Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Smith, Brenda V.
Side by Side Comparison of Standard to Address Prison Rape: National Prison Rape Elimination Commission Standards and Proposed Standard of U.S. Department of Justice for Juvenile Facilities.
SSRN Electronic Journal,
Smith, Brenda V.
Side by Side Comparison of Standard to Address Prison Rape: National Prison Rape Elimination Commission Standards and Proposed Standard of U.S. Department of Justice for Adult Prisons and Jails.
SSRN Electronic Journal,
Smith, Brenda V.
Side by Side Comparison of Standard to Address Prison Rape: National Prison Rape Elimination Commission Standards and Proposed Standard of U.S. Department of Justice for Lock Up Facilities.
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Bereznoy, Alexey
Innovative Business Models in the Strategic Adaptation of Multinationals to Emerging Economy Environment.
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Chang, Yu Sang
Kim, Hann Earl
Jeon, Seongmin
Do Larger Cities Experience Lower Crime Rates? Scaling Analysis of 758 cities in the U.S..
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