1. Introduction
Constructing Zariski dense surface subgroups in
has attracted attention as a step to finding thin groups, these are infinite index subgroups of a lattice in
which are Zariski dense. Finding thin subgroups inside lattices in a variety of Lie groups has been a topic of significant interest in recent years, in part from the connections thin groups have to expanders and the affine sieve of Bourgain, Gamburd and Sarnak [
Reference Bourgain, Gamburd and SarnakBGS10, Reference SarnakSar14
Though thin subgroups are in a sense generic [
Reference FuchsFuc14, Reference Fuchs and RivinFR17
], finding particular specimens of thin surface subgroups in a given lattice remains a difficult task. In this direction, in 2011 Long, Reid and Thistlethwaite [
Reference Long, Reid and ThistlethwaiteLRT11
] produced the first infinite family of nonconjugate thin surface groups in
. Their approach relies on parametrising a family of representations
of the triangle group
in the Hitchin component, so that for every
$t\in \mathbb{Z}$
the subgroup
is in
and has integral traces. By results of Bass [
Reference BassBas80
] these two properties together with
being non-solvable and finitely generated guarantee that it is conjugate to a subgroup of
. In 2018 Long and Thistlethwaite [
Reference Long and ThistlethwaiteLT18
] used a similar approach to obtain an infinite family of non-conjugate Zariski dense surface subgroups in
Ballas and Long [
Reference Ballas and LongBL18
] in turn used the idea of “bending” a representation of the fundamental group of a hyperbolic n-manifold
along an embedded totally geodesic and separating hypersurface to obtain thin groups in
which are isomorphic to
. The aim of this paper is to combine the aforementioned approaches to construct a family of Zariski dense rational surface group representations by bending orbifold representations. Our main result is the following:
Theorem 1. For every surface S finitely covering the orbifold
and every odd
there exists a path of discrete, faithful and irreducible representations
$\rho_t \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1(S) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
, so that:
$\rho_0(\pi_1(S)) < SL(n,\mathbb{Z})$ ;
$\rho_t$ is Zariski dense for every
$t>0$ ; and
$\rho_t(\pi_1(S)) < SL(n,\mathbb{Q})$ for every
$t\in \mathbb{Q}$ .
Every representation
in Theorem 1 is a surface Hitchin representation. Several of its properties are derived from the seminal work of Labourie [
Reference LabourieLab06
] on Anosov representations, the classification of Zariski closures of surface Hitchin representations by Guichard [
Reference GuichardGui
], and the recent introduction of orbifold Hitchin representations by Alessandrini, Lee and Schaffhauser [
Reference Alessandrini, Lee and SchaffhauserALS19
]. We provide an overview of these results in Sections 2 and 3. The discussion in these sections applies to all n, with the assumption of odd n coming into play later in Section 4. At the end of Section 3 we also prove the following criterion for Zariski density, which will be subsequently used to discard Zariski closures.
Proposition 2. Let
$\rho \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
be an orbifold Hitchin representation such that:
is even then
is not conjugate to a subgroup of
is odd then
is not conjugate to a subgroup of
is Zariski dense in
for every finite index subgroup H of
In Section 4 we give a general construction to obtain a path of representations as in Theorem 1. This is based on bending the fundamental group
of a hyperbolic 2-dimensional orbifold along a simple closed curve in
with infinite order as an element of
. Theorem 1 then follows from applying the results in Section 2 to a suitable representation of the fundamental group of the orbifold
whose underlying topological space is
and has four cone points of order 3. This final step is covered in Section 5.
Remark. During the finalisation of this project, Long and Thistlethwaite used bending to construct thin surface groups in
for every odd n [
Reference Long and ThistlethwaiteLT20
], the even case remains open.
2. Hitchin representations
In this section we give a short overview of surface and orbifold Hitchin representations.
Recall that a subgroup
is irreducible if the only invariant subspaces for the action of H on
. A representation
$\rho: \Gamma \to GL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is said to be irreducible if the image subgroup
is irreducible, and it is strongly irreducible if the restriction of
to every finite index subgroup is irreducible. These characteristics are defined similarly for projective representations
$\rho\;:\;\thinspace\Gamma \to PGL(n,\mathbb{R})$
2·1. Spaces of representations
Let G be a Lie group and let
be a group with a finite presentation
$\langle \alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_k \ | \ r_1, \ldots , r_m \rangle$
. Then every relator
defines a map
$R_i \;:\;\thinspace G^k \to G$
. If we let
$\text{Hom}(\Gamma, G) = \cap_{i=1}^m R_i^{-1}(Id)$
, then the map
$\phi \mapsto (\phi(\alpha_1), \ldots, \phi(\alpha_k))$
is a bijection between the set of all group homomorphisms from
to G and
$\text{Hom}(\Gamma, G)$
. We will regard
$\text{Hom}(\Gamma, G)$
as having the subspace topology from
$\text{Hom}^+(\Gamma, G)$
be the subset of representations in
which decompose as a direct sum of irreducible representations and let
$\text{Rep}^+(\Gamma, G) = \text{Hom}^+(\Gamma,G)/G$
be the quotient space by the conjugation action. With the quotient topology
$\text{Rep}^+(\Gamma, G)$
has the structure of an algebraic variety [
Reference Bradlow, Garca-Prad, Goldman and WienhardBGPGW07
, section 5·2].
In the following we will frequently use the representation

given by the action of
on the vector space
of homogeneous polynomials in 2 variables of degree
. It is known that the representation
is absolutely irreducible and is, up to conjugation, the unique irreducible representation from
. This representation induces a projective representation
$\omega_n \;:\;\thinspace PSL(2,\mathbb{R}) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
which is also irreducible and unique up to conjugation.
2·2. Hitchin representations of surface groups
Let S be a closed surface of genus
. In 1988 Goldman proved that
connected components, two of which are diffeomorphic to
and called these Teichmüller spaces [
Reference GoldmanGol88
, theorem A] [
Reference HitchinHit92
, theorem 10·2]. The two Teichmüller spaces
are precisely the sets of conjugacy classes by
of Fuchsian representations, which are discrete and faithful representations
$\rho\;:\;\thinspace \pi_1(S) \to PSL(2,\mathbb{R})\equiv\text{Isom}^+(\mathbb{H}^{2} )$
Definition 3. For
a representation
$r\;:\;\thinspace \pi_1(S) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is called Fuchsian if it can be decomposed as
$r = \omega_n\circ r_0$
$r_0\;:\;\thinspace \pi_1(S)\to PSL(2,\mathbb{R})$
is discrete and faithful, and
$\omega_n\;:\;\thinspace PSL(2,\mathbb{R})\to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is the unique irreducible representation introduced in Section 2·1.
Definition 4. The Fuchsian locus is the set of all
conjugacy classes of Fuchsian representations, namely the set
The space
$\text{Rep}^+(\pi_1(S), PSL(n,\mathbb{R}))$
has three topological connected components if n is odd and 6 if n is even [
Reference HitchinHit92
, theorem 10·2]. The Fuchsian locus is contained in one component in the odd case and in two components in the even case. Each of these distinguished components, called Hitchin components, is diffeomorphic to
. When
is even, both Hitchin components are related by an inner automorphism of
. In the odd case, where there is only one component, we will denote the Hitchin component by
Definition 5. Let S be a closed surface of genus greater than one. A representation
$r \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1(S) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is a surface Hitchin representation if its
-conjugacy class belongs to a Hitchin component of
In [
Reference LabourieLab06
], Labourie introduces Anosov representations and proves that surface Hitchin representations are B-Anosov where B is any Borel subgroup of
. This gives surface Hitchin representations essential algebraic properties, out of which we will use Theorem 7 below.
Definition 6 ([
Reference Bridgeman, Canary and LabourieBCL20
, section 2·2]). A matrix
$A\in SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is purely loxodromic if it is diagonalizable over
with eigenvalues of distinct modulus. If
$A \in PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
then we say A is purely loxodromic if any lift of A to an element of
is purely loxodromic.
Theorem 7 ([
Reference LabourieLab06
, theorem 1·5, lemma 10·1]). A surface Hitchin representation
$r\;:\;\thinspace \pi_1(S) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is discrete, faithful and strongly irreducible. Moreover, the image of every non-trivial element of
under r is purely loxodromic.
2·3. Hitchin representations of orbifold groups
be a 2-dimensional closed orbifold of negative orbifold Euler characteristic
and let
be its orbifold fundamental group. In [
Reference ThurstonThu78
] Thurston proves there is a connected component of the representation space
$\text{Rep}(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}), PGL(2,\mathbb{R}))$
that parametrizes hyperbolic structures on
. This component is called the Teichmüller space of the orbifold
, we will denote it by
. As with surfaces, the orbifold Teichmüller space consists of conjugacy classes of discrete and faithful representations of
$PGL(2,\mathbb{R}) \equiv \text{Isom}(\mathbb{H}^{2} )$
, which we will call Fuchsian representations too. More recently, Alessandrini, Lee, and Schaffhauser used the irreducible representation
to define the Hitchin component
as the unique connected component in this representation space which contains the connected Fuchsian locus
Reference Alessandrini, Lee and SchaffhauserALS19
, definition 2·3] and prove
is homeomorphic to an open ball [
Reference Alessandrini, Lee and SchaffhauserALS19
, theorem 1·2].
Definition 8 ([
Reference Alessandrini, Lee and SchaffhauserALS19
, definition 2·4]). Let
be a 2-dimensional connected closed orbifold with negative orbifold Euler characteristic. A representation
$r\;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to PGL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is an orbifold Hitchin representation if its
-conjugacy class belongs to the Hitchin component
$\text{Hit}(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}), PGL(n,\mathbb{R}))$
The definition of Anosov representations has been generalized by Guichard and Wienhard [
Reference Guichard and WienhardGW12
, definition 2·10] to include representations of word hyperbolic groups into semisimple Lie groups. With this more general definition, and just as their surface counterparts, orbifold Hitchin representations are also B-Anosov where B is a Borel subgroup of
Reference Alessandrini, Lee and SchaffhauserALS19
, proposition 2·26] and thus share some strong algebraic properties.
Theorem 9 ([
Reference Alessandrini, Lee and SchaffhauserALS19
, theorem 1·1]). An orbifold Hitchin representation
$r\;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to PGL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is discrete, faithful and strongly irreducible. Moreover, the image of every infinite order element of
under r is purely loxodromic.
3. Zariski dense Hitchin representations
In this section we focus on Zariski density of Hitchin representations and prove Corollary 15 which gives a criterion to determine when the image of a finite index subgroup of an orbifold group under a Hitchin representation is Zariski dense.
3·1. Zariski closures of Hitchin representations
Let G be an algebraic matrix Lie group, then G has both its standard topology as a subset of some
and the Zariski topology. If X is a subset of G then its Zariski closure is the closure of X in G with respect to the Zariski topology. We say a subgroup
is Zariski dense in G if its Zariski closure equals G. A representation
$r\;:\;\thinspace \Gamma \to G$
is Zariski dense if
is Zariski dense in G.
The image of the irreducible representation
$\omega_n\;:\;\thinspace PSL(2,\mathbb{R}) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is contained, if n is even, in a conjugate of
$PSp(n, \mathbb{R})$
, which is the projectivisation of the symplectic group
$Sp(n, \mathbb{R})$
. If
$n = 2k + 1$
is odd, the image of
is contained in a conjugate of the orthogonal group
$SO(k, k + 1) = PSO(k,k+1)$
. This implies that the images of Fuchsian representations are contained in (a conjugate of)
or in
and, in particular, they are not Zariski dense. More generally, for surface Hitchin representations Guichard [
Reference GuichardGui
] has announced a classification of Zariski closures of their lifts. An alternative proof of this result has been given recently by Sambarino [
Reference SambarinoSam20
, corallary 1·5] The version of this result we cite here comes from theorem 11·7 in [
Reference Bridgeman, Canary, Labourie and SambarinoBCLS15
Theorem 10 ([
Reference GuichardGui, Reference SambarinoSam20
]). If
$r \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1(S) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is the lift of a surface Hitchin representation and H is the Zariski closure of
, then:
is even, H is conjugate to either
is odd and
, then H is conjugate to either
, then H is conjugate to either
, SO(3,4) or
3·2. A criterion for Zariski density
Here we prove Proposition 2 which gives us a criterion to find Zariski dense Hitchin representations.
Lemma 11. Let
$\rho \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
with n even be an orbifold Hitchin representation. Then for every
$[\alpha] \in \pi_1({\mathcal{O}})$
of infinite order there is a lift
$A \in SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
which has n positive distinct eigenvalues.
Proof. First consider a Fuchsian representation
$\sigma \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to PSL(2,\mathbb{R})$
an infinite order element of
. Since
is a hyperbolic orbifold,
is conjugate to a hyperbolic element
$\begin{bmatrix} \lambda & 0 \\[5pt] 0 & \frac{1}{\lambda} \end{bmatrix} \in PSL(2,\mathbb{R})$
. We can lift this element to a matrix
$\begin{pmatrix} \lambda & 0 \\[5pt] 0 & \frac{1}{\lambda} \end{pmatrix} \in SL(2,\mathbb{R})$
$\lambda >0$
. Let
$\tilde\omega_n \;:\;\thinspace SL(2,\mathbb{R}) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
be the unique irreducible representation in (1), then
$\tilde\omega_n\begin{pmatrix} \lambda & 0 \\[5pt] 0 & \frac{1}{\lambda} \end{pmatrix} \in SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
has n distinct positive eigenvalues
$\lambda^{n-1}, \lambda^{n-3}, \ldots, \lambda^{-(n-3)}, \lambda^{-(n-1)}$
and is a lift of
$\omega_n\circ\sigma([\alpha])\in PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
Now consider a Hitchin representation
$\rho\;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
. Let
be a path of Hitchin representations such that
is Fuchsian and
. This induces a path
$\rho_t([\alpha]) \subset PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
. By the previous argument we may lift
to a path
$\tilde{A}_t \in SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
such that
has n distinct positive eigenvalues. Since each eigenvalue of
varies continuously and
$\det\tilde{A}_t \neq 0$
, all eigenvalues of
are positive. Moreover, by Theorem 9 the absolute values of the eigenvalues of
are distinct. This in turn implies all the eigenvalues of
are distinct. Therefore
$\tilde{A}_1 \in SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is a lift of
with n positive distinct eigenvalues.
To prove our criterion for Zariski density (Propositions 13 and 14) we will make use of the following theorem by Culver.
Theorem 12 ([
Reference CulverCul66
, theorem 2]). Let C be a real square matrix. Then the equation
has a unique real solution X if and only if all the eigenvalues of C are positive real and no elementary divisor (Jordan block) of C belonging to any eigenvalue appears more than once.
Proposition 13. Let
$\rho\;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
with n even be an orbifold Hitchin representation so that
is not conjugate to a subgroup of
. If S is a surface finitely covering
is Zariski dense.
Proof. Let S be a surface finitely covering
and suppose that
is conjugate to a subgroup of
. Then there exists an alternating form
$\Omega\in SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
such that
$Sp(\Omega) = \{ g \in SL(n,\mathbb{R}) \ | \ g^T\Omega g = \Omega \}$
$\rho(\pi_1(S)) \subset PSp(\Omega) = Sp(\Omega)/\pm I$
$[\alpha] \in \pi_1({\mathcal{O}})$
be an infinite order element. By Lemma 11 we can lift
$\rho([\alpha]) \in PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
to a matrix
$A\in SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
with n positive distinct eigenvalues. Since
has finite index in
there exists a
$k\in \mathbb{N}$
such that
$\rho([\alpha])^k \in \rho(\pi_1(S))$
. Then
is a lift of
$A^k \in Sp(\Omega)$
. Given that A has n positive distinct eigenvalues, by Theorem 12 there is a unique
$X\in M_{n\times n}(\mathbb{R})$
such that
$\exp\!(X) = A$
. Then using that
$\exp\!(kX) = A^k$
we get that

Applying Theorem 12 now to
we obtain that

This implies that
$kX \in \mathfrak{sp}(\Omega)$
and thus
$A = \exp\!(X)\in Sp(\Omega)$
. Given that A is a lift of
, we have that
$\rho([\alpha]) \in PSp(\Omega)$
. Since
is generated by its infinite order elements we get that
$\rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}})) \subset PSp(\Omega)$
, a contradiction. So it cannot be that
is conjugate to a subgroup of
. In particular, if r is a lift of the Hitchin surface representation
then the Zariski closure of
cannot be conjugate to a subgroup of
. By Theorem 10 it must be that the Zariski closure of
. Therefore the Zariski closure of
In the case when
is odd, by Theorem 10 the Zariski closure of
is a surface Hitchin representation is either conjugate to a subgroup of
or equals
. By assuming there exists a symmetric bilinear form J such that
$\rho(\pi_1(S)) \subset SO(J)$
we have an analogous proof to that of Proposition 13 to get a criterion for Zariski density of surface Hitchin representations in the odd case.
Proposition 14. Let
$\rho\;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
with n odd be an orbifold Hitchin representation such that there is no real quadratic form J for which
$\rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}))\subset SO(J)$
. If S is a surface finitely covering
is Zariski dense.
Given that any finite index subgroup of
contains a surface subgroup which has finite index in
we obtain the following result.
Proposition 15. Let
$\rho \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
be an orbifold Hitchin representation such that:
is even then
is not conjugate to a subgroup of
is odd then
is not conjugate to a subgroup of
Then for every finite index subgroup H of
the image
is Zariski dense in
4. Bending representations of orbifold groups
Theorem 19 in this section gives a general construction of a path
of Zariski dense Hitchin surface representations into
for odd n. By requiring that the initial representation
has image inside
we obtain Corollary 20, in which every representation
$t\in \mathbb{Q}$
also has image in
4·1. Bending representations
be a 2-dimensional orientable connected closed orbifold of negative orbifold Euler characteristic and
be open connected suborbifolds with connected intersection
${\mathcal{O}}_L\cap {\mathcal{O}}_R$
. Given a representation
$\rho \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to G$
there is a standard way of “bending”
by an element
of the centraliser in G of
$\rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L\cap {\mathcal{O}}_R))$
to obtain a representation
$\rho_\delta \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \simeq \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)\ast_{\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L\cap{\mathcal{O}}_R)}\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_R)\to G$
so that
$\rho_\delta(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}})) = \langle \rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)), \delta \rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_R))\delta^{-1}\rangle$
(see for example [
Reference GoldmanGol87
, section 5].
From now onwards we will consider the case where there is a simple closed curve
$\gamma \subset {\mathcal{O}}$
, not parallel to a cone point, that divides
into two orbifolds
which share
as their common boundary, so that
$\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \simeq \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)\ast_{\langle [\gamma] \rangle}\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_R).$
Proposition 16. Let
$\rho \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}})\simeq \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)\ast_{\langle [\gamma] \rangle}\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_R) \to SL(n,\mathbb{Q})$
be a representation for which
has n distinct positive eigenvalues. Then there exists a path of representations
$\rho_t \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
such that:
$\rho_0 = \rho$ ;
$\rho_t(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}})) = \langle \rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)),\delta_t \rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_R)) \delta_t^{-1}\rangle$ for some
$\delta_t\in SL(n,\mathbb{R})$ which commutes with
$\rho([\gamma])$ ; and
$\rho_t$ has image in
$SL(n,\mathbb{Q})$ for every
$t\in \mathbb{Q}$ .
Proof. The matrix
is conjugate to a diagonal matrix D with entries
$\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_n >0$
along its diagonal. Now for every

Notice that
$\det(t\rho([\gamma]) + I) = \det(tD + I) = \Pi_{k=1}^{n}(t\lambda_i +1)>0$
, so
$t\rho([\gamma]) +I$
is invertible for all t. Then each
is in
and we can check that
commutes with
. Since
is a rational representation, whenever
$t\in \mathbb{Q}$
the matrix
$t\rho([\gamma]) + I$
has rational entries and non-zero determinant.
$\rho_t \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
be the representation such that
$\rho_t(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}})) = \langle \rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)),\delta_t \rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_R)) \delta_t^{-1}\rangle$
. Notice that
$\rho_0 = \rho$
and that for every
the representation
has image in
4·2. Discarding Zariski closures
For the rest of Section 4 we focus on the case where
is odd. Recall that in this case
$SL(n,\mathbb{R}) \equiv PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
Lemma 17. Let
$\rho\;:\;\thinspace\Gamma \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
be an irreducible representation and suppose there is a quadratic form J such that
$\rho(\Gamma )\subset SO(J)$
. Then J is unique up to scaling.
Proof. Suppose
$\rho(\Gamma)< SO(J_1)\cap SO(J_2)$
. Then for any
$\rho(\gamma) \in \rho(\Gamma)$
we have that

which implies that
$\rho(\gamma)J_1J_2^{-1} = J_1J_2^{-1}\rho(\gamma).$
Since n is odd,
has a real eigenvalue
. Then
$\text{Ker} (J_1J_2^{-1} - \lambda I)$
is a non-zero invariant subspace for the irreducible representation
, which implies
$J_1 = \lambda J_2$
Proposition 18. Let
$\rho \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}})\simeq \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)\ast_{\langle [\gamma] \rangle}\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_R) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
be a representation in which the restrictions
are irreducible and
has n positive distinct eigenvalues. Suppose there is a quadratic form J such that
$\rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}))\subset SO(J)$
. Then there exists a path of representations
$\rho_t \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
such that:
$\rho_0 = \rho$ and
(ii) for each
$t>0$ there is no quadratic form
$\tilde{J}$ such that
$\rho_t(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}))\subset SO(\tilde{J})$ .
Proof. By Proposition 16 there are
$\delta_t\in SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
that commute with
, with which we can construct a path of representations
$\rho_t\;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}})\to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
such that
$\rho_t(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}})) = \langle \rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)),\delta_t \rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_R)) \delta_t^{-1}\rangle$
Now fix
. Suppose there exists a quadratic form
such that
$\rho_t(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}})) \subset SO(\tilde{J})$
. Since
$\rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}})) \subset SO(J)$
, in particular
$\rho_t(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)) = \rho_0(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)) \subset SO(J)\cap SO(\tilde{J})$
. The restriction
is irreducible, so by Lemma 17 J is a real multiple of
. Similarly, by construction
$\rho_t (\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_R)) \subset SO(\delta_t J \delta_t^T)\cap SO(\tilde{J})$
is irreducible too. Thus
$\delta_t J \delta_t^T$
is also a multiple of
. This implies there is a
$\lambda \in \mathbb{R}$
such that
$\lambda J = \delta_t J \delta_t^T$
and then
$\lambda^n = \det(\delta_t)^2 =1.$
Since n is odd it must be that
$\lambda =1 $
and we obtain
$\delta_t \in SO(J)$
. Given that

$J = \delta_tJ\delta_t^T$
would imply that
$ \mu I = \rho([\gamma])^{-1} + \rho([\gamma])$
for some
$\mu\in \mathbb{R}$
. Recall that
is conjugate to a diagonal matrix D whose eigenvalues are all distinct. If
$\mu I = \rho([\gamma])^{-1} + \rho([\gamma])$
then by conjugating we would obtain that
$\mu I = D^{-1} + D$
, which is not the case given that
4·3. Representations of surface groups
Recall we are assuming that
is a 2-dimensional orientable connected closed orbifold of negative orbifold Euler characteristic. Such orbifolds are always finitely covered by a surface S of genus greater than one, so
is a finite index subgroup of
. Given a representation
$\rho \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to G$
we will denote the restriction of
Theorem 19. Suppose
$\pi_1({\mathcal{O}})\simeq \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)\ast_{\langle [\gamma] \rangle}\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_R)$
an infinite order element. Let
$\rho \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
be an orbifold Fuchsian representation such that the restrictions
are irreducible. If S is a surface finitely covering
then there exists a path of representations
$\rho^S_t \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1(S) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
such that
$\rho^S_0 = \rho^S$
is a Zariski dense surface Hitchin representation for each
Proof. Since
$\rho\;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is an orbifold Hitchin representation with odd
has infinite order, then
has n positive distinct real eigenvalues. Moreover, since
is Fuchsian its image is contained in a conjugate of
. Using Proposition 18 we obtain a path of representations
$\rho_t \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
such that
$\rho_0 = \rho$
and for each
there is no real quadratic form J such that
$\rho_t(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}))\subset SO(J)$
. By Proposition 14 each
is Zariski dense in
Now consider the continuous path
$[\rho_t] \in \text{Rep}(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}),PGL(n,\mathbb{R}))$
. Its image is connected so all
-conjugacy classes
are contained in the same connected component of
. Because the representation
$\rho_0 = \rho$
is Fuchsian,
is in the Hitchin component
$\text{Hit}(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}), PGL(n,\mathbb{R}))$
and so is every
. Thus, by Theorem 9, each
is discrete, faithful and strongly irreducible. Since
has finite index in
, each restriction
$\rho^S_t \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1(S) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is irreducible. In particular
is a surface Fuchsian representation. Then
is a continuous path in
$[\rho_0^S] \in \text{Hit}(\pi_1(S),SL(n,\mathbb{R}))$
. Since the Hitchin component is path connected
$[\rho^S_t] \in \text{Hit}(\pi_1(S),SL(n,\mathbb{R}))$
for all
To finish this section notice that the construction of the path of Zariski dense representations in the previous theorem is based on Proposition 16, so we may add the assumption of
$\rho(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}))\subset SL(n,\mathbb{Q})$
to obtain that the image of every
is in
for every
$t\in \mathbb{Q}$
Corollary 20. Let
$\rho \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}})\to PSL(n,\mathbb{Q})$
be a representation satisfying the assumptions of Theorem 19. If S is a surface finitely covering
then there exists a path
$\rho^S_t \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1(S) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
of Hitchin representations such that
$\rho^S_0 = \rho^S$
is Zariski dense for each
has image in
for every
$t\in \mathbb{Q}$
5. Representations of
In this section we look at the orbifold
and find a Fuchsian representation
$\rho \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_{3,3,3,3})\to SL(n,\mathbb{Z})$
satisfying the assumptions of Corollary 20.
5·1. The orbifold
In what follows we focus on the triangle group
$\Delta(3,4,4) \subset PSL(2,\mathbb{R})$
. If we let T be the hyperbolic triangle with angles
, then the generators of
are the rotations x and y by
around the corresponding vertices of T. This group has presentation

The fundamental domain for the action of
$\mathbb{H}^{2} $
is a quadrilateral with angles
. The quotient
$\mathbb{H}^{2} /\Delta(3,4,4)$
is homeomorphic to the orbifold
whose underlying topological space is
and has three cone points of orders
$3,\ 4$
and 4 (Figure 1). This defines, up to conjugation, an isomorphism
$\pi_1(S^2(3,4,4))\to \Delta(3,4,4)\subset PSL(2,\mathbb{R})$

Fig. 1. Orbifold
$\theta_1 = x $
$ \theta_i = y\theta_{i-1}y^{-1} $
$ i = 2,3,4$
, then
$\langle \theta_1, \ldots, \theta_4 \rangle$
the quotient of
$\mathbb{H}^{2} $
by the action of
$\langle \theta_1, \ldots, \theta_4 \rangle$
is homeomorphic to the orbifold
with underlying topological space
and 4 cone points of order 3. By construction, we obtain that
is an index four orbifold covering of
. If
$ \gamma_1, \ldots, \gamma_4$
are loops around the cone points of
, then the orbifold fundamental group has the presentation

Identifying each
$ \gamma_i$
with the rotation
gives an isomorphism
$\pi_1(\mathcal{O}_{3,3,3,3})\cong \langle \theta_1, \ldots, \theta_4\rangle$
which defines (up to conjugation) a discrete and faithful representation

It follows from the Borel density theorem that
is a Zariski dense representation.
5·2. Rational representations of
We will now focus on the case
and the representation
$ \omega_n \circ \sigma \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1(\mathcal{O}_{3,3,3,3}) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R}),$
is the representation defined in (4) and
$\omega_n\;:\;\thinspace PSL(2,\mathbb{R}) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R}) =SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
the irreducible representation introduced in Section 3·1. Since
$\omega_n\circ \sigma$
is an orbifold Fuchsian representation, it is irreducible. The following result implies that we can conjugate
$\omega_n\circ \sigma$
to obtain an integral representation

Proposition 21 ([
Reference Long and ThistlethwaiteLT20
, theorem 2·1]). Let
$\omega_n\;:\;\thinspace PSL(2,\mathbb{R}) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
be the unique irreducible representation between these groups. Then for every odd n the restriction
$\phi_n = \omega_n |_{\Delta(3,4,4)}$
is conjugate to a representation
$\rho_n \;:\;\thinspace \Delta(3,4,4) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{Z})$
Now let
$\gamma \subset {\mathcal{O}}_{3,3,3,3}$
be a simple closed loop dividing
into two orbifolds
which share
as their common boundary and have two cone points of order 3 each. Then
$[\gamma] \in \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_{3,3,3,3})$
is an infinite order element and
$\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_{3,3,3,3}) \simeq \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)\ast_{\langle [\gamma] \rangle}\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_R).$
Proposition 22. Let
$\rho\;:\;\thinspace \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_{3,3,3,3}) \simeq \pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)\ast_{\langle [\gamma] \rangle}\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_R) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{Z})$
be the representation defined in (5). Then the restrictions of
are irreducible.
Proof. To see that
is irreducible it suffices to see that the restriction of
$\omega_n\circ \sigma$
is irreducible. We have that
is Zariski dense in
. To see that the representation
$\omega_n\;:\;\thinspace\sigma(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is irreducible, it is enough to check that the Zariski closure of its image is irreducible. This holds since
$\omega_n \;:\;\thinspace PSL(2,\mathbb{R}) \to PSL(n,\mathbb{R})$
is an irreducible representation and a morphism of algebraic groups, so
$\omega_n(PSL(2,\mathbb{R})) = \omega_n(\overline{\sigma(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L)}) \subseteq \overline{\omega_n\circ\sigma(\pi_1({\mathcal{O}}_L))}$
. That
follows from
being Zariski dense in
Knowing that
is an integral orbifold Fuchsian representation, the previous proposition shows
satisfies the assumptions of Theorem 19. Thus we obtain the following application of Corollary 20.
Theorem 23. For every surface S finitely covering the orbifold
and every odd
there exists a path of Hitchin representations
$\rho_t \;:\;\thinspace \pi_1(S) \to SL(n,\mathbb{R})$
, so that:
$\rho_0(\pi_1(S)) \subset SL(n,\mathbb{Z})$ ;
$\rho_t$ is Zariski dense for every
$t>0$ ; and
$\rho_t(\pi_1(S)) \subset SL(n,\mathbb{Q})$ for every
$t\in \mathbb{Q}$ .
This research was completed at UCSB’s Mathematics Department as part of my doctoral dissertation. I am grateful for the help towards its completion.