Adolph, Christopher, Bankers, Bureaucrats, and Central Bank Politics: The Myth of Neutrality, 242
Ambar, Saladin, Malcolm X at Oxford Union, 207
Angeli, Oliviero, Cosmopolitanism, Self-determination and Territory: Justice within Borders, 208
Ansolabehere, Stephen and David M. Konisky, Cheap and Clean: How Americans Think about Energy in the Age of Global Warming, 225
Aydin, Aysegul and Cem Emrence, Zones of Rebellion: Kurdish Insurgents and the Turkish State, 243
Bassin, Mark, Sergey Glebov and Marlene Laruelle, Between Europe and Asia: The Origins, Theories and Legacies of Russian Eurasianism, 210
Baturo, Alexander, Democracy, Dictatorship, and Term Limits, 245
Baber, Walter F. and Robert V. Bartlett, Consensus and Global Environmental Governance: Deliberative Democracy in Nature’s Regime, 170
Bell Daniel A., The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy, 147
Bergen, Peter L. and Daniel Rothenberg, Drone Wars: Transforming Conflict, Law and Policy, 263
Berk, Gerald, Dennis C. Galvan, and Victoria Hattam, Political Creativity: Reconfiguring Institutional Order and Change, 211
Biermann, Frank, Earth System Governance: World Politics in the Anthropocene, 176
Booth Walling, Carrie, All Necessary Measures: The United Nations and Humanitarian Intervention, 265
Boulding, Carew, NGOs, Political Protest, and Civil Society, 181
Brummer, Klaus and Valerie M. Hudson, Foreign Policy Analysis: Beyond North America, 266
Buzan, Barry and George Lawson, The Global Transformation: History, Modernity and the Making of International Relations, 187
Calvo, Ernesto, Legislator Success in Fragmented Congresses in Argentina: Plurality Cartels, Minority Presidents, and Lawmaking, 246
Carpenter, Charli, “Lost” Causes: Agenda Vetting in Global Issue Networks and the Shaping of Human Security, 138
Chan, Jennifer, Politics in the Corridor of Dying: AIDS Activism and Global Health Governance, 267
Claassen, Ryan L., Godless Democrats and Pious Republicans? Party Activists, Party Capture, and the “God Gap,” 227
Cocks, Joan, On Sovereignty and Other Political Delusions, 193
Coggins, Bridget, Power Politics and State Formation in the Twentieth Century: The Dynamics of Recognition, 269
Compton, John W., The Evangelical Origins of the Living Constitution, 212
Connolly, Joy, The Life of Roman Republicanism, 213
Cortright, David, Rachel Fairhurst, and Kristen Wall, Drones and the Future of Armed Conflict: Ethical, Legal, and Strategic Implications, 132
Crotty, William, Polarized Politics: The Impact of Divisiveness in the US Political System, 228
Dill, Janina, Legitimate Targets? Social Construction, International Law and US Bombing, 132
Djupe, Paul A. and Brian R. Calfano, God Talk: Experimenting with the Religious Causes of Public Opinion, 229
Doyle, Michael W., The Question of Intervention: John Stuart Mill and the Responsibility to Protect, 270
Ear, Sophal, Aid Dependence in Cambodia: How Foreign Assistance Undermines Democracy, 272
Engstrom, Erik J. and Samuel Kernell, Party Ballots, Reform, and the Transformation of America's Electoral System, 230
Ferrara, Federico, The Political Development of Modern Thailand, 247
Fierke, K. M., Political Self-Sacrifice: Agency, Body, and Emotion in International Relations, 273
Findley, Michael G., Daniel L. Nielson, and J. C. Sharman, Global Shell Games: Experiments in Transnational Relations, Crime, and Terrorism, 274
Fink, Leon, The Long Gilded Age: American Capitalism and the Lessons of a New World Order, 145
Friman, H. Richard, The Politics of Leverage in International Relations: Name, Shame and Sanction, 275
Gel’man, Vladimir, Authoritarian Russia: Analyzing Post-Soviet Regime Changes, 249
Gel’man, Vladimir, Otar Marganiya, and Dmitry Travin, Reexamining Economic and Political Reforms in Russia, 1985–2000: Generations, Ideas, and Changes, 249
Green, Jessica, Rethinking Private Authority: Agents and Entrepreneurs in Global Environmental Governance, 138
Green, Jessica F., Rethinking Private Authority: Agents and Entrepreneurs in Global Environmental Governance, 277
Grigorescu, Alexandru, Democratic Intergovernmental Organizations? Normative Pressures and Decision-Making Rules, 278
Grossman, Matt, Artists of the Possible: Governing Networks and American Policy Change Since 1945, 232
Harvey, Anna, A Mere Machine: The Supreme Court, Congress, and American Democracy, 233
Haykel, Bernard, Thomas Hegghammer, and Stéphane Lacroix, Saudi Arabia in Transition: Insights on Social, Political, Economic, and Religious Change, 251
Hellwig, Timothy, Globalization and Mass Politics: Retaining the Room to Maneuver, 198
Herzog, Don, Household Politics: Conflict in Early Modern England, 215
Jakobi, Anja P., Common Goods and Evils: The Formation of Global Crime Governance, 280
Jean Kim, Claire, Dangerous Crossings: Race, Species and Nature in a Multicultural Age, 216
Jean Springer, Melanie, How the States Shaped the Nation: American Electoral Institutions and Voter Turnout, 1920–2000, 239
Jinnah, Sikina, Post-Treaty Politics: Secretariat Influence in Global Environmental Governance, 281
Kahler, Miles and Andrew MacIntyre, Integrating Regions: Asia in Comparative Context, 283
Kritzer, Herbert M., Justices on the Ballot: Continuity and Change in State Supreme Court Elections, 235
Kuperman, Alan J., Constitutions and Conflict Management in Africa: Preventing Civil War through Institutional Design, 252
Levine, Daniel, Politics, Religion, and Society in Latin America, 253
Lienau, Odette, Rethinking Sovereign Debt: Politics, Reputation, and Legitimacy in Modern Finance, 284
Maxwell, Lida, Public Trials: Burke, Zola, Arendt, and the Politics of Lost Causes, 217
McKenna, Elizabeth and Hahrie Han, Groundbreakers: How Obama’s 2.2 Million Volunteers Transformed Campaigning in America, 236
Meyer, John M., Engaging the Everyday: Environmental Social Criticism and the Resonance Dilemma, 168
Mitzen, Jennifer, Power in Concert: The Nineteenth-Century Origins of Global Governance, 184
Murdie, Amanda, Help or Harm: The Human Security Effects of International NGOs, 179
Murdie, Amanda, Help or Harm: The Human Security Effects of International NGOs, 138
Nardin, Terry, Michael Oakeshott’s Cold War Liberalism, 219
Nyeck, S.N. and Marc Epprecht, Sexual Diversity in Africa: Politics, Theory, and Citizenship, 254
Pavel, Carmen E., Divided Sovereignty: International Institutions and the Limits of State Authority, 191
Persily, Nathaniel, Solutions to Political Polarization in America, 237
Rapkin, David P. and William R. Thompson, Transition Scenarios: China and the United States in the Twenty-First Century, 286
Remington, Thomas F., Presidential Decrees in Russia: A Comparative Perspective, 256
Roy, Denny, Return of the Dragon: Rising China and Regional Security, 287
Schocket, Andrew M., Fighting over the Founders: How We Remember the American Revolution, 220
Sheehan, Colleen A., The Mind of James Madison: The Legacy of Classical Republicanism, 221
Silvia, Stephen J., Holding the Shop Together: German Industrial Relations in the Postwar Era, 257
Staniland, Paul, Networks of Rebellion: Explaining Insurgent Cohesion and Collapse, 204
Stevenson, Hayley and John S. Dryzek, Democratizing Global Climate Governance, 174
Stockmann, Daniela, Media Commercialization and Authoritarian Rule in China, 258
Straus, Scott, Making and Unmaking Nations: War, Leadership, and Genocide in Modern Africa, 202
Tallberg, Jonas, Thomas Sommerer, Theresa Squatrito, and Christer Jönsson, The Opening Up of International Organizations: Transnational Access in Global Governance, 288
Tang, Shiping, The Social Evolution of International Politics, 290
Tarrow, Sidney, War, States, and Contention: A Comparative Historical Study, 162
Teets, Jessica C., Civil Society under Authoritarianism: The China Model, 258
Tronconi, Filippo. Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement: Organisation, Communication, and Ideology, 260
Uhr, John, Prudential Public Leadership: Promoting Ethics in Public Policy and Administration, 223
Van Kersbergen, Kees and Barbara Vis, Comparative Welfare State Politics: Development, Opportunities, and Reform, 262
Weeden, Jason and Robert Kurzban, The Hidden Agenda of the Political Mind: How Self-Interest Shapes Our Opinions and Why We Won’t Admit It, 240
Winston, Kenneth, Ethics in Public Life: Good Practitioners in a Rising Asia, 224
Whiteley, Paul, Harold D. Clarke, David Sanders, and Marianne C. Stewart, Affluence, Austerity, and Electoral Change in Britain, 196
Yetiv, Steve A., National Security Through a Cockeyed Lens: How Cognitive Bias Impacts U.S. Foreign Policy, 291
Youngs, Richard, Europe in the New Middle East: Opportunity or Exclusion?, 292