Books and articles in the field of the prevention and peaceful settlement of disputes
Compiled by Raymond Ridderhof exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library
1. Books
Arnauld, A. von, Matz-Lück, N. and Odendahl, K. (eds.), 100 Years of Peace through Law: Past and Future (2015). ISBN 9783428148349, 275 pp.
Badmus, I.A., The African Union's Role in Peacekeeping: Building on Lessons learned from Security Operations (2015). ISBN 9781137426604, XVI, 277 pp.
Eriksson, J., Small-State Mediation in International Conflicts: Diplomacy and Negotiation in Israel-Palestine (2015). ISBN 9781784532291, XI, 282 pp.
Fischer, F.-W., Internationale Streitfälle gestern und morgen: peace-making and -keeping (2015). ISBN 9783863869243, 474 pp.
Galantino, M.G., and Freire, M.R., (eds.), Managing Crises, Making Peace: Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defense (2015). ISBN 9781137442246, XVI, 297 pp.
Karlsrud, J., Norm Change in International Relations: Linked Ecologies in UN Peacekeeping Operations (2016). ISBN 9781138942707, XIX, 152 pp.
Koops, J.A., MacQueen, N., Tardy, T. and Williams, P.D. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (2015). ISBN 9780199686049, XXIV, 908 pp.
McCall, C., The European Union and Peacebuilding: the Cross-Border Dimension (2014). ISBN 9781137357700, X, 175 pp.
Mondré, A., Forum Shopping in International Disputes (2015). ISBN 9781349561148, XI 230 pp.
Neuhold, H., The Law of International Conflict: Force, Intervention and Peaceful Dispute Settlement (2016). ISBN 9789004299917, VIII, 224 pp.
Nsia-Pepra, K., UN Robust Peacekeeping: Civilian Protection in Violent Civil Wars (2014). ISBN 9781137397850, XV, 257 pp.
O'Bannon, B.R. (ed.), Reassessing the Responsibility to Protect: Conceptual and Operational Challenges (2016). ISBN 9780415667579, X, 166 pp.
Ramcharan, B.G., International Peace Conferences, (2015). ISBN 9789004245891, X, 275 pp.
Turan, T., Positive Peace in Theory and Practice: Strengthening the United Nations's Pre-Conflict Prevention Role (2016). ISBN 9789004305601, X, 274 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Almeida, B.R. de and Vasconcelos, R.C. de, ‘Socio-environmental Disputes within MERCOSUR: Lack of a More Meaningful Cooperation’, (2015) 14 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 476–497
Andersson, R. and Weigand, F., ‘Intervention at Risk: the Vicious Cycle of Distance and Danger in Mali and Afghanistan’, (2015) 9 Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 519–541
Aral, B., ‘The Ottoman “School” of International Law as Featured in Textbooks’, (2016) 18 Journal of the History of International Law 70–97
Autesserre, S., ‘The Responsibility to Protect in Congo: the Failure of Grassroots Prevention’, in O'Bannon, B.R. (ed.), Reassessing the Responsibility to Protect: Conceptual and Operational Challenges (2016) 93–113
Battistelli, F., ‘Peacekeeping between Politics and Society’, in Galantino, M.G. and Freire, M.R. (eds.), Managing Crises, Making Peace: Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defense (2015) 21–45
Bellamy, A.J., ‘United Nations Action in Sri Lanka and the Responsibility to Protect’, in O'Bannon, B.R. (ed.), Reassessing the Responsibility to Protect: Conceptual and Operational Challenges (2016) 114–141
Berger, C., ‘The Unintended Consequences of UN Peacekeeping in Post-War South Sudan: Why everyone wants a uniform’, in O'Bannon, B.R. (ed.), Reassessing the Responsibility to Protect: Conceptual and Operational Challenges (2016) 142–150
Breen, C., ‘Progressing Towards Peace? States’ Extraterritorial Obligations in Peace Operations and the Added Value of Human Rights Indicators’, (2015) 9 Human Rights & International Legal Discourse 123–150
Caflisch, L. and Kamga, M., ‘The Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes in Africa: the Present and the Future’, (2015) 20 African Yearbook of International Law 361–408
Chandler, D., ‘Understanding the Gap between the Promise and the Reality of “the Responsibility to Protect”’, in O'Bannon, B.R. (ed.), Reassessing the Responsibility to Protect: Conceptual and Operational Challenges (2016) 35–50
Churchill, R., ‘Dispute Settlement in the Law of the Sea: Survey for 2014’, (2015) 30 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 585–653
Churruca, C., ‘EUFOR Chad/CAR Mission on the Protection of Civilians: a Distinctive EU Way to Peace Operations’, in Galantino, M.G. and Freire, M.R. (eds.), Managing Crises, Making Peace: Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defense (2015) 216–235
Convergne, E. and Snyder, M.R., ‘Making Maps to Make Peace: Geospatial Technology as a Tool for UN Peacekeeping’, (2015) 22 International Peacekeeping 565–586
Drent, M., ‘EU-NATO Relations in Crisis Management Operations: the Practice of Informality’, in Galantino, M.G. and Freire, M.R. (eds.), Managing Crises, Making Peace: Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defense (2015) 46–68
Foley, C., ‘What Do We Mean by Protection?’ (2015) 23 Michigan State International Law Review 701–751
Freire, M.R., Lopes, , Nascimento, P.D., , D., ‘The EU's Role in Crisis Management: the Case of the EUMM’, in Galantino, M.G. and Freire, M.R. (eds.), Managing Crises, Making Peace: Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defense (2015) 178–195
Galantino, M.P., ‘CSDP and Democratic Legitimacy: Public Opinion's Support in Times of Crisis’, in Galantino, M.G. and Freire, M.R. (eds.), Managing Crises, Making Peace: Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defense (2015) 46–68
Gouveia, J.B., ‘O uso da força no Direito Internacional Público: use of force in Public International Law’, (2013) 107 Revista brasileira de estudos politicos 149–200
Haesebrouck, T. and Meirvenne, M.V., ‘EUFOR RCA and CSDP Crisis Management Operations: Back on Track?’ (2015) 20 European Foreign Affairs Review 267–285
Happold, M., ‘Obligations of States Contributing to UN Peacekeeping Missions under Common Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions (Comment)’, in Krieger, H. (ed.), Inducing Compliance with International Humanitarian Law: Lessons from the African Great Lakes Region (2015) 382–398
Hébié, M., ‘Les accords conclus entre puissances coloniales et entités politique africaines: quelques éléments pour reconsidérer la décision de la CIJ en l'affaire de la Frontière terrestre et maritime (Cameroun v. Nigeria : Guinée equatoriale (intervenant))’ , (2015) 20 African Yearbook of International Law 97–119
Heinecken, L., ‘Are Women “Really” Making a Unique Contribution to Peacekeeping?: The Rhetoric and the Reality’, (2015) 19 Journal of International Peacekeeping 227–248
Hertogen, A., ‘Letting Lotus Bloom’, (2015) 26 European Journal of International Law 901–926
Jacobs, B.L., ‘A Perplexing Paradox: “De-Statification” of “Investor-State” Dispute Settlement?’, (2015) 30 Emory International Law Review 17–29
Jia, B.B., ‘The Curious Case of Article 281: A “Super” Provision within UNCLOS’, 46 (2015) Ocean Development and International Law: the Journal of Marine Affairs 266–280
Jovanović, M.A., ‘Responsibilitiy to Protect and the International Rule of Law’, (2015) 14 Chinese Journal of International Law 757–776
King, A., ’The EU and Multilateral Peace Operations: after Afghanistan’, in Galantino, M.G. and Freire, M.R. (eds.), Managing Crises, Making Peace: Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defense (2015) 255–274
Kingston, L.N., ‘Protecting the world's most prosecuted: the responsibility to protect and Burma's Rohingya minority’, (2015) 19 The International Journal of Human Rights 1163–1175
Lavallée, C. and Völkel, J.C., ‘Military in Mali: The EU's Action against Instability in the Sahel Region’, (2015) 20 European Foreign Affairs Review 159–185
Lekas, A., ‘ISIS: the Largest Threat to World Peace Trending Now’, (2015) 30 Emory International Law Review 313–351
Lombardo, G., ‘The responsibility to protect and the lack of intervention in Syria between the protection of human rights and geopolitical strategies’, (2015) 19 The International Journal of Human Rights 1190–1198
Majola, B.C. and Majinge, C.R., ‘Peaceful Settlement of Disputes among States and the Role of Regional Judicial Institutions in Africa’, in Majinge, C.R. and Dieng, A. (eds.), Rule of Law through Human Rights and International Criminal Justice: Essays in Honour of Adama Dieng (2015) 523–552
Mallory, C. and Wallace, S., ‘The “deterrent argument” and the responsibility to protect’, (2015) 19 The International Journal of Human Rights 1213–1226
Mégret, F., ‘Between R2P and the ICC: “Robust Peacekeeping” and the Quest for Civilian Protection’, (2015) 26 Criminal Law Forum 101–151
Müller, L., ‘The Force Intervention Brigade - United Nations Forces beyond the Fine Line Between Peacekeeping and Peace Enforcement’, (2015) 20 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 381–413
Mwangi, O.G., ‘State collapse, peace enforcement and the responsibility to protect in Somalia’, (2015) 19 The International Journal of Human Rights 1227–1239
Nasu, H., ‘Institutional Evolution in Africa and the “Peacekeeping Institution”’, in Nasu, H. and Rubenstein, K. (eds.), Legal Perspectives on Security Institutions (2015) 167–189
Nováky, N.I., ‘From EUFOR to EUMAM: The European Union in the Central African Republic’, (2016) 21 European Foreign Affairs Review 95–114
O'Bannon, B.R., ‘Ontological Insecurity and the Origins of R2P’, in O'Bannon, B.R. (ed.), Reassessing the Responsibility to Protect: Conceptual and Operational Challenges (2016) 1–17
Orford, A., ‘The Responsibility to Protect and the Limits of International Authority’, in O'Bannon, B.R. (ed.), Reassessing the Responsibility to Protect: Conceptual and Operational Challenges (2016) 18–34
Orrego Vicuña, F., ‘Maintenance and Restoration of International Peace and Security through Arbitration and Judicial Settlement’, in Arnauld, A. von, Matz-Lück, N. and Odendahl, K. (eds.), 100 Years of Peace through Law: Past and Future (2015) 53–65
Pleuger, G., ‘Maintenance and Restoration of International Peace and Security by Diplomatic Means’, in Arnauld, A. von, Matz-Lück, N. and Odendahl, K. (eds.), 100 Years of Peace through Law: Past and Future (2015) 45–52
Popovski, V., ‘UNCLOS and the Peaceful Use of the Sea’, in Wu, S., Valencia, M. and Hong, N. (eds.), UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the South China Sea (2015) 73–83
Powers, M., ‘Responsibility to protect: dead, dying, or thriving?’ (2015) 19 The International Journal of Human Rights 1257–1278
Remler, P., ‘Ukraine, Protracted Conflicts and the OSCE’, (2015) 26 Security and Human Rights 88–106
Renard, T., ‘Partnering for Global Security: The EU, Its Strategic Partners and Transnational Security Challenges’, (2016) 21 European Foreign Affairs Review 9–33
Rossi, R., ‘The EU, Non-state Actors, and Peace-Support Policies in the Western Balkans’, (2015) 20 European Foreign Affairs Review 495–516
Rouppertin, B., ‘EUTM Mali: a Rapid Response Operation Launched in an Open Conflict’, in Galantino, M.G. and Freire, M.R. (eds.), Managing Crises, Making Peace: Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defense (2015) 236–254
Sarkin, J., ‘The Rise and Fall (and Supposed Rise Again) of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) as a Norm of International Law: R2P in the Human Rights Landscape’, in O'Bannon, B.R. (ed.), Reassessing the Responsibility to Protect: Conceptual and Operational Challenges (2016) 51–73
Sicilianos, L., ‘Le Conseil de sécurité, la reponsabilité des Etats et la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme: vers une approche intégrée ?’, (2015) 119 Revue générale de droit international public 779–795
Teimouri, H., ‘Protecting while not being responsible: the case of Syria and responsibility to protect’, (2015) 19 The International Journal of Human Rights 1279–1289
Timmoneri, S., ‘Responsibility to protect and “peacetime atrocities”: the case North Korea’, (2015) 19 The International Journal of Human Rights 1290–1302
Tehindrazanarivelo, D.L., ‘Le Relations entre l'Union africaine et l'Organisation des Nations Unies: la Question du financement des operations regionales de maintien de la paix’, (2015) 20 African Yearbook of International Law 55–83
Törö, C., ‘EU Bridging Operation in Support of AU and UN Missions in the Central African Republic’, (2015) 20 European Foreign Affairs Review 517–533
Tsvetkov, T., ‘Analysis of Stakeholders and Groups of Interests in Conducting European Union Peace Operations’, in Galantino, M.G. and Freire, M.R. (eds.), in Galantino, M.G. and Freire, M.R. (eds.), Managing Crises, Making Peace: Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defense (2015) 131–153
Vanhullebusch, M., ‘Regime Change, the Security Council and China’, (2015) 14 Chinese Journal of International Law 665–707
Weiss, T.G., ‘Peace Operations and Humanitarian Interventions’, in Koops, J.A., MacQueen, N., Tardy, T. and Williams, P.D. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (2015) 78–92
Wet, E. de, ‘The Modern Practice of Intervention by Invitation in Africa and Its Implications for the Prohibition of the Use of Force’, (2015) 26 European Journal of International Law 979–998