Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
Compiled by Raymond Ridderhof exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library
1. Books
de Coning, C. and Peter, , M. (eds.), United Nations Peace Operations in a Changing Global Order (2019). ISBN 9783319991061, xxv, 334 pp.
Fahron-Hussey, C., Military Crisis Management Operations by NATO and the EU: the Decision-Making Process (2019). ISBN 9783658235185, xviii, 325 pp.
Fink, M., Maritime Interception and the Law of Naval Operations: A Study of Legal Bases and Legal Regimes in Maritime Interception Operations (2018). ISBN 9789462652491, xvi, 317 pp.
Guidero, A. and Carter Hallward, M., Global Responses to Conflict and Crisis in Syria and Yemen (2019). ISBN 9783030027896, xiii, 118 pp.
Istrefi, K., European Judicial Responses to Security Council Resolutions: A Consequentialist Assessment (2019). ISBN 9789004345263, xii, 203 pp.
Kim, D. J., The Korean Peace Process and Civil Society: Towards Strategic Peacebuilding (2019). ISBN 9783319971001, xv, 283 pp.
Krumrey, J., Die Immunität der Vereinten Nationen: Verantwortlichkeit für Friedensmissionen (2018). ISBN 9783161558627, xvii, 305 pp.
Kulnazarova, A. and Popovski, V. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Approaches to Peace (2019). ISBN 9783319789057, xxxvii, 765 pp.
Lehti, M., The Era of Private Peacemakers: A New Dialogic Approach to Mediation (2019). ISBN 9783319912011, xv, 263 pp.
Pease, K. -K. S., International Organizations: Perspectives on Global Governance (2019). ISBN 9780815380450, xii, 345 pp.
Pospisil, J., Peace in Political Unsettlement: Beyond Solving Conflict (2019). ISBN 9783030043186, xvi, 240 pp.
Nalin, E., L’applicabilità del diritto internazionale umanitario alle operazioni di peace-keeping delle Nazioni Unite (2018). ISBN 9788893913072, ix, 197 pp.
Rayroux, A., L’Union européenne et le maintien de la paix en Afrique (2017). ISBN 9782760637504, 244 pp.
Wyatt, S. J., The Responsibility to Protect and a Cosmopolitan Approach to Human Protection (2019). ISBN 9783030007010, viii, 275 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Alabrune, F., ‘Le cadre juridique des actions militaires menées par la France en Syrie le 14 avril 2018’, (2018) 122 Revue générale de droit international public, 545–548
Boege, V. and Rinck, P., ‘The Local/International Interface in Peacebuilding: Experiences from Bougainville and Sierra Leone’, (2019) 26 International Peacekeeping 216–239
Espenilla, J. J. F., ‘Judicial Fact-Finding Initiatives in the South China Sea Arbitration’, (2019) 9 The Asian Journal of International Law 20–30
Freedman, R., ‘Unaccountable: A New Approach to Peacekeepers and Sexual Abuse’, (2018) 29 European Journal of International Law 961–985
Hajjami, N., ‘Le consentement à l’intervention étrangère: Essai d’évaluation au regard de la pratique récente’, (2018) 122 Revue générale de droit international public 617–640
Harig, C., ‘Re-Importing the “Robust Turn” in UN Peacekeeping: Internal Public Security Missions of Brazil’s Military’, (2019) 26 International Peacekeeping 137–164
Hebert, J., ‘The South China Sea Arbitration Award and Its Widespread Implications (Note)’, (2018) 19 Oregon Review of International Law 289–314
Henderson, C., ‘UN Security Council Resolution 2378 (2017) and the Progressive Peacekeeping Agenda: a Commentary’, (2018) Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law 229–238
Hirschmann, G., ‘Guarding the guards: Pluralist accountability for human rights violations by international organisations’, (2019) 45 Review of International Studies 20–38
Julian, R. and Gasser, R., ‘Soldiers, Civilians and Peacekeeping– Evidence and False Assumptions’, (2019) 26 International Peacekeeping 22–54
Karlsrud, J., ‘From Liberal Peacebuilding to Stabilization and Counterterrorism’, (2019) 26 International Peacekeeping 1–21
Kenny, C. and Butler, S., ‘The Legality of Intervention by Invitation in Situations of R2P Violations’, (2018) 51 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 135–178
Krahmann, E. and Leander, A., ‘Contracting Security: Markets in the Making of MONUSCO Peacekeeping’, (2019) 26 International Peacekeeping 165–189
Mikanagi, T., ‘Establishing a Military Presence in a Disputed Territory: Interpretation of Article 2(3) and (4) of the UN Charter’, (2018) 67 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1021–1034
Modeme, L. E., ‘The Security Council and the Legal Limits of Humanitarian Military Intervention’, (2018) The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law 245–292
Mollaian, S. L., ‘Does Trade Equal Peace? The Role of the WTO in International Peace’, (2019) 46 Legal Issues of Economic Integration 77–99
Mross, K., ‘First Peace, then Democracy? Evaluating Strategies of International Support at Critical Junctures after Civil War’, (2019) 26 International Peacekeeping 190–215
Müller-Rath, F. and Althaus, U., ‘Policing the High Seas– a Mission Impossible?’, (2018) 31 Humanitäres Völkerrecht: Informationsschriften 209–224
Raes, S., Bois, C. D. and Buts, C., ‘Supplying UN Peacekeepers: An Assessment of the Body Bag Syndrome among OECD Nations’, (2019) 26 International Peacekeeping 111–136
Richmond, O. P., ‘Peace and the Formation of Political Order’, (2019) 26 International Peacekeeping 85–110
Roberts, P., ‘Like Fish in a Stream?: Considering the Agency of the UN Peacekeepers of the Global South: Rwanda and India as Case Studies’, (2018) Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law 143–169
Sim, C., ‘Maritime Boundary Disputes and Article 298 of UNCLOS: A Safety Net of Peaceful Dispute Settlement Options’, (2018) 3 Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy 232–273
Smith, M. E., ‘Transatlantic security relations since the European security strategy: what role for the EU in its pursuit of strategic autonomy?’, (2018) 40 Journal of European Integration 605–620
Song, L. and Mosses, M., ‘Revisiting Ocean Boundary Disputes in the South Pacific in Light of South China Sea Arbitration: A Legal Perspective’, (2018) 33 The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 768–798
Tanaka, Y., ‘Reflections on Locus Standi in Response to a Breach of Obligations Erga Omnes Partes: A Comparative Analysis of the Whaling in the Antarctic and South China Sea Cases’, (2018) 17 Law & Practice of International Courts & Tribunals 527–554
Valax, J., ‘Le controle parlementaire des interventions militaires françaises en Syrie / Jeanne Valax’, (2018) 122 Revue générale de droit international public 599–615
Wilén, N. and Williams, P. D., ‘The African Union and coercive diplomacy: the case of Burundi’, (2018) 56 The Journal of Modern African Studies 673–696