Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (Winter 2009)
Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
Chandler, D., Statebuilding and Intervention: Policies, Practices and Paradigms (2009). ISBN 041545204X, 236 pp.
Kiderlen, H. F., Von Triest nach Osttimor: der völkerrechtliche Rahmen für die Verwaltung von Krisengebieten durch die Vereinten Nationen (2008). ISBN 9783540775249, 526 pp.
Muggah, R (ed.), Security and Post-conflict Reconstruction: Dealing with Fighters in the Aftermath of War (2009). ISBN 0415460549, 291 pp.
Stahn, C., The Law and Practice of International Territorial Administration: Versailles to Iraq and Beyond (2008). ISBN 9780521878005, 828 pp.
Susani, N., Le règlement des différends dans le Mercosur: un système de droit international pour une organisation d'intégration (2008). ISBN 9782296055001, 321 pp.
Tofan, C. (ed.), The Establishment of the Hariri Tribunal (2008). ISBN 9789058503497, 422 pp.
Wirtz, J. J., and Larsen, J. A. (eds.), Naval Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Operations: Stability from the Sea (2009). ISBN 9780415466233, 190 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Abdelgawad, W., Jourdain-Fortier, C., and Moine-Dupuis, I., ‘Chronique de jurisprudence – chronique du règlement des différends de l'OMC (2006–2008)’, (2008) 22 Revue internationale de droit économique 357–394
Abi-Saab, G., ‘Évolutions dans le règlement pacifique des différends économiques depuis la Convention Drago-Porter’, in Actualité de la Conférence de La Haye de 1907, Deuxième Conférence de la Paix/Topicality of the 1907 Hague Conference, the Second Peace Conference (2008), 153–75
Abu Sadah, M., and Norton, S., ‘The Application of UNCITRAL Model Law Principles in the Middle East Region’, (2008) 22 Arab Law Quarterly 219–69
Allison, R., ‘Russia Resurgent? Moscow's Campaign to “Coerce Georgia to Peace”’, (2008) 84 International Affairs 1145–71
Aras, B., and Polat, R. K., ‘From Conflict to Cooperation: Desecuritization of Turkey's Relations with Syria and Iran’, (2008) 39 Security Dialogue 495–515
Arnson, C. J., and Azpuru, D., ‘From Peace to Democratization: Lessons from Central America’, in Darby, J. and MacGinty, R. (eds.), Contemporary Peacemaking: Conflict, Peace Processes and Post-war Reconstruction (2008), 271–88
Bantekas, I., ‘The Private Dimension of the International Customary Nature of Commercial Arbitration’, (2008) 25 Journal of International Arbitration 449–60
Bellsham-Revell, C., ‘Complex Dispute-Resolution Clauses: Has the Desire to Control the Dispute Process Led to Increased Uncertainty?’, (2008) 11 International Arbitration Law Review 177–86
Benedictsson, J., ‘Extended Jurisdiction under Arbitration Agreements: A Threat to Effective Dispute Resolution’, in Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2007 (2008), 139–52
Berger, K. P., ‘The Need for Speed in International Arbitration: Supplementary Rules for Expedited Proceedings of the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS)’, (2008) 25 Journal of International Arbitration, 595–612
Bieber, F., ‘Power-Sharing and International Intervention: Overcoming the Post-conflict Legacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina’, in Weller, M. and Metzger, B. (eds.), Settling Self-Determination Disputes: Complex Power-Sharing in Theory and Practice (2008), 193–241
Biukovic, L., ‘The New Face of CEFTA and Its Dispute Resolution Mechanisms’, (2008) 33 Review of Central and East European Law 257–94
Boon, K. E., ‘Coining a New Jurisdiction: The Security Council as Economic Peacekeeper’, (2008) 41 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 991–1042
Brynen, R., ‘Palestine: Building neither Peace nor State’, in Call, C. T. (ed.), Building States to Build Peace (2008), 217–47
Call, C. T., ‘Building States to Build Peace?’, in Call, C. T. (ed.), Building States to Build Peace (2008), 365–88
Call, C. T., ‘Ending Wars, Building States’, in Call, C. T. (ed.), Building States to Build Peace (2008), 1–22
Carroll, E., ‘International Mediation’, in Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2007 (2008), 297–307
Crawford, J., and Schrijver, N., ‘The Institution of Permanent Adjudicatory Bodies and Recourse to “ad hoc” Tribunals’, in Actualité de la Conférence de La Haye de 1907, Deuxième Conférence de la Paix/Topicality of the 1907 Hague Conference, the Second Peace Conference (2008), 153–75
Davidson, R. B., ‘The Explosive Growth of International Mediation’, Rovine, A. W. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2007 (2008), 283–90
Falk, R., ‘War and Peace in an Age of Terror and State Terrorism’, in Chiba, S. and Schoenbaum, T. J. (eds.), Peace Movements and Pacifism after September 11 (2008), 19–31
Farrell, T., ‘International Law and Stability Operations’, in Wirtz, J. J. and Larsen, J. A. (eds.), Naval Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Operations: Stability from the Sea (2009), 42–57
Fortier, L. Y., ‘Arbitrating in the Age of Investment Treaty Disputes’, (2008) Forum 14 University of New South Wales Law Journal 14–19
Fortna, V. P., ‘Does Peacekeeping Keep Peace? International Intervention and the Duration of Peace after Civil War’, in Russett, B. (ed.), International Security and Conflict (2008), 557–80
Friesendorf, C., and Penska, S. E., ‘Militarized Law Enforcement in Peace Operations: EUFOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina’, (2008) 15 International Peacekeeping 677–94
Galtung, J., ‘Foreign Policy Pragmatism and Peace Movement Moralism: Can the Gap Be Bridged or “Tertium Non Datur”?’, in Chiba, S. and Schoenbaum, T. J. (eds.), Peace Movements and Pacifism after September 11 (2008), 173–82
Galtung, J., ‘Searching for Peace in a World of Terrorism and State Terrorism’, in Chiba, S. and Schoenbaum, T. J. (eds.), Peace Movements and Pacifism after September 11 (2008), 32–48
Gappah, P., ‘An Evaluation of the Role of Legal Aid in International Dispute Resolution with Emphasis on the Advisory Centre on WTO Law’, in Hohmann, H. (ed.), Agreeing and Implementing the Doha Round of the WTO (2008), 308–32
Gat, A., ‘The Democratic Peace Theory Reframed: The Impact of Modernity’, in Russett, B. (ed.), International Security and Conflict (2008), 249–76
Guelke, A., ‘Negotiations and Peace’, in Darby, J. and MacGinty, R. (eds.), Contemporary Peacemaking: Conflict, Peace Processes and Post-war Reconstruction (2008), 63–77
Guinchard, E., ‘L'Europe, la procédure civile et le créancier: l'injonction de payer européenne et la procédure européenne de règlement des petits litiges’, (2008) Revue trimestrielle de droit commercial et de droit économique 465–83
Haloush, H. A., ‘Jurisdictional Dilemma in Online Disputes: Rethinking Traditional Approaches’, (2008) 42 International Lawyer 1129–46
Heymann, M. C. E., ‘International Law and the Settlement of Investment Disputes Relating to China’, (2008) 11 Journal of International Economic Law 507–26
Hobér, K., ‘State Responsibility and Investment Arbitration’, (2008) 25 Journal of International Arbitration 545–68
Hoffman, F. G., ‘Principles for the Savage Wars of Peace’, in McIvor, A. D. (ed.), Rethinking the Principles of War (2008), 299–320
Ichihara, M., ‘East Asian States’ Collaborative Action in UN Peace Operations for East Timor’, in Peou, S. (ed.), Human Security in East Asia: Challenges for Collaborative Action (2009), 94–107
Jarvin, S., ‘Cour internationale d'arbitrage de la chambre de commerce internationale: chronique des sentences arbitrales’, (2008) 135 Journal du droit international 1187–213
Keck, A., and Schropp, S., ‘Indisputably Essential: The Economics of Dispute Settlement Institutions in Trade Agreements’, (2008) 42 Journal of World Trade 785–812
Keith, K. J., ‘The International Court of Justice: Primus inter Pares?’, (2008) 5 International Organizations Law Review 7–22
Kodmani, B., ‘Peace in the Middle East: The Dangers of Delay’, (2008) 73 Politique étrangère (special issue)123–39
Koskenniemi, M., ‘The Ideology of International Adjudication and the 1907 Hague Conference’, in Actualité de la Conférence de La Haye de 1907, Deuxième Conférence de la Paix/Topicality of the 1907 Hague Conference, the Second Peace Conference (2008), 127–52
Kostovicova, D., ‘Legitimacy and International Administration: The Ahtisaari Settlement for Kosovo from a Human Security Perspective’, (2008) 15 International Peacekeeping 631–47
Kuperman, A. J., ‘A Small Intervention: Lessons from Liberia 2003’, in Wirtz, J. J. and Larsen, J. A. (eds.), Naval Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Operations: Stability from the Sea (2009), 153–69
Ledenach, J. P., ‘Cultivating Peace: A Practitioner's View of Deadly Conflict and Negotiation’, in Darby, J. and MacGinty, R. (eds.), Contemporary Peacemaking: Conflict, Peace Processes and Post-war Reconstruction (2008), 36–44
Levine, J., ‘Current Trends in International Arbitral Practice as Reflected in the Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules’, (2008) Forum 14 University of New South Wales Law Journal 4–13
Livingstone, M. L., ‘Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration: Popular Fallacy or Proven Fact?’, (2008) 25 Journal of International Arbitration 529–35
Loughlin, J., ‘New Contexts for Political Solutions: Redefining Minority Nationalisms in Northern Ireland, the Basque Country, and Corsica’, in Darby, J. and MacGinty, R. (eds.), Contemporary Peacemaking: Conflict, Peace Processes and Post-war Reconstruction (2008), 45–59
MacGinty, R., ‘Traditional and Indigenous Approaches to Peacemaking’, in Darby, J. and MacGinty, R. (eds.), Contemporary Peacemaking: Conflict, Peace Processes and Post-war Reconstruction (2008), 120–130
Marashi, I. al, and Keskin, A., ‘Reconciliation Dilemmas in Post-Ba'athist Iraq: Truth Commissions, Media and Ethno-sectarian Conflicts’, in Haugbolle, S. and Hastrup, A. (eds.), The Politics of Violence, Truth and Reconciliation in the Arab Middle East (2009), 93–109
Micha, E., ‘The Fight against Corruption within Peace Support Operations: In Search of the Responsibility of International Organizations’, (2008) 5 International Organizations Law Review 85–118
Mitchell, C., ‘Mediation and the Ending of Conflicts’, in Darby, J. and MacGinty, R. (eds.), Contemporary Peacemaking: Conflict, Peace Processes and Post-war Reconstruction (2008), 94–104
Morgan, D., ‘Dispute Settlement under PTAs: Political or Legal?’, in Buckley, R., Lo, V. I., and Boulle, L. (eds.), Challenges to Multilateral Trade: The Impact of Bilateral, Preferential and Regional Agreements (2008), 241–59
Muggah, R., and Baaré, A., ‘Negotiating Reintegration in Uganda: Dealing with Combatants During Peace Processes’, in Muggah, R. (ed.), Security and Post-conflict Reconstruction: Dealing with Fighters in the Aftermath of War (2009), 226–47
Muir Watt, H., ‘Économie de la justice et arbitrage international (réflexions sur la gouvernance privée dans la globalisation)’, (2008) Revue de l'arbitrage 389–417
Müller, H., ‘The Antinomy of Democratic Peace’, in Russett, B. (ed.), International Security and Conflict (2008), 221–47
Murphy, J. L., ‘Law Triangle: Arbitrating International Reinsurance Disputes under the New York Convention, the McCarran-Ferguson Act, and Antagonistic State Law’, (2008) 41 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1535–75
Najar, J., ‘A Pro Domo Pleading: Of In-house Counsel, and Their Necessary Participation in International Commercial Arbitration’, (2008) 25 Journal of International Arbitration 623–30
Neff, S. C., ‘Conflict Termination and Peace-Making in the Law of Nations: A Historical Perspective’, in Stahn, C. and Kleffner, J. K. (eds.), Jus Post Bellum: Towards a Law of Transition from Conflict to Peace (2008), 77–91
Nordström, H., and Shaffer, G., ‘Access to Justice in the World Trade Organization: A Case for a Small Claims Procedure’?, (2008) 7 World Trade Review 587–640
Nowak, M., ‘Ein Weltgerichtshof für Menschenrechte: eine utopische Forderung?’, (2008) 56 Vereinte Nationen 205–11
Nsereko, D. D. N., ‘The Role of the International Criminal Tribunals in the Promotion of Peace and Justice: The Case of the International Criminal Court’, (2008) 19 Criminal Law Forum 373–93
O'Leary, B., ‘Complex Power-Sharing in and over Northern Ireland: A Self-Determination Agreement, a Treaty, a Consociation, a Federacy, Matching Confederal Institutions, Intergovernmentalism and a Peace Process’, in Weller, M. and Metzger, B. (eds.), Settling Self-Determination Disputes: Complex Power-Sharing in Theory and Practice (2008), 61–124
Oneal, J. R., and Russett, B., ‘Seeking Peace in a Post-Cold War World of Hegemony and Terrorism’, in Russett, B. (ed.), International Security and Conflict (2008), 195–219
Perales Viscasillas, M. Pilar, del, ‘Novedades legislativas en el arbitraje comercial internacional: Ley Modelo de la Uncitral y Convenio de Nueva York’, (2008) 1 Arbitraje: revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversions 363–401
Peters, D., ‘Can We Talk?: Overcoming Barriers to Mediating Private Transborder Commercial Disputes in the Americas’, (2008) 41 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1251–306
Reed, T. V., ‘Globalization and the 21st-Century US Peace Movement’, in Chiba, S. and Schoenbaum, T. J. (eds.), Peace Movements and Pacifism after September 11 (2008), 183–200
Regan, A. J., ‘Resolving the Bougainville Self-Determination Dispute: Autonomy or Complex Power-Sharing?’, in Weller, M. and Metzger, B. (eds.), Settling Self-Determination Disputes: Complex Power-Sharing in Theory and Practice (2008), 125–59
Reinisch, A., and Malintoppi, L., ‘Methods of Dispute Resolution’, in Muchlinski, P., Ortino, F., and Schreuer, C. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law (2008), 691–720
Rennie, E., ‘Trafficking in Human Beings: Reduction Strategies for Law Enforcement in Peace Support Operations’, in Arnold, R. (ed.), Law Enforcement within the Framework of Peace Support Operations (2008), 381–97
Schafer, M., and Walker, S. G., ‘Democratic Leaders and the Democratic Peace: The Operational Codes of Tony Blair and Bill Clinton’, in Russett, B. (ed.). International Security and Conflict (2008), 365–87
Seat Devy, C., ‘Electronic Discovery/Disclosure: From Litigation to International Commercial Arbitration’, (2008) 74 Arbitration 369–84
Schunken, K. R., ‘Advisory Centre on WTO Law: A Success Story, but for Whom?’, (2008) 7 Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 59–79
Siegel, A. B., ‘An Examination of Maritime Peace Support Operations’, in Wirtz, J. J. and Larsen, J. A. (eds.), Naval Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Operations: Stability from the Sea (2009), 97–109
Steger, D., ‘The WTO Dispute Settlement System: Jurisdiction, Interpretation and Remedies’, in Hohmann, H., Agreeing and Implementing the Doha Round of the WTO (2008), 294–307
Suzuki, N., ‘The Problem of Peace and World Order in an Islamic Context: The Case of Modern Japan’, in Chiba, S. and Schoenbaum, T. J. (eds.), Peace Movements and Pacifism after September 11 (2008), 111–27
Taira, S., ‘Live with a Quiet but Uneasy Status Quo? An Evolutionary Role the Appellate Body Can Play in Resolution of “Trade and Environment” Disputes’, in Hohmann, H. (ed.), Agreeing and Implementing the Doha Round of the WTO (2008), 420–37
Tercier, P., ‘Dix ans de règlement d'arbitrage de la CCI’, (2008) 19 Bulletin de la Cour Internationale d'Arbitrage de la CCI 35–53
Tochtermann, P., ‘Agreements to Negotiate in the Transnational Context: Issues of Contract Law and Effective Dispute Resolution’, (2008) 13 Uniform Law Review 685–708
Toit, P. du, ‘Rules and Procedures for Negotiated Peacemaking’, in Darby, J. and MacGinty, R. (eds.), Contemporary Peacemaking: Conflict, Peace Processes and Post-war Reconstruction (2008), 78–93
Trakman, L. E., ‘Arbitration Options: Turning a Moras into a Panacea’, (2008) 14 University of New South Wales Law Journal 20–8
De Trazegnies Granda, F., ‘Arbitrando la inversion’, (2008) 1 Arbitraje: revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversions 469–94
Turner, M., ‘Resolving Self-Determination Disputes through Complex Power-Sharing Arrangements: The Case of Mindanao, Southern Philippines’, in Weller, M. and Metzger, B. (eds.), Settling Self-Determination Disputes: Complex Power-Sharing in Theory and Practice (2008), 161–92
Van Engeland, A., ‘A Political Movement to Make Peace or War? Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) and Batasuna: The Impossible Truce’, in Van Engeland, A. and Rudolph, R. M. (eds.), From Terrorism to Politics (2008), 67–80
Weiss, W., ‘Reforming the Dispute Settlement Understanding’, in Hohmann, H. (ed.), Agreeing and Implementing the Doha Round of the WTO (2008), 269–93
Weller, M., ‘Interim Governance for Kosovo: The Rambouillet Agreement and the Constitutional Framework Developed under UN Administration’, in Weller, M. and Metzger, B. (eds.), Settling Self-Determination Disputes: Complex Power-Sharing in Theory and Practice (2008), 243–63
White, E., ‘Reforming the Dispute Settlement System through Practice’, in Hohmann, H. (ed.), Agreeing and Implementing the Doha Round of the WTO (2008), 261–8
Zanotti, L., ‘Imagining Democracy, Building Unsustainable Institutions: The UN Peacekeeping Operation in Haiti’, (2008) 39 Security Dialogue 539–61
Zartman, I. W., ‘The Timing of Peace Initiatives: Hurting Stalemates and Ripe Moments’, in Darby, J. and MacGinty, R. (eds.), Contemporary Peacemaking: Conflict, Peace Processes and Post-war Reconstruction (2008), 22–35
Zwanenburg, M., ‘UN Peace Operations between Independence and Accountability’, (2008) 5 International Organizations Law Review 23–47