Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (Summer and Autumn 2007).
Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available at the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Carroll, E., and Mackie, K., International Mediation: The Art of Business Diplomacy (2006). ISBN 1845923464, 224 pp.
Coleman, K. P., International Organisations and Peace Enforcement: The Politics of International Legitimacy (2007). ISBN 9780521870191, 360 pp.
Dombroski, K. R., Peacekeeping in the Middle East as an International Regime (2007). ISBN 0415981050, 192 pp.
Friedrich, P., Language, Negotiation and Peace: The Use of English in Conflict Resolution (2007). ISBN 0826493734, 130 pp.
Goodhand, J., Aiding Peace? The Role of NGOs in Armed Conflict (2006). ISBN 1588264629, 239 pp.
Harten, G. van, Investment Treaty Arbitration and Public Law (2007). ISBN 9780199217892, 214 pp.
Häußler, U., Ensuring and Enforcing Human Security: The Practice of International Peace Missions: Legal Framework, Military Operations, Political Ramifications (2007). ISBN 9789058502575, 180 pp.
Kaufmann-Kohler, G., and Rigozzi, A., Arbitrage international: droit et pratique à la lumière de la LDIP (2006). ISBN 9783905742053, 381 pp.
Kline, H., Chronicle of a Failure Foretold: The Peace Process of Colombian President Andrés Pastrana (2007), ISBN 081731556X, 229 pp.
Kondoch, B. (ed.), International Peacekeeping (2007). ISBN 9780754623953, 578 pp.
Korhonen, O., and Gras, J., International Post-conflict Situations: New Challenges for Co-operative Governance (2006). ISBN 9521034939, 305 pp.
Lijn, J. van der, Walking the Tightrope: Do UN Peacekeeping Operations Actually Contribute to Durable Peace? (2006). ISBN 9036100372, 411 pp.
Martin, H., Kings of Peace, Pawns of War: The Untold Story of Peace-Making (2006). ISBN 0826490573, 184 pp.
Martín, F. E., Militarist Peace in South America: Conditions for War and Peace (2006). ISBN 1403973121, 255 pp.
Murphy, R., UN Peacekeeping in Lebanon, Somalia and Kosovo: Operational and Legal Issues in Practice (2007). ISBN 9780521843058, 375 pp.
Sargent, W. M., Civilizing Peace Building: Twenty-First Century Global Politics (2007). ISBN 9780754670407, 248 pp.
Thakur, R., The United Nations, Peace and Security: From Collective Security to the Responsibility to Protect (2006). ISBN 0521855179, 388 pp.
Westra, J. H., International Law and the Use of Armed Force: The UN Charter and the Major Powers (2007). ISBN 041577098X, 224 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Arnold, R., ‘The Applicability of the Law of Occupation to Peace Support Operations’, in Arnold, R. and Knoops, G.-J. A. (eds.), Practice and Policies of Modern Peace Support Operations under International Law (2006), 91–115
Arnson, C. J., ‘The Peace Process in Colombia and U.S. Policy’, in Welna, C. and Gallón, G. (eds.), Peace, Democracy, and Human Rights in Colombia (2007), 132–64
Ayat, M., ‘Justice pénale internationale pour la paix et la reconciliation’, (2007) 7 International Criminal Law Review 391–424
Bekker, G., ‘The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights: Safeguarding the Interests of African States’, (2007) 51 Journal of African Law 151–72
Biersteker, T. J., ‘Prospects for the UN Peacebuilding Commission’, in Disarmament Forum (2007), 37–44
Brzoska, M., ‘Friedensmissionen in Afrika: Trends, Wirkungen und deutscher Beitrag’, (2007) 82 Die Friedenswarte 87–106
Caminos, H., ‘The Creation of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea as a Specialized Court under the United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea’, in Kohen, M. G. (ed.), Promoting Justice, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution through International Law/La promotion de la justice, des droits de l'homme et du règlement des conflits par le droit international: liber amicorum Lucius Caflisch (2007), 823–35
Chan, L., ‘A Pragmatic Strategy for China's Peaceful Reunificaton’, in Moore, P. and Pettiford, L. (eds.), Foreign Policies of the Major Powers: Politics and Diplomacy since World War II, vol. 3 (2007), 28–34
Cook, J. T., ‘The Evolution of Investment-State Dispute Resolution in NAFTA and CAFTA: Wild West to World Order’, (2007) 34 Pepperdine Law Review 1085–137
Egli, G., ‘Don't Get Bit: Addressing ICSID's Inconsistent Application of Most-Favored-Nation Clauses to Dispute Resolution’, (2007) 34 Pepperdine Law Review 1045–84
Finkelstein, N. G., ‘The Camp David II Negotiations: How Dennis Ross Proved the Palestinians Aborted the Peace Process’, (2007) 36 Journal of Palestine Studies 39–53
Fischer, D. D., ‘Decisions to Use the International Court of Justice: Four Recent Cases’, in Druckman, D. and Diehl, P. F. (eds.), Conflict Resolution (2006), 137–58
Fischer, M., ‘Friedenskonsolidierung im westlichen Balkan? Zur Ambivalenz des Beitrags internationaler Missionen’, (2007) 82 Die Friedenswarte 41–67
Gallón, G., ‘Human Rights: A Path to Democracy and Peace in Colombia’, in Welna, C. and Gallón, G. (eds.), Peace, Democracy, and Human Rights in Colombia (2007), 353–411
Gantz, D. A., ‘Settlement of Disputes under the Central America–Dominican Republic–United States Free Trade Agreement’, (2007) 30 Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 331–410
Gantz, P. H., ‘The Postconflict Security Gap and the United Nations Peace Operations System’, in Ndulo, M. (ed.), Security, Reconstruction and Reconciliation: When the Wars End (2007), 247–75
Gilson, E. T., ‘Exploring the Court of Arbitration for Sport’, (2006) 98 Law Library Journal 503–14
Gilson, J., ‘Building Peace or Following the Leader? Japan's Peace Consolidation Diplomacy’, (2007) 80 Pacific Affairs 27–47
Gomula, J., ‘The WTO Dispute Settlement System in 2005: Introductory Note’, (2007) Global Community 275–81
Gowan, R., ‘Kosovo: In Search of a Public Order Strategy’, (2006) 2006 Annual Review of Global Peace Operations . . .: A Project of the Center on International Cooperation 19–32
Görsel, Timur, ‘“Mr. UNIFIL” Reflects on a Quarter Century of Peacekeeping in South Lebanon’, (2007) 36 Journal of Palestine Studies 50–77
Haftel, Y. Z., ‘Designing for Peace: Regional Integration Arrangements, Institutional Variation, and Militarized Interstate Disputes’, (2007) 61 International Organization 217–37
Häußler, U., ‘Friedenssicherung und Friedenskonsolidierung als komplementäre Prozesse: Millenium-Erklärung und Brahimi-Bericht auf dem Prüfstand der Praxis’, in Bauer, S. et al. (eds.), Chancen für eine Reform der Vereinten Nationen? Bilanz zum 60. Geburtstag der Weltorganisation: 7. Potsdamer UNO-Konferenzen vom 24. bis 25. Juni 2005 (2006), 78–115
Häußler, Ulf, ‘KFOR: Current Legal Issues’, (2007) 20 Humanitäres Völkerrecht 24–32
Hazen, Jennifer M., ‘Can Peacekeepers be Peacebuilders?’, (2007) 14 International Peacekeeping 323–38
Hobér, K., and McKechnie, W., ‘New Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce’, (2007) 23 Arbitration International 261–91
Höglund, K., ‘Managing Violent Crisis: Swedish Peacekeeping and the 2004 Ethnic Violence in Kosovo’, (2007) 14 International Peacekeeping 403–17
Ihrai, S., ‘Le maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationale dans les projets de réforme de la Ligue des États arabes’, in La sécurité internationale entre rupture et continuité: mélanges en l'honneur du professeur Jean-François Guilhaudis (2007), 299–318
Ito, G., ‘Participation in UN Peacekeeping Operations’, in Berger, T. U., Mochizuki, M. M., and Tsuchiyama, J. (eds.), Japan in International Politics: The Foreign Policies of an Adaptive State (2007), 75–95
Johnstone, I., ‘Dilemmas of Robust Peace Operations’, (2006) 2006 Annual Review of Global Peace Operations . . .: A Project of the Center on International Cooperation 1–17
Kamenchuk, O., ‘Complexities of Conflict Prevention and Resolution in the Post-Soviet Space: EU–US–Russian Security Dimensions’, (2007) 5 European Yearbook of Minority Issues 99–116
Knahr, C., and Reinisch, A., ‘Transparency versus Confidentiality in International Investment Arbitration: the Biwater Gauff Compromise’, (2007) 6 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 97–118
Kühl, J., ‘Sustainable Peace and Cooperation in Borderlands: The Danish–German Bonn–Copenhagen Declarations 1955–2005’, (2007) 5 European Yearbook of Minority Issues 117–40.
Kwak, T.-H., ‘The Six-Party Nuclear Talks and the Korean Peninsula Peace Regime Initiative: A Framework for Implementation’, in Kwak, T.-H. and Joo, S.-H. (eds.), The United States and the Korean Peninsula in the 21st Century (2006), 15–38
Lahoud, N., ‘Rule of Law Strategies for Peace Operations’, in Kondoch, B. (ed.), International Peacekeeping (2007), 23–41
Levine, D. H., ‘Organizational Disruption and Change in Mozambique's Peace Process’, (2007) 14 International Peacekeeping 368–83
Li, J., ‘From “See You in Court!” to “See You in Geneva!”: an Empirical Study of the Role of Social Norms in International Trade Dispute Resolution’, (2007) 32 Yale Journal of International Law 485–515
Likoti, F. J., ‘The 1998 Military Intervention in Lesotho: SADC Peace Mission or Resource War?’, (2007) 14 International Peacekeeping 251–63
Loges, B. and Menzel, U., ‘Auf dem Weg zu einer “sicheren Welt”? Die UN und das Regime humanitärer Interventionen’, in Bauer, S. et al. (eds.), Chancen für eine Reform der Vereinten Nationen?: Bilanz zum 60. Geburtstag der Weltorganisation: 7. Potsdamer UNO-Konferenzen vom 24. bis 25. Juni 2005 (2006), 64–76
MacGuinness, M. E., ‘Women as Architects of Peace: Gender and the Resolution of Armed Conflict’, (2007) 15 Journal of International Law and Practice 63–84
Malkawi, B. H., ‘The WTO, Security and Peace: Are they Compatible, and if so, What is the Framework?’, (2007) 8 Journal of World Investment & Trade 303–17
Mani, R., ‘Peaceful Settlement of Disputes and Conflict Prevention’, in Weiss, T. G. and Daws, S. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (2007), 300–22
Mosoti, V., ‘Africa in the First Decade of WTO Dispute Settlement, 1995–2005’, in Mwenda, K. K. and Mosoti, V. (eds.), Contemporary Issues in International Economic Law (2006), 73–107
Mubiala, M., ‘Les négociations de paix en Afrique’, in Decaux, E., Dieng, A., and Sow, M. (eds.), From Human Rights to International Criminal Law: Studies in Honour of an African Jurist, the Late Judge Laïty Kama (2007), 629–42
Musu, C., ‘The EU and the Arab-Israeli Peace Process’, in Casarini, N. and Musu, C. (eds.), European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System: The Road towards Convergence (2007), 112–27
Orakhelashvili, A., ‘Interpretation of Jurisdictional Instruments in International Dispute Settlement’, (2007) 6 Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 159–88
Ponzio, R., ‘The United Nations Peacebuilding Commission: Origins and Initial Practice’, (2007) Disarmament Forum 5–15
Protsyk, O., ‘Democratization as a Means of Conflict Resolution in Moldova’, (2006) 4 European Yearbook of Minority Issues 723–37
Pugh, M., ‘Peace Enforcement’, in Weiss, T. G. and Daws, S. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (2007) 370–86
Reif, L. C., ‘The Use of Conciliation or Mediation for the Resolution of International Commercial Disputes’, (2007) 45 Canadian Business Law Journal 20–47
Reimann, H. B., ‘Le règlement pacifique des différends à l'OSCE’, in Kohen, M. G. (ed.), Promoting Justice, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution through International Law/La promotion de la justice, des droits de l'homme et du règlement des conflits par le droit international: liber amicorum Lucius Caflisch (2007), 891–5
Richmond, O. P., and Franks, J., ‘Liberal Hubris? Virtual Peace in Cambodia’, (2007) 38 Security Dialogue 27–48
Rogers, P. D., ‘China and United Nations Peacekeeping Operations in Africa’, (2007) 60 Naval War College Review 73–93
Ryan, B. J., ‘Quasi-pluralism in Quasi-peace: South Serbia's Multi-ethnic Police’, (2007) 14 International Peacekeeping 282–97
Savage, J., ‘Investment Treaty Arbitration and Asia: Review of Developments in 2005 and 2006’, (2007) 3 Asian International Arbitration Journal 1–79
Schachter, O., ‘The Uses of Law in International Peacekeeping’, in Kondoch, B. (ed.), International Peacekeeping (2007), 3–21
Simpson, M. T., ‘Chopping Away at Chapter 11: The Softwood Lumber Agreement's Effect on the NAFTA Investor-State Dispute Resolution Mechanism’, (2007) 22 American University International Law Review 479–515
Skordas, A., ‘“Just Peace” Revisited: International Law in the Era of Asymmetry’, in Stetter, S. (ed.), Territorial Conflicts in World Society: Modern Systems Theory, International Relations and Conflict Studies (2007), 168–93
Soares, S. and Laakso, J., ‘Mediation in Timor-Leste: Opportunities and Challenges’, (2007) 1 World Arbitration and Mediation Review 361–70
Sourgens, F. G., ‘ICSID Arbitration and the Importance of Public Accountability of a Private Judicature: A Roman Law Perspective’, (2007) 9 International Community Law Review 59–102
Stevenson, C., ‘Hans Off!: the Struggle for Hans Island and the Potential Ramifications for International Border Dispute Resolution’, (2007) 30 Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 263–75
Taylor, D., ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution: Its Application to Protect Intellectual Property Rights under the EU: The First Pan-Regional Top-Level Domain’, (2007) Revue de droit des affaires internationals 231–9
Teitelbaum, R., ‘Recent Fact-Finding Developments at the International Court of Justice’, (2007) 6 Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 119–58
Thys, P., ‘Le recours aux forces armées en tant que forces de police au cours d'opérations de maintien de la paix’, (2006) 45 Revue de droit militaire et de droit de la guerre 137–48
Treves, T., ‘Dispute-Settlement in the Law of the Sea: Disorder or System?’, in Kohen, M. G. (ed.), Promoting Justice, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution through International Law/La promotion de la justice, des droits de l'homme et du règlement des conflits par le droit international: liber amicorum Lucius Caflisch (2007), 927–49
Van Harten, G., ‘The Public–Private Distinction in the International Arbitration of Individual Claims against the State’, (2007) 56 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 371–93
Weiner, A. S., ‘The Iran–United States Claims Tribunal: What Lies Ahead?’, (2007) 6 Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 89–96
Whittington, S., ‘Security and Reconstruction in Africa: Role of Security Council Resolution 1325, Women, Peace and Security’, in Ndulo, M. (ed.), Security, Reconstruction and Reconciliation: When the Wars End (2007) 97–107
Wilkenfield, J. et al. , ‘Mediating International Crises: Cross-national and Experimental Perspectives’, in Druckman, D. and Diehl, P. F. (eds.), Conflict Resolution (2006), 3–27
Zwanenburg, M., ‘Pieces of the Puzzle: Peace Operations, Occupation and the Use of Force’, (2006) 45 Revue de droit militaire et de droit de la guerre 239–48