1. Introduction
Let A be an abelian variety defined over a number field k. The Birch and Swinnerton–Dyer conjecture for A over k (as extended to this setting by Tate) predicts a remarkable equality between the leading term
of the Hasse–Weil L-series L(A,z) of A over k (assuming that this function has a suitable meromorphic continuation) and the key algebraic invariants of A over k.
Nevertheless, there are various natural contexts in which it seems likely that this equality does not encompass the full extent of the interplay between the leading terms
of the twisted Hasse–Weil L-series
, associated to A and to finite dimensional complex characters
of the absolute Galois group of k, and the algebraic invariants of A. For instance, building on a conjecture due to Deligne and Gross concerning the order of vanishing at
of such functions one may, for a fixed character
, predict that a suitable normalisation of
is algebraic and generates an explicit fractional ideal inside any large enough number field. See [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Proposition. 7·3] for such explicit predictions.
However, even such conjectural formulas would not themselves account for any connections that might exist between the numbers
ranges over characters that are not necessarily in the same Galois orbit. In this direction, Mazur and Tate [Reference Mazur and Tate24] have, in certain concrete settings and by building on the theory of modular symbols, predicted explicit congruence relations between the values
of the functions
. In addition, Darmon [Reference Darmon17] has subsequently used the theory of Heegner points to formulate analogous predictions for the values
of the first derivatives
of the functions
Let F be a finite Galois extension of k. Then, in all cases, the congruence relations discussed in the previous paragraph, as
ranges over complex irreducible characters of
${\rm Gal}(F/k)$
, involve the evaluation at suitable points of A(k) of the canonical
${\rm Gal}(F/k)$
-valued height pairings that had been previously constructed by Mazur and Tate [Reference Mazur and Tate23] by using the geometrical theory of biextensions.
In recent work [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10] of Burns and the second author, a completely general framework for the conjectural theory of integral congruence relations between the leading terms
has been developed, thereby extending and refining the aforementioned conjectures of Mazur and Tate and of Darmon. This framework relies on the formulation of a completely general ‘refined conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer type’ (or ‘refined BSD conjecture’ in the sequel) for A and
, which is then shown to encode general families of integral congruence relations involving the Mazur–Tate pairing.
Fix F as above and set
$G\;:\!=\;{\rm Gal}(F/k)$
. We let
denote the base change of A through
and consider
$M_F \;:\!=\; h^1(A_F)(1)$
as a motive over k with a natural action of the semisimple
It is then also shown in [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10] that the refined BSD conjecture is equivalent to the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture (or ‘eTNC’ in the sequel) for the pair
$(M_F, {\mathbb{Z} [G]})$
, as formulated by Burns and Flach [Reference Burns and Flach7]. In addition, both of these conjectures decompose naturally into ‘p-components’, one for each rational prime number p, and each such component is itself of interest.
For example, if A has good ordinary reduction at p, then the compatibility results proved by Burns and Venjakob [Reference Burns and Venjakob12] show that this p-component is (under certain hypotheses) a consequence of the main conjecture of non-commutative Iwasawa theory for A, as formulated by Coates et al. [Reference Coates, Fukaya, Kato, Sujatha and Venjakob16].
Assume now that p is a fixed odd prime and
a cyclic p-extension of degree
for some natural number n. In this paper we will continue the study of the p-component of the eTNC that we begun in [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6]. We recall that the main result of loc.cit. was the computation of an equivariant regulator under certain not-too-stringent conditions. Through this computation it was then possible to give a reformulation of this p-component which both was of theoretical interest and also made it amenable to providing partial numerical evidence.
For simplicity of the exposition, let us in the rest of this introduction assume that A is an elliptic curve. The computation of the equivariant regulator in [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6] relied on the fact that, under suitable hypotheses, a representation-theoretic result due to Yakovlev [Reference Yakovlev31] implies that the p-completion
$A(F)_p\;:\!=\;\mathbb Z_p\otimes_\mathbb Z A(F)$
of the Mordell–Weil group of A over F is a permutation
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
-module. Explicitly speaking, this fact means that one may find points
$P_{(H,j)}\in A(F^H)$
, where H runs over all subgroups of G, with the property that
$\mathbb Z_p[G/H]\cdot P_{(H,j)}$
is a free
$\mathbb Z_p[G/H]$
-module of rank one and also that
(for some set of non-negative integers
$\{m_H:H\leq G\}$
However, our formula for the equivariant regulator involved a choice of an integral matrix
, with entries in
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
, which depended upon a canonical extension class in the Yoneda 2-extension group
${\rm Ext}^2_{\mathbb Z_p[G]}({\textrm{Hom}}_{\mathbb Z_p}(A(F)_p,\mathbb Z_p),A(F)_p)$
and was therefore not computable in any examples unless this group vanished. Given the above direct sum decomposition of
, the vanishing of this group holds if and only if
is equal to zero for each subgroup
$H\neq 1$
, or equivalently, if and only if
is a free
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
-module of the form
$\bigoplus_{j=1}^{m_1}\mathbb Z_p[G]\cdot P_{(1,j)}$
This limitation of our previous methods is consistent with those occurring in all existing verifications of p-components of the eTNC for any elliptic curves. Indeed, in the settings of the theoretical verifications obtained by the first author in [Reference Bley5], by Burns, Wuthrich and the second author in [Reference Burns, Macias Castillo and Wuthrich11], or of the recent extensions of these results by Burns and the second author in [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10], as well as of the numerical verifications carried out in [Reference Bley3,Reference Bley4,Reference Burns, Macias Castillo and Wuthrich11] and in our previous paper [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6], a full verification of this conjecture was only ever achieved in situations which forced the
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
to be projective.
On the other hand, even for
(meaning that the extension
has degree p), the result [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Theorem 9·11] shows that the p-component of the eTNC (or refined BSD conjecture) encodes a family of congruence relations between the leading terms
and certain ‘Mazur–Tate regulators’ (coming from the evaluation of Mazur–Tate height pairings) which are non-trivial unless
is projective.
This observation is consistent with our previously encountered difficulties and also justifies why, from the point of view of our approach, it is only interesting to consider components of the general conjectures at primes which divide the degree of the extension.
In this paper we use a result of Burns and the second author [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Theorem 10·3] to obtain an alternative computation of the equivariant regulator which is much better suited for the purpose of verifying ‘non-projective’ instances of the refined BSD conjecture.
To be a little more precise we note that, under our hypotheses, and for any subgroup H of G, the Mazur–Tate pairing for A considered over the sub-extension
gives a well defined pairing
denotes the augmentation ideal in the group ring
$\mathbb Z_p[H]$
and the isomorphism maps
$g\in H$
to the class of
Fix any choice of points as above and any generator
of G. For any double-indices (H,j) and (J,i) with
$H,J\neq 1$
$H\leq J$
, we let
be any element of
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
which, in the group
satisfies the equality
For double-indices with
we will let
be any element of
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
which satisfies a straightforward variant of this equality. See (6) and Remark 2·3 below for more details.
We then show that any matrix
obtained in this manner (by ordering all double-indices (H,j),(J,i) lexicographically) is, independently of all of the above choices, a suitable replacement for the essentially inexplicit matrix
that occurred in the computation of the equivariant regulator in [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6].
In the main result of this paper, Theorem 2·1, we thus give a reformulation for the p-component of the refined BSD conjecture in terms of Mazur–Tate regulators obtained from considering natural components of the matrix
. This is in particular a suitable extension to general n of the result [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Theorem 9·11] of Burns and the second author.
As an application we are now able to obtain the first numerical verifications of the p-component of the refined BSD conjecture in situations in which the p-completed Mordell–Weil group
is not a projective
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
-module. We emphasise again that there exists no other theoretical or numerical verification for this conjecture in such situations.
We shall give a detailed description, which we feel may be of some independent interest, of the methods that are appropriate to the numerical computation of Mazur–Tate pairings. We comment upon the results of our computations in Section 4·4. Here we also give a list of pairs
for which we have numerically verified the conjecture, although this list is not exhaustive. See also the webpage of the first author for more details and the MAGMA implementation.
1·1. General notation
For a finite abelian group
we set
${\rm Tr}_\Gamma\;:\!=\;\sum_{\gamma \in \Gamma} \gamma\in\mathbb Z[\Gamma]$
and also
$\widehat{\Gamma}\;:\!=\;{\textrm{Hom}}_\mathbb Z(\Gamma,\mathbb C^\times)$
. We write
for the contragrediant character of each
$\psi \in \hat{\Gamma}$
and also write
for the associated idempotent.
For any abelian group M we let
$M_{{\rm tor}}$
denote its torsion subgroup. We also set
$M_p \;:\!=\; {\mathbb{Z}_p} \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} M$
. If M is finitely generated, then for a field extension E of
we shall sometimes abbreviate
$E \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} M$
$E \cdot M$
. Finally, for any integer n we write M[n] for the subgroup of n-torsion points of M.
For any
-Module M we write
for the linear dual
${\textrm{Hom}}_{\mathbb{Z}_p}(M, {\mathbb{Z}_p})$
, endowed with the natural contragredient action of
. Explicitly, for a homomorphism f and elements
$m \in M$
$\gamma \in \Gamma$
, one has
$(\gamma f)(m) = f(\gamma^{-1} m)$
. If
is a subgroup of
, we write
for the module of
-coinvariants of M.
For any Galois extension of fields we abbreviate
. We fix an algebraic closure
of K and abbreviate
If A is an abelian variety defined over a number field k and
a finite extension, we write A(L) for the Mordell–Weil group,
for the Tate–Shafarevich group of A over L and
for its p-primary part.
2. Statement of the main result
In this section we state our standing hypotheses and, after defining all the relevant objects, state the main result of this paper.
2·1. The hypotheses
Let A be an abelian variety of dimension d, defined over a number field k. Let p be an odd prime number and let
be a cyclic field extension of degree
, for some natural number n. We write
for the dual abelian variety.
As in [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6, Section 2], we will assume the validity of the following list of hypotheses:
$p \nmid |A(k)_{\rm tor}| \cdot |A^t(k)_{\rm tor}|$ ;
(b) p does not divide the Tamagawa number of A at any place of k at which it has bad reduction;
(c) has good reduction at all p-adic places of k;
(d) p is unramified in
$F/\mathbb Q$ ;
(e) no place of bad reduction of A is ramified in
$F/k$ ;
(f) if a place v of k ramifies in
$F/k$ then no point of order p of the reduction of A is defined over the residue field of v;
${\rm{III}}(A_{F})$ is finite;
${\rm{III}}_p(A_{F^H})$ vanishes for all non-trivial subgroups H of G;
(i) the group
$H^1({\textrm{Gal}}(k(A[p^n])/k),A[p^n])$ vanishes.
Remark 2·1. The hypotheses (a)-(h) recover those in place throughout [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6]. The full list of hypotheses also recovers those that are in place in [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Theorem 9·9 and 9·11]. We refer the reader to [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6, Remark 2·1] or [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Remark 6·1] for a further discussion of these hypotheses.
The hypothesis (i) recovers hypothesis 10·1 from [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10] in our setting and will hence allow us to apply Theorem 10·3 of loc. cit. We recall that it is widely satisfied. For instance, it holds whenever multiplication-by-‘
’ belongs to the image of the canonical Galois representation
$G_k\to{\rm Aut}_{\mathbb{F}_p}(A[p])$
. In particular, if A is an elliptic curve then this hypothesis excludes only finitely many primes, by a result of Serre. Moreover, if A is an elliptic curve and k does not contain any p-th roots of unity, Lawson and Wuthrich have recently shown that hypothesis (i) is valid in all but certain exceptional cases that, in particular, all have
$p\leq 11$
(see [Reference Lawson, Wuthrich, Loeffler and Zerbes21, Theorem 2, Section 6]).
Remark 2·2. It is possible, using computations in [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10], to obtain a generalisation of our main result under a significantly weaker version of hypotheses (d) (that still ensures the surjectivity of the appropriate norm maps on Mordell–Weil groups).
Our main result will concern an ‘equivariant regulator’
${\rm Reg}_{A,F/k,j}$
$\mathbb C_p[G]^\times/\mathbb Z_p[G]^\times$
for each isomorphism
$j:\mathbb C\cong\mathbb C_p$
, which we now proceed to define. Throughout the construction of this element, we will always use j to implicitly identify
$\widehat G$
${\textrm{Hom}}_\mathbb Z(G,\mathbb C_p^\times)$
2·2. Néron–Tate regulators
$0\leq r\leq n$
we denote by
the subgroup of G of order
and set
. Clearly,
$[F_r:k] = |\Gamma_r| = p^r$
Our hypotheses allow us to apply a result of Yakovlev [Reference Yakovlev31] in order to restrict the Galois structure of the Mordell–Weil groups
as follows. For any natural number m we write [m] for the set
By [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6, Proposition 2·2 and (2·1)] we may and will fix a set of non-negative integers
$\{m_{r}:0\leq r\leq n\}$
and subsets
such that the
$\mathbb Z_p[\Gamma_r]$
-modules generated by each of the points
are free of rank one and there are direct sum decompositions of
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
We set
By ordering our fixed choice of points
lexicographically, we obtain a ‘regulator matrix’
$N \;:\!=\; \sum_{r=0}^n m_r$
, and where
$\langle -,-\rangle_{A_F}$
denotes the Néron–Tate height pairing for A over F.
For any matrix
$X=(x_{(r,j), (s,i)})$
where the indices
$\{ (r,j) : 0\leq r \leq n, j\in[m_r] \}$
are ordered lexicographically and for any
$0\leq t\leq n$
, we set
and, given any matrix Y with entries in
$\mathbb C[G]$
, resp.
$\mathbb C_p[G]$
, and any
$\psi\in\widehat G$
, we write
for the matrix with entries in
$\mathbb C$
, resp.
$\mathbb C_p$
, obtained after extending
to a function on
$\mathbb C[G]$
, resp.
$\mathbb C_p[G]$
, by linearity and then evaluating
at each entry of Y. For any
we define an integer
between 0 and n by the equality
$\ker(\psi) = J_{t_\psi}$
and then set
We now put
and define the
-component of the equivariant Néron–Tate regulator by
Each regulator term
${\rm Reg}^{\rm NT}_\psi(\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{P}^t)$
coincides with the element
$\lambda_\psi(\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{P}^t)$
defined in [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6, Definition 2·4].
We finally fix a generator
of G and then define a non-zero complex number
2·3. Mazur–Tate regulators
For any
$0 \le r \le n$
we recall that, under our given hypotheses, [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Proposition 6·3(ii)] implies that every element of
is ‘locally-normed’. Indeed, from this result one knows that for every finite prime w of F, the G-modules
$\mathbb Z_p\otimes_\mathbb Z A^t(F_w)$
$\mathbb Z_p\otimes_\mathbb Z A(F_w)$
are cohomologically-trivial and from this it follows easily that the p-completions of the subgroups of locally-normed elements in
and in
are equal to the full p-completions
, respectively.
In particular, the construction of Mazur and Tate using the theory of biextensions gives well defined canonical height pairings
denotes the augmentation ideal in the group ring
$\mathbb Z_p[J_r]$
and the isomorphism maps
$g\in J_r$
to the class of
In the sequel we also write
for the canonical projection
$\mathbb Z_p[G]\to\mathbb Z_p[\Gamma_r]$
. For any indices
$0\leq r,s\leq n-1$
, any
and any
, we set
$\ell\;:\!=\;{\rm max}(r,s)$
and then fix any elements
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
which satisfy the equality
It will be clear from Proposition 3·2 below that such elements always exist.
Remark 2·3. Let
$\mathcal I_p(J_r)$
denote the ideal of
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
generated by
. Then the inclusion
$I_p(J_\ell)\subset I_p(J_r)$
induces a canonical inclusion
Here the isomorphism is canonical (see [Reference Burns, Kurihara and Sano8, Proposition 4·9]). It is then clear that the left-hand side of the equality (6) coincides with the class of
in the quotient
$\mathcal I_p(J_r)/\mathcal I_p(J_r)^2$
Using these choices we construct a matrix
with entries in
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
. Here
denotes the identity
$m_n\times m_n$
For any
$\psi\in\widehat G$
, Lemma 3·4 below will show that the element
$\mathbb C_p[G]$
belongs to
$\mathbb C_p[G]^\times$
(so in particular each term
is non-zero) and is independent, up to multiplication by an element of
$\mathbb Z_p[G]^\times$
, of the choices made in (6).
2·4. The equivariant regulator
We may now define our equivariant regulator. We again set
Definition 2·4. For a fixed isomorphism
$j \colon {\mathbb{C}} \to {\mathbb{C}_p}$
, the class of
$\mathbb{C}_p[G]^\times / \mathbb{Z}_p[G]^\times$
is the (p-primary) equivariant regulator associated to A and
The claims made in Section 2·3 imply that
${\rm Reg}_{A, F/k, j}$
is independent of the choices of
$\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{P}^t, \sigma$
and the matrix
$\Psi(\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{P}^t)$
. By abuse of terminology we will often refer to any choice of
${\rm Reg}_{A, F/k, j}$
itself as the equivariant regulator.
Remark 2·5. The results of Proposition 3·2 and Lemma 3·4 below combine to show that
${\rm Reg}_{A, F/k, j}$
is precisely the element
which occurs in [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6, Theorem 2·9]. The main new insight is that the elements
$\varepsilon_\psi(\Phi) \in {\mathbb{C}}_p^\times$
which depended upon an essentially unknown matrix
$\Phi \in M_N(\mathbb{Z}_p[G])$
can be explicitly determined by (6).
2·5. Statement of the result
The refined Birch and Swinnerton–Dyer conjecture is an equality between analytic and algebraic invariants associated with
. We now briefly describe the analytic part refering the reader to [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6, Section 2] or [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10] for further details.
For each
$\psi \in \widehat{G}$
we set
$L^*_{S_r}(A, \psi, 1)$ is the leading term in the Taylor expansion at
$z=1$ of the
$\psi$ -twisted Hasse–Weil L-function
$L_{S_r}(A,\psi,z)$ of A, truncated by removing the Euler factors corresponding to the set
$S_{{\rm r}}$ of primes of k which ramify in
$F/k$ ;
$\tau^*(\mathbb{Q}, {\rm ind}_k^{\rm Q}(\psi))$ is a suitably modified global Galois–Gauss sum;
$\Omega_A^\psi\cdot w_\psi^d$ is a (suitably normalised) product of periods.
We finally set
and note that the element
$\mathcal L^*$
defined immediately above [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Theorem 6·5] specialises precisely to our definition.
Without any further mention we will always assume that the functions
have analytic continuation to
, so that the above term is well-defined. We also recall that Deligne and Gross have then predicted that these functions should vanish at
exactly to order equal to the multiplicity with which the character
occurs in the representation
$\mathbb C\otimes_\mathbb Z A^t(F)$
of G.
We now formulate the main result of this manuscript. For any
$j\;:\;\mathbb C\cong\mathbb C_p$
we write
for the associated map
$\mathbb C[G]^\times\to \mathbb C_p[G]^\times$
Theorem 2·1. Assume that the hypotheses (a)–(i) are valid. Let
be any choice of points such that (1) holds. Assume also that
${\rm{III}}_p(A_F) = 0$
Then the p-component of the refined Birch and Swinnerton–Dyer conjecture is valid if and only if, for any
$j\;:\;\mathbb C\cong\mathbb C_p$
, the element
belongs to
Remark 2·6. One may rephrase the condition that the element (11) belongs to
$\mathbb Z_p[G]^\times$
in terms of explicit congruence relations in the augmentation filtration, as occurring in [Reference Macias Castillo22, Conjecture 3·11].
The proof of Theorem 2·1 will occupy the next section.
3. The proof of Theorem 2.1
Under our listed hypotheses, in [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Theorem 6·5 and Remark 6·6] reformulate the p-component of the refined BSD conjecture (denoted by
${\rm BSD}_p(A_{F/k})$
throughout loc. cit.) as an equality of the form
in the relative algebraic K-group
$K_0(\mathbb Z_p[G],\mathbb C_p[G])$
. Here
is the canonical ‘extended boundary homomorphism’ considered by Burns and Flach in [Reference Burns and Flach7, Section 4·2] while the right-hand side is the refined Euler characteristic of the pair
$({\rm SC}_p(A_{F/k}),h_{A,F}^j)$
. We thus also recall that
${\rm SC}_p(A_{F/k})$
is the ‘classical p-adic Selmer complex’ for A and
, as defined [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Definition 2.3], while
is the canonical trivialisation of this complex that is induced by the Néron–Tate height (see below).
At the outset we set
$C\;:\!=\;{\rm SC}_p(A_{F/k})$
and note that, under the hypotheses of Theorem 2·1, it is proved in [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Proposition 6·3] that C is a perfect complex of
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
-modules. In addition, there are canonical identifications
The trivialisation
is then the canonical isomorphism induced by the Néron–Tate height pairing via (12) and j.
We now rephrase the validity of the p-component of the refined BSD conjecture as the vanishing of the element
$K_0(\mathbb Z_p[G],\mathbb C_p[G])$
Remark 3·1. For an abelian group G and a field E with
${\mathbb{Q}_p} \subseteq E \subseteq {\mathbb{C}_p}$
the relative algebraic K-group
$K_0(\mathbb Z_p[G],E[G])$
is naturally isomorphic to
$E[G]^\times / \mathbb{Z}_p[G]^\times$
. Moreover, these isomorphisms are induced by
The first key step is to explicitly compute the second term that occurs in the definition of
and to do this we use the canonical identifications (12) to identify the complex C with a unique element
$\delta_{A,F,p} = \delta_{C,r_1,r_2}$
of the Yoneda Ext-group
${\rm Ext}^2_{\mathbb Z_p[G]}(A(F)_p^*,A^t(F)_p)$
For each pair (r,j) we define a dual element
by setting, for any pair (s,i) and
$\tau\in G$
By [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6, Lemma 4·1] one then has
with each summand isomorphic to
$\mathbb Z_p[\Gamma_r]$
. We fix a free
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
of rank
$N=\sum_r m_r$
and consider the exact sequence
where we set
This sequence defines a canonical isomorphism
denotes composition with
. Before proceeding to describe the map (15) let us note that it is bijective by the general result [Reference Hilton and Stammbach20, Theorem IV·9·1].
For a given
$\phi\in{\textrm{End}}_{\mathbb Z_p[G]}(A^t(F)_p)$
we consider the push-out commutative diagram with exact rows
In this diagram
is defined as the push-out of
and all the unlabeled arrows are the canonical maps induced by the push-out construction. Then the pre-image of
under (15) is represented by the bottom row of this diagram.
Then, since C belongs to
$D^{\rm perf}(\mathbb Z_p[G])$
, the results of [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6, Lemmas 4·2 and 4·3] imply that there exists an automorphism
of the
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
that represents the image of
under (15) and also fixes the element
for every j in
It follows that the exact sequence
is a representative of the extension class
In particular, for any choice of
$\mathbb C_p[G]$
-equivariant splittings
of the scalar extensions of the canonical exact sequences
an explicit computation of the refined Euler characteristic occurring in the definition of
implies that
In addition, specialising the explicit computation of [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6, Proposition 4·4] to the case
$\Phi={\rm id}_{A^t(F)_p}$
shows that
To compute the second term that occurs in the final equality of (20) we may and will fix any elements
$\Lambda_{(r,j), (s,i)}$
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
with the property that
We thus obtain an invertible matrix
with entries
$\Lambda_{(r,j), (s,i)}$
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
uniquely determined modulo the kernel of the canonical projection
$\rho_r\;:\;\mathbb{Z}_p[G] \to {\mathbb{Z}_p}[\Gamma_r]$
, which also has the form (8).
Recall the definition of
in (2). The chosen properties of the representative
fixed above then imply that
The equalities (20), (21) and (23) now combine with the definition of
to imply that
By Remark 3·1 it thus follows that
vanishes if and only if
$\mathcal L$
belongs to
$\mathbb Z_p[G]^\times$
and hence the proof of Theorem 2·1 is completed by the proposition below.
Proposition 3·2. For any
$0\leq r,s\leq n-1$
we set
$\ell\;:\!=\;{\rm max}(r,s)$
. Then for any
, any
and any elements
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
satisfying (22) one has
$\mathbb Z_p[\Gamma_r]\otimes_{\mathbb Z_p}I_p(J_\ell)/I_p(J_\ell)^2$
Proof. We refer the reader to [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Appendix B·2] for the construction of algebraic height pairings via Bockstein homomorphisms. It is proved in [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Theorem 8·3] that
coincides with the inverse of the pairing induced by
where the first arrow is the Bockstein homomorphism associated to the complex of
$\mathbb Z_p[J_\ell]$
${\rm SC}_p(A_{F/F_\ell})$
together with the canonical identifications (12), and the second arrow is induced by restriction to
Now, it is immediately clear from their definitions in [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Definition 2·3] that the complexes
${\rm SC}_p(A_{F/F_\ell})$
${\rm SC}_p(A_{F/k})$
are canonically isomorphic in
$D(\mathbb Z_p[J_\ell])$
and furthermore that this isomorphism is compatible with the identifications (12). The complex
${\rm SC}_p(A_{F/F_\ell})$
may therefore be represented by the (restriction of scalars of) the exact sequence (17).
may be computed, through the representative (17), as the connecting homomorphism which arises when applying the snake lemma to the following commutative diagram (in which both rows and the third column are exact and the first column is a complex)
From (22) and the definition of
we immediately derive
By its definition in (13) one has
$P^*_{(u,h)}(\gamma P_{(r,j)})=0$
whenever the pair (u,h) is different from (r,j). We thus find for any
Here the first equality uses the fact that
Now, if we write
$\rho_r(\Lambda_{(r,j),(s,i)}) = \sum_{\gamma\in \Gamma_r} a_\gamma\gamma$
$\mathbb Z_p[\Gamma_r]$
, then the definition (13) of
It therefore follows that the right-hand side of the claimed equality is equal to
as required.
For the proof that all of our constructions are independent of any choices we made we will need the following general result which is straightforward to prove.
Lemma 3·3. For any indices
$0\leq r\leq\ell\leq n$
and any elements
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
, one has that
$\mathbb Z_p[\Gamma_r]\otimes_{\mathbb Z_p}I_p(J_\ell)/I_p(J_\ell)^2$
if and only if
$p^{\ell-r}(\lambda- \lambda')$
belongs to the ideal
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
We finally justify that all assertions in the statement of our main result were indeed well-defined.
Lemma 3·4. For any elements
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
satisfying the equalities (6), the sum (9) belongs to
$\mathbb C_p[G]^\times$
and is independent, up to multiplication by an element of
$\mathbb Z_p[G]^\times$
, of the choices made.
Proof. By Proposition 3·2, any collection of elements
) satisfying (22) also constitutes an appropriate choice satisfying the equalities (6). In addition, the sum
clearly belongs to
$\mathbb C_p[G]^\times$
. (In fact, by the argument of [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6, Lemma 4·8], it also belongs to
, where
denotes the (unique) maximal
-order in
$\mathbb Q_p[G]$
It is therefore enough to set
, fix any collection of elements
satisfying the equalities (6), and prove that the sum
belongs to
$\mathbb Z_p[G]^\times$
The main step involved in proving this assertion is given by the following intermediate result.
Lemma 3·5. The endomorphism
which maps a point
to the sum
factors through the map
$\iota:A^t(F)_p\to X$
occurring in the exact sequence (14).
In addition, if we define an endomorphism
by setting
is bijective.
Proof. By Lemma 3·3, for each pair (r,j),(s,i) with
, there exist elements
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
with the property that
we may simply take
to be equal to 0 and still have these equalities.
Now since
acts trivially on
one thus has
In addition,
acts trivially both on
and on the second summand of the above expression and therefore it must also act trivially on each term
${\textrm{Tr}}_{J_r}\cdot\mu_{(r,j),(s,i)}\cdot P^t_{(r,j)}$
$r\geq s$
. Now, since
$\mathbb Z_p[G]\cdot P^t_{(r,j)}=\mathbb Z_p[G/J_r]\cdot P^t_{(r,j)}$
is a free
$\mathbb Z_p[G/J_r]$
-module of rank one, this condition necessarily implies that
. We may therefore, for every indices with
$r\geq s$
, write
for some element
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
We now define a homomorphism
$\alpha\;:\;X\to A^t(F)_p$
by setting
and claim that
, as required to prove the first claim of the lemma.
Indeed, one has
which is equal to
by (25).
To prove the second claim we write
$\epsilon\;:\;\mathbb Z_p[G]\to\mathbb Z_p$
for the canonical augmentation map and define a canonical ring homomorphism
$\epsilon_{\mathbb F_p}$
as the composition
Now, the equalities (24) imply that
and hence also that if
$\epsilon_{\mathbb F_p}(\Psi'_{(r,j),(s,i)})=\epsilon_{\mathbb F_p}(\Psi_{(r,j),(s,i)})$
(this equality is trivial for
The ring
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
is local with maximal ideal equal to
$\ker(\epsilon_{\mathbb F_p})$
. In particular an element x of
$\mathbb Z_p[G]$
is a unit if and only if
$\epsilon_{\mathbb F_p}(x)\neq 0$
One then knows that
$\epsilon_{\mathbb F_p}(\text{det}(\Psi))=\text{det}(\epsilon_{\mathbb F_p}(\Psi))=\text{det}(\epsilon_{\mathbb F_p}(\Psi'))=\epsilon_{\mathbb F_p}(\text{det}(\Psi'))\neq 0$
. It thus follows that
$\text{det}(\Psi)\in\mathbb Z_p[G]^\times$
and therefore that
is bijective, as required.
Now, if we denote by [f] the pre-image in
${\rm Ext}^2_{\mathbb Z_p[G]}(A(F)_p^*,A^t(F)_p)$
under the isomorphism (15) of the class of an endomorphism f of
, then Lemma 3·5 implies that
and hence also that
In addition, since both
are bijective, this class in
${\rm Ext}^2_{\mathbb Z_p[G]}(A(F)_p^*,A^t(F)_p)$
may be represented by both of the exact sequences obtained by replacing
or by
in the exact sequence (17).
By the general result [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo9, Lemma 4·7] there exist automorphisms
of X with the property that the (exact) diagram
is commutative.
Now, one may compute (for instance, by the argument of [Reference Bley and Macias Castillo6, Proposition 4·4]) the desired sum as
where, for any (
$\mathbb Q_p[G]$
-equivariant) splittings
as in (18) and (19), and any endomorphism
, we have written
for the composite isomorphism
with the unlabelled arrow simply mapping a point
It is then straightforward to deduce from the commutativity of the diagram (26) that
and, since both of the determinants on the right hand side are by construction elements of
$\mathbb Z_p[G]^\times$
, this concludes the proof of Lemma 3·4.
4. Computation of the Mazur–Tate pairing
In this section we explain how one may numerically compute the Mazur–Tate pairing (5). The computation can be reduced to the computation of local Tate duality pairings which, in turn, may in simple situations be computed by the evaluation of Hilbert symbols thanks to recent results of Fisher and Newton [Reference Fisher and Newton18] or of Visse [Reference Visse30].
Our approach is based crucially on the ability to compute certain generalised Selmer groups, for whose calculation we will apply a method of Schaefer and Stoll [Reference Schaefer and Stoll26]. In this regard we also wish to mention subsequent work of Cremona, Fisher, O’Neil, Simon and Stoll [Reference Cremona13–Reference Cremona15] where they develop algorithms for computing n-Selmer groups by representing their elements as curves of degree n in
. However, we have not so far required using their methods.
4·1. The general strategy
We continue to assume the hypotheses of Section 2·1. In particular,as explained in Section 2·3, the result [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Proposition 6·3(ii)] implies that every element of
is ‘locally-normed’. Under this condition, Bertolini and Darmon have defined in [Reference Bertolini and Darmon1, Section 3·4·1] and [Reference Bertolini and Darmon2, Section 2·2] a pairing
Although the definition of this pairing is only given in the case that A is an elliptic curve, it extends naturally to our more general setting (see also [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10,Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10]).
The results of Bertolini and Darmon in [Reference Bertolini and Darmon2, Theorem 2·8 and Remark 2·10] and of Tan in [Reference Tan29, Proposition 3·1] combine to directly show that the pairing
$ \langle\ , \ \rangle_1$
coincides with the Mazur–Tate pairing
$\langle\ , \ \rangle_{F/k}^{\rm MT}$
. We are therefore left with the task to describe the explicit computation of
$\langle\ , \ \rangle_1$
Let B be either A or its dual
. For a finite set S of non-archimedean places of k we define the generalised Selmer group
to be the kernel of the localisation map
with the product running over all non-archimedean places of F that do not belong to the set S(F) of places that lie above a place in S. We recall that this group is also often referred to as a ‘relaxed Selmer group’.
By Kummer theory we then have
${\textrm{res}}_w\;:\;H^1(F, B[p^n])\to H^1(F_w,B[p^n])$
denotes the canonical localisation map and
$\delta_w\;:\;B(F_w) / p^nB(F_w)\to H^1(F_w,B[p^n])$
is the canonical Kummer map. In particular, when S is taken to be the empty set, one recovers the usual Selmer group
associated with multiplication by
In the following we will employ the notation from [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Section 10·2·1]. We set
$Z \;:\!=\; {\mathbb{Z}}/p^n{\mathbb{Z}}$
$R \;:\!=\; Z [G]$
and define additional R-modules
In order to define
$\langle\ , \ \rangle_1$
, we first recall the construction of a canonical (local duality) perfect pairing
If A is defined over an
-adic field L (for some prime
), then we write
$\langle \ , \ \rangle_{L, p^n}$
for the local Tate duality pairing obtained by combining the cup product, the Weil pairing and the invariant map as follows:
Then, for
$x=(x_w)_{w \in S(F)} \in H_S^1( \mathbb{A}_F, A^t[p^n])$
$y=(y_w)_{w\in S(F)} \in H_S^1( \mathbb{A}_F, A[p^n])$
we set
All values
$\langle x, y \rangle_{S}$
in fact belong to
$\frac{1}{p^n} {\mathbb{Z}_p}/{\mathbb{Z}_p}$
, which we henceforth identify with
$Z = {\mathbb{Z}} / p^n{\mathbb{Z}}$
. We may thus define the pairing (27) by the explicit formula
We now recall the explicit definition of
$\langle P, Q \rangle_1$
$P \in A^t(k)$
$Q \in A(k)$
. Let
be an admissible set of primes as in [Reference Bertolini and Darmon1, Definition 2·22], [Reference Bertolini and Darmon2, Definition 1·5] or [Reference Burns and Macias Castillo10, Lemma 10·5]. A crucial consequence of the definition of admissibility is that the canonical (diagonal) localisation map
is injective.
We write
for the canonical global Kummer map and let
$\tilde x \in {\textrm{Sel}}_\Sigma^{(p^n)}(A^t/F)^G$
denote the image of P under the canonical composition
We also let
$\tilde y \in (A_\Sigma(\mathbb{A}_F) / p^n)^G $
be the image of Q under the canonical (diagonal) localisation map
By [Reference Bertolini and Darmon1, Section 3·1] the R-modules
$A_\Sigma(\mathbb{A}_F) / p^n$
are G-cohomologically trivial. We therefore find elements
$x \in {\textrm{Sel}}_\Sigma^{(p^n)}(A^t/F)$
$y=(y_w)_{w \in \Sigma(F)} \in A_\Sigma(\mathbb{A}_F) / p^n$
such that
We next consider the canonical (diagonal) localisation map
and the product of local Kummer maps
Then, by the definition of
$\langle \ , \ \rangle_1$
given in [Reference Bertolini and Darmon2, Section 2·2], we obtain
$\langle\ , \ \rangle$
as in (27). Noting the sign involved in the definition (10) of the equivariant regulator, we are in fact interested in computing the inverse
$-\langle P, Q \rangle_1$
. From the definition (29) of
$\langle\ , \ \rangle$
, we easily derive the explicit expression
which is convenient for the explicit evaluations which we will describe in the next subsection.
4·2. Algorithmic evaluation of the pairing
In this subsection we describe how we numerically evaluate the right hand side of (31). From an algorithmic point of view we are mainly interested in the case of elliptic curves and, for this reason, we henceforth assume that
$E \;:\!=\; A = A^t$
is an elliptic curve defined over k. Furthermore, we assume that
is cyclic of degree p where as before p is an odd prime such that E,
and p satisfy the hypotheses of Section 2·1.
The central computational problem in the numerical evaluation of the Mazur–Tate pairing, using the approach of Bertolini and Darmon as described in the previous section, is first of all the computation of the generalised Selmer group
. We will closely follow the method of Schaefer and Stoll [Reference Schaefer and Stoll26] to compute this group.
We fix a finite set V of places of F containing the p-adic places and all places w such that the Tamagawa number
of E at w is divisible by p. We also fix an admisible set
of places of k as in Section 4.1. We then write
$H^1(F, E[p]; V\cup \Sigma(F))$
for the group of cohomology classes in
$H^1(F, E[p])$
that are unramified outside
$V \cup \Sigma(F) $
. Now the result of [Reference Schaefer and Stoll26, Proposition 3·2] shows that
is given by
whereas a slight generalization of the above mentioned result implies that the generalised Selmer group
is equal to
We fix an algebraic closure
of F and let
$W \subseteq E[p] \setminus \{0\}$
be a
-invariant spanning set for E[p]. Thus W is a union of
-orbits containing an
-basis of E[p]. Note that in the generic case
acts transitively on
$E[p] \setminus \{0\}$
, so that in such cases we are forced to use
$W = E[p] \setminus \{0\}$
We write
$A^c \;:\!=\; {\textrm{Map}}(W, F^c)$
for the set of maps from W to
. Then the Galois group
acts on
by conjugation, i.e., for
$\sigma \in G_F$
$a \in A^c$
$P \in W$
one has
$(\sigma a)(P) = \sigma( a(\sigma^{-1}(P)) )$
We denote by
$A = {\textrm{Map}}_{G_F}(W, F^c) \;:\!=\; {\textrm{Map}}(W, F^c)^{G_F}$
the set of
-invariant maps in
. Then A is a finite dimensional Étale F-algebra. Explicitly, let
$P_1, \ldots, P_s \in W$
be a set of
-orbit representatives of W and set
$L_i \;:\!=\; {(F^c)}^{H_i}$
. Then each
is a finite separable field extension and we have a canonical isomorphism
The Weil pairing
$e_p \colon E[p] \times E[p] \longrightarrow \mu_p(F^c)$
defines a map
This map induces a homomorphism in cohomology
which, by [Reference Schaefer and Stoll26, Prop. 4.3], is known to be injective if
$p \nmid |{\textrm{Gal}}(F(E[p])/F)|$
$p \nmid |W|$
In addition, by an immediate generalization of Hilbert’s Theorem 90, we have a Kummer isomorphism
which combined with
defines an embedding (assuming, for example, that
$p \nmid |W|$
Roughly speaking, the algorithm of Schaefer and Stoll [Reference Schaefer and Stoll26], in a first step, computes
$H^1(F, E[p]; V \cup \Sigma(F)) $
as a subset of
$A^\times / A^{\times p}$
via the embedding
$\kappa \circ \bar\omega$
and then, in a second step, checks the local conditions occurring in (32).
To describe the first step we let
be a finite extension. For a finite place t of L we write
${\textrm{ord}}_t \colon L^\times \longrightarrow {\mathbb{Z}}$
for the associated normalised valuation. If T is a finite set of finite places of F, we set
and more generally, if
$A \simeq \prod_{i=1}^s L_i$
is an étale F-algebra as above, we define
Then, using the embedding
$H^1(F, E[p]) \hookrightarrow A^\times / A^{\times p}$
given by
, the result of [Reference Schaefer and Stoll26, Corollary 5·9] shows the equality
The work of Schaefer and Stoll now describes how to compute the group
$H^1(F, E[p]) $
$A^\times / A^{\times p}$
and then, by intersecting with the finite group
$A(V \cup \Sigma(F), p)$
, we obtain
$H^1(F, E[p]; V \cup \Sigma(F))$
as a subgroup of
$A^\times / A^{\times p}$
. For further details we refer the reader to [Reference Schaefer and Stoll26].
Testing the local conditions in the second step (see again [Reference Schaefer and Stoll26] for details) we finally obtain both
as subgroups of
$A^\times / A^{\times p}$
, or even better, as subgroups of the finite group
$A(V \cup \Sigma(F), p)$
. Note, however, that the computation of
$A(V \cup \Sigma(F), p)$
requires the computation of ideal class groups and units in all of the fields
$i = 1,..,s$
In this context we recall that in the generic case we have to use
$W = E[p] \setminus \{0\}$
. In any such cases we will fix
$S_0 \in W$
and set
$L \;:\!=\; F(S_0)$
, so that
$[L:F] = p^2-1$
$A \simeq L$
For any place w in
we fix an embedding
$\iota_w:F\to F_w$
and set
$A_w^c \;:\!=\; F_w^c \otimes_F A$
$A_w \;:\!=\; F_w \otimes_F A$
. Note that there is a canonical isomorphism
We then consider the following commutative diagram
is induced by composition with
while the maps
are the local analogues of (33) and (34), respectively, and
is the localisation map.
The local Tate pairing
of (28) induces a pairing
$\langle\ , \ \rangle_{A_w}$
on the image of
$\kappa_w \circ \bar\omega_w$
. In what follows we will describe the computation of
$\langle\ , \ \rangle_{A_w}$
We write
for the unique quadratic form such that, for all
one has
denote the Hilbert symbol. We henceforth assume that E[p] is contained in
(which is always the case for places
$w \in \Sigma(F)$
for an admissible set
of places of k). In this particular case one can shift the problem of computing the local Tate pairing to the computation of Hilbert symbols which is easy for places w which are prime to p by [Reference Neukirch25, Chapter V, Proposition 3·4].
We fix generators
$S, T \in E(F_w)$
of E[p]. Then
$e_p(T, S)$
and we define a map
$\xi_{S,T}(e_p(T, S)) = 1 + p{\mathbb{Z}}$
. For
$\bar a \in A_w^\times / A_w^{\times p}$
$a \in A_w \simeq {\textrm{Map}}_{G_w}(W, \bar F_w)$
we obtain a well defined map
$\bar a \colon W \longrightarrow F_w^\times / F_w^{\times p}$
Fisher and Newton in [Reference Fisher and Newton18] have given an explicit description of the local Tate pairing associated with the p-torsion of an elliptic curve in the special case
. Their formulas have subsequently been generalised by Visse in [Reference Visse30] to any odd prime p. In particular, from [Reference Visse30, Theorems 3·7 and 3·11] we obtain, for arbitrary odd p, an equality
for all
$\bar a \in (\kappa_w \circ \bar\omega_w)\left( H^1(F_w, E[p]) \right)$
. As a consequence we obtain
We are now in a position to describe the explicit computation of
$-\langle P, Q \rangle_1$
using the formula in (31). Let
$\tilde y$
denote the image of Q in
as in Section 4·1. Assuming that the point Q is not divisible by p ensures that
$\tilde y \ne 0$
because of the injectivity of the map (30).
For each
$v \in \Sigma$
we fix a place
$\hat v$
of F lying over v. For each
we define
$\tilde y$
is fixed by G it is easy to see that
$y \;:\!=\; (y_w)_{w \in \Sigma(F)} \in E_\Sigma(\mathbb{A}_F)/p$
${\textrm{Tr}}_G(y) = \tilde y$
. Hence the formula in (31) simplifies to
Next we explain how to compute
$x \in {\textrm{Sel}}^{(p)}_\Sigma(E/F)$
${\textrm{Tr}}_G(x) = \tilde x$
. The generalised Selmer group
is computed as a subgroup of
$A^\times / A^{\times p}$
which carries an action of G induced by conjugation. Explicitly, for all
$\sigma \in G$
$a \in A$
$S \in W$
we choose an arbitrary lift
$\hat\sigma \in G_k$
and set
As sketched in Section 4·3 below this action is explicitly computable. We can therefore compute the
-representation of G induced by
and then represent
as a linear map
${\textrm{Sel}}^{(p)}_\Sigma(E/F) \longrightarrow {\textrm{Sel}}^{(p)}_\Sigma(E/F)$
and thus compute a preimage x of
$\tilde x$
In the same way we can compute the elements
occuring in (37). Note that as an element of
$A^\times / A^{\times p}$
the element
$\tilde x$
is given by
. The computation of the map
is quite non-trivial and explained in [Reference Schaefer27, 28, Chapter 2] and [Reference Schaefer and Stoll26, Chapter 3], as well as the computation of the local analogue
For each
$v \in \Sigma$
we now compute the completion
$F_{\hat v}$
together with an embedding
$\iota_v \colon F \longrightarrow F_{\hat v}$
and define
$a_{P, g, \hat v} \;:\!=\; {\textrm{res}}_{\hat v}(x^g) = \iota_v \circ x^g$
In order to compute
$\delta_{\hat v}(y_{\hat v})$
we use the commutativity of diagram (35) and define
and finally obtain
4·3. Comments on the implementation
In this subsection we discuss the restrictions on our MAGMA implementation, where we must always assume that
acts transitively on
$E[p] \setminus \{0\}$
. Hence, for the rest of this subsection, we set
$W = E[p] \setminus \{0\}$
and fix a point
$S_0 \in W$
. As before,
is a cyclic extension of degree p where p is an odd prime.
We choose
$\lambda \in \mathbb{Q}$
such that the elements
are pairwise distinct. Since
acts transitively on W the polynomial
is irreducible. It is easily seen that
$F(S_0) = F(w_{S_0})$
. We therefore may and will use
$L \;:\!=\; F(w_{S_0})$
This has the following useful consequence for the computation of
$a_w \;:\!=\; \iota_w \circ a$
, where a is an element of
$A = {\textrm{Map}}_{G_F}(W, F^c)$
an embedding of F into
. Namely, if we assume that
$a \in A$
corresponds to
$\bar h \in F[x] / (f(x))$
under the composite map
then we have
$a(S_0) = h(w_{S_0})$
. Assume further that
$\tilde S \in E(F_w)[p]$
and let
$S \in W$
be such that
$\iota_w(S) = \tilde S$
. Then a straightforward computation shows that
$a_w(\tilde S) = (\iota_wh)(w_{\tilde S})$
A further useful consequence is a particularly simple description of the action of G on A. Recall that
$\sigma \in G$
acts on A by conjugation as in (38). If
$\bar h \in F[x]/(f(x))$
corresponds to
$a \in A$
, then we claim that
$\sigma a$
corresponds to
$\overline{\sigma h}$
. Indeed, if
$\tau(S_0) = \hat\sigma^{-1}(S_0)$
$\tau \in G_F$
, then
In our implementation we additionally assume
. In this case explicit formulae for the computation of the generalised Selmer group based on the work of Schaefer and Stoll in [Reference Schaefer and Stoll26] are given in [Reference Geishauser19, Section 7]. These are used throughout in our implementation.
We summarise the above discussion in the following remark.
Remark 4·1. Our MAGMA implementation is restricted to handle the case
$\mathrm{rk}(E(F)) = \mathrm{rk}(E(\mathbb{Q})) = r$
$r > 0$
. Assuming the validity of the classical Birch and Swinnerton–Dyer conjecture for
the implementation will check the hypotheses (a) - (i) of Section 2·1 as well as triviality of
and then numerically verify the rationality part of the eTNC up to the precision of the computation. We then rigorously prove the condition from Theorem 2·1 (by rewriting it in terms of congruence relations in the manner suggested in Remark 2·6).
4·4. Computations
Our MAGMA implementation can be used to numerically verify the validity of the refined Birch and Swinnerton–Dyer conjecture for pairs
$k=\mathbb{Q}$ and
$E/\mathbb{Q}$ is an elliptic curve with global minimal Weierstrass equation;
(ii) F is the unique subfield of degree
$p=3$ in
$\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_\ell)/\mathbb{Q}$ for primes
$\ell \equiv 1 \pmod{3}$ ;
$\mathrm{rk}(E(F)) = \mathrm{rk}(E(\mathbb{Q})) = r$ for some
$r > 0$ ;
(vi) E and F satisfy the hypotheses (a) - (i) of Section 2·1.
Note that the condition
$\mathrm{rk}(E(F)) = \mathrm{rk}(E(\mathbb{Q})) = r$
ensures that
$E(F)_p \simeq {\mathbb{Z}}_p^r$
is not projective as a
Here is the list of examples for
$\ell < 50$
and conductor less than 100. We specify elliptic curves by their Cremona reference:
• E is 37a1 and
$\ell \in \{13,19\}$ ;
• E is 43a1 and
$\ell \in \{7,13,37\}$ ;
• E is 53a1 and
$\ell \in \{13, 19, 31,43 \}$ ;
• E is 58a1 and
$\ell \in \{7,13,19,31,43 \}$ ;
• E is 61a1 and
$\ell \in \{7, 13, 43 \}$ ;
• E is 65a2 and
$\ell \in \{19, 37, 43 \}$ ;
• E is 77a1 and
$\ell \in \{19, 37 \}$ ;
• E is 79a1 and
$\ell \in \{13, 19, 37 \}$ ;
• E is 82a1 and
$\ell \in \{13, 19, 43 \}$ ;
• E is 82a2 and
$\ell \in \{13, 19, 43 \}$ ;
• E is 83a1 and
$\ell \in \{7, 13, 37 \}$ ;
• E is 88a1 and
$\ell \in \{7,43 \}$ ;
• E is 89a1 and
$\ell \in \{19, 31, 37 \}$ ;
• E is 91a1 and
$\ell \in \{31 \}$ ;
• E is 389a1 and
$\ell \in \{7,13,43 \}$ ;
• E is 433a1 and
$\ell \in \{7, 13, 31, 37 \}$ ;
• E is 446d1 and
$\ell \in \{19 \}$ .
$\ell < 50$
and conductor less than 500 we computed the following examples.
• E is 389a1 and
$\ell \in \{7,13,43 \}$ :
• E is 433a1 and
$\ell \in \{7, 13, 31, 37 \}$ ;
• E is 446d1 and
$\ell \in \{19 \}$ ;
The authors are very grateful to David Burns for many interesting discussions and much encouragement, as well as to Christian Wuthrich for his constant interest in our work and many related discussions. We also wish to thank the referee for their careful reading of the manuscript. In particular, their comments and suggestions on Section 4 significantly helped to improve the presentation of this part of the paper.
The first author wants to thank Chris Geishauser who in the context of his master thesis [Reference Geishauser19] provided many MAGMA routines used in the computation of our numerical examples.
The second author is grateful to Stefano Vigni for some pertinent discussions. He also acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the ‘Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D’ [SEV-2015-0554] and [CEX-2019-000904-S] as well as through projects [MTM2016-79400-P] and [PID2019-108936GB-C21].