Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of international Disputes (Summer 2010)
Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Aldunate, E., Backpacks Full of Hope: The UN Mission in Haiti, trans. Fernandez, Alma Rosa Flores (2010). ISBN 9781554581559, 230 pp.
Ambos, K., The Colombian Peace Process and the Principle of Complementarity of the International Criminal Court: An Inductive, Situation-Based Approach (2010). ISBN 9783642112720, 161 pp.
Benedek, W. et al. , Transnational Terrorism, Organized Crime and Peace-Building: Human Security in the Western Balkans (2010). ISBN 9780230234628, 366 pp.
Besada, H. (ed.), Crafting an African Security Architecture: Addressing Regional Peace and Conflict in the 21st Century (2010). ISBN 9781409403258, 250 pp.
Born, G. B., International Arbitration and Forum Selection Agreements: Drafting and Enforcing (2010). ISBN 9789041132697, 403 pp.
Borschberg, P., The Singapore and Melaka Straits: Violence, Security and Diplomacy in the Seventeenth Century (2010). ISBN 9789971694647, 394 pp.
Carbonneau, T. E., and Sinopole, A. M. (eds.), Building the Civilization of Arbitration (2010). ISBN 0854900683, 371 pp.
Carls, J., and Haffar, W., Conflict Resolution of the Boruca Hydro-energy Project: Renewable Energy Production in Costa Rica (2010). ISBN 9781441117557, 217 pp.
Chandran, D. S., and Chari, P. R. (eds.), Armed Conflicts in South Asia, 2009: Continuing Violence, Failing Peace Processes (2010). ISBN 9780415564441, 240 pp.
Christensen, K. R., Nonviolence, Peace, and Justice: A Philosophical Introduction (2010). ISBN 9781551119960, 183 pp.
Deng, F. M., Frontiers of Unity: An Experiment in Afro-Arab Cooperation (2010). ISBN 9780710313522, 238 pp.
Fellas, J., International Arbitration, 3 vols. (2010). ISBN 9781402413711, 950, 980, 892 pp.
Froese, M. D., Canada at the WTO: Trade Litigation and the Future of Public Policy (2010). ISBN 9781442601529, 183 pp.
Gaillard, E., Legal Theory of International Arbitration (2010). ISBN 9004186417, 194 pp.
Gaillard, E. (ed.), The Review of International Arbitral Awards: IAI Forum, Dijon, 12–14 September 2008 (2010). ISBN 9781933833330, 500 pp.
Hille, C., State Building and Conflict Resolution in the Caucasus (2010). ISBN 9789004179011, 359 pp.
Hussain, I., Afghanistan, Iraq and Post-conflict Governance: Damoclean Democracy? (2010). ISBN 9789004180338, 308 pp.
Jackson, D., Tolley, M. C., and Volcansek, M. L., Globalizing Justice: Critical Perspectives on Transnational Law and the Cross-border Migration of Legal Norms (2010). ISBN 9781438430690, 315 pp.
Jeong, H., Conflict Management and Resolution: An Introduction (2010). ISBN 9780415450409, 243 pp. Journal of International Dispute Settlement, Vol. 1, no. 1 (February 2010). ISSN .
Karsh, E., Miller, R., and Kerr, M. (eds.), Conflict, Diplomacy and Society in Israeli–Lebanese relations (2010). ISBN 9780415560634, 155 p.
Kethineni, S. (ed.), Comparative and International Policing, Justice, and Transnational Crime (2010). ISBN 9781594606649, 426 pp.
Kitchen, V. M., The Globalization of NATO: Intervention, Security and Identity (2010). ISBN 9780415570176, 153 pp.
Linder, W., Swiss Democracy: Possible Solutions to Conflict in Multicultural Societies (2010). ISBN 9780230231887, 246 pp.
McIlwrath, M., and Savage, J., International Arbitration and Mediation: A Practical Guide (2010). ISBN 9789041126108, 515 pp.
Mackenzie, R., Romano, C. P. R., and Shany, Y., Manual on International Courts and Tribunals (2010). ISBN 9780199545278, 547 pp.
Müller, C., Swiss Case Law in International Arbitration (2010). ISBN 9783725559640, 532 pp.
Müller, J. (ed.), Reforming the United Nations: The Challenge of Working Together (2010). ISBN 9789004178434, 386 pp.
Nye, J. S., and Welch, D. A. (eds.), Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History (2010). ISBN 9780205798551, 338 pp.
Oswald, B., Durham, H., and Bates, A., Documents on the Law of UN Peace Operations (2010). ISBN 9780199571260, 608 pp.
Robinson, G., ‘If You Leave Us Here, We Will Die’: How Genocide Was Stopped in East Timor (2010). ISBN 9780691135366, 319 pp.
Schabas, A., The International Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Rome Statute (2010). ISBN 9780199560738, 1259 pp.
Shirlow, P. et al. , Abandoning Historical Conflict? Former Political Prisoners and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland (2010). ISBN 9780719080111, 195 pp.
Smit, H. (ed.), Arbitration Rules – National Institutions (2010). ISBN 9781933833552, loose-leaf.
Sriram, C. L., and Pillay, S. (eds.), Peace v. Justice? The Dilemma of Transitional Justice in Africa (2010). ISBN 9781847010216, 373 pp.
Stovel, L., Long Road Home: Building Reconciliation and Trust in Post-war Sierra Leone (2010). ISBN 9789400000285, 281 pp.
Swanström, N., Ledberg, S., and Forss, A. (eds.), Conflict Prevention and Management in Northeast Asia: The Korean Peninsula and Taiwan Strait in Comparison (2010). ISBN 9781443820646, 283 pp.
Trenkov-Wermuth, C., United Nations Justice: Legal and Judicial Reform in Governance Operations (2010). ISBN 9789280811735, 226 pp.
Troxler, W., Walker, D., and Furrer, M. (eds.), Jan Bloch und das Internationale Kriegs- und Friedens-museum in Luzern (2010). ISBN 9783643800251, 265 pp.
Tvedt, T. (ed.), The River Nile in the Post-colonial Age: Conflict and Cooperation in the Nile Basin Countries (2010). ISBN 9781845119706, 293 pp.
Valone, D. A., and Ives, D. T. (eds.), Nuclear Proliferation and the Dilemma of Peace in the Twenty-First Century (2010). ISBN 9781443819176, 130 pp.
Waibel, M., et al. (eds.), The Backlash against Investment Arbitration: Perceptions and Reality (2010). ISBN 9789041132024, 614 pp.
Yannaca-Small, K. (ed.), Arbitration under International Investment Agreements: A Guide to the Key Issues (2010). ISBN 9780195340693, 767 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Akhtar, S., ‘Sri Lanka: Managing Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Going beyond the LTTE’, in Wirsing, R. G. and Ahrari, E. (eds.), Fixing Fractured Nations: The Challenge of Ethnic Separatism in the Asia-Pacific (2010), 159–80
Anderson, L., ‘Politics by Other Means: When does Sexual Violence Threaten International Peace and Security?’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 244–60
Barnidge, R. P, ‘War and Peace: Negotiating Meaning in Islam’, in Skelly, J. M. (ed.), Political Islam from Muhammad to Ahmadinejad: Defenders, Defractors, and Definitions (2010), 53–71
Bell, A., ‘Dispute Resolution and Applicable Law Clauses in International Sports Arbitration’,(2010) 84 Australian Law Journal 116–28
Bellamy, C., ‘An EU Competition Court: The Continuing Debate’, in Lianos, I. and Kokkoris, I. (eds.), The Reform of EC Competition Law: New Challenges (2010), 33–52
Berman, F., ‘Review of the Arbitral Tribunal's Jurisdiction in ICSID Arbitration’, in Gaillard, E. (ed.), The Review of International Arbitral Awards: IAI Forum, Dijon, 12–14 September 2008 (2010), 253–63
Biletzki, A., ‘Peace via Human Rights’, in Valone, D. A. and Ives, D. T. (eds.), Nuclear Proliferation and the Dilemma of Peace in the Twenty-First Century (2010), 101–6
Bruce, Y. S., ‘A Choice of Public Law? Resolving the International Arbitrator's Dilemma’, (2010) 20 American Review of International Arbitration 97–116
Bruch, E. M., ‘Hybrid Courts: Examining Hybridity through a Post-colonial Lens’, (2010) 28 Boston University International Law Journal 1–38
Chari, P. R., ‘Armed Conflicts and Peace Processes in South Asia: An Overview’, in Chandran, D. S. and Chari, P. R. (eds.), Armed Conflicts in South Asia, 2009: Continuing Violence, Failing Peace Processes (2010), 1–18
Chesterman, S., ‘UNacceptable? The United Nations, Emergency Powers and the Rule of Law in Asia’, in Ramraj, V. V. and Thiruvengadam, A. K. (eds.), Emergency Powers in Asia: Exploring the Limits of Legality (2010), 237–63
Coning, C. de, ‘The Evolution of Peace Operations in Africa: Trajectories and Trends’, (2010) 14 Journal of International Peacekeeping 6–26
Cottereau, G., ‘Resort to International Courts in Matters of Responsibility’, in Crawford, J., Pellet, A., and Olleson, S. (eds.), The Law of International Responsibility (2010), 1115–26
Coulée, F., ‘Arbitration’, in Crawford, J., Pellet, A., and Olleson, S. (eds.), The Law of International Responsibility (2010), 1107–14
Crawford, J., ‘Continuity and Discontinuity in International Dispute Settlement: An Inaugural Lecture’, (2010) 1 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 3–24
Danelius, H., ‘ICSID, UNCITRAL and SCC as Investment Fora’, in Hobér, K., Magnusson, A., and Öhrström, M. (eds.), Between East and West: Essays in Honour of Ulf Franke (2010), 107–15
Djurdjevic-Lukic, S., ‘Human Security and Peace-Building in the Western Balkans’, in Benedek, W. et al. (eds.), Transnational Terrorism, Organized Crime and Peace-Building: Human Security in the Western Balkans (2010), 17–37
El Ahdab, A. H., ‘Arbitration in Arab Countries’, in Hobér, K., Magnusson, A., and Öhrström, M. (eds.), Between East and West: Essays in Honour of Ulf Franke (2010), 149–67
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., ‘Human Rights, Peace, and Democracy: Is “Model Power Europe” a Contradiction in Terms?’, in Bindi, F. (ed.), The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe's Role in the World (2010), 290–302
Friis, K., ‘Peacekeeping and Counter-insurgency – Two of a Kind?’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 49–66
Garlicki, L., and Garlicka, Z. A., ‘Constitution Making, Peace Building, and National Reconciliation: The Experience of Poland’, in Miller, L. E. (ed.), Framing the State in Times of Transition: Case Studies in Constitution Making (2010), 391–416
Gegout, C., ‘EU Conflict Management in Africa: The Limits of an International Actor’, in Hughes, J. (ed.), EU Conflict Management (2010), 125–37
Goldberg, S. B., and Shaw, M. L., ‘The Past, Present, and Future of Mediation as Seen through the Eyes of Some of Its Founders’, (2010) 26 Negotiation Journal 237–53
Hassler, S., ‘Peacekeeping and Responsibility to Protect’,(2010) 14 Journal of International Peacekeeping 134–83
Henderson, C., and Green, J. A., ‘The “Jus Ad Bellum” and Entities Short of Statehood in the Report on the Conflict in Georgia’, (2010) 59 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 129–39
Higate, P., and Henry, M., ‘Space, Performance and Everyday Security in the Peacekeeping Context’,(2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 32–48
Hobér, K., ‘Investment Arbitration and the Energy Charter Treaty’,(2010) 1 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 153–90
Hughes, J., ‘Paying for Peace: Comparing the EU's Role in the Conflicts in Northern Ireland and Kosovo’, in Hughes, J. (ed.), EU Conflict Management (2010), 12–31
Idot, L., ‘The Role of Arbitration in Competition Disputes’, in Lianos, I. and Kokkoris, I. (eds.), The Reform of EC Competition Law: New Challenges (2010), 75–94
Ilievski, Z., and Taleski, D., ‘Was the EU's Role in Conflict Management in Macedonia a Success?’, in Hughes, J. (ed.), EU Conflict Management (2010), 79–91
Jagusch, S. and Sullivan, J., ‘A Comparison of ICSID and UNCITRAL Arbitration: Areas of Divergence and Concern’, in Waibel, M. et al. (eds.), The Backlash against Investment Arbitration: Perceptions and Reality (2010), 79–109
Jennings, K. M., ‘Unintended Consequences of Intimacy: Political Economies of Peacekeeping and Sex Tourism’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 229–43
Kattan, V., ‘Operation Cast Lead: Use of Force Discourse and Jus Ad Bellum Controversies’, (2010) 15 Palestine Yearbook of International Law 95–118
Khoday, K., ‘Climate Change as a Threat to Peace and Security: Glacial Melting and Human Security in the Himalayas’, in Kheng-Lian, Koh, Lin-Heng, Lye, and Lin, Jolene (eds.), Crucial Issues in Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol: Asia and the World (2010), 445–71
Kunoy, B., ‘The Admissibility of a Plea to an International Adjudicative Forum to Delimit the Outer Continental Shelf Prior to the Adoption of Final Recommendations by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf’,(2010) 25 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 237–70
Lalive, P., ‘On the Reasoning of International Arbitral Awards’, (2010) 1 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 55–65
Van Der Lijn, J., ‘Success and Failure of UN Peacekeeping Operations: UNMIS in Sudan’, (2010) 14 Journal of International Peacekeeping 27–59
Marceau, G., and Wyatt, J., ‘Dispute Settlement Regimes Intermingled: Regional Trade Agreements and the WTO’, (2010) 1 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 67–95
M'Boge, Y. A., ‘In the Interests of Peace and the Interests of Justice: Security Council Deferrals as a Constructive Tool for Conflict Resolution’, in Quénivet, N. and Shah-Davis, S. (eds.), International Law and Armed Conflict: Challenges in the 21st Century (2010), 363–79
Megwalum, A, and Loizides, N., ‘Dilemmas of Justice and Reconciliation: Rwandans and the Gacaca Courts’, (2010) 18 African Journal of International and Comparative Law 1–23
Menkel-Meadow, C., ‘A Theory Matrix for Mediators’, (2010) 26 Negotiation Journal 203–35
Mitchell, A. D., and Heaton, D., ‘The Inherent Jurisdiction of WTO Tribunals: The Select Application of Public International Law Required by the Judicial Function’, (2010) 31 Michigan Journal of International Law 559–619
Morris, C., ‘Peacekeeping and Sexual Exploitation of Women and Girls in Post-conflict Societies: A Serious Enigma to Establishing the Rule of Law’, (2010) 14 Journal of International Peacekeeping 184–211
Noussia, K., ‘On International Arbitrations for the Settlement of Boundary Maritime Delimitation Disputes and Disputes from Joint Development Agreements for the Exploitation of Offshore Natural Resources’, (2010) 25 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 63–80
Oette, L., ‘Peace and Justice, or Neither? The Repercussions of the al-Bashir Case for International Criminal Justice in Africa and Beyond’, (2010) 8 Journal of International Criminal Justice 345–64
Onwuamaegbu, U., ‘International Dispute Settlement Mechanisms – Choosing between Institutionally Supported and “Ad Hoc”, and between Institutions’, in Yannaca-Small, K. (ed.), Arbitration under International Investment Agreements: A Guide to the Key (2010), 63–88
Park, W. W., ‘Arbitrators and Accuracy’, (2010) 1 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 25–53
Paulus, A., ‘International Adjudication’, in Besson, S. and Tasioulas, J. (eds.), The Philosophy of International Law (2010), 207–24
Penusliski, I. M., ‘A Dispute Systems Design Diagnosis of ICSID’, in Waibel, M. et al. (eds.), The Backlash against Investment Arbitration: Perceptions and Reality (2010), 507–36
Persoob, T., ‘Threatening Peace: Violence against Women: A Universal Phenomenon’, (2010) 14 International Public Policy Studies 141–51
Prunier, G., ‘Rwanda and Darfur: A Comparative Approach to Two Peacekeeping Failures’, (2010) 14 Journal of International Peacekeeping 117–33
Radicati di Brozolo, L. G., ‘Choice of Court and Arbitration Agreements and the Review of the Brussels I Regulation’, (2010) 30 IPRax: Praxis des internationalen Privat und Verfahrensrecht 121–8
Rigozzi, A., ‘Challenging Awards of the Court of Arbitration for Sport’, (2010) 1 Journal of international Dispute Settlement 217–65
Rosenn, K. S., ‘Conflict Resolution and Constitutionalism: The Making of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988’, in Miller, L. E. (ed.), Framing the State in Times of Transition: Case Studies in Constitution Making (2010), 435–66
Schneckener, U., ‘Dealing with Armed Non-state Actors in Peace- and State-Building, Types and Strategies’, in Benedek, W. et al. (eds.), Transnational Terrorism, Organized Crime and Peace-Building: Human Security in the Western Balkans (2010), 229–48
Steingruber, A. M., ‘Sports Arbitration: How the Structure and Other Features of Competitive Sports Affect Consent as It Relates to Waiving Judicial Control’, (2010) 20 American Review of International Arbitration 59–96
Susani, N., ‘Conciliation and Other Forms of Non-binding Third Party Dispute Settlement’, in Crawford, J., Pellet, A., and Olleson, S. (eds.), The Law of International Responsibility (2010), 1099–105
Tryggestad, T. L., ‘The UN Peacebuilding Commission and Gender: A Case of Norm Reinforcement’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 159–71
Vandiver, D., and Jamieson, J. D., ‘The Roles of International Justice Organizations’, in Kethineni, S. (ed.), Comparative and International Policing, Justice, and Transnational Crime (2010), 105–25
Waibel, M., ‘The Diplomatic Channel’, in Crawford, J., Pellet, A., and Olleson, S. (eds.), The Law of International Responsibility (2010), 1085–97
Yakinthou, C., ‘The EU's Role in the Cyprus Conflict: System Failure or Structural Metamorphosis?’, in Hughes, J. (ed.), EU Conflict Management (2010), 32–48
Zanotti, L., ‘UN Integrated Peacekeeping Operations and NGOs: Reflections on Governmental Rationalities and Contestation in the Age of Risk’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 17–31
Zou, K., ‘The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: Procedures, Practice and Asian States’, (2010) 41 Ocean Development and International Law 131–51