D.Phil thesis
1984. Fascism’s Campaign against the Mafia. University of Oxford (Faculty of Modern History). Available at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford; British Library; Biblioteca dell’Istituto Antonio Gramsci Siciliano, Palermo; Biblioteca della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Turin.
Books by Christopher Duggan (CD) as sole author
1986. La mafia durante il fascismo, with a preface by Denis Mack Smith, translated by Patrizia Niutta. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 1986. Second edition published in 2007 with a new afterword by Gaetano Savatteri and a contribution (‘I professionisti dell’antimafia’) by Leonardo Sciascia.
1989. Fascism and the Mafia. New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press. Revised and enlarged version of La mafia durante il fascismo.
1994. A Concise History of Italy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Updated edition published in 2001. Published in Italian as Breve storia d’Italia, translated by Piermarco Cereda (Casale Monferrato: Piemme, 1998). Also published in Spanish as Historia de Italia, translated by Adrián Fuentes Luque (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996); in Polish as Historia Włoch, translated by Joanna Urban (Wrocław: Astrum, 2009); in Chinese (2002); and in Japanese (2005).
2002. Francesco Crispi, 1818–1901: From Nation to Nationalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. First published in Italian as Creare la nazione. Vita di Francesco Crispi, translated by Giovanni Ferrara degli Uberti (Rome–Bari: Laterza, 2000).
2007. The Force of Destiny: A History of Italy since 1796. London: Allen Lane; New York: Houghton Mifflin. Published in Italian as La forza del destino. Storia d’Italia dal 1796 a oggi, translated by Giovanni Ferrara degli Uberti (Rome–Bari: Laterza, 2008; Second edition with an additional note, 2011). Publication in Portuguese forthcoming (Coimbra: Almedina).
2012. Fascist Voices: An Intimate History of Mussolini’s Italy. London: Bodley Head. US edition published in 2013 (New York: Oxford University Press). Published in Italian as Il popolo del Duce. Storia emotiva dell’Italia fascista, translated by Giovanni Ferrara degli Uberti (Rome–Bari: Laterza, 2013). Also published in French as Ils y ont cru: une histoire intime de l’Italie de Mussolini, translated by Cécile Dutheil de la Rochère (Paris: Flammarion, 2013); and in Hungarian as A bódult nemzet. A Mussolini-imádat anatómiája (Budapest: Park, 2016). Publication in Chinese forthcoming (Nanjing: Yilin).
2014. A Concise History of Italy, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Published in Spanish as Historia de Italia, translated by Adrián Fuentes Luque (Madrid: Akal, 2017).
Books with CD as joint author
M.I. Finley, Denis Mack Smith and Christopher Duggan. 1986. A History of Sicily. London: Chatto & Windus. Revised, abridged and updated edition of A History of Sicily, 3 vols, by M.I. Finlay and Denis Mack Smith (London: Chatto & Windus, 1968), with revisions and a new final chapter by CD. US edition published in 1987 (New York: Viking). Published in Italian as Breve storia della Sicilia, translated by Giovanna Codignola (Rome–Bari: Laterza, 1987). Published in German as Geschichte Siziliens und der Sizilianer, translated by Kai Brodersen (Munich: Beck, 1989).
Books with CD as joint editor
Christopher Duggan and Christopher Wagstaff, eds. 1995. Italy in the Cold War: Politics, Culture and Society 1948–58. Oxford: Berg.
Stephen Gundle, Christopher Duggan and Giuliana Pieri, eds. 2013. The Cult of the Duce: Mussolini and the Italians. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Contributions by CD to edited collections and encyclopedias
1995. ‘Italy in the Cold War Years and the Legacy of Fascism’. In Italy and the Cold War, 1–24.
2000. ‘Politics in the Era of Depretis and Crispi, 1870–96’. In Italy in the Nineteenth Century, edited by John A. Davis, 154–180. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2002. ‘Crispi, Francesco’. In The Oxford Companion to Italian Literature, edited by Peter Hainsworth and David Robey, 159. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2004. Various entries in Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Thought, edited by Gregory Claeys (consultant editors: CD et al.). London: Routledge. ‘Garibaldi, Giuseppe (1807–82)’, 175–176; ‘Ideas of War and Peace’, 207–212; ‘Labriola, Antonio (1843–1904)’, 265–266; “Lombroso, Cesare (1835–1909),” 283–284; “Mosca, Gaetano (1858–1941),” 340–341; ‘The Nation, Nationalism and the National Principle’, 349–354; ‘Pareto, Wilfredo (1848–1923)’, 376–377.
2006. ‘Crispi, Francesco’. In Europe 1789 to 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire, 5 vols, edited by John M. Merriman and J.M. Winter, vol. 2. Detroit: Scribner’s.
2007. ‘La politica coloniale di Crispi’. In Alla ricerca delle colonie (1876–1896), edited by Pier Luigi Ballini and Paolo Pecorari, 43–65. Venice: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti.
2007. ‘Gran Bretagna e Italia nel Risorgimento’. In Il Risorgimento (Storia d’Italia, Annali 22), edited by Alberto Mario Banti and Paul Ginsborg, 777–796. Turin: Einaudi.
2008. ‘Giuseppe Mazzini in Britain and Italy: Divergent Legacies, 1837–1915’. In Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalisation of Democratic Nationalism, 1830–1920, edited by C.A. Bayly and Eugenio F. Biagini, 187–207. Oxford: Oxford University Press/British Academy. Also published in 2007 in The Italianist 27 (2): 263–281.
2008. ‘From Namier to Narrative: Reflections on Fifty Years of British Historiography’. In La storiografia tra passato e futuro. Il X Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Storiche (Roma 1955) cinquant’anni dopo: Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma 21–24 settembre 2005, edited by Hans Cools, Manuel Espados Burgos, Michel Gras, Michael Matheus and Massimo Miglio, 213–225. Rome: Unione internazionale degli istituti di archeologia, storia e storia dell’arte in Roma.
2009. ‘Contesto europeo’. In Gli italiani in guerra: conflitti, identità, memorie dal Risorgimento ai nostril giorni (7 vols), vol. 2: Le ‘tre Italie’. Dalla presa di Roma alla Settimana Rossa (1870–1914), edited by Mario Isnenghi and Simon Levis Sullam, 28–47. Turin: UTET.
2009. ‘Una regione in stato d’assedio. La Sicilia fra immaginario e realtà’. In Gli italiani in guerra: conflitti, identità, memorie dal Risorgimento ai nostril giorni (7 vols), vol. 2: Le ‘tre Italie’. Dalla presa di Roma alla Settimana Rossa (1870-1914), edited by Mario Isnenghi and Simon Levis Sullam, 107–117. Turin: UTET.
2010. ‘From Apotheosis to Damnation: Mussolini and the Fascist Regime, 1936–45’. In Against Mussolini: Art and the Fall of a Dictator, catalogue of an exhibition curated by Christopher Adams, Roberta Cremoncini, Stephen Gundle, Giuliana Pieri and Simona Storchi, 7–14. London: Estorick Foundation.
2011. ‘Il culto dell’Uno dal Risorgimento al fascismo’. In L’Italia alla prova dell’Unità, edited by Simonetta Soldani, 41–64. Milan: Franco Angeli, Also published in 2011 in Passato e Presente 83: 76–97.
2013. ‘Political Cults in Liberal Italy, 1861–1922’. In The Cult of the Duce, 11–26.
2013. ‘The Propagation of the Cult of the Duce, 1925–26’. In The Cult of the Duce, 27–40.
2013. ‘The Internalisation of the Cult of the Duce: The Evidence of Diaries and Letters’. In The Cult of the Duce, 129–143.
2014. ‘“A Place in the Sun”: The Conquest of Ethiopia in 1935–1936 as Seen in Contemporary Diaries’. In Totalitarian Dictatorship: New Histories, edited by Daniela Baratieri, Mark Edele and Giuseppe Finaldi, 123–137. London: Routledge.
2016. ‘The Problem of the Nation-State in Italy: Some Long-Term Historical Reflections’. In Crisis as a Permanent Condition? The Italian Political System between Transition and Reform Resistance, edited by Robert Kaiser and Jana Edelmann, 21–34. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Occasional papers
1987. ‘The Sicilian Origins of the Mafia’. Conflict Studies 203 (published by the Centre for Security and Conflict Studies), 21 pp.
Articles by CD in journals
1982. ‘Cesare Mori e il processo ai banditi delle Madonie’. Nuovi Quaderni del Meridione 79: 413–434.
1986. ‘Tipologia dei procedimenti giudiziari’. Area Metropolitana 3 (1): 51–53.
1989. ‘Francesco Crispi and the Legacy of the Risorgimento’. The Historian 25 (Winter): 3–8.
1994. ‘Langage et répression dans le discours politique’. Mezzavoce 2, special issue on ‘Mafia fiction et puissance/Mafia finzione e potere’: 71–72.
1995. ‘Francesco Crispi, the Telegram from Nicola Fabrizi and the Departure of the Mille, 1860’. The Italianist 15: 248–265.
1997. ‘Francesco Crispi, “Political Education” and the Problem of Italian National Consciousness, 1860–1896’. Journal of Modern Italian Studies 2 (2): 141–166.
1997. ‘Francesco Crispi’s exile in London, 1855’. The Italianist Special Supplement 17, ‘In amicizia: Essays in honour of Giulio Lepschy,’ edited by Zygmunt G. Baranski and Lino Pertile: 436–449.
2004. ‘Francesco Crispi and Italy’s Pursuit of War against France, 1887–9’. Australian Journal of Politics & History 50 (3): 315–329.
2007. ‘Giuseppe Mazzini in Britain and Italy: Divergent Legacies, 1837–1915’. The Italianist 27 (2): 263–281. Also published in Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalisation of Democratic Nationalism, 1830–1920, edited by C.A. Bayly and Eugenio F. Biagini, 187–207. Oxford: Oxford University Press/British Academy, 2008.
2010. ‘Francesco Crispi, the problem of the monarchy, and the origins of Italian nationalism’. Journal of Modern Italian Studies 15 (3): 336–353.
2011. ‘Il culto dell’Uno dal Risorgimento al fascismo’. Passato e Presente 83: 76–97. Also published in L’Italia alla prova dell’Unità, edited by Simonetta Soldani, 41–64. Milan: Franco Angeli, 2011.
2011. ‘Francesco Crispi’s Relationship with Britain: From Admiration to Disillusionment’. Modern Italy 16 (4): 427–436.
2013. Stephen Gundle, Christopher Duggan and Giuliana Pieri. ‘Introduction’ (to special issue on ‘The Cult of Mussolini in Twentieth-Century Italy’). Modern Italy 18 (2): 111–115.
Articles by CD in newspapers and periodicals
1986. ‘1927: la mafia alla sbarra’. Il Corriere della Sera, 2 February: 17.
1986. ‘Le armi di burro del prefetto di ferro’. L’Ora, 23 May: 4.
1986. ‘The Grassroots Godfathers’. The Times, 7 July: 10.
1986. ‘The Malignant Mafia’. South China Morning Post, 18 July: 13.
1989. ‘Wanted: A Definition of the Mafia’. Times Higher Education Supplement, 8 December: 15.
1993. ‘La storia della mafia durante il fascismo’. Gazzetta del Sud, 18 August–2 September. 16 consecutive daily articles presenting long extracts from CD’s book La mafia durante il fascismo.
2002. ‘Nation-Building in 19th-Century Italy: The Case of Francesco Crispi’. History Today 52 (2): 9–15.
2009. ‘Italia, una nazione senza lo Stato. Partiti, fazioni e clientele hanno impedito l’affermazione di valori collettivi unificanti’. Il Corriere della Sera, 30 January: 41.
2009. ‘La maledizione dei guelfi e ghibellini. Insicurezza e astratto idealismo: alle radici dell’eterno estremismo italiano’. Il Corriere della Sera, 24 October: 40.
2010. ‘Gli intellettuali del Sud sconfitti dai “lazzaroni”. Cuoco e il divario tra l’idea nazionale e il popolo’. Il Corriere della Sera, 4 December: 21.
2013. ‘Coming to Terms with Italy’s War’. History Today 63 (12): 72.
2013. ‘Ancora scarsa legalità e rischi di demagogia. Ma il Paese può risalire se crederà nello Stato’. Il Corriere della Sera, 31 December: 36.
2014. ‘Italy has One Last Chance with Matteo Renzi – or the Clowns will be Back in Charge’. The Telegraph Online, 26 February.
Response to review
2014. ‘Two New Books on Fascism: A Review, the Authors’ Responses and the Reviewer’s Comments’ [Emilio Gentile; Paul Corner and Christopher Duggan; Emilio Gentile]. Journal of Modern Italian Studies 19 (5): 665–683.
Book reviews and review articles
1983. Garibaldi’s Memoirs, from his Manuscript, Personal Notes and Authentic Sources, edited by Anthony P. Campanella. Nuovi Quaderni del Meridione 81: 141–142.
1985. ‘Orchestrated Obstruction’. Delitto imperfetto. Il generale, la mafia, la società italiana, by Nando Dalla Chiesa. Times Literary Supplement, 2 August: 846.
1985. The Opera Industry in Italy from Cimarosa to Verdi: The Role of the Impresario, by John Rosselli. Music & Letters 66 (2): 155–157.
1986. Storia del Teatro Regio di Torino: vol. 3 La scenografia dalle origini al 1936, by Mercedes Viale Ferrero; vol. 4 L’architettura dalle origini al 1936, by Luciano Tamburini. Music & Letters 67 (1): 73–74.
1986. Rethinking Italian Fascism: Capitalism, Populism and Culture, edited by David Forgacs. ASMI Newsletter (Autumn): 58.
1987. Suicidio per mafia: ricorso al ministro dell’interno (1887), by Giovanna Cirillo Rampolla. ASMI Newsletter (Spring): 32.
1988. Conflict and Control: Law and Order in Nineteenth-Century Italy, by John A. Davis. ASMI Newsletter (Autumn): 21–22.
1988. The Mafia and Clientelism: Roads to Rome in Post-War Calabria, by James Walston. Rivista (September–October): 3–4.
1989. ‘Putting the Boot in’: Feuding, Conflict and Banditry in Nineteenth-Century Corsica, by Stephen Wilson; Conflict and Control: Law and Order in Nineteenth-Century Italy, by John A. Davis. History Today 39 (4): 56.
1989. ‘The Image-Conscious Outlaw’. King of the Mountain: The Life and Death of Giuliano the Bandit, by Billy Jaynes Chandler. Times Literary Supplement, 26 May: 572.
1989. Army, State and Society in Italy, 1870–1915, by John Gooch. ASMI Newsletter (Autumn): 31–32.
1990. ‘Ideas into Bombs’. The Politics of Left-Wing Violence in Italy, 1969–85, by David Moss; Red Brigades: The Story of Italian Terrorism, by Robert C. Meade. Times Literary Supplement, 12 January: 30.
1990. ‘Crime Stories’. The Mafia: The Long Reach of the International Sicilian Mafia, by Claire Sterling. Times Literary Supplement, 23 February: 190.
1990. Italy and its Monarchy, by Denis Mack Smith. ASMI Newsletter (Spring): 31–32.
1990. Renewing Italian Socialism: Nenni to Craxi, by Spencer M. Di Scala. Annals of the American Academy of Political Science 509: 175–176.
1990. ‘Oedipal Soup’. Journey to Rome, by Alberto Moravia. The Observer, 1 July: 57.
1990. ‘Out of Control’. Italian Culture in the Industrial Era, 1880–1980: Cultural Industries, Politics and the Public, by David Forgacs. Times Literary Supplement, 3 August: 816.
1990. ‘Speaking Up for the Losers’. A History of Contemporary Italy: Society and Politics, 1943–1988, by Paul Ginsborg. Times Literary Supplement, 28 September: 1025–1026.
1991. ‘Broad Church Fascism’. A via della Mercede c’era un razzista, by Giampiero Mughini. Times Literary Supplement, 2 August: 23.
1991. All or Nothing: The Axis and the Holocaust 1941–43, by Jonathan Steinberg. Italian Studies 46 (1): 157–158.
1991. Il progresso moderato. Un’opposizione liberale nella svolta dell’Italia crispina (1887–1892), by Fulvio Cammarano. ASMI Newsletter (Autumn): 25–26.
1992. Italy and its Monarchy, by Denis Mack Smith; The Fascist Revolution in Tuscany, 1919–1922, by Frank M. Snowden; An Economic History of Liberal Italy, 1850–1918, by Gianni Toniolo; A Carefully Planned Accident: The Italian War of 1859, by Arnold Blumberg. European History Quarterly 22 (2): 296–301.
1992. ‘To Die in Sicily’. Open Doors, and Three Novellas, by Leonardo Sciascia. New York Times Book Review, 30 August: 10.
1993. ‘Mafia e Stato nell’Italia contemporanea’. Mafia, politica e affari nell’Italia repubblicana, 1943–1991, by Nicola Tranfaglia. Italia Contemporanea 191: 345–348.
1993. La politica estera italiana (1860–1985), edited by Richard J.B. Bosworth and Sergio Romano. European History Quarterly 23 (4): 616–619.
1993. ‘If You Could Make It There … ’. Florence: The Biography of a City, by Christopher Hibbert. New York Times Book Review, 26 December: 4.
1994. The National Integration of Italian Return Migration, 1870–1929, by Dino Cinel. European History Quarterly 24 (1): 158–159.
1994. ‘La mafia raccontata dagli archivi’. Storia della mafia. La criminalità organizzata in Sicilia dalle origini ai giorni nostri, by Salvatore Lupo. Italia Contemporanea 194: 186–190.
1994. ‘Failing to Keep a Grip’. The Crisis of Liberal Italy: Monetary and Financial Policy, 1914–1922, by Douglas J. Forsyth. Times Literary Supplement, 8 April: 26.
1994. Governi, alte cariche dello Stato, alti magistrati e prefetti del Regno d’Italia, edited by Mario Missori. English Historical Review 109 (432): 780–781.
1994. Society and Politics in the Age of the Risorgimento: Essays in Honour of Denis Mack Smith, edited by John A. Davis and Paul Ginsborg. Italian Studies 49: 140–141.
1995. Giuseppe Petroni dallo stato pontificio all’Italia unita, edited by Romano Ugolini and Vincenzo Pirro. English Historical Review 110: 232–233.
1995. The Art of the Macchia and the Risorgimento: Representing Culture and Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Italy, by Albert Boime. Italian Studies 50: 179–180.
1996. Luigi Pianciani tra riforme e rivoluzione, edited by Romano Ugolini. English Historical Review 111: 229.
1996. Per amore di patria. Patriottismo e nazionalismo nella storia, by Maurizio Viroli. Italia Contemporanea 204: 587–589.
1997. Regioni di frontiera nell’epoca dei nazionalismi. Alsazia e Lorena/Trento e Trieste (1870–1914), edited by Angelo Ara and Eberhard Kolb. English Historical Review 112 (449): 1318–1319.
1997. The New Italian Republic: From the Fall of the Berlin Wall to Berlusconi, edited by Stephen Gundle and Simon Parker. Political Studies 45 (4): 815–816.
1998. ‘A Good Catholic’. The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara, by David I. Kertzer. Times Literary Supplement, February 6: 28.
1998. Society and the Professions in Italy, 1860–1914, edited by Maria Malatesta. English Historical Review 113: 1019–1020.
1998. Italian Regionalism: History, Identity and Politics, edited by Carl Levy. English Historical Review 113: 1357–1358.
1999. Sicily and the Unification of Italy: Liberal Policy and Local Power, 1859–1866, by Lucy Riall. English Historical Review 114: 1346–1347.
1999. Railways and the Formation of the Italian State in the Nineteenth Century, by Albert Schram. Modern Italy 4 (1): 116–117.
2000. ‘Imperfectly Executed’. Mario Sironi and Italian Modernism: Art and Politics under Fascism, by Emily Braun. Times Literary Supplement, 3 November: 15.
2000. ‘The First Third Way’. Common Destiny: Dictatorship, Foreign Policy, and War in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, by MacGregor Knox. Times Literary Supplement, 1 December: 34.
2001. L’Altare della Patria, by Bruno Tobia. Modern Italy 6 (1): 105–106.
2001. ‘The Silence: Continuing the Debate over Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust’. Under His Very Windows: The Vatican and the Holocaust in Italy, by Susan Zuccotti. New York Times, 4 February: Book Review, 34.
2002. ‘At the Crossroads of Europe’. Storia d’Italia. Le regioni dall’Unità a oggi. Vol. 16: La Lombardia, edited by Duccio Bigazzi and Marco Meriggi. Times Literary Supplement, 31 May: 26.
2002. The Politics of Italian National Identity, edited by Gino Bedani and Bruce Haddock. English Historical Review 117 (472): 749–750.
2003. Italy and its Discontents: Family, Civil Society, State, 1980–2001, by Paul Ginsborg. History 88 (1): 183–184.
2003. ‘Under a Volcano: How Southern Italy was Different, Disparaged and Demonized’. The View from Vesuvius: Italian Culture and the Southern Question, by Nelson Moe. Times Literary Supplement, 14 February: 3–4.
2003. Il giovane Sonnino. Fra cultura e politica 1847–1866, by Paola Carlucci. Modern Italy 8 (1): 115–116.
2003. ‘Regime without Substance’. Mussolini, by R.J.B. Bosworth. Times Literary Supplement, 4 April: 26.
2003. ‘Demons for the Duce’. Mussolini, by Nicholas Farrell; Mussolini and the Origins of the Second World War, 1933–1940, by Robert Mallett. Times Literary Supplement, 26 September: 28.
2003. La società italiana dall’unificazione alla Grande Guerra, by Giovanni Montroni. Journal of Modern Italian Studies 8 (2): 304–305.
2003. I documenti diplomatici italiani. Seconda serie: 1870–1896. Vol. XX (26 luglio 1886–30 luglio 1887), published by the Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Historical Journal 46 (4): 1020–1024.
2003. Making and Remaking Italy: The Cultivation of National Identity around the Risorgimento, edited by Albert Russell Ascoli and Krystyna von Henneburg. English Historical Review 118: 1077–1078.
2004. Twentieth Century Italy: A Social History, by Jonathan Dunnage. English Historical Review 119: 1458–1459.
2004. Making Liberalism Work: The Italian Experience, 1860–1914, by Susan A. Ashley. American Historical Review 109 (5): 1670–1671.
2004. Trasformismo, autoritarismo, meridionalismo. Il ministro dell’interno Giovanni Nicotera, by Marco De Nicolò. Journal of Modern Italian Studies 9 (4): 486–487.
2004. Silvio Berlusconi: Television, Power and Patrimony, by Paul Ginsborg. Times Literary Supplement, 17 December: 30.
2005. Rome or Death: The Obsessions of General Garibaldi, by Daniel Pick. History Today 55 (10): 56–57.
2007. Garibaldi: Invention of a Hero, by Lucy Riall. Times Higher Education, 29 June: 22.
2008. ‘Italy Unmade’. The White War: Life and Death on the Italian Front, 1915–1919, by Mark Thompson. Times Literary Supplement, 12 September: 26.
2008. ‘Matrimonio all’italiana’. Debating Divorce in Italy: Marriage and the Making of Modern Italian, 1860–1974, by Mark Seymour. Times Literary Supplement, 29 February: 37.
2008. ‘The Dawn of Il Duce’. Mussolini and the Rise of Fascism, by Donald Sassoon. Literary Review (February): 5–6.
2008. Emigrant Nation: The Making of Italy Abroad, by Mark I. Choate. Times Higher Education, 28 August: 50.
2011. Monarchie et identité nationale en Italie (1861–1900), by Catherine Brice. American Historical Review 116 (2): 536–537.
2013. L’inchiostro dei vinti: stampa e ideologia neofascista 1945–1953, by Elisabetta Cassina Wolff. Contemporary Italian Politics 5 (3): 325–326.
2013. ‘Blessed are They’. The Pike: Gabriele d’Annunzio, Poet, Seducer and Preacher of War, by Lucy Hughes-Hallett. Times Literary Supplement, 8 March: 12–13.
2014. ‘Afflicting the City’. The Skin, by Curzio Malaparte. Times Literary Supplement, 24 January: 20.
2014. The Fascist Party and Popular Opinion in Mussolini’s Italy, by Paul Corner. European History Quarterly 44 (3): 522–523.
2014. Cattolici e fascisti. La Santa Sede e la politica italiana all’alba del regime (1919–1925), by Alberto Guasco. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 65 (2): 464–465.
2015. ‘Divergent Futures’. The Emperor of Ice-Cream, by Dan Gunn. Times Literary Supplement, 3 April: 20.
2015. Il professorino. Giuseppe Dossetti tra crisi del fascismo e construzione della democrazia, 1940–1948, by Enrico Gavalotti. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 66 (3): 681–682.
2016. Catholic Women’s Movements in Liberal and Fascist Italy, by Helena Dawes. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 67 (2): 459–460.
I would like to thank Jennifer Mundy, David Robey, Michele Topham and Stephen Gundle for their assistance, advice, and willingness to help.
Notes on contributor
Stuart Oglethorpe is an Honorary Research Fellow and former Lecturer in Italian Studies at the University of Manchester. He now works principally as a freelance translator.