Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 March 2004
We have performed simulations of the evolution of the turbulent Rayleigh–Taylor instability with an arbitrary Lagrange–Eulerian code. The problem specification was defined by Dimonte et al. (2003) for the “alpha group” code intercomparison project. Perfect γ = 5/3 gases of densities 1 and 3 g/cm3 are accelerated by constant gravity. The nominal problem uses a 2562 × 512 mesh with initial random multiwavelength interface perturbations. We have also run three-dimensional problems with smaller meshes and two-dimensional (2D) problems of several mesh sizes. Under-resolution lowered linear growth rates of the seed modes to 5-60% of the analytic values, depending on wavelength and orientation to the mesh. However, the mix extent in the 2D simulations changed little with grid refinement. Simulations without interface reconstruction gave penetration only slightly reduced from the case with interface reconstruction. Energy dissipation differs little between the two cases. The slope of the penetration distance versus time squared, corresponding to the α parameter in h = αAgt2, decreases with increasing time in these simulations. The slope, α, is consistent with the linear electric motor data of Dimonte and Schneider (2000), but the growth is delayed in time.
Turbulent mixing driven by the Rayleigh–Taylor (RT) instability is an important physical process in a number of environments, including inertial confinement fusion (Lindl, 1995). Perturbations at an accelerated material interface grow by the RT instability when the direction of acceleration is from the lighter material toward the heavier material. If perturbations are small in amplitude compared to wavelength, then the growth is described by linear theory, giving the amplitude of a perturbation of wavenumber, k, varying with time, t, as ak ∝ eγt, where the growth rate γ = (Agk)1/2. Here, g is the acceleration, A = (ρh − ρl)/(ρh − ρl) is the Atwood number, and ρh and ρl are the densities of the heavy and light fluids (Rayleigh, 1900; Taylor, 1950). When kak ∼ 1, nonlinear effects become important. These include coupling of different wavelengths, changes in shape of the modulation, and reduction in the rate of growth below exponential. A surface with multiwavelength initial perturbations eventually will develop into a mixing zone of turbulent, multiscale structure. Experiments (Read, 1984), simulations, and scaling arguments (Annuchina et al., 1978; Youngs, 1984) indicate that the mixing region should grow with time in a self-similar fashion, and that the total mixing extent should increase as h = αAgt2.
Two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) simulations of this process have been presented by a number of authors (including Youngs, 1994; Hecht et al., 1995; Cook and Dimotakis, 2001; Glimm et al., 2001; Young et al., 2001). Fits to the parameter, α, vary, but the simulated problems and analysis methods also differ. For this reason, a test problem was proposed (Dimonte et al., 2003) to permit comparisons between codes for identical conditions. This article reports only upon our own work; results of other groups, comparisons, and general conclusions are presented elsewhere (Dimonte et al., 2003). The problem specifies constant acceleration, compressible γ-law gases, and defines the mesh and the initial interface perturbation.
We present simulations of the “α group” test problem (Dimonte et al., 2003) employing an arbitrary Lagrange–Eulerian (ALE) code, HYDRA (Marinak et al., 1996). HYDRA incorporates interface reconstruction, but the full problem has only been run without this. We have also run smaller simulations, either 1282 × 256 or 1282 × 512, and either with and without interface reconstruction. We find that interface reconstruction gives only slightly larger penetration distances, and little difference in the energy dissipation rate.
We have performed 2D simulations with meshes of 256 × 512, 512 × 1024, and 1024 × 2048, using a cut of the 3D initial perturbation. The initial modulation was held constant while the mesh size increased, so that the larger problems better resolve the initial structure. Although the nominal problem greatly undercalculated the linear growth rates of the initial perturbations, the mix extent at late times differed little between these resolutions.
The test problem specifies perfect gases of γ = 5/3 in a box of width and depth, L = 10 cm, and height 2L. The light and heavy layers have heights 17L/16 and 15L/16. Gravity is taken to be in the z direction. The initial density distribution is
where P0 = 500 dyne/cm2, ρ0 = 3 g/cm3 for the top fluid, ρ0 = 1 g/cm3 for the lower fluid, and g = 2 cm/s2. The mesh is 2562 × 512. The initial perturbations have a random spectrum in an annulus in k space spanning 32–64 wavelengths across the box width. The modal amplitudes are selected from a Gaussian of rms 0.1 cm. The surface was intended to be the same for all simulations. The upper and lower boundaries are rigid walls.
The original surface was created for use with periodic spanwise boundaries. Thus, it was constructed of modes having random phases with respect to the boundaries. The ALE code that we have used, HYDRA, did not provide periodic boundary conditions (bc) at the time we began this study, but they were added later. The modes supported on a square domain with reflection boundaries are cos(πnx/L)cos(πmy/L). If the original surface is evolved with reflection boundary conditions, the modes with sine components are aliased into cosine modes, creating higher spatial frequencies. Equivalently, treating the sine modes as reflection symmetric results in a cusp at the boundary. This yields apparently spurious growth at the boundaries, even in the linear regime.
Consequently, Youngs (2001, pers. comm.) provided an alternative surface of otherwise equivalent statistics made up of normal modes for reflection boundaries. The number of modes in the k space annulus is equal to that for the periodic case because modes may have a half-integer number of wavelengths across the domain. The two initial surfaces and resulting early evolution appear very similar.
HYDRA (Marinak et al., 1996) is an ALE code with interface reconstruction. Because the two materials have the same γ, we can treat them either as the same fluid starting at different adiabats or as two fluids. In the second case, interface reconstruction is performed, whereas in the first case, it is not. Without interface reconstruction, advection of the interface results in mixing of the two materials.
The resolution of the initial perturbations of 4–8 zones per wavelength significantly affects the accuracy of the results. Underresolution acts like a viscosity, slowing the growth of shorter wavelengths. This choice of modes resulted from a trade-off between resolution and dynamic range in wave number. Youngs (1994) found that this resolution appeared to give convergence in the growth of mix width.
Figure 1 shows the ratio of the growth rate in the linear regime to the analytic value (gkA)1/2. In the 2D runs, the initial perturbations grow at 15–40% of the analytic rate. In 3D, modes with k oblique to the mesh grow even more slowly, down to 5% of the analytic rate. As a consequence of this orientation dependence, the perturbation evolves from random in the x–y plane to a checkerboard pattern of prominent bubbles during linear growth. Mesh alignment is not apparent in later stages in the flow.
Youngs (2001, pers. comm.) noted that terminal bubble velocities, which may be more relevant to self-similar growth, converged more rapidly with zoning than linear growth rates. Figure 2 shows bubble rise velocities for simulations of a 3D single bubble in a square box. Convergence in terminal bubble velocity is seen by 8 zones per wavelength, but the time needed to reach terminal velocity depends on resolution.
We have carried out a zoning refinement study in 2D simulations, with meshes of 256 × 512, 512 × 1024, and 1024 × 2048. The initial perturbation was the same cut of the 3D case for all three runs. Rigid boundaries were employed, resulting in artifacts that will be discussed later.
Figure 3 shows bubble and spike penetration versus time, taken as 1% and 99% volume fraction of the light material, respectively. No trend with zoning refinement is apparent. Noise is present in any particular simulation because there are a finite number of bubbles and spikes in any particular statistical realization. The number of features becomes smaller with time because of the inverse cascade. This has been noted and examined by Clark and Harlow (2002). The noise is larger in two dimensions than in three dimensions because the number of features of given size is smaller.
Three-dimensional simulations were carried out both for the nominal 2562 × 512 problem (case A) and for smaller problems of either 1282 × 512 (case B) or 1282 × 256 (case C). Cases B and C have been run both with and without interface reconstruction, whereas the full-scale problem has been run only without interface reconstruction because of computational cost. Case B used one quadrant of the initial perturbations of the full problem, in a 5 × 5 cm spanwise domain, whereas case C also used a quadrant of case A perturbations, but in a 10 × 10 cm box and with doubled initial amplitudes and wavelengths. Case A has been simulated both with reflection and with periodic spanwise bc, whereas case B has been run only with reflection bc, and case C only with periodic bc.
Our initial simulations were performed with reflection spanwise boundary conditions (rigid walls). We observed that the most penetrating features at late times were always found on the boundaries, especially on the corners. It seems likely that the higher symmetry of the flow forced by the bc caused greater mix penetration near the boundaries. Later simulations employed periodic spanwise boundary conditions. We found that the mix penetration away from the reflection boundaries agreed well with the penetration calculated with periodic boundaries. The penetration for the full span using reflection boundaries exceeded that with periodic boundaries by as much as 30%.
Simulations with and without interface reconstruction differ little in penetration distance, although density structure in the two cases differs vastly. Figure 4 compares densities on cuts parallel to the x–z plane for case C, with and without interface reconstruction. The total mixing extent is very similar for the two cases. However, with interface reconstruction, large-scale features are broken into small droplets in which the two original fluids remain distinct, whereas without interface reconstruction, large structures are composed of mixed fluid of intermediate density. The penetration with interface reconstruction is consistently greater by ∼5% than that without it. Spanwise-averaged volume fraction profiles are also close for both cases.
Figure 5 shows bubble and spike height versus Agt2/L, for 3D simulations without interface reconstruction and for all three meshes. Cases A and B have the same initial perturbations, so they evolve very similarly until the growth is affected by the boundaries. The bubble histories for cases A and B nearly overlay, but the spike growth appears to be less affected by the boundaries, so scaling by L does not cause the spike growth histories to collapse. The bubble and spike penetrations for case C grow initially at the same rates as in the other two cases, but show a slower decrease in growth rate with increasing time, resulting in greater penetration at later times. The difference between this simulation and the other two must result from the longer wavelengths of the initial interface perturbation.
Bubble and spike penetrations without interface reconstruction and at volume fractions of 5% and 95% are smaller than those at volume fractions 1% and 99% by a factor of ∼0.75. There is less reduction for the case with interface reconstruction, by factors of 0.88 for the bubbles and 0.8 for the spikes. Most of the literature presents mix extents to the extremes of the mix region, more nearly represented by the 1% to 99% limits.
Figure 6 shows the instantaneous α, that is, the slope of h(Agt2), versus time. All cases show a monotonic (other than what appears to be statistical noise) decrease of α versus time. If the self-similarity hypothesis is correct, the slope should approach an asymptotic constant, which would be the true α of the self-similar regime. It is not convincing that the simulations exhibit an approach to self-similarity. Allowing for the possibility of a time offset, that is, h = αAg(t − t0)2, does not change the conclusion. The limited range in wavelengths, constrained on one end by grid resolution and on the other by the domain size, may prevent the achievement of a self-similar growth range. It may be tempting to take the late-time slope as the asymptotic limit. However, the boundaries constrain the growth of bubbles and may depress the late-time growth rate. We believe that the slower drop in α(Agt2) of case C is a consequence of the presence of longer wavelengths in the initial surface.
Bubble and spike penetrations from the Dimonte and Schneider (2000) linear electric motor (LEM) experiment, constant acceleration A = 0.5 case, are also shown in Figure 5. Note that the scaling between the simulations and the experiment was based upon the domain width, L. The other length scales in this problem are the initial amplitude and wavelength, which are unknown for the LEM experiment. The fact that data show a nearly constant slope is consistent with the hypothesis that the initial perturbations do not matter. However, the simulations do not show a constant slope, so the choice of scaling affects the fit to the data, and the domain width may not be the best choice. The data agree most closely with case C, and give a larger α than the late-time slope of any of the simulations. The discrepancies could result from weaknesses in the simulations or could indicate the presence of longer-wavelength perturbations in the (poorly known) initial surface finish of the experiment.
Comparison of our results for 3D multimode RT instability to others in the literature is complicated by the fact that different studies employ different conditions. This fact was the principal reason for the alpha-group collaboration. Dimonte et al. (2003) present a comparison of results for identical parameters from several research groups including David Youngs and the University of Chicago team (Young et al., 2001). Growth histories agree to within roughly ±10% and α values fall within the range αb ∼ 0.025 ± 0.003, although the other simulations show less evidence of time variation of α than ours. Cook and Dimotakis (2001) employ the Navier–Stokes equation and three initial perturbation spectra, all different from the case considered here. Their shortest wavelength case, that is most similar to ours, shows an α coefficient that varies in time, but with a different history than our results, and with a similar time average αb ∼ 0.03. Glimm et al. (2001) report a substantially larger value of αb ∼ 0.07 from a front tracking code. Their initial perturbations are a longer wavelength than those of this study, 10–15 wavelengths across the box width, and also larger in initial a/λ = 0.1. This difference in αb is consistent in sense with Cook and Dimotakis (2001), who find an increase in αb with the mean wavelength of the initial perturbations.
An interesting parameter is the molecular mixing fraction,
, where fi is the volume fraction of fluid i, and the overbars denote averages over the spanwise plane. Figure 7 shows θ versus Agt2/L for cases A and C. The value of θ shown for case C is an upper limit, as it is does not account for reconstructed interfaces within zones. Without interface reconstruction, θ ∼ 0.7, similar to results of Youngs (1994), whereas it is much smaller with interface reconstruction. Figure 7 also shows the fraction of the potential energy drop that has been dissipated and the ratio of the spanwise to streamwise kinetic energy, both for case A. These ratios are quite similar for all of the simulations, with or without interface reconstruction.
We present results of 2D and 3D simulations of growth of the Rayleigh–Taylor instability for random multimode initial roughness. The simulations employ meshes up to 2562 × 512. Linear regime growth rates of the seed modes are well below the analytic values and are dependent on orientation to the mesh. However, a 2D convergence study extending to four times the nominal resolution shows no clear trend in mix extent with improved resolution.
Penetration distance and volume fraction profiles are nearly the same for simulations with and without interface reconstruction, but the small-scale structure of the mixing region is quite different. In the former case, the mixing region consists of small domains of one fluid or the other, whereas in the latter, most of the fluid in the mixing region has intermediate density.
Growth of the mix region does not appear to achieve self-similar h = αAgt2 form in these simulations. The instantaneous α [slope of h(Agt2)] decreases with increasing time. Results for the nominal 2562 × 512 problem and simulations with smaller meshes and differing initial surfaces do not overlay. One of the smaller problems gives the best agreement with the LEM data of Dimonte and Schneider (2000). It is unclear whether the experiment may have been sensitive to the initial conditions or whether these calculations do not reach the self-similar regime.
This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48.