Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 December 2005
Propagation of ultrashort intense laser pulses in a plasma Bragg grating induced by two counterpropagating laser pulses has been investigated. Such a plasma grating exhibits an ultrawide photonic band gap, near which strong dispersion appears. It is found that the grating dispersion dominates the dispersion of background plasma by several orders of magnitude. Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations show light speed reduction, pulse stretching, and chirped pulse compression in the plasma grating. The nonlinear coupled-mode theory agrees well with the PIC results. Because the plasma grating has a much higher damage threshold than the ordinary optical elements made of metal or dielectric, it can be a novel tool for controlling femtosecond intense laser pulses.
Laboratory laser intensities have grown remarkably during recent years due to the method of chirped pulse amplification (CPA) (Strickland & Mourou, 1985). Ultrashort intense lasers lead to a new field of physics, known as high-field science (Batani & Wootton, 2004; Honrubia & Tikhonchuk, 2004), which studies the interaction between ultra-intense radiation and matter (Magunov et al., 2003; Chirila et al., 2004; Fukuda et al., 2004; Limpouch et al., 2004).
In CPA, optical gratings are used to chirp and stretch a short pulse. A broadband optical amplifier is then employed to amplify the chirped low-power stretched signal. Finally, complementary gratings then recompress the original, but now highly amplified, signal. Nowadays, a strong motivation for development of the next generation of high-energy petawatt (HEPW) lasers exists. Production of HEPW pulses remains a technical challenge, the primary concern being the high fluence and short-pulse width experienced by the final HEPW optics, i.e., the final compressor grating and beam transport and focusing optics. For the subpicosecond intense laser pulses, the damage threshold (DT) of dielectric (e.g., fused silica) is about 2 J/cm2 (Perry et al., 1999a, 1999b; Gamaly et al., 2002; Jovanovic et al., 2004), and the DT of metal (e.g., gold) is about 0.5 J/cm2 (Gamaly et al., 2002).
Recently, plasma medium was used to focus an ultrashort intense laser pulse and meanwhile improve its temporal contrast by so-called “plasma mirror” (Kapteyn et al., 1991; Backus et al., 1993; Gold, 1994; Perry et al., 1999a, 1999b; Doumy et al., 2004). It is also proposed to generate ultrahigh intense light fields by superradiant Compton scattering (Shvets et al., 1998; Dreher, 2004), Raman-scattering amplification (Malkin et al., 1999; Ping et al., 2004), quasi-soliton amplification between two foils (Shen & Yu, 2002), pulse focusing by relativistic plasma waves (Bulanov et al., 2003), and self-compression of laser pulses (Shorokhov et al., 2003). The main advantage of the plasma medium for these novel applications is that it has no thermal DT and can sustain extremely high intensities. Most recently, plasma Bragg grating (PBG) induced by two intersecting laser pulses at intensities of about 1015 W/cm2 is well established theoretically by Sheng et al. (2003). The ponderomotive force of the interference fields of the two pump pulses pushes the electrons, which further drag the heavy ions through Coulomb force. Finally, an electrically neutral PBG forms, which can last as long as a few picoseconds.
Another similar structure, fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), was widely investigated (Agrawal, 2001). FBGs have wide applications in wave filtering (Longhi et al., 1997), optical switching (Broderick et al., 1998; Taverner et al., 1998), and pulse compression (Winful, 1985; Eggleton et al., 1996, 1997). These periodic structures have a photonic band gap, around which there is strong dispersion. The grating dispersion dominates the dispersion of background medium by several orders of magnitude. The PBG demonstrates similar properties as the FBG as shown in the following. Moreover, the photonic band gap of the PBG is three orders wider than that of a typical FBG (Eggleton et al., 1996, 1997; Agrawal, 2001). Though the PBG have no thermal DT, it can be damaged by the laser ponderomotive force. We find that, for laser pulse with duration of around 100 fs, the ponderomotive DT of the PBG is about a few 103 J/cm2, which is three orders higher than that of the ordinary optical elements made of metal or dielectric. Due to its ultrawide band gap and high DT, the PBG can be a novel device for controlling the femtosecond intense laser pulses. In this paper, we study a few interesting phenomena in the PBG, such as light speed reduction, pulse stretching, chirped-pulse compression.
Figure 1 illustrates the electron density evolution of a part of PBG obtained in our one-dimensional (1D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations (Sheng et al., 2003). The rest is the same as the shown part and the ion density evolution is completely identical to the electron density. The PBG with the length 100λ0 in 0 ≤ z ≤ 100λ0 are induced by two counter propagating flat-topped pulses with amplitudes a = 0.03 and durations 200λ0, where λ0 is wavelength of the pump pulses in vacuum, and a is the normalized vector potential relating to the laser intensity by Iλ02/a2 = 1.37 × 1018 Wcm−2 μm2. The pump pulses simultaneously reach the right-and-left boundaries of the initial uniform plasma slab at t = 0. Its initial electron density is n0 = 0.3nc, where nc = πme /e2τ02 is the critical density for the pump pulses is, and τ0 = λ0 /c is a light cycle. Obviously, the induced PBG is centrosymmetrical against z = 50λ0. The PBG begins to build up at t = 300τ0 and stays at the deepest modulation almost unchanged during 700τ0 < t < 1300τ0. The PBG begins to attenuate after t = 1600τ0, and completely disappears at t = 2000τ0. The maximum electron density of the PBG can be up to nmax = nc, as shown in Figure 1. If not particularly mentioned, we take the initial electron and ion temperatures to be Te = 10 eV and Ti = 1 eV, respectively, the mass ratio of ions to electrons ZMi /me = 5508 with Z = 1 being the ion charge number in the simulations.
It is apparent that the period of the PBG is Λ = λ0 /2N0, where the refractive index of the background plasma is
, the refractive index of the background plasma. According to the well-known Bragg principle, incident light with the Bragg frequency ωB = 2πc/λ0, i.e., the pump light frequency for the PBG is fully reflected by the PBG. The key property of a grating is that Bragg reflection occurs over a range of frequencies centered about the Bragg frequency ωB (Eggleton et al., 1996, 1997; Agrawal, 2001). At frequencies far away from ωB, the reflectivity becomes small. The grating transmission spectrum shown in Figure 2 is obtained by injecting the signal light of different frequencies through the PBG shown in Figure 1. The transitivity suggests that the PBG have an ultrawide band gap about 0.12 ωB, i.e., 96 nm for λ0 = 800 nm. The PBG can be a wave filter since the light detuned with frequencies inside the band gap cannot propagate through the grating. The light with frequencies near the band gap edges can propagate, but suffers strong dispersion from the PBG.
To describe the propagation of a signal pulse in the PBG, we start from the 1D wave equation in underdense plasma (Esarey et al., 1997)
is the normalized vector potential, γ the relativistic factor of the electrons,
the plasma frequency, and n the electron density. One can write
for the light field, where kB is Bragg wave number, a± are the envelopes of the forward and backward propagating modes. For a weakly relativistic laser pulse,
, where 〈〉 represents the time-average over a light cycle. The electron density of the PBG can be written as Fourier series:
, where δnm is Fourier component with the spatial period Λ/m. The average of δn1 between 700τ0 < t < 1300τ0 for the PBG in Figure 1 is δn1 ≈ 0.13nc, indicating that our PBG is a deep modulated grating (δn1 << n0 corresponding to a shallow grating).
Substituting the above terms into Eq. (1) under the slowly-varying-envelope approximation, we obtain the following nonlinear coupled-mode equations (NLCME)
where χ±1 = (ωB /2vg0)(δn±1 /nc) is coupling coefficients, vg0 = N0 c is group velocity, and Γm = (ωB /8vg0)(δnm /nc). Since δnm = δn−m, one can simply define χ ≡ χ±1, Γ|m| ≡ Γm. The second terms on the left-hand sides of Eqs. (2) and (3) are the coupling terms, which lead to the grating dispersion. The third and latter terms refer to the nonlinearity owing to the relativistic electron motion. Generally, since Γ0 > Γ1 > Γ2, the effect of these nonlinear terms reduces in turn. When the transitivity is high, i.e., a− << a+, neglecting |a−|2a+ and Γ1,2 terms in Eqs. (2) and (3), the remainder Γ0|a+|2a+ corresponds to self-phased modulation (SPM) for the forward propagating mode. Eqs. (2) and (3) can also apply to the deep grating structure (Iizuka & Sterke, 2000; Haus et al., 2002). When neglecting Γ1,2 terms, the left equations can well describe the nonlinear pulse propagation for the shallow grating case (Eggleton et al., 1996, 1997; Agrawal, 2001).
The dispersion relation in the PBG can be obtained by inserting the plane-wave solutions a± = C± exp[i(qz − Δωt)] into the linearized Eqs. (2) and (3), where q = k − kB, Δω = ω − ωB represent the detuning between the wave number (frequency) of the incident light, and the Bragg wave number (frequency) of the grating. This substitution leads to the linear dispersion relation
where δ = Δω/vg0. This dispersion relation indicates that the PBG has a photonic band gap, i.e., −χ < δ < χ, inside which the light cannot propagate because of imaginary q. The band gap width is found explicitly to be ωBδn1 /nc. For the PBG given in Figure 1 (δn1 ≈ 0.13nc), the band gap width is about 0.13ωB. This agrees well with the transmission spectrum given in Figure 2.
The group velocity of the signal pulse in the grating is found by calculating Vg = dω/dk from Eq. (4), leading to
Eq. (5) indicates that the speed of light decreases to zero at the band gap edges. Eq. (5) (solid line) agrees well with 1D PIC simulation results as displayed in Figure 3. For example, the signal light with ω = 0.93ωB propagates in the PBG at a group velocity of 0.34c only, which corresponds to 40% of the speed of light in the uniform plasma, i.e., no grating (NG) case.
The group-velocity dispersion (GVD) β2g = d2k/dω2 is found to be
Eq. (6) indicates that on the lower branch (δ < −χ) of the band gap, the grating dispersion is normal (β2g > 0); on the upper branch (δ > χ), the dispersion is anomalous. Moreover, the grating dispersion approaches infinite at the band gap edges. For a signal light of ω = 0.9ωB propagating in the PBG given in Figure 1, for example, one obtains β2g = 1.6 × 104 fs2/mm, much larger than the GVD β2 ≡ −(c2vg3ω)(n/nc) = 1.2 × 103 fs2/mm in the uniform plasma, which is naturally anomalous. Therefore, the grating formation reverses the plasma medium dispersion from anomalous to normal on the lower branch of the band gap, and largely strengthens the anomalous dispersion on the upper branch. Owing to the strong dispersion, the PBG can be a novel dispersion element. Also one can obtain the third-order dispersion (TOD) β3g = (3|δ|χ2/vg03)/(δ2 − χ2)5/2, which is always positive and becomes infinitely large at the band gap edges. The positive TOD induces fluctuant structures at the trailing edge of the light pulse (Agrawal, 1995). TOD is the main factor for limiting the pulse compression in the grating (Agrawal, 2001).
Figure 4 shows pulse stretching [(a) and (b)] and chirped-pulse compression [(c) and (d)] in the PBG given Figure 1. In both cases, the central frequency of the signal pulses is on the lower branch of the band gap, where the grating dispersion is normal. The incident pulses have the Gaussian envelope a0 exp[−(1 + iC)t2/T02], where C is the chirp factor. In the pulse stretching case, the incident pulse is with C = 0, a0 = 0.04, and T0 = 10τ0, which reaches the left boundary of the PBG at t = 795τ0. Figure 4a shows that the pulse is stretched faster when the light frequency is closer to the band gap edge (ω = 0.935ωB). This is due to the increasing dispersion at the band gap edge as predicted by Eq. (6). For the NG case, the signal light of ω = 0.92ωB propagates through the uniform plasma almost with a constant duration, indicating a very small dispersion as compared with the PBG case. Figure 4b shows the output pulse at the right boundary for ω = 0.92ωB. PIC simulation (solid line) is recovered by the coupled-mode theory (dashed line) by numerically solving Eqs. (2) and (3) (Sterke et al., 1991), using δn1 ≈ 0.13nc and δn2 ≈ 0.08nc for the PBG as shown in Figure 1.
In the case for chirped-pulse compression, the incident pulse has a negative chirp factor C = −4, an amplitude a0 = 0.01, and a duration T0 = 50τ0, which reaches the left boundary at t = 915τ0. As shown in Figure 4c, the chirped pulse is compressed faster when the light frequency is closer to the band gap edge. The reason is the same as for the pulse stretching. For the NG case, the signal light of ω = 0.9ωB is slightly stretched because of anomalous dispersion of the uniform plasma. The compression of the negatively chirped pulse indicates that here the grating dispersion is normal. Figure 4d shows the output pulse for ω = 0.9ωB. Again the coupled-mode theory is well consistent with the PIC simulation. The little fluctuation at the trailing edge of the pulse is due to the TOD effect, as mentioned above.
Both pulse stretching and chirped-pulse compression are linear propagation in PBG. We also study the nonlinear propagation of weakly relativistic laser pulse in PBG (Wu et al., 2005), and observe the compression of Bragg grating soliton (BGS) (Eggleton et al., 1996, 1997; Agrawal, 2001). Eqs. (2) and (3) also qualitatively agree with the PIC simulation results. The BGS compression is much faster than the self-compression of the pulse in the uniform plasma (Shorokhov et al., 2003). The fast BGS compression can be used to generate powerful laser pulses with the duration of about 10 femtosecond.
In conclusion, the propagation of the ultrashort intense laser pulses in a PBG induced by intersecting laser pulses was studied. The PBG shows an ultrawide photonic band gap, near which strong dispersion appears. Both theory and PIC simulations suggest that the PBG is a simple and novel element for light speed reduction, pulse stretching, chirped pulse compression, and fast compression of BGS (Wu et al., 2005). Because of its ultrahigh DT, three orders higher than that of the ordinary optical elements, it opens a way to manipulate femtosecond laser pulses in the high intensity regime, and may have important applications in generating femtosecond HEPW laser pulse in the future HEPW lasers.
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10335020), the National High-Tech ICF Committee in China, the National Key Basic Research Special Foundation under Grant No. G1999075200, and the Knowledge Innovation Program, CAS.