Only One Chance: How Environmental Pollution Impairs Brain Development and How to Protect the Brains of the Next Generation, by Phillipe Grandjean. 2013. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 212 pp., $29.95 (HB).
The Psychophysiology of Consciousness, by Eugene Sokolov. Translated and edited by Alexander Chernorizov, Kirill Chernorizov, and Douglas Bowden. 2013. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 222 pp., $89.95 (HB).
Language, Music, and the Brain: A Mysterious Relationship, Michael A. Arbib (Ed.). 2013. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, Strügman Forum Reports, 662 pp., $50.00 (HB).
The Boston Process Approach to Neuropsychological Assessment: A Practitioner's Guide, Lee Ashendorf, Rod Swenson, & David Libon (Eds.). 2013. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 431 pp., $85.00 (HB).
Believing: The Neuroscience of Fantasies, Fears, and Convictions, by Michael McGuire. 2013. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 267 pp., $19.95 (PB).
A Primer on Criminal Law and Neuroscience, Stephen J. Morse and Adina L. Roskies (Eds.). 2013. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 293 pp., $75.00 (HB).
Specialty Competencies in Rehabilitation Psychology, by David R. Cox, Richard H. Cox & Bruce Caplan. 2013. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 191 pp., $49.99 (PB).
Apraxia: The Cognitive Side of Motor Control, by Georg Goldenberg. 2013. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 273 pp., $89.95 (HB).