Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of international Disputes (Winter 2012)
Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Aksar, Y. (ed.), Implementing International Economic Law: Through Dispute Settlement Mechanisms (2011). ISBN 9789004203839, 197 pp.
Cheng, C. S., and Zaum, D. (eds.), Corruption and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Selling the Peace? (2012). ISBN 9780415620482, 297 pp.
Cubitt, C., Local and Global Dynamics of Peacebuilding: Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Sierra Leone (2012). ISBN 9780415664912, 237 pp.
Housden, M., The League of Nations and the Organisation of Peace (2012). ISBN 9781408228241, 170 pp.
Kelman, I., Disaster Diplomacy: How Disasters Affect Peace and Conflict (2012). ISBN 9780415679930, 174 pp.
Kidane, W., China–Africa Dispute Settlement: The Law, Economics and Culture of Arbitration (2012). ISBN 9789041136749, 591 pp.
Kulovesi, K., The WTO Dispute Settlement System: Challenges of the Environment, Legitimacy and Fragmentation (2011). ISBN 9789041134066, 295 pp.
Molinuevo, M., Protecting Investment in Services: Investor-State Arbitration versus WTO Dispute Settlement (2012). ISBN 9789041138279, 311 pp.
Moser, M., and Choong, J. (eds.), Asia Arbitration Handbook (2012). ISBN 9780199691654, 1197 pp.
Roe, T., and Happold, M., Settlement of Investment Disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty (2011). ISBN 9780521899383, 249 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Aceves, W. J., ‘Litigating the Arab–Israeli Conflict in US Courts: Critiquing the Lawfare Critique’, 43 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law (2010–11), 313–26
Aksar, Y., ‘Towards Global Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in International Economic Law’, in Aksar, Y. (ed.), Implementing International Economic Law: Through Dispute Settlement Mechanisms (2011), 187–91
Al-Herbish, Z. S., ‘Jurisdiction over Banking Disputes in Saudi Arabia’, 25 Arab Law Quarterly (2011), 221–8
Allan, K., ‘Prosecution and Peace: A Role for Amnesty before the ICC’, 39 Denver Journal of international Law and Policy (2011), 239–302
American Bar Association and Canadian Bar Association Joint Working Group, ‘Settlement of International Disputes between Canada and the USA’, 35 Canada–United States Law Journal (2011), 9–121
Andrésdóttir, S., ‘Multilateral Peace Operations, 2010’, SIPRI Yearbook (2011), 110–53
Baetens, F., and Rumiana, Y., ‘Abyei Arbitration: A Model Procedure for Intra-State Dispute Settlement in Resource-Rich Conflict Areas’, 3 Goettingen Journal of International Law (2011), 417–46
Caflisch, L., ‘Vattel and the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes’, in Chetail, V. and Haggenmacher, P. (eds.), Vattel's International Law in a XXIst Century Perspective [Le droit international de Vattel vu du XXIe siècle] (2011), 257–66
Cai, P. X. F., ‘Making WTO Remedies Work for Developing Nations: The Need for Class Actions’, 25 Emory International Law Review (2011), 151–96
Caliskan, Y., ‘Dispute Settlement in International Investment Law’, in Aksar, Y. (ed.), Implementing International Economic Law: Through Dispute Settlement Mechanisms (2011), 123–85
Carmody, C., ‘Duty to Settle in WTO Dispute Settlement’, 6 Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy (2011), 169–200
Checiu, A., ‘Divided Partners: The Challenges of NATO–NGO Cooperation in Peacebuilding Operations’, 17 Global Governance (2011), 95–114
Churchill, R., ‘Dispute Settlement under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Survey for 2010’, 26 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (2011), 495–523
Clark, J. N., ‘Peace, Justice and the International Criminal Court: Limitations and Possibilities’, 9 Journal of International Criminal Justice (2011), 521–45
Daase, C., ‘The Redistribution of Resources in Internationalized Intra-State Peace Processes by Comprehensive Peace Agreements and Security Council Resolutions’, 3 Goettingen Journal of international Law (2011), 23–70
De Brabandere, E., ‘NGOs and the Public Interest: The Legality and Rationale of Amicus Curiae Interventions in International Economic and Investment Disputes’, 12 Chicago Journal of International Law (2011), 85–114
De Oliveira, R. S., ‘Illiberal Peacebuilding in Angola’, 49 Journal of Modern African Studies (2011), 287–314
Deutsch, R., ‘ICSID Tribunal Denies Jurisdiction for Failure to Satisfy BIT's Cooling-Off Period: Further Evidence of a Sea Change in Investor-State Arbitration or a Meaningless Ripple’, 33 Houston Journal of International Law (2011), 589–604
Dezalay, S., ‘Lawyering War or Talking Peace? On Militant Usages of the Law in the Resolution of Internal Armed Conflicts: A Case Study of International Alert’, in Dezalay, Y. and Garth, B. G. (eds.), Lawyers and the Construction of Transnational Justice (2012), 60–83
Dorn, J. W., ‘Settlements in the United States Court of International Trade: Practices and Politics’, 19 Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law (2011), 433–54
Foster, G. K., ‘Striking a Balance between Investor Protections and National Sovereignty: The Relevance of Local Remedies in Investment Treaty Arbitration’, 49 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (2010–11), 201–67
Franck, S. D., ‘The ICSID Effect: Considering Potential Variations in Arbitration Awards’, 51 Virginia Journal of International Law (2011), 825–914
Fry, J., and Khong, C., ‘ICC Arbitration in Asia’, in Moser, M. and Choong, J. (eds.), Asia Arbitration Handbook (2011), 1127–36
Fry, J. D. ‘Regularity through Reason: A Foundation of Virtue for International Arbitration’, 4 Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal (2011), 57–94
Goodhand, J., ‘Corrupting or Consolidating the Peace? The Drug Economy and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in Afghanistan’, in Cheng, C. S. and Zaum, D. (eds.), Corruption and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Selling the Peace? (2012), 144–61
Hiscock, M. E., ‘Cross-Border Online Consumer Dispute Resolution’, 4 Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal (2011), 1–18
Höglund, K., and Svensson, I., ‘Schizophrenic Soothers: The International Community and Contrast Strategies for Peace-Making in Sri Lanka’, 46 Cooperation and Conflict (2011), 166–84
Karacan Baklaci, P., ‘Dispute Settlement in International Trade Law’, in Aksar, Y. (ed.), Implementing International Economic Law: Through Dispute Settlement Mechanisms (2011), 83–121
Karim, S., ‘Conflicts over Protection of Marine Living Resources: The “Volga Case” Revisited’, 3 Goettingen Journal of International Law (2011), 101–28
Kawano, M., ‘The Role of Judicial Procedures in the Process of the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes’, 346 Recueil des cours (2009), 9–473
Kolo, A., ‘Dispute Settlement and Sustainable Development of Natural Resources in Africa’, in Botchway, F. N. (ed.), Natural Resource Investment and Africa's Development (2011), 49–71
Kritz, B. A., and Wilson, J., ‘No Transitional Justice without Transition: Darfur – A Case Study’, 19 Michigan State University College of Law Journal of International Law (2011), 475–500
Lau, C., ‘Opportunities in Multiparty Maritime Arbitration’, 25 Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal (2011), 108–25
Le Miere, C., ‘Policing the Waves: Maritime Paramilitaries in the Asia-Pacific’, 53 Survival (2011), 133–46
Lee, I., ‘Introducing International Commercial Arbitration and Its Lawlessness, by Way of the Dissenting Opinion’, 4 Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal (2011), 19–36
Levine, E., ‘Amicus Curiae in International Investment Arbitration: The Implications of an Increase in Third-Party Participation’, 29 Berkeley Journal of International Law (2011), 200–24
Lim, C. L. M., ‘East Asia's Engagement with Cosmopolitan Ideals under Its Trade Treaty Dispute Provisions’, 56 McGill Law Journal (2011), 821–62
Lin-Greenberg, E., ‘Airpower in Peace Operations Re-Examined’, 18 International Peacekeeping (2011), 439–53
Looney, R., ‘Reconstruction and Peacebuilding under Extreme Adversity: The Problem of Pervasive Corruption in Iraq’, in Cheng, C. S. and Zaum, D. (eds.), Corruption and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Selling the Peace? (2012), 162–79
Luan, X., and Julien, C., ‘Preliminary Comments on the WTO Seals Products Dispute: Traditional Hunting, Public Morals and Technical Barriers to Trade’, 22 Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy (2011), 79–122
Mildner, S., and Lauster, G., ‘Settling Trade Disputes over Natural Resources: Limitations of international Trade Law to Tackle Export Restrictions’, 3 Goettingen Journal of International Law (2011), 251–82
Norheim-Martinsen, P. M., and Ravndal, J. A., ‘Towards Intelligence-Driven Peace Operations? The Evolution of UN and EU Intelligence Structures’, 18 International Peacekeeping (2011), 454–67
Odumosu, I., ‘The Settlement of Investor-State Oil and Gas Disputes in Africa’, in Botchway, F. N. (ed.), Natural Resource Investment and Africa's Development (2011), 395–422
Ogoola, J., ‘Lawfare: Where Justice Meets Peace’, 43 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law (2010–11), 181–8
Oxman, B. H., ‘The Role of Judicial Procedures in the Process of the Pacific Settlement of international Disputes’, in 346 Recueil des cours (2011), 9–473
Pallaver, G., and Fasser, M., ‘Reconciliation Following Terrorism in South Tyrol: A Successful Story of Peacemaking by Consociational Democracy and Power-Sharing’, in Renner, J. and Spencer, A. (eds.), Reconciliation after Terrorism: Strategy, Possibility or Absurdity? (2012), 71–93
Pandya, A. P., and Moody, G. A., ‘Legitimate Expectations in Investment Treaty Arbitration: An Unclear Future’, 15 Tilburg Law Review (2010–11), 93–122
Parent, G., ‘Peacebuilding, Healing, Reconciliation: An Analysis of Unseen Connections for Peace’, 18 International Peacekeeping (2011), 379–95
Parish, M. T., Newlson, A. K., and Rosenberg, C. B., ‘Awarding Moral Damages to Respondent States in Investment Arbitration’, 29 Berkeley Journal of International Law (2011), 225–45
Petit, R., ‘Lawfare and International Tribunals: A Question of Definition: A Reflection on the Creation of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal’, 43 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law (2011), 189–200
Pic, P., and Léger, I., ‘Le nouveau règlement d'arbitrage de la CNUDCI’, Revue de l'arbitrage (2011), 99–118
Pinfari, M., ‘Time to Agree: Is Time Pressure Good for Peace Negotiations?’, 55 Journal of Conflict Resolution (2011), 683–709
Planta, K., and Goerzig, C., ‘Undermining Reconciliation: Colombian Peace Spoilers in- and outside the Negotiation Process’, in Renner, J. and Spencer, A. (eds.), Reconciliation after Terrorism: Strategy, Possibility or Absurdity? (2012), 151–66
Puig, G. V., and Al-Haddab, B., ‘The Transparency Deficit of Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization’, 8 Manchester Journal of International Economic Law (2011), 2–17
Quénivet, N., ‘Human Rights Law and Peacekeeping Operations’, in Odello, M. and Piotrowicz, R. (eds.), International Military Missions and International Law (2011), 99–143
Roberts, D., ‘Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, Liberal Irrelevance and the Locus of Legitimacy’, 18 International Peacekeeping (2011), 410–24
Roodt, C., ‘Conflicts of Procedure between Courts and Arbitral Tribunals with Particular Reference to the Right of Access to Court’, 19 African Journal of International and Comparative Law (2011), 236–82
Ruzza, A., ‘Falkland Islands and the UK v Argentina Oil Dispute: Which Legal Regime?’, 3 Goettingen Journal of International Law (2011), 71–100
Sandoval, Juan G., and Sweeney-Samuelson, E., ‘Adjudicating Conflicts over Resources: The ICJ's Treatment of Technical Evidence in the Pulp Mills Case’, 3 Goettingen Journal of International Law (2011), 447–72
Sappideen, R., and He, L. L., ‘Dispute Settlement under Free Trade Agreements: The Proposed Australia–China Free Trade Agreement’, 12 Journal of World Investment and Trade (2011), 581–601
Shulman, M. R., ‘Making Progress: How Eric Bergsten and the Vis Moot Advance the Enterprise of Universal Peace’, in Kröll, S. et al. (eds.), International Arbitration and International Commercial Law: Synergy, Convergence and Evolution (2011), 755–72
Snyder, R., ‘International Legal Regimes to Manage Indigenous Rights and Arctic Disputes from Climate Change’, 22 Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy (2011), 1–40
Solli, A., et al. , ‘Training in Vain? Bottlenecks in Deploying Civilians for UN Peacekeeping’, 18 International Peacekeeping (2011), 425–38
Suhrke, A., ‘Virtues of a Narrow Mission: The UN Peace Operation in Nepal’, 17 Global Governance (2011), 37–56
Tancredi, A., ‘On the Absence of Direct Effect of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body's Decisions in the EU Legal Order’, in Cannizzaro, E., Palchetti, P., and Wessel, R. A. (eds.), International Law as Law of the European Union (2012), 249–68
Tardy, T., ‘Peace Operations: The Fragile Consensus, 2010’, SIPRI Yearbook (2011), 87–109
Thomas, C. A., ‘Of Facts and Phantoms: Economics, Epistemic Legitimacy, and WTO Dispute Settlement’, 14 Journal of International Economic Law (2011), 295–328
Tignino, M., ‘L'eau et son rôle dans la paix et la sécurite internationales’, 92 International Review of the Red Cross [Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge] (2010), 361–92
Tir, J., and Stinnett, D., ‘The Institutional Design of Riparian Treaties: The Role of River Issues’, 55 Journal of Conflict Resolution (2011), 606–31
Vadi, V., ‘Critical Comparisons: The Role of Comparative Law in Investment Treaty Arbitration’, 39 Denver Journal of International Law and Policy (2011), 67–100
Velásquez-Ruiz, M. A., ‘In the Name of International Peace and Security: Reflections on the United Nations Security Council's Legislative Action’ [‘En nombre de la paz y la seguridad internacional: Reflexiones sobre la acción legislativa del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas’], 18 International Law: revista colombiana de derecho internacional (2011), 13–56
Wang, S., ‘Introduction to International Trade Dispute Settlement in China’, in Potter, P. B. and Biukovic, L. (eds.), Globalization and Local Adaptation in International Trade Law (2011), 225–39
Wennmann, A., ‘Breaking the Conflict Trap: Addressing the Resource Curse in Peace Processes’, 17 Global Governance (2011), 265–79
Westbrook, J. L., ‘International Arbitration and Multinational Insolvency’, 29 Penn State International Law Review (2011), 635–50
White, N. D., ‘Towards Integrated Peace Operations: The Evolution of Peacekeeping and Coalitions of the Willing’, in Odello, M. and Piotrowicz, R. (eds.), International Military Missions and International Law (2011), 1–23
Wiegand, K., and Powell, E., ‘Past Experience, Quest for the Best Forum, and Peaceful Attempts to Resolve Territorial Disputes’, 55 Journal of Conflict Resolution (2011), 33–59
Williams, M. J., ‘(Un)sustainable Peacebuilding: NATO's Suitability for Postconflict Reconstruction in Multiactor Environments’, 17 Global Governance (2011), 115–34
Wilske, S., and Scheidle, C., ‘Seals, Stamps, and Signatures in International Arbitration Agreements’, 4 Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal (2011), 37–56
Wu, Z., and Taylor, I., ‘From Refusal to Engagement: Chinese Contributions to Peacekeeping in Africa’, in Kopínski, D., Polus, A., and Taylor, I. (eds.), China's Rise in Africa: Perspectives on a Developing Connection (2012), 9–26
Zin, S. M., and Kazi, A. U. S., ‘Analysis of Customary International Law and the Importance of Dispute Settlement: A Study of Environmental Law Exceptions under Article XX’, 7 Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law (2011), 39–80