Alcoff, Linda Martín. The Future of Whiteness, Polity Press, 2015. 223pp, 315.99
Angermuller, Johannes. Why There Is No Poststructuralism In France: The Making of an Intellectual Generation, Bloomsbury, 2015. 133pp, £55
Aristotle. De Anima (trans. Shields, Christopher), Oxford University Press, 2016. 415pp, £22.50
Axtell, Guy. Objectivity, Polity Press, 2016. 255pp, £15.99
Bergmann, M., and Brower, J.E. (eds) Reason & Faith: Themes from Richard Swinburne, Oxford University Press, 2016. 247pp, £40
Bloom, Howard. The God Problem: How a Godless Cosmos Creates, Prometheus Books, 2016. 708pp, $21
Botts, T.F. (ed.) Philosophy and the Mixed Race Experience, Lexington Books, 2016. 317pp, £70
Caiani, Silvano Zipoli. Mindsets: Conceiving Cognition in Nature, Oxbox Books, 2016. 286pp, £18
Cain, M.J. The Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Polity Press, 2015. 226pp, £17.99
Calarco, Matthew. Identity, Difference, Indistinction: Thinking Through Animals, Stanford University Press, 2015. 88pp, £9.99
Cappelen, Herman and Lepore, Ernie. Liberating Content, Oxford University Press, 2015. 303pp, £45
Carver, T., and Farr, J. (eds) The Cambridge Companion to the Communist Manifesto, Cambridge University Press, 2016. 298pp, £64.99
Celano, Anthony. Aristotle's Ethics and Medieval Philosophy: Moral Goodness and Practical Wisdom, Cambridge University Press, 2015. 263pp, £64.99
Chomsky, Noam. What Kind of Creatures Are We? Columbia University Press, 2016. 200pp, £13.95
Cisney, V.W. and Morar, N. (eds) Foucault and Beyond: Biopower, Chicago University Press, 2016. 376pp, £24.50
Cixous, Hélène. Death Shall Be Dethroned: Los, A Chapter, The Journal (trans. Brahic, B.B.) Polity Press, 2016. 70pp, £9.99
Clark, Andy. Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind, Oxford University Press, 2015. 401pp, £19.99
Couture, Jean-Pierre. Sloterdijk, Polity Press, 2016. 150pp, £15.99
Cox, Gary. Deep Thought: 42 Fantastic Quotes That Define Philosophy, Bloomsbury, 2015. 199pp, £12.99
Dainton, B., and Robinson, H. The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Philosophy, Bloomsbury, 2015. 675pp, £24.99
Dayan, Colin. With Dogs At the Edge of Life, Columbia University Press, 2015. 208pp, £20
Dearden, Ian. The Problem of Philosophical Nonsense: A Short Introduction, Nu-Age Print, 2016. 108pp, £11.99
de Vries, H. and Schott, N.F. (eds) Love and Forgiveness for a More Just World, Columbia University Press, 2015. 243pp, £24
del Caro, A. and Janaway, C. (eds and trans.) Schopenhauer: Parerga and Paralipomena: volume 2, Cambridge University Press, 2015. 653pp, £79.99
Dickie, Imogen. Fixing Reference, Oxford University Press, 2015. 333pp, £37.50
Douven, Igor. The Epistemology of Indicative Conditionals: Formal and Empirical Approaches, Cambridge University Press, 2015. 220pp, £64.99
Foucault, Michel. About the Beginning of the Hermeneutics of the Self: Lectures at Dartmouth College, 1980, trans. Burchell, G., University of Chicago Press, 2016. 160pp, £17.50
Gabriel, Markus. Why The World Does Not Exist, Polity Press, 2016. 239pp, £20
Galli, Carlo. Janus's Gaze: Essays on Carl Schmitt, Duke University Press, 2016. 183pp, £16.99
Gaukroger, Stephen. The Natural and the Human: Science and the Shaping of Modernity 1739–1841, Oxford University Press, 2016. 416pp, £30
Geach, M., and Gormally, L. (eds) Logic, Truth and Meaning: Writings by G.E.M. Anscombe, Imprint Academic, 2015. 330pp, £19.95
Griffin, James. What Can Philosophy Contribute to Ethics? Oxford University Press, 2015. 157pp
Guattari, Félix. Lines of Flight: For Another World of Possibilities, Bloomsbury, 2015. 285pp, £20
Ferrarello, Susi. Husserl's Ethics and Practical Intentionality, Bloomsbury, 2015. 269pp, £65
Fink, Bruce. Lacan on Love: An Exploration of Lacan's Seminar VIII, Transference, Polity Press, 2015. 253pp, £17.99
Han, Byung-Chul. The Burnout Society, Stanford University Press, 2015. 72pp, £9.99
Han, Byung-Chul. The Transparency Society, Stanford University Press, 2015. 72pp, £9.99
Heidegger, Martin. The History of Beyng, trans. McNeill, W. and Powell, J., Indiana University Press, 2016. 208pp
Hinton, Timothy. The Original Position, Cambridge University Press, 2016. 281pp, £64.99
Hunt, Lester H. Anarchy, State, and Utopia: An Advanced Guide, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. 232pp, £19.99
Joyce, Richard. Essays in Moral Skepticism, Oxford University Press, 2016. 274pp, £45
Kamm, F.M. The Trolley Problem Mysteries (ed. Rakowski, E.), Oxford University Press, 2016. 272pp, $29.95
Keane, N. and Lawn, C. (eds) The Blackwell Companion to Hermeneutics, Wiley Blackwell, 2015. 622pp, £130
Khair, Tabish. The New Xenophobia, Oxford University Press, 2016. 232pp, £15.99
Kind, Amy. Persons and Personal Identity, Polity Press, 2015. 161pp, £15.99
Kind, A. and Kung, P. (eds) Knowledge Through Imagination, Oxford University Press, 2016. 250pp, £45
Kivy, Peter. De Gustibus: Arguing About Taste and Why We Do it, Oxford University Press, 2015. 173pp
Korman, Daniel Z. Objects: Nothing Out of the Ordinary, Oxford University Press, 2015. 251pp, £40
Lagerspetz, Olli. Trust, Ethics and Human Reason, Bloosmbury, 2015. 205pp, £19.99
Lazar, Seth. Sparing Civilians, Oxford University Press, 2015. 158pp
Liao, S. Matthew. The Right To Be Loved, Oxford University Press, 2015. 258pp, £29.99
Livingston, P., and Cutrofello, A. The Problems of Contemporary Philosophy, Polity Press, 2015. 229pp, £17.99
Luntley, Michael. Wittgenstein: Opening Investigations, Wiley Blackwell, 2015. 179pp, £66.95
Mander, W.J. Idealist Ethics, Oxford University Press, 2016. 276pp, £45
Marmadoro, A. and Yates, D. (eds) The Metaphysics of Relations, Oxford University Press, 2016. 277pp, £45
McLennan, Matthew R. Philosophy, Sophistry, Antiphilosophy, Bloomsbury, 2015. 150pp, £65
McMullen, K. and McQuillan, M. (eds) Oxi: An Act of Resistance: The Screenplay and Commentary, Rowmans and Littlfield, 2015. 266pp, £15.95
Mjaaland, Marius Timmann. The Hidden God: Luther, Philosophy, and Political Theology, Indiana University Press, 2016. 233pp
Moss, J. (ed.) Climate Change and Justice, Cambridge University Press, 2015. 253pp, £64.99
Mulgan, Tim. Purpose in the Universe: The Moral and Metaphysical Case for Ananthropocentric Purposivism, Oxford University Press, 2015. 435pp, £50
Mulhall, Stephen. The Great Riddle: Wittgenstein and Nonsense, Theology and Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 2015. 138pp, £27.50
Nealon, Jeffrey T. Plant Theory: Biopower and Vegetable Life, Stanford University Press, 2015. 168pp, £13.99
O'Neill, Onora. Constructing Authorities: Reason, Politics and Interpretation in Kant's Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2016. 253pp, £59.99
Onfray, Michel. A Hedonist Manifesto: The Power to Exist, Columbia University Press, 2015. 232pp, £24
Parsons, Glenn. The Philosophy of Design, Polity Press, 2016. 192pp, £15.99
Perrett, Roy W. An Introduction to Indian Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2016. 249pp, £21.99
Prior, William J. Ancient Philosophy, Oneworld Publications, 2016. 190pp, £9.99
Pritchard, D. and Whittington, L.J. (eds) The Philosophy of Luck, Wiley Blackwell, 2015. 224pp, £19.99
Ram, K., and Houston, C. (eds) Phenomenology in Anthropology: A Sense of Perspective, Indiana University Press, 2015. 318pp
Richard, Mark. Truth and Truth Bearers: Meaning in Context, Vol. II, Oxford University Press, 2015. 287pp, £42
Romano, Claude. There Is: The Event and the Finitude of Appearing, trans. Smith, M.B., Fordham University Press, 2015. 273pp
Rowe, Christopher. Plato: Theaetetus and Sophist, Cambridge University Press, 2016. 184pp, £14.99
Rudd, Anthony. Love, Reason, and Will: Kierkegaard After Frankfurt, Bloomsbury, 2015. 290pp, £23.99
Serres, Michel. Rome: The First Book of Foundations, trans. Burke, R., Bloomsbury, 2015. 242pp, £19.99
Sloterdijk, Peter. Stress and Freedom, Polity Press, 2016. 60pp, £9.99
Sloterdijk, Peter. In the Shadow of Mount Sinai, Polity Press, 2016. 71pp, £9.99
Smith, Neil and Allott, Nicholas. Chomsky: Ideas and Ideals, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2016. 461pp, £18.99
Steigler, Bernard. Symbolic Misery, Vol. 2: The Katastrophe of the Sensible, Polity Press, 2015. 204pp, £15.99
Stern, Robert. Kantian Ethics: Value, Agency, and Obligation, Oxford University Press, 2015. 284pp
Stuart, M. (ed.) A Companion to Locke, Wiley Blackwell, 2015. 569pp, £120
Szendy, Peter. Phantom Limbs On Musical Bodies, trans. Bishop, W., Fordham University Press, 2015. 194pp
Tartaglia, James. Philosophy in a Meaningless Life: A System of Nihilism, Consciousness and Reality, Bloomsbury, 2015. 218pp, £65
Taylor, Charles. The Language Animal: The Full Shape of the Human Linguistic Capacity, Belknap Press, 2016. 345pp, £25.95
Torres, C.R. (ed.) The Bloomsbury Companion to the Philosophy of Sport, Bloomsbury, 2015. 470pp, £25
Trawny, Peter. Heidegger & the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy (trans. Mitchell, A.J.), The University of Chicago Press, 2016. 147pp, £17.50
Wainwright, William J. Reason, Revelation, and Devotion: Inference and Argument in Religion, Cambridge University Press, 2016. 203pp, £18.99
Warner, Martin. The Aesthetics of Argument, Oxford University Press, 2016. 318pp, £50
Watson, Jamie Carlin and Arp, Robert. Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Reasoning Well, 2nd Edition, Bloomsbury, 2015. 437pp, £19.99
Weinberg, Shelley. Consciouness in Locke, Oxford University Press, 2016. 240pp, £40
Whitehead, Deborah. William James, Pragmatism, and American Culturem, Indiana University Press, 2015. 179pp
Williams, James. A Process Philosophy of Signs, Edinburgh University Press, 2016. 199pp, £19.99
Wortham, S.M. and Alfano, C. (eds) Desire in Ashes: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis and Philosophy, Bloomsbury, 2015. 190pp, £55