Books and Articles in the Field of the Prevention and Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (Spring 2009)
Compiled by Ingrid Kost exclusively from materials available in the Peace Palace Library, The Hague
1. Books
Al-Qaq, K., Managing World Order: United Nations Peace Operations and the Security Agenda (2008). ISBN 9781845115807, 260 pp.
Bercovitch, J. and Gartner, S. S. (eds.), International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings (2009). ISBN 9780415453097, 311 pp.
Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009). ISBN 9781412921923, 682 pp.
Born, G. B., International Commercial Arbitration, 2 vols. (2009). ISBN 9789041127594, 3303 pp.
Carter, J., We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan that Will Work (2009). ISBN 9781439140635, 228 pp.
Hamilton, G. and Wachs, B., Putting Economic Governance at the Heart of Peacebuilding (2008). ECE/INF/2008/2, 80 pp.
Hörnle, J., Cross-border Internet Dispute Resolution (2009). ISBN 9780521896207, 286 pp.
Hudson, K. A., Justice, Intervention, and Force in International Relations: Reassessing Just War Theory in the 21st Century (2009). ISBN 9780415490252, 192 pp.
Kabia, J. M., Humanitarian Intervention and Conflict Resolution in West Africa: From ECOMOG to ECOMIL (2009). ISBN 9780754674443, 219 pp.
LeVine, M., Impossible Peace: Israel/Palestine since 1989 (2009). ISBN 978155266257, 222 pp.
Murithi, T., The Ethics of Peacebuilding (2009). ISBN 9780748624478, 188 pp.
Musch, A. and Sizoo, A. (eds.), City Diplomacy: The Role of Local Governments in Conflict Prevention, Peace-Building, Post-conflict Reconstruction (2008). ISBN 9789080475748, 213 pp.
Nasu, H., International Law on Peacekeeping: A Study of Article 40 of the UN Charter (2009). ISBN 9789004172265, 322 pp.
O'ran, M. Al, Jordanian–Israeli Relations: The Peacebuilding Experience (2009). ISBN 9780415437844, 113 pp.
Permanent Court of Arbitration (ed.), Multiple Party Actions in International Arbitration (2009). ISBN 9780199551729, 445 pp.
Reilly, C. A., Peace-Building and Development in Guatemala and Northern Ireland (2009). ISBN 9780230611573, 220 pp.
Sandole, D. J. D. et al. (eds.), Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (2009). ISBN 9780415433952, 543 pp.
Sisk, T. D., International Mediation in Civil Wars: Bargaining with Bullets (2009). ISBN 9780415477055, 253 pp.
Wang, F. F., Online Dispute Resolution: Technology, Management and Legal Practice from an International Perspective (2009). ISBN 9781843345206, 152 pp.
Warne, J. (ed.), International Commercial Dispute Resolution (2009). ISBN 9781847661340, 808 pp.
2. Chapters in edited volumes and journal articles
Adetula, V. A. O., ‘The Role of Sub-regional Integration Schemes in Conflict Prevention and Management in Africa: A Framework for a Working Peace System’, in Nhema, A. and Tiyambe Zeleza, P. (eds.), The Resolution of African Conflicts: The Management of Conflict Resolution and Post-conflict Reconstruction (2008), 9–21
Andreas, P., ‘Symbiosis between Peace Operations and Illicit Business in Bosnia’, (2009) 16 International Peacekeeping 33–46
Aoi, C., ‘Beyond “Activism-Lite”? Issues in Japanese Participation in Peace Operations’, (2009) 13 International Peacekeeping 72–100
Babbitt, E. F., ‘Conflict Resolution and Human Rights: The State of the Art’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 613–29
Bartoli, A., ‘NGOs and Conflict Resolution’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 392–412
Bercovitch, J., ‘Mediation and Conflict Resolution’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 340–57
Bishara, A., ‘Peace or Perpetual War’, in Hovsepian, N. (ed.), The War on Lebanon: A Reader (2008), 368–73
Bronckers, M., ‘From “Direct Effect” to “Muted Dialogue”: Recent Developments in the European Courts’ Case Law on the WTO and Beyond’, (2008) 11 Journal of International Economic Law 885–98
Brower, C. H., ‘The Functions and Limits of Arbitration and Judicial Settlement under Private and Public International Law’, (2008) 18 Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 259–309
Bush, K., ‘The Peace-Building Role of Local Governments’, in Musch, A. et al. (eds.), City Diplomacy: The Role of Local Governments in Conflict Prevention, Peace-Building, Post-conflict Reconstruction (2008), 105–21
Caballero-Anthony, M., ‘Rethinking Peace Operations in East Asia: Problems and Prospects’, in Daniel, D. C. F., Taft, P., and Wiharta, S. (eds.), Peace Operations: Trends, Progress, and Prospects (2008), 169–85
Carbonneau, T. E., ‘Commercial Peace and Political Competition in the Crosshairs of International Arbitration’, (2008) 18 Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 311–38
Cargona Llorens, J., ‘El mantenimiento de la paz y de la seguridad internacionales en tiempo de reformas’, in Cargona Llorens, J. (ed.), La ONU y el mantenimiento de la paz en el siglo XXI entre la adaptación y la reforma de la Carta (2008), 17–21
Carlevaris, A., ‘Le rôle de l'arbitre dans la conduite de la procédure: différentes approches’, (2008) 5 Revue tunisienne de l'arbitrage/Tunisian Arbitration Review 14–19
Carment, D., Samy, Y., and El Achkar, S., ‘Protracted Conflict and Crisis Mediation: A Contingency Approach’, in Bercovitch, J. and Gartner, S. S. (eds.), International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings (2009), 216–39
Cede, F., ‘The Settlement of International Disputes by Legal Means: Arbitration and Judicial Settlement’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 358–75
Chinkin, C., ‘Jus Cogens, Article 103 of the UN Charter and Other Hierarchical Techniques of Conflict Solution’, (2006) 17 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 63–82
Churchill, R., ‘Dispute Settlement under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Survey for 2007’, (2008) 23 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 601–42
Cilliers, J., ‘The Continental Early Warning System of the African Union: What Role for Civil Society’, in Nhema, A. and Tiyambe Zeleza, P. (eds.), The Resolution of African Conflicts: The Management of Conflict Resolution and Post-conflict Reconstruction (2008), 38–51
Clay, T., ‘Le siège de l'arbitrage international entre “ordem” et “progresso”’, (2008) 128 Gazette du Palais 2045–53
Cockayne, J. and Lupel, A., ‘Conclusion: From Iron Fist to Invisible Hand: Peace Operations, Organized Crime and Intelligent International Law Enforcement’, (2009) 16 International Peacekeeping 151–68
Crocker, C. A., Hampson, F. O., and Aall, P., ‘Why Mediation Matters: Ending Intractable Conflicts’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 492–505
Cuniberti, G., ‘Beyond Contract: The Case for Default Arbitration in International Commercial Disputes’, (2009) 32 Fordham International Law Journal 417–88
De Brabandere, E., ‘UN Supervision of Post-conflict Reconstruction and the Domestic Jurisdiction of States’, (2009) 58 Ars aequi 103–8
De Wit, P. and Hatcher, J., ‘Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement: An Opportunity for Coherently Addressing Housing, Land, and Property Issues’, in Leckie, S. (ed.), Housing, Land, and Property Rights in Post-conflict United Nations and Other Peace Operations: A Comparative Survey and Proposal for Reform (2009), 261–309
Diehl, P. F., ‘Peacekeeping and Beyond’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 525–42
Diehl, P. F. and Druckman, D., ‘Dimensions of the Conflict Environment: Implications for Peace Operation Success’, (2009) 13 International Peacekeeping 6–44
Dubey, J., ‘Panorama des sentences du Tribunal Arbitral du Sport’, (2008) 89 Revue juridique et économique du sport 71–118
Ehring, L., ‘Public Access to Dispute Settlement Hearings in the World Trade Organization’, (2008) 11 Journal of International Economic Law 1021–34
Felbab-Brown, V., ‘Peacekeepers among Poppies: Afghanistan, Illicit Economies and Intervention’, (2009) 16 International Peacekeeping 100–14
Frazier, D. V. and Dixon, W. J., ‘Third-party Intermediaries and Negotiated Settlements, 1946–2000’, in Bercovitch, J. and Gartner, S. S. (eds.), International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings (2009), 43–66
Gal-Or, N., ‘Dispute Resolution in International Trade and Investment Law: Privatisation of the Public?’, in Graz, J. and Nölke, A. (eds.), Transnational Private Governance and Its Limits (2008), 209–21
Gao, H. and Lim, C. L., ‘Saving the WTO from the Risk of Irrelevance: The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism as a “Common Good” for RTA Disputes’, (2008) 11 Journal of International Economic Law 899–925
Gavigan, P., ‘Organized Crime, Illicit Power Structures and Guatemala's Threathened Peace Process’, (2009) 16 International Peacekeeping 62–76
Greig, J. M. and Diehl, P. F., ‘Softening Up: Making Conflicts More Amenable to Diplomacy’, in Bercovitch, J. and Gartner, S. S. (eds.), International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings (2009), 159–86
Ham, P. Van, ‘Friedensstifter oder Fachidiot? Was die NATO noch – oder nicht mehr kann: eine Debatte über die Zukunftsfähigkeit des Bündnisses’, (2008, 3) 63 Internationale Politik 16–24
Hanotiau, B., ‘Multiple Parties and Multiple Contracts in International Arbitration’, in Permanent Court of Arbitration (ed.), Multiple Party Actions in International Arbitration (2009), 35–68
Haug, R., ‘Living with War – Preparing for Peace: Between War and Peace in Sri Lanka and Sudan’, in Shanmugaratnam, N. (ed.), Between War and Peace in Sudan and Sri Lanka: Deprivation and Livelihood Revival (2008), 169–85
Heiskanen, V., ‘Arbitrating Mass Investor Claims: Lessons of International Claims Commissions’, in Permanent Court of Arbitration (ed.), Multiple Party Actions in International Arbitration (2009), 297–323
Hellema, D., ‘Sovereignty and Peacebuilding’, in Boerefijn, I. and Goldschmidt, J. (eds.), Changing Perceptions of Sovereignty and Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Cees Flinterman (2008), 471–9
Horchani, F., ‘L'arbitrage des litiges etats-investisseurs: que faire face au désordre?’, (2008) 5 Revue tunisienne de l'arbitrage/Tunisian Arbitration Review 32–46
Huggins, C., ‘Peacekeeping and HLP Rights in the Great Lakes Region of Africa: Burundi, Rwanda, and DR Congo’, in Leckie, S. (ed.), Housing, Land, and Property Rights in Post-conflict United Nations and Other Peace Operations: A Comparative Survey and Proposal for Reform (2009), 179–219
Huiping, C., ‘The Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism: Where to Go in the 21st Century?’, (2008) 9 Journal of World Investment and Trade 467–96
Iwatsuki, N., ‘Legal Structure of International Dispute Settlement and Countermeasures: A Reflection on the Legal Basis of Countermeasures in Contemporary International Law’, (2008) 107 Kokusaihō gaikō zasshi/Revue mensuelle de droit international et diplomatique/Journal of International Law and Diplomacy 72–105 (text in Japanese)
Jönsson, C. and Aggestam, K., ‘Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 33–51
Kadayifçi-Orellana, S. A., ‘Ethno-religious Conflicts: Exploring the Role of Religion in Conflict Resolution’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 264–84
Kelly, J. P., ‘Naturalism in International Adjudication’, (2008) 18 Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 395–421
Keohane, D., ‘The Future of EU Military Operations and Capabilities’, (2008) 61 Studia diplomatica 37–46
Kreindler, R. H., ‘Standards of Procedural International Public Policy’, (2008, 2) Stockholm International Arbitration Review 143–9
Kremenyuk, V., ‘Resolution of Military Conflicts and Confrontations (Force and Arms Control)’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 630–44
Liégeois, M. and Glume, G., ‘A Small Power under the Blue Helmet: The Evolution of Belgian Peacekeeping Policy’, (2008) 61 Studia diplomatica 111–38
Lijn, J. van der, ‘If Only There Were a Blueprint! Factors for Success and Failure of UN Peace-Building Operations’, (2009) 13 International Peacekeeping 45–71
Lund, M. S., ‘Conflict Prevention: Theory in Pursuit of Policy and Practice’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 287–321
Madlener, K., ‘Conflict Resolution in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Overview’, (2008) 11 Recht in Afrika 19–32
Maidagi, M., ‘Organisation et fonctionnement de la CCJA et perspectives d'évolution’, (2008) 118 Penant 405–27
Manger, L., ‘Building Peace in the Sudan: Reflections on Local and Regional Challenges’, in Shanmugaratnam, N. (ed.), Between War and Peace in Sudan and Sri Lanka: Deprivation and Livelihood Revival (2008), 27–40
Maoz, Z. and Terris, L. G., ‘Credibility and Strategy in International Mediation’, in Bercovitch, J. and Gartner, S. S. (eds.), International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings (2009), 69–95
Marchetti, B., ‘Il sistema di risoluzione delle dispute del WTO: amministrazione, Corte o tertium genus?’, (2008) 58 Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico 933–67
Mazula, B. and Sitoe, E., ‘Peace and War in Post-conflict Mozambique’, in Nhema, A. and Tiyambe Zeleza, P. (eds.), The Resolution of African Conflicts: The Management of Conflict Resolution and Post-conflict Reconstruction (2008), 159–78
Meyers, D. S., ‘In Defense of the International Treaty Arbitration System’, (2008) 31 Houston Journal of International Law 47–81
Movsesian, M. L., ‘International Commercial Arbitration and International Courts’, (2008) 18 Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 423–48
Muggah, R. and Krause, K., ‘Closing the Gap between Peace Operations and Post-conflict Insecurity: Towards a Violence Reduction Agenda’, (2009) 16 International Peacekeeping 135–50
Najjar, I., ‘L'immunité de l'arbitre’, (2008) 5 Revue tunisienne de l'arbitrage/Tunisian Arbitration Review 20–31
Okoth, P. G., ‘Conflict Resolution in Africa: The Role of the OAU and the AU’, in Nhema, A. and Tiyambe Zeleza, P. (eds.), The Resolution of African Conflicts: The Management of Conflict Resolution and Post-conflict Reconstruction (2008), 22–37
Onana Etoundi, F., ‘L'état de la jurisprudence de la CCJA de l'OHADA’, (2008) 118 Penant 465–91
Paulsson, J., ‘International Arbitration Is Not Arbitration’, (2008, 1) Stockholm International Arbitration Review, 1–20
Peck, C., ‘United Nations Mediation Experience: Practical Lessons for Conflict Resolution’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 413–34
Peters, A. and Grubenmann, B., ‘Diplomatie préventive, prévention des conflits et réforme des Nations Unies’, in Cargona Llorens, J. (ed.), La ONU y el mantenimiento de la paz en el siglo XXI entre la adaptación y la reforma de la Carta (2008), 29–57
Quinn, D. et al. , ‘Power Play: Mediation in Symmetric and Asymmetric International Crises’, in Bercovitch, J. and Gartner, S. S. (eds.), International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings (2009), 187–215
Ramsay, K. W., ‘Settling It on the Field: Battlefield Events and War Termination’, (2008) 52 Journal of Conflict Resolution 850–79
Ripinsky, S., ‘Assessing Damages in Investment Disputes: Practice in Search of Perfect’, (2009) 10 Journal of World Investment and Trade 5–37
Rosoux, V., ‘Reconciliation as a Peace-Building Process: Scope and Limits’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 543–63
Sabala, K., Ahmad, A., and Rutto, E., ‘The Somali Peace Process from Arta to Eldoret to Mbagathi: Opportunities and Challenges’, in Nhema, A. and Tiyambe Zeleza, P. (eds.), The Resolution of African Conflicts: The Management of Conflict Resolution and Post-conflict Reconstruction (2008), 134–58
Sanz Caballero, S., ‘Las Naciones Unidas y la diplomacia preventiva: ¿adaptación o reforma?’, in Cargona Llorens, J. (ed.), La ONU y el mantenimiento de la paz en el siglo XXI entre la adaptación y la reforma de la Carta (2008), 59–84
Shanmugaratnam, N., ‘Civil War, Peace Processes and Livelihoods’, in Shanmugaratnam (ed.), Between War and Peace in Sudan and Sri Lanka: Deprivation and Livelihood Revival (2008), 1–25
Shanmugaratnam, N. and Stokke, K., ‘Development as a Precursor to Conflict Resolution: A Critical Review of the Fifth Peace Process in Sri Lanka’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 93–115
Singer, J. D. and Minhas, S., ‘Conflict Resolution in the International System: A Quantative Approach’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 52–71
Sjöstedt, G., ‘Resolving Ecological Conflicts: Typical and Special Circumstances’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 225–45
Skouteris, T., ‘The New Tribunalism: Strategies of (De)Legitimation in the Era of International Adjudication’, (2008) 17 Finnish Yearbook of International Law 307–56
Sripati, V., ‘The United Nation's Role in Post-Conflict Constitution-Making Processes: TWAIL Insights’, (2008) 10 International Community Law Review 411–20
Stokke, K., Soosai, A. S., and Shanmugaratnam, N., ‘Impacts of Intra-state Warfare and International Resource Conflicts on Livelihoods of Fishing Communities in Northern Sri Lanka’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 149–68
Svensson, I., ‘Guaranteeing Peace: The Credibility of Third-party Mediators in Civil Wars’, in Bercovitch, J. and Gartner, S. S. (eds.), International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings (2009), 115–34
Taft, P., ‘Preparing Nations for Peace: Specialized Requirements for Complex Missions’, in Daniel, D. C. F., Taft, P., and Wiharta, S. (eds.), Peace Operations: Trends, Progress, and Prospects (2008), 71–85
Verhoeven, J., ‘À propos de la diplomatie préventive’, in Cargona Llorens, J. (ed.), La ONU y el mantenimiento de la paz en el siglo XXI entre la adaptación y la reforma de la Carta (2008), 85–91
Whitesell, A. M., ‘Multiparty Arbitration: The ICC International Court of Arbitration Perspective’, in Permanent Court of Arbitration (ed.), Multiple Party Actions in International Arbitration (2009), 203–12
Zartman, I. W., ‘Conflict Resolution and Negotiation’, in Bercovitch, J., Kremenyuk, V., and Zartman, I. W. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution (2009), 322–39