0 Introduction
0.1 Cluster algebras
Cluster algebras were introduced by Fomin and Zelevinsky [Reference Fomin and ZelevinskyFZ02] around 2000. Since then, many authors have uncovered beautiful connections between the theory of cluster algebras and a wide range of mathematics such as
∙ dual canonical bases and their relations with preprojective algebras and quiver varieties [Reference Bernstein, Fomin and ZelevinskyBFZ05], [Reference LeclercLec10], [Reference NakajimaNak11a], [Reference KimuraKim12]
∙ total positivity [Reference FominFom10]
∙ (higher) Teichmüller theory and its quantization [Reference Fock and GoncharovFG06, Reference Fock and GoncharovFG07, Reference Fock and GoncharovFG09], [Reference TeschnerTes07, Reference TeschnerTes]
∙ 2-dimensional hyperbolic geometry [Reference Gekhtman, Shapiro and VainshteinGSV03], [Reference Fomin, Shapiro and ThurstonFST08]
∙ cluster categories [Reference KellerKel10], [Reference AmiotAmi09], [Reference PlamondonPla11]
∙ discrete integrable systems [Reference KedemKed08], [Reference Kuniba, Nakanishi and SuzukiKNS11]
∙ Donaldson–Thomas theory [Reference Kontsevich and SoibelmanKS], [Reference NagaoNag13]
∙ supersymmetric gauge theories [Reference Gaiotto, Moore and NeitzkeGMN], [Reference Cecotti, Neitzke and VafaCNV], [Reference Eager and FrancoEF12].
The goal of this paper is to add yet another item to this list: the theory of hyperbolic
-manifolds. This paper is a companion to [Reference Terashima and YamazakiTY14], which discusses the application of cluster algebras to the physics of 3d
supersymmetric gauge theories.
0.2 Hyperbolic
A hyperbolic
-manifold (with cusps) has a decomposition into ideal tetrahedra. This makes it possible for us to compute invariants of the
-manifold, such as the hyperbolic volume and the Chern–Simons invariant [Reference Neumann and ZagierNZ85, Reference NeumannNeu92].
An ideal tetrahedron is parametrized by a complex number called a shape parameter. Given a topological decomposition of the
-manifold into ideal tetrahedra, we need to find shape parameters which satisfy edge-gluing equations (§4.2) in order to obtain a hyperbolic structure on the
-manifold. Moreover, the cusp equations (§4.4) should hold for the complete hyperbolic structure. In general, it is a rather nontrivial problem to systematically find solutions of these equations.
In this paper, we study mapping tori
of mapping classes
of a surface
with punctures. We mainly discuss the case that the mapping torus admits a hyperbolic structure.
The main results of this paper are summarized as follows:
∙ Solving the periodicity equation in Theorem 4.4 for cluster transformations, we get a solution of the edge-gluing equations of the mapping torus
$M_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}$ with an ideal triangulation induced by the cluster transformations.
∙ Shape parameters of tetrahedra are given by the cluster
$y$ -variables, where the initial values of the
$y$ -variables are taken to be the solution of the periodicity equation.
∙ The cusp condition is written as a simple condition on a product of the initial values of the
$y$ -variables.
Remark 0.1. The complete hyperbolic structure gives a nonzero solution of the periodicity equation, thanks to the result of [Reference Kitayama and TerashimaKT15, Corollary 2.6].
Remark 0.2. This paper has grown up from our attempts to formulate the results of [Reference Kashaev and NakanishiKN11] and [Reference Terashima and YamazakiTY11, Reference Terashima and YamazakiTY13] in mathematically rigorously.
In [Reference Terashima and YamazakiTY11], the authors conjectured an equivalence of the partition function of a
gauge theory on a duality wall and that of the
Chern–Simons theory on a mapping torus. This is a
counterpart of the
correspondence, known as the AGT relation [Reference Alday, Gaiotto and TachikawaAGT10].
In [Reference Terashima and YamazakiTY13], the authors demonstrated that a limit of the 3d N = 2 partition function reproduces the hyperbolic volume of the mapping torus in the case of the once-punctured torus by using quantum cluster transformations. The key observation in [Reference Terashima and YamazakiTY13] was that the shape parameters satisfying edge-gluing equations (as previously analyzed in [Reference GuéritaudGué06]) appear at the saddle point.
In [Reference Kashaev and NakanishiKN11], it was shown that classical dilogarithm identities [Reference NakanishiNak11c] naturally emerge from quantum dilogarithm identities [Reference KellerKel11], [Reference NagaoNag11] by the saddle-point method.
It will be interesting to learn from physics about the “quantum” aspects of hyperbolic geometry of
Remark 0.3. There is a known relation between cluster transformations and integrable systems [Reference Fomin and ZelevinskyFZ03, Reference KellerKel13, Reference NakanishiNak11b, Reference KedemKed08]. With this, our theorem, which connects cluster transformations to
-manifolds, gives a natural explanation for mysterious and interesting relations between
-manifolds and conformal field theories/integrable systems, originally found in [Reference Gliozzi and TateoGT96, Reference Nahm, Recknagel and TerhoevenNRT93, Reference Dupont and SahDS94]. We illustrate this point by an example in the final subsection (the corresponding
-manifold is not hyperbolic).
The differences between the two setups, (a) integrable systems and (b) hyperbolic
-manifolds, can be stated in several different languages:
∙ We have periodicity conditions on the cluster
$y$ -variables both in (a) and in (b). However, in (a), periodicity is imposed as identities of rational functions on
$y_{i}$ ’s, whereas in (b) we solve the periodicity equations to determine values of
$y_{i}$ , which in turn determines the hyperbolic structure of the mapping tori.
∙ In (a), the product of the quantum dilogarithms associated to the sequence of mutations is equal to
$1$ (quantum dilogarithm identity [Reference KellerKel11]). In (b), the product gives a nontrivial action of the mapping class in the quantum Teichmüller theory.
∙ In terms of surface triangulations and flips, after a sequence of flips, in (a) we get the original triangulation (up to a permutation of vertices), while in (b) we get the original triangulation pulled back by the mapping class.
∙ A mutation provides a derived equivalence of
$3$ -dimensional Calabi–Yau categories associated to quivers with potential [Reference Keller and YangKY11]. In (a), the composition of the derived equivalences is an identity functor, while in (b) it gives the action of the mapping class on the derived category (see [Reference NagaoNag]).
∙ The derived equivalence induced by mutation corresponds to a wall crossing in the space of stability conditions, and a sequence of mutations gives a new chamber. In (a), the new chamber coincides with the original one, while in (b) the chamber is obtained from the original one by the action of the mapping class on the space of stability conditions. In other words, the former is the wall crossing associated with a contractible cycle, whereas the latter corresponds to a noncontractible cycle with nontrivial monodromies (cf. [Reference Andriyash, Denef, Jafferis and MooreADJM12]).
1 Cluster algebras
1.1 Quiver mutation
In this paper, we always assume that a quiver has
∙ the vertex set
$I=\{1,\ldots ,n\}$ , and
∙ no loops and oriented
$2$ -cycles (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. A loop (left) and an oriented
-cycle (right) of a quiver.
For vertices
$j\in I$
, we define

Note that the quiver
is uniquely determined by the skew-symmetric matrix
(or equivalently
) under the assumption aboveFootnote
For the vertex
, we define a new quiver
(mutation of
at vertex
) by an antisymmetric matrix

1.2 Cluster variables
Given a sequence
$\mathbf{k}=(k_{1},\ldots ,k_{l})$
of vertices and “time” parameters
$t=0,\ldots ,l$
, we define

For initial values
, we define the cluster
and the cluster
-variables (coefficients)
$i\in I$
) by


2 Triangulated surfaces and quivers
be a closed connected oriented surface and
be a finite set of points on
, called punctures. We assume that
is nonempty and
is not a sphere with less than four punctures.
We choose an ideal triangulation
, i.e., we decompose
into triangles whose vertices are located at the punctures. We will not allow self-folded arcs (see Figure 2) in this paper.

Figure 2. We do not allow self-folded triangles as in this figure.
2.1 Quiver associated to a triangulation
For a triangulation
without self-folded arcs we will define a quiver
whose vertex set
is the set of arcs in
For a triangle
and arcs
, we define a skew-symmetric integer matrix

We define

where the sum is taken over all triangles in
. Let
denote the quiver associated to the matrix
For an arc
in the triangulation
, we can flip the edge
to get a new triangulation
. This operation is compatible with a mutation at vertex

2.2 Mapping class group action
For a triangulation
, we define

For a puncture
$m\in M$
, take a sufficiently small circle around
and let
$e_{1},\ldots ,e_{n}$
be the sequence of arcs which intersect with the circle, where
$e_{1},\ldots ,e_{n}$
may have multiplicity. We define


Let us fix a mapping class
. Then the two triangulations
are related by a sequence of flips, together with appropriate changes of labels. More formally, there exists a sequence

such that the two triangulations
are related by the sequence of flips associated to
(see [Reference Fomin, Shapiro and ThurstonFST08, Proposition 3.8]). Note that a flip provides a canonical bijection of the edges of the triangulations. We can represent the composition of the bijections by a permutation
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}\in \mathfrak{S}_{I}$
. We define the automorphisms


Thanks to the result [Reference Fomin, Shapiro and ThurstonFST08, Theorem 3.10] and the pentagon relation of cluster transformations,
$\text{CT}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}^{\vee }$
are independent of the choices of the sequences of flips and provides a well-defined action of the mapping class group on
3 Pseudo-Anosov mapping tori
be as in §2.2. We assume that no triangles are self-folded.
be the edge flipped at
$h^{\prime }$
be the edge after the flip. Let
be the edges of the quadrilateral in the triangulations whose diagonals are
$h^{\prime }$
. We associate a topological tetrahedron
whose edges are labeled by
$h^{\prime }$
(see Figure 3).

Figure 3. A flip in a 2d triangulation can be traded for a 3d tetrahedron.
For any pseudo-Anosov mapping class
, this provides a topological tetrahedron decomposition of the mapping torus [Reference AgolAgo11]. A mapping class
is pseudo-Anosov if and only if the mapping torus has a hyperbolic structure.

Figure 4. An ideal tetrahedron with shape parameter
4 Equations for hyperbolic structure
4.1 Shape parameters
For an ideal tetrahedron in
with vertices
(Figure 4), we associate the shape parameter
with the edge connecting
. For an ideal tetrahedron, a pair of mutually nonintersecting edges has a common shape parameter, and the shape parameters for the three pairs of mutually nonintersecting edges are given by (Figure 5)

Figure 5. The three shape parameters of an ideal tetrahedron.
We take a sequence of flips and associated topological decomposition of the mapping torus as in §3. For
$t\in \mathbb{Z}$
, let
denote the
th tetrahedron, where
are identified for any
. Let
denote the shape parameter of
at the edge
, the edge flipped at time
. Note that the sequence
satisfies shape parameter periodicity

For a tetrahedron
, let
be the set of edges of
. We define

denote the set of all edges in the tetrahedron decomposition of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4}\times \mathbb{R}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}:\overline{E}\rightarrow \widetilde{E}$
be the canonical surjection.
Given parameters
$(Z(t))_{t\in \mathbb{Z}}$
, we can define associated parameter
for any
$t\in \mathbb{Z}$
$e\in \unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}(t)_{1}$
as the shape parameter of
on the edge
, which is determined as in (4).
4.2 Edge-gluing conditions
Suppose that the shape parameters
$(Z(t))_{t\in \mathbb{Z}}$
give an ideal tetrahedron decompositionFootnote
. This holds if and only if the following three conditions are satisfied.
First, we need the shape parameter periodicity condition as already discussed in (5). Second, we need

so that the tetrahedron is positively oriented. Third, for each edge
$g\in \widetilde{E}$
, the product of all the shape parameters associated to the elements in
must be
([Reference ThurstonThu79], see Figure 6):

Figure 6. The edge-gluing equation around an edge.
-variables and gluing conditions
Proposition 4.1. Let
$e(t)\in \unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}(t)_{1}$
be the edge which we flip at
$e^{\prime }(t+1)\in \unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}(t+1)_{1}$
be the edge which appears after the flip. The edge-gluing equation is satisfied for the shape parameters

Figure 7. An edge
in a tetrahedron decomposition appears at time
and disappears at time
Proof. Let
$g\in \widetilde{E}$
be an edge which appears at the
th flip at
$\bar{g}^{\prime }$
and disappears at the
th flip
$\bar{g}^{\prime \prime }$
(Figure 7). Let
) be the unique element in
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}(t_{1})_{1}\cap \unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{-1}(g)$
(resp. in
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}(t_{2})_{1}\cap \unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{-1}(g)$
). The gluing equation associated with

For this equation, we will show

is the edge corresponding to
$t=t_{1}+1,\ldots ,t_{2}$
) have in common. We show the equation above by induction with respect to
. The claim for
trivially follows from the definition (6). Let us assume the above statement for
$T\rightarrow T-1$
. To show the statement for
, we need to show

We will show this by classifying the positional relation of
$g_{0}$ and
$e(t)$ have no triangle in common: both side of the equation above is
$1$ .
$g_{0}$ and
$e(t)$ have a single triangle in common:
$\overline{Q_{t}}(e(t),g_{0})=1$ (see Figure 8):
$$\begin{eqnarray}(\text{LHS})\overset{\text{ equation (4) }}{=}1-Z(t)^{-1}\overset{\text{ equation (2) }}{=}(\text{RHS}),\end{eqnarray}$$
$\overline{Q_{t}}(e(t),g_{0})=-1$ :
$$\begin{eqnarray}(\text{LHS})\overset{\text{ equation (4) }}{=}(1-Z(t))^{-1}\overset{\text{ equation (2) }}{=}(\text{RHS}),\end{eqnarray}$$
$g_{0}$ and
$e(t)$ have two triangles in common:
$\overline{Q_{t}}(e(t),g_{0})=\pm 2$ (see Figure 9):
$$\begin{eqnarray}(\text{LHS})\overset{\text{ equation (4) }}{=}(1-Z(t)^{\mp })^{\pm 2}\overset{\text{ equation (2) }}{=}(\text{RHS}),\end{eqnarray}$$
$\overline{Q_{t}}(e(t),g_{0})=0$ : this cannot happen because we prohibit self-folded edges in this paper (see Figure 10).

Figure 8. The case with

Figure 9. The case with

Figure 10. The case with
4.4 Complete hyperbolic structures
Patching ideal tetrahedra with corners removed, we get a hyperbolic
-manifold with boundaries, each of which is isomorphic to a torus. Note that such a boundary torus has two directions: the direction of “time” parameter
(time direction) and the direction of the original surface (surface direction)Footnote
The intersection of a removed corner and a boundary torus gives a triangle on the torus with a shape parameter for each angle.

Figure 11. A Dehn half-twist
along a circle containing

Figure 12. The link corresponding to

Figure 13. A triangulation of the five-punctured sphere.

Figure 14. The triangulation of the boundary torus. A triangle with number
represents the
th tetrahedron
, whose modulus
corresponds to a dihedral angle represented by a black dot.
Example 4.2. We take a five-punctured sphere. Let
be the punctures and
) be the Dehn half-twist along a circle containing
, or
) in the anticlock direction (see Figure 11). Note that
generate the braid group
. We take
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}_{1}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}_{2}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}_{3}^{-1}$ as a mapping class;
∙ the triangulation as in Figure 13;
$8$ ,
$9$ ,
$5$ ,
$7$ ,
$1$ ,
$8$ as a sequence of edges which we flipFootnote 4 .
The mapping torus is the complement of the two-component link in
$S^{2}\times S^{1}$
(Figure 12), and hence we have two boundary components. We show the triangulation of the universal cover of one of the components in Figure 14.
Fix a puncture
$m\in M$
of the surface and a time parameter
. Let
$i\in \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$
) be the triangle in
which is adjacent to
, where
$(e_{1},\ldots ,e_{n})$
is the sequence of arcs around
as before.
On the boundary torus,
represents a vertex and
represents an edge connecting
. The union of
’s provides a (piecewise linear) closed curve on the boundary torusFootnote
. We call this a vertical line (see Figure 15).

Figure 15. Vertical lines, drawn in the triangulation of Figure 14.
The holonomy of along a cycle in the surface direction is given as follows. A vertical line divides the boundary torus into two parts. We fix one of them. For a vertex
on the vertical line, we take all angles in the universal cover which have
as the vertex and which are on the given side of the vertical line. We denote by
the product of the shape parameters associated to these angles. Then we have

A hyperbolic structure given by a sequence of shape parameters is complete if and only if the following condition holds:
In Figure 7, we study the set of all tetrahedra which are adjacent to an edge. In this setting, the vertical line divides the set of these tetrahedra into two groups: tetrahedra which appear before/after
. Hence we have

By (7), the right hand side equals
. Therefore the holonomy (8) is equivalent with
$y_{m}(t_{0})=\prod _{i=1}^{n}y_{e_{i}}(t_{0})$
(recall (3)). We can show this product is independent on the choice of
, either by induction or by using the edge-gluing conditions (vertical lines at different choices of
are homologous in the triangulation of the boundary torus).
In summary, we get the following description of the holonomy:
Proposition 4.3. For a sequence of shape parameters determined by the result of Proposition 4.1, the holonomy around a puncture
in the surface direction is equal to
4.5 Main theorem
Let us summarize our results in the form of a theorem:
Theorem 4.4. Let
$(y_{e})_{e\in \unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}_{1}}$
be nonzero complex numbers such that
for any puncture
$m\in M$
. Assume that
is well defined for any
and that the periodicity equation is satisfied

Let us define the shape parameters

is the edge flipped at time
, and suppose that
$Z(t)\neq 0,1$
for any
. Then
satisfies the edge-gluing equations in §4.2 and the cusp condition in §4.4.
This theorem gives a systematic method to identify for hyperbolic structures on mapping tori, formulated in the language of cluster algebras. For a genuine hyperbolic structure we also need to verify
; see the examples in the next section.
5 Examples
In the last section, we demonstrate Theorem 4.4 in the case of a once-punctured torus and of a five-punctured sphere. The examples are chosen for the sake of simplicity, and the same methods apply to more general mapping classes of more general punctured surfaces (recall Remark 0.1). We also discuss an example of the six-punctured disc, to show that our formulation covers the nonhyperbolic cases not covered in Theorem 4.4.

Figure 16. Example: once-punctured torus and
5.1 Once-punctured torus and
Let us start with a once-punctured torus. We take a sequence of two flips as in Figure 16. This is the mapping class studied in [Reference Terashima and YamazakiTY13, §3.1]. Then the shape parameter periodicity conditions are

and the cusp condition is

Solving these equations, we get a solution

By Theorem 4.4, shape parameters

satisfy edge-gluing conditions. Moreover, the imaginary parts of
are positive, and we obtain a complete hyperbolic structure on the mapping torus. The parameters coincide with the ones in [Reference Terashima and YamazakiTY13, §3.1].
5.2 Five-punctured sphere and
Let us take the example of a five-punctured sphere in Example 4.2.
The cusp conditions are

and the shape parameter periodicity conditions are

Solving the shape parameter periodicity conditions with cusp conditions, we get
solutions. We take one of the solutions

Following the algorithm in Theorem 4.4, we get the following six parameters

whose imaginary parts are positive, which provide a complete hyperbolic structure. The volume of the mapping torus computed from the parameters above isFootnote 6

This coincides with the value computed by SnapPea/SnapPy [Reference Culler, Dunfield and WeeksCDW].
5.3 Nonhyperbolic example
Our formalism discussed in this paper applies to in general nonhyperbolic 3-manifolds which are themselves not covered in Theorem 4.4. To illustrate this point, let us consider a disk with six points, and we consider the
rotation as a mapping class. The mapping class is realized as a sequence of three flips as in Figure 17.

Figure 17. A nonhyperbolic example, associated with the
rotation of the six-punctured disc.
The periodicity conditions are

Note that indices of edges in the boundary are rotated. The
-variables are given by

A solution of the periodicity conditions is

Shape parameters of three tetrahedra evaluated at the solution above are

Substituting shape parameters to the Rogers dilogarithm
, we have (with
$Z(i)^{\prime \prime }=(1-Z(i))^{-1}$

which is the complexified volume of the
-manifold. This is identified with the central charge of
WZW model at the level
(see Remark 0.3).
K. N. is supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up (No. 22840023) and for Scientific Research (S) (No. 22224001). Y. T. is supported in part by the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, JSPS (No. 22740036). M. Y. would like to thank PCTS and its anonymous donor for generous support. We would like to thank H. Fuji, A. Kato, S. Kojima, H. Masai, T. Nakanishi, S. Terashima, T. Yoshida and D. Xie for helpful conversation.