The lichen biota of tropical Central Africa is very incompletely known. Almost all available studies are historical and date from before 1950, often going back to the 19th century. For the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), formerly known as Belgian Congo (1908–1960) and then Zaire (1971–1997), only a few, taxonomically limited, modern treatments on non-foliicolous lichens have been published, dealing with the genera Bulbothrix, Coccocarpia, Everniopsis, Herpothallon, Leprocaulon, Lobaria, Neoheppia, Normandina, Parmotrema, Pertusaria, Placopsis and Stereocaulon (Lambinon & Sérusiaux Reference Lambinon and Sérusiaux1977; Sérusiaux Reference Sérusiaux1979a , Reference Sérusiaux c , Reference Sérusiaux1981, Reference Sérusiaux1984a ; Lambinon et al. Reference Lambinon, Ramaut and Sérusiaux1981; Krog & Swinscow Reference Krog and Swinscow1986; Büdel Reference Büdel1995; Aptroot et al. Reference Aptroot, Thor, Lücking, Elix and Chaves2009; Archer et al. Reference Archer, Elix, Fischer, Killmann and Sérusiaux2009), as well as biogeographical and ecological approaches (Lambinon & Sérusiaux Reference Lambinon and Sérusiaux1983; Biedinger & Fischer Reference Biedinger and Fischer1996; Batke Reference Batke2012).
The foliicolous lichen biota of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has received somewhat more attention. Santesson (Reference Santesson1952) mentioned 49 species for the country, at that time known as Belgian Congo. Most of these had been collected by Hyacinthe Julien Robert Vanderyst between 1912 and 1933. More recent investigations added substantial information to our knowledge of the foliicolous lichen flora, raising the number of species to 150 (Sérusiaux Reference Sérusiaux1978, Reference Sérusiaux1979a , Reference Sérusiaux b , Reference Sérusiaux1984b , Reference Sérusiaux1985, Reference Sérusiaux1998; Vězda Reference Vězda1978, Reference Vězda1979, Reference Vězda1980, Reference Vězda1982, Reference Vězda1986, Reference Vězda1987, Reference Vězda1994; Arvidsson Reference Arvidsson1982; Döbbeler & Vězda Reference Döbbeler and Vězda1982; Kalb & Vězda Reference Kalb and Vězda1992; Lücking et al. Reference Lücking, Lumbsch and Elix1994; Sérusiaux & Lambinon Reference Sérusiaux and Lambinon1994; Biedinger & Fischer Reference Biedinger and Fischer1996; Lücking & Vězda Reference Lücking and Vězda1998; Lücking & Kalb Reference Lücking and Kalb2000; Ferraro et al. Reference Ferraro, Lücking and Sérusiaux2001). Still, the foliicolous lichen biota of tropical Central Africa is poorly known, when compared to tropical America and South East Asia. The number of species recorded is certainly far below the diversity to be expected from the type of lowland rainforests which dominate the Congo River Basin and surroundings (Santesson & Lücking Reference Santesson and Lücking1999). For example, Lücking (Reference Lücking1998) listed 233 species for Guyana, and Lücking & Kalb (Reference Lücking and Kalb2000) listed 371 species for Brazilian lowland rainforests.
In 2009 and 2010, the University of Kisangani, the Royal Museum for Central Africa, the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences and the National Botanical Garden of Belgium established a multidisciplinary project to study the biodiversity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Between 16 June and 9 July 2009 and between 15 May and 6 June 2010, corticolous and foliicolous lichens were collected at several localities in the Congo River Basin. Subsequently, a follow-up project was established under the name COBIMFO. Between 19 October and 9 November 2012, nine forest plots of 1 ha were investigated: three young secondary forests, three evergreen forests and three mixed semi-evergreen forests. Thanks to our rich collection of foliicolous lichens from these two projects, we are able to describe six species as new to science and present an additional 53 species new for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including five species new for tropical Africa and six new for the Palaeotropics, raising the number of species known from the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 150 to 209. We also provide a list of the 150 species already known from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, based on a detailed search of the literature (Appendix 1).
Material and Methods
Specimens were studied using a Wild M38 stereomicroscope and two Olympus CHR-TR45 and Olympus BX51 microscopes. Microscopical preparations were mounted in water, 5% KOH (K) and Lugol's reagent (1% I2), either without (I) or with KOH pretreatment (K/I). Measurements of ascospores refer to material examined in water, those of asci to material examined in K/I. Microchemical reactions and spot tests were performed under the microscope using a 10% KOH or a sodium hypochlorite solution (C), and under the dissecting microscope using para-phenylenediamine according to Orange et al. (Reference Orange, James and White2001) and Lücking (Reference Lücking2009). For those reactions, thin hand-cut sections of thallus and ascomata were used. Additional specimens examined for comparison included four species from four herbaria: Arthonia flavoverrucosa (U. Becker s. n., holotype, G), Bapalmuia halleana (Sérusiaux s. n., holotype & topotype, LG), B. ivoriensis (R. Santesson 10668:7, isotype, UPS), Phylloblastia borhidii (F. Farkas 86228/LD, isotype, UPS), Phylloblastia inexpectata (A. Aptroot 68152, BR), Porina ornata (S. Lisowski 1082, isotype, UPS), Psoroglaena perminuta (S. Lisowski 1013, isotype, UPS). Voucher specimens are deposited in the herbarium of the National Botanic Garden of Belgium (BR) and, for species with abundant material, in the herbarium of Yangambi (YBI).
The New Species
Bapalmuia serusiauxiana Van den Broeck, Lücking & Ertz sp. nov.
MycoBank No.: MB 805732
Species similar to Bapalmuia halleana, but differs by shorter ascospores with fewer septa.
Type: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equator Province, Mbangi (±20 km upstream of Lisala), left bank of the Congo River, at ±3 km of the stream, 345 m alt., 2°07′20·71″N, 21°44′13·2″E, old secondary forest, on leaves, 23 June 2009, D. Ertz 14333 (BR—holotype).

Fig. 1. Bapalmuia serusiauxiana (holotype, BR). A, epiphyllous thallus; B, hypophyllous apothecia; C, section showing the prosoplectenchymatous excipulum; D, ascospores (note that the ascospore below is broken, with a missing part). Scales: A=2 mm; B=1 mm; C & D=20 µm. In colour online.
Thallus foliicolous, epiphyllous, crustose, continuous, ecorticate, smooth to farinose-effuse, pale green to greenish grey, without verrucae or radiate ridges, partly with a whitish, byssoid prothallus. A dark bluish margin is formed when the species grows side by side with another lichen species. Photobiont chlorococcoid, cells ± round, 3–5×3–4 µm.
Ascomata apothecioid, sessile, rounded, 220–800 µm diam. and 140–160 µm high, usually growing on a marginally hypophyllous alga-free mycelium, rarely on the epiphyllous thallus; disc strongly convex, orange-brown, dark reddish brown to almost black, margin distinct but thin and evanescent, in young apothecia with a root-like byssoid mycelium, composed of colourless, branched hyphae. Excipulum prosoplectenchymatous, with radiating cell rows, 25–35 µm broad. Hypothecium prosoplectenchymatous, orange-brown, 80–120 µm high. Epithecium indistinct. Hymenium not inspersed, pale yellow, I+ dark blue, K/I+ dark blue, 70–90 µm high. Paraphyses distinct, unbranched, 1·0–1·5 µm thick, not thickened apically. Asci cylindrical, 90–100×7–9 µm. Ascus wall I+ blue, K/I+ blue, tholus K/I+ blue with a dark blue ring structure conforming to Byssoloma-type sensu Hafellner (Reference Hafellner1984). Ascospores 8 per ascus, acicular, (7–)15(–19)-septate, colourless, (40–)50–65(–72)×1·5–2·5 µm (n=22, mean: 57×2 µm), I−, without constrictions at septa.
Pycnidia sessile, hemispherical; inner wall pale brown, glossy; outer wall pale green, farinose with widely open ostiolum. Conidia not observed.
Thallus and apothecia K−, KC−, C−, P−, UV−.
This new species is dedicated to Emmanüel Sérusiaux, an outstanding figure in foliicolous lichen research, especially in tropical Africa.
Ecology and habitat
A very common species of Bapalmuia in the Congo Basin with apothecia growing mostly hypophyllous but also epiphyllous on leaves of Marantaceae sp., Scaphopetalum thonneri and other plants and shrubs.
Tropical Africa. The species seems widespread in the Congo Basin.
Morphologically and anatomically, this new species is very similar to B. ivoriensis R. Sant. & Lücking and B. halleana Sérus. It differs primarily in the size and septation of the ascospores. Most of the ascospores are 15-septate and 50–65×2·0 µm but this seems very variable. This species can be considered as an intermediate new species between B. ivoriensis and B. halleana. In B. halleana, the ascospores are 20–30-septate and 70–105×2·5–3·0 µm (Kalb et al. Reference Kalb, Lücking and Sérusiaux2000). In the isotype of B. ivoriensis (Ivory Coast: Man, forest of Kouin, c. 30 km E of Man, in a dark rainforest, 300–400 m alt., 16 viii 1954, R. Santesson 10668:7, UPS) that we examined, all the ascospores are shorter than 36 µm (30·5–33·0×1–2 µm).
Additional specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14993 (BR); Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4163, 4164, 4933, 4954 (BR); champs close to the village, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4162 (BR); Jafira, upstream of Lieki at the other side of the Lomami River, understorey of secondary wood, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4159, 4263 (BR); Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, hypophyllous and epiphyllous on leaves of Scaphopetalum thonneri and other plants, in young regrowth, in old evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, 2012, D. Van den Broeck 4158 (YBI).
Microtheliopsis ramazaniana Van den Broeck, Lücking & Ertz sp. nov.
MycoBank No.: MB 805737
Species similar to Microtheliopsis concentrica, but differs by broader ascospores.
Type: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Orientale Province, Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, 0°47′47·8″N, 24°29′51·9″E, 422–437 m alt., evergreen forest, on leaves of Scaphopetalum thonneri, 26 October 2012, D. Van den Broeck 5673 (BR—holotype).

Fig. 2. Microtheliopsis ramazaniana (holotype, BR); A, thallus with perithecia; B, ascospores. Phylloblastia verheyeniana (holotype, BR); C, thallus with perithecia; D, section showing periphyses; E, ascus in lugol; F, ascospore. Scales: A=500 µm; B & F=10 µm; C=200 µm; D & E=20 µm. In colour online.
Thallus foliicolous, epiphyllous, crustose, into rounded patches, ecorticate, smooth or thinly setose, ochraceous yellow, yellow-brown to green. Photobiont trentepohlioid (Phycopeltis), cells rectangular, 13–16×5–7 µm, in radiating plates.
Ascomata perithecioid, adnate, more or less concentrically arranged, lens-shaped to conical, rounded or slightly radiately elongate, 0·04–0·08 mm diam., brownish black. Involucrellum formed by algal cells 12–21×6–9 µm in size, surrounded by dark brown branched and septate hyphae with cells 10–17×2·5–3·0 µm in size. Hamathecium hemiamyloid, aparaphysate. Asci fissitunicate, obclavate, 26–28×13–17 µm. Ascus wall I−, K/I−, very thick in the third upper part with a quite large ocular chamber. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 1-septate, greyish brown, 13–16×3–5 µm, with slight constrictions at septa: young ascospores hyaline but soon becoming brown.
Pycnidia not observed.
Thallus K−, KC−, C−, P−, UV−.
This new species is dedicated to Elasi Ramazani, an African botanist and the head of the herbarium of Yangambi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Ecology and habitat
By far the most common species of the genus in the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, growing on leaves of Scaphopetalum thonneri and other understorey plants or shrubs.
Tropical Africa. So far the species is known only from the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve.
The new species fits well in the genus Microtheliopsis due to the perithecioid ascomata with an aparaphysate, hemiamyloid hamathecium, fissitunicate asci and greyish brown ascospores. Microtheliopsis concentrica (J. L. Bezerra & Cavalc.) Lücking et al. is the closest species, which is known from Brazil (Lücking & Kalb Reference Lücking and Kalb2000), but was accidentally omitted in the monograph on neotropical foliicolous lichens (Lücking Reference Lücking2008). It has ascospores as long as in M. ramazaniana but much narrower (10–15×2·0–2·5 µm). Microtheliopsis uniseptata Herrera-Campos & Lücking, another species with 1-septate ascospores, differs by shorter and narrower ascospores (6–10×2·5–3·5 µm) (Lücking Reference Lücking2008). Microtheliopsis uleana Müll. Arg. differs by 3-septate ascospores and much larger perithecia (0·15–0·25 mm), and the ascospores of M. winkleri Lücking are submuriform.
Additional specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, on leaves of Scaphopetalum thonneri and other plants, in young regrowth as well as old evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, 2012, D. Van den Broeck 4450 (BR), 4452 (YBI).
The species of Microtheliopsis can be distinguished using the following key:
1 Ascospores 1-septate ... 2
Ascospores 3-septate or submuriform ... 4
2(1) Ascospores 6–10 µm long ... M. uniseptata
Ascospores 10–16 µm long ... 3
3(2) Ascospores 2·0–2·5 µm broad ... M. concentrica
Ascospores 3–5 µm broad ... M. ramazaniana
4(1) Ascospores 3-septate ... M. uleana
Ascospores submuriform ... M. winkleri
Phylloblastia verheyeniana Van den Broeck, Lücking & Ertz sp. nov.
MycoBank No.: MB 805740
Species similar to Phylloblastia borhidii, but differs by the absence of isidia and by smaller and narrower ascospores.
Type: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Orientale Province, Yaengo, at the Lomami River, 30 km upstream of Lieki, forest, 0°30′00″N, 24°10′15″E, 422–437 m alt., on leaves, 1 June 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4992 (BR—holotype).
Thallus foliicolous, epiphyllous, smooth, crustose, continuous or partly dispersed into irregular patches, green, without isidia. Photobiont cells green, in radiating plates or in irregular groups with angular-rounded cells, 5–10×5–6 µm. Mycobiont hyphae not papillose.
Ascomata perithecioid, sessile, constricted at the base, subglobose, 110–150 µm diam. and 150 µm high, slightly pilose, orange to yellow, mostly with a darker spot around the ostiolum. Asci fissitunicate, clavate, 45–55×8–12 µm, with broad ocular chamber, I−, K/I−. Hamathecium aparaphysate, K/I+ blue. Periphyses abundant and well developed, 11–17×1–2 µm. Involucrellum well developed, orange, K−, 35 µm thick, containing green algal cells, more or less rounded, 5–6×3–6 µm. Excipulum 10–12 µm thick, colourless. Ascospores 3-septate, colourless, fusiform-ellipsoid, 8 per ascus, 13–15(–17)×3·0–4·5 µm, 3·7–4·7 times as long as broad, I−, K/I−.
Pycnidia not observed.
Thallus K−, KC−, C−, P−, UV−.
This new species is named after Erik Verheyen, a zoologist at the Museum of Natural Sciences of Belgium and one of the promoters of the expeditions and studies in the Congo Basin of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Ecology and habitat
On leaves of understorey plants or shrubs in tropical lowland forests.
Tropical Africa. So far the species is known only from the Congo Basin.
This new species of Verrucariaceae fits well in the genus Phylloblastia, rather than the closely related genus Psoroglaena, due to the absence of papillae on the mycobiont hyphae and the distinctly developed involucrellum. Phylloblastia borhidii (Farkas & Vězda) Lücking is the closest species, but that taxon differs by the presence of abundant whitish spherical isidia and larger ascospores, 18–23×4·5–5·0 µm (Farkas & Vězda Reference Farkas and Vězda1987). Two other species have 3-septate ascospores: P. inexpectata (Farkas & Vězda) Lücking and P. triseptata (Kalb & Vězda) Lücking (Sérusiaux et al. Reference Sérusiaux, Coppins and Lücking2007). Phylloblastia inexpectata differs by its pinkish brown to almost black perithecia soon depressed at their top. The ascospores of P. triseptata are slightly curved and measure 24–26×3·5–4·0 µm. Phylloblastia verheyeniana might be confused with specimens of Psoroglaena perminuta (Vězda) H. Harada, but can be separated by its distinctly developed involucrellum, the absence of papillose hyphae and its smaller ascospores (13–15×3·0–4·5 µm instead of 16–24×3–4 µm).
Additional specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Lisala, left bank of the Congo River, close to Lisala, dense forest, 335 m alt., on leaves, 2009, D. Ertz 15090 (BR). Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, plantation of palms, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4949, 3653 (BR), 4947 (YBI).
Porina duduana Van den Broeck, Lücking & Ertz sp. nov.
MycoBank No.: MB 805743
Species similar to Porina rufula but differs by angular-rounded and irregularly arranged photobiont cells, smaller perithecia and smaller ascospores.
Type: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Orientale Province, Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, 0°47′58″N, 24°29′30″E, c. 473 m alt., evergreen forest dominated by Brachystegia laurentii, on leaves of Scaphopetalum thonneri, 31 October 2012, D. Van den Broeck 4444 (BR—holotype).

Fig. 3. Porina duduana (holotype, BR); A, thallus with perithecia; B, section of thallus showing non-radiate, angular-rounded trentepohlioid photobiont; C, section of perithecium showing involucrellum; D, ascospores. Porina gryseelsiana (holotype, BR); E, thallus with perithecia; F, radiate regular trentepohlioid photobiont; G, ascospore. Scales: A=200 µm; B, F & G=20 µm; C=50 µm; D=10 µm; E=500 µm. In colour online.
Thallus foliicolous, epiphyllous, crustose, corticate, continuous, lacking calcium oxalate crystals, thin, smooth, slightly shiny, green. Photobiont trentepohlioid (Phycopeltis), cells angular-rounded, 4·5–13·5×3·5–5·0 µm, in non-radiating plates.
Ascomata perithecioid, conical to hemispherical, rounded, 130–150(–170) µm diam. and 65–70 µm high, completely translucent, orange. Excipulum prosoplectenchymatous, 11–15 µm thick, yellowish orange, K+ orange. Involucrellum not distinctly separated from excipulum, paraplectenchymatous, 10–12 µm thick, yellowish orange, K+ orange, externally covered by 3·0–3·5 µm thick, algal layer. Hamathecium composed of unbranched paraphyses, 1·0–1·5 µm thick, gel I−, K/I−. Asci unitunicate, obclavate, 40–50×8–11 µm, I−, K/I−. Ascospores oblong-fusiform, 8 per ascus, 3-septate, without constrictions at septa, 11·0–14·5×2·5–3·0 µm (n=20, mean: 12·4×2·9 µm), 4–5 times as long as broad, colourless.
Pycnidia not observed.
Thallus K−, KC−, C−, P−, UV−.
This new species is named after Professor Benjamin Akaibe Dudu, zoologist and chief of the department EGRA at the University of Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Ecology and habitat
On leaves of Scaphopetalum thonneri in an evergreen tropical lowland forest dominated by Brachystegia laurentii.
A rare species, known only from the type collection.
The species is similar to Porina rufula (Kremp.) Vain., which differs by its larger perithecia, 0·15–0·30(–0·40) mm diam., larger ascospores, 18–27(–31)×3–5(–6) µm, and the photobiont cells are rectangular, in radiating plates. Porina duduana also does not match with the atypical specimens of P. rufula (‘morph α’ according to Lücking Reference Lücking1996), which differ by much larger ascospores [17–26(–30)×3–6 µm] and in which photobiont cells are rectangular, forming radiate plates. Also similar is P. fulvelloides Lücking & Wirth, which differs by the depressed and opaque top of its much larger perithecia (0·25–0·50 mm diam.) and the larger ascospores (18–24×3·5–4·5 µm) (Lücking Reference Lücking2008). The new species also resembles P. fulvella Müll. Arg., which differs by the presence of an internal algal layer, larger perithecia (0·25–0·45 mm diam.) with depressed top and smooth to minutely pilose surface, and larger ascospores (17–25×3–5 µm) (Lücking Reference Lücking2008).
Porina gryseelsiana Van den Broeck, Lücking & Ertz sp. nov.
MycoBank No.: MB 805747
Species similar to Porina octomera but differs by orange-brown perithecia and larger, 7–9(–12)-septate ascospores.
Type: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Orientale Province, Yaekama, 0°46′26″N, 24°18′39″E, c. 370 m alt., 5 July 2009, D. Ertz 14971 (BR—holotype).
Thallus foliicolous, epiphyllous, crustose, in irregular patches, lacking calcium oxalate crystals, thin, smooth, slightly shiny, pale green. Photobiont trentepohlioid (Phycopeltis), cells rectangular, 12·5–22·0×5·5–11·0 µm, in radiate plates.
Ascomata perithecioid, hemispherical to subglobose, glabrous, rounded, 170–240 µm diam., orange-brown with a darker, almost black spot around the ostiolum, base pale yellow, without algal layer between excipulum and involucrellum. Excipulum prosoplectenchymatous, 21–26 µm thick, yellow, K+ orange. Involucrellum not covered by crystallostratum, not distinctly separated from excipulum, paraplectenchymatous, 16–19 µm thick, orange, K+ orange-red, externally covered by algal layer. Hamathecium composed of unbranched paraphyses, 1 µm thick, gel I−, K/I−. Asci unitunicate, cylindrical, 90–104×12–16 µm, I−, K/I−. Ascospores fusiform, sometimes slightly attenuated at one or both sides, 8 per ascus, 7–9(–12)-septate, without constrictions at septa, 29–46×5·0–7·5 µm (n=13, mean: 38·5×5·6 µm), 6–8 times as long as broad, colourless.
Pycnidia not observed.
Thallus K−, KC−, C−, P−, UV−.
This new species is named after Guido Gryseels, Director of the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Belgium.
Ecology and habitat
On leaves of understorey plants or shrubs in a lowland tropical forest in the Congo Basin.
Tropical Africa. A rare species, known only from the type collection.
This new species is easily distinguished by its glabrous, subglobose and prominent perithecia that are brownish with a darker, almost black spot around the ostiolum, in combination with 7–9-septate ascospores. The only other species with subglobose, glabrous perithecia and ascospores with more than 5 septa in the Porina rufula-group is P. octomera (Müll. Arg.) F. Schill. (Lücking Reference Lücking2004, Reference Lücking2008), but that species has much smaller, invariably 7-septate ascospores (24–32×3–4 µm).
Porina weghiana Van den Broeck, Lücking & Ertz sp. nov.
MycoBank No.: MB 805750
Species resembles Porina ornata, but differs in the presence of disc-shaped isidia, yellow perithecia without apical appendages and smaller ascospores with less septa.
Type: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equator Province, Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), trees along the river, 350 m alt., 29 June 2009, D. Ertz 14659 (BR—holotype).

Fig. 4. A–D, Porina weghiana (holotype, BR). A, thallus with perithecia and disc-shaped isdia of Phyllophiale alba-type; B, irregular trentepohlioid photobiont; C, asci and paraphyses; D, ascospores. Scales: A=500 µm; B & D=20 µm; C=50 µm. In colour online.
Thallus foliicolous, epiphyllous, in irregular patches with abundant disc-shaped isidia of the Phyllophiale alba-type, smooth, grey-green to yellowish brown, slightly shiny, lacking calcium oxalate crystals. Isidia circular, stalked, the margins more or less smooth or clearly dentate, white or with a greenish or brownish tinge. Photobiont cells angular rounded, 6·5–12·5×3–5 µm, in irregular plates.
Ascomata perithecia, sessile, subglobose, sometimes somewhat depressed at the ostiolum, 115–230 µm diam. and c. 152 µm high, surface smooth to rough, sometimes slightly papillose, yellowish to whitish, slightly shiny. Excipulum well developed, prosoplectenchymatous, 12–15 µm thick, yellow to pale orange, K+ orange. Involucrellum well developed, paraplectenchymatous, 15–19 µm thick, yellowish, K+ orange, not covered by a layer of calcium oxalate crystals (crystallostratum). Between excipulum and involucrellum, an algal layer of c. 8 µm thick with dispersed algal cells, 4–6×3–4 µm. Hamathecium colourless, I−, K/I−, paraphyses unbranched. Asci obclavate, 84–105×23–26 µm, K−, K/I−. Ascospores 8 per ascus, fusiform, (7–)9-septate, 33–50×5·0–6·5 µm (n=18, mean: 46×6 µm) with perispore 1·5 µm thick, without constrictions at septa, colourless, K−, K/I−.
Pycnidia immersed, rounded. Conidia ellipsoid, non-septate, colourless, 4·0–5·5×0·5–1·0 µm.
Thallus K−, KC−, C−, P−, UV−.
This new species is named after Micheline Wegh, the girlfriend of the first author.
Ecology and habitat
On leaves of palm trees along a river.
Tropical Africa. This species seems very rare since it is known only from the type locality.
Porina ornata Vězda seems the closest species in terms of perithecial morphology and ascospores, but that species differs by the absence of disc-shaped isidia, broader ascospores (35–50×8–11 µm) and perithecia with a pale grey to dark greyish brown colour and apical appendages. Porina weghiana is the fourth species to produce Phyllophiale-type isidia, besides P. alba (R. Sant.) Lücking, P. fusca Lücking and P. pseudoapplanata Lücking & M. Cáceres (Lücking Reference Lücking2004, Reference Lücking2008). Notably, all four have markedly different perithecial and thallus morphologies which suggests that they are not closely related and that this type of isidia evolved multiple times (Lücking Reference Lücking2008).
The four species can be distinguished as follows:
1 Ascospores 3-septate; thallus and isidia ochraceous brown ... P. fusca
Ascospores 7–9-septate; thallus greenish to yellowish; isidia whitish to greenish ... 2
2(1) Perithecia subglobose, with slightly papillose surface; ascospores mostly 9-septate ... P. weghiana
Perithecia lens-shaped, with smooth and glabrous surface; ascospores 7-septate ... 3
3(2) Thallus and perithecia with layer of calcium oxalate crystals; isidia whitish ... P. alba
Thallus and perithecia lacking calcium oxalate crystals; isidia greenish ... P. pseudoapplanata
New Records
All specimens examined are from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The taxa are listed in alphabetical order. New records for the Democratic Republic of the Congo are marked with (*), those new for tropical Africa with (**), and those new for the Palaeotropics with (***). Nomenclature follows Lücking (Reference Lücking2008).
Anisomeridium musaesporoides Etayo & Lücking (*)
Notes. Previously known from the Neotropics and the Seychelles (Lücking Reference Lücking2008). New for continental Africa.
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Mbangi (±20 km upstream of Lisala), left bank of the Congo River, at c. 3 km of the river, 345 m alt., 2009, old secondary forest, D. Ertz 15059 (BR); Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), trees along the river, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14669 (BR).
Arthonia cyanea Müll. Arg. (***)
Notes. Of the three intraspecific taxa distinguished by Lücking (Reference Lücking2008), only Arthonia cyanea var. cyanea f. minor Lücking was found. In his description, Lücking states that this new form, known from Costa Rica and Bolivia, is possibly pantropical but we know only about one recent additional location in Colombia (Mateus et al. Reference Mateus, Aguirre and Lücking2012). Nevertheless, the discovery of this species in the Democratic Republic of the Congo supports his hypothesis.
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Mbangi (±20 km upstream of Lisala), left bank of the Congo River, at c. 3 km of the river, 345 m alt., old secondary forest, 2009, D. Ertz 15052 (BR); Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), trees along the river, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14639 (BR). Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14977 (BR).
Arthonia flavoverrucosa U. Becker & Lücking (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), 350 m alt., on palm leaves, 2009, D. Ertz 15025 (BR); on palm leaves, forest on hydromorphic soil, 2009, D. Ertz 14640 (BR).
Arthonia leptosperma (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant. (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, forest dominated by Gilbertiodendron dewevrei, 2012, D. Van den Broeck 4445 (BR).
Arthonia lividula Vain. (**)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Jafira, upstream of Lieki at the other side of the Lomami River, understorey of secondary wood, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 3651 (BR).
Arthonia palmulacea (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant. (**)
Notes. A pantropical species known from North and South America (Santesson Reference Santesson1952; Lücking Reference Lücking2008) and Asia (Santesson Reference Santesson1952). This species has been placed in Eremothecella by Sérusiaux (Reference Sérusiaux1992), but this was questioned by Lücking (Reference Lücking2008). Eremothecella has peculiar pycnidia and filiform, transversely multiseptate conidia. Our specimen has non-septate conidia placing it clearly, as was suggested by Lücking, in Arthonia.
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14980 (BR).
Aspidothelium scutellicarpum Lücking (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), trees along the river, on palm leaves, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14550 (BR).
Asterothyrium argenteum Müll. Arg. (*)
Notes. Already mentioned by Santesson (1952) from tropical Africa (Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya). New to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14941, 14946 (BR); Kona, temporary fishing village at the Itimbiri River, swamp forest, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 3795 (BR).
Asterothyrium leucophthalmum (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant. (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, plantation of palms, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 3846 (BR).
Bacidina pseudohyphophorifera (Lücking & Sérusiaux) Lücking (**)
Notes. This species was always sterile but due to the conspicuous, stipitate pycnidia it was easily recognized.
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), trees along the river, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14662 (BR). Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14966 (BR).
Bacidina hypophylla Lücking & Kalb (***)
Notes. Bacidina apiahica also grows on the underside of leaves, but B. hypophylla is easily discernible by its shorter ascospores. It seems very common, thus it must have been overlooked.
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Mbangi (±20 km upstream of Lisala), left bank of the Congo River, at c. 3 km of the river, 345 m alt., old secondary forest, 2009, D. Ertz 15089 (BR); Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), trees along the river, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14660 (BR). Orientale Province: Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, hypophyllous on leaves of Scaphopetalum thonneri, in young regrowth as well as old primary forests, ×2012, D. Van den Broeck s. n. (BR).
Byssolecania variabilis Vězda et al. (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Mbangi (±20 km upstream of Lisala), left bank of the Congo River, at ±3 km of the stream, 345 m alt., dense secondary forest, 2009, D. Ertz 14336 (BR). Orientale Province: Basoko (between Lisala and Kisangani), left bank of the Congo River, dense forest on the slope of the river bank, 360 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14775 (BR); Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14990 (BR).
Byssoloma absconditum Farkas & Vězda (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Lieki, fishing village at the Lomami River, temporarily inundated wood at the NE side of the village, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4272 (BR); Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, near the village, on palm leaves in a plantation of palms, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4279 (BR).
Byssoloma aurantiacum Kalb & Vězda (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, plantation of palms, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4958 (BR); ibid. understorey of temporarily inundated wood, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4276 (BR).
Byssoloma minutissimum Kalb & Vězda (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), swamp forest, palm leaves, 2009, D. Ertz 15048 (BR). Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, champs close to the village, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4267 (BR).
Byssoloma subleucoblepharum G. Thor et al. (**)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, young regrowth forest, 2012, D. Van den Broeck 4446 (BR).
Calopadia foliicola (Fée) Vězda (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14981 (BR). Equator Province: Lisala, some km downstream of Lisala, secondary forest on the right bank of the Congo River, 310 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 15015 (BR); Kona, temporary fishing village at the Itimbiri River, swamp forest, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4244, 4245, 4926 (BR); Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, plantation of palms, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4944 (BR).
Calopadia subcoerulescens (Zahlbr.) Vězda (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), trees along the river, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14557 (BR).
Chroodiscus australiensis Vězda & Lumbsch (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yaengo, fishing village at the Lomami River, 30 km upstream of Lieki, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4995 (BR).
Coenogonium hypophyllum (Vězda) Kalb & Lücking (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Mbangi (±20 km upstream of Lisala), left bank of the Congo River, at ±3 km of the stream, 345 m alt., dense secondary forest, 2009, D. Ertz 15098 (BR). Orientale Province: Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, hypophyllous on leaves of Scaphopetalum thonneri and other plants, in young regrowth as well as old evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, ×2012, D. Van den Broeck s. n. (BR).
Coenogonium interplexum Nyl. (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, plantation of palms, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4292 (BR); plantation of Hevea brasiliensis, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 5026 (BR).
Coenogonium labyrinthicum Lücking & Kalb (*)
Notes. No apothecia seen but the applanate pycnidia with elongate, radiating, labyrinthic chambers fusing into a single ostiolum are unmistakable.
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, on palm leaves, in old evergreen Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest, 2012, D. Van den Broeck 4447, 4451 (BR).
Coenogonium linkii Ehrenb. (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), trees along the river, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14665 (BR). Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, plantation of palms, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4293, 4941 (BR).
Coenogonium lisowskii (Vězda) Lücking (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Kona, temporary fishing village at the Itimbiri River, swamp forest, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4313 (BR).
Coenogonium pocsii (Vězda & Farkas) Lücking et al. (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Mbangi (±20 km upstream of Lisala), left bank of the Congo River, close to the river and the village, c. 345 m alt., dense secondary forest, 2009, D. Ertz 14255 (BR).
Cryptothecia irregularis Lücking et al. (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14986 (BR); Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, plantation of palms, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4144 (BR); ibid. secondary wood, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4145 (BR).
Fellhanera carnea (Vězda) Vězda (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Mbangi (±20 km upstream of Lisala), left bank of the Congo River, at ±3 km of the stream, 345 m alt., dense secondary forest, 2009, D. Ertz 14999 (BR). Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, trees in the village, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4246 (BR).
Fellhanera rubida (Müll. Arg.) Lücking (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), trees along the river, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14650 (BR). Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, plantation of palms, palm leaves, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4951, 5002 (BR); plantation of Hevea brasiliensis, D. Van den Broeck 5020 (BR).
Fellhanera vandenberghenii (Sérus.) Vězda (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., on palm leaves, 2009, D. Ertz 14967 (BR).
Keratosphaera multiseptata Flakus & Lücking (***)
Notes. This is a first record for the Palaeotropics of this recently described species from Bolivia (Flakus & Lücking Reference Flakus and Lücking2008).
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14976 (BR).
Lyromma confusum Lücking & Sérus. (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, on leaves of an unidentified plant species, in old evergreen Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest, 2012, D. Van den Broeck 4448 (BR).
Lyromma nectandrae Bat. & H. Maia (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), trees along the river, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14648 (BR). Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14951 (BR); Kona, temporary fishing village at the Itimbiri River, swamp forest, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4146 (BR); Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, trees in and around the village, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4249 (BR).
Microtheliopsis uleana Müll. Arg. (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), swamp forest, palm leaves, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 15046 (BR). Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, plantation of palms, palm leaves, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4931 (BR).
Microtheliopsis uniseptata Herrera-Campos & Lücking (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Kona, temporary fishing village at the Itimbiri River, swamp forest, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4148 (BR).
Opegrapha vegae R. Sant. (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Mbangi (±20 km upstream of Lisala), left bank of the Congo River, close to the river and the village, c. 345 m alt., dense secondary forest, 2009, D. Ertz 14250 (BR); Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), swamp forest, palm leaves, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 15049 (BR). Orientale Province: Kona, temporary fishing village at the Itimbiri River, swamp forest, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 3617 (BR).
Phylloblastia dolichospora Vain. (*)
Notes. No perithecia observed but the disciform, adnate isidia in combination with the microsquamulose thallus are quite typical.
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, near the village, on palm leaves, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4149 (BR).
Phylloblastia mucronata (McCarthy) Lücking (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Lisala, some km downstream of Lisala, secondary forest on the right bank of the Congo River, 310 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 15111 (BR).
Porina follmanniana U. Becker & Lücking (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, on leaves of Scaphopetalum thonneri and other understorey plants, in young regrowth and in old evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, 2012, D. Van den Broeck 4449, 4453 (BR).
Porina palmicola Malcolm & Vězda (**)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, temporarily inundated wood, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 5602 (BR).
Porina rubentior (Stirt.) Müll. Arg. (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14983 (BR); Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, trees in and around the village, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4150 (BR); plantation of palms, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4910, 4914, 4959 (BR).
Porina rubescens (Lücking) Hafellner & Kalb (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Basoko (between Lisala and Kisangani), left bank of the Congo River, dense forest on the slope of the river bank, 360 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14781 (BR).
Porina sphaerocephala Vain. (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, on leaves of Scaphopetalum thonneri, semi-evergreen forest, 2012, D. Van den Broeck 4454 (BR).
Porina subnucula Lumbsch, et al. (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, on leaves of Scaphopetalum thonneri, in young regrowth forest, 2012, D. Van den Broeck 4455 (BR).
Psoroglaena ornata Herrera-Campos & Lücking (***)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Jafira, upstream of Lieki at the other side of the Lomami River, understorey of secondary wood, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4151 (BR).
Psoroglaena perminuta (Vězda) H. Harada (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), trees along the river, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14661 (BR).
Sporopodium antonianum Elix et al. (*)
Notes. In our specimens, this species sometimes grows partially on the underside of leaves.
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), swamp forest, palm leaves, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 15024 (BR). Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 14953 (BR); Kona, temporary fishing village at the Itimbiri River, swamp forest, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4925 (BR); Jafira, upstream of Lieki at the other side of the Lomami River, understorey of secondary wood, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4145 (BR); Yaengo, fishing village at the Lomami River, 30 km upstream of Lieki, in the village near the Lomami River, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4993 (BR).
Sporopodium podosphaera Lücking & R. Sant. (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Mbangi (±20 km upstream of Lisala), left bank of the Congo River, at c. 3 km of the river, 345 m alt., old secondary forest, 2009, D. Ertz 15009 (BR). Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, plantation of palms, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4247, 4929 (BR).
Strigula albomaculata Sérus. (*)
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Mbangi (±20 km upstream of Lisala), left bank of the Congo River, at c. 3 km of the river, 345 m alt., old secondary forest, 2009, D. Ertz 15073 (BR). Orientale Province: Yaekama, 370 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 15074, 15189 (BR).
Strigula obducta (Müll. Arg.) R. C. Harris (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equator Province: Monze (Engengele: between Lisala and Kisangani), valley of Loika (=tributary of the Itimbiri River), swamp forest, 350 m alt., 2009, D. Ertz 15033 (BR).
Strigula subelegans Vain. (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yaengo, fishing village at the Lomami River, 30 km upstream of Lieki, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4155 (BR).
Trichothelium epiphyllum Müll. Arg. (*)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Kona, temporary fishing village at the Itimbiri River, swamp forest, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4924 (BR).
Trichothelium sipmanii Lücking (***)
Notes. Of the two intraspecific taxa distinguished by Lücking (Reference Lücking2008), only Trichothelium sipmanii fo. multiseptatum Lücking was found.
Specimens examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Bomane, fishing village at the Aruwimi River, plantation of palms, palm leaves, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4939 (BR); Jafira, upstream of Lieki on the other side of the Lomami River, understorey of secondary wood, 2010, D. Van den Broeck 4156 (BR).
Vezdaea polyspora Kalb & Vězda (***)
Specimen examined. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Orientale Province: Yangambi, Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, evergreen forest, 0°46′49·49″N, 24°31′15·89″E, c. 471 m alt., hypophyllous on leaves of Marantaceae sp., 2012, D. Van den Broeck 4456 (BR).
The expeditions to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the COBIMFO project were financially supported by the Belgian National Lottery, BELSPO and BTC. Fieldwork was supported by local guides, the staff of the WWF and the herbarium in Yangambi. Logistical support was generously provided by the organizers of the expeditions, Professor Benjamin Akaibe Dudu and the staff of the CBS at the University of Kisangani. Alidé Kidimbu, Elisabeth Kearsly and Thalès de Haulleville are warmly thanked for the selection of the forest plots at the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve. The authors are indebted to Cyrille Gerstmans and Daniel De Wit for technical assistance. The curators of LG, G and UPS are acknowledged for the loan of, or permission to study, material.
Appendix 1. List of foliicolous species of the Democratic Republic of the Congo reported in literature. Sixty-six taxa with an asterisk (*) were collected during fieldwork in 2009–2012
Aderkomyces albostrigosus*, Aderkomyces dilatatus, Aderkomyces helminthosporus, Anisomeridium foliicola*, Arthonia accolens*, Arthonia trilocularis*, Arthotheliopsis planicarpa, Aspidothelium fugiens, Aspidothelium trichothelioides, Asterothyrium monosporum, Asterothyrium octomerum, Asterothyrium pittieri*, Asterothyrium rotuliforme, Aulaxina epiphylla, Aulaxina microphana*, Aulaxina minuta, Aulaxina opegraphina*, Aulaxina quadrangula*, Aulaxina submuralis, Aulaxina unispora, Bacidia clauzadei, Bacidia dimerelloides, Bacidia foliicola*, Bacidia ituriensis, Bacidina apiahica*, Bacidina mirabilis*, Bacidina scutellifera, Badimia dimidiata*, Badimia pallidula, Bapalmuia palmularis, Barubria rubrofusca, Byssolecania deplanata*, Byssoloma fadenii, Byssoloma guttiferae*, Byssoloma leucoblepharum*, Byssoloma murinum, Byssoloma subdiscordans*, Byssoloma subpolychromum, Byssoloma tricholomum*, Byssoloma vanderystii*, Byssoloma vezdanum*, Calenia africana, Calenia aspidota*, Calenia depressa*, Calenia graphidea, Calenia thelotremella, Caleniopsis laevigata, Calopadia fusca*, Calopadia puiggarii*, Chroodiscus mirificus, Chroodiscus verrucosus*, Coccocarpia erythroxyli, Coccocarpia palmicola, Coccocarpia pellita, Coenogonium fallaciosum, Coenogonium subluteum*, Coenogonium vezdanum, Cryptothecia candida*, Echinoplaca diffluens, Echinoplaca epiphylla*, Echinoplaca handelii, Echinoplaca leucotrichoides*, Echinoplaca pellicula, Eugeniella micrommata*, Fellhanera africana*, Fellhanera bouteillei, Fellhanera encephalarti, Fellhanera lambinonii*, Fellhanera lisowskii, Fellhanera rhapidophylli, Fellhanera sorediantha*, Fellhanera stanhopeae, Fellhanera subfuscatula, Fellhanera sublecanorina, Fellhanera submicrommata*, Fellhanera subternella*, Fellhanera wirthii, Gyalectidium filicinum, Gyalideopsis perminuta, Gyalideopsis rubescens, Lasioloma arachnoideum*, Loflammia epiphylla*, Loflammiopsis brasiliensis, Macentina hepaticola, Mazosia dispersa*, Mazosia melanophthalma*, Mazosia paupercula*, Mazosia phyllosema*, Mazosia rotula*, Mazosia rubropunctata, Opegrapha filicina, Opegrapha lambinonii, Opegrapha santessonii*, Phylloblastia dispersa, Phylloblastia septemseptata, Phyllogyalidea epiphylla, Phyllogyalidea phyllophila*, Pleurotrema epiphylla, Porina alba*, Porina albida, Porina atrocoerulea, Porina distans*, Porina epiphylla*, Porina epiphylloides, Porina fusca, Porina imitatrix*, Porina limbulata, Porina nilgiriensis, Porina nitidula, Porina radiata, Porina rufula*, Porina tetramera*, Porina trichothelioides*, Porina triseptata, Psorotheciopsis albomaculans, Psorotheciopsis patellarioides*, Psorotheciopsis premneella, Rolueckia conspersa*, Sporopodium leprieurii*, Strigula concreta, Strigula janeirensis*, Strigula macrocarpa, Strigula melanobapha*, Strigula nemathora*, Strigula nitidula, Strigula orbicularis*, Strigula phyllogena*, Strigula prasina, Strigula schizospora, Strigula smaragdula*, Strigula subtilissima*, Tapellaria epiphylla, Tapellaria molleri*, Tapellaria nigrata*, Tapellaria phyllophila*, Tricharia pallida, Tricharia similis, Tricharia sipmanii, Tricharia subsimilis, Tricharia triseptata, Tricharia urceolata, Tricharia vainioi*, Trichothelium africanum, Trichothelium alboatrum, Trichothelium annulatum, Trichothelium bipindense*, Trichothelium pauciseptatum, Trichothelium porinoides*, Trichothelium triseptatum, Vezdaea foliicola