Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
Compiled by Raymond Ridderhof exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library
1. Books
Bailliet, C.M., and Larsen, K.M. (eds.), Promoting Peace through International Law (2015). ISBN 9780198722731, XLIII, 447 pp.
Barceló, M.J., Las misiones de paz de la Unión Europea: origen, desarrollo y procedimiento de creación y seguimiento (2015). ISBN 9788490860120, 680 pp.
Cheldelin, S.I., and Eliatamby, M. (eds.), Women waging War and Peace: International Perspectives of Women's Roles in Conflict and Post-Conflict Reconstruction (2011). ISBN 9781441103062, XXVII, 305 pp.
Eichler, M. (ed.), Gender and Private Security in Global Politics (2015). ISBN 9780199364374, XVI, 286 pp.
Fry, D.P. (ed.), War, Peace, and Human Nature: the Convergence of Evolutionary and Cultural Views (2013). ISBN 9780199858996, XVIII, 562 pp.
Govaere, I., and Poli, S. (eds.), EU Management of Global Emergencies: Legal Framework for Combating Threats and Crises (2014). ISBN 9789004268333, XXV, 422 pp.
Gozzi, G., Umano, non umano: intervento umanitario, colonialismo, “primavere arabe” (2015). ISBN 9788815258328, 325 pp.
Huang, J., and Billo, A. (eds.), Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: Navigating Rough Waters (2015). ISBN 9781137463678, XIII, 212 pp.
Jacob, D., Justice and Foreign Rule: On International Transitional Administration (2015). ISBN 9781137452566, VIII, 178 pp.
Kriesberg, L., Realizing Peace: a Constructive Conflict Approach (2015). ISBN 9780190228668, XI, 397 pp.
Moure Colón, F., Armonización de las líneas de acción de la Estrategia Integral de Seguridad de la comunidad internacional: aportación española (2014). ISBN 9788490852262, XXXIII, 498 pp.
Omeje, K., and Redeker Hepner, T. (eds.), Conflict and Peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region (2013). ISBN 9780253008374, XIII, 245 pp.
Rubin, B.R., Afghanistan from the Cold War through the War on Terror (2013). ISBN 9780199791125, XXIII, 504 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Anangwe, A., ‘Kofi Annan's Conflict Resolution Model and Peacebuilding in Kenya’, in Omeje, K. and Hepner, T. Redeker (eds.), Conflict and Peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region (2013) 106–121
Arai-Takahashi, Y., ‘The intervention brigade within the MONUSCO. The legal challenges of Applicability and Application of IHL’, (2015) Questions of International Law 5–23
Bailliet, C.M., ‘Normative Foundation of the International Law of Peace’, in Bailliet, C.M. and Larsen, K. Mujezinović (eds.), Promoting Peace through International Law (2015) 43–65
Bargiacchi, P., ‘L’Unione Europea dinanzi alla crisi libica del 2011: azione umanitaria e neutrale o, piuttosto, democratica e interventistica?’, in Finizio, G. and Morelli, U. (eds.), L’Unione Europea nelle relazioni internazionali (2015) 113–130
Bass, G.J., ‘The, Indian Way of Humanitarian Intervention’, 40 (2015) Yale Journal of International Law 227–294
Bély, L., ‘Négocier la paix, de Westphalie au temps des révolutions’, in Petiteville, F. and Placidi-Frot, D. (eds.), Négociations internationales (2015) 171–198
Berdal, M.R., ‘United Nations Peacekeeping and the Responsibility to Protect’, in Thakur, R. and Maley, W. (eds.), Theorising the Responsibility to Protect (2015) 223–248
Beresford, A., ‘A Responsibility to Protect Africa from the West? : South Africa and the NATO Intervention in Libya’, 52 (2015) International Politics 288–304
Bergmann, J., and Niemann, A., ‘Mediating International Conflicts: the European Union as an Effective Peacemaker?’ 53 (2015) Journal of Common Market Studies 957–975
Byers, M., ‘International Law and the Responsibility to Protect’, in Thakur, R. and Maley, W. (eds.), Theorising the Responsibility to Protect (2015) 101–124
Chandler, D., ‘Reconceptualizing International Intervention: Statebuilding, “Organic Processes” and the Limits of Causal Knowledge’, 9 (2015) Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 70–88
Corten, O., ‘The Russian Intervention in the Ukrainian Crisis: Was Jus Contra Bellum “Confirmed Rather than weakened”?’ 2 (2015) Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 17–41
Cuevas, J.C. de las, ‘Exceptional Measures Call for Exceptional Times: the Permissibility under International Law of Humanitarian Intervention to Protect a People's Right to Self Determination’, 37 (2015) Houston Journal of International Law 491–542
Dembinski, M. und Gromes, T., ‘Humanitäre militärische Interventionen 1946–2014: Annäherungen an ein umstrittenes Thema’, (2015) Friedensgutachten 75–86
Dunne, T., ‘The Responsibility to Protect and World Order’, in Thakur, R. and Maley, W. (eds.), Theorising the Responsibility to Protect (2015) 81–100
Engdahl, O., ‘Protection of Human Rights and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Necessary Precondition or a Clash of Interests?’, in Bailliet, C.M. and Larsen, K. Mujezinović (eds.), Promoting Peace through International Law (2015) 109–129
Etzioni, A., ‘The Democratisation Mirage’, 57 (2015) Survival: Global Politics and Strategy 139–156
Fauchald, O.K., ‘World Peace through World Trade? : the Role of Dispute Settlement in the WTO’, in Bailliet, C.M. and Larsen, K. Mujezinović (eds.), Promoting Peace through International Law (2015) 191–208
Graubart, J., ‘War is Not the Answer: the Responsibility to Protect and Military Intervention’, in Thakur, R. and Maley, W. (eds.), Theorising the Responsibility to Protect (2015) 200–219
Grosser, P., ‘Négocier la paix au XXe siècle’, in Petiteville, F. and Placidi-Frot, D. (eds.), Négociations internationales (2015) 199–229
Henderson, C., ‘Commissions of Inquiry: Flexible Temporariness or Permanent Predictability?’, 45 (2015) Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 287–310
Hensell, S., ‘Coordinating Intervention: International Actors and Local “Partners” Between Ritual and Decoupling’, 9 (2015) Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 89–111
Hilpold, P., ‘Ukraine, Crimea and New International Law: Balancing International Law with Arguments Drawn from History’, 14 (2015) Chinese Journal of International Law 237–270
Hilpold, P., ‘Die Ukraine-Krise aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht : ein Streitfall zwischen Recht, Geschichte und Politik’, 25 (2015) Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht 171–181
Janik, R., ‘Das Interventionsverbot im Zeitalter der Demokratie: zwischen Obsoleszenz und (Wieder-) Auferstehung’, in Bockley, A., Kriebaum, U. and Reinisch, A. (eds.), Nichtstaatliche Akteure und Interventionsverbot : Beiträge zum 39. Österreichischen Völkerrechtstag 2014 in Klosterneuburg (2015) 107–129
Kolb, A.S., ‘The “Responsibility While Protecting”: a Recent Twist in the Evolution of the “Responsibility to Protect”’, in Weiß, N. and Thouvenin, J.-M. (eds.), The Influence of Human Rights on International Law (2015) 79–91
Kramer, D.J., ‘The Ukraine Invasion: One Year Later’, 177 (2015) World Affairs 9–16
Larsen, K.M., ‘United Nations Peace Operations and International Law: What Kind of Law Promotes What Kind of Peace?’, in Bailliet, C.M. and Larsen, K. Mujezinović (eds.), Promoting Peace through International Law (2015) 299–320
Leraand, D., Lindqvist, P.H.F., ‘Norsk innsats i fredsoperasjoner - mellom FN og NATO?’ 73 (2015) Internasjonal politikk 297–307
Liguori, A., ‘Shared Responsibility per violazioni di diritti umani nel corso di Peacekeeping Operations delle Nazioni Unite: quale ruolo per la Corte europea dei diritti umani?’ 98 (2015) Rivista di diritto internazionale 517–545
Lijn, J. van der, Smit, T., and Avezov, X., ‘Peace Operations and Conflict Management: Global and Regional Trends in Peace Operations’, (2014) SIPRI Yearbook 101–109
Lijn, J. van der, and Avezov, X., ‘Peace Operations and Conflict Management: Peace Operations in Africa’, (2014) SIPRI Yearbook 110–130
Longobardo, M., and Violi, F., ‘“Quo Vadis Peace-Keeping?” La compatibilita dell’ “Intervention Brigade” in Congo con i principi regolanti le operazioni di pace’, 70 (2015) La Comunità internazionale 245–272
Lotze, W., and Martins, A., ‘The Responsibility to Prevent Atrocity Crimes: Drawing Lessons from International Intervention in Burundi’, in Sharma, S.K. and Welsh, J.M. (eds.), The Responsibility to Prevent : Overcoming the Challenges of Atrocity Prevention (2015) 250–279
Macqueen, N., ‘Srebrenica und die schweren Anfänge einer “neuen Friedenssicherung”’, 63 (2015) Vereinte Nationen 99–105
McLaughlin Mitchell, S., and Zawahri, N.A., ‘The Effectiveness of Treaty Design in addressing Water Disputes, 52 (2015) Journal of Peace Research 187–200
Nappert, S., ‘International Arbitration and Its Users: Ships Passing in the Night? : A Dialogue with Michael McIlwrath’, 2 (2015) BCDR International Arbitration Review 15–30
O’Connor, S., and Bailliet, C.M., ‘The Good Faith Obligation to Maintain International Peace and Security and the Pacific Settlement of Disputes’, in Bailliet, C.M. and Larsen, K. Mujezinović (eds.), Promoting Peace through International Law (2015) 66–85
Pascal, M.M.V., ‘La “responsabilité de prévenir” à l’épreuve du multilatéralisme en Afrique’, 35 (2013) L’Observateur des Nations Unies 157–178
Peleg, S., ‘Quintessential Intractability: Attractors and Barriers in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict’, 16 (2015) Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 543–584
Pomson, O., and Horowitz, Y., ‘Humanitarian Intervention and the Clean Hands Doctrine in International Law’, 48 (2015) Israel Law Review 219–251
Reed, L., ‘Bon courage, TRIBUNALS?’, 2 (2015) BCDR International Arbitration Review 1–14
Rigaux, F., ‘La vie privée des États: un modèle à la recherche de lui-même’, in d’Argent, P., Bonafé, B. and Combacau, J. (eds.), Les limites du droit international: essais en l’honneur de Joe Verhoeven (2015) 87–93
Roesch, R., ‘Françafrique and the Prohibition of the Use of Force’, 7 (2015) Amsterdam Law Forum 25–35
Ruys, T., ‘From passé simple to futur imparfait? : A Response to verdebout’, 2 (2015) Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 3–16
Saliternik, M., ‘Reducing the Price of Peace: The Human Rights Responsibilities of Third-Party Facilitators’, 48 (2015) Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 179–243
Schneider, A.K., and Lonze, K., ‘Get on the Plane: Why Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Is Best Done by Traveling There’, 15 (2013) Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 85–104
Smit Duijzentkunst, B.L., and Dawkins, S.L.R., ‘Arbitrary Peace? : Consent Management in International Arbitration’, 26 (2015) European Journal of International Law 139–168
Solhjell, R., ‘Kjønnsdiskurser i internasjonal sikkerhetspolitikk’, 73 (2015) Internasjonal politikk 211–229
Spelten, A., ‘Prävention - ein Plädoyer für mehr Realitätsbezug’, (2015) Friedensgutachten 137–148
Sterio, M., ‘The Applicability of the Humanitarian Intervention “Exception” to the Middle Eastern Refugee Crisis: Why the International Community Should Intervene Against ISIS’, 38 (2015) Suffolk Transnational Law Review 325–357
Supancana, I.B.R., ‘Maritime Boundary Disputes between Indonesia and Malaysia in the Area of Ambalat Block: Some Optional Scenarios for Peaceful Settlement’, 8 (2015) Journal of East Asia and International Law 195–211
Szurek, S., ‘Prévention des violations des droits de l’homme et maintien de la paix’, in Decaux, Emmanuel and Touzé, Sébastien (eds.), La prévention des violations des droits de l’Homme: actes du colloque des 13 et 14 juin 2013 (2015) 161–183
Tenenbaum, C., ‘Négociations et médiations dans la résolution des conflits’, in Petiteville, F. and Placidi-Frot, D. (eds.), Négociations internationales (2015) 257–283
Trahan, J., ‘Defining the “Grey Area” Where Humanitarian Intervention May Not Be Fully Legal, But Is Not the Crime of Aggression’, 2 (2015) Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 42–80
Treves, T., ‘Coastal States’ Rights in the Maritime Areas under UNCLOS’, 12 (2015) Revista de Direito Internacional 40–48
Wallensteen, P., and Johansson, P., ‘The United Nations Security Council in State-based Armed Conflicts, 2003–12’, (2014) SIPRI Yearbook 56–69
Walling, C.B., ‘Human Rights Norms, State Sovereignty, and Humanitarian Intervention’, 37 (2015) Human Rights Quarterly 383–413
Weiss, C., ‘Barely Begun: the Inclusion of Women as Peacemakers, Peacekeepers, and Peacebuilders in International Law and Practice’, in Bailliet, C.M. and Larsen, K. Mujezinović (eds.), Promoting Peace Through International Law (2015) 274–296
Whittle, D., ‘Peacekeeping in Conflict: the Intervention Brigade, MONUSCO, and the Application of International Humanitarian Law to United Nations Forces’, 46 (2015) Georgetown Journal of International Law, 837–875
Wrange, P., ‘Protecting Which Peace for Whom against What? : a Conceptual Analysis of Collective Security’, in Bailliet, C.M. and Larsen, K. Mujezinović (eds.), Promoting Peace through International Law (2015) 86–108
Wählisch, M., ‘Peace Settlements and the Prohibition of the Use of Force’, Weller, Marc (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law (2015) 962–987
Zyberi, G., ‘The Role and Contribution of International Courts in Furthering Peace as an Essential Community Interest’, in Bailliet, C.M. and Larsen, K. Mujezinović (eds.), Promoting Peace through International Law (2015) 344–367