Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
Compiled by Raymond Ridderhof exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library
1. Books
Alter, K.J., Helfer, L.R. and Madsen, M.R. (eds.), International Court Authority (2018). ISBN 9780192515032, XIX, 464 pp.
Dubler, R. and Kalyk, M., Crimes against Humanity in the 21st Century: Law, Practice and Threats to International Peace and Security (2018). ISBN 9789004347687, XII, 1090 pp.
Meijer, H. and Wyss, M. (eds.), The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces (2018). ISBN 9780191831737, XXXVI, 960 pp.
Müller, H. and Rauch, C. (eds.), Great Power Multilateralism and the Prevention of War: Debating a 21st Century Concert of Powers (2018). ISBN 9781138634435, XV, 267 pp.
Rodiles, A., Coalitions of the Willing and International Law: The Interplay between Formality and Informality (2018). ISBN 9781108680431, XX, 296 pp.
Rwengabo, S., Security Cooperation in the East African Community (2018). ISBN 9781569025475, XVIII, 336 pp.
Sienknecht, M., Entgrenzte Konflikte in der Weltgesellschaft: zur Inklusion internationaler Organisationen in innerstaatliche Konfliktsysteme (2018). ISBN 9783658197193, 280 pp.
Stern, O.M., Gender, Conflict and International Humanitarian Law: A Critique of the ‘Principle of Distinction’ (2019). ISBN 9781138307704, ix, 242 pp.
Tanaka, Y., The Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (2018). ISBN 9781316687062, LVIII, 405 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Attinà, F., ‘Tackling the migrant wave: EU as a source and a manager of crisis’, (2018) 70 Revista Española de Derecho Internacional 49–70
Barelli, M., ‘Preventing and Responding to Atrocity Crimes: China, Sovereignty and the Responsibility to Protect’, (2018) 23 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 173–201
Burkadze, K., ‘A Shift in NATO’s Article 5 in the Cyber Era?’, (2018) 42 Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 215–226
Butchard, P.M., ‘Back to San Francisco: Explaining the Inherent Contradictions of Article 2(4) of the UN Charter’, (2018) 23 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 229–267
Colby, E., ‘If You Want Peace, Prepare for Nuclear War: A Strategy for the New Great-Power Rivalry’, (2018) 97 Foreign Affairs 25–32
Couvreur, P., ‘Le Palais de la Paix, la CIJ et la Fondation Carnegie’, in Hoogstraten van, S. (ed.), New Challenges to International Law: A View from The Hague (2018) 149–153
Daudet, Y., ‘The Hague Academy of International Law and the Development of the Settlement of Disputes as a Global Mechanism’, in Hoogstraten van, S. (ed.), New Challenges to International Law: A View from The Hague (2018) 14–19
Dotan, S., ‘International Courts Improve Public Deliberation’, (2018) 39 Michigan Journal of International Law 217–240
Efurhievwe, B., ‘Asylum 22: A Critical Analysis of “Crisis Management” under CEAS’, (2018) 32 Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law 133–160
Fahrmeir, A., ‘The dark side of the European concert of powers: Caveats to be taken into account for successfully managing peace’, in Müller, H. and Rauch, C. (eds.), Great Power Multilateralism and the Prevention of War: Debating a 21st Century Concert of Powers (2018) 65–78
Fisk, K. and Ramos, J.M., ‘Making the World Safe for Preventive Force: India, South Korea, and the US Precedent’, in Brunstetter, D.R. and Holeindre, J. (eds.), The Ethics of War and Peace Revisited: Moral Challenges in an Era of Contested and Fragmented Sovereignty (2018) 79–96
Gehring, T. and Dörfler, T., ‘Constitutive mechanisms of UN Security Council practices: Precedent pressure, ratchet effect, and council action regarding intrastate conflicts’, (2019) 45 Review of International Studies 120–140
Giegerich, B., ‘The North Atlantic Treaty Organization’, in Meijer, H. and Wyss, M. (eds.), The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces (2018) 377–391
Giovannini, F., ‘At the Nuclear Brink or Towards a Nuclear Renaissance?’, (2018) 42 Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 79–105
Gowan, R., ‘European Involvement in United Nations Peacekeeping’, in Meijer, H. and Wyss, M. (eds.), The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces (2018) 854–869
Gowan, R., ‘Muddling through to 2030: The Long Decline of International Security Cooperation’, (2018) 42 Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 55–64
Harpaz, G., ‘The European Union’s Conflict-Resolution Policy in Georgia: The Way Forward’, (2018) 23 European Foreign Affairs Review 243–261
Hirschmann, G., ‘Guarding the guards: Pluralist accountability for human rights violations by international organisations’, (2019) 45 Review of International Studies 20–38
Hoogstraten, S. van, ‘Peace Palace and New Challenges to Peace Diplomacy’, in Hoogstraten, S. van (ed.), New Challenges to International Law: A View from The Hague (2018) 141–148
Krotz, U. and Wright, K., ‘CSDP Military Operations’, in Meijer, H. and Wyss, M. (eds.), The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces (2018) 870–887
MacFarlane, S.N., ‘Regional Organizations and Global Security Governance’, in Weiss, T.G. and Wilkinson, R. (eds.), International Organization and Global Governance (2018) 471–483
Madokoro, D., ‘International commissions as norm entrepreneurs: Creating the normative idea of the responsibility to protect’, (2019) 45 Review of International Studies 100–119
Marotti, L., ‘Determining the Scope of the Local Remedies Rule in UNCLOS Disputes’, (2018) 21 Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law 36–62
Milano, E., ‘Territorial Conflicts and Disputes in Europe: What Role for International Law in the 21st Century?’, (2018) 16 Baltic Yearbook of International Law 7–27
Moser, C., ‘Bring Claims if You Can - On the Intricate Arrangements for Claims Arising from Extraterritorial EU Security and Defence Activities’, (2018) 78 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (ZaöRV) 575–579
Park, L., ‘The International Court and Rule-Making: Finding Effectiveness’, (2018) 39 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 1065–1097
Pingeot, L., ‘United Nations peace operations as international practices: Revisiting the UN mission’s armed raids against gangs in Haiti’, (2018) 3 European Journal of International Security 364–381
Rodiles, A., ‘Law and Violence in the Global South: The Legal Framing of Mexico’s “NARCO WAR”’, (2018) 23 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 269–281
Schulz, M., ‘The Concert of Europe and international security governance: How did it operate, what did it accomplish, what were its shortcomings, what can we learn?’, in Müller, H. and Rauch, C. (eds.), Great Power Multilateralism and the Prevention of War: Debating a 21st Century Concert of Powers (2018) 26–45
Sperling, J. and Webber, M., ‘NATO Operations’, in Meijer, H. and Wyss, M. (eds.), The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces (2018) 888–914
Swaine, A., ‘Women, Peace and Security’, in Williams, P.D. and McDonald, M. (eds.), Security Studies: An Introduction (2018) 511–525
Theurer, S., ‘Der Khartum-Prozess: Europäische Krisenpolitik am Horn von Afrika’, (2018) 51 Kritische Justiz 280–294
Usanmaz, E., ‘Successful Crisis Management? Evaluating the Success of the EU Missions in the Western Balkans’, (2018) 23 European Foreign Affairs Review 381–403
Vervliet, J., ‘Mediation as an Alternative for International Dispute Settlement’, in Hoogstraten, S. van (ed.), New Challenges to International Law: A View from The Hague (2018) 27–35
Williams, P.D. and Bellamy, A.J., ‘UN Security Council and Peace Operations’, in Weiss, T.G. and Wilkinson, R. (eds.), International Organization and Global Governance (2018) 455–470
Xinbo, Wu, ‘China in search of a liberal partnership international order’, (2018) 94 International Affairs 995–1018