President of the Society: Professor H. J. de Jonge (The Netherlands)
Past President of the Society: Professor A. Puig i Tàrrech (Spain)
President-Elect of the Society: Professor C. M. Tuckett (United Kingdom)
Deputy President-Elect (auditor/observer): Udo Schnelle (Germany)
Professor S. Byrskog (Sweden)
Professor A. Reinhartz (Canada)
Professor C. Grappe (France)
Professor M. Tsuji (Japan)
Professor J. Verheyden (Belgium)
Dr C. K. Rothschild (USA)
Professor J. Ekem (Ghana)
Professor J. Schröter (Germany)
Secretary: Professor M. C. de Boer, Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel. 31 20 496 8282. Email
Assistant Secretary: Dr A. D. Clarke, Dept of Divinity & Religious Studies, King's College, University of Aberdeen, AB24 3UB, Scotland. Email
Assistant Secretary for International Initiatives: Professor B. C. Lategan, P.O. Box 3535, 7602 Stellenbosch, South Africa. Email
Treasurer: Dr H. K. Bond, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, New College, Mound Place, Edinburgh, EH1 2LX, Scotland. Email
Editor of the Journal (New Testament Studies): Professor J. M. G. Barclay, Department of Theology and Religion, University of Durham, Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham DH1 3RS, England. Email
Editor of the SNTS Monograph Series: Professor P. Trebilco, Dept of Theology & Religious Studies, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand. Email