1. Introduction
Overview and objectives. Questions in technology, life sciences, and economics are often related to large systems of nodes connected via pairwise interactions which involve uncertainty due to unpredictable node behavior and missing data. Such uncertainties have been mathematically modeled and analyzed using random graph models of various complexity, including classical independently linked and uniform random graphs [Reference Frieze and Karoński20], stochastic block models and inhomogeneous Bernoulli graphs [Reference Abbe1,Reference Boguñá and Pastor-Satorras13,Reference Holland, Laskey and Leinhardt23], random graphs with given degree distributions [Reference Bollobás, Janson and Riordan14,Reference Molloy and Reed37], and generative models involving preferential attachment and rewiring mechanisms [Reference Albert and Barabási3,Reference Newman40]. While succeeding to obtain a good fit to degree distributions, most earlier models fail to capture second-order effects related to clustering and transitivity. Random intersection graphs [Reference Ball, Sirl and Trapman6,Reference Bloznelis7,Reference Britton, Deijfen, Lagerås and Lindholm16,Reference Godehardt and Jaworski21,Reference Karjalainen, van Leeuwaarden and Leskelä28,Reference Karoński, Scheinerman and Singer-Cohen29], spatial preferential attachment models [Reference Aiello, Bonato, Cooper, Janssen and Prałat2,Reference Jacob and Mörters24], and hyperbolic random geometric graphs [Reference Bode, Fountoulakis and Müller12,Reference Kiwi and Mitsche30,Reference Krioukov, Papadopoulos, Kitsak, Vahdat and Boguñá31] have been successful in extending the analysis to sparse graph models with tunable global clustering coefficient. Despite remarkable methodological advances obtained in the aforementioned articles and related literature, most models of sparse random graphs still appear somewhat rigid in what comes to modeling finer second-order properties, such as correlations of the degrees of adjacent nodes [Reference Newman39] and degree-dependent clustering coefficients [Reference Ángeles Serrano and Boguñá5,Reference Fountoulakis, van der Hoorn, Müller and Schepers19,Reference Vázquez, Pastor-Satorras and Vespignani47].
Main contributions. This article discusses a mathematical network model recently introduced in [Reference Bloznelis and Leskelä9] which is motivated by the structure of social networks composed of a large number of overlapping communities [Reference Breiger15]. The model is generated as a superposition of mutually independent Bernoulli random graphs $G_1,\ldots , G_m$ of variable size (number of nodes) and strength (link probability), which can be interpreted as layers or communities. The node sets of the layers are random subsets of the underlying population of
$n$ nodes. A key feature of the model is that the layer sizes and layer strengths are assumed to be correlated, which allows, for example, to model social networks with tunable frequencies of strong small communities and weak large communities. The main contribution of this article is a rigorous mathematical analysis (Theorem 1) of the bidegree distribution (joint degree distribution of adjacent nodes) of the model in a limiting regime where the number of nodes
$n$ and the number of layers
$m$ are large and of the same order of magnitude. We note that such a regime admits bidegree distributions with statistically dependent marginals. Moreover, power laws can be introduced by choosing suitable layer types (Theorem 2). The bidegree distribution yields compact mathematical formulas for the model assortativity (Theorem 3) and rank correlations (Theorem 4) of the adjacent node degrees. The latter theorem is suitable for modeling dependencies in heavy-tailed models with degrees having unbounded second moments. A proof outline of Theorem 1 was presented in the preliminary version [Reference Bloznelis, Karjalainen and Leskelä11]. We complete the proof with weaker assumptions in this paper. Theorem 2 and Lemmas 2 and 3, as well as the proofs for Lemmas 1 and 4, are new.
Related work. Degree distributions, clustering, and percolation analysis of the model are presented in [Reference Bloznelis and Leskelä9]. An analogous model where the node sets of the layers are deterministic has been studied in [Reference Yang and Leskovec49] in the context of overlapping community detection. Clustering coefficients and small subgraph frequencies for a special case with constant layer strengths have been analyzed in [Reference Gröhn, Karjalainen and Leskelä22,Reference Karjalainen and Leskelä27,Reference Karjalainen, van Leeuwaarden and Leskelä28,Reference Petti and Vempala41]. In the special case with unit layer strengths, the layers become cliques and the model reduces to the passive random intersection graph introduced in [Reference Godehardt and Jaworski21], with degree and clustering properties analyzed in [Reference Bloznelis7,Reference Kurauskas34]. A network model with similar features has been recently presented in [Reference Vadon, Komjáthy and van der Hofstad43]. Assortativity and bidegree distributions have earlier been analyzed in the context of random intersection graph models [Reference Bloznelis8,Reference Bloznelis, Jaworski and Kurauskas10], inhomogeneous Bernoulli graphs and their extensions [Reference Boguñá and Pastor-Satorras13,Reference Mahadevan, Krioukov, Fall and Vahdat35,Reference Sadeghi and Rinaldo42], preferential attachment models [Reference Krot and Prokhorenkova32,Reference van der Hofstad and Litvak44], and configuration models in [Reference van der Hofstad and Litvak44–Reference van der Hoorn and Litvak46]. Extremal properties of bidegree correlations in general graphs have been reported in [Reference Czabarka, É., Rauh, Sadeghi, Short and Székely17,Reference van der Hofstad and Litvak44].
1.1. Notations
Sets and numbers. The cardinality of a set $A$ is denoted
${\lvert {A}\rvert }$. Ordered pairs are denoted by
$(i,j)$ and unordered pairs by
$\{i,j\}$. Here
$1(A)$ is defined to be one when statement
$A$ is true, and zero otherwise. We denote
$[n] = \{1,\ldots ,n\}$ and
$\mathbb {Z}_+ = \{0,1,2,\ldots \}$. The falling factorial is denoted
$(x)_r = x(x-1) \cdots (x-r+1)$.
Graphs. A graph is defined as a pair $G = (V(G), E(G))$ where
$V(G)$ is the set of nodes, and
$E(G)$ is the set of edges (unordered node pairs). Nodes
$i$ and
$j$ are called adjacent if
$\{i,j\} \in E(G)$. The set of nodes adjacent to node
$i$ is denoted
$N_G(i) = \{j \in V(G): \{i,j\} \in E(G)\}$. The degree of
$i$ is denoted
$\deg _G(i) = {\lvert {N_G(i)}\rvert }$. The set of ordered pairs of adjacent nodes is denoted by
${E_\textrm {dir}} (G) = \{(i,j) \in V(G) \times V(G) : \{i,j \} \in E(G)\}$.
Probability. For a probability measure on a countable space, we denote $f(x) = f(\{x\})$ and
$\int \phi \, df = \sum \phi (x) f(x)$. The Dirac measure at
$x$ is denoted by
$\delta _x$. The binomial distribution is denoted by
$\operatorname {Bin}(x,y)(s) = \binom {x}{s} (1-y)^{x-s} y^{s}$, and the Poisson distribution by
$\operatorname {Poi}(\lambda )(s) = e^{-\lambda } ({\lambda ^{s}}/{s!})$. The product and the convolution of probability measures
$f$ and
$g$ are denoted by
$f \otimes g$ and
$f \ast g$, respectively.
2. Assortativity and bidegree distributions
2.1. Empirical quantities
Let $G$ be a graph with a finite node set and a nonempty link set. Here
$G$ is viewed as a nonrandom graph or a fixed sample of a random graph. The (empirical) degree distribution of
$G$ is a probability measure on
$\mathbb {Z}_+$ defined by

and represents the probability distribution of the random variable $\deg _G(I)$ where
$I$ is a random variable obtained by sampling a node uniformly at random. The (empirical) bidegree distribution of
$G$ with a nonempty link set is a probability measure on
$\mathbb {Z}_+^{2}$ defined by

This is the joint probability distribution of the pair $(\deg _G(I), \deg _G(J))$ obtained by sampling
$(I,J)$ uniformly at random from the set of all ordered node pairs adjacent in
$G$. A simple computation shows that both marginals of the bidegree distribution are equal to the size-biased degree distribution

The Pearson correlation coefficient of the bidegree distribution is called the (empirical) assortativity of graph $G$ and can be written as

2.2. Model quantities
Let $G$ be a random graph such that
$V(G)$ is nonrandom and finite, and
$E(G)$ is nonempty with positive probability. The model degree distribution of
$G$ is defined by

where $I$ is a random node in
$V(G)$, selected uniformly at random and independently of
$E(G)$. The model bidegree distribution is defined by

where $(I,J)$ is an ordered pair of distinct nodes of
$V(G)$, selected uniformly at random and independently of
$E(G)$. By simple computations one may verify that
$f_2(t,s) = f_2(s,t)$, and that both marginals of the model bidegree distribution are equal to the size-biased model degree distribution

The Pearson correlation coefficient of the model bidegree distribution is called the model assortativity and can be written as

where $(I,J)$ is an ordered pair of distinct nodes of
$V(G)$ selected uniformly at random as above and
$\mathbb {E}^{*}$ refers to the conditional expectation given the event
$\{ (I,J) \in {E_\textrm {dir}} (G)\}$.
3. Random graph superposition model
A multilayer network model $G_n$ with
$n$ nodes and
$m$ layers of sizes
$X_{n,k}$ and strengths
$k=1,\ldots ,m$ is defined by: (i) sampling for each
$k$ a node set
$V(G_{n,k})$ uniformly at random from the subsets of
$\{1,\ldots ,n\}$ of size
$X_{n,k}$, (ii) linking each node pair in
$V(G_{n,k})$ independently with probability
$Y_{n,k}$, and (iii) aggregating the layers
$G_{n,k}$ by setting


The layers are assumed to be mutually independent, but the size and strength of a layer may be correlated. Formally, the model is defined by a list

of mutually independent random variables with values in $\mathcal {G}_n \times \{0,\ldots ,n\} \times [0,1]$, where
$\mathcal {G}_n$ denotes the set of undirected graphs with node set contained in
$\{1,\ldots ,n\}$. We assume that conditionally on
$(X_{n,k},Y_{n,k})$, the probability distribution of
$V(G_{n,k})$ is uniform on the subsets of
$\{1,\ldots ,n\}$ of size
$X_{n,k}$, and conditionally on
$(V(G_{n,k}), X_{n,k}, Y_{n,k})$, the probability distribution of
$E(G_{n,k})$ is such that each node pair of
$V(G_{n,k})$ is linked with probability
$Y_{n,k}$, independently of other node pairs. We obtain a rich class of generative probabilistic models when we assume that for every
$m$ and
$n$ the layer types
$(X_{n,1},Y_{n,1}), \dots , (X_{n,m}, Y_{n,m})$ are mutually independent and (identically) distributed according to a probability measure
$P^{(n)}$ on
$\{0,\ldots ,n\} \times [0,1]$.
A large network is modeled as a sequence of network models of the above type indexed by the number of nodes $n=1,2,\ldots$ so that the number of layers
$m = m_n$ tends to infinity as
$n \to \infty$. To obtain a sparse network admitting tractable limiting formulas with rich expressive power, we shall focus on the sparse parameter regime where
$m = \operatorname {\Theta }(n)$ and there exists a probability measure
$P$ on
$\{0,1,\ldots \} \times [0,1]$ which approximates the layer type distribution according to
$P^{(n)} \to P$ weakly, together with the convergence of suitable cross moments
$P^{(n)}_{rs} \to P_{rs}$, where we use the shorthand notations

Here and below $(X,Y)$ stands for a generic P-distributed random vector.
Remark 1 We note that $P^{(n)}_{10} = \mathbb {E} (X_{n,k})$ denotes the expected layer size in the model with scale parameter
$n$. To appreciate the relevance of other cross moments, we note that for any graph
$R$ with
$V(R) \subset \{1,\ldots ,n\}$,
${\lvert {V(R)}\rvert }=r$ and
${\lvert {E(R)}\rvert }=s$, the probability that
$G_{n,k}$ contains
$R$ as subgraph equals
$(n)_r^{-1} P^{(n)}_{rs}$, and the expected number of
$R$-isomorphic subgraphs in
$G_{n,k}$ equals
$P^{(n)}_{rs}$ divided by the number of automorphisms of
$R$. Especially, the expected numbers of links, 2-stars, and 3-stars contained in any particular layer are given by
$\frac 12 P^{(n)}_{21}$,
$\frac 12 P^{(n)}_{32}$, and
$\frac 16 P^{(n)}_{43}$, respectively.
When the number of layers is of the same order as the number of nodes ${m}/{n} \to \mu \in (0,\infty )$,
$P^{(n)} \to P$ weakly, and
$P^{(n)}_{10} \to P_{10} \in (0,\infty )$, we obtain a sparse network
$G_n$ with the model degree distribution (2) converging weakly [Reference Bloznelis and Leskelä9] to a compound Poisson distribution

with rate parameter $\lambda = \mu P_{10}$ and increment distribution

In other words, the limiting model degree distribution $\bar f_1$ represents the law of
$\sum _{k=1}^{\Lambda } H_k$, where
$\Lambda ,H_1,H_2,\ldots$ are mutually independent random integers and such that
$\operatorname {Law}(\Lambda ) = \operatorname {Poi}(\lambda )$ and
$\operatorname {Law}(H_k) = g$.
4. Main results
4.1. Bidegree distribution
The result below characterizes the limiting bidegree distribution in the random Bernoulli graph superposition model. The limiting bidegree distribution can be represented as the joint law of random variables

where $D_1$,
$D_2$, and
$(D_1',D_2')$ are mutually independent and such that
$D_1$ and
$D_2$ follow the limiting degree distribution
$\bar f_1$ defined by (6).
$D_1'$ and
$D_2'$ are defined with the help of an auxiliary random vector
$(X',Y')$ taking values in
$\mathbb {Z}_+ \times [0,1]$ and having the distribution
${(x)_2 y P(dx,dy)}/{P_{21}}$. Namely, given
$(X',Y')$ the random variables
$D_1'$ and
$D_2'$ are conditionally independent and both are
$\operatorname {Bin}(X'-2,Y')$-distributed. In order to explain the origin of
$(X',Y')$, we fix a vertex pair
$\{i,j\}$ and number
$k$. Then
$(X',Y')$ represents the limit (in distribution) of the size and strength of the layer
$G_{n,k}$ conditioned on the event that
$\{i,j\}\in E(G_{n,k})$ (in this case, we say that the edge
$\{i,j\}$ is produced by
$G_{n,k}$). Typically, an edge
$\{i,j\}\in E(G_n)$ is produced by a single layer. The (limiting) numbers of neighbors of
$i$ and
$j$ produced by this particular layer are represented by
$D_1'$ and
$D_2'$, while the numbers of neighbors produced by other layers are represented by
$D_1$ and
The joint distribution of $(D_1^{*}, D_2^{*})$ defined by (8) can be written as

where $\ast$ refers to the convolution of probability measures on
$\mathbb {Z}_+^{2}$, and
$f'_{2}$ stands for the distribution of

The main intuition behind (8) and (9) is that the overlap of the edges that contribute to $D_1$ and
$D_1'$ (or
$D_2$ and
$D_2'$) is negligible.
$D_1$ and
$D_2$ represent the numbers of neighbors when the common layer is removed, and these numbers are asymptotically independent. Moreover, removing the common layer does not affect the asymptotic degree distribution
$\bar f_1$. The edge between nodes
$I$ and
$J$ in the definition (3) is represented by
$\delta _{(1,1)}$.
Theorem 1 characterizes the large-scale limiting behavior of the bidegree distribution of $G_n$,

We note that the probability above is the same as in (3). Indeed, the probability distribution of $G_n$ is invariant under permutation/relabeling of its nodes. Therefore, the random pair
$(I,J)$ can be replaced in (3) by a nonrandom one.
Theorem 1 Let $m,n \to \infty$. Assume that
${m}/{n} \to \mu \in (0,\infty )$, and that
$P^{(n)} \to P$ weakly for some probability measure
$P$ on
$\mathbb {Z}_+ \times [0,1]$.
(i) If
$P^{(n)}_{rs} \to P_{rs} \in (0, \infty )$ for
$rs=10,21$, then
$f_{2,n} \to \bar f_2$ weakly, where the limiting bidegree distribution
$\bar f_2$ is defined by (9).
(ii) If in addition,
$P^{(n)}_{rs} \to P_{rs} < \infty$ for
$rs = 32,43$, then
$\int \phi \, d f_{2,n} \to \int \phi \, d \bar f_{2}$ for all
$\phi : \mathbb {Z}_+^{2} \to \mathbb {R}$ such that
${\lvert {\phi (x,y)}\rvert } \le c(1 + x^{2} + y^{2})$ for some constant
$c< \infty$.
The approximation (i) in the weak topology assumes that the mean layer size $P^{(n)}_{10}$ and the mean number of edges
$\frac 12 P^{(n)}_{21}$ per layer converge to nonzero finite limits. When in addition
$P^{(n)}_{32}$ and
$P^{(n)}_{43}$ converge to finite limits, we obtain a stronger approximation (ii) in the Wasserstein-2 metric ([Reference Villani48], Thm. 6.9), which is used to derive approximations for the model assortativity in Theorem 3.
We are particularly interested in network models featuring: (i) tunable power law degree distributions and (ii) tunable frequencies of strong small communities and weak large communities. To meet requirement (ii), we let the marginals $X$ and
$Y$ of
$P$ be negatively correlated. For simplicity, we will consider the case where the asymptotic community strength
$Y$ is a negative power of the layer size
$X$. To meet requirement (i), we choose a suitable distribution for
$X$. We mention that the asymptotic power law degree distribution and clustering properties in this setup were shown in [Reference Bloznelis and Leskelä9]. In Theorem 2 , we establish the first-order asymptotic of the limiting bidegree distribution
${\bar f}_2(s,t)$ as
$s,t\to +\infty$.
Theorem 2 Denote by $(D_1^{*}, D_2^{*})$ a random vector with the asymptotic bidegree distribution
${\bar f}_2$. Assume that the limiting layer type distribution equals
$P(dx,dy) = p(dx)\delta _{q(x)} (dy)$ with

with exponents $\alpha >2$,
$\beta \in (0,1)$,
$\alpha +\beta >3$ and constants
$a,b > 0$. If
$\beta =0$, then
$q(x)$ is a constant and we require
$b<1$. Then as
$t \to \infty$,

where $c' = ab^{{(\alpha -2)}/{(1-\beta )}} (1-\beta )^{-1} P_{21}^{-1}$. Denote
$\delta _t=t^{1/2}\ln ^{4}(2+t)$. For
$t_1,t_2\to +\infty$ such that
$(t_2-t_1)/\delta _{t_2}\to +\infty$ we have

where $c' = \mu a^{2} b^{{2(\alpha -2)}/{(1-\beta )}} (1-\beta )^{-2} P_{21}^{-1}$.
The intuition behind this result is that the largest contribution to each degree $D_i^{*} = 1+D_i+D_i'$,
$i=1,2$, is made by the respective term
$D_i'$. In particular, the tail asymptotic (11) is that of the tail of
$D_i'$. Furthermore, the terms
$D_1'$ and
$D_2'$ are strongly correlated for large values
$t_2$ and the distribution of
$(D_1',D_2')$ concentrates around the diagonal. Indeed, this can be seen if we extrapolate (12) to the range
$t_2-t_1=const$. Note, however, that this range is excluded by our technical condition
$\delta _{t_2}=o(t_2-t_1)$.
4.2. Assortativity
The following result provides a formula of the limiting model assortativity which is well defined when the limiting degree distribution has a finite third moment. In the special case with unit strengths, this formula yields the corresponding result for passive random intersection graphs given in [Reference Bloznelis, Jaworski and Kurauskas10], Thm. 3.1.
Theorem 3 Let $m,n \to \infty$. Assume that
${m}/{n} \to \mu \in (0,\infty )$, and that
$P^{(n)}_{rs} \to P_{rs} < \infty$ for
$rs = 10,21,32,43$, for some probability measure
$P$ on
$\mathbb {Z}_+ \times [0,1]$ such that
$P_{10}, P_{21}>0$. Then the model assortativity (5) converges according to

The limiting assortativity is always nonnegative by the following result and the fact that $P_{33} \leq P_{32}$.
Lemma 1 (Generalizes [Reference Bloznelis, Jaworski and Kurauskas10], Rem. 2)
For any probability distribution $P$ on
$\mathbb {Z}_+ \times [0,1]$,

4.3. Rank correlations
Assortativity modeled using Pearson's correlation of the bidegree distribution is ill-behaved for graph models where the limiting degree distribution has an infinite third moment [Reference van der Hofstad and Litvak44]. In such cases, rank correlation coefficients provide a robust alternative [Reference van der Hofstad and Litvak44–Reference van der Hoorn and Litvak46]. For a probability measure $f$ on
$\mathbb {R}^{2}$ with nondegenerate marginals, Kendall's rank correlation [Reference Kruskal33,Reference Nešlehová38] is defined by

where $\operatorname {sgn}(x) = 1(x>0) - 1(x<0)$, and
$(U^{(1)},U^{(2)})$ and
$(Z^{(1)},Z^{(2)})$ are mutually independent and
$f$-distributed. Spearman's rank correlation is defined as

where $(U^{(1)},U^{(2)})$ is
$f$-distributed and
$r_i(x) = \frac 12( f^{(i)}(-\infty ,x) + f^{(i)}(-\infty ,x] )$ with
$f^{(i)}$ denoting the
$i$-th marginal distribution of
$f$. There are several alternative definitions for Spearman's rank correlation corresponding to different tie-breaking conventions [Reference Amerise and Tarsitano4]. The above definition agrees with the commonly used mid-rank convention ([Reference Nešlehová38], Thms. 14 and 15).
Theorem 4 Let $m,n\to +\infty$. Assume that
${m}/{n} \to \mu \in (0,\infty )$, and
$P^{(n)} \to P$ weakly with
$P^{(n)}_{rs} \to P_{rs}$ for
$rs=10,21$, where
$0 < P_{rs} < \infty$. Then it holds that

where the limiting bidegree distribution ${\bar f}_2$ is defined by (9).
5. Discussion
This article describes degree correlations in a sparse network model introduced in [Reference Bloznelis and Leskelä9], constructed by a natural superposition mechanism with overlapping layers. The main contribution is a compact explicit description of the limiting model bidegree distribution (Theorem 1), fully characterized in terms of the limiting joint distribution $P$ of layer sizes and layer strengths, and the limiting ratio
$\mu$ of the number of layers and the number of nodes. Some remarks deserve further attention.
(i) In this work, we have studied the model bidegree distribution, whereas several earlier works [Reference van der Hofstad and Litvak44–Reference van der Hoorn and Litvak46] have focused on the convergence of the empirical bidegree distribution computed from a fixed random graph sample. Based on analogous studies on ergodic properties of clustering coefficient [Reference Karjalainen and Leskelä27,Reference Karjalainen, van Leeuwaarden and Leskelä28], we expect that both distributions converge to the same limit under mild regularity assumptions.
(ii) The freedom to tune the limiting joint distribution
$P$ of layer sizes and layer strengths yields a rich class of network models. As a concrete example, we studied the case where the layer strength is a deterministic function of layer size so that
$Y = q(X)$. If layer sizes follow an approximate power law
$\mathbb {P}(X=x) \propto x^{-\alpha }$, and
$q(x) \propto x^{-\beta }$, then the limiting degree distribution follows a power law
$\mathbb {P}(D_1 = t) \propto t^{-\delta }$ with
$\delta = 1 + {(\alpha -2)}/{(1-\beta )}$ [Reference Bloznelis and Leskelä9]. Because the marginals of the limiting bidegree distribution are size-biased versions of the degree distribution, it follows that the marginals of
$f_2$ are power laws with density exponent
$\delta -1 = {(\alpha -2)}/{(1-\beta )}$. The dependence structure of the power-law random variables
$D_1^{*}$ and
$D_2^{*}$ is implicitly captured by (8). The same functional form of layer strengths has been also investigated in [Reference Yang and Leskovec49] for deterministic layer node sets.
(iii) Fitting the model to real data sets is a problem of future research. A fully nonparametric approach to estimating
$P$ appears hard if not impossible, even though currently there are no (positive or negative) theoretical results regarding model identifiability. An alternative approach is to restrict to models where
$P = P_\theta$ is parametrized by a small-dimensional parameter
$\theta$, and develop estimators of
$\theta$ using empirical small subgraph counts. Recent work in this direction includes [Reference Gröhn, Karjalainen and Leskelä22,Reference Karjalainen and Leskelä27,Reference Karjalainen, van Leeuwaarden and Leskelä28] for models with constant layer strength. Model fitting with deterministic (unknown) layer node sets has been studied in [Reference Yang and Leskovec49].
6. Proofs
6.1. Proof of Theorem 1
$\mathbf {(i)}$
We start with some auxiliary results. Theorem 5 (shown in [Reference Bloznelis and Leskelä9]) establishes the asymptotic compound Poisson model degree distribution. Lemma 2 shows that the degrees of nodes 1 and 2 are asymptotically independent in a model where the layers larger than some $M>0$ are removed. Lemma 3 shows that this asymptotic independence still holds when
$M$ tends to infinity.
Theorem 5 ([Reference Bloznelis and Leskelä9], Thm. 3.1)
Let $\mu >0$. Let
$n,m\to +\infty$. Assume that
$m/n \to \mu$. If
$P^{(n)}$ converges weakly to some probability measure
$P$ on
$\mathbb {Z}_+ \times [0,1]$ and
$P^{(n)}_{10}$ converges to some number
$P_{10} \in (0, \infty )$,
then the model degree distribution of $G_n$ converges weakly to a compound Poisson distribution defined by

where $\Lambda , H_1, H_2, \ldots$ are independent random variables with
$\operatorname {Law}(\Lambda ) = \operatorname {Poi}(\mu P_{10})$ and
$\operatorname {Law}(H_k) = g$ with the probability mass function

Lemma 2 (Independence with truncated communities) Assume the conditions of Theorem 5 hold. Fix $s,t \in \mathbb {N}$, and
$M>0$ such that
$\mathbb {P} ( X \leq M) > 0$. Let
$K = \{k: X_{n,k} \leq M \}$ and define
$\hat G = ([n], E(\hat G))$ with

Let $\hat d_i = \deg _{\hat G}(i)$. Then, as
$n \rightarrow \infty$,

Proof. We construct $\hat G$ as follows. Let
$\hat G_{n,k}$ be independent layers with sizes and strengths

We assume that $n$ is large enough so that
$\mathbb {P}(X_{n,k} \leq M) > 0$ and define the (random) edges as
$E(\hat G) = \bigcup _{k=1}^{m} E(\hat G_{n,k})$. Denote by
$Z_i$ the layers that contain node

By Markov's inequality

Define the events

For $z_1 = 1, \ldots , m$ we obtain



it follows from (13) and (14) that

The latter probability is split into mutually exclusive events as

We now express $\mathbb {P} ({\hat {\mathcal {T}}}_{1,2}, \; {\mathcal {E}}^{c}, \; Z_1 = A_1)$ as a product of two independent events. For a set
$A \subset [m]$, denote by
$G_{A}$ the superposition of
$\{\hat G_{n,k}: k \in A \}$. Observe that on the event
${\mathcal {E}}^{c} \cap \{Z_1 = A_1 \}$ the degree of node 2 is determined by
$G_{A_1^{c}}$, and that the event
$\{Z_1 = A_1 \}$ equals
$\{Z_1 \subset A_1\} \cap \{Z_1 \supset A_1 \}$. With these observations in mind, we rewrite the probability
$\mathbb {P} ({\hat {\mathcal {T}}}_{1,2}, \; {\mathcal {E}}^{c}, \; Z_1 = A_1)$ as

where $d_G(i) := \deg _G(i)$. The event
$\{ d_{G_{A_1}}(1) = s \} \cap \{ Z_2 \cap A_1 = \emptyset \} \cap \{Z_1 \supset A_1 \}$ only depends on the layers
$A_1$, and the event
$\{ d_{G_{A_1^{c}}}(2) = t \} \cap \{ Z_1 \subset A_1 \}$ only depends on the layers
$A_1^{c}$, so that the probability above equals

We now employ a coupling argument to approximate the probability $\mathbb {P}( d_{G_{A_1^{c}}}(2) = t \,|\, Z_1 \subset A_1)$. Introduce a random graph
$G^{*}$, which is a superposition of
$m$ i.i.d. layers
$G^{*}_{n,k}$ with sizes and strengths
$(X^{*}_{n,k}, Y^{*}_{n,k})$ following the distribution

The nodes of the layers, $V(G^{*}_{n,k})$, are then chosen uniformly at random from the node set
$\{2, \ldots , n \}$, and the edges are generated independently with probabilities
$Y^{*}_{n,k}$. Define
$G^{*}_{A_1^{c}} = \{[n] \setminus \{1\}, \bigcup _{k\in A_1^{c}} E(G^{*}_{n,k})\}$. We approximate
$d_{G^{*}_{A_1^{c}}}(2)$ by
$d_{G^{*}}(2)$ as follows. The union bound gives

and so,

which is $o(1)$ as
$n \to \infty$.
By construction, for $k \in A_1^{c}$ the distribution of
$G^{*}_{n,k}$ equals the conditional distribution of
$\hat G_{n,k}$, given the event
$\{Z_1 \subset A_1\}$. Thus,
$\mathbb {P}( d_{G_{A_1^{c}}}(2) = t \,|\, Z_1 \subset A_1) = \mathbb {P} (d_{G^{*}_{A_1^{c}}}(2) = t)$, and the previous inequality gives

We insert this into (17), which together with (16) gives

where we have used the fact that the events $\{ d_{G_{A_1}}(1) = s, Z_2 \cap A_1 = \emptyset , Z_1 \supset A_1\}$ and
$\{Z_1 \subset A_1\}$ are independent. By using the mutual exclusivity of the events
$\{Z_1 = A_1\}$ and the fact that
$d_{G_{A_1}}(1) = \hat d_1$ when
$Z_1=A_1$, the above expression simplifies to

Returning back to (15), this yields

In the last step, we used (13) and (14).
We complete the proof by showing that $\mathbb {P}(d_{G^{*}}(2) = t)- \mathbb {P} ( {\hat d}_2 = t)=o(1)$. To this aim, we employ Theorem 5. Set
$({\hat X}, {\hat Y}) = (X{\mathbb {I}}(X\le M), Y{\mathbb {I}}(X\le M))$, where
$(X,Y) \sim P$. Note that
$(X^{*}_1, Y^{*}_1)$ converges in distribution and in
${\mathcal {L}}_1$ to
$(\hat X, \hat Y)$: indeed,

Thus, by Theorem 5, $d_{G^{*}}(2)$ converges to the same distribution as
$\hat d_2$, and so

Lemma 3 (M to infinity) Assume (i) and (ii) of Theorem 5, and that $m/n \to \mu$. Define
$\hat d_1, \hat d_2$ as in Lemma 2. Denote
$D_i = D_{n,i} = \deg _{G_n}(i)$. As
$M \rightarrow \infty$,

and especially, as $n \rightarrow \infty$,

Proof. From the assumptions, it follows that $X_{n,1}$,
$n=1,\ldots$ are uniformly integrable, hence

Denote ${\mathcal {T}}_{1,2} = \{D_1 = s, D_2 = t\}$. We approximate the probability of this event by the corresponding probability in the truncated model:

The event $\{ D_1 \neq \hat d_1\}$ occurs when removing the layers larger than
$M$ also removes an edge between node 1 and another node. Since this can only happen if there exists a layer
$i$ such that
$1 \in V(G_{n,i})$ and
$X_{n,i} > M$, the union bound gives

and by the law of total probability

Putting this back to (23) gives

We similarly obtain

It follows from (22) and the boundedness of $m/n$ that for any
$\varepsilon >0$ there exists
$M_\varepsilon$ such that
$\forall M > M_\varepsilon$

Finally, we write

The first term on the right-hand side is at most $2\varepsilon$ by the above calculation, and the second term is
$o(1)$ by Lemma 2. Hence (20) follows. Claim (21) follows from (20), (25).
We now introduce some notation. Recall that the bidegree distribution of $G_n$ is given by

For $A \subset [m]$, denote by
$G_{n,A}$ the graph with
$V(G_{n,A}) = [n]$ and
$E(G_{n,A}) = \bigcup _{k \in A} E(G_{n,k})$. Denote
$D_i =\deg _{G_n}(i)$. We note that for any

where $D_{i,k}$ and
$\tilde D_{i,k}$ are the degrees produced by layer
$k$ and by the layers other than
$k$, i.e.,

Furthermore, $\hat D_{i,k}$ stands for the number of neighbors produced by the layer
$k$ and at least one other layer,

Denote the event $\mathcal {E}_k = \{ \{1,2 \} \in E(G_{n,k})\}$ and

Throughout the proof of Theorem 1(i) , we write $X_i = X_{n,i}$ and
$Y_i = Y_{n,i}$.
We summarize the proof strategy as follows. We show that the probability of the event

is negligible (Eq. (29)). Furthermore, for every $k=1,\ldots , m$, on the event
$\mathcal {E}_k$, we have
$D_1 \approx D_{1,k} + \tilde D_{1,k}$ and
$D_2 \approx D_{2,k} + \tilde D_{2,k}$ for large
$n$. This together with Theorem 5 and Lemma 3 allows us to approximate
$f_{2,n} \approx (f_n \otimes f_n) \ast f'_{2,n}$ (Eqs. (30) and (31)). In the last part of the proof, we verify that
$f'_{2,n}(s,t) \approx f_2'(s-1,t-1)$, which together with the previous approximation and
$f_n \otimes f_n \approx \bar f_1 \otimes \bar f_1$ gives the result,
$f_{2,n} \approx \delta _{(1,1)} \ast (\bar f_1 \otimes \bar f_1) \ast f_2'$.
Proof of Theorem 1(i). First note that $\mathbb {P}( \{1,2\} \in E(G_n)) = \mathbb {P}(\bigcup _{k=1}^{m} \mathcal {E}_k)$ and

and since the layers are i.i.d.,

and so

where we used the fact that $m/n$ is bounded. We similarly approximate

Next, we show that on the event $\mathcal {E}_1$ the probability that
$\hat D_{1,1}>0$ or
$\hat D_{2,1}>0$ is negligible. Recall that
$X_1$ and
$Y_1$ denote the size and strength of layer 1. The union bound gives

Since the layers are i.i.d., this equals

Taking $\mathbb {E}(\ldots \,| \, X_1,Y_1)$ of the above gives

We now use the simple identity

Together with $X_1 \leq n$ this yields

and it follows that

The first term goes to zero by $P_{10}^{(n)} \to P_{10}$. Since it was assumed that
$P^{(n)}$ converges weakly and
$P_{21}^{(n)} \to P_{21}$, it follows that
$(X_1)_2 Y_1$ is uniformly integrable, so the second term also goes to zero. Thus,
$\mathbb {E}( (X_1-1) Y_1 (X_1)_2 / (n)_2 ) = o(n^{-1})$, and so (28) gives

Returning to (27), it follows that

where we have used (29) and the fact that $m/n$ is bounded. In the last step, we invoked (26).
We now apply Lemma 3 to approximate the term $\tilde f_{2,n}(s_1,t_1)$, which represents the joint degree distribution in the model with
$m-1$ layers. First, observe that the conditions in Lemma 3,
$P^{(n)} \to P$ weakly and
$P_{10}^{(n)} \to P_{10} \in (0,\infty )$, are satisfied by our assumptions. Secondly, since
$m/n \to \mu$, also
$(m-1)/n \to \mu$. Thus, we can apply (21) (with
$\tilde f_{2,n}(s_1,t_1)$ in place of
$\mathbb {P}(D_1=s,D_2=t)$, and similarly
$\mathbb {P}(\tilde D_{1,k} = s_1)$,
$\mathbb {P}(\tilde D_{2,k} = t_1)$ in place of
$\mathbb {P}(D_1=s)$,
$\mathbb {P}(D_2=t)$), and obtain

Next, we approximate $\mathbb {P}( \tilde D_{1,k} =s_1)$ and
$\mathbb {P}( \tilde D_{2,k} =t_1)$. Namely, by Theorem 5, the asymptotic degree distribution only depends on
$\mu$ and the limiting type distribution
$P$, and in particular, replacing
$m$ by
$m-1$ does not change these limits. Hence,
$\mathbb {P}( \tilde D_{1,k} =s_1)$ and
$f_n(s_1)$ converge to the same number,

which gives the approximation

where we note that since $s$ and
$t$ do not depend on
$n$, the double sum equals
$(f_n \otimes f_n) \ast f'_{2,n}) (s,t) + o(1)$. Furthermore, the identity
$\mathbb {P}(\mathcal {E}_1) = {P_{21}^{(n)}}/{(n)_2}$ together with (26) gives
$\mathbb {P}( \{1,2 \} \in E(G_n)) = ({P_{21}^{(n)}}/{(n)_2}) m+O(n^{-2}) = \operatorname {\Theta }(n^{-1})$. As a consequence, dividing by
$\mathbb {P}( \{1,2 \} \in E(G_n))$ yields

for any $s,t \in \mathbb {Z}_+$, with
$\ast$ denoting the convolution of probability measures on the additive group
$\mathbb {Z}^{2}$. We know that
$f_n \to \bar f_1$ weakly where
$\bar f_1$ is the limiting model degree distribution in (6). Therefore,
$f_n \otimes f_n \to \bar f_1 \otimes \bar f_1$ weakly as probability measures on
$\mathbb {Z}_+^{2}$.
Let us investigate the limit of $f'_{2,n}$. We note that given
$(X_k,Y_k)$ and the event
$\mathcal {E}_k = \{ \{1,2\} \in E(G_{n,k})\}$, the random variables
$D_{1,k}$ and
$D_{2,k}$ are independent, and both distributed according to
$1 + \operatorname {Bin}(X_k-2,Y_k)$. Hence

By taking expectations above, and dividing the outcome by $\mathbb {P}(\mathcal {E}_k) = \mathbb {E} ( ({(X_k)_2}/{(n)_2}) Y_k )= (n)_2^{-1} P^{(n)}_{21}$, it follows that

When $P^{(n)} \to P$ weakly and
$P^{(n)}_{21} \to P_{21} \in (0,\infty )$, it follows that
$f'_{2,n}(s,t) \to f'_{2}(s-1,t-1)$ pointwise on
$\mathbb {Z}_+^{2}$, where
$f'_2$ is defined by (10). Hence

pointwise, where $\delta _{(1,1)}$ represents the edge between the two nodes. Combining this with (31), we conclude that Theorem 1(i) is valid.
6.2. Proof of Theorem 1
$\mathbf {(ii)}$
The following lemma gives sufficient conditions for the convergence of the third moment of the model degree distribution. The proof of Theorem 1(ii) then follows from Skorohod's coupling theorem and basic properties of size-biased distributions.
Lemma 4 Assume that $P^{(n)} \to P$ weakly and
$P^{(n)}_{rs} \to P_{rs} < \infty$ for
$rs = 10,21,32,43$, with
$P_{10} > 0$. Then the third moments of the model degree distribution converge according to
$\sum _s s^{3} f_n(s) \to \sum _s s^{3} {\bar f}(s) < \infty$.
Proof. Let $D_n = \deg _{G_n}(1)$ and let
$D_*$ be a random variable with the asymptotic degree distribution defined by Theorem 5. We write for short
$X_i = X_{n,i}$ and
$Y_i = Y_{n,i}$. Since
$D_n \rightarrow D_*$ weakly, by portmanteau theorem and Fatou's lemma

It remains to show that $\limsup _n \mathbb {E} (D_n^{3}) \leq \mathbb {E} (D_*^{3})$. Let
$z_k = \sum _{j=2}^{n} \mathbb {I} ( \{1,j\} \in E(G_{n,k}))$ be the number of neighbors of
$1$ produced by the layer
$k$. Then
$1 \leq k \leq m$, are independent and
$D_n \leq \sum _{k=1}^{m} z_k$, so that

Recall that the first three moments of $\operatorname {Bin}(n,p)$ are

Introduce the event $A = \{1 \in V(G_{n,1}) \}$. On the event
$A^{c}$ we have
$z_1 = 0$. Given
$(X_k, Y_k)$ and
$A$, the random variable
$z_k$ is
$\operatorname {Bin}(X_k-1,Y_k)$-distributed. Hence by (32)

and similarly

Since $P^{(n)}_{rs}$ was assumed to converge for
$rs = 10, 21, 32, 43$, it follows that

Recall that $D_*$ may be represented as
$D_* = \sum _{j=1}^{\Lambda } H_j$ where
$\Lambda \sim \operatorname {Poi}(\mu P_{10})$ and

where $\operatorname {Law}(X,Y) = P$. From this and (32), we obtain

and similarly

Recall that the factorial moments of $\operatorname {Poi}(\lambda )$ are given by
$\lambda ^{k}$. It follows that

The claim now follows by (33).
We are now ready to prove Theorem 1(ii). The proof is similar to [Reference van der Hofstad and Litvak44], Thm. 3.2, but slightly simpler because here we analyze model distributions instead of empirical distributions of random graph samples.)
Proof of Theorem 1(ii). Let $(D_{1,n}^{*}, D_{2,n}^{*})$ be a random variable distributed according to the model bidegree distribution
$f_{2,n}$ of
$G_n$. Theorem 1(i) states that
$(D_{1,n}^{*}, D_{2,n}^{*}) \!\to \! (D_{1}^{*}, D_{2}^{*})$ weakly. Now let
$\phi : \mathbb {Z}_+^{2} \to \mathbb {R}$ be a function bounded by
${\lvert {\phi (x,y)}\rvert } \le c(1 + x^{2} + y^{2})$. Skorohod's coupling theorem ([Reference Kallenberg26], Thm. 4.30) implies that there exist a probability space and some random variables
$(\tilde D_{1,n}^{*}, \tilde D_{2,n}^{*}) \stackrel {d}{=} (D_{1,n}^{*}, D_{2,n}^{*})$ and
$(\tilde D_{1}^{*}, \tilde D_{2}^{*}) \stackrel {d}{=} (D_{1}^{*}, D_{2}^{*})$ such that
$(\tilde D_{1,n}^{*}, \tilde D_{2,n}^{*}) \to (\tilde D_{1}^{*}, \tilde D_{2}^{*})$ almost surely. Then
$Z_n := \phi (\tilde D_{1,n}^{*}, \tilde D_{2,n}^{*}) \to \phi (\tilde D_{1}^{*}, \tilde D_{2}^{*}) =: Z$ almost surely. Also
${\lvert {Z_n}\rvert } \le c( 1+ (\tilde D_{1,n}^{*})^{2} + (\tilde D_{2,n}^{*})^{2}) =: Z_n'$ a.s.
Denote by $f_n$ the model degree distribution of
$G_n$, and by
$f_n^{*}$ its size-biased version. Recall that
$\operatorname {Law}(\tilde D_{1,n}^{*}) = \operatorname {Law}(D_{1,n}^{*})$ equals the first (equivalently, the second) marginal of
$f_{2,n}$, and as in (4), this marginal equals

hence $\operatorname {Law}(D_{1,n}^{*}) = f^{*}_n$. We know (see, for example, [Reference Kallenberg26], Lem. 1.23) that for the size-biasing
$f^{*}_n$, and for any measurable nonnegative function

where $\operatorname {Law}(D_{1,n}) = f_n$. Especially, for
$\phi (s) = s^{2}$, it follows that

With the help of Lemma 4, we now note that

and hence $\mathbb {E} (Z_n') \to \mathbb {E} (Z') = c(1+2 \mathbb {E} ((D_{1}^{*})^{2})) < \infty$. Lebesgue's dominated convergence theorem (see the version in [Reference Kallenberg26], Thm. 1.21) now implies that
$\mathbb {E} (Z_n) \to \mathbb {E} (Z)$, which confirms the claim.
6.3. Proof of Theorem 2
We use the two following results shown in [Reference Bloznelis and Leskelä9]. Theorem 6 and Lemma 5 give the power laws of $D_1$ and
$D_1'$ when the assumptions of Theorem 2 hold. The first claim (11) then follows from the observation that
$D_1^{*}$ has the same distribution as
$1+D_1+D_1'$, and that
$D_1'$ is the dominating term. In the proof of (12), we use the fact that random variables
$D_2$ and
$(D_1',D_2')$ are independent and exploit the special structure of
$(D_1',D_2')$: it is a mixture of (conditionally) independent binomial random variables.
Theorem 6 ([Reference Bloznelis and Leskelä9], Thm. 4.1)
Assume that the limiting layer type distribution equals $P(dx,dy) = p(dx)\delta _{q(x)} (dy)$ with

as $x \to + \infty$ with exponents
$\alpha >2$,
$\beta \in (0,1)$ and constants
$a,b > 0$. Then the limiting degree distribution satisfies

where $\delta = 1+ {(\alpha -2)}/{(1-\beta )}$ and
$d=\mu (1- \beta )^{-1} a b^{\delta -1}$. The same result holds for
$\beta = 0$ if
Lemma 5 ([Reference Bloznelis and Leskelä9], Lem. A.4)
Consider a mixed binomial distribution $g(r) = \sum _{k\geq 1} p_k f_k(r)$ where
$f_k = \operatorname {Bin}(x_k,y_k)$ and
$(p_k)$ is a probability distribution on
$\{1,2,\ldots \}$. Assume that as
$k \to +\infty$

for some $0 \leq \eta < \xi < \eta +2$ and
$\gamma > 1$, and some
$a,b,c > 0$ such that
$\eta >0$ or
$b<1$. Then

where $\delta = 1+ {(\gamma -1)}/{(\xi -\eta )}$ and
$d= (ab)^{\delta -1} c/(\xi -\eta )$.
Proof of Theorem 2. We first prove claim (11), $\mathbb {P}(D_1^{*} = t) = (1+o(1))c' t^{-{(\alpha -2)}/{(1-\beta )}}$. Recall from Theorem 1 that the asymptotic bidegree distribution can be written as

where $D_1$ and
$D_2$ follow the distribution
$\bar f_1$ in (6) and
$(D_1', D_2')$ follows the distribution
$f_2'$ in (10),
$(D_1', D_2')$ is independent of
$(D_1, D_2)$, and
$D_1$ is independent of
$D_2$. Note that
$D_1'$ is a mixed binomial random variable
$D_1' \sim \operatorname {Bin}(X'-2, Y')$, where
$(X',Y')$ has the distribution

In Lemma 5, set $x_k = k-2$,
$y_k = q(k) = bk^{-\beta }$, and
$p_k = (k)_2 q(k) p(k) / P_{21}$, where we note that the exponent of
$p_k=O(k^{2-\alpha -\beta })$ is less than
$-1$ by the assumption
$\alpha +\beta >3$. Then

Denote the power law exponents of $D_1$ (given by Theorem 6) and
$D_1'$ by

A standard argument [Reference Mikosch36] shows that $\mathbb {P}(D_1+D_1' > t) \sim \mathbb {P}(D_1 > t) + \mathbb {P}(D_1' > t)$. Now
$\alpha _{D} > \alpha _{D'}$ implies

From (35) and (36), we obtain $\mathbb {P}(D_1^{*}=t)=(1+o(1))c' t^{-{(\alpha -2)}/{(1-\beta )}}$, thus showing (11). Let us prove (12), i.e.,
$\mathbb {P} ( D_1^{*} = t_1, D_2^{*} = t_2 ) = (1+o(1))c''(t_2-t_1)^{-1-{(\alpha -2)}/{(1-\beta )}} t_1^{-{(\alpha -2)}/{(1-\beta )}}$. We start with an outline of the proof. In order to determine the asymptotics of the bivariate probability (38), we use the observation that large values of mixed binomial random vector
$(D_1',D_2')$ concentrate around the diagonal
$D_1'=D_2'$. We justify this claim by proving that values lying far apart from the diagonal have superpolynomially small probabilities. Namely, for any
$s_0>0$ and all
$s_0< s+\delta _s+\delta _t< t$ , we have

where the constant $c_{**}>0$ depends on
$\beta$, and
$b$. The particular form of
$\delta _t=t^{1/2}\ln ^{4}(2+t)$ is related to the exponential bounds for binomial probabilities below. With this observation in mind, we expand the probability

into the sum

locate a region of $(i,j)$ that gives the leading term (see region
$A_{4}$ below) and show that the contribution of the remaining part is negligible. Note that our assumptions
$t_2>t_1$ and
$\delta _{t_2}=o(t_2-t_1)$ make the sum (39) asymmetric.
Let us prove (37). In the proof, we use the upper bound for binomial probabilities

that follows from Chernoff bounds (see, e.g., Theorem 2.1 in [Reference Janson, Łuczak and Ruciński25]) combined with the simple inequality $\mathbb {P}(X = t) \leq \min \{\mathbb {P}(X \leq t), \mathbb {P} (X \geq t) \}$ (cf. [Reference Bloznelis and Leskelä9]).
Setting $p=q(x)$ and
$\delta =\delta _s$ in (40) gives

and approximating the exponent for large $s$ gives

From (40), we also obtain that

where $c_*>0$ depends on
$\beta$ and
$b$. To show (42), we write
$xq(x)$ in the form
$xq(x)=s(1+\tau )$ and give a lower bound for the ratio
$(xq(x)-s)^{2}/(xq(x))=s\tau ^{2}/(1+\tau )$ in the exponent of (40). For
$s^{-0.5}\ln ^{4}s\le \tau \le 1$ , this ratio is at least

For $\tau \ge 1$ , the ratio is

Now we are ready to prove (37). Since $D_1', D_2'$ are conditionally independent and binomial, we have

Furthermore, from (41) and (42), we have

Indeed, for $xq(x)< t-\delta _t$, the second probability is at most of order
$e^{-c_{**}\ln ^{8}t}$ by (41). For
$xq(x)>t-\delta _t$ we have
$xq(x)>s+\delta _s$ and
$xq(x)\ge t/2$. Now we use (42) to bound the first binomial probability by
$e^{-c_*\ln ^{8}(t/2)}$ from above. The proof of (37) is complete.
Now we evaluate (39). Given $0<\varepsilon <0.1$, let

We split $[0,t_1]\times [0,t_2]=A_0\cup A_1\cup A_2\cup A_3$, where

and split $A_2=A_{4}\cup A_{5}\cup A_{6}$, where

We denote ${\mathcal {R}}=t_1^{-\alpha _{D'}}(t_2-t_1)^{-\alpha _D}$ and write for short

In order to determine the asymptotics of (39), we split

and show that

Here $o_{\varepsilon }(1)\to 0$ as
$\varepsilon \to 0$ and
$t_1,t_2\to +\infty$ so that
$\delta _{t_2}=o(t_2-t_1)$. Note that (38), (43), (44) imply

Invoking the asymptotic formulae (34), (36) for probabilities $\mathbb {P}(D_2=t_2-t_1)$ and
$\mathbb {P}(D_1'=t_1)$ as
$t_2-t_1\to +\infty$ and
$t_1\to +\infty$, we obtain (12).
We complete the proof by showing (43) and (44). We first prove (44). Using the inequalities (see (11), (34))

we bound the sums

Note that the quantity in (45) equals $c\varepsilon (t_2-t_1)^{-\alpha _D}t_2^{-1}t_1^{1-\alpha _{D'}}\le c\varepsilon {\mathcal {R}}$ for
$2t_1>t_2$. For
$2t_1\le t_2$ this quantity equals
$c\varepsilon ^{-2\alpha _D} t_2^{-\alpha _D} t_1^{1-\alpha _D-\alpha _{D'}} \le c\varepsilon ^{-2\alpha _D}t_1^{1-\alpha _D}{\mathcal {R}}.$
Next, we estimate $S_{A_3}$. We have

The first inequality of (46) is obvious. The second one follows from (37). To verify the condition $i+\delta _i+\delta _j< j$ for
$(i,j)\in A_3$ we write

Note that the second inequality above follows from the fact that $\delta _{t_2}=o(t_2-t_1)$. In particular, this inequality is obvious for
$2t_1< t_2$. For
$2t_1>t_2$ the inequality follows from
$t_2^{*}<\delta _{t_2}$ (note that
$\alpha _{D}>2$).
We secondly prove (43). We split $S_{A_2} = S_{A_4}+ S_{A_5}+S_{A_6}$ and show that
$S_{A_4}$ satisfies (43) while
$S_{A_5}+S_{A_6}=o({\mathcal {R}})$. We derive the latter bound using (37), which implies

In the very last step, we invoked inequalities $\ln j \ge \ln (3\delta _{t_2}) \ge 0.5\ln t_2$. For
$(i,j)\in A_{5}$ we will use, in addition, the inequality
$\mathbb {P}(D_2=t_2-j)\le c(t_2-t_1)^{-\alpha _D}$. We have

Here $t_1^{2}$ bounds the number of summands in the double sum. We conclude that
$S_{A_5}\le c (t_2-t_1)^{-\alpha _D}e^{-c''_{**}\ln ^{8}t_1}=o({\mathcal {R}})$. The proof of
$S_{A_6}=o({\mathcal {R}})$ is simpler,

where $t_1t_2$ bounds the number of summands in the double sum.
Now consider $S_{A_4}$. Denote
$h'_{i,j}= \mathbb {P}(D_1'=i,D_2'=j) \mathbb {P}(D_1=t_1-i)$ and put

Note that uniformly in $(i,j)\in A_4$, we have

where $o_{\varepsilon }(1)\to 0$ as
$\varepsilon \to 0$ and
$t_1,t_2\to +\infty$,
$(t_2-t_1)/\delta _{t_2}\to +\infty$. Furthermore, uniformly in
$t_1-t_1^{*}\le i\le t_1$, we have as
$t_1\to +\infty$

Now, using (49), we write

Then, proceeding as in the proof of $S_{A_5}+S_{A_6}=o({\mathcal {R}})$ above, we approximate

Finally, we evaluate $S'_{A_2}$. We write
$S'_{A_2}$ in the form
$S'_{A_2} = S^{*}-R^{*}$, where

where in the first inequality, we use (37) and $\mathbb {P}(D_1=t_1-i)\le 1$. We apply (50) to the sum

We conclude that $S'_{A_2} = (1+o_{\varepsilon }(1))\mathbb {P}(D_1'=t_1)+o({\mathcal {R}})$. Now (51), (52) imply

The proof of (43) is complete.
6.4. Correlation of the limiting bidegree distribution
Let us analyze the Pearson correlation coefficient $\operatorname {Cor}(D_1^{*}, D_2^{*})$ of the limiting bidegree distribution in Theorem 1.
Proposition 1 For any $\mu \in (0,\infty )$ and any probability measure
$P$ on
$\mathbb {Z}_+ \times [0,1]$ such that
$0 < P_{10}, P_{21} < \infty$ and
$P_{32}, P_{43} < \infty$, the random variables
$(D_1^{*}, D_2^{*})$ in (8) satisfy

Proof. Recall the distribution of $(D_1', D_2')$,

If $B$ is a
$\operatorname {Bin}(x-2, y)$-distributed random variable, then
$\mathbb {E}( B) = (x-2)y$ and
$\mathbb {E}( (B)_2) = (x-2)_2 y^{2}$, from which we conclude that
$\mathbb {E}( B^{2}) = \mathbb {E} ((B)_2) + \mathbb {E} (B) = (x-2)_2 y^{2} + (x-2)y$. Because
$(x-2)(x)_2 = (x)_3$, it follows that

Further, by noting that $(x-2)_2 (x)_2 = (x)_4$, we see that

Hence $D'_1$ has a finite second moment, and variance equal to

Similarly, the conditional independence of $D_1'$ and
$D'_2$, together with the formula
$(x-2)^{2} (x)_2 = (x-2) (x)_3 = (x)_4 + (x)_3$, implies that

and hence, noting that $D'_1$ and
$D'_2$ are identically distributed,

Recall next that $D_1$ follows the compound Poisson distribution
$\bar f_1 = \operatorname {CPoi}(\lambda , g)$, and that the variance of
$\operatorname {CPoi}(\lambda , g)$ equals
$\lambda \int x^{2} g(dx)$ ([Reference Daykin, Pentikäinen and Pesonen18], Eq. (3.2.13)). A simple computation confirms that the second moment of
$g$ in (7) equals
${(P_{32} + P_{21})}/{P_{10}}$. Hence it follows that
$D_1$ has a finite second moment with

The mutual independence of $D_1$,
$D_2$, and
$(D_1',D_2')$ implies that
$\operatorname {Cov}(D_1^{*}, D_2^{*}) = \operatorname {Cov}(D'_1, D'_2)$ and
$\operatorname {Var}(D_1^{*}) = \operatorname {Var}(D_1) + \operatorname {Var}(D_1')$, so that

By plugging (53)–(55) into (56), we conclude that

By recalling that $\lambda = \mu P_{10}$, the claim follows.
6.5. Proof of Lemma 1
Let $(X,Q)$ and
$(Y,R)$ be mutually independent random vectors, both distributed according to
$P$. Then


On the other hand, by applying the identity $(y)_4 + (y_3) = (y-2)^{2} (y)_2$, we find that


By symmetry, $\mathbb {E} (f(X,Q,Y,R)) = \mathbb {E} (f(Y,R,X,Q))$, and hence we may conclude that

6.6. Proof of Theorem 3
We only sketch the proof in the case where ${m}/{n} \to \mu \in (0,\infty )$. Let
$(D_{1,n}^{*}, D_{2,n}^{*})$ be a random variable distributed according to the model bidegree distribution
$f_{2,n}$ of
$G_n$. By applying Theorem 1(ii) with
$\phi (x,y) = x$, and then with
$\phi (x,y) = x^{2}$, we find that
$\operatorname {Var}(D_{1,n}^{*}) \to \operatorname {Var}(D_{1}^{*})$. Observe next that for
$\phi (x,y) = xy$,
${\lvert {\phi (x,y)}\rvert } \le 2(x^{2}+y^{2})$. Hence Theorem 1(ii) also implies that
$\operatorname {Cov}(D_{1,n}^{*},D_{2,n}^{*}) \to \operatorname {Cov}(D_{1}^{*},D_{2}^{*})$. Hence the claim follows by Proposition 1.
6.7. Proof of Theorem 4
Because $f_{2,n}$ has identical marginals, we see that

where $\phi _1(x_1,y_1) = \operatorname {sgn}(x_1-y_1)$,
$\phi (x_1,x_2,y_1,y_2) = \phi _1(x_1,y_1) \phi _1(x_2,y_2)$ are bounded (and trivially continuous) functions defined on
$\mathbb {Z}_+^{2}$ and
$\mathbb {Z}_+^{4}$, respectively. Theorem 1 implies that
$f_{2,n} \to \bar f_2$ weakly as probability measures on
$\mathbb {Z}_+^{2}$. Hence also
$f_{2,n} \otimes f_{2,n} \to \bar f_2 \otimes \bar f_2$ and
$f^{(1)}_{2,n} \otimes f^{(1)}_{2,n} \to \bar f^{(1)}_2 \otimes \bar f^{(1)}_2$ weakly. We conclude that
$\rho _\textrm {Ken}(f_{2,n}) \to \rho _\textrm {Ken}( \bar f_2 )$.
To verify the claim for Spearman's rank correlation, we apply the representation ([Reference Nešlehová38], Sect. 4.3)

where $(X^{(1)},X^{(2)}), (Y^{(1)},Y^{(2)}), (Z^{(1)},Z^{(2)})$ are mutually independent and
$f_{2,n}$- distributed. By applying the formula
$\mathbb {P}(W > 0) - \mathbb {P}(W < 0) = \mathbb {E} ( 1(W>0) - 1(W<0)) = \mathbb {E} (\operatorname {sgn}(W))$ with
$W = (X^{(1)}-Y^{(2)})(X^{(2)}-Z^{(2)})$, and noting that
$f_{2,n}$ has identical marginals, this can be rewritten as

where $\phi (x_1,x_2,y_1,y_2,z_1,z_2) = \operatorname {sgn}( (x_1-y_2)(x_2-z_2) )$ and
$\psi (x_1,y_1,z_1) = 1 - 1(x_1=y_1=z_1)$ are bounded (and trivially continuous) functions on
$\mathbb {Z}_+^{6}$ and
$\mathbb {Z}_+^{3}$, respectively. The second claim follows by noting that
$f_{2,n} \otimes f_{2,n} \otimes f_{2,n} \to \bar f_2 \otimes \bar f_2 \otimes \bar f_{2}$ and
$f^{(1)}_{2,n} \otimes f^{(1)}_{2,n} \otimes f^{(1)}_{2,n} \to \bar f^{(1)}_2 \otimes \bar f^{(1)}_2 \otimes \bar f^{(1)}_{2}$ weakly.
This work was supported by COSTNET COST Action 15109. JK was supported by the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation.