 4d.
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5 Richard Falk, Revitalizing International Law 91 (1989).
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10 West, Cornel, Prophesy Deliverance! an Afro-American Revolutionary Christianity 49 (1982)Google Scholar, cited in Romany, supra note 10 at 914.
1 See generally Romany, supra note 10.
12 Ella Shohat & Robert Stam, Unthinking Eurocentrism 48 (1994).
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14 Michael Ignatieff, Blood and Belonging: Journeys into the new nationalism (1994), cited in Perry, supra note 13, at 565.
15 Perry, supra note 13, at 566.
16 Id. at 569.
17 Lawrence Friedman, the Republic of Choice (1990), cited in Perry, supra note 13, at 570.
18 Will Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship 188-89 (1995). Id. at 189.
20 Jurgen Habermas, Multiculturalism and the Liberal State, 47 Stan. L. Rev. 849, 851 (1995).
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22 Id.
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24 Id. at 26.
25 Id. at 27.
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37 Aime Cásaire, Cahier D’un Retour Au Pays Natal (Notebook of a Return to the Native Land) 76-77 (1983).
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43 Id.
44 Id.
45 Shohat & Stam, supra note 12, at 48.
46 Id. at 47.
47 Id. at 49.
48 Id. at 47.
49 Id. at 49.
50 Id. at 47.
51 Young, supra note 4, at 153.
52 Id. at 165.
53 Id.
54 Id.
55 Iris Young, Inclusive Political Communication, Presentation At the New York University School of Law Colloquium on Constituting Citizenship: Women in the Body Politic (Apr. 1997).
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59 Jean-François Lyotard, the Differend: Phrases in Dispute (1988), cited in Young, supra, note 55.
60 Young, supra note 55.
61 Id.
62 Id.
63 Id.
64 Id.
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