Let G1,… Gn be groups, let *Gi be their free product, and let ´ Gi be their direct product. A homomorphism
may be defined by requiring it to be trivial on Gj and the identity on Gi for i ¹ j. Let [G1 … Gn] = Çker pj. P. J. Hilton [2] proves that [G1, …, Gn] is a free group, and, if HiÌGi, i = 1, …, n, that [H1,… Hn] is a free factor of [G1 … Gn]. He asks whether, if Hλi Ì Gi, λ = 1, …, k, i = 1, …, n, and Hλ = [Hλ1, …, Hλn] the group generated by the Hλ is a free factor of [G1, …, Gn].