This Special Issue of JPP edited by Tünde Fülöp (Chalmers University) and Alexander Robinson (Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory) is entitled Energetic Electrons in Space and Laboratory Plasmas.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Tünde Fülöp
Alexander Robinson
Our intention is to gather papers representative of the latest contributions to this rapidly developing topic into a special issue, so as to have a greater impact on the field. Our belief is that such an issue will provide a valuable snapshot of the topic and serve as a useful reference. Topics can range from runaway electrons in fusion plasmas to electron acceleration in laser plasmas and electron dynamics in space plasmas. The issue will contain both invited papers and unsolicited contributions, which are warmly welcomed.
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us. Should you have work that you think would make a paper suitable for this special issue, and you intend to submit it, it would be helpful if you would let us know your intention so we can form an estimate of the likely extent of the special issue.
Indexing and arxiv
All articles published in JPP are included in all major indexes, including ADS, ISI, and Scopus. Furthermore, JPP works with arxiv to ensure that any preprints posted on the arxiv are automatically linked to the final version of record when published in JPP. We encourage all JPP authors to post their preprints on the arxiv.
Download the Call for Papers: Energetic Electrons in Space and Laboratory Plasmas