The Liturgical chant bibliography 23 retains the traditional format: (1) Editions and facsimile editions, (2) Books and reprints, (3) Congress reports, (4) Chant journals, (5) Collections of essays and dictionaries, (6) Articles in periodicals and Festschriften. Additions to the bibliographies of previous years (mostly reviews) are listed directly after this introduction.
Among the facsimile editions, the publication of a new volume of the series Paléographie musicale (inaugurated in 1889) can be announced. After a gap of thirteen years, the colour facsimile I-MC 542, a twelfth-century antiphoner with Beneventan neumes (23001), was published. The editor, Katarina Livljanić, completed a doctoral thesis on the manuscript at the École pratique des hautes études (Paris) in 1998 and subsequently published a number of articles on I-MC 542 (8065x, 10051m, 10115, 22071h). Among the volumes of conference proceedings, I would like to draw special attention to the Papers Read at the 15th Meeting of the IMS Study Group CANTUS PLANUS, Dobogókő/Hungary, 2009 (23056). These proceedings, containing the opulent riches of altogether forty-nine contributions and 958 pages, is divided into three volumes, published for the first time by the Institute of Mediaeval Music, Lions Bay, Canada. A second noteworthy congress report, Musica mediaeva liturgica (23058), focuses on the Slovak region.
Pride of place among the Festschriften goes to ‘Quod ore cantas corde credas’. Studi in onore di Giacomo Baroffio Dahnk (23078), which honours the deserving and most productive researcher Giacomo Baroffio. For many years, the LCB has been obliged to him for a wealth of valuable bibliographical notifications, predominantly from the Italophone scholarship. Essays with a geographical focus on the Iberian peninsula are published in the Festschrift for Jane Morlet Hardie (23077). A middle position between conference proceedings and Festschriften is assumed by City, Chant, and the Topography of Early Music [In Honor of Thomas Forrest Kelly] (23057), a volume with contributions by exquisite scholars. I have decided to list it here under conference proceedings.
The series Historiae, inaugurated in 1995, continues with several new volumes: The Office of the Crown of Thorns (L'Office de la Couronne d'épines à Sens) (23015), the Historiae for St Demetrius (23016), St Gallus (23017) and, in his anniversary year 2013, St Magnus (23018). All of these were published in honour of Hermannus Contractus (1013–54).
Finally I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to Liturgical chant bibliography 23. Please send material (including reviews) for future chant bibliographies to:
Dr Günther Michael Paucker, Weinsteige 10, D-71384 Weinstadt, Germany
LCB 3 (1994), pp. 204–5. Peter JEFFERY, Re-Envisioning Past Musical Cultures … (Chicago and London, 1992). Review. Costin MOISIL, Musicology Today, 9–12 (January–December 2012), 231–3 [in English].
10014R. Stefan K. LANGENBAHN, Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, 51 (2009), 146.
12046R. Angelus A. HÄUSSLING, Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, 51 (2009), 146–8.
15097. Anne J. DUGGAN … [Addition:] 161–182. Reprint: Anne J. DUGGAN, Thomas Becket: Friends, Networks, Texts and Cult, Variorum Collected Studies Series CS877 (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), No. XI.
16035R. Susan BOYNTON, H-France Review, 10 (March 2010), 189–92.
18006R. Alexander ZERFASS, Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, 54 (2012), 161.
18024R. Susan BOYNTON, Manuscripta, (2010), 275–81.
18071R. Alexander OLIVAR, Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, 53 (2011), 276.
19009R. Susan BOYNTON, Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture, 81 (2012), 175–7.
19031R. Reinhard KAPP, Musicologica Austriaca, 30 (2011), 200–16.
19043R. Angelus A. HÄUSSLING, Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, 51 (2009), 143–4.
20007R. Christian MEYER, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 50*–51* (no. 119).
20012R. Alexander OLIVAR, Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, 53 (2011), 273–4. Pierre-Maurice BOGAERT, Revue bénédictine, 122 (2012), 194–5.
21008R. Barbara HAGGH-HUGLO, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 230*–213* (nr. 529). – Daniel SAULNIER, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 196*–197* (no. 449).
21014R. Angelus A. HÄUSSLING, Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, 52 (2010), 303–4.
21024R. Andreas PFISTERER, Die Musikforschung, 67 (2014), 61.
21034R. Kate HELSEN, Plainsong & Medieval Music, 22,1 (2013), 95–8.
21044R. Alexandra BUCKLE, Fontes, 60 (2013), 26–8. – Christian MEYER, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 142* (no. 329), concerning the essays: 135* (no. 311) [Baroffio], 141*–142* (no. 326) [Busse-Berger], 147*–148* (no. 345) [Cullin], 248*–149* (no. 347) [Derolez], 149* (no. 350) [Deuffic], 153* (no. 361) [Earp], 160* (no. 372) [Fassler], 170* (no. 399) [Haggh], 170*–171* (no. 400) [Haines], 176* (no. 407) [Hiley], 178*–179* (no. 412, 413, 414) [Huglo], 215* (no. 494) [Rankin], 237*–238* (no. 547) [Zapke].
22002R. Pierre-Maurice BOGAERT, Revue bénédictine, 122 (2012), 404.
22003R. Barbara HAGGH-HUGLO, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 182*–183* (no. 426).
22007R. Jörg NEIJENHUIS, Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie, 52 (2013), 104–5.
22011R. Barbara HAGGH-HUGLO, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 167*–168* (no. 391).
22019R. Barbara HAGGH-HUGLO, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 168*–169* (no. 393).
22027R. Catherine A. BRADLEY, Plainsong & Medieval Music, 22,1 (2013), 98–101.
22070R. Nino ALBAROSA, Studi gregoriani, 28 (2012), 178. – Barbara HAGGH-HUGLO, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 193*–195* (no. 455).
22071R. Giovanni VARELLI, Plainsong & Medieval Music, 22,2 (2013), 237–40.
22085.Bologna e il secolo XI. Storia, cultura, economia, istituzioni, diritto … (Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2011): Addition: (f) Cesarino RUINI, ‘Il codice Angelica 123. Musica e politica tra i secoli XI e XII’, 239–52.
22094R. Heinrich RUMPHORST, Beiträge zur Gregorianik, 55 (2013), 107–8.
Editions and facsimile editions
23001.Montecassino, Archivio dell'Abbazia, ms. 542, Antiphonaire (12ème siècle), ed. Katarina LIVLJANIĆ, Paléographie musicale, vol. XXIII (Solesmes: Les Éditions de Solesmes, 2014).
Includes ‘I. Description du manuscrit’, 9–11, ‘II. Écriture’, 13–19, ‘III. Notation musicale’, 21–7, ‘IV. Organisation des offices’, 29–36’, ‘V. Bibliographie’, 37–43, ‘VI. Index du manuscript – Règles éditoriales’, 45–53, ‘VII. Index des pieces de chant dans l'ordre du manuscrit’, 55–110, ‘VIII. Répertoires des pièces’, 111–42. Colour facsimile pl. 1–194.
23002. Benigno M. COMOLLI, Raffaella GANNA, Alfredo LUCIONI, Mauro LUONI, Alessandro RIGANTI, Monasteri Fruttuariensi nel Seprio. Contiene cd musicale: Antifonale ambrosiano-monastico della Badia di Ganna Gruppo vocal Antiqua Laus, ed. Mauro LUONI (Varese: P. Macchioni Editrice, 2012):
Including a facsimile of the Antiphoner of Ganna, 51–108.
(a) Alfredo LUCIONI, ‘San Benigno di Fruttuaria nella storia monastica europea’, 9–13. (b) Alfredo LUCIONI, ‘I monasteri fruttuariensi nel Seprio: Voltorre, Ganna, Caronno, Pertusella, Castiglione Olona’, 15–21. (c) Mauro LUONI, ‘Chiostro di Voltorre: petre che cantano?’, 34–7. (d) Benigno M. COMOLLI, ‘Un codice ambrosiano-monastico della Badia di Ganna’, 38–9 [ristampa di un articolo del 1964]. (e) Alessandro RIGANTI, ‘Trascrizione dell'Antifonario di Ganna’, 140–8 (in notazione quadrata) – ‘Traduzione dell'Antifonario di Ganna’, 140–8. (f) Alessandro RIGANTI, ‘Analisi dell'Antifonario di Ganna e note sulle scelte interpretative nella registrazione discografica’, 149–72. (g) Alessandro RIGANTI, ‘Le sessanta mascherine nascoste nei capilettera dell'Antifonario di Ganna’, 173–5.
The Antifonario di Ganna is an unknown liturgical book of Ambrosian rite.
23003. Giacomo BAROFFIO, Eun Ju KIM, Mauro LUONI, Marco NAVONI, Alessandro RIGANTI, Angelo RUSCONI, Canonica San Vittore – Bedero in Valtravaglia – Antifonario Ambrosiano Codice B XII secolo. DVD Antifonario digitalizzato – CD Liturgia S. Vittore – Antiqua Laus (Varese: P. Macchioni Editrice, 2012):
(a) Marco NAVONI, ‘Il Codice B dei Bedero. Lettura storico-liturgica di un antifonario ambrosiano del secolo XII’, 9–19. (b) Angelo RUSCONI, ‘La notazione dell'antifonario ambrosiano di Bedero B’, 20–42. (c) Alessandro RIGANTI, ‘I canti liturgici dei Vespri e´della Messa di san Vittore nel Codice B’, 43–82 (trascrizioni in notazione gotica lombarda e quadrata). (d) Sergio ALFIERI, Alessandro RIGANTI, Angelo RUSCONI, ‘Glossario’, 83–6. (e) Mauro LUONI, ‘La diffusione del culto di san Vittore’, 87–189 – ‘Brani musicali registrati’ 190. (f) Giacomo BAROFFIO, Eun Ju KIM, ‘Indici topografico e analitico’, DVD allegato.
23004.Antiphonarium Ambrosianum Pars Aestiva, Pieve di Travaglia – Brezzo di Bedero, Collegiata Propositurale di San Vittore 2013. Colour facsimile, CD-ROM.
(a) Aldo ROSCIO, ‘Gli antifonari liturgici di Bedero in Valtravaglia’, 7–21. (b) Giacomo BAROFFIO, Eun Ju KIM, ‘Indice topografico’, 357–97.
23005.Kálmáncsai Graduál, 2 vols. (Coloured Facsimile; Transcription and Commentary by Ilona FERENCZI and Gábor PAP) (Kecskemét: Nemzeti kincseinkért egyesület, 2005). Including a CD.
The so-called Kálmáncsai Graduál is a liturgical book written between c.1622 and 1626 for the Reformed Church in Hungary, now housed in H-CSg 19.504/H. It includes melodies of the Roman gradual, antiphoner and hymnary with texts in Hungarian.
23006.Kleinüberlieferung mehrstimmiger Musik vor 1550 in deutschem Sprachgebiet.
(a) Vol. 1: Die Notre-Dame-Fragmente aus dem Besitz von Johannes Wolf, ed. Martin STAEHELIN, Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. I. Philologisch-Historische Klasse, Jahrgang 1999, Nr. 6 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1999).
Vols. 2 (2001) and 3 (2001) do not concern plainsong and medieval music.
(b) Vol. 4: Fragmente und versprengte Überlieferung des 14. bis 16. Jahrhunderts aus dem mittleren und nördlichen Deutschland, ed. Joachim LÜDTKE, Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. I. Philologisch-Historische Klasse, Jahrgang 2001, Nr. 6 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001).
Vol. 5 (2001) does not concern plainsong and medieval music.
(c) Vol. 6: Fragmente und versprengte Überlieferung des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts im nördlichen und westlichen Deutschland, ed. Joachim LÜDTKE, Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. I. Philologisch-Historische Klasse, Jahrgang 2002, Nr. 4 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2002).
(d) Vol. 7: Ein neues Fragment zum Magnus liber organi, ed. Peter Christian JACOBSEN, Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. I. Philologisch-Historische Klasse, Jahrgang 2006, Nr. 3 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006). Concerns a cover fragment in the incunabel D-Nst 304.2°.
(e) Vol. 8: Neue Quellen zur Musik des 13. bis 16. Jahrhunderts in München, Solothurn und Augsburg, ed. Armin BRINZING, Sonderdruck aus ‘Studien zur Philologie und zur Musikwissenschaft’, p. 246–92 (Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009).
(f) Vol. 9: Neue Quellen des Spätmittelalters aus Deutschland und der Schweiz, ed. Martin STAEHELIN, Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Neue Folge, 15 (Berlin, Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2012).
Review. Eva M. MASCHKE, Die Musikforschung, 67 (2014), 65–8 (vol. 1–9).
23007.Het liederenhandschrift Berlijn 190. Hs. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz germ. oct. 190, ed. Thom MERTENS, Dieuke E. van der POEL (redaction), Gisela GERRITSEN-GEYWITZ, Koen GOUDRIAAN, Hermina JOLDERSMA, Ike de LOOS (†) and Johan OOSTERMAN, m. m. v. Amand BERTELOOT, Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden 12 (Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren, 2013).
Complete critical edition (melodies and texts) of the so-called Utrechter Liederbuch, 15th century. RISM B IV 3 (1972), 328: “f. 4–34 (Lagen A-C) meist lat., mehrst. Lieder; f. 35–38 (Lage D) niederld. Lieder (einst.); f. 39–72 (Lagen E-H) meist lat., einst. Lieder, Sequenzen, Antiphonen, Responsorien; f. 72–183v (ab Lage I) vorwiegend niederld. Liedtexte, dazwischen ein Tropar (f. 83–95), z. T. mit Melodien; f. 183v/184 Sanctus Tropus”.
23008.Los cantorales mozárabes de Cisneros. Catedral de Toledo, 2 vols, ed. Férnandez COLLADO, Alfredo RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, Isidoro CASTAÑEDA TORDERA (Toledo: Cabildo de la Catedral Primada de Toledo, 2011).
23009.Los himnos de la tradición. El himnario de Liturgia Horarum y otros himnos de la tradición litúrgica. Texto Traducción Notas Espiritualidad, ed. Félix Maria AROCENA (Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2013). Edition of the 291 latin hymns of the Liturgica Horarum and of 213 hymns of other liturgical traditions.
23010.El processoner de la Seu d'Urgell imprès l'any 1527, ed. Francesc Xavier ALTÉS, Edició facsimil monocroma amb introducció i índex, Societet Catalana d'Estudis Litúrgics: Biblioteca Litúrgica Catalana 4 (Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2007).
Review. Alexander OLIVAR, Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, 53 (2011), 278–9.
23011. Gundela BOBETH, Antike Verse in mittelalterlichen Vertonungen. Neumierungen in Vergil-, Statius-, Lucian- und Terenz-Handschriften, Monumenta Monodica Medii Aevi 5 (Kassel etc.: Bärenreiter-Verlag, 2013).
23012. László DOBSZAY, Janka SZENDREI (eds.) with the collaboration of Beáta MESZÉNA, Responsories I: Modes 1–3; II: Modes 4–8 (Budapest: Balassi Kiadó, 2013).
23013.Vespers, Matins & Lauds of St Kentingern, Patron Saint of Glasgow, ed. Greta-Mary HAIR, Betty I. KNOTT, Musica Scottica, Editions of Early Scottish Music 6 (Glasgow: Musica Scotica Trust, 2011). Includes 9 plates.
Reviews. John BERGSAGEL, Plainsong & Medieval Music, 22 (2013), 241–6 – Ann BUCKLEY, Óenach: FMRSI Review, 3.2 (2011), 19–26 – Michel HUGLO, Scriptorium 66 (2012), 49*–50* (Nr. 117).
23014.Legend of Scottish Saints. Readings Hymns and Prayers for the Commemorations of Scottish Saints in the Aberdeen Breviary, ed. Alan MACQUARRIE with Rachel BUTTER and contributions by Simon TAYLOR and Gilbert MÁRKUS (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2012). Concerns the printed Aberdeen Breviary Edinburgh, 1510.
Review. R. GODDING, Analecta Bollandiana, 131 (2013), 209–10.
23015.L'Office de la Couronne d'épines à Sens, ed. Brigitte ARNAUD and Annie DENNERY. Published in the series HISTORIAE, series editors László DOBSZAY, Barbara HAGGH and Roman HANKELN for the Study Group ‘Cantus planus’ of the International Musicological Society, Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen – Musicological Studies 65/19 (Lions Bay: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2012). Concerns the Office of the ‘Crown of Thorns’.
23016.Historia Sancti Demetrii, ed. Zsuzsa CZAGANY and Péter TÓTH. Published in the series HISTORIAE, series editors László DOBSZAY, Barbara HAGGH and Roman HANKELN for the Study Group ‘Cantus planus’ of the International Musicological Society, Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen – Musicological Studies 65/20 (Lions Bay, Canada: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2013).
23017.Historia Sancti Galli, ed. Ernst TREMP, Walter BERSCHIN and David HILEY. Published in the series HISTORIAE, series editors László DOBSZAY, Barbara HAGGH and Roman HANKELN for the Study Group ‘Cantus planus’ of the International Musicological Society, Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen – Musicological Studies 65/21 (Lions Bay: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2012).
23018.Hermannus Contractus (1013–1054): Historia sancti Magni, ed. Walter BERSCHIN and David HILEY. Published in the series HISTORIAE, series editors László DOBSZAY, Barbara HAGGH and Roman HANKELN for the Study Group ‘Cantus planus’ of the International Musicological Society, Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen – Musicological Studies 65/22 (Lions Bay: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2013).
23019.Traditio Iohannis Hollandrini, Band IV: Die Traktate IX- XIV, ed. Michael BERNHARD and Elżbieta WITKOWSKA-ZAREMBA, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Veröffentlichungen der Musikhistorischen Kommission 22 (Munich: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. In Kommission bei dem Verlag C. H. Beck, 2013). Vols. I (2010), II (2010), III (2011) see 22013–22015.
23020.Liber Gradualis iuxta ordinem cantum Missae ad usum privatum, ex codicibus antiquioribus ac probatis restauratus, ed. Alberto TURCO, Vol. II. Tempus Nativitatis; Vol. III. Tempus Quadragesimae, 1: in Dominicis; Vol. IV. Hebdomada sancta; Vol. V. Tempus paschale, 1: in Dominicis et in Festo Ascensionis (Verona: Edizioni Melosantiqua, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013). Including 2 CDs in vols. II and III, 3 CDs in vol. IV, 4 CDs in vol. V. Vol. I. Tempus Adventus (2009) see 19006.
23021. Alberto TURCO, Liber Gradualis. Ricognizione codicologica ed esposizione analitica per una restituzione ‘magis critica’ delle melodie, I. Tempus Adventus, Subsidia I (Verona: Edizioni Melosantiqua, 2013).
23022.Il Messale Gallicano di Messina. Missale secundum consuetudinem Gallicorum et Messanensis Ecclesie della biblioteca Agatina del Seminario di Catania (1499). Edizione anastatica, Introduzione e Appendice, a cura di Pietro SORCI & Gaetano ZITO, Presentazione di Salvatore GRISTINA, Monumenta Studia Instrumenta Liturgica (Città del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2009).
Review. Ulrike BAUER-EBERHARDT, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 81* (Nr. 191).
Books, reprints
23023. Nino ALBAROSA, Una caratteristica della notazione sangallese: la lettera i sotto il Cephalicus, 2 vols. [I: ‘Kommentar’, II: Schede esemplificative] (Rome: Torre d'Orfeo Editrice, 2013).
23024. Diogo ALTE DA VEIGA, O Alleluia na monodia litúrgica em Portugal até 1600: comparações melódicas, Master's thesis, Nova University of Lisbon, 2009.
23025. Terence BAILEY, Offertorium and Offerenda: Kinship and Structure, Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen – Musicological Studies 99 (Lions Bay, Canada: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2012).
23026. Jesse BILLETT, The Divine Office in Anglo-Saxon England, 597-c.1000, Ph.D. diss., University of Cambridge, 2009.
23027. Susan BOYNTON, Silent Music, Medieval Songs and the Construction of History in Eighteenth-Century Spain (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011).
Review. Richard HITCHCOCK, Plainsong & Medieval Music, 22 (2013), 247–8.
23028. Tadeusz BRATKOWSKI, Officium divinum de tempore w rękopiśmiennych antyfonarzych zakonów benedyktyńskich w Polsce od XV od XIX wieku (Rzeszów: URz, 2013).
23029. Orsolya CSOMÓ, The Manuscript 541 of the Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris. The Processional of Chalons-en-Champagne (Budapest: Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2011). Dated 1544.
Review. Michel HUGLO, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 24*–25* (Nr. 57).
23030. Olivier DIARD, [Rouen] Répertoire des manuscrits liturgiques en Haute-Normandie, t. I, Jumièges, vol. 1, Sources fondamentales des Offices (Xe – XVIe s.), Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre (Mont-Saint-Avignon, 2011).
Review. Christian MEYER, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 100*–101* (Nr. 237).
23031. Katharine ELLIS, The Politics of Plainchant in fin-de-siècle France, Royal Musical Association Monographs 20 (Farham, Surrey, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013).
23032. Miklós István FÖLDVÁRY, Rubrica Strigoniensis. A középkori Esztergom liturgiájának normaszövegei [Rubrica Strigoniensis. The Normative Texts of the Medieval Esztergom Liturgy], Ph.D. diss., Budapest, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Nyelvtudományi Doktoriskola, ókortudományi Program, 2008.
Available on-line at
23033. Czesław GRAJEWSKI, Antyfony Officium Divinum w świetle traktatów i tonariuszy IX-XIV wieku (Warsaw: UKSW, 2013)
23034. Andrew J. HICKS, Music, Myth, and Metaphysics: Harmony in Twelfth-Century Cosmology and Natural Philosophy, Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto, 2011.
23035. Frank HÖNDGEN, ‘Herrliche Stadt unseres Gottes! All meine Quellen sind in dir’. Die Antiphonen des muttersprachlichen Stundengebets der Abtei Münsterschwarzach – eine Studie zur Entstehungsgeschichte und kompositorischen Struktur, 2 vols., Diss. Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Graz, Austria, 2012.
23036. Andrew HUGHES, The Versified Office: Sources, Poetry, and Chants, 2 vols., Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen – Musicological Studies 97/1–2 (Lions Bay, Canada: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2011).
Review. Barbara HAGGH-HUGLO, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 177*–178* (Nr. 410).
23037. Andrew HUGHES (in collaboration with) Matthew Cheung SALISBURY and Heather ROBBINS, Cataloguing Discrepancies. The Printed York Breviary of 1493 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011).
Review. Barbara HAGGH-HUGLO, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 182*–183* (Nr. 411).
23038. J. KUBIENIEC, Uniwerslizm i swoistośź w średniowiecznach antyfonarzach krakowskich, Acta Musicologica Universitatis Cracoviensis 14 (Krakow: Musica Iagellonica, 2006).
23039. Karin Strinnholm LAGERGREN, Ordet blev sång. Liturgisk sång i katolska kloster 2005–2007, Skrifter från musikvetenskap, Göteborg universitet 94 (Skellefteå: Artos, 2009). Available online at See also 20032 (Ph.D. diss. University of Göteborg).
23040. Marius LINNENBORN, Der Gesang der Kinder in der Liturgie: Eine liturgiewissenschaftliche Untersuchung zur Geschichte des Chorgesangs, Studien zur Pastoralliturgie 26 (Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 2010).
Review. Stefan RAU, Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, 54 (2012), 243–4.
23041. Maria Cecilia Pia MANELLI, Il canto dell'Ufficio divino nella Basilica di San Pietro secondo le rubriche e il repertorio del manoscritto Archivio San Pietro B 79 (sec. XII), Tesi di Dottorato, Roma, Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra, 2011.
23042. Anne-Marie NILSSON, Sånger till fyra kyrkofester i skara stift (Skara: Skara Stiftshistorika Sällskap, 2011). In Swedish with English summary.
Review. Barbara HAGGH-HUGLO, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 203*–204* (no. 465).
23043. Christopher PAGE, The Christian West and Its Singers: The First Thousand Years (New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press, 2010).
Review. Elizabeth AUBREY, Journal of the American Musicological Society, 66 (2013), 297–304.
23044. Juan SADIA, Rubio PABLO, La recepción del rito Francorromano en Castilla (SS. XI-XII). Les tradiciones litùrgicals locales a través del Responsorial del Proprium de Tempore (Città del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2011).
Review. Michel HUGLO, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 102*–103* (no. 244).
23045. Manfred Hermann SCHMID, Notationskunde. Schrift und Komposition 900–1900, Bärenreiter Studienbücher Musik 18 (Kassel, Basel, London, New York, Paris: Bärenreiter, 2012).
Including Chapter 3: ‘Schrift der Theorie und Schrift der Praxis. Auf dem Weg zu einer komplexen Notenschrift 500–1100’, 25–51, Chapter 4: ‘Die Vereinigung zweier gegensätzlicher Schriftprinzipien’, 52–63, Chapter 5: ‘Schriftformen der Mehrstimmigkeit im 11. und 12. Jahrhundert’, 64–87, Chapter 6: ‘Der Hinzugewinn des Rhythmus in den Notre-Dame- und Motetten-Handschriften des 13. Jahrhunnderts’, 88–114.
23046. Johan SCHOENMAKERS, Liturgische rituelen en gebruiken in het sticht voor adellijke dames in Thorn (Maastricht, RHCL, toegangsnr. 18.A nr. 523, circa 1550), Diss. Universiteit van Tilburg, 2014.
23047. Rainer STRAUB, Die singenden Steine von Monreale. Über die Geheimnisse des sizilianischen Kreuzgangs, Fotographien: Roberto SIGISMONDI, Grafiken: Rainer STRAUB, jun. (Salzburg: Verlag Anton Pustet, 2012). Includes a CD (Grazer Choralschola, Franz Karl PRASSL). Concerns the Communio Ecce virgo concipiet and the Introitus Nunc scio vere.
Review. Heinrich RUMPHORST, Beiträge zur Gregorianik, 55 (2013), 101–5.
Rainer STRAUB, Die singenden Steine von Moissac (2009) see 21023.
23048. Blair SULLIVAN, The Classical Analogy between Speech and Music and its Transmission in Carolingian Music Theory, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 400 (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, 2011).
Review. Mariken TEEUWEN, Plainsong & Medieval Music, 22 (2013), 93–5.
23049. Györgyi TÁBORSZKY, Studien zu Repertoire und liturgischer Verwendung von Sequenzen in mittelalterlichen österreichischen Benediktinerklöstern, Diss. Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Graz, Austria, 2012.
23050. Anikó TÓTH, Sequentiák a protestáns graduálokban [Sequences in Protestant Graduals], DLA doktori értekezés, Liszt Ferenc Zeneművésti Egyetem, 28. számú művészeti- és művelődéstörténeti tudományok besorolású doktori iskola, Budapest, 2011. Available on-line at
23051. Stefania VITALE, I manoscritti liturgico-musicali del Museo Diocesano di Brescia, tesi di dottorato in DAMS – Storia e critica delle culture e dei beni musicali, Università degli Studi di Torino, a. a. 2012–2013.
23052. Matthew WARD, The Ordinary Trope Repertory of St Albans Abbey in the Twelfth Century, Ph.D. diss., University of Cambridge, 2013.
23053. Piotr WIŚNIEWSKI, Śpiewy późnośredniowieczne w antyfonarzach płockich z XV/XVI wieku na podstawie responsordiów ‘Matutinum’ (Lublin: Polihymnia, 2010).
Congress reports
23054.Música y archivos en la Iglesia. Actas del XXI Congreso de la Asociación de Archiveros de la Iglesia en España, celebrado en Santander (12 al 16 septiembre de 2005). Edición dirigida por Augustín Hevía BALLINA, Memoria Ecclesiae 31 (Oviedo: Asociación de Archiveros de la Iglesia de España, 2008):
(a) Manuel REY OLLEROS, ‘Códices de musica litúrgica en los archivos de la Iglesia: catalogación y estudio, conservación y restauración’, 177–210. (b) Eladio MÉNDEZ VENEGAS, ‘Libros litúrgicos (cantorales y de lectura) de la Orden de Santiago en el siglo XV en el marco de la actual diócesis de Mérida-Badajoz’, 321–39. (c) José MELGARES RAYA, ‘Los libros corales de la catedral de Jaén’, 369–78. (d) Francisco Javier LARA LARA, ‘Los libros de coro y la música gregoriana en los archivos de la Iglesia: fidelidad y tradición’, 531–56. (e) Michael NOONE, Skinnar GRAEME, Ángel FERNÁNDEZ COLLADO, ‘El fondo de cantorales de canto llano de la catedral de Toledo. Informe y catálogo provisional’, 585–631. (f) Luis SIERRA NAVA, ‘Lorenzana y el canto gregoriano. Papeles de música en el fondo Lorenzana de Toledo’, 679–84.
23055.Schriftkultur und religiöse Zentren im norddeutschen Raum, ed. Patrizia CARMASSI, Eva SCHLOTHEUBER, Almut BREITENBACH, Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien 24 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014) [13: ‘Arbeitsgespräch … 2009 in der Herzog August Bibliothek’]:
(a) Felix HEINZER, ‘Claustrum non manufactum – Innenräume normativer Schriftlichkeit’, 141–65. (b) Jeffrey F. HAMBURGER, ‘Penance in Paradise. Lenten Imagery in Liturgical Manuscripts from the Dominican Convent of Paradise bei Soest’, 167–224. (c) Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Das Mindener Graduale der HAB Wolfenbüttel, Cod. Guelf. 1008 Helmst. Beobachtungen zur liturgischen und musikalischen Überlieferung’, 227–68. (d) Tuomas HEIKKILÄ, ‘Einflüsse deutscher Schriftlichkeit in der mittelalterlichen Buchkultur Finnlands’, 413–31. (d) Jan BRUNIUS, ‘Zentrum und Peripherie. Fragmente deutscher Handschriften in Schwedisch-Finnland als Zeugnisse mittelalterlicher Buchkultur’, 413–31.
23056.Papers Read at the 15th Meeting of the IMS Study Group CANTUS PLANUS, Dobogókő/Hungary, 2009, Aug. 23–9, ed. Barbara HAGGH-HUGLO, Debra LACOSTE with the members of the Cantus Planus Advisory Board Nicolas BELL, Christelle CAZAUX-KOWALSKI, Jeremy LLEWELLYN, Christian TROELGÅRD, Anna VILDERA, 3 vols. (Lions Bay: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2013):
Volume 1
(a) Barbara HAGGH-HUGLO, ‘Opening Remarks’, 1–4. (b) Christian TROELSGÅRD, ‘Songs for the Theotokos: Pieces of Papyrus and the Early Byzantine Theotokia’, 5–24. (c) Joseph DYER, ‘Katakosmēson ton nymphōna sou Siōn – Adorna thalamum tuum Sion: East and West in the Medieval Roman Celebration of Candlemas’, 25–49. (d) Terence BAILEY, ‘Rome, Milan, and the Confractoria’, 51–76. (e) Michel HUGLO†,’ Observations about Chant with Texts Translated from Greek into Latin’, 77–92. (f) Kate HELSEN, ‘“The Stream or the Source”? Comparing Gregorian and Old Roman Great Responsories’, 93–108. (g) Emma HORNBY and Rebecca MALOY, ‘Analysis of Old Hispanic Chant: Problems and Proposals’, 109–32. (h) Diogo ALTE DA VEIGA, ‘Alleluia. Venite ad Lusitaniam. A Comparative Study of Monophonic Alleluias in Pre-1600 Portuguese Sources’, 133–61. (i) Balázs DERI, ‘The Coptic Psalmos: Text and Architext, or, Composing in an Oral Music High Culture’, 163–92. (k) Manuel Pedro FERREIRA, ‘Congregati sunt inimici nostri: A Survey, the Holy War, and the Order of St Jerome’, 193–220. (l) Mara FORTU, ‘The Medieval Musical Manuscripts of the Cistercian Order in Portugal and Galicia’, 221–41. (m) Hanna ZÜHLKE, ‘Codex 14208 of the Austrian National Library in Vienna: A Witness to the Medieval Liturgical Practice of the Teutonic Order?’, 243–60. (n) Gunilla IVERSEN, ‘Expressing the Ineffable: Music in the Texts of Medieval Latin Liturgical Poetry’, 261–82. (o) Ann-Marie NILSSON, ‘The Relationship of Text to Melody in Chants with Different Meters Adapted to the Same Melody’, 283–314. (p) Charles E. BREWER, ‘Two Fragmentary Latin Song Collections from Thirteenth-Century Normandy’, 315–42. Concerns F-EV 2 and 39. (q) Erika KIHLMAN, ‘Medieval Sequence Commentaries: Traditions and Techniques’, 343–59.
Volume 2
(r) Gábor KISS, ‘Comparative Research into Medieval Mass Repertories’, 361–84. (s) Matthew WARD, ‘Trinity College, Cambridge, “Ms. Fragment 2”: New Evidence for the Mutable Transmission and Notation of Chant in the Later Middle Ages’, 385–404. A bifolium from a Sarum missal, 14th–15th c. (t) Orsolya CSOMÓ, ‘The Liturgical Placement of Three Processional Antiphons’, 405–24. (u) James BORDERS, ‘The Transmission of Non-CAO Antiphons in Later Medieval Pontificals’, 425–58. (v) Miklós István FÖLDVÁRY, ‘A Recent Survey of Catalonian and Mallorcan Ordinals and its Contribution to the Editorial Approach to Normative Liturgical Texts’, 459–72. (w) Inga BEHRENDT, ‘Die Notation im Seckauer Liber ordinarius der Handschrift A-Gu 756 von 1345 und ein Einblick in die Rekonstruierung der Kyrie-Melodien anhand der Neumierung’, 473–90. (x) Oliver GERLACH, ‘Religious Chant in the Late Ottoman Empire between Petros Bereketēs and Hamamîzade İsmail Dede Efendi’, 491–526. (y) Gabriella GILÁNYI, ‘Lenten Chants on the Raising of Lazarus in Early Mediterranean Antiphoners’, 527–42. (z) Cesarino RUINI, ‘Nota Romana in Aemilia: Documenti sulla diffusione della notazione dell'Italia centrale nella diocese di Reggio Emilia’, 543–56. Concerns different mss. in I-RE. (aa) Miriam Monroe WENDLING, ‘Pitch Clarification in Twelfth-Century Bamberg’, 557–76. Concerns D-BAs Lit. 9, 11, 22, 23 and 24, including eight colour facsimiles. (bb) Svetlana POLIAKOVA, ‘The Manuscript Sin 319 and Voskr 27: Innovation in Russian Liturgical Practice at the End of the Twelfth Century’, 577–95. Concerns mss. in RUS-Mim. (cc) Jurij SNOJ, ‘The Franciscans in Carniola and their Chant’, 597–617. Concerns SI-Lf Gradual I, II, Antiphoner (olim Inv.-No. 6771–3). (dd) Ana ČIZMIĆ, ‘The Dubrovnik Antiphoner’, 619–28. Concerns HR-Dsmb C(4), D (5), F (6), E (3).
Volume 3
(ee) Henry PARKES, ‘The Composition of English Saints' Offices in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries’, 629–47. (ff) Pieter MANNAERTS, ‘A New Source for the Liturgical Office of St Vincent, Tongeren, Stadsarchief (B-TOa), Sint-Jacobsgasthuis 61’, 649–65. Includes facsimiles of the cover recto and verso. (gg) Andrea KOVÁCS, ‘Un Ufficio sconosciuto di san Gerardo di Csanád’, 667–90. (hh) David HILEY, ‘The Chants for St Verena of Zurzach and Other Historiae of the Lake Constance Region’, 691–707. (ii) Sarah Ann LONG, ‘The Office for the Translation of St Nicholas in Fifteenth-Century Parisian Confraternity Manuscripts’, 709–29. Conerns F-Pm 464. (kk) James BOYCE†, ‘Making a Saint Orthodox: Honoring St Albert of Sicily’, 731–46. Includes four facsimiles of Rome, Santa Maria in Traspontina, Codex G. (ll) Thomas László CSANÁDY, ‘“Tangere cymbalum”: On the Meaning of Cymbals in the Daily Life of Religious Communities of the Canons Regular in the High Middle Ages’, 747–56. (mm) Stefan ENGELS, ‘Zum Wesen liturgischer Spiele’, 757–68. (nn) Diego TOIGO, ‘Dalla contemplatio alla compassio: Tendenze espressive in Passioni italiane fra Medioevo e Rinascimento’, 769–84. Includes two facsimiles of I-Bu 2893. (oo) Anna VILDERA, ‘Dramatic Frameworks in the Office of St Daniel, levita et martyr of Padua’, 785–806. Includes two facsimiles of I-Pc B 14. (pp) Nausica MORANDI, ‘The Hungarian 7Officium stellae within a European Network of Epiphany Dramas’, 807–20. (qq) Lanfranco MENGA, ‘Realizzare oggi un dramma liturgico’, 821–8. (rr) Jerome F. WEBER, ‘Gallican Chant before the Octoechos’, 829–34. (ss) Michel HUGLO†, ‘Response to Jerome Weber’, 835–8. (tt) Marit HØYE, ‘Two Early Kyrie Chants’, 839–54. (uu) Robert BERNAGIEWICZ, ‘Some Traces of the ‘Enchiriadis’ System in Justus ut palma Graduals’, 855–70. (vv) Alexey YAROPOLOV, ‘From Orbit to Landscape: The Deployment of the Octoichos (with Introduction by Christian TROELSGÅRD)’, 871–908. (ww) Geert MAESSEN, ‘Fluxus: Music Notation for Performing Tenth-Century Chant – A Performer's Opinion on Music Notation’, 909–28. (xx) Karin Strinnholm LAGERGREN, ‘Monastic Liturgical Singing after the Second Vatican Council’, 929–38. (yy) Debra LACOSTE, ‘Cantus: A Database for Latin Ecclesiastical Chant: Progress Report, August 2009’, 939–43. (zz) Inga BEHRENDT, Sarah LONG, Pieter MANNAERTS, ‘Antiphonaria, Inventories of Antiphoners in Belgian Flanders: Report 2009’, 945–8.
23057.City, Chant, and the Topography of Early Music [In Honor of Thomas Forrest Kelly], ed. Michael Scott CUTHBERT, Sean GALLAGHER, Christopher WOLFF, Isham Library Papers 8 – Harvard Publications in Music 23 (Cambridge, MA, London: distributed by Harvard University Press, 2013):
(Preface, ix: in 2009, some of the world's most distinguished scholars of medieval music gathered on the campus of Harvard University in order to pay tribute to one of their most esteemed colleagues, our own Thomas Forrest Kelly.… City, chant, and the Topography of Early Music' took place Friday through Sunday, October 2–4, 2009).
(a) Craig WRIGHT, ‘Quantification in Medieval Paris and How it Changed Western Music’, 3–26. (b) David HILEY, ‘Surge, Petre! Sets of Chants for St. Peter in Benevento, Peterborough, and Some Places in Between’, 73–99. (c) Katarina LIVLJANIĆ, ‘The Genealogy According to St. Luke in Beneventan Dalmatia’, 101–22. (d) Matthew G. PEATTIE, ‘Beneventan Music and Gregorian Modality. Evidence of Modal Change in the Melodic Fund of the Old Beneventan Chant’, 123–44. (e) Andreas PFISTERER, ‘Easter Vigil Canticles from Italy’, 145–62. (f) Árni Heimir INGÓLFSSON, ‘Echoes from the Periphery. Rask 98, Modal Change, and Oral Transmission in Seventeenth-Century Iceland’, 165–87. Concerns DK-Kar Rask 98. (g) Susan BOYNTON, ‘Reproducing the Middle Ages in Eighteenth-Century Toledo’, 189–204. (h) Andreas HAUG, ‘Ways of Singing Hexameter in Tenth-Century Europe’, 207–28. (i) Susan RANKIN, ‘Beyond the Boundaries of Roman-Frankish Chant. Alcuin's de laude Dei and Other Early Medieval Sources of Office Chants’, 229–62. (k) Marie-Noël COLETTE, ‘Un fragment de tropaire aquitain peu connu (ParisBN, nouv. acq. lat. 2444, ff. 5–6)’, 265–74. (l) Michel HUGLO† and Barbara HAGGH with Leofranc HOLFORD-STREVENS, ‘The Topography of Music Theory in Paris, 900–1450’, 275–334.
23058.Musica mediaeva liturgica. Zborník príspevkov z muzikologickej konferencie konanej dňa 4.-5. Mája 2010, ed. Rastislav ADAMKO (Ružomberok: Verbum, 2010):
(a) Eva SELECKÁ MÂRZA, Andreea MÂRZA, ‘Uvahy o stredovekom knižnom fonde slovenského pôvodu v sedmohradskej Alba Iulii (zlomky notovaných kódexov) – Reflections on medieval book collection of Slovak origin in Transylvanian Alba Iulia (fragments of codices written in staff notation)’, 8–35. (b) Rastislav ADAMKO, ‘Spišsky liturgický kalendár na základe zachovaných rukopisov v Spišskej kapitule a Alba Iulii – The Spiš calendar on the basis of the preserved liturgical manuscripts in the Spiš Chapter and Alba Iulia’, 36–67. (c) Janka BEDNÁRIKOVÁ, ‘Adiastematické fragmentary gregoriánskeho chorálu v knižnici Battyaneum v Alba Iulii – Gregorian chant adiastematic fragments of Slovak provenience in Batthaneum library in Alba Iulia’, 68–92. (d) Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Liturgia a hudba v salzburskom Dóme a v blízkom opátstve sv. Petra v 12 storičí – popis vzt'ahu podl'a pôvodných prameňov – Liturgie und Musik im Salzburger Dom und in der benachbarten Abtei St. Peter im 12. Jahrhundert – eine Verhältnisbestimmung anhand der Hauptquellen’, 94–125. (e) Jurij SNOJ, ‘Oficium sv. Maura z Poreca / Parenzo – The Office of S. Maurus of Poreč / Parenzo’, 126–41. (f) Eva VESELOVSKÁ, ‘Stredoveké skriptorium Bratislavskej kapituly, špecifiká a vplyvy produkcie notovaných rukopisov – Medieval scriptorium of the Bratislava Chapter, particularities and influence of the notated manuscripts production’, 142–71. (g) Jakub KUBIENIEC, ‘Ako rastie tradícia – prípad Tynieckého opátstva – How tradition grows – the Case of the Tyniec Abbey’, 172–91. (h) Sylvia URDOVÁ, ‘Poznámky k hudobnému repertoáru Proprium de Sanctis v notovanom breviári z Debna z roku 1375 vo fonde kolegiálnej knižnice v Prešove – Observations on the Proprium de Sanctis musical repertory in the notated breviary from Debno of 1375 in the collection of the collection of the Collegial Library of Prešov’, 192–211. (i) Jana VOZKOVÁ, ‘Choralní ofertoria jako hudebně historický a ediční problém (přínos českých pramenů k řešení problematiky) – Plainchant offertories as a problem of music history and editoral practice (Bohemian sources as an instrument of solution’, 121–27. (k) Robert BERNAGIEWICZ, ‘Klement z Piotrkowa. Knaz – ucenec – hudobník – redaktor – Klemens from Piotrków. A priest – scholar – musician – redactor’, 228–41 (–252).
Parallel Slovak and English texts, the essay of Franz Karl Praßl: parallel Slovak and German texts.
23059.Dal mondo antico all'universo medievale: nuove modulazioni di lingue e di culture. Atti di un convegno del 2011, ed. Rosa Bianca FINAZZI and Paola PONTANI (Milan: EDUCatt, 2013):
(a) Giacomo BAROFFIO, ‘Continuità e rottura con il mondo antico nella liturgia romana’, 7–11. (b) Guido MILANESE, ‘Il ‘nuovo latino’ carolingio: alcune testimonianze’, 73–91 (87–91 concerns the neumae liquescentes).
23060.La musica sacra nella Milano del Settecento. Atti del convegno internazionale. Milano, 17–18 maggio 2011, ed. Cesare FERTONANI, Raffaele MELLACE, Claudio TOSCANI (Milan: LED Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2014):
(a) Giacomo BAROFFIO, ‘Introduzione’, vii–xi. (b) Christoph RIEDO, ‘Tra rito ambrosiano e rito romano: la musica nelle chiese di Milano e la circolazione delle sue fonti’, 1–24. (c) Daniele TORELLI, ‘Liturgia e canto nell'editoria milanese tra Sei e Settecento: libri liturgico-musicali e trattati’, 35–64.
23061.Actes du Colloque d'Auxerre – Notarum figura: L'écriture musicale et le monde des signes au 9e siècle. Auxerre, Centre d'études médiévales, 17–18 juin 2011, ed. Eduardo Henrik AUBERT and Susan RANKIN, Études grégoriennes, 40 (2013), publié sous la direction de Patrick HALA:
(a) Daniela von ARETIN, ‘The Chicken and the Egg. Music Theory and the Genesis of Musical Notation’, 1–27. (b) Charles ATKINSON, ‘The Anonymus Vaticanus in speculo’, 29–56. Concerns I-Rvat Pal. lat. 235. (c) Eduardo Henrik AUBERT, ‘When the Roman liturgy became Frankish – Sound, Performance and Sublation in the Eighth and Ninth Centuries’, 57–160. (d) Sam BARRETT, ‘Neumes in a Ninth-Century Verse Collection and the Early History of Messine Notation at Laon’, 161–89. Concerns CH-BEb 455. (e) Marie-Noël COLETTE, ‘Scribere qui nescit, sensum deus augeat illi: Remarques sur quelques témoignages de l'apprentissage de la notation musicale’, 191–212. (f) Fabrizio CRIVELLO, ‘High-Grade Manuscripts and Neumatic Notation in the Carolingian Era: Examples and Observations’, 213–24. Concerns D-B theol. lat. fol. 58 –F-LA 239 – F-Pn lat. 17436 – I-MZ Tesoro inv. n. 88. (g) Jeremy LLEWELLYN, ‘Grammar, Writing and Chant: Notker the Editor and the Epistola ad Lantbertum’, 225–41. (h) Daniel SAULNIER, ‘Nouvelles perspectives sur la coupure neumatique’, 243–52. (i) Giovanni VARELLI, ‘The Early Written Transmission of Chant in Northern Italy: The Evidence of Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, B 48 sup., ff. 141–142’, 253–81. (k) Susana ZAPKE, ‘Coexistencia de signos y funciones en la cultura visigótica escrita: Notas marginales’, 283–91.
23062.Simpozionul Internaţional de Muzicologie Bizantină: 300 de ani de românire (1713–2013). Ediţia a II-a, 12 decembrie 2013, ed. Nicolae GHEORGHIŢĂ, Costin MOISIL, Daniel SUCEAVA (Bucharest: Editura Universităţii Naţionale de Muzică Bucureşti – Glissando, 2013):
(a) Ozana ALEXANDRESCU, ‘Ioan Kampazournas în Ţara Românească’ [Ioannes Kampazournas in Wallachia], 33–7. (b) Sebastian BARBU-BUCUR, ‘Un anastasimatar necunoscut scris de Ianuarie Monahul’ [An unknown Anastasimatararion written by Ianuarie the Monk], 38–53. (c) Filotheu BĂLAN, ‘Câteva exegeze în notaţie hrisantică ale Ieromonahului Macarie din Psaltichia Ieromonahului Filothei’ [Some exegesis in Chrysanthine notation from Filothei the Hiermonk's Psaltichie Romănească by Macarie the Hiermonk], 54–93. (d) Elena CHIRCEV, ‘Psaltichia rumănească şi două semnături: Filothei Jipa şi Sebastian Barbu-Bucur’ [The Psaltichie Rumănească and two signatures: Filothei Jipa and Sebastian Barbu-Bucur], 94–101. (e) Viorel COSMA, ‘Constantin Erbiceanu, un precursor valoros al bizantinologiei noastre muzicale, dar nedreptăţit de istorie’ [Constantin Erbiceanu, an outstanding forerunner of the Romanian Byzantine Musicology, but neglected by the history], 111–23. (f) Irina-Zamfira DĂNILĂ, ‘Ponderea cântărilor în limba română în manuscrisele psaltice din Arhivele Naţionale din Iaşi’ [The ratio of the chants in Romanian in the Psaltic manuscripts in the National Archives of Iaşi], 124–41. (g) Alexandru-Marius DUMITRESCU, ‘Cântările Învierii, de la Filothei sin Agăi Jipei la Anastasimatarul uniformizat – repere’ [The hymns of the Resurrection, from Filothei sin Agăi Jipei to Anastasimatarul uniformizat], 142–82. (h) Nicolae GHEORGHIŢĂ, ‘Muzicile Prinţului: muzică, ceremonii şi reprezentări ale puterii princiare la curţile Valahiei şi Moldovei (secolul XVII – primele decenii ale secolului al XIX-lea. Partea I’ [The music of the prince: music, ceremonies and representations of the princely power at the courts of Walachia and Moldavia (seventeenth–early nineteenth century, Part one], 183–205. (i) Vasile GRĂJDIAN, ‘Ipostaze ale românirii în cântarea bisericească de tradiţie bizantină din Transilvania. Troparul Învierii – glas I’ [Hypostases of the Romanianisation in the church singing of Byzantine tradition from Transylvania. Troparion of the Resurrection], 206–24. (k) Mihail HARBUZARU, ‘Manuscrisele psaltice de la Mănăstirea Sinaia în contextul românirii muzicii bisericeşti’ [The psaltic manuscripts in Sinaia monastery in the context of adaption of Byzantine chant into Romanian], 225–38. (l) Ion ISĂROIU, ‘Filothei sin Agăi Jipei, 300 de ani de la prima Psaltichie rumănească (1713–2013) şi procesul de ‘românire’ a cântărilor bisericeşti’ [Filothei sin Agăi Jipei, 300 years since the first Romanian Psaltichie (1713–2013) and the process of ‘Romanianisation’ of church chants], 239–68. (m) Iane KODJABASHIJA, ‘Romanian church singing on the territory of Macedonia’, 269–79. (n) Adrian-Cristian MAZILIŢA, ‘Cratimele în lumina manuscrisului grecesc nr. 9 de la Arhivele Naţionale din Drobeta Turnu Severin’ [The Kratemata in the light of Greek manuscript no. 9 in National Archives, Dobreta Turnu Severin], 280–306. (o) Costin MOISIL, ‘Un veac de singurătate. Românirea cântărilor în vechea notaţie ‘ [One hundred years of solitude. The ‘Romanianisation’ of chants in old notation], 307–16. (p) Nicu MOLDOVEANU, ‘De la prima carte de psaltichie românească (1713) la Dicţionarul de muzică bisericească românească (2013)’ [From the first Romanian manuscripts in Byzantine notation (1713) to the ‘Dictionary of Romanian Church Music’ (2013)], 317–26. (q) Gabriela OCNEANU, ‘Importanţa studiilor arhid. Sebastian Barbu-Bucur asupra Psaltichiei rumăneşti a lui Filothei si Agăi Jipei’ [The importance of Archdeacon Sebastian Barbu-Bucur's research on the Psaltichie rumănească by Filothei sin Agăi Jipei], 327–30. (r) Jaakko OLKINUORA, ‘Problems and possibilities of adapting Byzantine music into Finnish’, 331–43. (s) Gabriel-Constantin OPREA, ‘Grupul Stavropoleos la 20 de ani de la înfiinţare’ [Stavropoleos Choir at its twentieth anniversary], 344–50. (t) Codruţ-Dumitru SCURTU, ‘Aspecte privind paternitatea cântărilor mitropolitului Iosif Naniescu (1818–1902)’ [Contributions to the topic of paternity of chants ascribed to bishop Iosif Naniescu (1818–1902)], 365–81. (u) Constantin SECARĂ, ‘Particularităţi stilistice în procesul de românire la Filothei sin Agăi Jipei. Studiu de caz: Canonul Floriilor’ [Stylistic features in the process of translating into Romanian at Filothei sin Agăi Jipei. Case study: the Palm Sunday canon], 382–420. (v) Vasile STANCIU, ‘Aspecte ale românirii cântărilor bisericeşti în colecţii transilvănene din secolele XIX–XXI’ [Aspects of ‘Romanianisation’ in Transylvanian chant books of the nineteenth–twentieth centuries], 421–40. (w) Daniel SUCEAVA, ‘Ptolemeu, Filotei Sinaitul şi Filothei fiul agăi Jipa’ [Ptolemy, Philotheos of Sinai, and Filothei Jipa], 441–56. (x) Răzvan-Constantin ŞTEFAN, ‘Tradiţie şi continuitate în interpretarea melosului bizantin românesc’ [Tradition and continuity in the interpretation of the Byzantine melos in Romanian language], 457–69. (y) Vasile VASILE, ‘Activitatea lui Anton Pann de exighisire şi de românire a cântărilor bisericeşti’ [The exegesis and ‘Romanianisation’ of church chant by Anton Pann], 470–99. Abstract and keywords in English, 516–33.
Chant journals
23063.Beiträge zur Gregorianik, 55 (2013), ed. Christian DOSTAL, Johannes Berchmans GÖSCHL, Cornelius POUDEROIJEN, Franz Karl PRASSL, Heinrich RUMPHORST, Stephan ZIPPE (Regensburg: ConBrio Verlagsgesellschaft):
(a) Franco ACKERMANS, Luigi AGUSTONI (†), Martin ANDERL, Inga BEHRENDT, Rupert FISCHER (†), Johannes Berchmans GÖSCHL, Bernhard HUBER, Liobgid KOCH, Josef KOHLHÄUFL, Daniel RÖSLER, Heinrich RUMPHORST, Alexander SCHWEITZER, Anton STINGL jun., Stephan ZIPPE, ‘Vorschläge zur Restitution von Melodien des Graduale Romanum. Teil 33’, 9–63. (b) Heinrich RUMPHORST, ‘Weitere Beobachtungen zur Alleluja-Typusmelodie im II. Modus’, 65–8. (c) Anton STINGL jun., ‘Ein “illegaler” Ton im Responsorium Collegerunt pontifices. Probleme der Buchstabennotation bei Guido von Arezzo’, 69–74. (d) Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Codex St. Gallen 342 – das älteste vollständige Graduale aus St. Gallen (Teil 2)’, 75–100. Part 1 see 20054c.
23064.Beiträge zur Gregorianik, 56 (2013), ed. Christian DOSTAL, Johannes Berchmans GÖSCHL, Cornelius POUDEROIJEN, Franz Karl PRASSL, Heinrich RUMPHORST, Stephan ZIPPE (Regensburg: ConBrio Verlagsgesellschaft):
(a) Franco ACKERMANS, Luigi AGUSTONI (†), Martin ANDERL, Inga BEHRENDT, Rupert FISCHER (†), Johannes Berchmans GÖSCHL, Liobgid KOCH, Josef KOHLHÄUFL, Stefan METZ, Daniel RÖSLER, Heinrich RUMPHORST, Anton STINGL jun., Stephan ZIPPE, ‘Vorschläge zur Restitution von Melodien des Graduale Romanum. Teil 34’, 9–58. (b) Anton STINGL jun., ‘Das Alleluia Dispersit, dedit pauperibus. Ein Alleluia für den Hl. Hieronymus Ämiliani – Adaption oder Centonisation?’, 59–67. (c) Heinrich RUMPHORST, ‘Der neogregorianische Introitus Redemisti nos’, 69–75. (d) Neil McEWAN, ‘tenete und episema als wichtige Elemente der Neumennotation im zehnten und elften Jahrhundert für die Interpretation des Chorals’, 77–94.
23065.Estudios Gregorianos, Revista de la Asociación Hispana para el Estudio del Canto Gregoriano (AHisECGre), Año 3 – Numéro 3 (2008–2010), ed. Juan Carlos ASENSIO PALACIOS (Abadía de Santa Cruz, Valle de los Caídos – Madrid, 2012):
(a) M. Dolores AGUIRRE, ‘El canto gregoriano es el canto de la asamblea’. Published in German 2008 in Beiträge zur Gregorianik, see 18062d. (b) José Ignacio GONZÁLEZ VILLANUEVA, ‘Pauta metodológica en el estudio de las piezas gregorianas. Aportaciones prácticas’. (c) Guillermo Fernández RODRIGUEZ-ESCALONA, ‘La cantilación de la épica medieval’.
23066.Études grégoriennes, 40 (2013) see 23061.
23067.Studi Gregoriani, 28 (2012), ed. Mauro CASADEI TURRONI MONTI (Rome: Torre d'Orfeo Editrice S. r. l., 2013):
(a) Luigi AGUSTONI (†), Rupert FISCHER (†), Johannes Berchmans GÖSCHL, Liobgid KOCH, Heinrich RUMPHORST, Alexander SCHWEITZER, Stephan ZIPPE, ‘Proposte per la restituzione di melodie del Graduale Romanum, parte X’, 3–33. First published in German 2000 in Beiträge zur Gregorianik, see 10055a. (b) Maria Cecilia Pia MANELLI, ‘Il canto dell'Ufficio divino nella basilica di San Pietro secondo le rubriche e il repertorio del manoscritto Archivio San Pietro B 79 (sec. XII)’, 35–93. Extract from her dissertation see 23041. (c) Nino ALBAROSA, ‘Torculus a chuisura di neuma cadenzale’, 95–129. First published Bologna, University, 1984. (d) Alberto TURCO, ‘Per una restituzione melodica ‘magis critica’ del Graduale Romanum Alleluia Surrexit dominus vere’, 131–6. (e) Iwo Hubert SIEKIERKA, ‘La notazione metense nella tradizione slesiana del canto gregoriano dei secoli XIII–XVIII, nei codici dell Biblioteca capitolare di Wrocław’, 137–63. Including eight facsimiles. (f) Mattia ROSSI, ‘Il canto gregoriano nella raffigurazione estetico-musicale del Purgatorio dantesco’, 165–74.
23068.Tijdschrift voor Gregoriaans, 38 (2013), Redactie: Katrijn KUYPERS, Arnoud HEERINGS, Gerrit van OSCH, Albert KOOPMANS, uitgave van de Stichting Amici Cantus Gregoriani, Administratie J. KWAST, Driebergen-Rijsenburg:
(a) Ger van der WERF, ‘De hymne Gloria laus (2)’, 2–8. (b) Johannes Berchmans GÖSCHL, ‘Eenheid in verscheidenheid (2) (3)’, 9–15, 42–5. Part 1 see 22083e. (c) Pieter MANNAERTS, ‘Het Nikolaas-officie (2)’, 16–22. Part 1 see 22083f. (d) Joost van GEMERT, ‘Graduales uit de negentiende eeuw tussen traditie en aanpassing: Louis Lambillote en Michael Hermesdorff’, 27–34. Concerns the printed Graduale Romanum (Paris: Le Clerc et soc., 1857) and Graduale / juxta usum / ecclesiae cathedralis Trevirensis dispositum … edidit / Michael Hermesdorff (Treviris: Leistenschneider, 1863). (e) Geert MAESSEN, ‘Threnos, tractus en lamentation: Oudspaanse gezangen voor de Vasten en de Goede Week (1)’, 46–53. Concerns E-L 8. (f) Marietrees BROEREN, Anne-Marieke KOOT, ‘Hildegard van Bingen: Karitas habundat in omnia’, 64–70. (g) Louis KREKELBERG, ‘Christus is opgestanden en Victimae Paschali. Een reconstructie met behulp van vier Nederlandse handschriften’, 79–89, 114–121. Concerns NL-M 523 RA Limburg 18a collectie handschriften – NL-Nu 402 – NL-Au I C 17 – F-SO Réserve 43. (h) Arnoud HEERINGS, ‘Toekomst of verlede? Einige gedachten naar aanleidung van het graduale Adjutor in opportunitatibus’, 92–8.
Collections of essays, dictionaries
23069. Charles BURNETT, Numeral and Arithmetic in the Middle Ages, Ashgate Variorum Collected Studies Series (Farnham, Surrey, 2010). Including eleven essays 1996–2007. Concerns also Theory of Music; see the review of Michel Huglo.
Review. Michel HUGLO, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 18* (Nr. 36).
23070. Rudolf FLOTZINGER, Das sogenannte Organum. Zu den Anfängen der kirchlichen Mehrstimmigkeit im Abendland, ed. Federico CELESTINI and Gregor KOKORZ (Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 2011).
Review. Stefan ENGELS, Musicologica Austriaca, 30 (2011), 195–9.
23071. Godehard JOPPICH, Cantate canticum novum. Gesammelte Studien anlässlich des 80. Geburtstages von Godehard Joppich, Geleitwort von Benno MALFÈR, Vorwort von Anselm GRÜN (Münsterschwarzach: Vier-Türme-Verlag, 2013). Includes eleven studies, one unpublished:
(a) ‘Einige Gedanken zur Gregorianik’, 11–13. First published 1990. (b) ‘Der Torculus specialis als musikalische Interpunktionsneume’, 15–54. First published 1986. (c) ‘Die rhetorische Komponente in der Notation des Codex 121 von Einsiedeln’, 55–110. First published 1991, see LCB 1, p. 184. (d) ‘Vom Schrifttwort zum Klangwort’, 111–27. Unpublished. (e) ‘Vom Schriftwort zum Klagwort (2. Fassung)’, 129–62. First published 1995. (f) ‘Ein Beitrag zum Verhältnis Text und Ton im Gregorianischen Choral’, 163–92. First published 1995, see 6133. (g) ‘Christologie im Gregorianischen Choral’, 193–214. First published 1995. (h) ‘Bemerkungen zu den drei Fragmenten aus Pergamenthandschriften des Klosters Wennigsen’, 215–39. Including six facsimiles. First published in Antje BUSCH-SPREVESLAGE, ed., Die Klosterkirche in Wennigsen (Osnabrück, 1999). (i) ‘Der späte gregorianische Choral’, 241–63. First published in Italian ‘Il canto gregoriano tardivo’, Antiqua habita consutudine, Atti del colloquio iternazionale (Portogruano 20 otobre 2001), ed. Lucio CRISTANTE (Trieste, 2004). (k) ‘Ritenuto, Ritardando und Accelerando’, 265–312. First published 2008, see 18077k. (l) ‘Die Liqueszenz. Eine semiologische Studie im Codex Hartker St., Gallen 390/391’, 313–88. Unpublished.
Review. Anton STINGL, jun., Beiträge zur Gregorianik, 55 (2013), 105–7.
23072. Costin MOISIL, Românirea cântărilor, un meşteşug şi multe controverse. Studii de muzicologie bizantină [The ‘Romanianisation’ of chants: a technique and a multitude of controversies (Bucharest: Editura Muzicală, 2012). A collection of ten essays with addition of some notes:
(a) pp. 9–23. See 14048e. (b) pp. 24–47. See 19084. (c) ‘Despre românire în prefeţele lui Macarie Ieromonahul şi Anton Pann’ [The adaption of Byzantine chant into Romanian in the forewords of Macarie the Hieromonk and Anton Pann], 48–69. (d) pp. 70–95. See 13072. (e) p. 96–119. See 17051h. (f) pp. 120–33. See 21048m. (g) pp. 134–49. See 21032a. (h) ‘Procesul de românire şi adaptarea la muzicalitatea limbii’ [The adaption of Byzantine chant into Romania and the adaption to the musicality of the language]’, 150–8. (i) ‘Tradiţii păstrate, tradiţii pierduta. Cazul picioarelor ternare în cântarea bisericească românească’ [Preserved traditions, lost traditions. The case of ternary feet of the Romanian chant], 159–73. (k) ‘Rolul naţionalismului în modelarea cântării bisericeşti româneşti înainte de Primul Război Mondial. Cazul Liturghiei Sf. Ioan Gură de Aur’ [The role of the nationalism in modelling the Romanian chant before the First World War. The case of the liturgy of St John Chrysostom], 174–85.
23073. Andreas ODENTHAL, Liturgie vom frühen Mittelalter bis zum Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung. Studien zur Geschichte des Gottesdienstes, Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation. Studies in the Late Middle Ages, Humanism and the Reformation 61 (Tübingen: Mohr, Siebeck, 2011).
[V: ,,Aufsätze … werden in überarbeiteter Form erneut abgedruckt. Offensichtliche Fehler werden korrigiert, die wichtigste Sekundärliteratur nachgetragen, sodann ein einheitliches Zitationssystem mit ausführlichem Literaturverzeichnis erstellt und allzu offensichtliche Wiederholungen eliminiert.”].
23074. Walter BERSCHIN and Martin HELLMANN, Hermann der Lahme. Gelehrter und Dichter (1013–1054), Reichenauer Texte und Bilder 11 (Dritte, erweitere Auflage, Heidelberg: Mattes Verlag, 2013 [First published 2004]):
(a) Walter BERSCHIN, ‘Hermann der Lahme. Leben und Werk in Übersicht’, 15–32 (pp. 20–2 and 30–1 concern his musical works). (b) Walter BERSCHIN, ‘Hermann der Lahme als Sequenzendichter. Mit Diskussion der Antiphonen Salve regina und Alma redemptoris mater’, 73–105.
23075.Lexicon Musicum Latinum Medii Aevi. Wörterbuch der lateinischen Musikterminologie des Mittelalters bis zum Ausgang des 15. Jahrhunderts – Dictionary of Medieval Latin Musical Terminology to the End of the 15th Century, ed. Michael BERNHARD (Munich: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. In Kommission bei dem Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich, 1992–).
(a) Fascicle 14: pausabilis – psalmodia, 2013. Collaborators Daniela von ARETIN (pausabilis-progressio, propassus-properchant, propulso-psalmodia), Christian BERKTOLD (prolatio-prolationalis), Michael BERNHARD (proprietas), Calvin M. BOWER (English Translation), Ruth KONSTANCIAK (Editorial Assistance).
See 6089a, b, 7053a, 10068a, 11070a, 13079a, 14065a, 16067a, 17067a, 19045a, 20067a, 21046a, 22088a: Fascicles 1 (1992), 2 (1995), 3 (1997), 4 (2000), 5 (2001), 6 (2003), 7 (2004), 8 (2006), 1 [2nd augmented edition] (2006), 9 (2007), 10 (2009), 11 (2010), 12 (2012), 13 (2012).
23076.Musica. Geistliche und weltliche Musik des Mittelalters, ed. Vera MINAZZI, Cesarino RUINI, Introduction and conclusion by F. Alberto GALLO (Freiburg, Basel, Vienna: Herder, 2011).
Including many facsimiles. Essays by Giacomo BAROFFIO, Frédéric BILLIET, Christopher BONFIELD, Susan BOYNTON, Anna Maria BUSSE BERGER, Mauro CASADEI TURRONI MONTI, Christelle CAZAUX-KOWALSKI, Ettore CIRILLO, Martine CLOUZOT, Paola DESSI, Margot E. FASSLER, Riccardo FEDRIGA, Elena FERRARI BARASSI, Manuel Pedro FERREIRA, Alessandra FIORI, Jean-Marie FRITZ, F. Alberto GALLO, Paweł GANCARCZYK. Emmanouil GIANNOPOULOS, Paolo GOZZA, Nicoletta GUIDOBALDI, David HILEY, Sofia LANNUTTI, Elizabeth Eva LEACH, Silvia LUSUARDI SIENA, Pieter MANNAERTS, Sandra MARTANI, Francesco MARTELLOTTA, Vera MINAZZI, Neil MORAN, Alan V. MURRAY, Elisabetta NERI, Massimo PARODI, Nils Holger PETERSEN, Alejandro PLANCHART, Susan RANKIN, Donatella RESTANI, Anne Walters ROBERTSON, Stefania RONCROFFI, Cesarino RUINI, Tilman SEEBASS, Dorit TANAY, Christian TROELSGÅRD, Vasco ZARA, Sławomira ŻERAŃSKA-KOMINEK.
First published in Italian: Atlante storico della musica nel Medioevo (Milan, 2011) see 22041.
23077.A Musicological Gift: Libro Homenaje for Jane Morlet Hardie, ed. Kathleen NELSON and Maricarmen GÓMEZ, Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen – Musicological Studies 101 (Lions Bay, BC, Canada: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2013):
(a) ‘Publications by Jane Morlet Hardie’, xi–xiii. (b) Juan Carlos ASENSIO, ‘Canto llano y fabordón en el coro del Real Monasterio de El Escorial en la primera mitad del siglo XVIII’, 1–18. (c) Manuel Pedro FERREIRA, ‘The Lisbon Office for the Translation of St. Vincent’, 57–86. (d) Thomas Forrest KELLY, ‘The Lamentations of Jeremiah in the Beneventan Zone’, 147–56. (e) Kathleen NELSON, ‘The Exultet at Vic during the Era of Bishop Oliba’, 213–30. (f) Greta OLSON, ‘Marian Antiphons in Post-Tridentine Spain and their Practice in Valencia’, 231–54. (g) Juan RUIZ JIMÉNEZ, ‘Un Psalterium-Hymnarium hispalense en la Biblioteca del Orfeó Catalá (Barcelona)’, 283–312. (h) Arturo TELLO RUIZ-PÉREZ, ‘Europa en el camino hacia Toledo. Un a presentación de los repertorios de tropos y secuencias toledanos’, 325–54. (i) Grayson WAGSTAFF, ‘A Lost Responsory, Pre-Tridentine Versions of Matins in Spain, and Influences from Local Liturgies of France’, 355–72. (k) Sergi ZAUNER, ‘Salmodia romana en España antes del Concilio de Trento’, 273–90.
23078.‘Quod ore cantas corde credas’. Studi in onore di Giacomo Baroffio Dahnk, ed. Leandra SCAPPATICCI, Monumenta Studia Instrumenta Liturgica 70 (Città del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2013):
(a) Giulio CATTIN, ‘A Giacomo Baroffio’, 21–8.
I. Iter monasticum: Liturgia, spazio e tradizione
(b) Gregorio PENCO, ‘Ascesi monastica e cultura tra tardo antico e alto Medioevo’, 31–9. (c) Leandra SCAPPATICCI, ‘Pregare in monastero: appunti per una “architettura” dello spazio liturgico extra ecclesiam’, 41–50. Concerns the sacramentary F-Pn lat. 2812. (d) Brian Møller JENSEN, ‘Tacere et audire discipulum convenit: Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel, Hildegard of Bingen and Juan de Torquemada comment on chap. 6 De taciturnitate in Regula Benedicti’, 51–63. (e) Nicola TANGARI, ‘Quidquid antiqui. Inni per S. Benedetto nelle fonti cassinesi tra XV e XVI secolo’, 65–87. (f) Francesco G. B. TROLESE, ‘Descrizione quattrocentesca di un paramento acquistato dall'abate Ludovico Barbo per Santa Giustina di Padova (1430)’, 89–99.
II. Iter orientale: Ricerche musicali d'archivio di testimonianze greche, bizantine, ebraiche e arabe
(g) Mauro PERANI, ‘Iter hebraicum italicum. L'Italia crocevia dei viaggi die manoscritti ebraici per le rotte e i paesi del Mediterraneo’, 101–27. (h) Amnon SHILOAH, ‘The origin and purpose of music as reported in Hebrew and Arabic writings’, 129–43. (i) Marco D'AGOSTINO, Sandra MARTANI, ‘Il ms. crypt. E. γ. III: un heirmologion italo-greco’, 145–69.
III. Iter italicum: Manoscritti musicali attraverso la storia delle biblioteche
(k) Antonio MANFREDI, ‘I Vat. lat. 1202 e 1203 da Montecassino alla Vaticana delle origini con alcune postille di Biondo Flavio’, 173–88. (l) Mirella FERRARI, ‘Per la datazione del Liber magistri di Piacenza (Biblioteca Capitolare della Cattedrale, cod. 65) ‘, 189–202. (m) Marco NAVONI, ‘Il manoscritto A 2 inf. della Biblioteca Ambrosiana: analisi di un libro liturgico del secolo XIII’, 203–28.
IV. Stratificazioni musicali: Canto romano antico, ambrosiano e repertorio del medioevo europeo
(n) Peter JEFFERY, ‘A Lost Roman Chant for the Reconciliation of Penitents?’, 231–8. (o) Terence BAILEY, ‘The adoption of the Roman respond-gradual in Milan’, 239–55. (p) Angelo RUSCONI, ‘Rhythmic notations in Ambrosian books’, 257–75. (q) Joseph DYER, ‘The Chronology of the Lenten Weekday Communions’, 277–91. (r) Manuel Pedro FERREIRA, ‘Dating a Fragment: A Cistercian Litany and its Historical Context’, 293–313. Concerns P-Ln M. Mus. f. 11. (s) Juan Carlos ASENSIO, ‘Peculiaridades modales en el Officium Defunctorum hispánico (ss. VIII-XII)’, 315–33. (t) Giampaolo MELE, ‘Nota sul Cantus Sibyllae e un testimonium recenziore del Senyal del Judici (Alghero)’, 335–52. (u) Jean-François GOUDESENNE, ‘Translations de reliques et circulation de répertoires musicaux entre Soissons et Novara au IXe s.’, 353–77. Concerns the Historia of Saint Medardus. (v) David HILEY, ‘Notes on manuscript F.K. Mus. 71 of the Fürst Thurn und Taxis Hofbibliothek, Regensburg, the so-called ‘“Codex Hammon”’, 379–95. (w) László DOBSZAY, ‘Fulget dies ista a late 12th-century fragment’, 397–402. Concerns SI-Ln 29. (x) Janka SZENDREI, ‘The Contrafact Vere felicem/Convertimini’, 403–11. Concerns the Historia of Saint Gregory the Great.
V. Scrivere in musica: Notazioni in picturis et libris
(y) Thomas Forrest KELLY, ‘Picturing sound in medieval manuscripts’, 415–26. (z) Michel HUGLO, Barbara HAGGH-HUGLO, ‘Des lettres de la passion aux lettres significatives notkériennes’, 427–36. (aa) Nino ALBAROSA, ‘Pes+Epiphonus’, 437–51. (bb) Marie-Noël COLETTE, ‘Un nouveau Responsorial témoin de la notation de Novalèse (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, n. a. l. 2444 f. 1–2, Xe s.)’, 453–62. (cc) Marco GOZZI, ‘“Notazione quadrata” e indicazioni ritmiche nei libri liturgici dei secoli XIV–XVIII’, 463–94. (dd) Laura MAURI VIGEVANI, ‘Benedicamus domino. Musica negli affreschi di San Lorenzo a Colle Ciupi (Monteriggioni, Siena)’, 495–508 – ‘Benedicamus Domino e Ite missa est in codici senesi tra Duecento e Trecento (Fig. 5–24)’, 509–15 – Appendice storico-documentaria, a cura di Alessia ZOMBARDO’, 516–17.
VI. Esperienze polivocali dei secoli XIII, XIV e XV
(ee) Agostino ZIINO, ‘Mottetti a due voci in un codice francescano della fine del XIII secolo’, 521–60. Concerns I-Roma, Convento dei Frati Francescani Irlandesi di S. Isidoro 1/90, including eight facsimiles. (ff) Rodobaldo TIBALDI, ‘Testimonianze di prassi polivocali nel “Codice di San Guido” (Acqui Terme, Archivio Vescovile, ms. F 21 cartella 3/4)’, 561–85. Including five facsimiles. (gg) Alejandro Enrique PLANCHART, ‘The Liturgy of San Giacomo Maggiore and Guillaume Du Fay’, 587–605. Concerns Bologna.
VI. Practica musicae e prospettive storiographiche
(hh) Guido MILANESE, ‘Varianti, errori e trasmissione del testo “gregoriano”’, 609–22. (ii) Eun Ju Anastasia KIM, ‘Christus factus est: in margine ad alcune incisione del responsorio graduale’, 623–31. (kk) Manlio SODI, ‘Parola di Dio e canto nella Messa. Tra communicazione, cultura e animazione’, 633–55. (ll) ‘Gli scritti di Giacomo Baroffio Dahnk’, 657–92 – ‘Indici’, 693–735.
Review. Leandra SCAPPATICCI, Vox Antiqua, 2 (I/2013), 143–4.
23079.Santa Maria Assunta di Praglia. Storia, arte, vita di un'abbazia benedettina, ed. Chiara CESCHI, Mauro MACCARINELLI, Paola VETTORE FERRARO (Abbazia di Praglia: Edizione Scritti monastici, 2013):
(a) Giordana Mariana CANOVA, ‘Liturgia e cultura nei codici miniati di Praglia’, 463–85. (b) Anna VILDERA, ‘Musica e liturgia nel medioevo’, 545–55.
23080. V zajetí středověkého obrazu. Kniha studií k jubileu Karla Stejskala, ed. Klára BENEŠOVA and Jan CHLÍBEC (Prague: NLN, 2011):
(a) Pavel R. POKORNÝ, ‘Antifonář z Vorau’, 65–6. Concerns A-VOR 259. (b) Milada STUDNIČKOVÁ, ‘Resurrexi. Neznámé vyobrazeni zmrtvýchvstaní krista z misálu českého původu’, 80–5.
Review. Pavel SPUNAR, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 214* (no. 491), 229* (no. 525).
23081.Wim van Gerven, pionier van de gregoriaanse semiologie in Nederland. 197 partituren met inleidingen van Martin Hoondert, Pieter Mannaerts, Marcel Zijstra e. a. Een uitgave ter gelegenheid van het tienjarig bestaan van Trio Gregoriana en de 100e uitzending van Bonum est, ed. Geert MAESSEN (Amsterdam: Gregoriana, 2012).
Includes essays by Jan van BIEZEN, Jacqueline ELEMANS, Wim van GERVEN, Martijn de GRAAF BIERBRAUWER, Martin HOONDERT, Dirk van KAMPEN, Kees KOK, Alfons KURRIS, Geert MAESSEN, Pieter MANNAERTS, Martin SPAINK, Egmont SWAAN, Henk WAARDENBURG, Marcel ZIJLSTRA.
23082.Brescia Sacra. Memorie storiche della diocesi di Brescia, 16/1–2 (2011):
(a) Giampaolo ROPA, ‘L'inno “Ubi caritas” di Paolino d'Aquileia. Esegesi e storia di un messagio’, 7–37. (b) Maria Teresa Rosa BAREZZANI, ‘“Ubi caritas”: postille e note sulla liturgia bresciana’, 39–60. (c) Maria Teresa Rosa BAREZZANI, ‘Antifone bizantine nella liturgia bresciana’, 123–60.
23083.Musicology Today. Journal of the National University of Music Bucharest, 16 (2013), ed. Nicolae GHEORGHIŢĂ:
(a) Gregory MYERS, ‘Troparian tis Litys: the Processional Chant in the Liturgical Practices of the Medieval Slavs’, ten pages. (b) Yulia ARTAMONOVA, ‘Kondakarian Chant: Trying to Restore the Modal Patterns’, eight pages. (c) Vesna-Sara PENO, ‘Post-Byzantine Chanting Tradition in the Serbian Monastery of Hilandar on Mount Athos’, seven pages. Available online at
23084.Pecia. Le livre et l'écrit, 21 (2011):
(a) Olivier CULLIN, ‘Le Graduel de Bellelay, aux origins de la liturgie prémontré’, 11–17. Concerns CH-P 18. (b) John HAINES, ‘Perspectives médiévales sur la note carrées’, 19–35. (c) Brian Møller JENSEN, ‘The Bolognese martyrs Vitalis and Agricola in Ambrose and codex Angelicus 123’, 185–95. Concerns I-Ra 123.
23085.Plainsong & Medieval Music, 22, 1 (2013):
(a) Emma HORNBY, ‘Text and formula in the Milanese cantus’, 1–35. Concerns GB-Lbl Add. 34209. (b) Catherine A. BRADLEY, ‘Ordering in the motet fascicles of the Florence manuscript’, 23–39. Concerns I-Fl Plut, 29, 1 (“F”). (c) Jerome F. WEBER, ‘Recent recordings of plainchant’, 87–91.
23086.Plainsong & Medieval Music, 22, 2 (2013):
(a) Alejandro Enrique PLANCHART, ‘What the Beneventans heard and how they sang’, 117–52. (b) David CATALUNYA and Carmen Julia GUTIÉRREZ, ‘Mozarabic preces in Ars Nova notation: a new fourteenth-century fragment discovered in Spain’, 153–67. Concerns the fragment 17 of the private archiv of Manel [Anscari] Mundó, now E-MO 1519. (c) Stefano MENGOZZI, ‘The heptachordal basis of hexchordal theory: on the semiotics of musical notation in the Middle Ages’, 169–94.
23087.Rivista internazionale di musica sacra, Nuova serie 34/1–2 (2013), ed. Giacomo BAROFFIO (Lucca: LIM Editrice):
(a) Gionata BRUSA, Simona GAVINELLI, ‘Il più antico innario ambrosiano tra i manoscritti dell Biblioteca civica di Trino’, 9–97. Includes pp. 63–97 a complete facsimile of MS Trino 2. (b) Stefania VITALE, ‘Gli inni nei manoscritti del Museo Diocesano di Brescia. Repertorio’, 99–153. (c) Maria Teresa Rosa BAREZZANI, ‘Sant'Eustachio nell’Île-de-France’, 191–255. (d) Gionata BRUSA, ‘Un frammento di graduale proveniente dall'Archivio di Stato di Fossano’, 369–73.
23088.Vox Antiqua, 2 (I/2013) Commentaria de Cantu Gregoriano, Musica antiqua, Musica sacra et Historia liturgica – International Journal of Gregorian Chant, Early Music, Sacred Music & Liturgical History, Journal of the Cantus Gregoriani Helvetici Cultores, Società svizzera studi di Canto gregoriano, ed. Giovanni CONTI, Marco FERRERO (Lugano: Quilisma Press):
(a) Luigi AGUSTONI, ‘La Semiologia gregoriana e Eugène Cardine’, 15–25. First published in Ut mens concordat voci. Festschrift Eugène Cardine zum 75. Geburtstag, ed. Johannes Berchmans GÖSCHL (St Ottilien: Eos-Verlag, 1980), 19–25. (b) Johannes Berchmans GÖSCHL, ‘Unity in Diversity. Fundamentals of the Interpretation of Gregorian Chant’, 27–47. Published in Dutch 2012/2013 in Tijdschrift voor Gregoriaans, see 22083e and 23068b, in German 2011 in Beiträge zur Gregorianik, see 21036b, in Italian 2011 in Studi gregoriani, see 22082b. (c) Riccardo ZOIA, ‘L'ipermetria strofica negli inni ambrosiani: confronto tra fonti, analisi semiologica e valutazioni interpretative’, 49–69. (d) Ján VELBACKY, ‘Lo sviluppo liturgico-musicale del canto dell’Offertorium’, 115–35
Articles in periodicals and Festschriften
23089. Laura ALBIERO, ‘Tra necessità e rappresentazione: gestione dello spazio nei manoscritti liturgico-musicali nei secoli XI-XII’, Litterae caelestes, 4 (2012), 193–210.
23090. Eduardo Henrik AUBERT, ‘Historicizing Neumatic Notation: Medieval Neumes as Cultural Artifacts of Early Modern Time’, Studies in medievalism, 21 (2012), 65–87.
23091. Giacomo BAROFFIO, ‘I libri liturgici musicali’, I libri dei patriarchi. Un percorso nella cultura scritta del Friuli medievale, ed. Cesare SCALON, Deputazione di Storia Patria per il Friuli – Istituto Pio Paschini per la Storia della Chiesa in Friuli (Pasian di Prato [Udine]: Litho Stampa, s. a. [2013]), 157–87.
Includes many colour facsimiles, concerns GB-Ob Canon. Lit. 340 (Graduale di Moggio, c1216), I-CFm XCI (Breviario di Cividale, Sec. XII ex.-XIII in.), I-Rvat Rossi 76 (olim VII 18) (Graduale aquileiese, Sec. XIII), I-UDba 2 (olim Oct. 2) (Graduale aquileiese, Sec. XIII), I-CFm XLI (Antifonario di Cividale, Sec. XIII-XIV), I-CFm LVI (Graduale di Cividale, Sec. XIII, post 1291), I-GO B (Antifonario di Aquileia, Sec. XIII-XIV), I-GO I (Tropario, Sequenziario, Kyriale aquileiese, Sec. XIV), I-CFm CI (Processionale di Cividale, Sec. XV/2), I-UDba 80 (F.21.III.6) (Innario di Moggio, Sec. XIV).
23092. Harald BUCHINGER, ‘Osterprozessionen und ihre Gesänge im Früh- und Hochmittelalter. Annäherung an ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld’, colloquium collegarum. Festschrift für David Hiley zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. Wolfgang HORN and Fabian WEBER, Regensburger Studien zur Musikgeschichte 10 (Tutzing: Verlag Hans Schneider, 2013), 9–87.
23093. David CATALUNYA, ‘Ars Subtilior en Toledo? Un indicio en el códice M1361 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid’, Anuario Musical, 66 (2011), 3–46.
23094. Thomas László CSANÁDY, ‘Eine bislang unentdeckt gebliebene Handschrift des 12. Jahrhunderts aus St. Nikola vor Passau (?): Der Liber Ordinarius Ms 208 der Universitätsbibliothek Graz’, Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, 51 (2009), 109–18.
23095. Martin CZERNIN, ‘Liturgisch-musikalische Handschriften und Fragmente im Archiv der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde’, Studien zur Musikwissenschaft. Beihefte der Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 57 (Tutzing: Verlag Hans Schneider, 2013), 45–92. Including twenty facsimiles.
23096. Verena FÖRSTER BINZ, ‘Ungeklärte Fragen zu den Handschriften Codex Calixtinus und Ripoll 99’, Anuario Musical, 59 (2004), 3–22.
Concerns E-SC s. n. and E-Bac Ripoll 99. Available online at
23097. Emmanouel GIANNOPOULOS, ‘Ecclesiatical Musical Manuscripts in the Gennadius Library’, Exploring Greek Manuscripts in the Gennadius Library, ed. Maria L. POLITI and Eleni PAPPA, Gennadeion Monographs 6 (Princeton, NJ: American School of Classical Studies at Athens in Collaboration with the Greek Paleographical Society, 2011), 21–32.
Review. Silvio BERNARDINELLO, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 165*–166* (Nr. 387).
23098. Miquel dels Sants GROS I PUJOL, ‘El coŀlectari-ordinari de l'abadia de Santa Maria de la Grassa (París, BnF, ms. lat. 933)’, Misceŀlània Litúrgica Catalana, 16 (2008), 203–453.
23099. Miquel dels Sants GROS I PUJOL, ‘Fragments d'un antifonari de l'ofici diví de Besiers (Tarragona, Arxiu Hist. Arxid., Frag. 19/1)’, Misceŀlània Litúrgica Catalana, 17 (2009), 47–81.
23100. Miquel dels Sants GROS I PUJOL, ‘El processoner antic de la catedral de Tortosa (Tortosa, Arx. Cap., ms. 267)’, Misceŀlània Litúrgica Catalana, 18 (2010), 279–322.
23101. Carmen Julia GUTIÉRREZ, ‘Avatares de un repertorio marginal: la preces de la liturgia hispánica’, Revista de Musicología, 25 (2012), 17–47.
23102. David HILEY, ‘Hermannus Contractus zum 1000. Jubiläum. Zwei Beispiele für die Kompositionskunst von Hermannus Contractus’, Musica sacra, 133 (2013), Heft 3, 146–9.
23103. Michel HUGLO, ‘Les livres de chant notes à Cluny. Une survie à Solesmes?’, Revue Mabillon, N.S. 22 (t. 23) (2011), 39–51, Summary 437.
Review. Barbara HAGGH, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 52* (Nr. 127).
23104. Robert KLUGSEDER, ‘Der mittelalterliche Liber ordinarius der Diözese Passau. Entstehungs- und Wirkungsgeschichte’, Studien zur Musikwissenschaft. Beihefte der Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 57 (Tutzing: Verlag Hans Schneider, 2013), 11–43.
23105. Stefan LANGENBAHN, ‘Das “Pastor bonus”-Motiv im Proprium Thomas Beckets. Zur Genese und Rezeption von Liturgietexten im Geflecht von Kanonisation und Heiligenimage’, Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft, 53 (2011), 1–74.
23106. Martin MÖLLER, ‘Noch einmal: Der “Trierer Choralstreit”’, Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch, 95 (2011) (Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2012), 53–74. Concerns the Editio Medicaea and the Gradual edition of Michael Hermesdorff (1833–85), Trier, Germany.
23107. Neil MORAN, ‘Altrömische Offertoriums-Gesänge in medialen Tonarten. Zum Verhältnis des byzantinischen zum altrömischen und gregorianischen Choral’, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 106 (2013), 65–82.
23108. Luisa NARDINI, ‘The St. Peter Connection and the Acquisition of a Roman Offertory in Bologna and Benevento’, Medieval Studies, 72 (2010), 39–74.
23109. Maurizio PERUGI, ‘La Séquence de saint Eulalie et la poème Virgo parens. Remarques sur les teste composant les additions du ms. Valenciennes, BM, 150’, Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 54 (2010), 21–47.
Review. Jacques Charles LEMAIRE, Scriptorium, 66 (2012), 91* (Nr. 214).
23110. Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, davon muss man singen: Gregorianischer Choral als Ausdruck von Glaubenserfahrung und erklingender Theologie von den Karolingern bis heute’, Homiletische Präsenz. Predigt und Rhetorik, ed. Michael MEYER-BLANCK, Jörg SEIP, Bernhard SPIELBERG, Ökumenische Studien zur Predigt 7 (München: Don Bosco, 2010), 190–205.
23111. Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Trinitätsmotive in der Kirchenmusik am Beispiel des gregorianischen Chorals’, Trinität. Die Drei-Einheit Gottes im theologischen und künstlerischen Diskurs, ed. Peter EBENBAUER, Erich RENHART (Graz: Grazer Universitätsverlag, 2012), 175–92.
23112. Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Die Psalmenauslegung der Kirchenväter im Lichte des gregorianischen Chorals am Beispiel des Weihnachtsfestes’, Heiliger Dienst, 66 (2012), 34–44.
23113. Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Die Angst und ihre Überwindung am Beispiel gregorianischer Gesänge’, Angst. Lähmender Stillstand und Motor des Fortschritts, Grazer Humboldt-Kolleg 6.–9. Juni 2011 (Tübingen: Stauffenberg Verlag, 2012), 337–45.
23114. Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Anmerkungen zur Orgelbegleitung gregorianischer Gesänge’, Theorien des Planyversums. Gedanken, Artikel, Kompositionen. Peter Planyavsky zum 65. Geburtstag (Wien, Berlin: LIT, 2012), 93–119.
23115. Franz Karl PRASSL, ‘Die Lamentationen im St. Lambrechter Antiphonale A-Gu 29’, Orgelbau, Orgelspiel und Kirchenmusik einst und jetzt, ed. Manfred NOVAK, Musik, Forschung und Wissenschaft 5 (Wien, Berlin: LIT, 2013), 145–61.
23116. Jürg STENZL, ‘Das Admonter Antiphonar-Fragment aus Cod. 285 (A-Frag)’, Anzeiger der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 141 (2006), 2. Halbband, 117–58.
23117. Katarina ŠTER, ‘Between uniformity and diversity: Medieval antiphoners of the Charterhouse Žiče in the University Library of Graz’, Analecta cartusiana (Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik der Universität Salzburg, 2012), 69–102.
23118. Ernst TREMP, Franziska SCHNOOR, ‘[Bericht] Die Sequenzen Notkers des Stammlers zu neuem Leben erweckt’, MusikTheorie, 28 (2013), 182. Concerns the project ‘e-sequence’.
Index of names
(Abbreviations: R=Review)
Ackermans, F. 23063a 23064a
Adamko, R. 23058 23058b
Aguirre, M. D. 23065a
Agustoni, L. 23063a 23064a 23067a 23088a
Albarosa, N. 22070R 23023 23067c 23078aa
Albiero, L. 23089
Alciun 23057i
Alexandrescu, O. 23062a
Alfieri, S. 23003d
Alte da Veiga, D. 23024 23055h
Altés, F. X. 23010
Anderl, M. 23063a 23064
Aretin, D. von 23061a 23075a
Arnaud, B. 23015
Arocena, F. M. 23009
Artamonova, Y. 23083b
Asensio, J. C. 23077b 23078s
Atkinson, C. 23061b
Aubert, E. H. 23061 23061c 23090
Aubrey, E. 23043R
Bailey, T. 23025 23056d 23078o
Bălan, F. 23062c
Ballina, A. H. 23054
Barbu-Bucur, S. 23062b, d, q
Barezzzani, M. T. R. 23082b, c 23087c
Baro, L. 23078f
Baroffio [Dahnk], G. 21044gR 23003 23003f 23004b 23059a 23060a 23076 23078 23078a, ll 23091
Barrett, S. 23061d
Bauer-Eberhardt, U. 23022R
Becket, T. 15097
Bednáriková, J. 23058c
Behrendt, I. 23056w, zz 23063a 23064a
Bell, N. 23056
Benedict of Nursia 23078d
Benešova, K. 23080
Bergsagel, J. 23013R
Berktold, C. 23075a
Bernagiewicz, R. 23056uu 23058k
Bernardinello, S. 23000R
Bernhard, M. 23019 23075 23075a
Berschin, W. 23017 23018 23074 23074a, b
Berteloot, A. 23007
Biezen, J. van 23081
Billett, J. 23026
Billiet, F. 23076
Bobeth, G. 23011
Bogaert, P.-M. 20012R 22002R
Bonfield, C. 23076
Borders, J. 23056u
Bower, C. M. 23075a
Boyce, J. 23056kk
Boynton, S. 16035R 18024R 19009R 23027 23057g 23076
Bradley, C. A. 22027R 23085b
Bratkowski, T. 23028
Breitenbach, A. 23055
Brewer, C. E. 23056p
Brinzing, A. 23006e
Broeren, M. 23068f
Brunius, J. 23055d
Brusa, G. 23087a, c
Buchinger, H. 23092
Buckle, A. 21044R
Buckley, A. 23013R
Burnett, C. 23069
Busch-Spreveslage, A. 23071h
Busse-Berger, A.-M. 21044pR 23076
Butter, R. 23014
Canova, G. M. 23079a
Cardine, E. 23088a
Carmassi, P. 23055
Casadei Turroni Monti, M. 23067 23076
Casteñeda Tordera, I. 23008
Catalunya, D. 23086b 23093
Cattin, G. 23078a
Cazaux-Kowalski, C. 23056 23076
Celestini, F. 23070
Ceschi, C. 23079
Chircev, E. 23062d
Chlíbec, J. 23080
Cirillo, E. 23076
Cisneros, Cardenal 23008
Čizmić, A. 23056dd
Clouzot, M. 23076
Colette, M.-N. 23057k 23061e 23078bb
Collado, F. 23008
Comolli, B. M. 23002 23002d
Conti, G. 23088
Cosma, V. 23062e
Crivello, F. 23061f
Csanády, T. L. 23056ll 23094
Csomó, O. 23029 23056t
Cullin, O. 21044lR 23084a
Cuthbert, M. S. 23057
Czagany, Z. 23016
Czernin, M. 23095
D'Agostino, M. 23078i
Dănilă, I.-Z. 23062f
Dante 23067f
Dennery, A. 23015
Déri, B. 23056i
Derolez, A. 21044bR
Dessi, P. 23076
Deuffic, J.-L. 21044eR
Diard, O. 23030
Dobszay, L. 23012 23015 23016 23017 23018 23078w
Dostal, C. 23063 23064
Du Fay, G. 23078gg
Duggan, A. J. 15097
Dumitrescu, A.-M. 23062g
Dyer, J. 23056c 23078q
Earp, L. 21044oR
Ebenbauer, P. 23111
Elemans, J. 23081
Ellis, K. 23031
Engels, S. 23056mm 23070R
Erbiceanu, C. 23062e
Fassler, M. 21044hR 23076t
Fedriga, R. 23076
Ferenczi, I. 23005
Fernández Collado, Á. 23054e
Ferrari, M. 23078l
Ferrari Barassi, E. 23076
Ferreira, M. P. 23056k 23076 23077c 23078r
Ferrero, M. 23088
Fertonani, C. 23060
Filothei sin Agăi Jipei 23062c, d, g, k, l, q, u, w
Finazzi, R. B. 23059
Fiori, A. 23076
Fischer, R. 23063a 23064a 23067a
Flotzinger, R. 23070
Földváry, M. I. 23032 23056v
Förster Binz, V. 23096
Fortu, M. 23056l
Fritz, J.-M. 23076
Gallagher, S. 23057
Gallo, F. A. 23076
Gancarczyk, P. 23076
Ganna, R. 23002
Gavinelli, S. 23087a
Gemert, J. van 23068d
Gerlach, O. 23056x
Gerritsen-Geywitz, G. 23007
Gerven, Wim van 23081
Gheorghiţă, N. 23062 23062h 23083
Giannopoulos, E. 23076 23097
Gilányi, G. 23056y
Godding, R. 23014R
Gómez, M. 23077
González Villanueva, J. I. 23065b
Göschl, J. B. 23063 23063a 23064 23064a 23067a 23068b 23088a, b
Goudesenne, J.-F. 23078u
Goudriaan, K. 23007
Gozza, P. 23076
Gozzi, M. 23078cc
Graaf Bierbrauwer, M. de 23081
Graeme, S. 23054e
Grăjdian, V. 23062i
Grajewski, C. 23033
Gristina, S. 23022
Gros i Pujol, M. 23098 23099 23100
Grün, A. 23071
Guido of Arezzo 23063c
Guidobaldi, N. 23076
Guttiérrez, C. J. 23086b 23101
Haggh-Huglo, B. 21008R 21044qR 22003R 22011R 22019R 22070R 23015 23016 23017 23018 23036R 23037R 23042R 23056 23056a 23057l 23078z 23103R
Haines, J. 21044nR 23084b
Hair, G.-M. 23013
Hala, P. 23061
Hamamîzade İsmail Dede Efendi 23056x
Hamburger, J. F. 23055b
Hankeln, R. 23015 23016 23017 23018
Harbuzaru, M. 23062k
Hardie, J. M. 23077 23077a
Haug, A. 23057h
Häußling, A. A. 12046R 19043R 21014R
Heerings, A. 23068 23068h
Heikkilä, T. 23055d
Heinzer, F. 23055a
Hellmann, M. 23074
Helsen, K. 21034R 23056f
Hermannus Contractus 23018 23074 23102
Hermesdorff, M. 23068c 23106
Hicks, A. J. 23034
Hildegard of Bingen 23068f 23078d
Hiley, D. 21044iR 23017 23018 23056hh 23057b 23076 23078v 23092 23102
Hitchcock, R. 23027R
Holford-Strevens, L. 23057l
Höndgen, F. 23035
Hoondert, M. 23081
Horn, W. 23092
Hornby, E. 23056g 23085a
Høye, M. 23056tt
Huber, B. 23063a
Hughes, And. 23036 23037
Huglo, M. 21044aR 21044kR 21044mR 23013R 23029R 23044R 23056e, ss 23057l 23069R 23078z 23103
Ianuarie the Monk 23062b
Ingólfsson, Á. H. 23057f
Isăroiu, I. 23062l
Iversen, G. 23056n
Jacobsen, P. C. 23006d
Jeffery, P. LCB 3R 23078n
Jensen, B. Møller 23078d 23084c
Johannes Chrysostomus 23072k
Johannes Hollandrinus 23019
Joldersma, H. 23007
Joppich, G. 23071
Juan de Torquemada 23078d
Kampazournas, I. 23062a
Kampen, D. van 23081
Kapp, R. 19031R
Kelly, T. F. 23057 23077d 23078y
Kihlman, E. 23056q
Kim, Eun Ju A. 23003 23003f 23004b 23078ii
Kiss, G. 23056r
Klemens of Piotrków 23058k
Klugseder, R. 23104
Knott, B. I. 23013
Koch, L. 23063a 23064a 23067a
Kodjabashija, I. 23062m
Kohlhäufl, J. 23063a 23064a
Kok, K. 23081
Kokorz, G. 23070
Konstanciak, R. 23075a
Koopmans, A. 23068
Koot, A.-M. 23068f
Kovács, A. 23056gg
Krekelberg, L. 23068g
Kubieniec, J. 23038 23058g
Kurris, A. 23081
Kuypers, K. 23068
Kwast, J. 23068
Lacoste, D. 23056 23056yy
Lagergren, K. Strinnholm 23039 23056xx
Lambilotte, L. 23068c
Langenbahn, S. K. 10014R 23105
Lannutti, S. 23076
Lara Lara, F. J. 23054d
Leach, E. E. 23076
Lemaire, J. C. 23109R
Linnenborn, M. 23040
Livljanić, K. 23001 23057c
Llewellyn, J. 23056 23061g
Long, S. A. 23056ii, zz
Loos, I. de 23007
Lucianus 23011
Lucioni, A. 23002 23002a, b
Lüdtke, J. 2006b, c
Luoni, M. 23002 23002c 23003 23003e
Lusuardi Siena, S. 23076
Macarie the Hier[o]monk 23062c 23072c
Maccarinelli, M. 23079
Macquarrie, A. 23014
Maessen, G. 23056ww 23068e 23081
Malfèr, B. 23071
Maloy, R. 23056g
Manelli, M. C. P. 23041 23067b
Manfredi, A. 23078k
Mannaerts, P. 23056ff, zz 23068c 23076 23081
Márkus, G. 23014
Martani, S. 23076 23078i
Martellotta, F. 23076
Mârza, A. 23058a
Maschke, E. M. 23006R
Mauri Vigevani, L. 23078dd
Maziliţa, A.-C. 23062n
McEwan, N. 23064d
Mele, G. 23078t
Melgares Raya, J. 23054c
Mellace, R. 23060
Méndez Venegas, E. 23054b
Menga, L. 23056qq
Mengozzi, S. 23085c
Mertens, T. 23007
Meszéna, B. 23012
Metz, S. 23064a
Meyer, C. 20007R 21044R 23030R
Meyer-Blanck, M. 23110
Milanese, G. 23059b 23078hh
Minazzi, V. 23076
Moisil, C. LCB 3R 23062 23062o 23072
Moldoveanu, N. 23062p
Möller, M. 23106
Moran, N. 23076 23107
Morandi, N. 23056pp
Mundó, M. [A.] 23085c
Murray, A. V. 23076
Myers, G. 23083a
Naniescu, I. 23062t
Nardini, L. 23108
Navoni, M. 23003 23003a 23078m
Neijenhuis, J. 22007R
Nelson, K. 23077e
Neri, E. 23076
Nilsson, A.-M. 23042 23056o
Noone, M. 23054e
Notker Balbulus 23061g 23118
Novak, M. 23115
Ocneanu, G. 23062q
Odenthal, A. 23073
Oliba, Bishop 23077e
Olivar, A. 18071R 20012R 23010R
Olkinuora, J. 23062r
Olson, G. 23077f
Oosterman, J. 23007
Oprea, G.-C. 23062s
Osch, G. van 23068
Pablo, R. 23044
Page, C. 23043
Pann, A. 23062y 23072c
Paolino of Aquileia 23082a
Pap, G. 23005
Pappa, E. 23097
Parkes, H. 23056ee
Parodi, M. 23076
Peattie, M. G. 23057d
Penco, G. 23078b
Peno, V.-S. 23083c
Perani, M. 23078g
Perugi, M. 23109
Petersen, N. H. 23076
Petros Bereketēs 23056x
Pfisterer, A. 21024R 23057e
Philothenis of Sinai 23062w
Planchart, A. E. 23076 23078gg 23086a
Planyavski, P. 23114
Poel, D. E. van der 23007
Pokorný, P. R. 23080a
Poliakova, S. 23056bb
Politi, M. L. 23097
Pontani, P. 23059
Pouderoijen, C. 23063 23064
Praßl, F. K. 23047 23055c 23058d 23063 23063d 23064 23110 23111 23112 23114 23115
Ptolemy 23062w
Rankin, S. 21044dR 23057i 23061 23076
Rau, S. 23040R
Renhart, E. 23111
Restani, D. 23076
Rey Olleros, M. 23054a
Riedo, C. 23060b
Riganti, A. 23002 23002e, f, g 23003 23003c, d
Robbins, H. 23037
Robertson, A. Walters 23076
Rodriguez-Escalona, G. F. 23065c
Rodríguez González, A. 23008
Roncroffi, M. 23076
Ropa, G. 23082a
Roscio, A. 23004a
Rösler, D. 23063a 23064a
Rossi, M. 23067f
Ruini, C. 22085f 23056z 23076
Ruiz Jiménez, J. 23077g
Rumphorst, H. 22094R 23047R 23063 23063a, b 23064 23064a, c 23067a
Rusconi, A. 23003 23003b, d 23078p
Sadia, J. 23044
Saints, generally 23014 23056ee 23058h
Saints [names in Latin]
Agricola, Martyr Bononiae see Vitalis
Albert, Confessor Messanae in Sicilia 23056kk
Anna, mater beatae Mariae virginis 23056o
Ansgarius 23056o
Benedictus 23078e
Daniel, Martyr Patavii 23056oo
Demetrius 23016
Eustachius 23087c
Gallus 23017
Gerardus [Gellért], Martyr in Pannonia 23056gg
Gregorius I papa 23078x
Hieronymus Aemiliani 23064b
Justina, Virgo, Martyr Patavii 23078f
Kentingern [Patron of Glasgow] 23013
Lazarus, Christi amicus et discipulus 23056y
Magnus 23018
Maria Virgo, Dei genitrix 23077f
Maurus Parentinus (Poreč/Parenzo) 23058e
Medardus 23078u
Nicolaus 23056ii 23068c
Petrus, apostolus 23057b
Thomas Becket 15097 23105
Verena, Virgo 23056hh
Vincentius 23056ff 23077c
Vitalis et Agricola, Martyres Bononiae 23084c
Salisbury, M. C. 23037
Saulnier, D. 21008R 23061h
Scalon, C. 23091
Scappaticci, L. 23078 23078c 23078R
Schlotheuber, E. 23055
Schmid, M. H. 23045
Schnoor, F. 23118
Schoenmakers, J. 23046
Schweitzer, A. 23063a 23067a
Scurtu, C.-D. 23062t
Secară, C. 23062u
Seebass, T. 23076
Seip, J. 23110
Selecká Mârza, E. 23058a
Shiloah, A. 23078h
Siekierka, I. H. 23067e
Sierra Nava, L.23054f
Sigismondi, R. 23047
Snoj, J. 23056cc 23058e 23078kk
Sodi, M. 23078kk
Sorci, P. 23022
Spaink, M. 23081
Spielberg, B. 23110
Spunar, P. 23080R
Staehelin, M. 23006a, f
Stanciu, V. 23062v
Statius 23011
Ştefan, R.-C. 23062x
Stejskal, K. 23080
Stenzl, J. 23116
Šter, K. 23117
Stingl, A. jun. 23063a, c 23064a, b 23071R
Straub, R. 23047
Straub, R. jun. 23047
Studničkova, M. 23080b
Suceava, D. 23062 23062w
Sullivan, B. 23048
Swaan, E. 23081
Szendrei, J. 23012 23078x
Táborszky, G. 23049
Tanay, D. 23076
Tangari, N. 23078e
Taylor, S. 23014
Teeuwen, M. 23048R
Tello Ruiz-Pérez, A. 23077
Terentius 23011
Tibaldi, R. 23078ff
Toigo, D. 23056nn
Torelli, D. 23060c
Toscani, C. 23060
Tóth, A. 23050
Tóth, P. 23016
Tremp, E. 23017 23118
Troelsgård, C. 23056 23056b, vv 23076
Trolese, F. G. B. 23078f
Turco, A. 23020 23021 23067d
Urdová, S. 23058h
Varelli, G. 22071R 23061i
Vasile, V. 23062y
Velbacky, J. 23088d
Vergil 23011
Veselovská, E. 23058f
Vettore Ferraro, P. 23079
Vildera, A. 23056 23056oo 23079b
Vitale, S. 23051 23087b
Vozková, J. 23058i
Waardenburg, H. 23081
Wagstaff, G. 23077i
Ward, M. 23052 23056s
Weber, F. 23092
Weber, J. F. 23056rr, ss 23085c
Wendling, M. Monroe 23056aa
Werf, G van der 23068a
Wiśniewski, P. 23053
Wittkowska-Zaremba, E. 23019
Wolf, J. 23006a
Wolff, C. 23057
Wright, C. 23057a
Yaropolov, A. 23056vv
Zapke, S. 21044fR 23061k
Zara, V. 23076
Zauner, S. 23077k
Żerańska-Kominek, S. 23076
Zerfaß, A. 18006R
Ziino, A. 23078ee
Zijstra, M. 23081
Zippe, S. 23063 23063a 23064 23064a 23067a
Zito, G. 23022
Zoia, R. 23088c
Zombardo, A. 23078dd
Zühlke, H. 23056m
Index of subjects
Aberdeen 23015
Adaption 23056o
Alleluia 23024 23056h 23063b 23064b 23067d
Ambrosian chant 23002 23003 23004 23025 23056d 23060b, c 23078o, p 23085a 23087a 23088c
Anglo-Saxon England, see England
Antiphon 23035 23056t, u 23074 23082c
Antiphoner 23001 23002 23003 23004 23028 23038 23053 23056y, dd, zz 23099 23116 23117
Antiquity 23011 23059 23078b
Arabic writings 23078h
Ars nova 23086b
Ars subtilior 23093
Athos see Mount Athos
Benedicamus Domino 23078dd
Benedictine monks 23028
Benevento 23057b, d 23077d 23086a 23108
Beneventan chant 23057d 23086a
Bibliography 23077a 23078ll
Bohemia 23058i
Bologna 23078gg 23084b 23108
Bratislava 23058f
Brescia 23082
Breviary 23014 23037 23058h
Byzantine chant 23056b 23062 23072 23078i 23083b, c
Byzantium and the West 23056c, e 23082c 23107
Candlemas 23056c
Canticle 23057e
Cantus fractus 23078p, v, cc
CANTUS project 23056yy
Carniola 23056cc
Carthusian monks 23117
Catalonia 23056v
Chalons-en-Champagne 23029
Christmas 23112
Cistercian monks 23056l 23078r
Cluny, Benedictine abbey 23103
Codex Calixtinus see E-SC s. n.
Codex Hammon see D-Rtt F.K. Mus. 71
Codex of San Guido see I-ACTarchivio vecovile F 21 cartella 3/4
Communion 23047 23078q
Contrafractorium 23056d
Coptic church music 23056i
Council, Second Vatican 23056xx
Cymbal 23056ll
Dalmatia 23057c
Divine Office 23009 23013 23015 23016 23017 23018 23028 23030 23033 23036 23041 23056o, ee, ff, gg, hh, ii, kk, oo 23057i 23058e 23067b 23068c 23077c 23078u, x 23099
Dominican nuns 23055b
Easter 23057e 23062g, h 23068g 23092
Editio Medicaea 23106
El Escorial 23077b
England 23026 23056ee
Epiphany 23056pp
Esztergom 23032
Exultet, Exultet roll 23077e
Fauxbourdon 23077b
Finland 23955d, e 23062r
Flanders 23056zz
‘Fluxus’ notation 23056ww
France 23031 23077i 23987c
Franciscan friars 23056cc, dd 23078ee
Frankish liturgy 23061c
Fruttuaria, Benedictine abbey 23002 23002a, b
Galicia 23056l
Gallican chant 23056rr, ss
Ganna, Abbey of 23002
Genealogy 23057c
Germany 23006 23055
Glasgow 23013
Gradual (chant) 23056uu 23068h 23078o, ii
Gradual (liturgical book) 23055c
Gradual, Protestant 23005 23050
Graduale Romanum 23020 23021 23067d
Graduale Romanum 1857 23068d
Graduale Trevirense 1863 23068d
Gradual of Bellelay see CH-P 18
Gregorian chant 23110 23111 23112 23113 23114
Hebrew writings 23078h
Heptachord 23086c
Hexachord 23086c
Hexameter 23057h
Historiae 23015 23016 23017 23018 23056o, y, ee, ff, gg, hh, ii, kk, oo 23058e 23077c 23078u, x
Holy Crown of Thorns 23015
Holy Week 23068e
Hungary 23005 23032 23050 23056pp
Hymn, Hymnary 23009 23014 23062g 23068a 23077g 23078e, w 23082a, b 23087b 23088c
Iceland 23057f
Introit 23047 23064c
Italy 23056z, nn 23057e 23061i 23078g
Ite missa est 23078dd
Jumièges, Benedictine abbey 23030
Kálmáncsai Graduál see H-CSg 19.504/H
Krakow 23038
Kyrie 23056w, tt
Lake of Constance region 23056hh
Lamentations 23068e 23077d 23115
Lauds 23013
Lent 230562y 23068e 23078q
Liber ordinarius 23056w 23094 23104
Lisbon 23077c
Litany 23073 23078r
Liturgical drama see Medieval Drama
Liturgy 23040 23061c 23078kk
Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostome 23072k
Macedonia 23062m
Magnus liber 23006d
Mallorca 23056v
Mass 23056r 23078kk
Matins 23013 23053 23077i
Medieval drama 23056mm, pp, qq
Mérida-Badajoz, diocese of 23054b
Messina 23022
Middle Ages 23027 23034 23059 23078b,y
Milan 23060b, c
Minden 23055c
Missal 23022
Modality 23056uu 23057d 23063b 23078s 23083b 23107
Moldavia 23062h
Monreale 23047
Monte Cassino, Benedictine abbey 23078k
Monterriggione, Siena, San Lorenzo 23078dd
Motet 23045 23078ee 23085b
Mount Athos 23083c
Mozarabic chant 23008 23056g 23057g 23086b
Münsterschwarzach, Benedictine abbey 23035
Netherlands 23007 23068g 23081
Neumes see Notations, neumatic
Normandy 23056p
Notations, generally 23011 23045 23061a, e, f 23078hh 23086c 23090
Notations (special kinds of)
Ars nova 23086b
Chrysanthine 23062c
Letter 23063c
Letters of Passion 23078z
Square 23078p, cc 23084b
Notations, neumatic (regions)
Ambrosian 23078p
Bamberg 23056aa
Italy, central 23056z
Metz 23061d 23067e
Mozarabic 23061k
Novalese 23078bb
Saintgall 23023
Seckau 23056w
Notations, neumatic (signs)
Cephalicus 23023
Episema 23064d
Figurae liquescentes 23059b 23071l
Litterae significativae 23023 23064d 23078z
Pes+Epiphonus 23078aa
Torculus 23067c
Torculus specialis 23071b
Notre Dame school 23006a, d 23045
Novara 23078u
Offertory 23025 23058i 23088d 23107 23108
Office see Divine Office, Historiae and Index of names: Saints
Office of the Dead 23078s
Officium stellae 23056pp
Oktoechos 23056vv
Old Roman and Gregorian chant 23056f 23088d 23107
Oral tradition 23056i 23057f
Order of Saint Jerome (Hieronymites) 23056k
Order of Santiago 23054 b
Ordinary chants 23052 23078v (see Kyrie)
Ottoman Empire, Religious chant in 23056x
Palm Sunday 23062u
Paris 23057a, l
Passau 23104
Passion 23056nn 23078z
Performing practice 23039 23056xx 23065b
Peterborough 23057b
Picture of music 23078y
Płock 23053
Poland 23028 23038 23053 23058g
Polyphony 23006 23007 23045 23078ee
Pontifical 23056u
Portugal 23023 23056h, k, l 23077c
Praglia, Benedictine abbey 23079
Preces 23086b 23100
Prints, old liturgical 23010 23014 23022 23037
Processional 23010 23029 23100
Processional chants 23056t 23068a 23083a 23092
Proper chants 23056r (see Alleluia, Communion, Gradual, Introit, Offertory, Tract)
Psalm 23056i 23112
Psalmody 23077k
Psalter, liturgical 23077g
Reconciliation of penitants 23078n
Recordings 23002 23003 23047 23056rr, ss 23078ii 23085c
Reformed church 23005 23050
Reggio nell' Emilia 23056z
Regula Benedicti 23078d
Responsory 23012 23044 23053 23056f, k 23057b 23063c 23077i 23078bb
Restitution of Gregorian chant melodies 23020 23021 23063a 23064a 23067a, d
Romanian church music 23062 23072
Rome 23059 23061c
Rome, San Pietro 23041 23067b 23108
Russian and Slavonic church music 23056bb, vv
Salzburg 23058d
Salzburg, Saint Peter, Benedictine abbey 23058d
Saint Albans Abbey 23052
Saint Gall, Benedictine abbey 23063d
Saint Lambrecht, Benedictine abbey 23115
Santa Maria de la Grassa, Abbey 23098
Sarum Use 23056s
Scotland 23013 23014
Seckau, Augustinian Chorherrenstift 23056w
Seiz, Charterhouse 23117
Semiology 23061h 23063 23064 23067 23071 23081 23088
Sens 23015
Sequence 23050 23056q 23068g 23077h 23078v 23118
‘Sequence of Saint Eulalia’ 23109
Serbian church music 23083c
Seu d'Urgel, La 23010
Sibyl, Song of the 23078t
Skara 23042
Slavonic church music 23083a
Slovakia 23058a, c
Soest, Paradiese, Convent of Domincan nuns 23055b
Soissons 23078u
Spain 23008 23009 23010 23027 23044 23054 23056v 23057g 23077 23078s 23086b 23093 23098 23099 23100 23101
Sweden 23042 23055d
Switzerland 23006f
Teutonic Order 23056m
Theory, theorists 23019 23033 23048 23057l 23061a, b 23069 23086c
Thorn 23046
Tironian signs
Toledo 23054e, f 23057g 23077h 23093
Tortosa 23100
Tract 23068e
Trier 23106
Trinity 23111
Trope 23052 23056n 23062i 23077h
Tyniec, Benedictine abbey 23058g
Valentia 23077f
Versified Office 23036
Vespers 23013
Vic 23077e
Voice 23040 23043
Walachia 23062h
York 23037
Index of manuscripts
A-A Frag. ex 285 23116
A-Gu different mss. 23117
A-Gu 29 23115
A-Gu 756 23056w
A-Gu 208 23094
A-VOR 259 23080a
A-Wgm different mss. 23095
A-Wn 14208 23056m
B-TOa Sint-Jacobsgasthuis 91, cover fragment 23056ff
CH-BEb 455 23061d
CH-E 121 23071c
CH-P 18 23084a
CH-SGs 342 23063d
CH-SGs 390/391 23071l
D-B germ. oct. 190 23007
D-B theol. lat. fol. 58 23061f
D-BAs 9 23056aa
D-BAs 11 23056aa
D-BAs 22 23056aa
D-BAs 23 23056aa
D-BAs 24 23056aa
D-Nst 304 2°, cover fragment 23006d
D-Rtt F.K. Mus. 71 23078v
D-W Cod. Guelf. 1008 Helmst. 23055c
D-WENNIGSEN fragments 23071h
DK-Kar Rask 98 23057f
E-Bac Ripoll 99 23096
E-Boc Psalterium-Hymnarium 23077g
E-JA different mss. 23054c
E-L 8 23068e
E-Mn M. 1361 23093
E-MO 1519 (olim E-Bmundó 17) 23086b
E-SC s. n. Codex Calixtinus 23096
E-Tc different mss. 23054e
E-Tfondo lorenzana different mss. 23054f
E-TAarxiu hist. arxid. 19/1 23099
E-TO 267 23100
ET-MSsc different mss. 23062k
F-EV 2 23056p
F-EV 39 23056p
F-LA 239 23061f
F-Pm 464 23056ii
F-Pm 541 23029
F-Pn lat. 933 23098
F-Pn lat. 2812 23078c
F-Pn lat. 17436 23061f
F-Pn n.a. lat. 2444, f. 1–2 23078bb
F-Pn n.a. lat. 2444, f. 5–6 232057k
F-SO Réserve 43 23068g
F-VAL 150 23109
GB-Ctc ‘Ms. fragment 2’ 23056s
GB-Lbl Add. 34209 23085a
GB-Ob Canonici liturg. 340 23091
GR-Ag different mss. 23097
H-CSg 19.504/H 23005
HR-Dsmb C (4), D (5), F (6), E (3) 23056dd
I-ACTarchivio vecovile F 21 cartella 3/4 23078ff
I-Bu 2893 23056nn
I-BEDERO B 23003 23004
I-BRmuseo diocesano different mss. 23051 23087b
I-CFm LVI 23091
I-CFm XLI 23091
I-CFm XCI 23091
I-CFm CI 23091
I-Fl Plut. 29, 1 (“F”) 23085b
I-FOSarchivio di stato fragment 23087d
I-GANNAbadia di san gemolo 23002 23002d, e, f, g
I-GO B 23091
I-GO I 23091
I-GR Crypt. E.γ.III 23078i
I-Ma A 2 inf. 23078m
I-Ma B 48 sup. 23061i
I-MC different mss. 23078y
I-MC 542 23001
I-Mz Tesoro inv. n. 88 23061f
I-Pc B 14 23056oo
I-PCd 65 23078l
I-Ra 123 22085f (Addition) 23084c
I-Rsan isidoro 1/90 23078ee
I-Rsanta maria in traspontina Codex G 23056kk
I-Rvat Archivio San Pietro B 79 23041 23067b
I-Rvat Pal. lat. 235 23061b
I-Rvat Rossi 76 (VII 18) 23091
I-Rvat Vat. lat. 1202, 1203 23078k
I-RE different mss. 23056z
I-S different mss. 23078dd
I-TRINObiblioteca civica 2 23087a
I-UDba 2 (Oct. 2) 23091
I-UDba 80 (F.21.III.6) 23091
NL-Au I C 17 23068g
NL-M 523 RA Limburg 18A collectie handschriften 23046 23068g
NL-Nu 402 23068g
P-Ln M. Mus. f. 11 23078r
PL-WRk different mss. 23067e
RO-AJ different mss. 23058b
RO-AJ fragments 23058a, c
RO-Dobreta Turnu Severin, Archivel National 9 23062n
RO-J different mss. 23062f
RUS-Mim Sin 319 23056bb
RUS-M im Voskr 27 23056bb
SI-Lf s. n. (olim Inv.-no. 6771–3) 23056cc
SI-Ln 29 23078w
SK-PREcollegial library Debno Breviary 23058h
SK-Sk different mss. 23058b