I am grateful for the support during the past year of the Department of English at Carnegie Mellon University. I am also very grateful to Editorial Assistant Jennifer Andrus, copyeditor Jane McGary, and Morrell Gillette and Pooja Jain at Cambridge University Press. I consult regularly with the journal's associate editors and members of the editorial board, and I value their thoughtful advice and willingness to help.
I am also pleased to acknowledge the contribution of the following scholars who reviewed manuscripts during 2007, when most of the editorial work for Vol. 37 was done:
Asif Agha
Samy Alim
Jannis Androutsopoulos
Lionel Wee Hock Ann
Benjamin Bailey
Laurie Bauer
Michael Billig
Shoshana Blum-Kulka
Barbara Bokhour
Don Brenneis
Mary Bucholtz
Debby Cameron
Jennifer Coates
Jennifer Cole
Haruko Minegishi Cook
Nik Coupland
Boel De Geer
Nancy Dorian
Penelope Eckert
Patrick Eisenlohr
Susan Gal
Dariusz Galasinski
Penelope Gardner-Chloros
Alexandra Georgakopoulou
Candy Goodwin
Paul ten Have
Marlis Hellinger
Jane Hill
Janet Holmes
Monica Heller
Judith Irvine
Alexandra Jaffe
Adam Jaworski
Anne Judge
Elise Karkkainen
Scott Kiesling
Paul Kerswill
Paul Kockelman
Sonja Lanehart
Miki Makihara
Sinfree Makoni
Greg Matoesian
Bonnie McElhinny
Jacqueline Messing
Miriam Meyerhoff
Lesley Milroy
Lorenza Mondada
Melissa Greer Moyer
Sali Mufwene
Carol Myers-Scotton
Pieter Muysken
Naomi Nagy
Peter Patrick
Christina Paulston
Amy Paugh
Robin Queen
Geoffrey Raymond
Natalie Schilling-Estes
Edgar Schneider
Jack Sidnell
Leigh Swigart
Margaret Szymanski
Donald Tuten
Dominic Watt
Ruth Wodak
Sue Wright