Utilizing ultraproducts, Schoutens constructed a big Cohen–Macaulay (BCM) algebra
$\mathcal {B}(R)$ over a local domain R essentially of finite type over
$\mathbb {C}$. We show that if R is normal and
$\Delta $ is an effective
$\mathbb {Q}$-Weil divisor on
$\operatorname {Spec} R$ such that
$K_R+\Delta $ is
$\mathbb {Q}$-Cartier, then the BCM test ideal
$\tau _{\widehat {\mathcal {B}(R)}}(\widehat {R},\widehat {\Delta })$ of
$(\widehat {R},\widehat {\Delta })$ with respect to
$\widehat {\mathcal {B}(R)}$ coincides with the multiplier ideal
$\mathcal {J}(\widehat {R},\widehat {\Delta })$ of
$(\widehat {R},\widehat {\Delta })$, where
$\widehat {R}$ and
$\widehat {\mathcal {B}(R)}$ are the
$\mathfrak {m}$-adic completions of R and
$\mathcal {B}(R)$, respectively, and
$\widehat {\Delta }$ is the flat pullback of
$\Delta $ by the canonical morphism
$\operatorname {Spec} \widehat {R}\to \operatorname {Spec} R$. As an application, we obtain a result on the behavior of multiplier ideals under pure ring extensions.