Plate 1. Bari, succorpo della cattedrale. Evidenze individuate nel corso delle recenti indagini archeologiche. (Rielaborazione da Ciminale, 2009: 141, tav. 1.1. Per gentile concessione di Edipuglia.)
Plate 2. Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana, MS Ricc. 838, fol. 4r. © Biblioteca Riccardiana. (Reproduced courtesy of the Biblioteca Riccardiana.)
Plate 3. Butrint: the image of a lion (the ‘lion of Saint Mark’??) on sherds of a maiolica jug found during excavations in the lower city. (Photo: J. Vroom; reproduced courtesy of the Butrint Foundation.)
Plate 4. Butrint, Triconch Palace: fragment of maiolica gotico-floreale manufactured in Montelupo in central Italy. (Photo: J. Vroom; reproduced courtesy of the Butrint Foundation.)
Plate 5. Butrint, Triconch Palace and Merchant's House: distribution of ceramic finds per function in the early Venetian period. (J. Vroom.)
Plate 6. Butrint, Triconch Palace and Merchant's House: distribution of ceramic finds per provenance (only definite) in the early Venetian period. (J. Vroom.)
Plate 7. Interamna Lirenas. The GPR prospection over the theatre (2012–13).
Plate 8. San Giovanni in Laterano. Work covered by the laser scanning and structural surveys.
Plate 9. San Giovanni in Laterano. GPR data superimposed on a plan showing where structures south of the Triclinium were previously believed to have lain.
Plate 10. Segni. The polychrome mosaic with a tangent windmill motif discovered in Piazza Santa Maria.