Let L be a linear, closed, densely defined in a Hilbert space operator,not necessarily selfadjoint. Consider the corresponding wave equations
\begin{eqnarray} &(1) \quad \ddot{w}+ Lw=0, \quadw(0)=0,\quad \dot{w}(0)=f, \quad \dot{w}=\frac{dw}{dt}, \quad f \in H. \\ &(2)\quad \ddot{u}+Lu=f e^{-ikt}, \quad u(0)=0, \quad \dot{u}(0)=0,\end{eqnarray}![](//static-cambridge-org.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/binary/version/id/urn:cambridge.org:id:binary:20161010080505457-0193:S0973534813081169:S0973534813081169_eqnU6.png)
where k > 0 is a constant. Necessary and sufficient conditions aregiven for the operator L not to have eigenvalues in the half-planeRez < 0 and not to have a positive eigenvalue at a given point kd2 > 0. These conditions are given in terms of the large-timebehavior of the solutions to problem (1) for generic f.
Sufficient conditions are given for the validity of a version of the limiting amplitudeprinciple for the operator L.
A relation between the limiting amplitude principle and the limiting absorption principleis established.