Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Khan, Marina
Sandhu, Navneet
Naeem, Marium
Ealden, Rebecca
Pearson, Michael
Ali, Abdirzak
Honey, Ian
Webster, Amanda
Eaton, David
Ntentas, Georgios
Implementation of a comprehensive set of optimised CBCT protocols and validation through imaging quality and dose audit.
The British Journal of Radiology,
Vol. 95,
Issue. 1139,
Alzahrani, Meshal
O’Hara, Christopher
Bird, David
Baldwin, Jack P C
Naisbit, Mitchell
Teh, Irvin
Broadbent, David A
Al-Qaisieh, Bashar
Johnstone, Emily
Speight, Richard
Optimisation of cone beam CT radiotherapy imaging protocols using a novel 3D printed head and neck anthropomorphic phantom.
Physics in Medicine & Biology,
Vol. 69,
Issue. 21,