Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (Winter 2011)
Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Ali, S. F., Resolving Disputes in the Asia–Pacific Region: International Arbitration and Mediation in East Asia and the West (2011). ISBN 9780415583725, 146 pp.
Aoi, C., Legitimacy and the Use of Armed Force: Stability Missions in the Post-Cold War Era (2010). ISBN 9780415559546, 287 pp.
Association for International Arbitration (ed.), The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: 25 Years (2010). ISBN 9789046603581, 168 pp.
Badescu, C. G., Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect: Security and Human Rights (2010). ISBN 9780415586276, 212 pp.
Barltrop, R., Darfur and the International Community: The Challenges of Conflict Resolution in Sudan (2010). ISBN 9781845119775, 248 pp.
Bäumler, J. (ed.), Akteure in Krieg und Frieden (2010). ISBN 9783161503078, 240 pp.
Becker, P., Frieden durch Recht? (2010). ISBN 9783830517214, 438 pp.
Biyogue-Bi-Ntougou, J. D., Les politiques africaines de paix et de sécurité (2010). ISBN 9782296104518, 207 pp.
Dickinson, L. A., Outsourcing War and Peace: Preserving Public Values in a World of Privatized Foreign Affairs (2010). ISBN 9780300144864, 271 pp.
Diehl, P. F., and Druckman, D., Evaluating Peace Operations (2010). ISBN 9781588267337, 234 pp.
Eriksson, M., Targeting Peace: Understanding UN and EU Targeted Sanctions (2010). ISBN 9781409419327, 296 pp.
Goscha, C. E., and Laplante, K. (eds.), L’échec de la paix en Indochine (1954–1962) [The Failure of Peace in Indochina (1954–1962)] (2010). ISBN 9782846542265, 411 pp.
Grawert, E. (ed.), After the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan (2010). ISBN 9781847010223, 293 pp.
Harvey, D., Peace Enforcers: The EU Military Intervention in Chad (2010). ISBN 9781907221033, 202 pp.
Huda, Q. (ed.), Crescent and Dove: Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam (2010). ISBN 9781601270603, 319 pp.
Ishizuka, K., The History of Peace-Building in East Timor: The Issues of International Intervention (2010). ISBN 9788175967359, 278 pp.
Joubin-Bret, A., and Knörich, J. (eds.), Investor–State Disputes: Prevention and Alternatives to Arbitration/United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2010). ISBN 9789211127935, 129 pp.
Keller, H., Forowicz, M., and Engi, L., Friendly Settlements before the European Court of Human Rights: Theory and Practice (2010). ISBN 9780199600977, 312 pp.
Lehmann, F., and Lehmann, J. (eds.), Peace and Prosperity through World Trade (2010). ISBN 9781107000421, 200 pp.
Lindgren, K. E. (ed.), International Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution (2010). ISBN 9780980334678, 348 pp.
Melendez-Ortiz, R., and Shaffer, G. (eds.), Dispute Settlement at the WTO: The Developing Country Experience (2010). ISBN 9780521769679, 355 pp.
Muheki, S., African Countries and the World Trade Organisation Dispute Settlement Mechanism: Underlying Constraints, Concerns and Proposals for Reform (2010).
Murphy, C., A Moral Theory of Political Reconciliation (2010). ISBN 9780521193924, 214 pp.
Safieh, A., The Peace Process: From Breakthrough to Breakdown (2010). ISBN 9780863564222, 288 pp.
Sasson, M., Substantive Law in Investment Treaty Arbitration: The Unsettled Relationship between International Law and Municipal Law (2010). ISBN 9789041132239, 264 pp.
Svensson, I., and Wallensteen, P., The Go-Between: Jan Eliasson and the Styles of Mediation (2010). ISBN 9781601270627, 169 pp.
Telhami, S. (ed.), The Sadat Lectures: Words and Images on Peace, 1997–2008 (2010). ISBN 9781601270542, 107 pp.
Thakur, R., The Responsibility to Protect: Norms, Laws and the Use of Force in International Politics (2010). ISBN 9780415781688, 232 pp.
World Trade Organization, WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries, 1995–2009 (2010). 178 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Abang, O., ‘International Court of Justice and the Arbitration of Border Crises in Africa: The Nigeria–Cameroon Dispute over Bakassi’, in Bassey, C. O. and Oshita, O. O. (eds.), Governance and Border Security in Africa (2010), 223–38
Abass, A., ‘African Peace and Security Architecture and the Protection of Human Security’, in Abass, A. (ed.), Protecting Human Security in Africa (2010), 247–83
Abou-el-Wafa, A., ‘Les différends internationaux concernant les frontières terrestres dans la jurisprudence de la Cour internationale de Justice’, (2010) T.343 Recueil des cours 9–570
Abu-Nimer, M., ‘An Islamic Model of Conflict Resolution: Principles and Challenges’, in Huda, Q. (ed.), Crescent and Dove: Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam (2010), 73–92
Adebajo, A., ‘Pax Nigeriana and the Responsibility to Protect’, (2010) 2 Global Responsibility to Protect 414–35
Ahmed-Hameed, A., and Ubi, E. N., ‘International Law and the Management of African Boundary Disputes’, in Bassey, C. O. and Oshita, O. O. (eds.), Governance and Border Security in Africa (2010), 257–70
Alexander, K. W., and Soukop, B. J., ‘Obama's First Trade War: The US–Mexico Cross-Border Trucking Dispute and the Implications of Strategic Cross-Sector Retaliation on U.S. Compliance under NAFTA’, (2010) 28 Berkeley Journal of International Law 313–42
Baptista, L. O., ‘Use of Arbitration in the WTO’, in Fernández-Ballesteros, M. Á. and Arias, D. (eds.), Liber amicorum Bernardo Cremades (2010), 925–37
Bassey, C. O., ‘Security Governance in Africa’, in Bassey, C. O. and Oshita, O. O. (eds.), Governance and Border Security in Africa (2010), 36–46
Bassey, C. O., ‘Trans-Border Conflict and Peacekeeping Operations: Nigerian Experience’, in Bassey, C. O. and Oshita, O. O. (eds.), Governance and Border Security in Africa (2010), 189–211
Bell, C., and O'Rourke, C., ‘Peace Agreements or Pieces of Paper? The Impact of UNSC Resolution 1325 on Peace Processess and Their Agreements’, (2010) 59 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 941–80
Bellamy, A., and Williams, P. D., ‘The UN Security Council and the Question of Humanitarian Intervention in Darfur’, in Moses, A. D. (ed.), Genocide: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies (2010), 64–81
Blockmans, S., ‘EU Enlargement as a Peacebuilding Tool’, in Blockmans, S., Wouters, J., and Ruys, T. (eds.), The European Union and Peacebuilding: Policy and Legal Aspects (2010), 77–103
Boege, V., ‘How to Maintain Peace and Security in a Post-Conflict Hybrid Political Order: the Case of Bougainville’, (2010) 14 Journal of International Peacekeeping 330–52
Boulle, L., ‘International Arbitration and Competing Dispute Resolution Options’, in Hiscock, M. and Van Caenegem, W. (eds.), The Internationalisation of Law: Legislating, Decision-Making, Practice and Education (2010), 251–77
Brosig, M., ‘The Multi-Actor Game of Peacekeeping in Africa’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 327–42
Çali, B., ‘From Bangladesh to Responsibility to Protect: The Legality and Implementation Criteria for Humanitarian Intervention’, in Gilbert, G., Hampson, F., and Sandoval, C. (eds.), The Delivery of Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Sir Nigel Rodley (2010), 228–44
Caruso, U., ‘The Cooperation of International Organizations in the Ethnic Conflicts in the Former Yugoslavia’, (2010) 7 European Yearbook of Minority Issues 225–62
Chimni, B. S., ‘China, India and the WTO Dispute Settlement System: Towards an Interpretative Strategy’, in Sornarajah, M. and Wang, J. (eds.), China, India and the International Economic Order (2010), 217–49
Christie, K., ‘Managing and Keeping the Peace after Violent Civil Conflict’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 408–14
Churchill, R., ‘Dispute Settlement under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Survey for 2009’, (2010) 25 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 457–82
Cornu, M., and Renold, M., ‘New Developments in the Restitution of Cultural Property: Alternative Means of Dispute Resolution’, (2010) 17 International Journal of Cultural Property 1–31
Dijkstra, H., ‘The Military Operation of the EU in Chad and the Central African Republic: Good Policy, Bad Politics’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 395–407
Dunne, M., ‘A Little of the Road of Peace: Herbert Hoover and the World Court’, in Nash, L. (ed.), Herbert Hoover and World Peace (2010), 39–72
Eminue, O., ‘Conflict Development in the African Region’, in Bassey, C. O. and Oshita, O. O. (eds.), Governance and Border Security in Africa (2010), 87–107
Eze, O., ‘Conflict Prevention and Management through Democracy and Good Governance’, in Bassey, C. O. and Oshita, O. O. (eds.), Governance and Border Security in Africa (2010), 157–65
Fish, E. S., ‘Peace through Complementarity: Solving the Ex Post Problem in International Criminal Court Prosecutions’, (2010) 119 Yale Law Journal 1703–14
Giovannini, T., ‘International Arbitration and Jura Novit Curia’, in Fernández-Ballesteros, M. Á. and Arias, D. (eds.), Liber Amicorum Bernardo Cremades (2010), 495–509
Höglund, K., and Sönderberg Kovacs, M., ‘Beyond the Absence of War: The Diversity of Peace in Post-Settlement Societies’, (2010) 36 Review of International Studies 367–90
Hsu, L., ‘China, India and Dispute Settlement in the WTO and RTAs’, in Sornarajah, M. and Wang, J. (eds.), China, India and the International Economic Order (2010), 250–76
Huda, Q., ‘Enhancing Skills and Capacity Building in Islamic Peacemaking’, in Huda, Q. (ed.), Crescent and Dove: Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam (2010), 205–25
Hughes, B., and Hunt, C., ‘Making Sense of Peace and Capacity-Building Operations: Rethinking Policing and Beyond’, (2010) 14 Journal of International Peacekeeping 217–22
Hunt, C., and Hughes, B., ‘Assessing Police Peacekeeping: Systemisation and Serendipity’, (2010) 14 Journal of International Peacekeeping 403–24
Jago, M., ‘InterFET: An Account of Intervention with Consent in East Timor’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping 377–94
Kalin, I., ‘Islam and Peace: A Survey of the Sources of Peace in the Islamic Tradition’, in Huda, Q. (ed.), Crescent and Dove: Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam (2010), 3–37
Kennedy, S. E., ‘Blessed Are the Peacemakers: The Hoover–Gibson Collaboration’, in Nash, L. (ed.), Herbert Hoover and World Peace (2010), 133–52
Kingsbury, D., ‘Policing, Rule of Law, State Capacity and Sustainable Peace in Timor-Leste’, (2010) 14 Journal of International Peacekeeping 353–74
Leonczyk, A., ‘Peacekeeping and Counterinsurgency: How US Military Doctrine Can Improve Peacekeeping in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’, (2010) 204 Military Law Review 66–143
McArthur, W., ‘Reforming Fairness: The Need for Legal Pragmatism in the WTO Dispute Settlement Process’, (2010) 9 Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business 229–47
McIntosh, A., ‘A Nonviolent Challenge to Conflict’, in Whetham, D. (ed.), Ethics, Law and Military Operations (2010), 44–64
MacGinty, R., ‘No War, No Peace: Why So Many Peace Processes Fail to Deliver Peace’, (2010) 47 Internatonal Politics 145–62
Marenin, O., ‘Understanding Mission Environments: Local Contexts and Legitimation of Reforms’, (2010) 14 Journal of International Peacekeeping 223–47
Mestre, C., ‘La sécurité humaine et la prévention des conflits’, in Kherad, R. (ed.), Sécurité humaine: théorie et pratique(s): Colloque International organisé par le CECOJI et le Centre Jean Bodin: en l'honneur du Doyen Dominique Breillat (2010), 179–91
Milner, J., ‘Refugees, Peacebuilding, and the Regional Dynamics of Conflict’, in Betts, A. and Loescher, G. (eds.), Refugees in International Relations (2010), 261–84
Muñoz Tellez, V., ‘Dispute Settlement under the TRIPS Agreement: The United States–Brazil (2000) and United States–Argentina (2002) Patent Disputes’, in Correa, C. M. (ed.), Research Handbook on the Interpretation and Enforcement of Intellectual Property under WTO Rules: Intellectual Property in the WTO (2010), 215–36
Mwanasali, M., ‘The African Union, the United Nations, and the Responsibility to Protect: Towards an African Intervention Doctrine’, (2010) 2 Global Responsibility to Protect 388–413
Novosseloff, A., ‘Dix ans après le rapport Brahimi sur les opérations de paix des Nations Unies’, (2010) 11 Annuaire français de relations internationales 225–43
Nwankwo, O., ‘Nigeria and Peace Support Operations in West Africa’, in Bassey, C. O. and Oshita, O. O. (eds.), Governance and Border Security in Africa (2010), 213–21
Paris, R., ‘Saving Liberal Peacebuilding’, (2010) 36 Review of International Studies 337–65
Robbani, G., ‘Regional Integration and Militarised Interstate Disputes: An Empirical Analysis’, in Goldsmith, B. E. and Brauer, J. (eds.), Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives (2010), 185–203
Sarkin, J., ‘The Responsibility to Protect and Humanitarian Intervention in Africa’, (2010) 2 Global Responsibility to Protect 371–87
‘South American Perspectives on Peace Operations’, (2010) 17 International Peacekeeping ‘Special Issue’ 579–736
Spain, A., ‘Integration Matters: Rethinking the Architecture of International Dispute Resolution’, (2010) 32 University of Pennsylvaina Journal of International Law 1–55
Stensrud, E. E., ‘Mixed Justice, Mixed Legacy: The Special Court for Sierra Leone’, in Barria, L. A. and Roper, S. D. (eds.), The Development of Institutions of Human Rights: A Comparative Study (2010), 145–59
Stoll, P., ‘L'organe de règlement des différends de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce’, in Ruiz Fabri, H. and Sorel, J. (eds.), Indépendance et impartialité des juges internationaux (2010), 205–21
Talpis, J. A., ‘Prevention of Disputes Arising out of International Contracts’, in Miranda, G. Bras and Moore, B. (eds.), Mélanges Adrian Popovici: les couleurs du droit (2010), 551–70
Tanner, F., ‘Addressing the Perils of Peace Operations: Toward a Global Peacekeeping System’, (2010) 16 Global Governance 209–18
Tocci, N., ‘The EU as Peacebuilder: Actorness, Potential and Limits’, in Blockmans, S., Wouters, J., and Ruys, T. (eds.), The European Union and Peacebuilding: Policy and Legal Aspects (2010), 55–75
Tomat, S., and Onestini, C., ‘The EU and the UN Peacebuilding Commission: A Short Account of How the EU Presence Has Influenced the Newest UN Body’, in Blockmans, S., Wouters, J., and Ruys, T. (eds.), The European Union and Peacebuilding: Policy and Legal Aspects (2010), 141–59
Townsend, D. J., ‘Stretching the Dispute Settlement Understanding: US–Cotton's Relaxed Interpretation of Cross-Retaliation in the World Trade Organization’, (2010) 9 Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business 135–65
Vivas-Eugui, D., and Oliva, M. J., ‘The WTO Dispute on Trademarks and Geographical Indications: Some Implications for Trade Policy-Making and Negotiations’, in Correa, C. M. (ed.), Research Handbook on the Interpretation and Enforcement of Intellectual Property under WTO Rules: Intellectual Property in the WTO (2010), 122–41
Watal, J., ‘US–China Intellectual Property Dispute: A Comment on the Interpretation of the TRIPS Enforcement Provisions’, (2010) 13 The Journal of World Intellectual Property 605–19
Weiner, J. R., ‘Peacekeepers: Will They Advance any Prospective Arab–Israeli Peace Agreement?’, (2010) 34 Fordham International Law Journal 1–45
Woodward, P., ‘From CPA to DPA: Ripe for Resolution, or Ripe for Dissolution?’, in Grawert, E. (ed.), After the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan (2010), 176–93
Wright, J., ‘Locarno: A Democratic Peace?’, (2010) 36 Review of International Studies 391–411
Yoroms, G., ‘Nigeria and the Challenges of Trans-National Security in West Africa’, in Bassey, C. O. and Oshita, O. O. (eds.), Governance and Border Security in Africa (2010), 271–93
Zartman, I. W., ‘Conflict Management as Cooperation’, in Zartman, I. W. and Touval, S. (eds.), International Cooperation: The Extents and Limits of Multilateralism (2010), 161–81