Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Brady, Michael Emmett
J. Muth’s 1961, Econometrica Article Conception of Probability Was Inconsistent and Incoherent: There Is No Such Thing as a Hybrid Subjective-Objective Theory of Probability.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
On the Very Severe Logical, Epistemological, Methodological and Philosophical Deficiencies in J. Muth’s Concept of Rational Expectations.
SSRN Electronic Journal,
Brady, Michael Emmett
On the Immense and Severe Confusions and Muddles About the Nature Ofsubjective and Objective Probability in the Theory of Rational Expectations: Asubjective Probability (Distribution) Can Never Become an Objective Probability(distribution) or a True or a Correct Probability.
SSRN Electronic Journal,
Brady, Michael Emmett
Rational Expectations Has No Foundation in Any Coherent, Existing Theory of Probability.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
Given B. De Finetti’s Conclusion that 'Probability (Objective) Does not Exist', Then Rational Expectations Does not Exist Either.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
Muth’s Rational Expectations Hypothesis, That “…The Subjective Probability Distributions Are Distributed Around an Objective Probability Distribution, for a given Information Set…” is an Oxymoron. It Can Be Corrected by Amending It to Read “…The Subjective Probability Distributions Are Distributed Around a Subjective Consensus Probability Distribution, for a given Information Set…”.
SSRN Electronic Journal,
Brady, Michael Emmett
On Paul Davidson’s Critique of Rational Expectations: Aiming at the Wrong Target Using the Wrong Theoretical Construct for the Wrong Reasons.
SSRN Electronic Journal,