Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (Summer 2009)
Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Beruto, G. L. (ed.), International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and Peace Operations (2009). International Institute of Humanitarian Law in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross, 352 pp.
Bodansky, D., The OSPAR Arbitration (Ireland–United Kingdom) Award of 2003 (2009). ISBN 9789067042956, 132 pp.
Brancati, D., Peace by Design: Managing Intrastate Conflict through Decentralization (2009). ISBN 9780199549009, 292 pp.
Chetail, V. (ed.), Conflict Peacebuilding: A Lexicon (2009). ISBN 9780199568154, 387 pp.
Dayton, B. W. and Kriesberg, L. (eds.), Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: Moving from Violence to Sustainable Peace (2009). ISBN 9780415480840, 276 pp.
De Brabandere, E., Post-conflict Administrations in International Law: International Territorial Administration, Transitional Authority and Foreign Occupation in Theory and Practice (2009). ISBN 9789004170230, 334 pp.
Dower, N., The Ethics of War and Peace: Cosmopolitan and Other Perspectives (2009). ISBN 9780745641676, 220 pp.
Engström, J., Democratisation and the Prevention of Violent Conflict: Lessons Learned from Bulgaria and Macedonia (2009). ISBN 9780754674344, 182 pp.
Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009). ISBN 9781848552067, 489 pp.
Hong, S. and Van Dyke, J. M. (eds.), Maritime Boundary Disputes, Settlement Processes, and the Law of the Sea (2009). ISBN 9789004173439, 304 pp.
Hulme, D. L., The Israeli–Palestinian ‘Road Map for Peace’: A Critical Analysis (2009). ISBN 9780761843702, 241 pp.
Mistelis, L. A. and Brekoulakis, S. L. (eds.), Arbitrability: International and Comparative Perspectives (2009). ISBN 9789041127303, 375 pp.
Morris, B., One State, Two States: Resolving the Israel/Palestine Conflict (2009). ISBN 9780300122817, 240 pp.
Omeje, K. (ed.), War to Peace Transition: Conflict Intervention and Peacebuilding in Liberia (2009). ISBN 9780761844792, 239 pp.
Pan, J., Toward a New Framework for Peaceful Settlement of China's Territorial and Boundary Disputes (2009). ISBN 9789004174283, 240 pp.
Shadikhodjaev, S., Retaliation in the WTO Dispute Settlement System (2009). ISBN 9789041128119, 292 pp.
Varady, T., Barcelo, J. J. and von Mehren, A. T., International Commercial Arbitration: A Transnational Perspective (2009). ISBN 9780314195449, 985 pp.
Varnava, A. (ed.), Reunifying Cyprus: The Annan Plan and Beyond (2009). ISBN 9781845116576, 282 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Alie, J. D., ‘Conflicts and Interventions in Liberia: The Local, Regional and International Dynamics’, in Omeje, K. (ed.), War to Peace Transition: Conflict Intervention and Peacebuilding in Liberia (2009), 77–95
Beloff, M., ‘The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) at the Beijing Olympics’, (2009) 1 Maxwell's International Sports Law Review 3–11
Bodansky, D., ‘The OSPAR Arbitration (Ireland–United Kingdom): Its Contribution to International Law’, in Bodansky, D. (ed.), The OSPAR Arbitration (Ireland–United Kingdom) Award of 2003 (2009), 1–22
Brown, A. G., ‘R. M. Stern, Issues of Fairness in Dispute Settlement’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 33–72
Cassing, J. J., ‘Trade Dispute Diversion: The Economics of Conflicting Dispute Settlement Procedures between Regional Trade Agreements and the WTO’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 303–30
Chakraborty, I. and Hartigan, J. C., ‘Unintentional Breach in the DSU of the WTO: Consultation in the Shadow of Remedies’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 463–81
Chang, P., ‘The Evolution and Utilization of the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 91–118
Chetail, V., ‘Post-conflict Peacebuilding: Ambiguity and Identity’, in Chetail, V. (ed.), Post-conflict Peacebuilding: A Lexicon (2009), 1–33
Colares, J. F., ‘A Theory of WTO Adjudication: From Empirical Analysis to Biased Rule Development’, (2009) 42 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 383–440
Cooper, A. F., ‘Confronting Vulnerability through Resilient Diplomacy: Antigua and the WTO Internet Gambling Dispute with the United States’, in Cooper, A. F. and Shaw, T. M. (eds.), The Diplomacies of Small States: Between Vulnerability and Resilience (2009), 207–18
Dayton, B. W., ‘Useful but Insufficient: Intermediaries in Peacebuilding’, in Dayton, B. W. and Kriesberg, L. (eds.), Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: Moving from Violence to Sustainable Peace (2009), 61–73
Du Plessis, M. and Ford, J., ‘Transitional Justice: A Future Truth Commission for Zimbabwe’, (2009) 58 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 73–118
Epstein, D., O'Halloran, S. and Widsten, A. L., ‘Implementing the Agreement: Partisan Politics and WTO Dispute Settlement’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 121–38
Fukuda-Parr, S. and McCandless, E., ‘An Integrated Framework for Peacebuilding, Human Rights and Development: Reflections on Liberia's Poverty Reduction Strategy’, in Omeje, K. (ed.), War to Peace Transition: Conflict Intervention and Peacebuilding in Liberia (2009), 193–223
Gaillard, E., ‘Centre international pour le règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements’, (2009) 136 Journal du droit international 333–416
Hascher, D. and Loquin, E., ‘Tribunal arbitral du sport’, (2009) 136 Journal du droit international 217–332
Holmes, M., ‘Drafting an Effective International Arbitration Clause’, (2009) 83 Australian Law Journal 305–18
Horn, H. and Mavroidis, P. C., ‘The WTO Dispute Settlement System, 1995–2006: Some Descriptive Statistics’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 3–31
Jawad, P., ‘Conflict Resolution through Democracy Promotion? The Role of the OSCE in Georgia’, in Merkel, W. and Grimm, S. (eds.), War and Democratization: Legality, Legitimacy and Effectiveness (2009), 155–73
Johns, L. and Rosendorff, B. P., ‘Dispute Settlement, Compliance and Domestic Politics’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 139–63
Josling, T., ‘Agricultural Trade Disputes in the WTO’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 245–82
Ker-Lindsay, J., ‘A History of Cyprus Peace Proposals’, in Varnava, A. and Faustmann, H. (eds.), Reunifying Cyprus: The Annan Plan and Beyond (2009), 11–22
Kermani Mendez, P., ‘The New Wave of Hybrid Tribunals: A Sophisticated Approach to Enforcing International Humanitarian Law or an Idealistic Solution with Empty Promises?’, (2009) 20 Criminal Law Forum 53–96
Kuhl, C., ‘The Evolution of Peace Operations from Interposition to Integrated Missions’, in Beruto, G. L. (ed.), International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and Peace Operations (2009), 64–69
Lee, D., ‘Bringing an Elephant into the Room: Small African State Diplomacy in the WTO’, in Cooper, A. F. and Shaw, T. M. (eds.), The Diplomacies of Small States: Between Vulnerability and Resilience (2009), 195–206
Lew, J. D. M., ‘Does National Court Involvement Undermine the International Arbitration Process?’, (2009) 24 American University International Law Review 489–538
Lyons, T., ‘Peacebuilding, Democratization and Transforming the Institutions of War’, in Dayton, B. W. and Kriesberg, L. (eds.), Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: Moving from Violence to Sustainable Peace (2009), 91–106
Matsushita, M., ‘WTO Dispute Cases Relating to Food Safety Issues’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 283–302
Mavroidis, P. C., ‘Licence to Adjudicate: A Critical Evaluation of the Work of the WTO Appellate Body so Far’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 73–90
Müller, P., ‘Les Etats-Unis: l'Europe et Annapolis: leçons pour le peace making au Moyen-Orient’, (2009) 74 Politique étrangère 147–59
Nelson, J. S., ‘Peacebuilding and Inter-religious Dialogue in Liberia: Reflections on the Role of the Inter-religious Council of Liberia’, in Omeje, K. (ed.), War to Peace Transition: Conflict Intervention and Peacebuilding in Liberia (2009), 121–52
Orjuela, C., ‘Domesticating Tigers: The LTTE and Peacemaking in Sri Lanka’, in Dayton, B. W. and Kriesberg, L. (eds.), Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: Moving from Violence to Sustainable Peace (2009), 252–69
Ortolland, D., ‘Le conflit gréco-turc en Mer Égée: un règlement impossible?’, (2009) 65 Défense nationale 89–100
Pugh, J., ‘The Structure of Negotiation: Lessons from El Salvador for Contemporary Conflict Resolution’, (2009) 25 Negotiation Journal 83–105
Ramcharan, B. G., ‘Peace Process’, in Chetail, V. (ed.), Post-conflict Peacebuilding: A Lexicon (2009), 228–44
Reinisch, A., ‘Die Beilegung von Investitionsstreitigkeiten’, in Tietje, C. (ed.), Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht (2009), 801–17
Reynolds, K. M., ‘Why Are So Many WTO Disputes Abandoned?’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 191–211
Schill, S. W., ‘Most-Favored-Nation Clauses as a Basis of Jurisdiction in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Arbitral Jurisprudence at a Crossroads’, (2009) 10 Journal of World Investment and Trade 189–225
Shaffer, G., ‘Developing Country Use of the WTO Dispute Settlement System: Why It Matters, the Barriers Posed’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 167–90
Swaak-Goldman, O., ‘Peacekeeping Operations and the International Criminal Court’, in Beruto, G. L. (ed.), International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and Peace Operations (2009), 232–8
Tams, C. J. and Bouguillon, C., ‘La deuxième conférence de La Haye et le règlement pacifique des différends’, (2009) 113 Revue générale de droit international public 75–94
Treves, T., ‘The Settlement of Disputes and Non-compliance Procedures’, in Treves, T. (ed.), Non-compliance Procedures and Mechanisms and the Effectiveness of International Environmental Agreements (2009), 499–518
Tzimitras, H., ‘Europe, Nationalism and Turkish–Greek Aegean Disputes’, in Anastasakis, O., Nicolaidis, K. and Öktem, K. (eds.), In the Long Shadow of Europe: Greeks and Turks in the Era of Postnationalism (2009), 239–62
Weiss, F., ‘WTO-Streitbeilegung’, in Tietje, C. (ed.), Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht (2009), 763–99
White, N., ‘Peace Operations’, in Chetail, V. (ed.), Post-conflict Peacebuilding: A Lexicon (2009), 213–27
Wilckens, S., ‘The Usage of the WTO Dispute Settlement System: Do Power Considerations Matter?’, in Hartigan, J. C. (ed.), Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (2009), 213–41
Wolf, A. T. and Newton, J. T., ‘Case Studies of Transboundary Dispute Resolution’, in Priscoli, J. Delli and Wolf, A. T. (eds.), Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts (2009), 168–248