Crossref Citations
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Brady, Michael Emmett
A Study of How Economists Completely Overlooked and Misunderstood Keynes's Statements that If We Have All the Facts Before Us, We Shall Have Enough Simultaneous Equations to Give Us a Determinate Result.. on Page 299 and The Quantitative Effect Could Be Derived from the Three Elementss on Page 298 of the GT.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
Comparing the Mathematical Structure of W. Brian Reddaway's IS-LM Model Contained in His 1936 Economic Record Review of Keynes's General Theory with Keynes's December, 1933 IS-LP(LM) Model and Keynes's IS-LP(LM) Model in Sections IV to VI of Chapter 21 of the General Theory.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
On the Impossibility that J M Keynes Ever Collaborated with R. Kahn, J. Robinson, or A. Robinson When He Wrote the General Theory in 1936.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
On Keynes's Realization That His Concept of Uncertainty in the General Theory, Defined as an Inverse Function of Weight from the 'A Treatise on Probability', Would Not Have Any Impact at All on Economists Thinking.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
How J M Keynes Presented the Technical Analysis of His IS and LM Curves in the General Theory in 1936: Why D. Champernowne Got It Right in 1936 and Hicks (Harrod, Meade, Lange) Got a Big Part of It Wrong in 1937 and 1938.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
On R. Skidelsky's Role in Promoting the Hicksian IS-LM Myth: How His Own Mathematical Confusion Concerning Keynes's Theory of Effective Demand D-Z Model and Keynes's IS-LP(LM) Model Completely Undermines His Claims About the General Theory.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
The ISSLM Debacle: An Analysis of Nearly Nine Decades of Errors Committed by Economists Attempting to Deal with J M Keynes's (Not Hicks's) IS-LM Analysis in the General Theory.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
Completing D. Patinkin's Partially Correct, Incomplete Assessment of J M Keynes's Role as the Creator in the Development of the IS-LM Model.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
What J. Viner (and Everyone Else) Overlooked in His 1936 and 1964 Reviews Concerning Keynes's Liquidity Preference Analysis in the General Theory and the 1937 Quarterly Journal of Economics Article: ""The Orthodox Theory is One Equation Short of What is Required to Give a Solution .".
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
Clower and His 'The Effective Demand Fraud': An Example of What Happens to a Competent Economist Who Takes Joan Robinson's Myth of Keynes As a Marshallian Seriously.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
On W. Brian Reddaways's 1936 Review of the General Theory: How He Completely Overlooked Keynes's IS-LP(LM) Model.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
J. Hicks's 'Famous' IS-LM Figures 1 and 2 on Page 153 of His 1937 Econometrica Paper are Based Directly on Page 207 of the General Theory.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
J M Keynes's IS-LP(LM) Model Is the Central Message of the General Theory.the IS-LP(LM) Model Is Built and Rests on a Foundation of the Theory of Effective Demand's D-Z Model of Chapters 3,20 and 21 and Keynes's a Treatise on Probability's Concept of 'the Weight of the Evidence'.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
Confusing Keynes's Theory of the Rate of Interest in the General Theory with Keynes's IS-LM(LP) Model: There Is No IS-LM (LP) Model in Chapter 18 of the General Theory Because Keynes Put His IS-LM(LP) Model in Chapters 15 and 21 of the General Theory.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
J M Keynes's Assessment of the Strengths and Weaknesses of his IS-LM Model in Chapter 21 of the General Theory: Comparing this Assessment with his 1937 Quarterly Journal of Economics Article.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
Liquidity Preference is the Second (Missing) Factor in Keynes's Chapter 13 'The General Theory of the Rate of Interest'. The First Factor Was the MEC Schedule for Investment Combined with Consumption Out of Income, Which Determined Savings.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Ballandonne, Matthieu
Rubin, Goulven
Keynesians De-Homogenized: Solow's Non-Walrasian Conception of Economics.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Grytsenko, Anton
Shcherban, Pavel
Girman, Yuriy
Керування нетиповими внутрішніми фінансовими ризиками фінансових посередників.
European Journal of Management Issues,
Vol. 25,
Issue. 2,
Brady, Michael Emmett
How Kahn and the Robinsons Knew for Certain by August 1937, that Keynes's Theory of Interest Rate Determination Combined Liquidity Preference with the Incomplete Neoclassical Theory in Keynes's IS-LP(LM) Model in the General Theory.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,
Brady, Michael Emmett
A Comparison Contrast of Keynes's 1933-1935 IS-LM Model Incorporating Degree of Confidence (The State of the News) with Hicks' 1937 IS-LM Model without Degree of Confidence: D. Champernowne Got It Right in 1936.
SSRN Electronic Journal ,