Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (Winter 2010)
Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Association for International Arbitration (ed.), The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: 25 Years (2010). ISBN 9789046603581, 168 pp.
Benedek, W., Kettemann, M. C., and Möstl, M. (eds.), Mainstreaming Human Security in Peace Operations and Crisis Management (2010). ISBN 9780415574020, 266 pp.
Clancy, M. C., Peace Without Consensus: Power Sharing Politics in Northern Ireland (2010). ISBN 9780754678311, XVI, 215 pp.
Clark, P., The Gacaca Courts, Post-Genocide Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda: Justice without Lawyers (2010). ISBN 9780521193481, XII, 388 pp.
Finlay, A., Governing Ethnic Conflict: Consociation, Identity and the Price of Peace (2010). ISBN 9780415498036, XV, 151 pp.
Huda, Q. (ed.), Crescent and Dove: Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam (2010). ISBN 9781601270603, XXVII, 319 pp.
Johnson, G. (ed.), Peacemaking, Peacemakers and Diplomacy, 1880–1939: Essays in Honour of Professor Alan Sharp (2010). ISBN 9781443819800, VI, 265 pp.
Keller, H., Forowicz, M., and Engi, L., Friendly Settlements before the European Court of Human Rights (2010). ISBN 9780199600977, XXXVII, 312 pp.
Mays, T. M., Nigerian Peacekeeping Policy: The Application of Peacekeeping as a Foreign Policy Tool, 1960–1990 (2010). ISBN 9780773435889, X, 190 pp.
Mitchell, T. G., When Peace Fails: Lessons from Belfast for the Middle East (2010). ISBN 9780786448524, VI, 254 pp.
Mustapha, M., and Bangura, J. J. (eds.), Sierra Leone beyond the Lomé Peace Accord (2010). ISBN 9780230102859, VI, 181 pp.
Sriram, C. L., Martin-Ortega, O., and Herman, J. (eds.), Peacebuilding and Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace? (2010). ISBN 9780415577366, XII, 262 pp.
Tshiyembe, M., Le droit de la sécurité internationale (2010). ISBN 9782296114623, 152 pp.
Vasquez, J. A., and Henehan, M. T., Territory, War and Peace (2010). ISBN 9780415424141, XXII, 250 pp.
Wolpert, S., India and Pakistan: Continued Conflict or Cooperation? (2010). ISBN 9780520266773, XV, 126 pp.
2. Chapters in eidted volumes and journal articles
Ahmed, M., ‘Settlement in International Arbitration: Comments on the CEDR Settlement Rules’, (2010) 76 Arbitration 269–76
Anderson, D. H., ‘Maritime Dispute Settlement and the Practitioner’, (2010) 24 Ocean Yearbook 51–66
Asbach, O., ‘Dynamics of Conflict and Illusions of Law: Making War and Thinking Peace in the Modern International System’, in Asbach, O. and Schröder, P. (eds.), War, the State and International Law in Seventeenth-Century Europe (2010), 249–65
Atkinson, R. R., ‘“The Realists in Juba?” An Analysis of the Juba Peace Talks’, in Allen, T. and Vlassenroot, K. (eds.), The Lord's Resistance Army: Myth and Reality (2010), 205–22
Bangura, J. J., ‘The Anatomy of Peacekeeping: ECOMOG's Role in the Sierra Leone Civil War’, in Mustapha, M. and Bangura, J. J. (eds.), Sierra Leone beyond the Lomé Peace Accord (2010), 35–47
Bottini, G., and Lavista, V., ‘Conciliation and BITs’, in Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2009 (2009), 358–73
Brown, S., ‘The Rule of Law and the Hidden Politics of Transitional Justice in Rwanda’, in Sriram, C. L., Martin-Ortega, O., and Herman, J. (eds.), Peacebuilding and Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace? (2010), 179–96
Caflisch, L., ‘The Peaceful Settlement of Disputes on Maritime Delimitation’, in Basedow, J., Magnus, U., and Wolfrum, R. (eds.), The Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs 2007 & 2008 (2010), 177–94
Cammaert, P. C., and Klappe, B., ‘Application of Force and Rules of Engagement in Peace Operations’, in Gill, T. and Fleck, D. (eds.), Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations (2010), 151–8
Cammaert, P. C., and Klappe, B., ‘Authority, Command and Control in United Nations Peace Operations’, in Gill, T. and Fleck, D. (eds.), Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations (2010), 159–62
Cathcart, B., ‘Force Application in Enforcement and Peace Enforcement Operations’, in Gill, T. and Fleck, D. (eds.), Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations (2010), 115–28
Chesterman, S., ‘Whose Strategy, Whose Peace? The Role of International Institutions in Strategic Peacebuilding’, in Philpott, D. and Powers, G. F. (eds.), Strategies of Peace: Transforming Conflict in a Violent World (2010), 119–40
Cho, S., ‘Peace Regime Building on the Korean Peninsula: Process and Impact’, in Kwak, T. and Joo, S. (eds.), Peace Regime Building on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Security Cooperation (2010), 63–80
Churchill, R., ‘Trends in Dispute Settlement in the Law of the Sea: Towards the Increasing Availability of Compulsory Means’, in French, D., Saul, M., and White, N. D. (eds.), International Law and Dispute Settlement: New Problems and Techniques (2010), 143–71
Cilliers, J., and Pottgieter, J., ‘The African Standby Force’, in Engel, U. and Porto, J. Gomes (eds.), Africa's New Peace and Security Architecture: Promoting Norms, Institutionalising Solutions (2010), 111–41
Coe, J., ‘Should Mediation of Investment Disputes Be Encouraged, and, If So, by Whom and How?’, in Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2009 (2009), 339–57
Conteh-Morgan, E., ‘Peacebuilding and Human Security in Postwar Sierra Leone: A Critical Analysis’, in Mustapha, M. and Bangura, J. J. (eds.), Sierra Leone beyond the Lomé Peace Accord (2010), 133–44
Dumberry, P., ‘Compensation for Moral Damages in Investor–State Arbitration Disputes’, (2010) 27 Journal of International Arbitration 247–76
Engel, J., and Porto, J. Gomes (eds.), Africa's New Peace and Security Architecture: Promoting Norms, Institutionalising Solutions (2010), 91–110
Esplugues Mota, C., ‘Some Current Developments in International Maritime Arbitration’, in Basedow, J., Magnus, U., and Wolfrum, R. (eds.), The Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs 2007 & 2008 (2010), 119–75
Feil, M., ‘Here's to Peace! Governance Contributions by Companies in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo’, in Deitelhoff, N. and Wolf, K. D. (eds.), Corporate Security Responsibility? Corporate Governance Contributions to Peace and Security in Zones of Conflict (2010), 26–57
Fink, C., ‘The Palestine Question at the Paris Peace Conference’, in Johnson, G. (ed.), Peacemaking, Peacemakers and Diplomacy, 1880–1939: Essays in Honour of Professor Alan Sharp (2010), 121–34
Fischer, S., ‘Travelling for Peace: The Role of Tourism in the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict’, in Deitelhoff, N. and Wolf, K. D. (eds.), Corporate Security Responsibility? Corporate Governance Contributions to Peace and Security in Zones of Conflict (2010), 130–53
Fitzmaurice, M., ‘The International Court of Justice and Environmental Disputes’, in French, D., Saul, M., and White, N. D. (eds.), International Law and Dispute Settlement: New Problems and Techniques (2010), 17–56
Fleck, D., ‘Status of Forces in Enforcement and Peace Enforcement Operations’, in Gill, T. and Fleck, D. (eds.), Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations (2010), 94–109
Fleck, D., ‘Status of Forces in Peace Operations’, in Gill, T. and Fleck, D. (eds.), Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations (2010), 143–9
Fordham Papers 2009, Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation, Arthur W. Rovine (ed.), ISBN 9789004182912
French, D., and Kirkham, R., ‘Complaint and Grievance Mechanisms in International Dispute Settlement’, in French, D., Saul, M., and White, N. D. (eds.), International Law and Dispute Settlement: New Problems and Techniques (2010), 57–85
Gaillard, E., ‘Three Philosophies of International Arbitration’, in Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2009 (2009), 305–10
Gélinas, F., ‘Peeking Through the Form of Uniform Law: International Arbitration Practice and Legal Harmonization’, (2010) 27 Journal of International Arbitration 317–30
Ghandhi, S., ‘Practice and Procedure of Dispute Settlement in Individual Communication Cases within the Human Rights Committee and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: Congruence or Conflict?’, in French, D., Saul, M., and White, N. D. (eds.), International Law and Dispute Settlement: New Problems and Techniques (2010), 111–42
Gill, T. D., ‘Characterization and Legal Basis for Peace Operations’, in Gill, T. D. and Fleck, D. (eds.), Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations (2010), 135–42
Gill, T. D., ‘Legal Characterization and Basis for Enforcement Operations and Peace Operations under the Charter’, in Gill, T. and Fleck, D. (eds.), Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations (2010), 81–93
Gomes Porto, J., and Engel, U., ‘The African Peace and Security Architecture: An Evolving Security Regime?’, in Engel, U. and Gomes Porto, J. (eds.), Africa's New Peace and Security Architecture: Promoting Norms, Institutionalising Solutions (2010), 143–59
Gómez-Palacio, I., ‘Arbitrator Bias in Countries with No or Reduced Arbitration Tradition’, in Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2009 (2009), 169–82
Hadden, T., ‘War and Peace in Northern Ireland: Reflections on the Contribution of Academic and Human Rights Communities’, in Gilbert, G., Hampson, F., and Sandoval, C. (eds.), Strategic Visions for Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Kevin Boyle (2010), 1–18
Haidvogl, A., ‘Walking the Extra Mile: Corporate Contributions to the Peace Process in Northern Ireland’, in Deitelhoff, N. and Wolf, K. D. (eds.), Corporate Security Responsibility? Corporate Governance Contributions to Peace and Security in Zones of Conflict (2010), 106–29
Han, Y., ‘An Arms Control Approach to Building a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula: Evaluation and Prospects’, in T. Kwak and Joo, S. (eds.), Peace Regime Building on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Security Cooperation (2010), 45–61
Heitmann-Kroning, I., ‘Der Peacebuilding-Prozess in Afghanistan im Lichte des “ius post bellum”’, (2010) 23 Humanitäres Völkerrecht 86–95
Hope, J., ‘International Arbitration in Scotland: A View from Abroad’, (2010) 76 Arbitration 16–20
‘International Guidelines on Post-Conflict Justice: The Chicago Principles’, in Cherif Bassiouni, M. (ed.), The Pursuit of International Criminal Justice: A World Study on Conflicts, Victimization and Post-Conflict Justice (2010), 41–65
Johansen, R. C., ‘Peace and Justice? The Contribution of International Judicial Processes to Peacebuilding’, in Philpott, D. and Powers, G. F. (eds.), Strategies of Peace: Transforming Conflict in a Violent World (2010), 189–230
Joo, S., ‘Russia's Role in the Korean Peace Regime Building Process’, in Kwak, T. and Joo, S. (eds.), Peace Regime Building on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Security Cooperation (2010), 177–97
Kampmann, C., ‘Peace Impossible? The Holy Roman Empire and the European State System in the Seventeenth Century’, in Asbach, O. and Schröder, P. (eds.), War, the State and International Law in Seventeenth-Century Europe (2010), 197–210
Kaseda, Y., ‘Japan's Role in the Korean Peace Building Process’, in Kwak, T. and Joo, S. (eds.), Peace Regime Building on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Security Cooperation (2010), 151–76
Klappe, B., ‘Prevention and Repression of (Sexual) Violence, Exploitation and Abuse in the Context of Peace Operations’, in Gill, T. and Fleck, D. (eds.), Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations (2010), 495–9
Kwak, T., ‘A Creative Formula for Building a Korean Peninsula Peace Regime’, in Kwak, T. and Joo, S. (eds.), Peace Regime Building on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Security Cooperation (2010), 21–44
Chan, Leng Sun, ‘Amendments to the Singapore International Arbitration Act’, (2010) 76 Arbitration 200–5
Lopez, G. A., and Cortright, D., ‘Targeted Sanctions, Counterterrorism, and Strategic Peacebuilding’, in Philpott, D. and Powers, G. F. (eds.), Strategies of Peace: Transforming Conflict in a Violent World (2010), 169–88
Lowe, V., ‘Private Disputes and the Public Interest in International Law’, in French, D., Saul, M., and White, N. D. (eds.), International Law and Dispute Settlement: New Problems and Techniques (2010), 3–16
MacCormack, T., and Ostwald, B. M., ‘The Maintenance of Law and Order in Military Operations’, in Gill, T. and Fleck, D. (eds.), Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations (2010), 445–63
Manning, C., and Marlbrough, M., ‘Bilateral Donor and Aid Conditionality in Post-Conflict Peace-Building: The Case of Mozambique’, (2010) 48 Journal of Modern African Studies 143–69
Maus, S., ‘The Responsibility to Rebuild: Some Remarks on a UN Obligation to Conduct Peace-Buildng Activities’, (2010) 23 Humanitäres Völkerrecht 52–62
Mbodj, El H., ‘La constitution de transition et la résolution des conflits en Afrique: L'exemple de la République démocratique du Congo’, (2010) 126 Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l'étranger 441–71
M'Cormack-Hale, F. A. O., ‘The Role of NGOs in the Democratization Process in Postwar Sierra Leone’, in Mustapha, M. and Bangura, J. J. (eds.), Sierra Leone beyond the Lomé Peace Accord (2010), 97–116
Merrills, J., ‘The Means of Dispute Settlement’, in Evans, M. D. (ed.), International Law (2010), 559–85
Merrills, J. G., ‘The Contribution of the Permanent Court of Arbitration to International Law, 1999–2009’, in MacMahon, B. and Smith, F. C., Permanent Court of Arbitration: Summaries of Awards 1999–2009 (2010), 3–25
Mollel, A., ‘Evaluating UN Peacekeeping Missions in Resolving Armed Conflicts: A Focus on the MONUC’, (2010) 3 Journal of African and International Law 49–90
Murdie, A., and Davis, D. R., ‘Problematic Potential: The Human Rights Consequences of Peacekeeping Interventions in Civil Wars’, (2010) 32 Human Rights Quarterly 49–72
Mustapha, M., ‘Global Inequalities and Peace in Postwar Sierra Leone’, in Mustapha, M. and Bangura, J. J. (eds.), Sierra Leone beyond the Lomé Peace Accord (2010), 145–60
Myjer, E. P. J., and White, N. D., ‘Peace Operations Conducted by Regional Organizations and Arrangements’, in Gill, T. and Fleck, D. (eds.), Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations (2010), 163–84
Nappert, S., ‘Bias in International Commercial Arbitration versus Investment Arbitration: Are There Different Standards? Should There Be?’, in Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2009 (2009), 146–54
Obarrio, J., ‘Traditional Justice as Rule of Law in Africa: An Anthropological Perspective’, in Sriram, C. L., Martin-Ortega, O., and Herman, J. (eds.), Peacebuilding and Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace? (2010), 23–43
Olsen, E. A., ‘The United States’ Role in the Korean Peace Regime Building Process’, in Kwak, T. and Joo, S. (eds.), Peace Regime Building on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Security Cooperation (2010), 105–34
Penksa, S. E., ‘Security Governance, Complex Peace Support Operations and the Blurring of Civil–Military Tasks’, in Daase, C. and Friesendorf, C. (eds.), Rethinking Security Governance: The Problem of Unintended Consequences (2010), 39–61
Philpott, D., ‘Reconciliation: An Ethic for Peacebuilding’, in Philpott, D. and Powers, G. F. (eds.), Strategies of Peace: Transforming Conflict in a Violent World (2010), 91–118
Powers, G. F., ‘Religion and Peacebuilding’, in Philpott, D. and Powers, G. F. (eds.), Strategies of Peace: Transforming Conflict in a Violent World (2010), 317–52
Pulver, R. A., ‘Rule of Law, Peacekeeping and the United Nations’, in Sriram, C. L., Martin-Ortega, O., and Herman, J. (eds.), Peacebuilding and Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace? (2010), 60–87
Rafeeq, M., ‘Rethinking Islamic Law Arbitration Tribunals: Are They Compatible with Traditional American Notions of Justice?’, (2010) 28 Wisconsin International Law Journal 108–39
Xiao, Ren, ‘Still Feeling for the Stones while Crossing the River? China in Peace and Security Regime Building in Northeast Asia’, in Kwak, T. and Joo, S. (eds.), Peace Regime Building on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Security Cooperation (2010), 135–49
Richmond, O. P., ‘Strategic Peacebuilding beyond the Liberal Peace: Conclusion’, in Philpott, D. and Powers, G. F. (eds.), Strategies of Peace: Transforming Conflict in a Violent World (2010), 353–68
Richmond, O. P., ‘The Rule of Law in Liberal Peacebuilding’, in Sriram, C. L., Martin-Ortega, O., and Herman, J. (eds.), Peacebuilding and Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace? (2010), 44–59
Roht-Arriaza, N., ‘Human Rights and Strategic Peacebuilding: The Roles of Local, National, and International Actors’, in Philpott, D. and Powers, G. F. (eds.), Strategies of Peace: Transforming Conflict in a Violent World (2010), 231–46
Rovine, A. W., ‘Convergence in International Arbitration: Introduction’, in Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2009 (2009), IX–XXII
Sambanis, N., ‘How Strategic is UN Peacebuilding?’, in Philpott, D. and Powers, G. F. (eds.), Strategies of Peace: Transforming Conflict in a Violent World (2010), 141–68
Sanford, V., and Lincoln, M., ‘Body of Evidence: Feminicide, Local Justice, and Rule of Law in “Peacetime” Guatemala’, in Hinton, A. L. (ed.), Transitional Justice: Global Mechanisms and Local Realities after Genocide and Mass Violence (2010), 67–91
Schwebel, S. M., ‘Overview of Investor–State Arbitration: The Regressive Character of the 2004 U. S. Model BIT’, in Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2009 (2009), 3–4
Shore, L., ‘Arbitration, Rhetoric, Proof: The Unity of International Arbitration across Cultures’, in Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2009 (2009), 293–304
Simonse, S., Verkoren, W., and Junne, G., ‘NGO Involvement in the Juba Peace Talks: The Role and Dilemmas of IKV Pax Christi’, in Allen, T. and Vlassenroot, K. (eds.), The Lord's Resistance Army: Myth and Reality (2010), 223–41
Simpson, D., ‘The Future of Sierra Leone’, in Mustapha, M. and Bangura, J. J. (eds.), Sierra Leone beyond the Lomé Peace Accord (2010), 161–72
Smeele, F., ‘International Civil Litigation and the Pollution of the Marine Environment’, in Basedow, J., Magnus, U., and Wolfrum, R. (eds.), The Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs 2007 & 2008 (2010), 77–118
Smit, H., ‘Delinquent Arbitrators and Arbitration Counsel’, (2010) 20 American Review of International Arbitration 43–58
Smith, G., ‘Chinese Bilateral Investment Treaties: Restrictions on International Arbitration’, (2010) 76 Arbitration 58–69
Smith, J., ‘Economic Globalization and Strategic Peacebuilding’, in Philpott, D. and Powers, G. F. (eds.), Strategies of Peace: Transforming Conflict in a Violent World (2010), 247–69
Sriram, C. L., ‘(Re)building the Rule of Law in Sierra Leone: Beyond the Formal Sector?’, in Sriram, C. L., Martin-Ortega, O., and Herman, J. (eds.), Peacebuilding and Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace? (2010), 127–41
Sriram, C. L., Martin-Ortega, O., and Herman, J., ‘Just Peace? Lessons Learned and Policy Insights’, in Sriram, C. L., Martin-Ortega, O., and Herman, J. (eds.), Peacebuilding and Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace? (2010), 197–208
Sriram, C. L., Martin-Ortega, O., and Herman, J., ‘Promoting the Rule of Law: From Liberal to Institutional Peacebuilding’, in Sriram, C. L., Martin-Ortega, O., and Herman, J. (eds.), Peacebuilding and Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace? (2010), 1–19
Strand, A., ‘Sustained Peacebuilding: The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations and Researchers’, in Constantinou, C. M. and Der Derian, J. (eds.), Sustainable Diplomacies (2010), 173–91
Sturman, K., and Hayatou, A., ‘The Peace and Security Council of the African Union: From Design to Reality’, in Engel, U. and Gomes Porto, J. (eds.), Africa's New Peace and Security Architecture: Promoting Norms, Institutionalising Solutions (2010), 57–75
Subedi, S. P., ‘The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism as a New Technique for Settling Disputes in International Law’, in French, D., Saul, M., and White, N. D. (eds.), International Law and Dispute Settlement: New Problems and Techniques (2010), 173–90
Sussman, E., ‘Investor–State Dispute Mediation: The Benefits and Obstacles’, in Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2009 (2009), 323–38
Tachou-Sipowo, A., ‘The Security Council on Women in War: Between Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Protection’, (2010, 877) 92 International Review of the Red Cross = Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge 197–219
Thirlway, H., ‘The International Court of Justice’, in Evans, M. D. (ed.), International Law (2010), 586–614
Van der Auwera, S., ‘Peace Operations and the Protection of Cultural Property During and After Armed Conflict’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 3–16
Vasquez, J. A., and Henehan, M. T., ‘Peace, Globalization and Territoriality’, in Vasquez, J. A. (ed.), Territory, War and Peace (2010), 195–205
Veeder, V. V., ‘The Investor's Choice of ICSID and Non-ICSID Arbitration under Bilateral and Multilateral Treaties’, in Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2009 (2009), 5–14
Wallbott, L., ‘Calling on Peace: The International ICT Sector and the Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo’, in Deitelhoff, N. and Wolf, K. D. (eds.), Corporate Security Responsibility? Corporate Governance Contributions to Peace and Security in Zones of Conflict (2010), 85–105
Wallensteen, P., ‘Strategic Peacebuilding: Concepts and Challenges’, in Philpott, D. and Powers, G. F. (eds.), Strategies of Peace: Transforming Conflict in a Violent World (2010), 45–64
Watson, D., ‘“Père la victoire or perdre la Victoire”: Clemenceau's Defence of the Peace Settlement’, in Johnson, G. (ed.), Peacemaking, Peacemakers and Diplomacy, 1880–1939: Essays in Honour of Professor Alan Sharp (2010), 103–19
Weckel, P., ‘Sanctions du Conseil de sécurité: un champ d'étude interdisciplinaire par nature’, in Société Française pour le Droit international (ed.), Droit international et relations internationales: divergences et convergences (2010), 55–75
White, N. D., and Saul, M., ‘Legal Means of Dispute Settlement in the Field of Collective Security: The Quasi-Judicial Powers of the Security Council’, in French, D., Saul, M., and White, N. D. (eds.), International Law and Dispute Settlement: New Problems and Techniques (2010), 191–224
Whitman, R. G., and Wolff, S., ‘The EU as a Conflict Manager? The Case of Georgia and Its Implications’, (2010) 86 International Affairs 87–107
Wyler, E., ‘La paix par le droit: Entre réalité, mythe et utopie’, in Boisson de Chazournes, L. and Kohen, M. (eds.), International Law and the Quest for its Implementation: Liber amicorum Vera Gowlland-Debbas = Le droit international et la quête de sa mise en oeuvre (2010), 467–88
Keyuan, Zou, ‘The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: Procedures, Practice and Asian States’, (2010) 41 Ocean Development and International Law 131–51